AVERY CHILLED PLOWS ji 5 HAVE A WONDERFUL RECORD |p::; ; . jj During the few years which have elapsed since these ^ lCjerC on the market the demand for them has I! ProP°Tt*on* which have surprised even ourselves* * who know their sterling qualities. Our yearly sales now mount into Quite a number and the Avery has become !! the reegnized standard of excellence in Chilled Plow con- ' ■traction. j1 , cfn ,°^ onIy one fact: Farmers who have bought AVERY CHILLED PLOWS are so thorough IV pleased with the way they are built and the work they do that in their enthusiasm they have become mission- ;' ane* ^reading the gospel of Avery superiority among their mends and neighbors. We now have on hand a number of these plows and ean supply our customers with the models they want. You !! will not find a better plow on the market and now is the - bes* fame to buy. We will be glad to demonstrate the superior qualities of The Aveiy any time you will come in. i; _ ,We have for your inspection a number of other i! makes of Plows, Durtnbutors. Stalk Cutters, Harrows. \\ Spring Tooth Cultivators. One-Horse Cultivators, or any- J> thmgyou need m Farming ImpJements. We make a spe aa! effort to handle only the best and you will do the right : thing to investigate before buying elsewhere. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THROUGH OUR I MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS g L- * | | BUTLER BROS., Dunn, N.C. I OppoMto Firrt National Bank BuBdins. wm»:i)>iiii;;i»iiiiiim,... f DOCTORS SAY THENEWCALOMEL (P REST MEDICINE • *: C ' ' i ' i LOAN OF THANKFULNESS Jog nppaa you in driving along **> rear automobile, not speeding nor driving carelessly, yet g**1"* P™ST»ss for aU that; toppoea .1 winding a torn in the road, yon "»««n]y soe a chasm ahead, made by a was he do ut bridga. U this crisis yob accept the one chance of escaping annihilation Yon automatically shut off the power and tfm on the brakes while the machine •ktdi up to the edge of the abyss •J* stopi. After an intense moment of waiting, you all stop out unhurt. You Bad, however, that the effort of stopping ruined two expensive tires, burned oot your broke linings end damaged soma minor braces. If this really happened to you, what would you do? Would yoa bemoan the damages to your ear and regret the prospective repair bill? Or would you thank God that you had been able to aava precious live*, so matter at what expease? If jrou are a regular man, rou would be devoutly thankful and whan the time came would pay the expense bill Ibaakfally. So each aad all of us ought to feel toward the coming Victory Liberty Loan. A year ago sour. Just previous to the peat enemy offensive—the sffart which Germany promised would quick ly end the war m favor of autocracy —• certain Prussian nobleman gave •* •“Ulna of bis country's pesos terms. They included, In addition to the mneaaUon of Belgium and north ern France, the payment late the kaiser's treasury of aa indemnity of which "the minimum ihall bo forty Bve billion dollars, to bo naid bv America if France aad GreutBrttain era unable.” These brmsca terms also included conditions that would have left the menace of aatoersey frowning at us across the Atlantic and •wilting « favorable opportunity to •trike and subdue Amer£iaim. Haw Difmml it ie Tadarl baetty Uka the folks in that au hare all miraculously eecaped a dim •star, dreadful la its potentialities for •Vil. As a .nation, wo have not only escaped almost unhurt bat wo have emerged with added rirhu, renown end prestige. Never again will any autocrat daro flaunt America Bue ceediag generations will bo safe from thM^gft. It kae cost Undo Bam a tldy aum of money and it will coat aome bill Iona more to “finish the job" —to repair the damage canoed by the effort of suddenly stopping n*- wnr. But what is mors money compared to tht saving of lives and the main nance of the great principle, upon which this Republic Is built? We ought to be glad and thankful we de not have to pay aome of that •‘minimum of fortv-flw bOUsa dol ars. * We ought to be gUd and thank ful we eecaped diaaste last spring and summer. We ought to bo supre mely thankful that victory was achiev ed fur u. at so low a coat—a cost wo ran pay by loaning Undo 8am our monay at a fair rat# of iatorost. . >-•? ns thank Cod. “from whom all Jleasingv flow " Lot os pat oar thank fulneu into deeds by buying more Vicboty Liberty Loan Bonds next month than anyone axpecti ns to buy. r ABIC QUICK SHIPPING OF UBBP CLOTHING Atlanta. April I.—Tbs Southern Dl vislon of the Rod Crum ha. just re rsivod notice of a cable from Paris, wging the extreme need of used clothing hi the liberated eoantriee •broad and In si wing that chapters be yin shipments at the earliest poasdbla They Touch the Spot? Ijwfl Hot biscuits. light as a feather and browned n9 to a golden crispness—don't they tofach the spot month water 7 Yon cam get such |®sH waffles and cakes if yon use rVf ■ MoH wii I gfi 1 [Ha HrIbH Wt| rs&v pasa MB IKB Off f a J I moment to meet thie demand, whch U m« of the most pressing ever prc •onled to the Red Craw. OtiO E-RVNCH KILLED 1— i i Ae Atlmtie Pert.—France in four "•an of conflict to pre-erve her own liberty and that at the world, accord 'n* to Andre Tard.e. French b<gt commimloaor to the United States, bos loet 1400.0M men killed and at many wounded. America owea Pranct an enormous debt at gratitude foi this heroic outpouring of bar llfa'i blood and oka for the reported mvinj of thousands of lives in this country and throughout the world through Um discovery by French pooaanta of a perfect remedy for stomach, liver ana intestinal ethaenU srhkh, it is raid has relieved incalculable suffering ant provontod thousands of surgical ep e ration a Ora H. kayr, promineni Chicago chemist, imports the ingred ionts and sails this remedy In Ariseri m under the names of Mayr'a Won derful Remedy. It is a simple, harm lam preparation that removes the cm tarrhal mucus irojn the Intestinal tract and allays the lnflammatlor which causal practically all stomach Htvt ud iitaidnal tibwnti, includ •ng appendicitis. One dose will eon r>oc* or manay rsfusded.—Hood d Grantham and draggista every where DR. ARNOLD RETURNS. Dr. and Mm L. J. Arnold, urltl their son and daughter, returned t< LiUingtou Tuesday afternon after at ahaanea of about eighteen montht daring which time Dr. Arnold fasti boon in army service, going to Cami GreenW. Oglethorpe, a*„ srhen the Medical Corps scent in training begin ning with the entrance of the Unltec States in the war. Dr. Arnold her been stationed at Camp Kearny, nsei Ban Diego, Cal. ur. Arnold wmi welcomed hack tc Lllliagton by e ho* of friend* Coming bare to locate ia 1*05, be practiced hie medical profession hart until the call came to serve hfc coon try, and now that the German men ace has subsided, be returns to serve hie poop)*. He declares army life both enjoyable and stimalating to the physical fiber, and ha *owi by hli ruddy countenance that bis earn wmi no exception to the rule. Lilfiagtor welcome* Dr. Arnold and Ua family back boat* with that true cordiality of inters* which comes from th* hearts of Harnett County cittern.. In th* "Taps” number of "Trench and Camp,” th* camp paper, the fol lowing appears: “Captain L J. Arnold, Camp Urol ogist, who was in charge of then* dismiss at the Base Hospital, —t»h. lishod the Camp Urological Infirmary and is it* commanding odisr, In th* pa* thro* months over 1,000 men have received treatment at th* Infirm ary. Each month hundreds of them ore discharged as cared, many of these eases chronic and of long stead ing. Under th* capable supervis ion of Capt Arnold and his asstst anW-tbe*orti of this tsfirmm to be ing recognised as an Important fac tor in th* medical department of the camp.” Dr. and Mrs. Arnold and children ere at present stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rosa. THE TRAIL OF THE FOX. (By F- Hunter Creech.) "(Signed) W. N. Color A Co., R- F. Pettigrew, D. L Russell, Marion Butler. Depository: North American Trust Company, 10# Broadhray, New York, Wheeler Peck ham. Counsel." The above signatures were sub scribed to an advertisement In the New York Evening Post, April, 1*0#. The advertisement called attention to the decision ef the case in the United State* Supreme Court, entitled: "South Dakota vs North Carolina,” wherein th* former State secured judgment again* the latter on tan bonds, par raise #10,000, amounting with interest, to (XT,400. Th* judg ment waa paid. Th* bonds in quae tioo war* ropodiatod by th* State of North Caroline, end their history ia loo well known to necewUt, com ment. The signer* of this advertisement claimed credit (and wt will my that Mr. Butlar 1* entitled to it, and may hare* It with our compliments) for da lection of theee repudiated bonds. The advertisement farther stated: “The Committee ia now ready to pro reed with the collection of all other repudiated bonds of every close of each State" We are quite well aware of the (*d that Mr. Butler has been ready, «ny and all times, to compel North Co refine to pay tha repudiated, ear prt-batger boada, that hi. party plac ed open the State. From Mr. Butler's viewpoint there are very food reaaone for that. Per sonally, aa a lawyer, think of the nice fat fees he would yet for obtain iny an this money, for ho aad hi* :o-c on spire tori. Howe• ar, we are act so much can rerued about what Mr. Butter baa al ready dene ia reference to the bond Pjorttea; hot we are concerned about ■hat he may try to do. We seed to ■oep out minds refreshed about hie ■e«er aetMttea la order that wo nay yauye hie present and future aa lout. . Ma-Preeldent Toft roceyalaod the tepublican party of the South ao rep eeenltey 'little save a factional booufer Pad oral sMceo*'i aad evuey f* familiar with tha eawdltloM In forth Carolina, aad famfllar with tha •rtilehrafw of Marten Bailor, knowu bO «uB that there ia Uttte the Bo mhBjttjparty exports la tha Old WW did Marian I rtthfclO Hays and galas that might bo mad* in North Carolina would not effect the Presi dential situation tn 1980. For the Re publican party, the North Carolina & ■» U not worth the plucking. Ir. Hays tame hack to New York and gave out interviews hero. New* P*P** beadlineeeppeared announcing "Attach Upon the Solid South," sad quoted liberally. What is the significance of all this? The North Carolina situation appears to be connected with New Toth in ■Ota* usee. Me. Haro evidently woe •<»»• one in Now York should think that North Carolina was •gain doomed to dam nation by re turning to the Republican fold. Who can those parties in Now York bo who aro so interested to North Care Use going Republican? This is the only plausibla solution that appears to us: wo remember that In 1908 the base of those who affected » Plan whereby North Carolina had to pay some of her repudiated bonds York eity. Wo know that then Marion Butler and other prom inent Republicans wore "daddiesTof If Hr. Hays and Mr Butter can stir up enough noise ia North Carolina to lndoceTho h£de£ of the old repudiated North CandS bonds to believe that tha Republicans will get control of things in North Carolina, wouldn't the holders of such bonds bo delighted to contribute most K«n«rosaly to the Republican csm palgn fund? Because they would ex R*** ^•pttbUeaa State Administra tion to redeem tha bonda No! Mr. Hays and Mr. Butler do ttps&rwsrss i~gsi *“ *#ld*liped coffers of the thereby?*” C*“P* cn eh^t ^ «Uod ... Jbe ^beme would certainly bo Wor thy of msch genius as the two goatlo wsnposssus, pad se keen as the Old FoJ bisreolf.—&m I thfield HeraM Now York, March T. 1919. DUNN DI&PATCH, MAR.It, ISIS r ANSWERING THE r*i i D>u Paapla Hm F«md TWl Tbie >t M~—t~t * • Mmin, a auddao wrench, “a*VmV »*• kidney*. Rpella of baobab* often follow, ^^dT^gri^ss: ■ adicinc tkt ui fitiriUd tW wdVS£^M,w pnu’ * •?"“ Many Dunn people rely on 1U, Hat# la Dunn proof. Jtm-< 'T Mra. Krmnk Baity. 200 I». Citato. •o tarn* and aora, I could hardly cat 9 **,M I waa down. Dixsy, ncrvoua 9**“ ware a common occurrence and oftan colored anecki would float be fore my ay*a, blurring my tight. I bann uetng Doan'a Kid oar PDI* and bafor* long, they had m* ratline lika *Q<^erentj>*r*on. Doan'a completely Price 60c, at all dealer*. Don’t ■‘“Pff **k foe . kidney remedy—** £^»«y Pill*—the earn* that Mre. Bailey had. Foatar-Milbom Co., Mfga.. Buffalo, N. Y. -rtoao" coming On* of the moat mnaleal and aaac- i tacular of the muateal ahowa -rfcrh F«w Yo* make it* dabut on Urn atage of the La Fayette theatre on Friday, April nth when John Cert bring* hi* —n 1 ally affoedva "warbrida" production of "Flo-Flo” to FayaWll* ’’Flo-FIo” baa all of tha gratae of tha mueieel comedy of tha neat and any number of naw on** watch era eaaentially bar own, including a chonta of matchl*** beauty and grace, a acanle background which ha* never been, equalled in lovalineaa and a raat »•* noteworthy avan in Naw ■*r*! wnar* "Flo-Flo’ waa running at the 6ort Theatre, tha eborua, inci dentally, number* nothing but “par fact thlrty-sLus*’ and has that rare modicum . sens, 0f humor exhibited at each porformanca In n aarlaa of eccentric dancer. AUo. FVo-Flo, the charming comet modal, fiver occasion for o specteco '»r Fashion array. Mr. Cort selected for hie east Jack Nortoa, Cordelia Haogar, Sam Howard, Martha Law rence, Thoms* Oordon, Maude Nolan, hen Leonard, Batty Booth, Francis A Boas. Our Vaughn, and the Perfect Thirty-8ia Chorus, hasides an a^ yataf'rffijy-Aavara.-.. on rale at the Strand Theatre, Fay etteville. WEBSTER ON ELOQUENCE True eloqoeac^ indeed, does not mailst la speech. It cannot ho brought frr« far. Labor and learning may toll for It, hot they wfll toil bf ££ Words and phrases may ha marshaled in avoir way, hot they can not pose it. It must exist' In the man In the subject, and in the occajto“' Even genius itself then fools re buked and subdued, as m the pressor* »f higher qualities. Then n£Zu£ it eloquent , then self-devotion ia elo quent. The clear conception, outrun ning the deductions of logic, the high inrpoao, the Arm resolve, the daunt ea* spirit; speaking on the tongue, leaning from the eye, informing ev ry fee to re, and urging the whale man inward right onward, to hie object—* his, this U eloquence; or, it ia some king greater and higher than all elo loanee; tt la action—noble, sublime ictiou.—Daniel Webstar. Faults. Do not think of your faults; still sea of others’ faults: In every person rbo comes sear you, look for what ia rood and strong; honor that; rejoice n it, end as yon can, try to Imitate It; md your famlts will drop off like daad saves, when their Uma eomos—Ros in. Chiropractic Adjustments Removes the Cause The diseases given belo ware ONLY A FEW of the MANY which are caused by subluxations in the spine. -»»l»t wfll MUM haodacbM, ay* -*-dMf ' p ***** trartiyo, tnimala, wry nock, facial paralytia, locomotor ataxia, at*. _*• A ijickt dbplacamaat of a vatobra Id tbt» part of Uia aolaa la tte -_ “•“fe.P****** bolder. S3 ESi.proS5fc£ 1* Srippa, dlaalaoM, blood In* from tte noo*. d border ofyumt, MttrrbTMa 7*Of™***• 1 “■ *d No. 3 locatM tte part of tte isLaa wterwla (ubloxa %Satb.-S!S."5 nla, teteMggag^^g;* i- 4r te’tessrrus; ramato uaaoticwd by otter, accept Tte Chiropractor! ** **‘*4t “ «• •»« *•••«■. tr^u ,T* ****•**’■ iHmw, diabetat, floating kidney, ovarian troabla*. Ain J; . eraptoteu, and otW dU~~. an, a«£S b.in, iap^ SSfptoST^ bladiter «-*»■■ «... *°- ,4 ****** di^lacmant *f on. or both innominate bon*. will likawu. doe* .ciatiea, rectal. atari*., and nroatetk trouble. tmilinr .hv - lUawa. pro mw of th. paWia and lowar «rtt.iiSIT Wlt* oUar di» Chiropractic research has proven that 90 PER CENT of of ALL Diseases are premanently removed by Chiropractic (Spinal) Adjustment. CsuuifatisB FREE *1 tks Otkmm* OFFICE HOURS) Iftts II a m |U a MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAYof •iTk wiiu Dr. G. C. Elliott, Chiropractor 18 »*• »« WSST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, DUNN. N. C. CALL ON US FOR 0 t »'* ..- ’ INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE LOANS. I I Dunn Insurance & Realty Co.

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