******* * ♦LOCAL* *•♦*****«► Or. McLean, of Godwin, was here Tuesday on bnaisees. Mrs. James Farthing is (pending several days In Durham. Mi si Clyde Snead, of Selma, visited her parents here this week. * D. C. Fussed and G. M. Floyd ware visitors in Fayetteville Sunday. H. A. Parker, town dark, has been confined to his room for the past few days. Mrs. D. C. Fussed and Mr* Geo. M. Floyd ware in Veyettsville this morning. Mr*. Jack Lee and Mias Emma Lae, spent Wednueday afternoon in Fay etteville. Mrs. I. C Self, of Florence, 8. C.. arrived Wednesday to visit relatives in the city. I* E. Covington, uf Lumber Bridge, ipenl Sunday and Monday here with his family. The Mists* Honeycutt, of Buie's Creek, weir guest* of friends in the city Monday. Miss Mmdrvd Hood and Mrs. P. C. Hood spent Wednssday in Fayelto v ills shopping. Ft. C. McNeill is able to bs out again. Hf was confined to hie room for several days. Min Mary ltayai! Hancock arrived in the city Tuesday to attend the l tephena-Butler wedding. A number of Dunn people are at tending the closing exerciase of Buie’s Creek Academy today. Miss Wastray Battle spent the week end in Rocky Mount the guost Jessie Butler, Carl Junta and \ ernun Dawson spent Sunday In Fay etteville with friends. Mist Helen Rand, of Sralthfield, spent the week-end hare the guest of XIlss I-oltie Stephenson. Miss Hsnbou and Miss Elliott, of Meredith College, Raleigh, were vis itors in Dnna Sunday. Mrs. Geo. William*, of Fayetteville, arrived today to visit her parent*. Mr. end Mrs. H. G. Sutton. Mias Keva Jernlgan left today for l.ucama. where ah* will spend several days with relatives and friend*. Mr. Alexander Has moved to Dunn vith Ho family-and wiD locate here, lie will engage in the insurance bosi ncas. Ellis Goldstein, Dick Taylor. Chris Jacobs and ths Misses Isaacs were visitors in Gcldrborv and Raslcigb Sunday. Willie Fitlmsn. of Fayetteville, has accepted a position with the First * National ltarl: sod began bis work Monday. J. G. God aid ronlinues quite ill at his hunt on South Wilaon avenue. He has been ccnAnedtobis room about throe weeks. Carl Barefoot, Braxton Baggett. Thomas Proctor, Robert Barbour and Perry Jvrnigec ware visitors In Fay ettoville 8unday. Mrs C. L. Wilson and son, Carl, left Wednesday for RJebmond, Va., where Mia. Wilson will have bar eyas tad. They will be array several Mrs Henry ffqrrteg^^^Boeeboro^ _ and spaad a raw dayi'with her brother, Horace Freeman. Circle No. S of tha Presbyterian church will give a silver tea at tha borne uf Mrs K, L. Haward Tuesday evening May 20kh. for the benefit of the Manse,fund Rev. E. I. OliVa, pastor of the First Baptist church, returned Saturday from Morobead City, where ba assist ed in a meeting held in the Baptist church of that city. Miss /uknits Crockett and Miss Mahal Smith have returned to their homes here from Lillington where they, taught the psmt year in the ( Fans' Lift school. Carlisle Bain, who has been in tha servlet for (ha past year, having been a membar of tho 119th infantry, has received his discharge and returned to Dunn. He was In Prance for sever al months. Ml* Mary Little who ha* bean tho charming hoot* guost of Mlta Emma 1-ee left Wednesday for her heme in Wadesboro. ^Several social func tor... w.-rt ,-i,cn in honor of Mias Little while here. The pulpit of the Find Baptist church will be supplied next Burnley, at both the morning and evening Hours, by Rev. J.B. Wniii of Morehead City. The pastor is attsuu^ng the Southern Baptist Convention in At lanta, Ca., which convenes Mey 14-19. • n*o Hurt of Humanity” will be lha attraction at tb« White Way thoa Ira next Monday and Tuesday niiAti v’lth matinee Tuesday afternoon. "We picture it highly endorsed and ie r na of lie beet Dunn people bare had nn opportunity to eee In the local thea ■ m. The price of admission will b« 5R rents. Dr W F. Powell, paator of the ’"vet Baptist church of Asheville. will ■ *(rln a eerie* of evangelistic servicer > the First BapUM church Here be ' nnlne Tuewlay "I’tht. Mav 17. Da " israll Is a praacher of groat nopu ’-rKv and noWer, and the people of ' ur town will have a rare privilege In r’truing to his sermons. Mm. E. B. Tnlbreth and eon. B ”. Jr., and Meter. Mias Paulin* ’’emlnleV who taught aehool here th< • 1)0 seer left Tuesday for Newborv " C. Mr*. Culbvoth will remain "Am* several dare before returning t* t nr home In Dunn Mias Domhnicl > dll .spend the summer. "TV flaan'ing Stem and 8tripos’ • patriotic play, the story of tw< • an. written and staged by Mra ' onve Harper Young, will be present -d hr Mm. Young’s anraalnn clue *’ the oner* house Tnevilnv awning ’*«V »rnh at t'.nn o'clock The ad n* lesion vrijl Hr'SR rents. The nlay ■ lean h” Mr* Young heretofore havi Mwaya pleased and this one will b. * nn ta the usual high standard A number of the members of th *’cuHy of the Dunn public school ''Wi rfliiTH*^ to tb«tr homes dnrlrr the post wRek. Th 'vnkr this rear sms ahnva the uva* cm and geod work was done In snH '' th* epidemic of influenaa wh>' esneod the aehool to close for severs • '•-ska. Th* members of th> faeuk1 r*1R bo MWd during their abaenca huf k la hoped that all still return and serve tha people of Dunn anetbc » yarn*. Robert Jordan was is Raleigh Mon day and Tuesday. a gallon in ■tuck who. also, should be drawn into court. Mrs R. O. Primrose spent Monday x.'tomoon In Fayetteville, i J. M. Hodge*, of Linden, was a vi-.itnr In Dunn Wednesday. Mis* Noel Pridgen has returned from a visit to her home la Elm City. Mrs. A. ti. Johnson, of Smitkfisld spent U» wesk-ond hare with rsl allves. R. O Prlmross returned Tuesday night from a business trip te Wil mington. Rob Warren has accepted a posi tion in the local olTics of the Atlantic C-oast Line. P S Cooper, prcMdent of tho Bank of Hamlet, was here for a few days this week visiting his family. Mias Cora Warren, a member of the Angler High school faculty, spent the week-end here with her parents. Miss Pearl Grantham, of Angler, spent the week-end hara with har parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gao. X. Gran tham. Henry C. I -ay, of New Bern, spent Sunday and Monday in the city vis iting hts parents, Mr and Mrs. Cld ridge Lae. J. H. Pope returned Tuesday from Townsend, Georgia, where he spent s week ashing and looking aftar his fanning Intereats. After spending several weeks hero with her sister. Mr*. R. L. Warren, Mis* Kalhlyn Allen returned Tuesday to her borne in North Emporia, Va. Geo. P. McKay landed In New York the later part of the week end is now at Camp Jackson. Columbia, whrrs he will probably be mustered nut in s few days. Dr. and Mrs. Chat Hlghamlth and children and Miss Madred Hood, L. II. Lee. McD Holliday, C. B. Aycock, end J W. Kltsgerald are In Kinston today attending a big barbecue. > Willis E. Brenncoun. advance •grot and advertising man of the Chautauqua, waa in Dunn Wednes day billing the town and making ar rangement* for the appearance of tbe Chautauqua here in Jane. Marvin Wade sad mother returned Tuesday from Hampton, Ve., where dh»> went to sec a brother of Mr. Waiie, who ia acrioaaly III in a gov ernment hospital there. Ha had an attack of influents while in France and has never recovered from it. WhiV hia condition ia serious there ir still hope for his recovery. John Thomas Sutton, who has bean in the Marine corps for the paal -we yean, has received hia discharge and returned to Dunn Tuesday after ro,in. For he past taro weeks hr has been visiting in Boston. New York and Philadelphia. Hr will remain In Dunn about six works, when ho will ovum to New York where hr ha* a position waiting for hia. t rugreewaao 11. L. Godwin left Monday for Washington to be peasant at tha caucus of tha minority sad the openiag of Congrom next week. He etoppvd over in Richmond, Ve., for a day. He waa accompanied by Mia. Godwin who win spend seme time with him l he re. Daring hi* vacation Mr. Godwin waa busy on hia farm ju*t weal of Dunn and leave* hia crop ia fine condition. I Wash Ormdy, a colored drayman. chief took H for granted that Wash had this whiskey in his nnmaaainh for the purpose of selling ft sad invited him to appear before the Her order oad shear case* why he should sot be tried. He submitted to the charge and it will be determined later what sentence will bo Imposed upon Mat. ! There are a number of others in Dann who usually have more than BUTLER-3 TEPHENS | A beautiful home wadding was solemnised last night at 3 o’clock at the borne of tha bride on North Wil son avenue, when Mias Mamie Steph en! was united in marriage to Mr. Byron Butler, of Clinton. Tha ring ceremony was used and Rev. Eugene : 1. Olive, pastor of the bride, offci*ted. The wedding of thia popular young , couple wa* the moat prominent affair i in tne social life of the city for soma ; time. More than a hundred gueata ware present, many being here from a distance to bo present for the oc casion. During the ceremony Mrs. i Arthur Pope Beautifully rendered ■' r° ■ Wild Rose" and MU* Margaret Pope sang "Beauty’s Ryce.” The “•me of honor waa Mrs. Horae* Froe man, stater 0f the bride, and Mr. up“*nl ■ton**, brother of tha groom, f.ctid at bvut man. Tba aaeloua hornc waa baavtifully daeoratad with I*,n<LplnV ro*o»' >»«fnw • ff_5T The bride was at tired in a suit of blue silver tons. ! j T iT.nf on fhe midnight train for a trip north end' 'whilo away will visit Waaklnrtoa , Philadelphia, Now York, )££!£ I rails, suu uwfi cn.na Alter their • return they will be at boaa In' , (Jinton, where Mr. BnUer Is engaged in the drug bneinena. | The bride i* a daughter of Mr. V. IL. Stephens, one of the Boat tueeese 1 ful business men of tha city. She la [a favorite in the social set and has rnameroos friends throughout the I State. Mr. Butler Is a ton af Mr. aad •Mrs. W. J. Butler, of Cllatoo, and is well known in Dunn where l)e lived far a year, being pharmacist at the drug stoie of Wilson A Lae. He la "jw engaged in the drug business at Clinton. Where he hda made hit borne "nee receiving bis discharge *«••» the “P'*®*- He la an sue Sent young Ila popular with all who Joe Herring, Dr. porker, Jeeee Tun .Juanita Butler iad llT ..d M~ Tn# nomtrcui pnMnti wiigg^ lelteet to the popularity of thlTpeow. lar young eeuple, who have the bewt ’ ^‘Ttatr m‘n7 ,rU"4*' tirou*1,0o» - ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED hire. Utric Byron Jones announce' i the sngagement of her daughter .Katberfoe Bernard, to Mr. Herbwri > I Browne Taylor, of Duaa, N. C.. tbs i wedding to take ptaee at bar boms I in Cameras Park on the evening M r June ltth. ,1 This announcement is of much in i terse* to number* of frlooda Mia r Jones who hat made her home la Rat eigh for Avaral years. Is a gradaau of oar oily school* and later of Meredith College, being a mom her of Jhe rises of 1S14. After fintsMng eol .!«*•*• taaght for • couple of yaars in tho Dunn High school/ later re turning to her own county as tsoehsr. Mr. Taylor, who la tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamss A. Taylor, of Dana, waa at one tins a student at Wake Forest Collage, and took s prominent part in college athletics. He ha* raceoUr returned from tha eerriee, where he served as ~~~a-* — nlTT of the mth ft*id signal battalion. At preaaat Mr. Taylar Is -T-hlsrt taAiw of tha First National Bank of Doan. - Sunday'« News sad Obsorvs*. METHODIST CHURCH Preaching at 11:00 A m. sad »JO p. m. Sunday, May 1«.‘ At two s* clock p. ns. the Centenary teams win meet at tha chunk and reoelve Anal instructions for pookbly tbs graatast undertaking the church has over at tempted. At Idt s. at. tha dries will begin throughout southern Methodism for |»t,000,000. The subscriptions will run fur ported of Arc years, tho Instalhaeota will bo *7,000,000. par year. Tho church Is anxious that everybody make a dona tion whether large or small. Tbs money Is to bo used la Europe for reclaiming of sufferers in the rar ioiu Mission Holds, tbs Homs Mission Adds, end for various other eaasm that are so great Along with this Is the sail for over thirty missionaries from North Carolina Every Method Ut is roans Med to remain at Mbma Sunday. May IS. from two to four o clock and also to offer special prayer for tho gnat centenary dries. DUNN SCHOOL CLOSES The Dunn PubUa school closed last week after a most successful year In many ways The worh done tho paw sessions era* unusually good, wfaaa you consider the foot that tbs school was closed for several weeks op account of tha epidemic of Infio •nxa. Superintendent Martin had aa excellent corps af teachers aa ante and there was complete harmony m tic faculty tkroigbrat the trlHHil year. The graduating exorcises took placa Friday evening. May 9th. at tho Opera House, whore a capacity bouas an* cum this jmi ni larger than usual, mintMc pupils receiving diplomas, twelve haring complied tbs four-year coarse, while Sve completed the three-year coarse. Tboee receiving diplomas follows: Margnret Genova Barnes, Rule Fran ces Ennis, Marjorie Godwin, Ears Daniel CrtAn, Ladle Howard, Whyl ma Naylor, Irene Parker. Cleese , °P« Peps, Lottie Stepheaaoo, Lottie Strickland, Banish Temple, Ivan Bartley Bailey, Eva Cole, Grace Groekett. Cedi CHve Bmltk end Tkclms Lynek. On Munitoy evening. May 12th, the wo r pupils of Mim Jackson gave Ihr r recital in the Opera House. Ev sry avails bis net was taken and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by •ho-a present. The program render •* **• P“P«» ™ mod and the ixe<l)tnt traislif clvti tw— m— I W“*“"F dieoeranble. On Wednaaday evening the music and expremian dames of Mim Pear son and Mrs. Young rendered a qrian did program to a packed house. The patrons of these departments d|Ud •rmry east in the Opera Homs and U> th# |yg| rendered by the peplie at these two •scelMnl teachers. The- ns lists fid*wen'Ziiid<d5SudTttor iSSL. BZAL ESTATE TCAWinM. 8. Brown Shephard to J. L. Thom son 87 1-3 acres In Black River Town ship, cons!deration |10 and other val uable consideration. I. E. EHiott to Jacob ElBott 10 eras in Stewarts Creek Township, con side ration $88. Dixie Land Co. to Lonnie L. Cur ria 88 acres in Black River Town ship, consideration $180. J E. Williams to Alice R. Maaein rin X lot in Angler consideration $140 Fannie Ennis to Walter Ennis BO acres in Grove Township considera tion $10 and other valuable cssdd* oration. John Nerdoa to Alexander Nor don 78 acres la Black River Town ship, consideration $180. ' R. O. Taylor to A. J Godwin 8 1-8 acres in Averasboro Township coo •vderstlon 81. Alexander McLean to Col. Archibald 3- McNeill 11 acme in Upper Little River Township, consideration IB. Jihn R. Taylor to Noel R. Smith 200 acree in Averasboro Township, cons.deration 1180! Monroe Bullock to J. F. Batts and Geo. Howard BO acres in NalDs Creek Township, consideration $1 and other valuable cealdeiwtiea F. A. Wray te B. H. Tyeoa t tracts 80 12 acres la Beckhora Township, consideration 88,000. Hyman Fleishman to Morris Finish and other aalnnbla consMaration. W. J. Godwin U W. JL Gregory ud wlf. u* icrw l« Aamaboro Township, eoaavdaratlon 14A10. O. M. Tilgfcman to SUnoy Throat * liu jioo. _ Mra. W. JL TarUngtoa to W. R. Turlington 2 tracts It *.]o acres, conaideratleB |500. i £■» »• Margara* P. Oraaa 1 *?* *P ^ffltattan, consideration $10 n °^**r wcMidaraUoa. D^Oodftwg U H. T and K. Tv SP!*”_40 •**»• la LUHagton Town *™R**5Mdajatlon $71*. CaroM^ H. Cala to J. C. TImmos **■ u»Pf LMtla Khrer Town ^;.t^r*tTon 110 — ron-deratloo $^4$. BH" uiJ'uSr JL*-*- >i* t iSSL**" ^ T—«» —*■ ' DM* l^Sfta^ V A^oTe rahm, consideration $10. I *** •<Wf r,‘ { TMK PAMIWO or Tyi twahn^ in la m k arable" retirement of'this sari. £ MifitstfSAuxsraa I orljjf In tha period of tha Spanld Tha Oregon aollpasd all har AUCTION SALE of e VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Friday, May 16, 1919 I T o’clock a. m. „ On the above date 1 will sell at Public Auction the town property of the late N. B. Hood, including the postoffice building and fixtures, and the residence corner of Wilson and Cumberland streets, now-occupied by • M.;s,C. R. Vinson. The residential property will be cut into three business lots 25x90 feet, fronting Wilson street, and ope lot 50x7 5 feet fronting Cumberland street, and the house will be sold separately, subject to removal within ninety days. Then entire lot, including house, will be sold as a whole. The highest figures will be confirmed. This is the most desirable property in the business section of Dunn which is now avail able at a reasonable price. TERMS: One-fourth cash, balance in one, 1 two and three years. For further information see * .1 •. geoTl CANNADY, DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA 3nHpfl|^Pir H0T§jIMTmv?** IMfVcS A w“don» May Be A* Shrewdly ShoWa - (• . >n money eeving ea is money getting. ' ^**»T As Opportunity Has Been Lost * \ of the funds s savings account might • V supplied. » start at saving money, no matter small that start may be. .Your Account Today, You May our largest depositor in a few years. But yo^wlll never get there without melting the s •hlpa la thsf war. Bant on the Pa- I cleric Coast and te Wroteo thera whan i tha Spanish War Woke oat, the waa l summoned la hat haau to tha At lantic in order to aeeuro this cooatry’a i naval superiority I* West Indian wa- < tart. The Panama Canal was only i an abandoned cut in April, 1898. Bo tho Oregon had to circle Booth Amer ica, tha* furnMbtag tha on* striking argument needed to prats bom* to tha mind of tha country tha vital need of a trane-isthmian waterway. The Oregon’* trip waa watched l with breath Mae Interest. Her name wan on ovary *•*'* tongue And ; whan ah* arrived off Saaitiago in time to taka tha hading part in the battle with Ccrvaaa’a squadron aha I leaped into immortality comparable with that of the Conatitntion, tha Keeraarge or the Hartford. She had i mar* spaed than the ether battleship* end ah* alone ooUaatad aod won | down Carrera's Cristobal Colon. Now we have nperdreadnaughts. alongside which the Oregon seems * I pygmy. Bat aha Will rets In* bar place in American heart* for what aha did ■O dramatically twenty-on* year* ago. I—New York Tribwm. / A BAD DEATH. I Boy Thrown Pram Mala and Dragged Thrwagh Weed. U.01 Dead. | Then was baid at Maachmtir Bn Iday afternoon tha funeral of a whit* bey named MarvjhCaUo*, aged It years, the ana of W 01 lam Oaflbs The | death wa* anothW tragedy of which a number have boon enacted hi fay. Mtovfll* aad vicinity within tho past | few months. / Friday aftatsam Marvin and We brother Waiter, aged 18 rears, had Wen planting earn hi the “kills" Bald of Hr. C. U Bevfll, In the south eastern suburbs «t tha city. TWp had unhitched two mala* from a wag on and warn riding than scram the fold, Waiter la front whan ha hoard mwJm and lashed hash to am the mole iMarvta Wd mounted running across I tha 8aid dragging Marvin,; who** foot \fMStMSLttl *S WnWr )amyoi from his male and ; wI'jkw.'s ' ■ * •*—> ** *w4l> but tha I animal rwatnrnd and wont la at anoth er P*l»« Tha male rag, dragging tha r boy. for asor* than half a mfto over '* -■ — -M-l*_L1_ h* rough ground. Karris lived only >. 1mm soamU after the aula vag ffia foaaral wee held Sunday after iaen at Masehiteer and vn« largely ‘tended.—Monday*. Fayetteville Ob erver. FALCON HOLINESS SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT l2 *' ?*\7^?Tnm*wc*m#nt 8orm*n *f Rev. J. H. Kin*. * P m—Sermon bp Rev.. J. H. II a. --Recitation Cent ate. * p. a—Examinee by the Primary Trtmcnt. P- m-—Meet*. Dialog*. Pantomi net. Tableaux. Taewlap, Mae SA. A a.—Senses by Rev. 4. H. „ »P |«—Heading and DaelaateUen * ► tr~PniTm: Ruth- Monk. Wedaeaday. May SI. **•«*•••< Award eg of Diploma* and Prime >7'&. TH(%?ac-mt A"~ AN INVESTMENT IN HAPPINESS ^r) u ..... - i world** Wat onwie I « •oporfoctlg u U W MidU bom mi the Hwfcs, mrtlgM. Am wWra you dea’l ewowd a moat To own TU Now Ed loom moon Sro aTwZT* w Barnes k Holliday C« <* i - — » « Just the Daintiest Summer Frocks Imaginable 9 In printed and plain georgettes, m foul- X aids and the handsomest and most service able combinations—the very best * range possible, in fact—we offer to dm wo men of select tastes the daintiest designs of the season in late spring and summer drosses, Q There are solid colors, as well as a soft blending of color tones altogether charming; and we can assure you that in tailoring g;*j eral quality a higher standard of mer chandise cannot be produced. We are anxi ous for you to see this line before yon buy. We know where your selection will be made if you do see them first. Late Arrivals in Handsome Glng- | ham and Voile Dresses |' . q We are offering now both ginghams and voiles in the best patterns, the highest quality materials and, above all, dresses that ate* tailored in a manner to please the most exact' - ing. q These are not juft “ordinary house i occasions. They are a**rmrJiwty ^ : ! • •" Make your selections now, while the range of pattern and style is good. » . 'r# “Exclusive Styles in Wo_eq’» *f ^ Rsady-to-Wear” JOHNSON BROTHERS, |j DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA 1 ’ S—Bf————1w IF NOT, WHY NOT? JX? &*«5CA2r“ B~bm I Bast BhM OraratU, with apron tlM. * Good Quality Draaa Otaghan. apodal fas Friday and “rtlTlu ail colon, at IS 1-la. ' Good Qaality Apcoa Chocks. Friday cad Satarday only Ida. Table OB Cloths, at) colon, Friday ami Satarday nodal SPo. Big Aaaortnant Ladln White VoOa Waists, (aacy trinomd. alao Black aad White Han far Ladles ami Hob only ik ISc Dost Moral. apodal for this sale to. Oaa Lot of Man's Flow Shan, god ki.ibcr, aaado ap well, gwaraa toad water proof. SAM -- Oao Lot of Mao’s Flaw Shoos, good la thar, awda ap waO. gwasaa Wa hare aaay bargalas to offer yea bat wa hare bo naoe to lasatiea. I Vv^ Thomas Bros. . .. TAXl^OTTCE a • '*■• All persons who do not pay their town taxeaby May 15, their property will be advertised anderid ! without further notice. J May8, 1919. % I N. B. BASS. Tax Collector.

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