******* 4 ♦LOCAL* >*#**** + 4 John Hodge* spent Friday and Sal ui-dny in New Barn. Miaaaa Baade and Kthel BaUlei ••'irat Wednesday In Wilson. Mias Irene Parker spent the week end with relative* in Fayetteville. Mlaaes Matlhel and Marjorie God •■/in spent thia morning In Payette villa. Miaa Ludie Cannady, of Salambarg •pending the week here with role tivea. Mr*. Narciaaa Bamee, who baa beer 111 for the past several week*, la tat' proving. J. W. CalUhao, of Ralaigh, apenl Saturday and Sunday in the city with friend*. a*ViS' 9°°Per- ^ddent of the Bank of Hamlet, "pent Sunday here with hi* family. K. L Howard and eon. Kenneth, were busmen* visitor* in Raleigh >> •onesday. Mr and Mr*, H. C. Woodall and kon. of Smithfleld, Waited relatival here Sunday. MU* Kata Snow, of Raloigh, spent the weekend here the guest of Mra K. W. Mytra. Robert Jordan, Robert Pearsall and Joaaph J. Cook, were visitor* in An grier yesterday Mra R. J. McIntyre, of Camden, S. C., U visiting her daughter. Mra H. C. Baueom Miaa Willie Motley, of Atlanta, Oa. >* here thU weak the guest of Mra. II. C. Baueom. Mias Mabel Johnson and Mias Roby Hobbs, of Benson, were Waiters In Dann Wednesday. Na< Clyde bnead. of Salma, rpcnl Sunday here with her parenu. Mr. and Mra. U. F Snead Dirk Taylor, George Grantham, Jr., u-.il Paul June*, spent the week-end with friends In Oxford. _ Mr*. L F. Hicks is visiting Dr Hielu’ sister, Mra Marshall McD Wil liam*. at Faison thU week. Mluea Mvrtlr- w- I.--i Jf Dav»*( of FayettcTillo, spent Tuesday here with relatives. Mr. and Mn. W. S. Farthing, oi Dirham. arv hare this week visiting their Min. Jem** Farthing. Hi rpar Holliday. of Raleigh, epent Wednesday hire with his parent*. Idr and Mr\ McD. Holliday. Mar:on Ream*, aon of Gapt. and I >1 Reams, has returned from a »i».'. to relative! at Carpenter. Mr-* f• f Butler left this week .or (Jeonrstoti, S. C., whrre she will Vieit her aider for several days. W T. McKay, of Atlanta, Oe., ■ .1! here thi* week visiting his so. I r, Mr* Flnnuig. at Young*! Hotel. Perry Jernigan and Braxton Bag a’ett spent Sunday and Monday in freenaboro with friends and on basi net*. Mrs J. W Whittenton and Mra Made H. Royal, of Benton, were in Dunn yesterday the gue»te of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Williams, of Fayetteville spent Sunday here with Ifrtc .Mi““ parent*. Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Sutton. ._ _ _ - A number of the baseball fan* at tended the game bewean Camp Bragg ar.d the University, at Camp Bragg yesterday afternoon. Revival serviews will begin at the of i thudist church In Duke next 8un dayday morning. Rev. Leon M. Hall, of Kinston, will assist Pastor Brown in the strvicc*. Mr* L E. Covington, editor of K'-'crywnman’* Magaalne, is in Ral eigh thi* week workiu la the inter est of her magaslno. The April Issue will feature Raleigh A number of the itraau of Dunn ore hemp worked by the Dunn Road Dlxtr.et force. They era putting the "treats in line shape and Improving cor.i-’derabty the appearance of the thoroughfares. Thr Ud.es* Aid Society of the Chris tian church wiII have a white tale In the Highsmtth Building Thursday, They will be open all day Thursday and at night. The public i* invited to attend. Mrs. J. U Hatchar and Mra I. M. Reami returned Saturday night from Edenton, where they attended the Woman** Millenary Union held there last-week. They went as delegates from the Pirtt Baptist church of uwn. A card from William Pearsall to his father, iaa. Pearsall, dated March 14th, states that bo u spending a v»rhtlon in Paris. P« loot not know ynl when bo will return :» the Ftntcs. Me i« enjoying splo-rliri health and la ail.i Med Oirrard Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J F. Wilson, spent Wednesday night hora with his parents. Ha Had been to Camp Bragg with tha Uni versity ball team, where be pitched a winning gams. A number of colored soldiers have boon mastered oat of the service and have returned to their hornet In Dunn. They continoe to arrive and are bass received with a hearty welcome by tbooe of their race. oma oy Peter A. Parker returned to Dunn yesterday after serving m the army for about two years. Ho has aot seen service In France but has done hie bit on this aide. He hea received his discharge and will probably locate in Dunn again. The recital given last Friday eight by the Masonic orchestra, which was assisted by some of Doan's beet tal ent, was a success. A large crowd waa present and the program waa thoroughly enjoyed. The proceeds, amounting to more than Afty dollars net, went to the Presbyterian Manse ‘ Fund. Very little interest, apparently, In , mnni/eated In the approaching | and no candidate yet, kna sped, an anoosneauMat la most af tha ether tewne of the State there Is right mack Hveby for the Honors, but So offices In Dunn seem to go frigging £ Y Harris, and & si, remembered here by a unmber of I citiiene. Mr. Harris last eae of his mas la the war. Ueat Cadrie Harris Ha waa kflled la action jast twenty 1 mi" ■ tea before the armtettee waati ■%ned. Mr. Hants has made ■ ana-1 *u the tehaceo hnatnam since leaving Dana ' _ Miae Mad)* Ball apent Sunday i. Fayetteville with friends. Chrra Jacobs, of EVycttevtlic. .p;,: Tuesday In the city with friend* Kenneth Howard act! i.r* ir 1>-.i , nlng ware visitor* In Wii*u„ Vuudv J. K Mr Lamb, of Georgetown, f C . was a visitor In Dnnn this week Mlao Mary Hatcher, of ■ "■'•ni,!.)«,, Wednesday here with h»r brr 'be, .1 L. Hatcher. Mra P. A. fare and Mr J. V Whitehead (pent Tuesday in r>»r,tc vill( (hopping. Mlw Noel Pridgen, of the *.-*<!. (chool faculty, spent Satm-duy a.m Sunday st hrr hum* in Elm till,. Mias Elisabeth Darden rrturruu t' latter part of tho week from Ki to.,. Pa., where »h* spent jcvoimI n • with friend*. Mr. and Mr*. PhuI Hood niuir.»i last Friday from a trip to Wu -In if ton. Baltimore and Now Yoi * The woro away about ten dnva George Long and Dr. Anv'td, o Llllingtoa, wera visitor* tu 'ho-, Tuesday. I»r. Arnold waj r-.e-.l discharged from tho scrvlrc n,t.' *1 returned tc Lilfmglon to resume li' practice. After spending a few dsy* he, with her parrots. Rev. snd Hn. , A. Blaylock, Mix* Paulina Hi««W.r! returned to Grrensboro, to ri-iLin. her studire at the Greentboro t'cl lege for Women. Alien H. A. Leo returned We jut. day to hie home near Dunn, havir. received his dischargo thii wro'j. haa been in the service rim . tn. Y *n<1 has h. rn i,. . for tho po»t #cv<*rul mur.liiH. 0. A. R«gi«trr h*x ai/v’.rd » • * eery tto re on Eaie Brood *i,wt %?• building formerly occo pied bv R. W Kinlaw. Ho will carry * 0^ heavy and fancy groenuv ond buy «nd **l| eountiy produce Mrs. Long, of Lillington I». ■ Uiia 'weak visiting hrr daughter V. . J. C. Goodwm. Mr* Lung ii. celebrated her Sgnd binhda.r, L.iit. accm* tu be no hand Yap. She hue the strength to go vvhftv' ?r *• pirasrn, end, apparently. ... jio. i younger every day. 8 Douglas Geiger. rcinv r' ! v the Nitre Germ Kata* t'-ui-i , Savannah. Ge.. is -r. towr. tli . - . m the interest of hi. ror.inu Geiger, b placing right mceh h '«*.; J- . ' ‘■rut. r hi in» » i *■ I tho*° *ho ha e o-**J i; #1 highly plcawd with the rcrru.'i. •:!»». , J. Milton Tort Ion* npi-nrd :i .* i, . (urn'll.n* store on »V.l siren.I ■** ii (he Purdic Hooks bnilil*i*;;. f: no known nr tin* Quality lilic ■_ Tart will carry a coatplrtc i i,.- cj wearing apparel for ecr.*i . invit** hm friend* to .-nl* o*. For the uaet year he ha* ..tun ,.-.t wan in the moro of I*iRn <.m J;*, where he got viilctSk. Ci,.‘nc winch will serve li m w’l iti * .* buainos*. Mvr many friends In i; ' aorry to hear of the d.at.n of F Lir.a Peacock, who died sadil ij,.'. (he home of her brother i cl early 8unday morning Tfcc innly .■ brought to SialthfiH I Mcrdav «-.l interred Monday afternoon in ih. metery there. She soer.t mo * ,>r r free in Duut. the pati vear. 1 v the home of Mr J. H. Balia- *. . |he.carcd for Mrt BaJUnty. An or count o. her death appears rlsewhorc in i he Dl. patch. GODWIN iTKMr Mias Kloire Connelly spent 'in week-end in Dunn with il.- ') L Pridgen. Mre. J. W McUa n vha a F,«/»!. «* vilJ« visitor Fridu>. Mia*e« Matti* Mart n Johnnie i o L*ean and Eula William* --yyer.i II. 1 arday in Dunn shopping. Mrs. H. Mrlntyre ha* .- t^irn •*. from Linden when- »ht wm e-t'i;;l . account of the death u~ k?r m...i *. o Katherin Tew Mrs. Percy Maav.r't of Falcon «•*. a Godwin visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kloiee Con..rlT> ■*r Fayetteville visitors VVrdnecd.iv. Miaa Norm* P'lie han Mlurr*il from Pair Biu/T where she ka: Vrp teaching in the gradi-d echool. Mcasrs. Emmet Edgerto-. .l-mipn, and Bodges of Dunn, motoied tr.; Codwin Sunday p. re. Misa Little Graham *nd Mr* Hubert Oaterkamp left Snturrtay morning for the mountains for a short itay. Mr. C. II. Starling loft Taenlay for Poor Oiks where he ha* arcc i>U»d u poaition with the rignol ilupartm* ,c Mr. Edgar Baggett of Four Oak*. rst Friday with his rrtrv, Mr*. J Jones. Mr. Henry Pope of Mount Olive, ■pent Tuesday in Godwin with his' brother. Mr. W. M. Tope. REPORTER. •* Mr. Lina A. Peececk Mr*. I.ina A. Prmoock, widow of lh» l*U Toomer IWock. am* hurled here n »he amithfl.ld cemetery yesterday ifternoon beside her huoband, who lied September i4, 1011. The funeral aervlcce arete conduct jd by Rea. A. R. Me4)u«n, of I>gn,. The pallbeerors ware J. D. Spiers, N ' B Grantham, E. 8. Edmundson. 1 B. Brooks, JI. G. Skinner and T. J Laaert*r. Among the oot of town friend, and i •elatirei here to attend Iho funeral1 *# not# Mr. H. G. Che.nott and Mr. , £• R. Chcmutt, her brother., who lire I rear Magnolia, N. C ; Mr. and Mr. R. T. Smith, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Sr> *Sd Ml,ton Smith. Mr. nad Hr*. M A. Poacock Mr. W. 0. Rack V' A T of Renaon: K. J Ram*., of Wil.on; Mr. and Jr* ®t *tv- 0***lwrln. and Mr* Sarah i Woodall, of Kenly. Mrs. Lina A. Peacock died at the! of her brother, Mr. H. G Che Hagnolia, Sunday morning. Raroh 30. at three o’clock, from a ?f br»'n three ^h.w.. "He had been with her! the pert month. She weal bl pL^^^"' cnuYrh at JjLStfe/g;P*»n county The de " ,rw in Smith ri«dTVri>'^*.?’r0 8b* had many £*"’ ,*be .h«rc and at ^^Wd#S;th-r MONUMENT TO »E UNVEILED ' • *0, ,#l9< *l 101 > clock in the morning, thero will a 1 I" memory £ Ber M*r.«. Butler Pope, under' j* Vo? *?Ji ^fknch Camp. 1° *°!' *'»*• Woodman or the World. ADWoodmeei In good standing ?* im**?**‘ lytlclpatc. Ptac# ^ ha residence of H. B p6p# iu* r J Hood, of Goldstar# ho o64rooo on woodmft . / v\K*sr-c- <■- ■! W. 4* • -.4.. • ,-v W , » JUS i Mcsivdi. A mW C*r of Rid r,«ihr »Vncl*tfrut Bt V» • rower, U'itish The.-, 'kr f.von-n-- ’.rfm f. to ’< *w *•» l'1 •>. 1 ! f, ,i, Ino n.-*d ff’.-o on jiif Jrr, d. i.>. * :,j;W r..»» -4iir, Ik i;, * msuntnimum.~.ti .... • •. ■ - ■ --- - '»■«» rma n*a> "I :* %-c ——| * .-« r OK BARE FIVT BU3I .'.a lot* andtUn, realdea ca loti in . rijr-%cj» Lota laaated at . .u«' Broad and Cliaton ■ tr La WC lota an altua .i.. iu rlef.’n [uirt of town. ■' L> ■' -mH.au it* H. L. V.v'il* fai • "< r : ,L FARM, ONE ,-yfrom Dane. ALo .imlAurtv good milch >1) «!>d on* (ting dry, v of bogr. Will W'-ll ale* call crop ■ • - "I at aay time. • - Out q irrt ■ u.“h, balance irt • => .*1, For farther •• - .<.'■*»» tt\ (i. b. Lee, Dana, _ _ tf. HAVE MVEEAL in i'.'.u Cur fin for -a In Hantatt ; utinl/, located in good aalgbbor '»*'*. «o imoO roadt, aad near warkeUArfth good balldhige. 'M t.»jv« aifer-cs. K. L Codwta, t'liui, I* C. - AT RAW. FREIGHT MS' 'jil pe<- ton, f. U. Flald, • 3 t pd. c .'Ki AdLAU. SEED ' ' - . tH.. t'u.hcl. cath with tiil'l H. i lodge*. Route > ? . 4tpd. . :»v '/ A ys.mx bond* at far i -xciitlnyfm- anyth lag am aell ■ ’ir.idl on rotaa dae In fall of I OIK. JrPcrmb-Drivof Ca. • a ; ~:.i i r ear; rush money t.-i u.rt.i so J. hi. frigid, Chtaai, 1 . v ’ **'• 2*s»ir of Liberty, .i «. _. to:- rliat 1*1* crop • »uo dec ru. fai prated Whlp ■ rinylon, Ctaym 'Blaclsc, . :• : •»• h uh d. fdiggd fs.ua. . .. t , IU1 BI.ieltKtye* $4 *0. **” I* «..!,uw Sojn Beano fg.SO. ■ i . . .rvight. Jt pd. : i~ house and lot !\it. by riven that the on Ut-r b-. Young, Kaeeutor t‘- -I t.ill and testament 01 Lo. t. deceased, Itof Bar .. ».(. N’oi-th Ccioitaa, by vir "I • '* of »a'n and authority 0 .i .1. ctSKcwdy given ia said . < i, .1 Hdamcnt. which wtl has I d. i *• SilMiltm *© probate and r •” i-1 ih« Clerk of Superior .tUc i f Hr mitt County, North 1 . aood of'Will* No. "2,” .'*/ of raid ol’icov, wiB offer • > die suction, for cash . . j V-'h.-st bidder at the I J . n I.'llingtoc. North ' !'«bly, May J, 1919, n j •j ihr fo low o* real ee • . - '•! ‘wmg in tho loam of • • -.1 Carolina, adjoining the • 9. fltewsri, et als. and . ■ . ollowf, to-Wit: •>-VC at 1 Hake on T»oolo\ f* t tt'i-nt of Isabella } ■ .1 .-out North ahoet 86 feet. . . • • art's line; thenea as bis • . y degree En.g SSI fee ii ?i ihr >ee South 26 feat to a i . a iivrtb kae of Uooley Street; .1 'ly.ley Streot West 38< •.' the b-ifianinr.** ! - «av nf March. 1819. <>scak 3. young, j t ut / of W. It. Love WilL • i. '< r spree, A tty., > ■-•.cf. N^nh Carol'mu AVF.RASBORO ITEMS li™. ii T't nee. of Dunfct war i j: Aw '.Tithei0 Monday eurvey f' land. ' _ «' t ie Fowler visited Mis : * -1 •■<!;•>•■ Saturday night. 1 1 • • ‘1 c Bui. Wheeler of Dann ' with her timer, Mr*. • . .t, til Hodges and Mi«s Msrtir •>-t Sn.I.y afternoon with "let nc; and wife span*. • ^ ‘t'l hi; mother in Dnnn, who ■ t i i. r Hudson spent Sondui t- I:* !'?f friend Mils Roworo ■ triad .o know that Mr. W i b thy ir improving, jt ha; " tick for a few days, i.e wil'y to know that Mr. • It r’f baby i* yary Mek. We . •. ..i. Bonn recover. • Hodgei eloeod her school •' •’ -ikirh brought sorrow to t. Co oiks of thii community. . at to-—v ltTr —— •— - * . *• If • * . « H ! J /■ ; : 1 '( 1 I t ^‘inquent List ! ,:! ' '• s' in April 1 will pub- i v - - r'-* tar payers and will - v calc to satisfy the tu. t now you may be i "■ t’-.is advertisement •f*' • ’ * tv.’Wished the first ‘.Apr-;!. ... <.. . • .. . __ _ _ ^GTON, Kwif Ka'-ject County. 1 I :.r ... rtninwiriiM—i ' •w I IS YOUR COW LAGGING? t Most cotton counties in the State have already pledg ed their farmers to a reduction in acreage. To them we extend our congratulations and thanks. Their mn the salt of the earth. They are determined that the South** prosperity shell continue ^ obKmtloo. to t£> counties be fulfilled. Have You Failed To Do Your Will your county be one of the very few coun> cotton belt? The answer is to be found in YOUR do i»" YOU ud YOUR neighbors and YOUR county are going to be brand ed. ; ' . ■_ . •• qu A fcb,i,c °pilik>.n1“ ?°»n up for PUBLIC 5HAJN.I . the mAviduaL the county or the State that do« not folio, the “Infallible Plan." H >1:1 All Cotton and Reduce Acreage One-Third. ; . 1 : . • ► i m. ^ i%'. Cotton Association ► i > r ■ < . P S. ^ We expect to publish at an early date the names | or the slacking counties. j i I . • : »♦♦♦♦♦<*♦.<ttmtinttniftnmittni ... RAINBOW BELT \ L . ■ j V. . • ' •'* . I \\ :• j ,V • ‘ V V.*-. IS GIVING UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION IN All THE LARGE MHJS THROUGHOUT THE NATION, USED EXCLUSIVELY IN DUNN BY TL2 TtLGH . MAN LUMBER CO., G.F. POPE ANDIE /BERRY BROS. & COWELL CONSULT OUR AC3NT, THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO., WHEN AGAIN IN NEED OF BELT OR TAKE THE MATCH UP 1^ RECT WITH US. . I Standard Supply THE BEST IN MILL SUEPUES

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