BR0-MAL-G1NE A Headache Remedy With a Perfect Record For Twenty-Five Years Has Relieved Thousands of Nervous, Sick, i Periodical and Neuralgic Headaches jj Without an Unpleasant Symptom I Th? only headache remedy sold in North Carolina which has the indorsement of as reputable physicians as can be found in the state. On* of the state s foremost physicians says: Of all the headache remedies sold, BBRO-MAL-GINE the most reli nd—It’s Peasant—It's Prompt Mot Depress the Heart. -Oc Bottles- At All Fountains. .I.I..- -‘V1 NEW BANKING CONCERN ORGANIZED AT ULLINCTON. A number of representative buai nees and professional men of UHing ton and Harnett County have protnot • banking and trust company to ke localsd in Lilli ngton, under tbc name of Harnett County Trust Com pany. It was the original-aim of the pro moters to begin business with $15,. 000 capital, bat already far in excess of that amount has been subscribed. As the list of subscribers is still grow ing, the exact amount of capital to begin business will not be definitely determined until the stockholders meet on April 15th. fbe promoters any that capital has Dean subscribed vary freely and that the necessary amount to begin bnai neas la airway In sight. A charter has been ordered drawn up, together with all other necessary legal papers, and the first call for payment on snb acriptious will be on April 16th, at which time the stockholders will asset and elect directors and lbs company will opsa for buainaae as soon there after as suitable quarters can be fitted and elect their directors, the direct ors will elect the officer! to CO ad net the business. The officers of tbs or ganisation committee will In the next few days notify all stockholders to meet in LUlington, April 15th, for this purpose. Quite a eonaidernblw amount of lute rest has bean mani fested hi the new concern, carrying as it does upon its list of stockhold ers the names of prominent mea not only in LUlington aad immediate vi cinity, hot throughout the county The purpose and aim of the com pany, as outlined by the promoters, is to furnish a banking houae In tbs nature of a trust company having broad latituda for aiding in tha de velopment and promotion of entar prise in Harnstt County, feelli^ that this encouragement is needed end will be appreciated by tfagae Interested in banking as well aa the general pros perity of this section. -“We srill make this the people’s tha promoters, and with thla slogan they ar« confidem that tha bank will meet with the me ccae that come* from a community of into rest, a multitude of eouoecl and uni vernal co-operation DEATH OF CORNELIUS PAR THICK Yaua* Sm ef Mr. T. H. • Partrick Braaka Ml. Nach. Affliction bvreavaraent have I fallen ramonelenaly open the Patrick | lamilp. Only a faw months ago Capt. Patrick died. A faw days later, hi* •on-in-law. Mr. Will Herring succurab •d, and now has fallen like a thunder clap the death of Cornelius, the elgh- i teeo yaer old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 3. Pro,B thf Wilmington at«r of Fndij, we Hip an account of *1* daath aa follow*: » ’’Cornelius Patrick, who fell from tho scaffolding around one of the •hips on which he was working aa a ' reamer at the Carolina shipyard Wed nesday at 10:30 and broke hi. neck, died at the James Walker Memorial hospital yasUrday afternoon at 6 o’ clock. Tha ramama will be taken to Clinton thia morning, accompanied hj Rev. D. L. Gwathmey. pastor of Ota who will conduct The fata) accident U attributed to! tha fact that young Patrick was wearing shoe, unsalted for the work, causing him to slip and fall 18 feat, striking his reck. Ha wms immediate-1 ly takas to tha hospital, where every attention possible was given him, but there was no hope for his recovery, as ha was paralysed toon after the accident Cornelius Patrick was 18 yoan old. He had lived here for nearly a yaor having coma from Clinton, his former home. He wa* a member of Bt 1 Paul s church choir and lived with his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Pa trick, at 720 Market street. Borides ! hit parents. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore I Partrick, Bov. T. II. Partrick. Jr., of Southport; Edward D. Partrick, in tha navy, and Prank Partrick, of Wfl mington; two sister*. Mr*. W. R. Noo and Mias Maude Partrick. of Wihning. ton. Ho was also a cousin of Mr*. R. B. Slocumb and Miss Nexfleld Holmes and a nephew of Mra A. H. Holntes. All tha rwlativot, except■ Mr*. Slocumb, will accompany the remain* to Clinton and attond the I funeral.” Tha body, accompanied by the faro 1 fly and Rector Cwathmey, arrived Oomr 800,000 can went to the JunJt pile in 1017 I —mo argument for ecrapphtg yuan in 1919 j . There li No Government Bt j On Using Your Brains YOUR ProbJ*ra for is aa simple as 2 plus A 2 equals 4. Your car is probably *s good as It arsr was. AM emrt 10*— Batt^y |MMWW for 1H ran-BWb* It 100* for lb* " Victory’ |«ar—sad yoor problem la aofead. Wi an taan— a* Mane mo4 Hfa. mrtem tl taMda*. roa SALS BY JOHN W. THORNTON, “rg* EVEREftpy g I in Clintoa on tho noon train Frida and was buried from tho Kpiscvpi church that afternoon. A thms of the friends of tho deceasod un the bereaved family attended the fu araL The tragedy is deeply deplore in Clinton, where Cornelius grew u| and deep sympathy ie felt and ei Cornelius was a fine young felloe and the Democrat joins in an exprci siun of grief at his untimely and trap ic rnd—Sentpson Democrat. II n ^ I eed | tatoes r n • d r - l t'j 1 !«.• ♦ * r lulll Irutpvjt-*'. Wr f l*u*. m v» M • tor m «h-ui.-itr. ymem; seed, : iO®r *toM i»r*f * or»» all K'f’ci.i J. • , f: r | :rv . Iksi», -dn.l Mi Ko.i-, t;, , , , f 'Cl-cIn-t, :it r. ' cs «r y;: j 4T-? .• 1 • Cmr .M'HUir • „ y iu.a ci Seed Con*,-, 0 . ri Betas, Co wir*. f | T. W. WoodS L Ilf usiuai;*. . VI. . 1*. r . , . . « i ruieM.oiA&i «^0lC4£ • •••••• • * • DR. PAUL A. STKWART Eyaaigbt Specials.! • fourth floor firu* Net. Rank Bldg., l>onn, N. C. E. ». tUl'Mi Attorney k-l** ' * flk-e I'in' itoi;- |.| ; . ri uuci'tio*' given I-,* iu • •••••••a • T. L. DARDEN I n .ary llyenaa >ai,.r„. a id Imilnt. PHONEci: l)u«. .'Vi Nigh ;•»«, DUNN N r. JESSE F. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Puna. N. C. * Office o*«r Klaiebmaa Bro«' • Store formerly occupied by R. 1 L. Godwin. Practice In all * Court*. Prompt Attention * to all Busineia • • _• _ f_ •••«••«, J C. Clifford N. A. Town**nd. • CIJEFORD & TDWNSKNT) • Alternry*-*! ]*• w "face on 2i J floor of F:mt Nat- % onuT Hoik. Prompt xlv«n to nit t»u«.ncftt. * JOHN A JF.RNIGAN DENTIST 3&-3C-37 Klrut Nation*] Hank 3ui)d!na • Phono No. 81 E. C. WCST • ATTOll.VBY AT LAW Office; 3rd floor l*t Notional • Rank Ruilding • Duo., N. C Practice In all Coon* • Prompt and Personal Alien- • Eon given all Uuslm-u • Col-.-ctloa* Made ■ Specially * • • • • • • » . DON'T LET YOU* COTTON DAMAGE. North Carolina farmers have the unenviable reputation of selling a very Urge amount of damaged cotton According to a survey made by O J McConnell, specialist in Cotton Mark ting of the Extension Service and ■ rrretary of the North Carolina Cot 't Aseoelation, 1.070.280 pounds of : rnagrd cotton were picked from 81 - •18 bale* In North Carolina cotton nipped !• Norfolk. Virginia, during -he pa-r-el from September 1, 1914 to Aus tit 81, 1917. About 200,000 pound- of good cotton were picked jff wtta the damaged cotton, and It had to be sold at a considerable sacri ec also. This is a known low of pprovimately one-half million doL irx that benefited no one and caused ounUeas misunderstandings and die utea. Cotton left lying around-gin* *r on ground in yarda will rot quickly •* n ‘I ***lon of tha year. Both tbs Cotton Association and Kxtension Service foel that cotton bring highor prices later, and ■hould be held—Bat, farmers who iaton'1 a floored bouse in which hi put their eutton ahould either aell it 'T store in a warehouse. Aa a rule, di.ruge house* are iho better. Cham oera of Commerce and public spirited business men ahould ace that storage apace la prorlded for caring for all Ule cotton that is expend In thcli several communities Cotton is on tlroly toe vaiuablo to be negloeted Temporary conversion of lobotec warehouse, will help the attuatlon al a number of places, snd should b« pushed. N. C. CASUALS ABOARD GEORGIA REACH FORT TODAY Newport News. Va., March 81,— Wirelst* advices tonight stated tbal the battleship Georgia and Kaaima bringing more than 2.000 uAccra and man from Prance, win an Ur th* Vlr Lima Capet late tonight and doc I *ru oarfy tomorrow morning. ™ Is bringing dstscb menu of the 112th engineers, fe, Comp Sherman. Cutter and Meade U8th infantry, for Camps Oreeae Lee snd Bowlt; 140th infantry fot Carsflna, California aad on. ocattarad and II casual officer, a total of 1,140 officer, and men r AUCTION BALK OF TH* FLAW 1 OF THE DUNN UARDWOOI r MANUFACTURING CO.. Inc. 1 DUNN, If ARNETT COUNTY. N C„ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16th i IbtO at 11 t. n. ' Furauwii n u deed of trust fron , Dunn 11 aid wo. J Manofarturnr Cam pony. In corpora led, to the undersign cd Trustor, dated the Ant day ol 'April, 1PI1, recorded In the office of the Register of needs far Harnett County, in the state ot North Cue line, in Book 100, beginning at pngs U2, d. fault having been made in uii payment of the Indebtedness therein secured, sod being directed ao to do by the holder or holder* of the bonds therein secured, I will expose foe sale at public auction on lb* prenuens of Dunn Hardwood Manufacturog Com l>anv. Incorporated, in or adjacent to thv Town of Dunn, Hsmelt County, North Carolina, on Wadasaday. the etMhcccnUi day of April. l»l», at 11 u. m„ the following property, to-wit: 1. All that pc reel of land cetapor rd of three certain contiguous lots or parcels in the County of Harnett, State of North Carolina, the greater I art of whichJa situate sear tho South ;«rn >oundaairt of the Town of Dunn, .Just out tide q( the cements limits thereof, and a email portion of which is Sir may hr in tho corporate limits 'offaaid town of Dunn, the aamc form ing whpt was formerly known as the sith of the Spnth I dins Manufactur ing\ Compgny and la saw the site of tfto-Duau Hardwood Manufaetur jiug Company, Incorporated and bounded end described as follows, to wit: 1st Tract Hegwnisg at a (taka ,on the r.ght of way ef the WUaon I* Florence Railroad, sod runs thsnce i South it Si degrees East t.M chains to a stake K, Lee's comer; thence Booth 37 1-2 degrees Waat 9 chains to a stake (aid Lee's earneri thence North C2 H degrees West 2.M chains ; • m? n»rm oi way yj avo nuroaa; | lilicuve as uid right of way North1 37 1-2 degrees Eaet B rheini to the 'beginning, containing two and onc i'ourth acres, more or baa. the Mm* ''wing known m Lot V*. 1, In the d> | vision of B. W. Pou, formerly owned I |by Henry Pop*. 2nd. Tract. Baaiani-gat the Sooth I wen corner of the factary lot in Lae | A Johnson Avenue and run* thence South 62 b degree* East 46 yarda to 'corner on Wilson Street; thrnc* with i I'hid street North 27 1-2 degrees East 1 1 32 2-3 yards to ts stake In the lane, | I. A. Onles’ Une; tomes with his line 1 1 North 5214 degree* West 44 yard* ‘Li a stoke, corner of factory lot; i thence with tha line of aaid factory let South 37 1-2 degree* West 47 4-7 { aide; thenec South 62 b degree* I Last 31 yards to a stake; thence . iouth 37 1-2 degrees Waat 117 2-7 v*rj* to a slake; thane* North 62 b ■degrees West 81 yards to a stake; thence Sooth 87 b ilagrim West 27 2-2 yards to tbs ti agios lag contain I-ng one and one-twelfth acne, more or less. 3rd. Tract. Be gi ring at a stake ia the factory line and run* the ere with said factory >»• North 27 b degrees clast 400 feet to e stake to said line; Jsence 8. 62 1-2 degraas Cast 34 foot to a stake; thsnce Sooth 27 1-2 de gree* West 400 feet te a stake; .hence North 6214 degrees West B4 iact to the beginning, containing .-.ine-tenth* of an acre, more or less, i .hr same being a part *f the lands j Jeacribed in a certain dead, executed by E. Wr. Pou to EktriXe ie* I* 2 All of the buildings and ins* jprovemanta situate upon tha said property above described, and tha ap purtenance* thereunto belonging. it. The boilers, engines, machin I >r>" and equipment situate upon the laid property, constituting the raanu : factoring plant now or formerly used und operated by the Dunn Hardwood : Manufacturing Compaay, Incorporat ’d, and including Lot. No. 1—Egan Co. short log i aw mill with 42 in. is sorted tooth uaw, with bake. Lot No. 2--H. B. Smith Machine • o . circular resaw with new gg ^ aw. Lot. No. 2—U. 8. Machine Co., *d qer with counter shaft-—6 extra KSWI und belting. Lot No. 4—Fay A Egan No. 88 nngin 30 in. eurfacor with sectional -oil and chip breaker, complete with jocuntcr shaft. 6 pairs knives extra ind belting complete. Let No. 5—Crtseaat Machine Co. j iil-ing saw tabla with Hunter Bros, i Dado bead—6 circular saw* and bclt I^ot No. 0—How le y A Harmace iron ■ came rip saw table with coontar. Jnc circular saw and baiting. L*iL No 7_U 14 finttk -O. two spindle shaper with Counter 'haft, lot shaper steel and bits and belting. lot No. 8—Fay S Egan stngle head tenonvr with two copes and cotters onu.icte with belting, lot No. ft—Wood frame carriage j double cut off sow with counter shaft. Lot No. 10—ITcrmace Machine Co. j 'ingle bond tanoner with taro copes :*nd front rot off saw attachment I complete with belting. Lot No. 11—H. B Smith Machine <3o. Blind Slat tanoner f-ot Kn. It—H. B. Smith Machine Co. Post Mortiaar with 11 chisels. Lot. No. 18—Grand Rapids Post purer with pulley boring bit with belting. Lot No. It—One Shimer hood doors. One Shimer bead Hash. liOt. No. 11—A. B. Smith Machine Co. double blind stylo borer Lot No. 18—Toy S Egan 48 in. triple drum sender with counter shaft and belting. Lot No. 17—American “Heiats" double blind wirar. Lot No. 1ft—Fax Machine Company No. 8 foot mitre aoLBchlnn. Lot No. 18—Pox Machine Company No. .7 foot mitre mochiao. Lot No. 2ft—One 24 pound scale Two pipe wrenchoa aad ona pipe euttor. . r 2 in. Block and Die*. One bench vise. Ono small platform ecale. Lot- No. 21—Four Factory Truck*. Entire blower system with one 80 In. single exhaust. Pan with down- pipes and baking. . *ot No. 22—About 40 in. 8-ll-ld *». tha/ttag with feu pom hangers. 28 Largo and small wood and iron pulleys. lot No. 22—-Ona 0 hole center pot doom glue heater. « ■Lat- ■ 1,1 »• horlxon. tel tabular boiler. nrtrk work oad fluiaga. •ml rfftarn Lot No. 20—Ono Knowts 4Vk * 2-2 8-4 a 4 Duplex it earn boiler feed pjmi*. All rhaftiag, betting, pulley., hang. ,cp», clampa. knives, an ate. form ,lng o pap of mid plant. 2, AU vffee furniture end Ssturm m the office of sold Company located I* I'ToBS ffiST’ Arrangements can b« mad* to 1 pnc t•»» ®n *r befor the 17th of Fab., .1520, or thia notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Tk|» ZJfk.Say of February. 1S19. Admr* NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having bean appointed as Admin istratrix of the aetata of H. M. Weav er daeaaaad, late of Barnett County, North Carolina, aad having qualified naminiecramx Detor- the dark of th# Superior Coon of Harnett County. North Carolina, this u to notify all panona owing oaid aatata to aettle with the unjrraigned at once. • All peraont holding cUlme agalaat mid aetata are notified to praaeat them to the undersign*-,! for aettle ment on or before the iifch day of March, 1020, or Util : co wifi he pleaded in bar of their r coverjr. Thie 18th day of Me - 't. 1010. FLONNIET WEAVER. Admr*. NOTICE BY EXECUTOR Having qualified ae Kxcrutur of the 'eat Will and Tcftamenl of W. E 1 -ove, dccaaeed, lata of Hr.rtCU Coun >r thin la to notify all uaram* haring claim* against aaid W. II Love to ex hibit th* earn* to me on or before the 80th day of March. 1U2G, or tbi-< notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recovery ’ All parsons indebted to •aid W. R Lor* art hereby notified to make prompt payment to me Thia 20th day of March, 1918. OSCAR B. YOUNG. Executor of W. R. Lore, daceaaed. Angi*r, N. C Franklin T. Dupree, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE By virtu* uf a Lien for repair*, made on l-OM-HUTM Iron Axl# Wagon, for 1>. M. King, by order of —■ amount for mid re and the i mD Vo^ihhm^Mfcudy mid lien, hi# ifhpair Rbopjf the dty of Dunn, N. C./Sn uueuinay, the lfth day of April at 12 M, the above named one horse wagon. I Rev. 2017) Thia the 28th day of March. 1919. GEO. H JERNIGAN. Plenty of exercise-, fresh air, regular hours—is all '.ho pre scription you need tc avoid Influenza—unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take—at once CASCARA^ pUININE •tsoCsrtl raid md) Irr It rmn—la laMat »»*,■*» au.;ra--£rate< add t2J-Sr*JL. "t**'1 olpla’drara Meat hy*.f_H Wk tadit bra Ijmm n* •w> Hr HliTi iactir-r. At AH Oral km HE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION— TAXATION Begieaiag 3ratal af ArlUIra m Near Futara af Old FrabUm Hu Lifitltbra Hrald Him Ayyrmal •f Tkraa Who Want ta Fas Accord teg la TheW Wrath aad Na Marc Saraa Chaaga* a* ta Li Ming tku Year. (By A. J. Maxwell). Tha preae of tha Stata has a large •hare of responsibility for the naan ba ity wib which the recent General Alterably pa and one of the most thoroughgoing revaluation acts ever adopted in any State Its continuing cooperation U eraectlal to the **c ceaa af the work undertaken It le my purpose to aak publics Hon of a short article once a weak far several weeke on aome phase of the tax prob lem, In aa aumy paport na erill (fee ipaee to it, ae well as to aak the con tinued generous coperation of tha preae, on it* own initiative ia keepini the matter before tha pohlk aad It fairly presenting the plane and par poone of thli grant underteldag. Prop Icrly underatoed it AmM have the ee operation of every man who wants u pay hit equal (hare of taxes aad nt more. Its core era depaada upon th< cooperation af the public, and Ufa* it* success depends in lsrgs me*sun the fstur* pregrass of the State. North Carolina l« mm diatlnetly i State, and lane a combination of oai hundred counties, Siam tbs raesat sea •Ion of the General Amenably. I brake a*w ground la many tinea, bu an of Ms farrows land ta the raallaa Hot* of a mo to compact Mata. Ii this respect the recant senates af Ik General Assembly waa epochal. Ii public schools, pebile health, puhlii roads aad la taxation tt» enactment I show more than a tendency in thi direction—they practically eatahlid But* nynUiii. Tha Lagiala turn cam* to Balelgi |with a fall raallaatioa that a i amalev jravtaian of the tax system ef Us | Statu was the fundaasanUI reform that set alone tha Stata agenele* r