DI Kdispa ■■ — — _ V* ALUESTODAY ARE TO PRESENT TO AUSTRIANS THEIR TERMS OF PEACE Carman Counter Proposal* Pub lic-Rd in Berlin. Will I'-dnca Armaments BUT WILL REFUSE TO AC CEPT PUNISHMENT TERMS Varwaerl* Thinks Signing nf Iks En tente Draft Will Ba Insist ad Upon—Eiusae Qnastioa it Sslllsd Paris, May 88.—A plenary session of the psora conference will ba bald tomorrow afternoon in tha foreign office. The terms of the Austrian treaty trill than ba communicated to the r. praaantativu* of the countries which broke relations with Austria. GERMANS AIM TO PUT WORK OF PEACE ON NEW BASIS Corrnhagen, May 88.— In spits of tha grant length of the German coun ter proposals, a dispatch from Berlin Bays, ui memorandum does not go Into al! detail* of tha allied terms, but alms "to place tha entire Work of n..r, on a new heals " TH* QV“ST10N OF FIUME IS SAID TO BE SETTLED Paris, May 28.—The question of Flame and the southern territorial boundaries of Austria has bsen settled by the allied council, according to the best information here thle after noon. An agreement also hss boon reach ed, it is stated on the general Adriatic questions, except regarding economic arrangement. This end all territorial questions wilt be presented to tho Aus trians Friday In the proposed terms. The matter of reparations will come up for consideration later. GERMAN COUNTER PROPOSALS ARE MADE PUBLIC IN BERLIN London, May 28.—Tho German counter proposals to th^allied peace terms were published In Berlin today, an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from ^Copenhagen says. ^B The reply asserts the willingness of Germany to reduce her armaments maa counter proposals. Theodor Wo NT. In the Tageblntt, says that the whole down ter draft corresponds to the democratic Ideals of right and in no way to military nationalist con ceptions. The demsnd that tho occu pation troops shall ratura home la six months at the latest might also be reckoned as meant to effect the pre servation of German sovereignty. “Every one in Cermany has read the text with heavy hearts. If sober reason prevailad et Paris, It would jump at this proposal.’’ Vorwacrta, however, thinks that the signing of tho entente draft will be insisted upon. HARDWARE MEN ELECT OFFICERS New Yerk TrasU EM to, impressed WUh General Preswarity of Cove try viuirundc, out i iw iuu»on* tion of the Hardware Association of the Carolina* came to a clots this afternoon after an addreaa by Bev. W. ftoule, editor of the Hardware Age. of New York, who declared that America could not bat be prosperous when the mall town msrehanta aad tha farmer* are prosperous, pointing out that the mall town la the founda tion of America's wealth. Mr. Soule has viBtea every State In the union In the left six month* and he declared to the hardware merchants that he had never known the country to be so prosperous generally. Crteivilh. 8. C., was selected a# the next meeting place. Officers were elected a* follows: President, J. M. Anderson. Columbia, 8. C.j A ret vice president, W. A- Holt, Burlington; »cond vlee-pn*aidV>>. W if. Terrell, Herterliie, B. C.J third viee-preeldent, **cD. Holliday. D“nBj ■•eretary-tree* T. W. Dixon. CUrloUs east, sec retary and freight auditor, A. R. Craig Charlotte. The executive committee if composed of the officers aad J. D Liuebcrgee, Shelby, end R K- WiMer, Sumter 8. C. Resolutions passed extended sym pathy to famtfiea of memVswt J. w. Carter, Mexton; A. L. Ph'PTA Durham) W. T. Ollllam Liberty- Reaoletions were also passed pledging aupport to the government "in tuck mcaauree as **y be raqtmwd to end tha development of Iba 1. W. W , Bolshevism, an a Mhar anti-Amer ican doctrine*. REPEAL OF DAVUCMt saving law * RIDE* . to agricultural bill Washington. *T—The egr**®1; Ural bill, carrying *PP*eprlatton* u* 112,628,000 and • IvgWUtive rider providing for the *1 the J*>' light faring act, wf* before the HoUrt today Principal “KST^Wa L> the bill, which origlna*y *J**nad Ul, •78,000, were appro*riej™B» of |fcgo, 000 for Ighting animal ^““•vcalorie and 82*0,7kv» for astermraafisn &l the com borer, an In***1 WB**h he caused much damage to crope In Me* York aad Massachusetts The rider for the repeal n '« day light saving! art provide* the «» *hal ha repealed on the eoeend nunde, after the measara It rigned by P»eef Tha Besets was Idle. havlM «4 learned yesterday until Wednesday t THE CHAUTAlJi®JA WILL PLEASE YOl Yvur Viulm al H«M WUJ th* Chautauqua a ad Sava Ex ***** had Travel Vacation ***mi to be Ailing Ux mind uf every one at thia time, aM quit# a few are Anding It • problem To get what on* want* at the priei one wanta ia not always saay. Vat] few have thought of encoding a vacs tion at home—fur ordinarily thara fa no unuaoal diversion; hat those wbc want a vacation within a month an •mured of all th* entertainment al every kind that they can find in aai targe city. The Community Chautau iv* I* comiAg once more, and thk year it bringi a greater array of talent 7>,n tvVv ,Th« '«»*»>•*•. which an described below are th* moet origin* appearing anywhere this season, m that thorn who want th* best of M> tertaiitmcnt offered by the city an enured of having It right at h*OM—al much lea* aanena*. ror thia vacatlo* aavee one all th* expense and iaesa venionce or uir«, a no pva the iB tortainiaent at a most remao* ble ftgUr, compared with what it would coat Is the city. The Fcawaasy mi Bsycag Early. -A reason ticket admitting the Chan tguqua vacationer to all tha attrac tion* of the two big performances oi each of the five day* costs only 11.71 including war tax. and tha ticket! for this great holiday can bo obtained from the local committee. Tha ah saying that the early bird catches thi worm ie true in this case, for thi local committee baa arranged for I special rate on tha first 600 ticket! •old, and one who obtains one oi these pay* only |8.20 making a aeviaj of cents. No more economical ea cation can be obtained and the uxlqsi feature* offered to the Community Chautauqua audience* era unequalled anywhere alee in America. Caracas Bevalattea Paaartbad aw Fire the war sad wag prison Alp in HaUr rbor Jual In time to aa* the b g of thi German revolution last Neveenbei which led to the overthrow of thi Kaiser and the downfall of Germany He was on one of the* trains thsl was deliberately wrecked by the revoi utionmt*. and after bis mlraculom escape, he continued on to Berlir where he aaw the storming of thi Royal Palace and its capture by thi a Jk!JPXt,Jl viv,d P**ture of thi ftight of the Kaiser and throws a nee Ufht on the reported m ardor of tbi CJ°3* Ht* Ul* of the spread o1 **** T,rror throughout Get many will prove that Gwauy * paying the penalty of bar erlmaa The remarkable story of this die tlngulshed speaker make* an opanlai night attraction that no ana will mi** In accordance with its policy of "Thi bast—no matter where or how,” thi Community Chautauqua has brotmhi Harwood Spicer from England i -r 111 ally for this tour. Mowc Fog Every body Everybody will enjoy tha dallghtfu firogram presented on the wan even ng by tha famous Dal Her 8login, mnaiiai BDU X/nONWB* • VTUU wl the latest eong bite tonight froa Broadway and give besides maoj clever instrumental aura ben the bare plenty of snap and melody. Ev ery one who bean these four talents! ■nuniciane says, "They’re different’ and the great variety of popular me) odies they present Insures somethin! pleasing to everyone The atriklni roatumea and ths rich sad eolorfu setting ef this attraction add great!) to Ita popularity. Equally charming are the Him Keller, whose recital la given on thi third evening ef the Chautauqoa Young and old will be charmed wttl their bright, oringinal songs la whirl the all-American spirit pcwdomlaatm They are featuring the beet muto written in America, and as Him LaaD .Keller i« herself a composer of a< knowledged merit, the offerings ar curtain to appeal. Then# gifted ita Un net only play and sing the ehok set compositions, hut give on expinna tory background ef muafe; so that person who has not time to toad muate, will be able to appreciate th moat difficult selections after bearia, Jhetr explanations Those who wta *• understand music win flad this a J*®eHent opportunity to Warn how. ***• Amerieeulim for Raal *-||rim On th. mine evening, the premie F'"owt^’ri?n Keutavfll hM ly froeo tha fam^TtMohoO ^Ml ; */' *£•**' 'Mtla aad ado—taioa to 1 aloe t" oar Wkeu tha kind of 1 *Q*** U*t **,**** * tha haaita of ■ American*. AU tha aUrthw patriotic i alra that oot wlZiiyi a ~n_» ^ ■■»*••• ®£w« wuTlhrf? rirL Mtldnc baa Ha*. 3* boy. mint'd owo »• How To le Haalthp aad Happy. ft ,»*•** «■»«? “» ,V,T**fml wot lortor* la gg&wlftSS Tha Oraotao* *f Madera " .MWr^sm: **f£f l,,"*'l‘ a So^okomT of Mlm WniU^'ioJ^ jao—-e-aaBS COMPLETES TRANS ATLANTIC FUGHT Eaaplaaa Crnbd by tha Chaan r WBfrCWd —It MACED THROUGH AIM AT EIGHTY MILES AN HOUM ^*^S»a>YTJjn^*J^K* U*> Waahlanoo, May *7.—Blaaiac tha way af tha firat ah trad froat tha acrsAiTsrisas-j^; •adar Lieut.-Oonuaaader Albart Ctub *afc Baad. a* apt lata tha harbor at Uabon. Portanl, today, tha trot tir dh •* aay kU ta have araaaad tha Arftotie araaa aadar tta own power Tahinc tha air at Paata Danda, Qaerae, at 4dB a. VafehMa fc aa tha laat lag af tha traoaneaaa hpaatkn af tha ounce fro. Back *, Law la.ad. to Plnaatt tha WC-4 eorarad Aa BO* la a taa ha ora aad 4* miautaa. aa troatapjpead af bat aiapaad flyiac Hat# fro. Meorfaund Mad ta tXabon orma 26 boo. aad 41 Mftasrsgjrflag Mto tha aerth. Poaalbiy Cato i maahtne « Ns fmysfalitire of to For tho next few baa his epoch making journey C sr Read and bis craw will ka within bfkt oif tbs Portuguese or Bpeaiah cseats in ths sweep northward. Skirt ing the coasts of Cape Pinleterre, they will bead eat across the bay of Boo say to right Brest, the meet wseterty point of Prance. Thence direct to Plymoath. The destroyers that will guide them serosa the bey ware ready in poritiea tonight provided with the flares tad bomba that have made the trip safe thus far sxeeyt for the fag that forced the other two machines •f ths seaplane division, the NC-1 sad NC-J. oat of the flight after they had safely negotiated vfataaDr the cadre distance from Newfoundland to ths _1 Grieve gave T1 y Mail the following stato a few hundred miles oat, a ■troag aortherly gale drove us stead ily out ef oar eoarae. It was not al ways possible, owing to tho prenTi of deaaa maasds of clouds to taka our bearings, sad I calculated that at the time wa determined to eat acraea the riljaylag route we worn about *00 miles eat of oar course. Op te thin change of direction we bod severed about 1.4MM miles of the Journey to the Irish coast" ! AM FORD PLANNING A BIG CELEBRATION Sanford, May * ft—Harriott, Chat ham, Macro and Ut eouitiee win eo oporate ta staging an* of tha grit oat “Poorth of July" coiobrations or or b*U la North Carolina. Arranya aaents hare hoaa radar way far two works looking to gala day rombiaiha tha asaal Iadspeadanos Day faathritioo with a big wo learns boats to all the soldiers end sailers of the foar eoao Alrpleaee froar Camp Bragg hare been aeearod far the day anddartng drloms will perform hair raiaiar stunt* ooorbaad while e parade of the retoraed aoldiera, the ehrle etgaa {■Maas of the town and fear or Bee brass heads will im** aa the main street. A great tribe ta to the Lee •eoaty beys who died ta the asretaa, *• wall as three of the ether saeatlae. win he hsetaded la the parade. la the afternoon, a ban game be tbs atahe bare to deBoer an addroei ta the returned aolBira. At • o’tloeh >■ the oroal^ an. ofth. la^mft to arrears gaarva; a M. !•••■ >• rhahmaa of the earn Bitter ee arraagemaats and tha efthm tare msmhire are X. U Baldwta ana Jamas fardn._ C. C. OOUaH. of BmltbileM, Saaday and Monday ta tha city »U trtanda st.'snssssrsits: Sssfascsmscn h Thrift aw m # , s' FERTILIZERS ARE SELLING TOO BKH 5*