» THE DUNN v*< • DUNN, IL *t*t*l* EBERT DECLARES THEPEACETREATY i NOT ACCEPTABLE Says Terms Comlemplata Phy aical and Moral Paralysis of Germany GERMXHV CANNOT ACCEPT DtoUrM Hli CoiiMin.nl Will Not AciofH ihe Tarmii Has Na Inten tion of Riai|sisg Berlin. Sunday, May 11.— Declar !ng tha terms of paarr presented by tha Allied and associated govern ments to Germany "contemplate the physical, mural and intellectual para Irma uf the German people; that ' ’ Germans were hypnotised” by state ments made by President Wilson and that ha, himself, is looking forward to tha future "with grave appreben i lion,” Presiji.nl Ebert said today that he atill hoped that American demo cracy would not accept the treaty framed at the peace conference lie rejected with disdain the suggeitiun that the present Herman government would resign rather than accept or reject the terms, saying that the gov ernment would “bold out to the end.” “When in the course of 2,000 years." he asked, "mi ever a peace offered a defeated pcohile which so completely contemplated Its physical, moral ard intellectual paralysis as do the terms enunciated at Versail les?" “In his message to Congress on I'ccamber 4. I»17. President Wilson said: ‘Thr frightful injustice com mitted in the course of this war must wm uMiur |vwn wtMimg m atuiiMii injustir. on Germany and her allin* < The world would not tolerat* Om com- 1 mission of a similar Injustice »i re- < prisal and realignment." tin hi* mtanage to (loagrc** re- j ferred to in the foregoing, delivered ' when he naked that a state of war I be declared to 'exist between the ' United Stale* and Austria-Hungary, • President Wilton aaid: "The wrongs, the Very deep 1 wrong*, committed in Lhli war must 1 be righted. That of coolW But 1 ' they eanout and mast not be righted 1 by the commission of similar w _ i and feurtean points. w .akanlng will be terrible and • we all look forward to it with gravest apprehension*. In the face of the cold, nakod reehties we still con sciously cling to the faith which foond its epitome in tha names of Wilson and the United State* end the con ception of the democracy of the Lea gue of Nations." “We cannot believe that this haa aD been an illusion and that the con fidence and hopes of a whole people her? been dyed in a manner unknown to history. • Even now optimists are saying ‘Wilson wQl not permit it, he dare not poaaibly permit it.' " The president added that he and bio party could not blame the Pan Germans for tha "Immodest haste with which they are now digging up their former speeches and editorials .n which the social democrats and other belief in President Wilaon'e program. “I and my collceguca," he said In conclusion, ‘upon whom rests the terrific burden of the forthcoming decision*, hope and pray the German people who staked all on President Wilson and the United Staten, shall no*, find thomaelVra deceived. If,' however, the American democracy ac tually accepts the pretent peace term* as its own It becomes an aecosapliee, and whan a better of political black mailer*. it surrenders the traditional American principle of fair play and sportxnanship and trails the Ideals of true democracy in the dust. Notwith standing the might now covering it. •tending the might now covering it, | have abiding in the futore of the German people and in the enconquer ohillty of ita wut Thli people, which haa given the'world eo much in science learning and industry moot not go down to oblivion. Il Mill haa a cul tural million to perform and ethical treasurer. to hwto"" Praaidont Ebert elowd hi> etate mant by declaring <>• prownt govern ment would “b3d out to the lam" nnd scouted the ide» It would ‘make ,oooi for Other, to. accept or reject Ika treaty." CAMP RRAGC TEAM ADDS ONE VICTORY Fayetteville, M.y 11.—Camp Bragg defeated the Duke baMbell team hern hy a wore of 9 to S. Whitman bald Iba vUlton eafo throughout, allowing only three weltered hita, two of which were wcured by Car porter, Duke wo und been man. The Camp Hragg bat ten hit Quin hard and conhiatently, Hora getting throe mfetiaa and Brick ntt. Kutehma and Bteveru two oaeh. The K>Idler, put up a good game in (ho Held, working together smoothly, though n catch by Wood .worth, of -Doha, wa. the boot Individual play of the game. _ _ The woreH- H. K. Duke.* » « Gamp Bragg---9 9 4 Dettori..: Quin and Stewart; Whit man and Weutberbead. Umpire: Mr. Boyle. , ’ Kenneth F. Howard I. making or rnngomanta to ope*, an .metric ahoy in Dunn Ho will bo located in Hu HlgbtmHk building nod win be read] foe huoinem oa*t wwk He I. a nrac Meal electrician and will be able k do anything in the electrical line. H< win aleo carry a Meek of Art ore. am material. Peal tent la tim are provided for met , who pro urfortunate in their aaWc Ooo of lawyer* ASKS FUNDS FOR STATE’S WOUNDED Mr*. Pride Jon*» Make* Appeal Through Hall o( State*, Naur York WANTS PROVISION FOR . MEN IN HOSPITALS Mr. Jon*. la Now Rinlif th* Car*. Ha* Do A Mainly *n Hor On Pumi Fool. Humiliated That No Souther* Seal# Ha* Mad* Appro priation For Thi. Purpoao. Mr*. Prld* Job**. r*pr***atatir** >f the Carolina in th* Hall of But**, istablirhcd in New York for th* car* >f wounded aoldier* by th* co-oper* ion of many SuUi in th* Union, ti naking an appeal to North Caroltn am for fund* with which to care or the three hundred or nor* North larolln* soldier* who are in N*w York lospltal*. The** borm *r« without rirnds and without the boa* touch, nd while they hav* all th* car* that he government can giv* them, It * pointed out that much more 1* n**d d to giv* them happinw* la th* long l»y* of their confinement Contribution* for this caua* may b* ent to Mr*. Prld* Jones, th* Hall of Itati., 27 West Z5th Street, New fork. Mr*. Jo***' Appeal. Her appeal follows: "I know it will be of interest to ’on to know what h being don* In few York for the boyi of North end •outh Carolina. “Hav* yen heard about lh* Hall of It*tee? It is under tho *«p*nrtsia*i f the guverment, represented by th* lew York war ramp community **r Icc It 1* the Large*’, institution of he kind in Nvw York. It really i* a leering house for every nreblem of no returned soldier "A* briefly a* pcuubla I will glee ob an outline of what la being dene, >ut firet I think 1 should tell you am running the Carolina desk main* > on parse. "War ramp 10use, where ’presented, neift bureau We ue* to M that every man la be hospital receives a we looming not* he day after his arrival, an nrvtta ion to call at the Rail of Metis, lotlr* that, if he la confined to the ■oepital, we will call on him, and hat w* stand ready to beta him get nil,' go home and gut u Job. Tm (fleet of thee* personal visits, the giv ng of information desired on many lubjects and the furnlabing of many ittle necessities and comforts have k remarkable effect on the men and lend greatly to their rapid improve, nent and recovery, as ah own la many No Souths re State Ha* Helped "It is with great regret and humil iation that I have to report that ao far no Southern State has mad* an appropriation, probably because there is a mistaken belief that Southern men do not touch this poet. "We should all co-operate and pull together to create an emergency fund to meet tha requirements of than* men. Many of the Northern Stataa have created fund* ranging from five thousand to thirty-five thousand dol lars “If every on* In the Carolina* did their bit for their boy* hero In New York, think what it would paean I I real:te you have had every call mad* upon you at homo, but It la for the Carolina boys here that 1 ask your co operation and assistance. Any amount you may tee fit to contribute for tbl work we aim doing will be greatly appreciated.” CHEAPER WHEAT FROM TOT ] DOWN ASSURES DIRECTOR New York, May 14.—An laae diate redaction In the price of wheat, ■ reaching all down the line from tho producer to the baker, ia believed as* j eared, according to a statement to ned today, by Julius Bamee, wheat director, failo’wing a prolonged con fers net yesterday between Mr. Barnes and rcprunentatlvea. of the grain In daetry, lneledfeg grain handlers, mills, jobber* and baker* MAJOR LAMB ELECTED AS CHIEF OF POLICE Cumberland Want Over Top For VI* tary Loan Several Them and Dollar* Fayette rtlle.May 11—Maj. Robert J. Lamb, cited foe eonapicooae gml tantry tn mopping up German machine gua neats in the HJrvdenbury line, waa alerted bead of FayotUville’a police department by the newly erected board of alderman at Ha first aamton last night Thorn waa only oaa other office beside that of Major Lamb, thto near presented to tha board far this being the preeetit ehtof, J. A. McLeod. City Clerk H. J. MeBele waa re elected to that poet. C. W. Rankin waa alao re-elected city trcacarwr, while Vbn V. Ballard waa elected at torney for the city. Alderwwa E J. Jonea was made mayor pro tampon, and W. T. Jo nee waa elected thief of the Are department, all Urttbovt opposition. That Cumberland county baa sever I at thousand dollar* over its allotment l*f the Victory loan apportionment will be shown whoa tha final Sgoraa . of bond ml** are romp fled waa Rated today by County Chairman 0. C. ,Trier. The banka pf Fayetteville oversubscribed the county'* gaota. i which waa flit,140. Smile aa if yow f*H that way. 1 (-INNING BATTLE WITHOUT ANY RUNS Carolina and Trinity Thrill Spectators Nearly 3 Hoar* With Spectacular Boll DUNN MAN STAR OP CAME Durham, May 10.—In the most ax citing baseball gam* of the *«**■■ her* thir afternoon. Trinity and Carolina played a scoreless tie of fif teen Inning* at the East Durham ball park. It wag the Ont time since IMS that the two college* had met ia athletics, and hand red* of *tod»nts were on hand to urge their player* to their beat efforts. Both learn* bad numerous chances for uifiaa, but on each occasion the I Rruthord for Trinity, and rii*'« for Carolina, ’ighi.ei.eti. enl the fir-t leg of a champion sidy atriot went Without a taily. Pitching honor* were more or torn evenly divided, with the odds in favor of Wiloon The Carolina man fanned nine Methodist*, while Southard cano ed flea to bits the dost. Southard walked six opposing players, but dis tributed the fie* passes to such aa ex tant they ware aot dangerous. Caroline 'i best chane* to score came In the Uth inning, when with on* down Herty rested on third at this opportune time. Polmstor fanned, Powell waa purposely walked sad Robert* flow out to Col*, i. Waanaatakor, Trinity's third sack a* enaielhidaJ * -» »■ *- -» of (ho gome. throw la* oot nine run ner* ut flret without on error to hie credit. DATE IS FIXED TO CHANGE POLICIES Arw bee ties* For Kaehnego of Wot Rich Paliaiae Now Beaag Re Hired Washington. D C —Th. War Risk Inrarence Bureau has tentatively Ax ed June 1 ae the date for tho leoaenae of tho bow Ufa insurance paUedaa for which soldiers, 'milere Bad •e. Tho Bureau hat known that it win not cles aa having lapsed after discharge. a tu may Mi ad pa/mout or has notified tho that ho withe* to caaost hla until ample Uaoe hat boss granted for reinstatement The Bureom't pol icy will be to allow a as idler, tailor or marina to pat bio policy boch in force by payment of baek installment* within e period of dx moo the. Up to the middle of April, Urn Bu reau had paid 105,0*0 clalme fax in turanee awards for death. Only 1, 604 claim* have been disallowed, and i in n good many of those ranee tha action ia net final. AIXRCKP BtgCKAPEB KllJLXD Bed RwelmeeeTPybg. Accwred fiber II ef Sheeting Hta. at He Rea Free. fitilL Seuford, May 10.—Nears of a bloody tragedy, whie hoccurred Wed afternoon at 4 o'clock IS mlleo oowth etd ef this place la Barnett county, near tha Hoka County line, has reach ed this city. W. P. (-'Bud ") Buchanaa, about SI yoare old, was shot through tho body at a blockade Will near bis heme Wednesday afternoon and after crawling In tide wounded condition unaided-to hb boats, died there from the effect! of tho wound about one o'clock tho tmr night. It ia roirnt id that (hr dying au declared that i l* waa aho. by Depoty Sheriff Jmmrw i iptrdy while ha waa la the act of flvo nr from (hi nfllr— ■ A coroner** logo off waa bald rhnmdoT afternoon and. tho jury da ; taxed that tha doroaaod had noaao to lia doath by taat unknown eauee Tho wholo affair aooaaa to ha doodad in w priory. It it reported bora taat Ihrp uty Sheriff* Jaaaa Balmy and Loon McDonald approochod tho otfU whrr* there wore four am, iocledlag Mr. Buchanan, throe of than* lannd in operating tha aMO, aad aaa of them a tpoctotor. Tba offoaia aaptaiod on* young aaa, Smith, aad tha atUl that wont with It, b«t tha other three men nun&e their flfectBt, tad the office ri cUIbi that thy did net know that any one waa ahot. Smith waa carried to Lflltngtea and ptoood la Jail. Tho affair haa c mo tad quit* a aoa aatlon la that saottoa, whoro It la al leged that there la qaite a good deal of illicit diHilling galgg on. It la within a faw mfloa of Comp Bragg. Certain H la that there are largo qeen tltlo* of whUkey la conataat elroute tlon through thU aettra eoctioa of tho State.— Wlhwtagtoo Star. TO- BE IMPOSE BLOCKADE IP GEJUKAMY DOES NOT BICN THE PEACE TEEATT Parte. Iky IA—Tha oorna Ml W law, ooaawoaod of Praaldaa( WB i I ' Tba grootoat religion la oorvtao. Puri Bat Ur, M Ram, Maria Pops, ira4 Winiamiu V.aU f Pram Mpl _ Premslsd Prof . P earth Grade J . Mary Bam. Bath ! lord, Doris Gardner, Margaret Loras, Robert Oar, Jtms W>n>. MDy Primrose, Arthur Tart, John Watsoa, William Bam, John B. Margrave. Pram sSsd Pram Tiff* Grade te Feorth Grade Wish fhel a-' Elisabeth Jsrnignn, Mat Naylor, Dsrid Btaylock, Jomm CiamartSe. Herman. Strickland. Wy«n> Temple, Myrtls DaUey, Bath IN. Prsuited Pram Fsnm Grads te Fifth Grade With First Herar. Moris Jshnwon. LoM* May Weet brook, J. C. Andrews, frank BaOey, Irving Thorn ten. Bo best Jones, Am Baggett, Pnrqnhoid Bo*, Charlotte Hatcher, Herbert HoIUdd. Prsmsted Pram Paerih Grade te Fifth Grade With fra. ad Horn*. Carrie Hodges, Nettle May Strick land, Katie Oodarln, AS rile Hedge*, James Newberry, Ghu Warren, Vance Klnhrw, Darias Koyale, Jock Culp, Darias Ennis, Jeanes Driver, Hugh Godwin, WOlla*. Hattenbech, Len Jeehoon, Henry WhBeheod, Clean Mllson, Myrtle ReynU,Jrtoa tank. Laalaa Dtonlag. Main* !«■«. Boaal* Hobha. iMift Dowd. Edward Pardio, Frank Co Dora. Baa 3owd, Margaret Btffdt, Byenter kdama, Ruth Barer, hrmtotod Pram Fifth to Sixth Credo With Third Honor. _ Robert Britt. Rupert Wad,, Cerlylo Naylor. Prewired Proto We* Grade to «*»•»* Credo With r—« Htotar. Bwaja Lee SraRk . Rftolie Odd sss^asa^ias-iESi! Nool._ fdtt Oliva, Hurt Blaylacfc,_> Otor. Haeeihai Godwin, Cagane Jakgna, Harry Newberry. Oaraold PtoW Praoa otod Prato Mdk Grade to •woo* Grad* WMk ear. jcs-oa^e. u Draughon, Hoary W*M, Nethea Pblitato Kama Arthur, Walter Baur-om, John B. Laa. FtoiMto Bloae. CUraac, Laa Tart, JrtW L. Thowy gsnSSrMBSiBs . .Protootod Pro** Slafh Credo to Baraalh Grad* With Third Haaar. Robert Jomigan Thokaa Gang,* Frawotod Fiww Into* Gredo to jEtarubva. Raih Tonne. Froaotid Prato jeieolh Gredo to Otodo WJ* Stowed Hwtor. _ Dartd CUFord, Ora inula, Arthur ALL TROOPS HOME. , BY SEPTEMBER 1ST '•sSaS£s^=srr2 Whet May Urn HU Last THp a the >aaliM^Oii|l*U^U|a d^Ca. Coblena. Satarday May 10.—Caa »»«ral Pa rah Lap arrived la Oableaa today for what may ha Ida laat o Mela I 'Urit to tha American oteppiad ana. During his ettt ha wtOmmrwe vtth Uaut. Ota. Haatar UmMt Anal arrangements or tha complete wKh Irmwai of tha Aulaat fmem aa de eded upon aoaa three weak* ago at raaanl headquarter* General Pershing tnnrtrmal the Maahiaptan anaounesmut that all, >r at least nearly all, of the laoil aas would bo oat ofPnaea aad Oar uay by September 1. Ho hat tha plana for tha wM noja frpm tha apnpMd __will %a the peace Booty tha troop wttb Inwal from theli laniard wtD go orward with a nah sad If say Ameri cas an left at the bridgehead by hptaakar they will ha few la aaaihai Lad assigned to doty cleaning ap aad hocUng property preparatory to anting It over to tha French Tho noaoa w» like children P that MT MM mmAmmI MHi4 tho-tkoo trt mmturml i» Out they a* nr« of Lhsaor. JIG FERTILIZER PLANT FORMING Mdisi. Wfll Mm Imtrt Daria, lamm.r^u^Wffl l^h Opw» The Bamiaolt Phosphate Company. hot recently |-1-tho ilia mi ha Doan Hardwood tianafectoring !*•. Mtuated Jut math of Dun pa ho Atlantis Coast Lias, wfll begin re seda UngtbehofldhiMa a feWdaya, ___,_this The Idea af the sale sf this i to increase tho Wceklag capt or company. rhey also' in aetabtiehfcag a similar dent at Oelddtro, which wfll give forth Carolina two separate and grant daol to Doan and vicinity ind tba at intarvatad la tbo waif ara or tba tawa ahooht anatrt tba manage ment la nay way poaaMa Carl W fleam. Frematad From Eighth Grade to Nlath Grade With Fint Hooor. Locil* Arrack, Looiaa Pridgen. Fra anted Pram Eighth Grade to Ntath Orada With iooaad Hoaov. Locilc Ciaol, Roth OoIp, Uoy Pop*. Maggie Thome*. Bertha Waathreok. Orrea Dowd, Pool Strickland, Qaorgo Wllaoa, EHcabotb Eaa.ll. Emily New batty. FnaAt.d Pram Eighth Grade to Nlath Orada With Third Haaar. Plaiwaoa Holliday, Reby Crockett, ntmlt Maamngill FttartadPita Nlath Orada to Taath Groda WNh Plrot Haaar. Lola Ayeeek, Mary Baggett. Mar garet Wad*.' Frameted From Nlath Orada ta Taath Grade With laaaad Haaar.. Theme. Hood. Jack Jordan, PaHoa Lao. PM Lynch. Lacy Pop*. Mary Baltay, Ovolta Britt, John Howard Promoted Pram Ninth Orada to Taatk .Grade WMh Third Hoaor. Haartta BmHh, WQRam Wado. Frameted Prom Taath Orada t. Elooeath Grade With Pbrt Haaar f » - ■ m III A_ _ I _ n-1 LtlWOM dTltffn, MNnIV flwwgfC PaHoa, baa Pagh, Margaret Taylor Premeted Pram Tooth Grad* M R laraath Grad* WMh lataad Maom Thom at Vernon Smith. Jr.. Aanyi Lott Honryawtt, Oerltadt Prig*. Fremiti d Pram Taath Orada h Rlevaath Grade WHb Tided Haaar ‘ laoc Nloaa, LUBaa Bttgkiatia Bath Wmthnifc. QUICK RETURN FOR AMERICAN TROWS WW In CoMan* That They Will Bn Out «f Oecuptod Gmrmmnr *J J— 1 LEAVE SOON AS GERMANS SIGN THE PEACE TREATY Cohlrna, May U.—If tto Ganmaa* ( ssnSjfcfiLaSS aaite, will to aot of the oornpUd dto 1 artet of Oenaaay ky /oao 1. or aoaa I ■ftor that data, rirdhn to report* S la circulation is Cohan. ] It la aadaialaod that tto flnt, aae- 1 mu! and third repalar B ‘ i to thoaa to rnaaia for nactloq with turniar french control if i aapt tto poaoo eoadkiana, it la Hood preparation* win I diotoly for tto ratoal ■ Iona, to withdraw to L 1 “WwSSKJsj' toW to*. Pmch to. tut 4 i’saj^ruSSxi plaaa far tto withdrawal ad the 1 »f roarat, will to 4 Ci I General * •ha cor re i •oald to the port of too 4 inajr ia oroat tho (luain do aot ] ign tto treaty, aaid It mqr to do- • waded upon that Aanaica will do * »er part, whatovo* that aa| .to. J In connection with tto ran all that 4 H tto Aaurca