DUNN COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA, JUNE 11-15 iStfl THE DUNN | DUNN, N. C., jOUK ft, Iftlft * - — — -— - _i_ . ,-i SEVERITY OF GERMAN PEACE TREATY TERMS MAY BEIESSENED SOMEWHAT • Council of Fou. Discussing the Counter Proposals FRENIH ARE UNWILUNC British Delegates Favor Nua bar of Concession- ; Ameri cans Favor Mir er Ones. RHINELAND A' GERS HUNS Cerassn* Incensed :wr Formation of the Rhenish r -nolle—Srslts end Dnnmnrl ’’•'nee In Block ■4s Garmr’ty If Necessary There Is pr ’ah lily that Germany may secure a ^ result of her strong counter pro- aN some lessening In the severif *,f the pence tents of the allied a d r .aoeixted powers. Ger many’s pis * that It will ba impossible to fulfill *hr financial requirements of the nil a and her protests against certain 1 rrritorial relinquishments have be- - h eded and are being die cussed 1 the council of four. Parts reports as it that in certain quarters of the v-ac« conference tha German viewpo -» :a receiving-ntrong rapport A f• "1 discussion of the German count - p oposala, especially concern ing ni s ationa and other economic fcatc • ->f the pence treaty, haa been bald b-. [ resldant Wilson and the staff of Amer can experts of tha American peac ■ d.legation. Croat Britain la Hid :u f.ivor a number of coneomions to G Mr iny, but Prance continues • firm in her stand not to waver from the uricina! terms. On the other hand h? Americana are declared to be n t averse to minor concessions, but - aot ip favor of going to tha extent :hs British propone. Th. Gorman government la in censed o- er the formation of a Rhe nish republic. It has ordered the ar rest of Pr. Dorian, tha president of the re-...h ie, and also has protested to the peace conference and the armistice commission at Bps against •*»«- WVII > ■ IV > w» MAC a 1 C1IHI BUMAVir tiM in til > fM eupied Rhineland. Preach support of -he Rhenish republic is eharactoiisto by tha German govsm msnt m k'rh treason against the em pire. Strii o - by diaaatiafled Gormans in tha Amcr rsn occupied area call ed la prates’ r.ciinat tha formation of the repub. « tried quickly when the American rommaadert Issued a . _led report has reach Copenhagen that Petrocrad has been captured by Pinnieh and Etthon ien troop*. The brad of the Austrian peace delegation has departed fjfcra SL Ger main for Innsbruck, carrying with him the allied peace treaty. Counter revolutions ere reported from numer ous towns in western Hungary. Hun dred! of refugees are arriving at the Austrian frontier towns, seeking safe ty. Sweden and Denmark have corns in to line with Swtteertand and Norway in declining to join a blockade against Germany in case Germany refuse* to sign the peace treaty. Like Switzer land and Norway, the plea It made by Sweden and Denmark that such ac tion would be a violation of their noutrality. Big strikes hays begun in Pane, Lille and other cities in Prance. CROWING BENSON CROWS BICCER ALL THE TIME Bonjon, June S.—One of the most important real estate deals consum mated in Benson In many years oc curred when the Farmers Commer cial Bank purchased a lot attiolning tho railroad hero from W. Ransom Sanders, of Smilhfleld. This property was sold at auction a few weeka ago for $400 per foot frontage. Upon this lot sell be erected a handsome bank building, the plana being drawn for a three-story structure besides tho basement Contractors have begun work on the waterworks and ssvsrssi plant her* and barring unforeseen delays they plan to have tho system complet ed by neat February. Tb* town commissioners bar* clos ed a contract with the Carolina Light and Power Company to run a lint from Selma bera for the purpose of furnishing light and power. The line win carry 63,00® eoha or about 10,000 hormepower, which gives assur ance that all tha power noeeaaary for an expanding town will always be at hand Reports from tha various sections contiguous to Benton are to the effect tH*t An ixetlbnt tobAcco crop u growing, the plant* In almoat every way giving assurance of a big tobacco crop. Cotton is eomewbat lata and is not yet up to tb* average at this tins# of tb* year, which condition la do* to th* backward spring. i STATE MERCHANT* TO “**T SOON AT BEACH Statesville. Jan* s.—Acceptance* from practically all speakers lnvitad to address th* ITts annual convention ef the Merchants Association of North Carolina at* now In th* hands of State Secretary J. Paul Leonard, of States ville. WHhia a f*w day, th* conven tion win be bald at Wrigbteelll# Beach June ITU, lSth, aedlPth, and Mr. Leonard says th* jwwapoet* a* good for a large attendance and the h*(t convention in tho Histary of th* an coelatsoa. Th# argnnlaotlon *f the NircUnti Mataal ^ Itaoruet Company far the hanofft ef the mem ber* of th* Aaaoctatlom ha* etiasulated Interest throughout the so Ur* Star* Th* convention U t» ha open t* the public and all merchant* of the State are Invited to attend WAS AN UTTER FAILURE TO TERRORIZE COUNTRY Say* Mr. Palmer of tit. B-omt Owt "••• •» Eighty Cities Msedsy Washington, June 3—Invaatiga tJon of Inc bomb explosion* in ciirht ]’*ti*s wh.rh wcra Intended to kill pub lic ra n, lias convinced secret serviia chiefs ) ere that th* outrages had a ciramcn aonrea, and that they prob ably ran be rlasaed a* an uneuccasa)nl attempt on the part of a atilt un knotod anarchistic group to nrunu a camprign of terrorism begun with the May day attempt a dri ver a sacra of infernal machines hrougb the malls out of Now York. Washington police t>d*7 dee,did their efforts to rv-na-embllng frag ment* of the man who wae killed Inst night >t the door of Attorney-fUneral Palmer’s home while attempting to plant his cargo of explosives. Mr Palmer himself jlsmiaad the incidents today as “utter failure to terrorise the country and stay the hand of the government'' which pur poees he ascribed to the anthon of the outrages., Police at Mew York. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, /Cleveland, NewtonrllU, Mam, Boston and rattorson N. J. wars engaged in the widespread hunt Detective* were sent from Washington to th# flrsrt two named cltiea In order to connect up operations. The hat of the aahington bomb plantar, pu debased in Philadelphia, and other details indicated a possi bility that tha consignment of explo sive* had been eent out from there Another connecting link in the vtey of a nth or iiee bore wae the similarity of wiv Bnarrmiuc nanaomj TOO IK! nMf the ■*«»• of tho explosions In several cities. ATTEMPT TO KILL ATTORNEY GENERAL Washington. Juno 2.—Attempt on the life of Attorney General Palmar woe made tonight through the plant ing of a bomb which wrecked the lower portion of the Palmer residence In the fashionable northwest portion of Wednngton. Mr. Palmar ZndaU ■“hme of the family eacoped with out Injury, being on the eecand Qoor at tke time of the explosion One men thought to be tha perron •rho Planted the bomb, was blown to t5?, ", *•“ ,orc« the explosion. Police believe that the bomb exploded BHjBiQ ln8- .Purtton* of the clothing of tbs nan killed It wee said, indicated that he woe roughly clad The forte of the exploaion war .ef ficient to shatter window glosi in residences for a block on neck aide ai P«l»er house. The residence of Senator Swinran, of Virgin!*, MXt door to that of Attorney General, was not badly damaged. Wideband Plot Fas rad. Police picked up along with bite of clothing of the man killed n copy of “Plain Words,” a radical publication, rhis In connection with the report of sn exploaion at the home of Jostles Albert F. Hayden in Boston caused authorities to fear another widespread bomb plot similar to that which rod i cala attempted to carry through about t month ago. SOUTHERN WILL PUT ON NEW PASSENGER TRAINS rhe Otd Schedule. Wl« Be| Rostered and Ceaaeattene Made at Mai Raleigh, Jane S.—Unwillingness to illow the Southern railway to break the Salma connection with the Coast Line Is given today at the reason for returning to the old schedules of the louthem railway insofar aa thaw time Ablet affect westbound badness. The new trains which go on June 22, unions there is again n change, will itart from Greensboro about 6 a. m. ind 8 AO a. m., and from Goldsboro it 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Those will as I early re Mo re the old schedules aa *• corporation coimaiaslon eon do. • he tentative plane offered weeks ago llreanaboro at T4» hi the morning »d another at »4S hi the morning. . I**™ nowopapera coming eaet get ‘ advantage in thU arrango ■ ant. Th• later edition# of the pap ira can get a war from Greeaaboro at b.ui l u" theraaboou and into "*|!**Et about #:10, ranching Golda ooro before noon and the mernaat Before night. There will be no 12:10 p. m. arha w* 2"* of Ooldaboro putting a train into Baleigh at 1:5I and into Grama boro at Sfa to connect with Sooth fl? *•: ™ *M 2 o'clock OoIdahoro rotaiood and tho old r* 'Jathttig Oreeaibero “ “• bo motored. Utah mataly the train to be known aa 144 n«r fV‘ 11 *0' □ reanaboro near • a. m., may be run later, it waa learned today. In that event it weald reach Raleigh about 140 In the afternoon. ■TATE COLLEGE CATALOGUE OUT Waet Raleigh, N. C.. Juno 2_The annual catalogua of the North Care &»Hrsttsrs,s side**" *oT^r IfesSlss Sf *ke Bmmmtr Eehoolia |B }l alee earriee a liat of tha 1020 atodent. enrolled In tho winSr coirraM of the eoliage during the P—*. ****'*■ and a rvgiator of nil gradna«ua tine, Om founding, giving yreaeat addreaa and occupation. Tha ttAIN HEALTH AT COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA. kwuias wmiTm Is Vealib,'• say* L-.olae Me Inlyrv. who baa allow n tbo' -nada Ol IK-opI* bow to get well and k. ep well by lb* no* of I fee Mtuple cxcretar* U-r famoua Toiupla Health Club In b«B Pranclara. the la frees of Ifa kind In tb* rvontry. baa been tha mvoni •f helping thousand* to hiwltb aud hap|.li.eea Her lei use bat b.oo pig tented Hi every large Mty of He- »u» try wliero acfaoola. rlmrrtaet and pub lic bodies bars rmlnraad It as one of ilia moot practical lecture* of Ira kind yet Bleen. lamia McIntyre ap:a-ara oa rnr mini erirrnoao ol llir CiH.imunliy ('hnuisuqua and will (Ira ewryon* * dyiue start 90 the read to frcalci health DR. H. H. HORNE TO CLAYTON FOULS. ~TU New WaU” TWm W laapiriag AdAaao by JehaiSaa Csaaty Tar Haal Who New Ur— ia New YerL Clayton. Jua* 1.—Dr. Herman Haw, rail Horn*, of Now York University, predicted bars tonight that “wHbial# rears North Carolina wfll provide s State-will* syutaeu of . public high Khools and wfll eaact compulsory ada Dr. Horn* stopped of bar* to saa bis father) who ha* basa 01, whfl* on bu war to kaap a fbvsn weeks’ series ef sngsgamants at Bin* Ridge, N. C., a canter of aatnmar rsHgiooi confer •nces, beginning June S. Before a congregation of bis bom* town people, Dr. Horn* epok* tonight ia the Horn* Memorial church on “The New.World." In tha course of bn remarks be said: "Tbs saw social order wilt be leav ened by the spirit of equality of op portunity. 'Democracy ia Christianity at work in society. "Democracy formerly meant, 1 am as good as you era.’ It i* coming to mean, ‘Yoa are a* good aa I am.* "Democracy in labor In the Booth baa already appeared In raising crops ‘on hahr**/ ft will b* only a stop to pToflt-sharing in Industry. ‘‘Society haa held four views of labor. First, it is an article of com merce to be bought and sold. Second, it ia the human part of tha process of production. Third, R is a joint owner of tha product. Fourth, the radical Ramiari view of Bokhavlam. It is tha sol* owner. In Amnios we era just passing from tha second to tha third stage—News sad Observer. STILL. USED AFTER ~ YEARS Jakarta* Cemty Farmer Gan Oat Old Outfit sad Brews Ckrteimaa —-Gets JO D.jr Term and it fW IIN. - a%ht years of idlon#**, an »1< «UU tarnish ad W. J. Adana. John Ao« county, Ms Christina. whltkay I?'’ fcal J* **• *®*Jy distilling for Adams. Be waa aantanead yaa lartmy to aarsa >0 days la Jail and pay a fine of llOt and coata after pleaa kj^flty to tha ehargo of Wlelt dis liking tha stand In hla dsfsnaa, af ur ravanua oBleen Ustiflad about tha diacorsry of tha still on Adams' prta aUtad that tha ■tHl bad boon ha hla possession sight yaara It was mad by .hla fathar. who ~ lkamad dlatill.r ba fere tha prohibition wars raaebad North OaroHna. Hla fathar vslusd A***™* T1 '^“-tad that It Nniin with the family. For sight yarn* Adaau kaot it la aa oathoma whara qridaa. b„R tkslr eabwabo aromd It. Uat Chrirtmaa ** "*^>orb««>d was aleaholl eJly dry and latoxlcanta wars mighty aearea, Adams ylaldad to tomptaUoa and aaod Ws eoppar oatAt for mak ing hU Christmas whiskey. Wltimw wko litvi known th# do fandant for a acor* or aaoro of yarna garo him aaplondld ropwutlon ap to th* tim* of hi* am*. Thay told J**s Co.no, th* b. «7h«l! working farms,—Now. and Ohaarvar >0. garnWg^ayhayaatt^tado .. Tha Cplml Baeholor ohaarraa th* **• ***?* * bari* ar* a* tha only ana* that tops* * laiturs. grudaat* r**or spanks rsmarkably wajj far Uapradnat * th* aaOnm. sstasi?? °—• FINISH TESTMONY IN TRIALW PAGE Ootoiibota, Jano »U« jury ovldonco Is tha Pujba"until To sot to offer any funbgwodonc. and tho last wttnom wi^feailned at • o'clock. Spoochoa la m caaa will ba sin tomorrow morafcMaad tbo lurv win probably *»t tho&o darin* tbo afternoon. ^^^ Monat 01 too, ebanmSVftbo mnrdor uf Bomlco and BtaV Smith, two broth on who worn kiWls that town loot January, agoliTtM tbo wKnrao rtand ihi.-anJn. A. m^mtod pcarod on Ibo *or*o taking down con trol of his foe lingo ZShuworrd tho qnootiono to a qulotMd atraughtfor xtf~acy "xt. queotio no r*batIn* UrM ta to got MU one to ad*i|H he J thot the S-.U brol IwuCd In arrostta* thorn. j^Laoo that not a dn*io naan la thoSn whom ho ' would n£ to m\4*hbm that It forth — * ^fg§» tetin town into a ctkKf wild alarm which wwa dao»olo^Mio~hod5ml£ w_ rk-. k.o *° Practically Uia »»• taker} op thia CrOM ■TimU.Mim Of inragard to the fight the Smith* had arith each other at a Meant Oilee mica (table, the threat* they made •pin* his (Paga'd Ufa. and that Paraded from Mere to Mare la the town coning and otharwla* vio lating tha town oralaOaoaa. It araa also abown by than* witnaaa* thia morning that both lh» Smith brother* ware large man, Banafca being natl matad 8 fart in height and weighing eioo* to 200 pouada, aad Beaymn, also araighed between *00 and 120 pound* and maasared * feet. Tba State concloded Its evidence and ratted its case yesterday after noon at 6 o’clock with the examina tion of B. T. lalHi, of Goldsboro, who taatiflod that tba Smith brathara war* hi* nephew* and that b* waa with Banyan Smith at a Goldsboro hoop Hal just before be died, that Bunyan stated to him that OAcer Page had ahot him without cause, and that himself and Page war* ssisc • W. P. KomegaytJ. H. Cobb and rtfeer prominMi d««n« of Moo at Olivo, taatiflod tM* morning to the jood character of 0«c*r Pag*, and **• 7“ °“* P?0* kMt oflcan th* team had ever had. snore CM been repeatedly elaehes between attorneys on heth (idee, and ■t one period yeeterday afternoon "Wb ■ wttneca was being examined Judge Kerr threatened to let the sa praiM eoart rale oa Nge of the ««. Uom unlnea the ettemoy. oenaed their prolonged eoatantieme la regard to !“•• alab announced (ran Um beach tkb morning that he mated all the witassace examined to day if possible. CHEER JURYWHEN PAGE IS ACQUITTED '—.i-sz lag lei the Goldsboro, June TWo arms wild usa shouted aad danced, while men, wo ssen and children bogged each other zV’ts-.st'z'E.-zisrs ef Bernice and BcaThn Smith, broth who were kiUei he Mount OHre Us* January, ftbd Mu court and re turasd a rurdtet of M guilty against m A. ,orT**r Ro'tee chief of S;zs.fe.,e3z> —► *«“ *ho frees OR dense aatratioa erur wttauuaud be local court sad ** ™ hnferc Judge • who prodded orer Um eaae. could TMtore the seen to order. >ury"1lb uftoiijSTat « *J,TLtotime eonaumed la maki»t mm btht Aft ailnvtM. TV i«rr **o«W#d tho cim s-^xiwsitfrjs T -P AMt Howell, C. C » c Hooka, J. A. Buiar^ The court room woe Ubd with la SHUSH TMt a HI AT COM IMS WITH COMMUNITY CKAUTAUOUA. Braah dM Orest. waiter at|Mu ! and mirth-waiter, bailer ee that aa ' aadiaaoa abasia ha awaaed wnlu wrailSad—aa ha aacablsaa faa wltt l hta waste. Tan oarer can tall M •U the Una about what ba will d. semi aid bow ha wfl do It. He ap paan with aU his paraphernalia ate nro ftMiftaafs cm AUdim'ii M*ht. Qm tmnd da;«f dM OhaiuaaqwL WILL BE A FIGHT OVER DAYLIGHT LAW Point of Order It Now Yerfcer Stepped The AgrUuMeeerel Ml ■eat ePthelr delegated righto." Rap- 1 xacatatlvo W«latex. Republican, of ' Washington, declared tha Republican i door leader “had no right to make , nick an unusual request.” Opponent* of the daylight saving act aaade soother unsuccessful effort today to include in the 1120 agricul- i taral appropriation bill aa amendment \ providing for the repeal of Mm act. Chairman Haugen of the Agricul ture! committee introduced the a mandment and a point of order was 1 made against it by Representative La Guard la, Republican, of New Turk. JEFFERSON DAVIS AlfNtVERS ARY CELRBRATKO AT DUNN Tha Daughters of the Ceufederary celebrated the anniversary of Jeffer- ( mb Dart* at the heats of their praai loot. Mrs. N. A. Tosmeend. The beautiful boms was attractive with many bright summer Rowers. i Mrs. L. J. Best opened tbs moating , I***1 *, W0C* "f Pr*f*r mftar which Mrs. Nina Holland Covington in bar usual charming way gave an eloquent talk on “Practical Patriotism." She 1 Kke with much feeling and her I me was thoroughly enjoyed by thoes prevent . Mine Juanita Crockett gave a beau tiful reading on ”Patriotism,” after 1 rtkk a delicate lee courso wan served 1 luring which some eptendld vietrola 1 nuaic was vnjvyed. , Self-made women outnumber self made men e desen to one—as any 1 iealer la cosmetics will tell yea. I vhlcb *u a large number of women. \o hear the argument* of the attar >«c "V'b began here this morning. Tbeflrst speaker this momlec was 3m*. Boa, ef Ullington who opened fa the defense by consent of the jrosecution. whs wee employed by the rltimns of hie town aad county to de fend Officer Page, and who lest night mat a telegram to Col. John D. Lang don. of Oeldsboro, chief eonansl for ho defense, in which they stated that f he deemed K advisable, hundreds >f citiaene from that county were ■eady to vtait Goldsboro at their awn to the gead char tcter of Officer Page. R D. John. 5»s* Prank Taylor, * Goldsboro, *&. spoke for the do L*?!L■"*«•>« Hen. W. 8. O B. Robiaeoa and B. 9. Land, of the local «he speakers this morning tor the State Sid, afternoon j77. PowMr. of CHaton. end W. O. Pinch, >f Wilson, cloood for the dofonoo, ami Ooldebar* and Soli titer Walter Biter for tho feat*. A leave nember of «rn mines! wo non of lfeent OHre attended the trial reetorday >nd wore oMtedte X wC MO* stand as character sritnsmn far Mear Page, aad all UetiSed that M* tberscter wae goad. They had at tested the trial purely trmm Xaemd inter set in the case' eadTefiJXSr rifered to take the Uend and teSS to the character Officer fag* bore daring the Um* h* had amdeX feX In Mount Oliva. ■ Mr* Pu« w ho her heea cent Ire* oely h aneadaan at lb* trial, we* probably n- ‘" weaaaa la the court room iukii_l s'nrsan0’ jS&z bus* whet a da* man Mr. Pag* wm end the high esteem la which lie wee held by the w*ama ef Mewl Othr*. CONDITION REPORT OP COTTON CROP »M Par Cant | Harth CeraMpa Cray ftft Par Cm WaMingtaa, Jaaa 1.—The coadi tfaa of the eoltoa eras anas 7».« pea teat af a normal an Hay M tha de partment of agricakaia —lamaaad to Me first report af tha aaaaoa. Condition by Statna followi: Vtarjato. M; Korth cEStoa. M| WsTanaeaear. M; Miaaaari, tft; OUa. ioma, «5; CaWoia. il. The report a>aa awaked with keen atmak by tha cotton ladnatry aa an EUthoritativa ladles tie* af tha au «roP' Ftlmea^ ■ataa of Urn condition hara —gtif ^ram7*J to T7.« per coat of aaorm n “"“C^fcU# '* 1,1 T k »Jh! a 1116 it was 77.1. Tha tea rear «• araraga eanditloa is 7*1/ •m^s: hi -^Eagort. The * wryUtiaa la rlaw "“the iffaem thraagbout tha Soath for a ad action of the planting*. Unafl yto?11** «f tha planted araa hara daesd the redaction aroaad 1ft —* iff ,«£ toot yearig acreage *ee 87,000, *• a^rea. Those tat lot* to* place this -ear'* acreage aroaad aft.Bftft.fteo lent. COMMISSIONERS HAD BUSY PAY HE “COUNTY IW!« * TUNE” FAMES IMPOST. AWT Atm. rroe to i OSce at *-1 ■ • —* Of Subtle Wetfaro nt • •$ 81,500 4ppn prUbmm $180 for Fourth of y«*y Mioobl Olbi Hot. urn tw put Monday. CelaeMeat rllh lha boar aoaaoa for Um iarmora ha Commlaidoacra derided to got oal boay Kot that the members of larsott County - board of Cnoob iloaera are idlers al any per Lice tor me, but when matter* pertaining to he welfare of (he whole people need LUeniioa. work that means volumes too bo (hrasbod ou( In a day. Culling upon (he Board of Educa tes (or n Joint seeeton. (he County tom mtasloners and tho Edaeatlonnl pnaood a Joint resolution ap ■ropriatlng tl.3-0 from tho fun da of •<* board, maldng *2,W0, u a aal >ry for a Superintendent of Public Welfare. The chairmen of tho com aisai oner* end Education Board, to "tber with Superintendent Gentry, cere appointed a committee to select tad recommend a callable person to w elected to an this Important of lee. Then (he Commissioners decided hat the Fourth of July this ywr hoold he celebrated In this county ■ rlth a glorious Jubilee upon tho ye arn ot v)Idlers and sailors who made hi* country safe against Iluory. rhe board appropriated gig* to bo ixponded in making woleomo tbaao eimmlng heroes. The celebration rill be held on the court house Snare L **• CbaMa, deputy dark of •nrt, was appointed chairman of txacoinr* eummlttao to carry oat tbo iro|r»is lid uaka imifinimi "*• **• H MtU*» ipptint Mora ba board aod made aa eloeoenl f1** or tbe bestowal of thle timely aad amrrad Honor upon tb* eoldUn -°* McLoaa la aaaraadc In bla eo laavor to make this comlaa rottrth * Jely a treat aad (lorlone day la [amett County Prominent speak re will be aaearad (or Urn ooeaatoa; ■l»o. a war taah and otbar attraallaaa " Hein* applied for. Secretary Janlola will bo ad ad for a marine •aad. Fourth of July lolormatlou 'HI bu fnrnlahad ear renders each rue* ia tbe Interim. Tbo Board aeadrmed tbo eleettee * K. L. Godwin n recorder of Duma, ad C. J. ftrolth aa —— rnnrdas. The uletian of (1. a. Adaiae aa oottoa "W*er for Anylrr was alao coo trmed. htea ordtrsd that tha road mlaeiowara of Neill-. Croak rw •air tbe McKay brMde oa Bales Jruak. It was also erdered that a toad rota bo taken In Arerasbere rowaeblp oa Jaty It, tbo Mono to be •••>••• for rood work. Tho Board ordered Ma ehatrama » I ante tha Chatomaa of tbe lf%b »ay Com m leafoe lo meet wttb (burn >t tbe eerlleai prasilaable dale, aad m seek date tho eouaty cbalnaan to •all the county board of tnuMBfr ■ood boards tnwelber far canteens# m reads. —— THREE ARE mm IN AUTOMOBILE RACE AU* ii; s S*V V n f&Z, R • i* &{■ V\ (if: m ■*! *