WE DOW DESPATCH mm? miTrsrLnss A'Bw. M. C, nlti A Mt ri Hank a. Uft. 0« ymr-..--|UI -k - — -- *. a la • pabtlc B _ wbat to Mi ka mcH kook M )M MM ■poo II M*a A* Arif, oari plaaarri to read Am all. Arif by Arif. Mr. Bdboo Bu tain oat Mil pot •oto far baaotiooa Aon oay »Aar ha ff.r&is; HIM tiri miu la mama at Ant oioaly uiaa par ent karri work. HA rob tar ancraaa io: “Naatr took ot Aa clack axaapt to ko oara tkat you «ot to work oarty la Ao moib ’ Upon katas aafceri “Wtot will koop a pcraaa from doios «M| " kb re ply a to tka off act. "Koop too baa Arbanokt^tkiop fnatly. HU poopto^oro'leonodTto toko rood oaro of tMr kooHk. Hla ptAcnrihAn aari Ua giaari* . fatkawNaa »n k.-• *-— 1 « ~ M r* kb fathar aad aU <bkU■ all Iteod la ba anr ninety. Mr. Bdbaa baa kaaa aaad to verhims Ions boar*, ■hirtton bo baa jaat slept on a roach oa bb odleo far a fra boon aad than rbaa aad |M to work aamln. Mr. Edison Uriahs mat people harm toa^onMl an Idea ri ftri If era womdaifal woaksto natujoT^ire abd bar* a Wcnar Mo* of • God'i rreat ans aad savor-—JmnJor Work! FACTS ABOUT THE SALVATION ARMT] By ELIZABETH TYLER Nr aM la rotors ni chat Nay m Ilm( by thatr ovory day •“■•N *• Web tk* Christianity our •uvior tmakt wbll* aa aartb. kUay tvidtara tall of tka woadar N *** ihu kalvatlaa Any haa dona OYtrMtt. To B* Umti ll *PI Wtmml about lb a l vort b«t It b IW it bo kbi of work u4 wnbi *ka Salvation Army kaa always *rvw* k*ra at knmi at oar vary uwa dean. It kaa tkkaa tk* atortai udd ky tk* rvtrraini aatdtan who hava coma to kaow tka katvaUau Array to bata« about tkia wava ot popularity Cor tka 8si ration Army, km tka Army baa at wayw warkad and aarvad aa tbay ora kow tarring. K roach*# a claaa of paopia that ■o other roUpVma orcnaUaMos caa or attempt* to rooek Tho bmb ond woman that aro loo ra«cad and ml* arabla to attaad tba aarrlta* at pur ahurchaa—tkay roach Usa poverty thkt hldaa and ahrlaka M tba byway* of Ilk. A mi or woman caa aavar (ail aa law, but that this army at •nraaai wowmi stretch out a recpiix hand Ui 111 am. Braty man. woman aad child la Amartcn shoold contribute to thla Ilmaa Bmrtsa fund bacaoaa thorn la mat a sonar la oar balorad land, hoaravar ramnta that doaa sot raealra dltact bonafll from tha Balrattan Army, tar ttrty par east of tha popa tailao at tha oltlaa la mada op ad hoopla that ooma tram ,»moH towaa aad tram thoaa ramotr aaclk>n» aad Unaly par cant ad tha boya and stria that apaaal to tha Batrathm Amy fur aralataaca ara thoaa who hara coma to tha largo ottlaa aad And tham Min aaatmal to tha atrnggla tor aa lataooa. •’ Tha BalnUaa Amy conduct. Ra» tua Homan Day Maiwortaa. Uoaaa tor tha tlalalaaa aad Aged aad BUad. todgtsg Honaaa tor tha man aad worn aa i hat »ra wpabta to pay aad baa rhuUo- It sxtooda Ua aarrloaa arary whe.-e that mtairy aad pororty artada aarad bit I fa that Ma M Bargaaat Jamar McCoy od Co. X ITU Infan try. Bargaaat McCoy U tha proad ... ad tha Crotr da Ooarra. aad tha taroaaa Bolgtnm modal tor brse ary waa among tha drat Amartoaaa to Join tha Allies ta tha groat world war. ~U waa on my twcaUath birthday. Aogatt b. HU. la tha famooa Argooaa rma: that I raealrad dra marhtaa gna botlaia ta my loca as a tort od a IditUn praaant from tha Hon.' •nr* Pafgayat McCoy, od Camp Oor dak. atbrni'A. Ok. aa ha extolled tha warn it hr BalrnUon Army abroad. -Tv ma ut ballata (ram tha aa eht.a rough! ma to tha grooad wtlh v.adrada od ou comrades la apt*.c j ua pain. I cm»tad along, aad attar aobtag two mtlaa towards a trot .4 .tattoo I tall la a tatat aad lay with shot aad .abslt burat tng -a mad mo. 1 will aaaar know wb. f-mad ma, bat whoa I awakened ; *k looking lata tha ayaa od,a trail *d pi—4 f hi tha band* of fly ■***> ""Tadaa aha aaak M tha F"»t ahMMdMK." * ««jr aha uf tha maay thtaca 1 «a*w at ooaccmla* ttc Pal I** **■)'“d thalr work atik (ba Hwopa abroad. Thay ara “*• fit hrtaadi w. Un. sad U y *»drlaaa public caa only ba told * 5" y ?* «* thab- harala daada at IU.0PMP4, *t!£d*£r" ^ "tZ,*" alb Amy. wtu b. but .laTuM ****** «* **• *»“d» actaaUy no at rad. .*ftM* *J~* •* **• Ajpprloaa aoMten aheaU uwaya toua aad pappoat tha SalraUca ** *hay on that waodarful or iaataaUoa a dabt at fratttada. tor by yy** t* tahtti ChHottaa aar ?“***“ *ttautwd la tha baarta at **• **•« broach Mr Oihtlac min, *** * Ckrl* Qu itrAy ”* •*Nt **»■» id^ ***. * **• tnUalac cam pa. which will If®* *» “t boar trott that will |tn tha world tha drat raal taata ot da ■oeraay. Haauaa Explain Why _**.y **•*!■* worda Print* fT. «t Sddaboro. M. C, auma P y«t ha baa aaau at tha wart at y yttoo Army abroad. Private ?!.*■* ■ tnanba* of Ootapaay _ • ***** lofaatry, waa aavatwty wound ■* f <*• aarty batU— at aaliaowa. 2f» *• y oa bla cot at Fort Mo ™y°« Hospital. walUu« thaw to y* y wnoaila Inflicted by tha Kly ba »“ at hla happteat parted. *• bo f’aaaarad tha wort at the Sal »«ty Atwty. hath ban aad abroad. . f*— ba laaraad ot the eoated ana* la May tor additloaal tor *5 *y* tha woaadad boro ■aM: *1 lap* I ate oat by that ttou “i tt ! M DO*, thin in t^baaia VMM go far ill vil* to UU tha Mopfa at thfa etna try lust vhat tha Salvation Amy Vanda tar, vhat it dM tor tu boye under abed Bra. ta tha fewpitela. and. fa Cbm. avaayvhara va mat. tha Hnlloa Amy warfear vaa Wad to ha than. Tkla la ao adver “■*”« oawpafaa. dor all tha boy a vOl dare to do la to tall tha truth of thta mat wart and tha great American MbUe vfll do tha real* dorgaaot George Haidars ea, at •eaheoarnis. Dl, who vaa —Hr* U Chataaa Thierry, la taaowlag tha ■rtMfa of Private Oort and organ Wag tha dtachargod soldier* ad Hor Ida to pat over tha galvattaa Amy Drive ta hla boon* state, aa the Snl railoa Amy ao ably aaatatad to pat ivor drive after drive ta the rmlaal taye af tha great world war. ~We doughboys know bow ta balg, tad we an goiag to do It.” aaya Ber leeet Haadaraoo. Tba Salvation Imy eared eot far abet or ah ail. for fiaarka arm never know tba grate todo aba ovao to tha gatvattaa Amy tad tha eeoat w at IIvaa tlat thta little •tardy band of vorhata anvod by their fearless actions ta tba greatest of all Ighta Haa diode af Valomoata have ooaoa to oer odot from thooa who know V the Satvetton Amy's verk ta tha tree chao Thera vfll be no vital abaaga ta tha •dmlalatratten at tha verb. Tha Tam Douriaa Qtrl vfll no langar ctruatata moac an. however, event at devo tional esrvtoM The Me drive ta (or loads to raptoM this amlltag leasts •ad relfaaa hear trots eoUacttag ——n ibaage to devote bar entire time to • work of mercy. Tha people at dearies vfll bo asked to eca tribute race each year to stead af all tha year ■etmd to tha Ralvattan Amy And par •stoats tta work. Boras of the Moot prominent jmoo is ha Hath vfll toor thta eeetton of ho eonntry ta tha tetaraot of the Iriva. Judge J. fl. Bayoolda. (orator )y tot letter Oaaarel of tha AtpaU Clr nilt and one at tha bast known lew rare ta tha garth, la ehntraaa of the iptakar eoauatttee. Ha has gather'd •boat hla aeaa who have weds good n their raagnetlve fan and who vfll ipash In the behalf af the flelvattaa imy Drive. Among the prantaaa* speakers who rtn toor the Strath are: Judge Kar ma Bart, af Ooorgla; Dv. b. B. ’balk. Valter P. Anfrewe af Atlanta. CIlf ord WalkM Attorney Oeaeral tor leorgta, Hov. lean Harlan, a Mar fay Candler. Georgia Jtallroad Ooaa ■Iwtanar. Hooper Alaaaadar, Die trie Utoraag. and fanny others. TbO Salvation Amy la not baaing U Btaa (or funds M Ma war record t has behind K ta Amorim tarty -earn of work aa thoroughly and eea ictaattrtVy rtedered as van tha sort Baak-aotaa and aH graarbaekj ara • fail of bacint that altar tba Klaa hda had countad an araraca a1 a iUUoh dad a quartar la aach, tba* ah araatJnc thaaL Aaaoa« lha dUaaaa-prodaeiuc baa rHa found upon tba aaaajr war* ar-tbut^..^,, ^paa. I>ta«d 2Tyr«l»ilaa! ‘ftt^ldSirtMa^aSSaa 'arybadp rto baadlai bcmj ta uraab Mr haada Iraqaaatlp ia aoap aad Mar.—Aauartaaa lay. ItPOUT OF WOMAN* VIC TONY LOAN CAMPAIGN PON HAJUfCTT COUNTY sgafgggg 0 - — --1—! IS * • » * * jo . . • , * BUSINESS LCC.V. : * **+*•**’. LUT YOUR lAXfc.5—STATE AWL t.Madl*\ . Ml*. FOR STEAM. IjCT V/A'i. R. V * ;u *»» i a 4. u»r i > ;•&•<* I unxHiat A ! *h' J> ?, c ttrr.. B,.tk. u&‘. btA'.'l ^ liOsI]ER~TAFi",r^U0 POUNDS, trasri.'^f’^’.via MONEY IN AMCRJNts FROM U, 600.SO up to Improved town ,fMS* WW’ l**W «■» R L. Godwin, AtRjmo*, Duan, N. C-ti. UST YOUR TAXES—STATE AND Cotfnty. Jaa Poarapll. BEHNINC PIANOS MB CREATED to «xc*IL Thap-4q| That la why they aro tha UOk"it tho country.! Said by Parrlah-DaltV On. Charlotte, will bainfcunn at Cantra) Hotal on Wcdasoddy, Hay 28; In Duka at Dr. Hqlt’sio® cs oa Thurs day. Hay SO. NJi doctor limits bis practica to tla troatmsnt of •P». «•*. noaa ani Throat dlaaaaaa and fitting giatasd Ask yoar fsmi m trz'tia€ Dr DON'T WAIT. DIG.YOUR PIT NOW and install a Calfric Plpoteaa Fur naca. Banos 60 far oaat foal bill, kaepa wateiwipqa 4m fraarlag. Ask soma of tkt.M la Dana about Caloric. W« hafbjaat rscstead a car load Calorieal Baa B. B. 8B*b. Hgr. Dunn HaatfA Light Co., But ter Bros. 8tua I JUST RECEIVED—A CAR LOAD of aattraaass. "Steabow supply you with anything^fwaatS Ste lias. Prlcaa raagJ<rom ti 00 to ItS.OO. Batter3$0>uaS. N. C. JOHN W. HODGES SAYS SCBEENS »« »haa dfctsra and that ba win aoraau pqar boexb, doors or windows 'oa shorfNfeties. Ha aaa •aka any alas. flSK^ta bafora buying. Undte tb^ Water Tank. IUY A -CAJUORIC^ P1PRLESS RJR. J“* «*»*ad. JUST RECEIVED A SOLID CAE of Bad Cadar akin las sut at Van aourar, BtR* O lumbia. Thasa •hmglaa trwaK trom 4 to 14 toebaa wlda. Na> T quality at 97.SO par thauaand Bqa us for 1m madiata daRvary. Butter Bras., Dunn. N. C. J BEFORE • • fNBVAxiMC YOUB atecttla Baht pladLorwater works, saa DaaaBaat A B^t Co., Butter SEVERAL or MTtMtk of 1919. Pi FARM, ONE Dm Also good raflefc going *7, toga. WUJ ■loo ooll crop 1 tap time, balance far ,-- Jt fnitkar information one O. & Lae, Dona, w. C. tf. 3 qaalitloL end good act Moon at M cU’a factorp FOR SALS—I HaItR A GOOD tfcrachlng marfcYaLjh a.il or rent. / W. M- HaUkor, Croak, N. C. *-l-4t.\ V. K. HARD AN • lilrriari I'l.yalcian, Hare von aad Dae line ’ i'HONKS: Dap, SO, Night S10 * DUNN. N. G • * • o • JVU P. • ATTOBNKY • • Dana, • • Ofltoo ©tot • • * Buna formerly occapioB by B. • • -7U Godwin. Practice In aB • • Court*. Prompt Attention • • to an Baalncaa •> • J* C cAford, lJ. A. TownMwd. • • CLIPPOND A TOWN8BWD • AUaraeyo-at Lav • • OAa* ea tad Boor of Plrat Nat- • • total Bank. Prompt atlontloa * » fhroa U all --TT • •••••••••#•• • JOHN A JP.itNICAN • DENT 1*1 • 1MMT Pint National Dank • Bvddlatr Phono Mo. Rl • * •••••*• ATToii^rr"ATTLA »r • • OAco; Baavjto HaMoaal • *"“'ofl Courte * —J SkMatmH** — B Bwl K. j If■ tbo^moaoy earoB oat of vW> I ANNOUNCEMENT To Farmers and Fertilizer Users. s \ / y Company is now making arrangements to in . stall at its recently purchased plant here, complete and up x to-dkjte machinery for mixing fertilisers for the farmers of Dunn and vicinity. Our plant which will be located on the old Dunn Hardwood Mfg. Co., site will be rea4y for operation on October 1st, and our capacity the first irmstm will be not less than 15,000 tons. We will be in position to mix your fertilisers with any fertilizer ingredient you IT1AV JfcYwl Will -^ _a _ _ 1 I -r- --- ''•“j — pruuuci. Our prices will be low and the presence of this plant in your community will mean thousands of dollars to the farmers who will patronize it. We are also installing a similar plant at Goldsboro for the benefit of the farmers of that section of the State and we are establishing offices at Fayetteville. Our product has been sold in this State for a number of years under the name of SOFOSCO, and those fanners who have used H are highly pleased with the result and each year increase their order. Mr. Lewis L. LeBar and Mr. D. H. Looney, from the ' *■■*■■*I it r >om1 T~>r in Dunn and those who would like to know more about L* well to consult either of the above named .. They' will be glad to give you any information desired rel ative to onr plans and work. Seminole PhosphateCo. // II SAY, pottH have a atraak of anohahtck that’ll JB P^^Jyn^nwhaiaotor, all right, if youH ”£■" with a jimmy pipe pr dgarotta paper* and nafl aooaa Priooa Albert far pairing!

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