DUNN COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA, JUNE IMS THE DUNN * DUNN, N. C. JUK» It,' |tlt « CHARTER GRANTED HARNETT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR ASSOCIATION With Authorised Capita] of $25,000 Now OrfOBtMtiaB Btt'.iu Work to Haw a Successful Fair Hera PLANS FORMULATED AT MEETING MONDAY NIGHT Mara Tha a 111,000 Worth af 5 took Already Sabaarlbad a ad New Steak Balog Said Every Day. A Big Thief Th* stockholders of the Harnett # County Agricultural Fair Aaaociation mat in tho R cordar'a court room In th* town of Dunn last Monday night at 9 o'clock to formulate plana to have hare this fall on* of the larg est agricultural fairs rear held In tha section of tha State. The meeting waa wall a amlad and svary one prea nt was bu* Ittirg over with enthusiasm. Tha me.ting waa called to order by Robert I. i.ndwin who ha* been more active, • - haps, than any on* *laa. In getting '.he fair project organised. The at---holders then sleeted Gran ville M. 7 Ughman chairman of the meetinc and Mr. Godwin waa named as secretary. The charter, which waa granted by th* Secretary of Buts last week, was read to tha meeting god tireepted. H< r T A. Turlington, ton of Sheriff Turl r.gtsn, and ono of the moot eue ccaaf'tl of tb* young farmers In th* cou;i’ -, was unanimously named as prv*',jrt of the corporation and 0. It. TT;fm*n. one of Dunn’s ancoaeaful bualir.it men, seas mod* aetlv* vice* pres dsnt. F. Smith, another young man wlto haa established htmaetf ns n sur< j. sful farmer and buainesa man, waa rimed as secretary and treasurer. In addition to th* abave officers, the /nllsswUw TT.mu.mfff o/insslw mas. tw.M named a* vice-president*: Eugene Smith, Dak* township J. «». Sutton, Lilllngton township. W. H. Turlington, Grave township. Ed. B Wnrrsn, Avermsboro township. Ellis Goldstein, Avermsboro town *klj». B P. Msrshbenkm. Neill's Creek township J. C. Byrd, Btowart'i Greek town ■Wjs. Dr. C. K. Young, Black river town ship. s w. L. Sorter, HectoT’s Crook town ship, R 8. Abernathy, Bockhorn to sen 5. A- •ColliM, Upper little Kiv*r township. FYancis McI*od, Upper little River . Johnson, JohnsonrUl* town A. Cannady, Anderson Crook township. The following persons were elected directors of ths corporation: H. A. Turlington, ex-offleio; Ed. B. Warren. R L. Godwin. Eugene Smith. D. C Puaaen, Dr..W.-P. Holt. R P. Gentry J. M Byrd. HcD. Holliday. Tba location for ths fair was pur chased last week. It lies northwest of the city, being a few hundred yard* beyond the R L. Godwin property It contains 36 acres and ia an idsal place for a fair ground. The con sideration was $7,000. The following persons compote a; exoeutive and building committee, be Ing named by the stockholders: G M. Tilehmen, chairman; Ed. Warrtn * McD. Holliday, W. P. Dickey. an< H. A. Turlington. These gentlemer are planning to begin work an th« grounds at once. The grounds haei been surveyed and In a few day work will begin on the buildings ant track. The secretary and treasure: ' was also ordered to collect 10 po cent of the stork already subscribe* and to so|| sddttlonal stock to tbs a mount of $25,000. Work aleo will aooi be*r<n on a uranium list and it will b< 1 published daring the summer. The prospects are unusually gooi for a .ucceasful fair and the mai h*Vnd It are determined that H abai be second to non# over held in thi. ■action. Yo»ir co-operation It needed however, and you are expected to d your part. LIABILITY OF BANK DIRECTORS FOR DAMAGE! Washington. June ».—Liability o a national bank dlractor far damage growing out of violations by a ban! , of tba Podaral banking statutes, wa Axed today by tbe Supreme Coui in sustaining Federal Court judgment against Guy E. Bowsnaaa In proceed Inge brought to recover damages froi officers and directors by the receive of the First National Bank of Sahnoc Idaho. Bowennan claimed he toak uo at Me* pert in tha back’s managamen . <■ and bed no information relative t tk* Bisklnv nr# mllm^m/4 adrAulTf lotBi Tho lowor coart hold that Bewormn ahould bo hold llablo for horlnf rl« lotod bio common law dotioo »» director In not ottaodlnf tho board mootings. Tho Bupromo Court olflni od tho rordict FARMERS TO GET CHEAP ER FERTILIZERS IN FAL WoAIngton, Juno I.—Forman < tho country should obtain their mil Od fertilisers for foil season of 1*1 nt an arcroco prleo of obont SO pi eoat lowor than tba prieai which ol tahmd far tho mnaf aaaaan lu| pbmod” tho Dopartmont of Africa » sold tonlfbt ia an annooneamai njr a Hat of prleoa ranfinf fro. .ft ta IM.tf P*r ton for aa mowin, pboaphorie odd, and petal compounds, to which manufactory barn acroed. Tbaao will apply aa maximum on M to" ablpmont, fro Ballmer,, FhUaMpMa and Carton N. / , It wo* oxplaiaod, an aalaa oltb ta daalan nr farmer*, but wQl m «*r*rn atdpmynta to Bontbora Btata for which ofraomcata haro oat y boon roaehaa. Tbo anaooncamowt, war mid* nosld net ha conatmr aa a Maine of prleea. b* "rWUct. MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO RALEIGH AFFAIRS "EwrrvwMV' F«r J«m Telle of AetiviUe* of WmM of Capital Kvcrywoman'a Magmaine for June » a Raleigh number. On the front cover la a picture of the Woman'! Club. There la a lengthy article by Klee Elsis Riddick beaded "The Suffragists Betti*—Official Statement of Event* of the Big Struggle.” Telling of the first fight the women unde in the inat legialature to aecnre municipal auffrmge. An article entitled “The Four Mary*,” was written by the lata Dr. Kemp P. Battle and waa one of the last article* written by him. The ladies referred to were Mery Ruffin Smith. Mary Ana Smith, Mery Elisabeth (Morgan) Mason and Mary Bryan 8p*lgbt, benefactors of the University of North Carolina. The ■***» "» also presents the inaugural address of Mrs B. H. Griffin, the now president of the Raleigh Woman’s Chib Another article telle of the Red Cron* Christmas roll call of the R*l* ;L'h chapter, an activity which was ducried t>y Judge Robert W. Wine ton. "Tha Recent right fet Suffrage in the Legislature,” is the subject of an article by Hon. A. L Brooks, I of Gteensboro. "The Record of War ! Work by Raleigh Club Women,” gives th* same* of the many women war I workers of Raleigh end th* partieular wore aon» or (men ns iiims or those who helped maintain the emer gency hitches of the Tabernacle Bap tist church during tha mfloeuxa sml drmlc ale* are given.—News and Ob server FIGHT OVER LEAGUE TO BE BITTER ONE Battle Im. Will Be K.iamed With Farr That May telly is Previews Straggles Washington, inn# 11.—After a abort period of com para rive qniet. the aenaW fight ever UM League af ~ q be n adlpaa all paaeiepa growing out of tha eoutroestuy. It is around the resolution of I_ tor Knaa, Republican, of Pafibsyhm nia. proposing to put tbs eastst* date gggwwwa* Supporters of th* resolution hope to gather enough strength to ghrt warn ing to th* Paris conference that the treaty cannot be ratified here in he present form, an eventuality which tha treaty aepportan expected to fight to a finish. Th* foreign relations committee to day decided to take op the reaolution tomorrow morning, wfth tha prospect that it will be brought Into the senate as soon as it meets at soon. Although it will then go over technically for a day under the rules its presentation may be th* signal for another out burst of debate oa tha subject. It Is considered more likely, how ever, that the fight will begin when the resolution is called up for paimgs Friday. Even its friends do not ex pect a roll call that day and tom* senators are predicting that there sriQ be non* for many days to coma. Sen ator Knox wiR makd every effort to bring it to a vote before th* treaty ' '* “gr.*d at Paris and In this he ap is reuily will have the l acking of , Hepuh >ean Leads' Lodge, 'ihey svtl . not be surprised, however, if they en counter a resistance that may mean protracted debate. Daring today's session tbs league ' was the subject of only one speech, a carefully prepared address by Sena , tor Walsh, Democrat, of Montana, re plying to objections that the tesigue covenant la In conflict with tha Aaneri 1 can eonetltntlon. For an hour sad n 1 half th* Montana senator, quoting • many precedents, argued that the 1 covenant neither seta aside any con stitutional -oro-vision nor violates Aniricu lormlnls. Moot of the objection*. Mr. WaM | osoortod, hare baea rained to play apon popular sensitiveness aad an r founded on worn otrt tbeerlee. He replied directly to eritielems by Sen atom Lodge and Knox and aomttinl that Republican eeaaton warn permit, tine nartlsanehlp to color their views "The chronicler of the event! o< our fateful day.” he declared, “will not fail to note haw etatenn who, marculy more than two yean ago when the hope wee reasonably Indulg ed In by them that the treaty would be negotietad daring a Republican ad ministration, extolled the plea of a league of nations' as worthy of ail praiao, aad now that it cemee aa th* result of tbo labors of a Demociutl. President, deneunce It a* ah shorn In atlon.” The addreaa developed do debate hut It was a day of eeafareucei ■xaong the leaders on both ddeo. Man] ■•natore era rsmrrlng their opinion! « the Knox reeoliion, which h i tor reaching la Ite prorlmons. lea* L who tmpoee the league ore kaewn aim to object to the resolution’s propose f to declare that In cam of any futon • ft'!?*, «*• P«» of Europe, th. » United States would feel obligated u r co-operate In removing that throat ^ On the other hand oome of thoe it favoring the league are drawn to th 1- Knox nmers by Ha deelemtion the it the treaty should bo ratMod A rot on. n the league left to future discussion. h Mrs. J C BInehara and kft T. H u Parrish of toe Hid aid, mdat Sands a hare with thair brotimiCoaorga K n Grantham. o' DIM Tayler aad Chris Jambs apen A a few day* Ihja weak la Klnatoa aa! », Out deters with friends. 8 the action of the department In donl tug with Am fertiliser trade aside 4 terms of tbo food control eat.” U. S. PROVIDES FOR AU DISABLED MEN • Govwamml Will Re-EtUbUth in Civil Ufa Thom Injurwd in Sarrica BUT FACT IS NOT YET GENERALLY KNOWN AalbwM Agamy far Werh U Fain el Beard far Vaootfaasl Edaaatiaai Na Eseuse Far Mm la Soldier Guise Wka Try Ta PeahandU Kind ly Diseased Fa ream. Washington, Jana 8.—In hit work throughout the country In behalf of diechargsd service rarn Colons! Arthur Woods, assistant to the secre tary of war In charge of fading em ployment for demobilised eoMleih. aailora and snarlnm, has learned that In many sections people gaaerally do not know just what the geveromaat Is doing to enable ease disabled in tha line of duty to reestablish rheiasahss in civil life. inasmuch as tha government took •ham man out of civil Ufa and placed them to camp, and In tha trenches wbera thalrdlmMIIUes warn incurred, “ •*|Jg*\io*‘ upen tha govern mant to re-amatdlah them in cJvQ Ilf, Is clear. Afhdi ft ak*nM km »n rl aval „ - M sk.s sk_ injured in France are net the only oora entitled to aeaistanc*, for all dis abled service man, whether Injured in (he United State* or thread, are pro vided, for equally.. For re-eetabluhing the disabled la civil Ufa, the authorised agency of the government Is the Federal hoard of vocational education, which la charged by Congress with the “voca tional training of disabled soldier* and the placement ef rehabilitated persona in suitable sad gainful occupations," after their discharge from tbs army. The government. It will be noted, not only train* th* disabled man, thus enabling Mm to aaeoms again with unimpaired efficiency, the reeponsibil ttiaa of civil life, bet also a salats him In seen ring employment at th* end of hi* period of training In some large eltiee crippled men >n uniform are teen on the street en gaged in “panhandling' kindly dis posed persona. It baa been found that in nearly every case these men wen Jnst plain ordinary fakir* in the guise of aNdlera, whs teak this method of thee* fakir*. Me man dhsbted in the mrrice need- engage ia aay sort of Mdu| game oa the streets aor peed be ewghg* fas aay occupation what ever Wfth'ls set becoming ts-Ma. iHSttffSSSSKSS meat by th* government. If aay ■tan after being Informed whet hu opportunity** are cor. tlr.ns* hi* game a favor will be done the great body of eolf-reepecting disabled men whe nr* trying to make something of then eelvas, if every earn ef this cheractni is reported to th* Dearest branch offici of ta* Federal Board for Vocadoaal Education. While In training a man receive! an amount equal at least to the bam pay received daring his last month‘i service in the Army, Navy or Marini Carp*, but in no cam doe* ho reeehri lees than fftd par month if a slngli men, or lees than ITS per month II living with his dependents, or Isas that $•6 per month for himself If Ueini apart from his dependants—bi add! tion to allowances to his dependent if married and being apart from hit wife during the period ef training In all case* the Wife receives $16 and each minor child $10 per month These payments are mad* to eaabli *Wm a. rn—WI meal# training, and are in Itaa of oubeivt onto, ate. Under tha arrangement Ant men tioaed. if a man who served aa ■ private at ISO par month, wiahaa ti take training, waiving claim to tub sleisure, clothing, etc., he wOl, ii tingle or living apart from hla depend aota daring training bo allowed an ad dltlonal |>l per month by the Fed era Board, thus bringing Ml income op ti the minim am of Mb per month. Oi tha other hand, ekoald tha man ban baon a noncommissioned ofAcor dur ing his last month*! service, sad ban received os Ugh as Ml par month ho will than oontinae to receive rocl pay and it wUl, of coarse, not b necessary In thin case for tha Fedora Board to allow Mm anything addition aL In the ease of officers, H wUl b apparent, no ells wince win bo forth coming from the Federal Board. Msi who hove ho*n Minded in battk r who have loot both arms or both lega or who as a remit of injuries incarre ora permanently and totally disabled H may ho noted, ccme andir a specie provision which allows thorn 1100 pe month additional. Maav crippled soldiers wore dii charged wtthoet being Informed of th provtoeas node far Umsa through tb aweary of the Federal Board, boeaus they wore released from service be fora the machinery for reaching thei eras In affect. Any person coming t contact with each disabled mow wtf b doing a patriotic doty in dircctin thorn either to write to the Fedors Board at Washington or to ona of th Board’s fsortsew branch offices, 01 S*£iV^PU55r”“*" It In very Important that tha dii shied maa rimlf ho made ts real is folly the advantage of taking train In to insure Ms future welfare. At tb present time there are many patriot! employers of labor who are will la to take on disabled man whether the are really capable of performing the I duties or not But don't forgot tha In a few years the work of the rest efficient man wOl tall and bo will t • tha ona who will got ahead. I For this iMN the federal boas ■ la doing snivtMng In Its power I trata and equip As disabled man to . «*•* d'qbargo on tha l he win bo a thoroughly eompetoi I map la whatever line he electa i I fallow. • In tha orant ro«rr ■ prove far any res sen ’ or not suited for the ability of tha potson RETURN ROADS TO PRIVATE CONTROL EARLY AS POSSIBLE Pa—am Joina ^i TMmfcii And NeUoa in Docl-Rtf H Should Bo Do— RAILROAD REVOLTING fund appro** ration Ur lM> M T» 4 H M P< Bill AadurWaf *7«M N B. B. AiaaMatrattaoi Urged Larger In B« Wanhlnytoo, Jau 10 of 806 to 4, the Houae the bin eulhertatog aa ■ of 8760,000.000 for tba mInUtration'! —Mg f erotic member! argad a larger a> mount, but did nat pram .lag amend ment for an increaee, *MW republi cana declared tba fund »wU be anf Hcient until later,la the‘ gaar whaa future aaeda would be kAewn. The meaiure now (aaa to d)p Renata whore leaden plan early Urtiow. Votes againat the a*dr*prUtlcn were cast by ripriearitattiljd Aatheny, Kanaac; Ramaayer, watiVoodvard, West Virginia, ' Kcpukttpae!; and Thoraaa. Kentucky, Dacnoaaai Nana of them urged kte ebjudlga to the Dili aunng ui n*ucn ni marked by the Injection Mcoaeider abl* political dloceedco. 1 Chairmen Good, af tU appropria tion* committee, > rhjpe of the rail bill, explained that reduction from the fliOd.OOO.OOd loqoeeted by^Direetoi^ General Hjnmf fnndT he'aauf ^rald^mlhLVa*total of IM60.0M.M0 (Touted the admin letration dace tho* rofl 1 hep* vara taken over hr the (oraia^nfc.^ Kepi eneulalIr*e_ Smith Carolina, and Bryna, rfemaaei. Dcmocrata, orfi»( • ***(■ JO* »P> ie tlon, declared that tuegJKi aoeos eery to make prompt aalgmly pay ment of the edatlaltiiatiomhe'aTspaas, be delay in which they aefllhronM ad vsreaiy affect general team Condi Done. They ate* am* rM abut 'he ectnller amount wwuld laSpm, <r ter cet chargee an railroad '.mflmthdntse that eventually wo ill b.ifcw hy the government _ljr;-, . Meoavriifle in the fc^ff debaU restoration eTnpe^Mtttatir ■tata rates. J,. The amendment, ha a*4d. would leave intrastate tariffs Cat the mercy of th* Railroad Administration." In reply Senator Commina doctored that, to subordinate th* Federal govern ment as operator of th* line* to th* authority of th* eevacal States, as to intrastate rate*, would he indefen sible. Senator Pomarene, Democrat, join ed In the statement of Senator Cum mins end Senator Nefcon that the road* should ba returned to private control at th* earliest poasifale mom ent. RATIFYING THE NEW SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT III la *4* Legislator* Regtateewd Bos One Dlaaeetlag Vetei Oskar States Ast Springfield, HI., June 10.-—Illinois >• the diet state to ratify tha woman suffrage constitutional amendment Th* general assembly approved the measure today. Tha eat* in th* 8on ■ ate we* unanimous whils in th* House WiMoaala IUt<M. I Madison, WU, Jim 10—Tha Wis I concin legislature today ratlhed tho i Federal suffrage amendment, the ao i mmbly voting 54 to I sod tho Sonata II to I. MlaWgaa Unealwen*. i Leasing. Mich., Jane 10,—The > Michigan legislature lota today retWl I d tha Federal woman so?rags amend ment The actios was by aaantmoai l vote in both house*. • SPECIAL SESSION N. T. , . LEGISLATIVE CAIJJU) Albany, K. Y., June 10-—An oxtra I ordinary manion of tha Now York , legislator* for Monday night. Job# I If era* colled by Governor Smith r In ■ proclamation baaed into today. The purpose U to act npM ratification - of tho woman suffrage constitutional > amendment. i THINKING IS It makes for if si sag- Tho mind i that Is trained to think ig act only i Quick to see what are sailed facta; It i discam* tho relatleu between aaaonr I ontly Isolated facts, than tha raMlona I bctwswa groups of facts; K is there • fora capable af potting facts hi thetr , proper places to hs of mvim an oc • cation arises. Thla Is the sac rat of edueatio.—Selected. b • ■ ■ • — 1 — I lag, another coarse wV bo offered for a ‘hs work of the government asrvti s coasts aatil tho disabled Uti IIIana I acenUy placed In a satiable and ram r- — . , tM , — — —i*i - — untnart DOUDOIL r It should also ha andsrNood by all t men who have teat a MAh la tha ear y rteo ta tho ihm ef daty that It Is tbs o daty ef tho gnvsramsMl through ths . ageneioa of the War Department ant d the .War Risk bwaraato Bareaa u o supply them with arttMal ttmba ae< l- appliances. Wham a assn it wi from tha t limb which is a i a aad later on bp is d fa^maka this provision h Sot a eherKi y but aa ebllgation aa »s part of tin i gvwimwt toward this clam af dto GODLEY IS OVEN DEATH SENTENCE SmithfeM Mm Cenvictnd of Criminal Assault On Nian Y car-Old Girl DEFENDANT OFFERED NO EVIDENCE FOR HIMSELF Dfcplarud He Emotion Wheu Ha H~»» Ward* of CwH DiruuMag That Ha •* Il«itm»ld| Wii* Sal With Hla* While Trim WwlaPra r«l Na Argument By Attorney* ftmithfleld, June 11.—Churchill L C<MiWy. 82-year-old white nan. waa today r ort vie ted of criminal aanault * ■Bemley a nine-year-old girl, who with her partita live in • mill •abort) here, and wai acntenced by Jude* Karr to ho electrocuted Aaguct I. God ley hoard tin Mr tenet wttboot motion and waa apparently tho moat mmovod man in the court room whoa the sentence m pronounced shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon. Seated beside him throughout tho trial woe hla wife, who won tbs admiration of the apocbaton for her bravery. Although protesting hi* innocence te officer, of the law, Oodley aero* wont ou the wKtmm stand in hla ewn behalf nor did bis lawyers, W. w. Cola, of this place, and C. U. Harris, offat any Uttimony for Um defendant The stabs took exactly C6 minntes to complete He side of tbs earn when attorneys for the defend, ant stated they won willing far K *• ** tVVM J*nr tfpon tbs judge’s rhargs without argamsat. Beasley Cirl «lhm. A apodal vamra of oat bundled “•n had been tail ad to report at IS o’clock. It took aa boar to m tko Jury, another hoar to Introduce Ike evldoneo, and before 1 o'clock tko Jury had the earn. A verdict wai reached after deliberating for to rnin though the Jury did net report until court convened nt t o’clock. The etory of (he alleged aaeault wai told by tfct little girt, who gave • ■truighforwurd account. that •bo End been taken by Godtey for a rtde in bie auUwobHe. ahe erplaleed that the alleged aaeault took niece U game wood* arren nUei north el SmMhheld. Teetimony to the effect that tko little gift bad been ruddy treated by aoaaeene waa offend by twe local phyffduaa, and the rlothoi ahe ween aw the day ef hw a week l*aeed In ovidaaoo. eevuruT el tbc gnrmenta being ton and ipl i*rhed H7 firoeks Vnd f.__ ley talked freely U tkie ef the am fortunate affair. He eaemed to think that romethtng ought to be done, but waa at a loaa to knew -dial .1 Wau “I can look you etraigbt m the aye and my that I am innocent," bo do dared to one of the officer* Cod ley, who drove na au*. i »'MU for hire, Mated that on the aftemooe of the namult, which waa u'wut twe weeka age, he had preaiacd to go It Wilmn’a Milla to meet a travel!ay man, who dcelred to gv to Selma When ha got to the former place hi felled to tad the mleaman and came back to Smithfield. He doee not den] having taken tbe girl for a ride, be mya be kaowa nothing about the mmdH. While attorney* for tbe defen dan did not indicato what courac the] would take, K ie poaedble they mj atk for a commutation of the *en trace or they may taka' an appeal te the Supreme Court. CONVICT SOLDIER RECEIVES PARDOB Made E*eapa Fram Harnett Conat] Seed*, la New With Army hi France Dougiaa McAlllaUr, of Harriet county, an aeeaptd convict now witJ tko American army in Franco wa pardoned yesterday by Governor Sick ett. McAlUater wmi convicted of ier eeny and -era* sentenced to five year oa tbo public roads Ha «u pardon od upon condition of nod behnvio and remaining a law-abiding cWm Tbo defendant bad eerved few years of Us sentence when ha eosapoi and joined tbo army. Governo Bickott is bow endeavoring to seear •one adjustment from too govern ment in the ease of another cwatrie who escaped. joined the army and an dec a different name was killed li France, and whose insurance mono: la new being bold up. 00000*0 Bickott stated hi that caw that be. "it known the prisoner waa ia to army, bo Weald boro pardoned him and if a pardon to a dead au ca have any virtao, bo to willing now t grant tbo pardon. Stating his reasons for tbo pardo of McAl Rotor, Governor Bickott sayi •*Tbio defendant served nearly fou years of a tra year sentence. He m taped from tbo county roads, joins tbo United States Army, and la not In Franca. The judge who triad lb caw It dead, bat the solicitor retool mends Me pardon. The priaonor la young man, and under all the circus tenets, I think he has bean aeAelet* ly vanished. A petition for clement it before ana signed by a large a am be of good clUsoas of tbo county | which tbo prisoner waa convicted F< •haw reasons a conditional pardon granted.”—Tam day'» Nawe and Ol WfTtf. The Atlantic Oaaat Ltoa is pattia In this weak a elding at the rweeoftl pore based plant of the ■ mutuals Fh* pkate Ca. This work wfll bo tan plated la a few days when tbs true wfll he used for oaleadtag matoih which wfll ga la the coast ruction aa Improvement of tbo plena. WMI ninety da70 this slant win be road for buaiaaw and H la being arrange to taka earn of a tremendous asaoui of bwflnaw tbit fafl. the c:::_jty chautadqua b RENDERING EXCELLENT PROGRAM i TRUE BILLS RETURNED ON CAPITAL CHARGES Criminal AmanH AedMw Jer TrinU On This Weak U JehaMoa Csnrt SaitUUM, Jana •—Superior Court for Johnston county, Judge Join H. Kerr melding, opened bora today for the trial of criminal cases, and during the dor the grand Jury returned true bills in two Important cases. One of the true bills, was against Churchill U Godtoy. ' InMML charged with comm • criminal mult upon Mamie Baariey, a nine ro*r-oto girl. The case to set for a bearing Wednesday, sad a rpirlel venire af one bandred mas from whom to select a Jury baa bean am maaad to appear Wednesday at 18 _ The'other tnw hUl was agntaet Spain Bailey, Jesse Bale*, 3. H-Evens and John Stancill for "conspiracy to kill and warder” Deputy Sheriff J. Alf Wall. Included In the bill an the conspiracy, but net the murder count, were four boys, one of wham 1» colored. Deputy Sheri* Wall war fatally wounded while raiding a die Hilary. A special venire of 200 war ordered in this case, and the heart** set to eomawnea Thursday. The fire meu against wham the capital charges stand have been held la the State penitentiary for rate fcsfoid as w-»farought u did bt'd mod ioM fct." *na.v2zag£jg3rE& NATIONAL BANKS FAST INCREASING AmoagMaay »pp«**ti«— Far Mm Chart era A— T— From Merth CareM— JUDGE STACY EXPECTED TO RUN FOR CONGRESS Wilmington. Junr 10—Well-fnnmd Ml raporta that Solicitor Homer L I.yor will make the raea for Ce agree tgainat Hannibal L. Godwin, of Dana ;b the Sixth Diabriet, have baaa foi <owad by aubrtantial mwa that Jodg , w P. Stacy, of this eM», wfO laS probability taka (ha Said alao. SaM ehar Lyon doesn't my postUvrfy the ha will ran hat it h ranermlly seder *®od h«r« that ha aril. Jadft Stae] -feelined taday U make nay commas I bwt It ia known In palitisj circle hat ha kaa received imiunnn a apport from awn Hi ymedeaDy aver -aunty la the dlatriet. DOST II AFMAID TO EAT THE LUSCKMJS MELON THIS TEA! WRRhfajrtfrn. Jan# 7 riaasiM • blush, starchy pasta on tho cut aten of watenaelona appearing is atikr this year should not arousa ausplciei . that tho fruit ia la aa “unhealthy1 condition. Tho Department of Ayri ! culture explained today tint this peat . la the evolution of exports of the D« pertinent to protect the Monied e ; the weteimluii from rapid decay ml , to the fruit bae boot, pinched an [ chipped te merVet ! LOCAL PEPSI COLA CO. ENJOYS BKS BUSIMUI I Domed Per Tide Veep Papulae Bee ereyo lecnuht Dolly- A Coed r Dtiah » That the salon of Pepoto-Cola h , thlt section this eeiaoa will oaliaa i those of nay post year la the Motor i of tho cearaeay. was the ylM ef statement given this paper today k t Dariny Ike period of the. war b* - tier* all soar the country were fares I U curtail their output ea account « t the sayar ahortaye and la thin til • the Papal-Cola BottMag Cootpany wt ; sy2«ar abSSjb - However, new that the armistice hi - been alyned and the restriction a 1 the sugar boa born removed, they at r able to meure nil tbs syrup that tha • can make am ef and than are tub In r advantage ef this te euppfr their loci • le the limit. ► V to wayif y popular beverage *«d tfcaaa are daf ► Iwmaatoij by toapa and bounds. i- Thai ftps Cato hat real Merit at k to appealing to Dm pakBe to plala! 1 apparent tkroayb the tome eah d which R to enjoying, a -— SU aoate aaa were la aeeaae thea •circa af being Han lato af tbatr a d qaalntnaeoe would not keHm Bmi :0 m m I ft % i •}'«!$ m ft r& V TV « .TO SCHOOL BOARD SUMOUM T*xDurrs> Giat js ttJrssrg srais . Sn ■>nbl ml K k kb My tm ; es^g.tyt ."mbt I tndnt. «r Mb J^3E^3^^2g5jLit jr- ■ Omsk Jo* MV* I—tttliaa : ■ r.ptaM —***,!*•? ■? iXrittil w 3 I approaad by tha I—jjjjj Climb 1 Maty af tfa BUM M U bMir B at wall aa tha arataiMaa af tha M a amtaa la aaaa af In.* »• TWa. af aa«M. a*Um to aR MB * tap Wmara lhaa aaa rtaay.a*4 4aaa ., 'KW^T.Z 4 lattar «a miilM yaa vNb SHa b*.

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