What EDISON has done for the COUNTRY home: ! He has made it possible for even the most isolaud home toeojoy the genuine Edison Electric Light— identically the same as used in th» larg+at citi—. He has created “The 171_U-_ BF.91 PRIZE FIGHT SEATS FETCH R chard Aanaaneo* Raage o( Willard Oaa yuy Enit Frk» For Joly 4. Toledo, 0., May I*.-—Reservation* fi r mu for lh« proposed heavy wo:rtht title fight bvtwaen Jeaa Wil lard aud Jack Dcmpaey here on the afternoon of Joly 4, have aggregated I7G.O00, aclording to A. Q. Thacbar, matchmaker for the Toledo Boxing Commiaeiun, who il eeeieting Tex Hickurd. the promoter, in arranging for the battle. Rickard arrived here today and an nounced that price* for the boot would rang* aa folio on: fio, S1G, SSS. SSO. 940, «60. and 990. with 1,600 mat* oa aala at the Mghaat named Agora Rickard animated from the dimiod for raaarvaticam that there will be 47,600 other* rang ing down to 910, which will be 260 feat from the riog. The Toledo Athletic Club, the eom mlmrtoa'* official headquarter* ha* __ haen tururd. qver .and hi* P»P«r men._ ASKS JOHNSTON TO STOP Baaaaa Maa Say* Mem Worth Thea aaadi of Dollar* Are Dailf The Real,Harm R. L. Flower*, of Benaon, 1* a rwom foa of the blockadcr. He eeyi there I* hot another man In the United Sta taa haa don* the work ha haa done in trying to break up thia form of crime. He state* be haa worked in aia differ ent count!** trying to tel) the people what it take* to suppress liquor traffic. He argea Johnston county people to put an end to blockading. His views are stated In the following latter which he haa had published in the Smilh/lald Herald : “I wish to lay something In behalf of our good friend J. Ali Wall, who gave hi* life trying to uphold the moral* of our county. Now let every body atop and think for Just ana mo ment who is reinonaible for his mur* der, the bkickaders, or tho public. I wish to toy it’* tho public who to re sponsible (or such • high-herded crime. Whet happened last summer ia that section? Wasn’t on* Charlie Sterling murdered end BO ose pun ished for tho crime? Charlie Stal ling was supposed to bo an informer oa tbs bloc leaders. Then was tho time the public Mould hart risen up and put all its might in suppressing tho guilty partlss who did this murder. Tho person who informs on the block ed*™ is runing more risk than any one else. An officer has got more pro tection than an ordinary person When he goes out raiding stills be uau sityhas several men with Urn. There isn't any one wbo regrets the kflltng of our Deputy Sheriff Walt any more than myself, but MU-.the killing of ooa good man will be the meing ef lives of others ia many ways. I have bean trying to suppress blockading and blind tigering for ever five years. No one baa fully coene to my aid yet. I have not only put in ■I tins, but have spent my own money as wall. It to thought by a good many people that I am getting god pay. But tbs kind of pay I have been getting is a coming ovary now then. But I am man enough to take it and most any thing elan they want to put on me. “T have this much to my, tf the pub tic wants to sopptrem the llquar traps It win have to bo men appointed to of fice who are fully usmpstsiit In ovary »uy to newunpitsh anything In tho «**»ftitng out whiskey. . I hova not only boon fighting them hero la »«rcounty but have beea go tog Into the'courts sad fighting thorn to a finish.^There la tho pleee ta do *k* ♦»* If the courts could way. • It to bettor to send one Ott off for five years than five man one year sack “It looks Use saying too much, hut I my and am riot boasting either, that "MjUmr saan In tho whole i®*!4*? done the work I have to trying to break up blacked hW „I hV» » Si. different eoaatiaa trying totoU what It takes t« Mquor traffto and the asgoma j get ye they are afraid they wlH be burned out or shot. The blockade™ have bad over ft™ run to •Hoot but kftVtVt nt but fear aet, fee the Lord to with so am naen are against us. “Now I want every person to think what oar forefather! went through when this country was settled. Non are you going to sit and let your Led peoplo be mordered bv a »>t of notarL oua blockadere? And hereafter mind what k'nd of local officers you elect in your townships. Don't elect men who want office. Klact men whe want for officers. Now, I know wnet 1 am saying, for I know who la who in many ways, for I have cotno in con tact with maay different people. The blockader isn't Ute only person you rkeuld fear. The person who ie aid ing and abetting is doing more barm than the fellow who goes oat to make whiskey. "Berne of the men who are worth thoaaands of dollars are doing reel haua to osr eoantry. They are far Stefir ire&sr*, ~ drunkards Now, all fair poo pie, are you going to sit atm i let notorious people ruin the morals of the best county in the United Sta tes sad (till let It remain the worst ’blockading section yon can Sad any where? “ I want all you church daacoaa and school committeemen to think what you are responsible for and get to work as a body of aaen should. And think what I have done without your aid. "Your* truly, ■r. l. ruowrRs." Fresh Running Water Jam tarn on the faucet and let the Home Water System do all the pumping and cany the water preeeen » Where yen use Is whenever yon went!. It cum oat the drudgery en the term. Yoa *• ■ hr pry Lweder larmer. la,000 «heady la sea. _ DUNN HEAT A LIGHT CO. »• ». Slick, Mcr. OAe« Rutlar Brotkara Star* TAG ON DKINKi r ah p ‘ fOW Si ANY PENNIES . WS**lfr*L,Ttor IS-—Notarltk S' «*varamant mint It ±zi?2T a •*1* Rj®*** W osa-oant placao, an r°» • Raymond T. Bakar United Sulaa mint director, aatkorte laF,“^*,bl?_.wor!Ein« ■“« la tea Pkit •fipita “*"*■ Tka Baa Fra nr lace mint <■ colninc panniaa at tka rate ol *<>«.«••» *V.nkl». tka Darrrair mini jjJ^j^SjJM.OOPjfcUly. Reft drink boaaaa rateHnc to tka faatidtoaa Uatai of tka pakUe ara makinc kanvy and conatant damanda far paantaa Wkaa tka luaary tan Brat want late a#aet tkara wan 11400.000 panniaa an Hand In tka tkraa mint*. Slara may 1 ovary panay atarad away kaa kaaa pat late airaatatioB, and tka white ara kaapiac only a MOO work NOT!" OF ADMINISTRATION H>vln~ qualified u administratrix W i W. Ellington, late af Barnatt County, North Carolina, the ia to notify all patacas hiring alatma against tha eatato MS mid daaaawd to exhibit thw/n to too anSsndgned OB or before Um T ib/ef April, 18*0, or this notice Will Be pleaded la bar of their recovery/ All paraam indebt ed to add estate w.U plea as make Im mediate payment, rraaklln T. Dupree, A tty Angler, North CetsUis. NOTICE or SALE or ROAD RONDS Or DUKE TOWNSHIP, HARNETT COUNTY. The Coiam tool oners ef Daks Town ■kln, Barnatt County, will widw sealed proposalj for the purchase of Shirty Thoaeand (fit,000.00) DoUan in Bonds of said CaaomMenaiu, ta wed under authority of Chapter *|T, Public Local Laws af ISIS, up to l*e o’clock p. m. May Stth, It IS. Said bonds will be Issued In isnem instiens of f1000.Oil each, unless oth erwise prescribed by the purchaser, will bo dated May 1st. ISIS, and bear Interest from dOs at dx par cant, payable semi- y, both principal sod interact la tha CKy of New YoA, All'll bends to mature seri ally taooVch-WMne en tha 1st day i of Max, lbSt^add fSOOO.OO aaaaally hereafter antll the entire issue la paid without option of prior paymeat. The Board reecrvas the right to reject aay and all bids AU proposals will be nma.^1 eh. el__5 _l.ae mWmrnam designated, to-wit: lire o’clock P May 28. 1018 at tha office of The Erwin Cotton Mills Comps ay. Duke, North Carolina. For farther particulars address the Chairman or Sac rotary at Doha, North Carolina. E. 8. YARBROUGH. Chr.. F. M. McKAY. Secretary. | - NOTICE OF SALS OF LAND Pursuant to an order of the Court or the re sale of tha lands hereinafter described in a special proceeding ea titled “J. L. Fowler, and others, against John W. Riddle,” now pend ing in Harnett Buparlor Court, I win offer for sal# to the highest bidder, for cash, the aooond tract of load described la the petition aa amended, being more accurately described ac cording to a surrey made by Goo. E. Prince at the instance of the under signed Cumnddeioner, as fellows: Located ffi Grove Township soar the Dakf Towrutiip line, is Harnett County, hounded aad described, as folloM; Begtnnhsf at a Make »n<1 pointers near US East adng'bf the branch, aad runt N\46 4FTTl.40 chains! old call N. 48 W, 21.SO chains) to a Hake | known * the Fowler aad Avery com er la Z. Byrd’s line jtheacc as his laa and the Fowler lias 1*748 1-2 E. IS84 tains ioM call N. SO E. 14.04 chains) te a stake with one p4na aad two peat oak pointer* Z Byrd’s ooroer la tha Uoe of the IT 12 acme bought of the Erwin Cotton Mills Comps*yj thence • that Hoe 8. 48 E <oid call 8. 41E.) 4.80 chains to aa Iran Hairs with pointers, Z Byrd's earner, also a com er of the • 1-2 acre tract in the Mae of (he 80 8-4 acre tract; thence as that Jfoqijjl R^ydjc^M^EM^ MO maple with one pins' pefaSn^B call B. 10 V. 1 chain*) IV— « y 8-4 W. 10 oka te the he^aatagThdi: Mining 28 T-8 acres. - , Terms of Bala: Pan half cash cyon ceaflrmatioe by tha Court, balance on, December 1st, 1818. with six par seat Interest from date of sale. Place of Sato: Municipal Building, Dunn, N. C. Date of Sale: Mev ?4th, 1818, at' 12 o’clock M. J. C —J-FORD, Commissioner. (TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Present* May Come—Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my aathfae tion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings far tha voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of aB the stockholders, de posited Jm-my Office, that the Purdie Hooka <CodbpanO a corporation of thle 8uuAM>cm principal office la in the town of Dona, County of Har nett, State of WSrth Carolina !J. W. PuitLie Ming tha agent therein sad la charge thereof upon whom proems may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter tl, Re viaal of 1808, entitled "Corporations,’* preliminary to the issuing of this Car Uflcate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, I/V # sw*. , oi won* | Carolina, do kmbj certify that tha said corporation did, on. the 80th day of April 1918, 4b in my often a duly executed and attested eonaant In writ [ing to the dissolution of mid corner I a lion, executed by aU the stockholders {thereof, which said consent end the record of the proceedings a tors said ere now on file in my said ofics as pro Tided by law. In Toatlmony Whereof, I have here to eat my hand and affixed my official eeal at Raleigh, this 80th day of April, 'A. D. 1819. i. BRYAN □ RIMKA. Secretary ofStat* Chiropractic Not Mediates, Not Surgery, Net Ostee path; *—1—<1 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUBTMRim fer acute er Chronic Aibsswte. I DR. O. C. BLU6TT, l CHIROPRACTOR Mondays* Taoadays and Wtdneedays ef eachweek , >«« emeonl of nan nice K their vaults. I,eat asonth treasury officials mate tha three men tha coined 18,0*8,000 peaaba. , I THE BIGHT HOUR WORK DAT It I* nawBl that Mi« pcaca eotifar «vee In Parte hu apptwvad of aa .Ifhuhfror tefltt all watan an arm tfca world. Tkla to wteat Ito tokat uatoaa ton boon atrtvtaf far. Aa athar rtatkiy far argmalatd worteara. Into bow tha «toa aaaa at *a pa*** DUNN HEAT * LIGHT CO., 5. B. SU.Lt M«r. Butler Brother* Store ■ mi. i .11 11 iji m .« i . 1 To plant, cultivate, at cropa roquiree day* of Mar torn. Thara arc game iaduatrim that not ba o para ted on tba labor galas ■calo and farming ia oaa of theory. The farmer la enable to wnalaj hatp to enable torn towork two riOfta a day he wotke on aaeh a mal margin of profit and la eo da pondeat opon tbe wkiata of aatnra that bo eooM not afford to pay tba wagoe demand ad by onion laborer*, even if bo eaald got tha men to do hia work. Ha moat keep bsay from early until lets to keep hie bgainom going and make it pay. Tba world la demindiog food and la tolling upon tbo farmara to provide it. The farmer* were told doing tba war how very important their calling waa. and aiac# tbo Mgniag of tbe araeimice they have baen importuned time without number to eoathmo pro ducing maximum crops And yet the peace plenipotentiaria* are agreeing to the very thing that will tend to Interfere with crop production. Aa eight-hour day fox other mduatria* ia bouad to have a detrimental effect upof. farming, if in no other way, ia making it mote diAcalt for farmer* to get worker*. The only way we can aaa that farm er* can adopt the eight-hour aha ia to continue doing aa moat of them now do, that la, work eight bourn be fore dinner and eigbthoai* after.— Indiana Farmers' Guide. PATRIOTIC ENOUGH A boy and a girl in a Method let I Mr. D. H. Hood. Druggist; Mr. Goo. K. Grantham. Dntggiat; Mr. J. C. Clifford, Attjr.; Mr. Jao. Draughoa, Merchant 5 Mr. Goo. Pope, Mr. P. J. Jeffreys, Mr. Brad ley Godwin. Butler Stool Star*, Stevene-Howard Co Wholesale Grocery Co., or Mr. D. C. Pamsll. President First National Bank, Doan, N. C. ^ Distributor* for the famous Thoa. A. Edi son electric light plants and Edison Alxaline Storage Battery for automobiles and home lighting. Will last indefinitely. They do not eat themselves up as all other batteries do. Any kind of Water Works. Bath Room out fita^Gam PooU, etc.. Faarbanka-Mbcae Z or Y Type Kerosene Engmea, Davis Cypress Water Tanks- and Silos, see vm. 1 *5. *or ^ything in line of Heating. WorH“* or Light Plants, in ttilled complete. DUNN HEAT & LIGHT CO. S. B. SLIGH. Mgr. - ""»■ ■- —— how la HtfaM W4 Jat (m to kod. « aoln fain tEaWnW w«ko» nUodwp tka win. "Qolat kwi bow u4 gat to -*ltf - I 1 I ■ ■■■ ®gj

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