THE DUNN DISPATCH I .1 J. ^j££%2rL£&F!r‘JZ£? tb— toMftr ft te*» dfctoacSoa'thai —If Ml imlm la «mmB| mod ■■MW A aaa who baa baas ten* Mb caa peay far aa batter fata tbaa U be baav. If be la feed far aar**-'” ba to Made artariy wretched by 1 aotbiac to da. Hath ally la aaalad oa thoea wb< eaab bead. Hard werh b eot a cam bat a daaaelHbt btaaaiaa. The work ■aa aa ba daoaiepe MUR and artaaae h Ma craft a eeaatfee jay la bia beUa aad bia da -W.a_ ■ - - at 1VU-cilia— Than ooddmly to cum pm to trtM boat—to found tha thing Im cnM do to piththr tafil pur ka hi frtMfuimi] tto dtoUiafal, doabtfu i horaan tto —dnlM, ol concentration. HU oh I flxsd and hU warn wai for It. Bach day to made toward tto oad ia ton. H< at loot tha yraiias far whkt to — fd into tha wand, and to wai (St a —a U ansiac an tto rat ration to has hi—elf meerrrd. Hu uuph |g a stirring ahjart hmo inpi—lllM rntoao up > tain ol kaow, whooo (mm to too aomr ssec ■ Up organ: “Bo crirr— ■ privmtlot —4 fhnPpgiMi I cna do the —to. Ba workod wton to did no< foot likn it. Than ia no rtuoi whj I ahatdd aad coot oat tho airrUs ol doth and nHd oooo. oron as to ox /’ _ 1» • aloao la tho world, wi ■a»i ml: hat aloaoaaas U oao « tha topowftniH.i Wa aarar lira ti Than b alwaya a daw . k on. aad wa am hooad not to d» yaiat tto a apse tort— Wa know no what tha daad af tha —wont. W Mir kaow that wa —at labor whit U atiO b day, for tha mica not of cat bat of all. WHY MSN PAIL TO RISE ABOV1 THE DEAD LEVEL OP MEDIOCRITY (This ortida was written for th Haw Bra, yabtUhod at the Uaito lltona —- -it-- »i-W f-- -n WWEI rgBfVVaUI||| InBrtUw 01 Ul Raaa) tenure sold: “If a —a does no know to what part to is starring, o " tho grant ana sf llfa, so wind is err That hH of philosophy was ss trn so Oaopol oao sand red years ago an k k Jast ao trao today. an yoa hitting ■ T Or am yo of tha shorn Co of a Sxc gasp— la Ufa, fsw —a rise ahor tho^dnljorol of msdoertty. I of ftxad parpooo th< • I dependent open friends relatives er C*Wh«r« rill jm stand financially I nt that age? Win yoa be among the (We wealthy men er the dee > import- < lag themselves by work or will van be ana of the fifty-tear dependant upon friend* or charity! hUty-flye may seenf a long way o0, bet now ia the time to think a beat it—bow ti the time to lay year plena for the fature. And the only way yoa can bant these statistic* is to make yoareaif personally efficient. It U the only war yoa ean fortify yourself against failure in year declining yean. It is the only way yoa can become oae of the five anecassful men instead of oae of the fifty-four failures. The great crime of today ia per sonal Inefficiency, and ninety-fiee bmb out of every hundred are paying the price. The last hundred years hare seen tbs moot tremendous deeulttp meata along mechanical lines ia the history of human kind—the last tan yean have scan the ksglnnlsg of aa equally greatupheaval la the efficiency of man himself. And a few years hence the ordinary man of today will be as much oat of data without per sonal efficiency aa Fulton’s steamboat. It has been calculated that at least seventy men out of a hundred are in the wrong job—that most mea only utilise a small part of their ability and that few men are more than twenty-five par cant efficient. Three million people In the country are always on the sick list; the num ber of preventable deaths in a year is 630.(MM): the s an sal waste from oreventabla death end disease il 61, 600,004. During 1616. twenty-two thousand business houses went to the wall, and practically every one of them fail ures could have been prevented. There ia n definite reason for fail ure, just as thee* Is a definite reason for success. Neither just happens. Inefficiency is responsible for the one —Efficiency for the other. The man who succeeds does so hocaoao he knows something that the other imow oom not. no. mows uni suc cess U not secret—that it is baaed •a fundamental principles which can be learned as easily as yea once learn ed the multiplication table. The in , sAeient man does not know this and I he blindly gropes his way along the tortaout path of inefficiency to ulti mate failure. That asplains the reason why thou sands of men remain In the rat. Years arc fleeting. Time is pre cious Odd mom ants should not be wasted. To neglect opportunity now is bat to repeat Inter. Young men of this restitution have access to a splendid eight school now ia mmiea. Through this channel, ae a mesas, you can choose your line aad apply yourselves. Aad whan tbs door of tho world is again opened to you, be ready w taco '* in an bon -«t aad efficient manner The world will meet you with a glad wel come.—W H. Gibbons, Parole Officer, Kansas City. Mo. SOMETHING OF INTEREST CON CERNING THE HIGHWAY FROM DUNN TO CUNTON | Mr. Editor;— I am plan aad to 1st the people knew, i aad especially these who contributed t te thg sateteg of funds which te i gel a highway from Beaman’s X Roads la Sampson county, to ou i thriving city. r Bom# four months ago the propod , tion was put to the writer, and | through the efforts aad the done en i giaecring of a mien did number of p people in Upper Seal peon, aad ia tbs . town of Dunn, the Sampson county I Road Board, agreed te build oa ■ , highway connecting the town wttk , Clinton. The people give liberally f aad a sum of $2,000 was raised, about $<00 of which was paid by our town’i people This project did sot thrive as we I thought best, but by the untiring ef forts of the writer, I am advised today that the board through its attorney Maj. Geo. E. Butler, has completed ; the work of the board to the extent 1 that the highway becomes ope el • oven greater Interest aa the highway now begins nt Stephen's Bridge, 4 1 Sites from Clinton, and comes direct 1 .0 Dunn via the proposed route ai r nentionad in the petition (lied witl Sc road board of Sampson. \ I am edvi.wd that Maj. Butler hsi 1 get ten a very much needed fund fron '.he State, aad an amount from tlu 1 Federal pub'ie road aid, that we m 1 longer fear that our efforts te gut this highway, are In vain, but hav< 1 i»<-n crowned with success. A favor * sble reply from Mr. Page, so I an . .. formed assures us that not only ' will this highway connect Dunn am 1 Clinton, but an the ether hand I - will connect Raleigh and Wilmington f making it n greater satisfaction to thi , people who live either ia Dunn ei I Clinton. The people gave liberal]] steel aad other materials far brldgai 1 have been ordered, nod work wtl * So lot’■got behind the read wogoi • and •PUSH." 1 J. P. WILSON. DIARRHEAL DISEASES OP CHJL DEEM WIDESPREAD IN ST ATI NOT CAUSED BY INPLUENZJ Tha diarrheal dlaeaaee of children »aiMnly known aa aeanter bo we ecmp'aiata, art being reported Iron away aectieno of North Carolina. TW State B«aH af Health eta tea the rlaaa af dlaaaaaa la not caaeed hy In floeaaa, aa la being commonly report ed, aad that there la no direct eon aoctlea between tha two Infection* Infant diarrhea la on lafoeUeue die moo aad la mated thie poor, an It hm ahroya boon earned, by Improper feed log aad laek of maltatlon a boot the ban. Erroro of diet am aeaiaiy re ■ ana lb to for atortiag the ooodIHoo which la a eertooo one aad kflle atom than t«N bab’ea each year] a diet cental niog too amah eager (proprie tary foods, aa a ralo. taoa sader thia elaaa) being the aaaat aaaal aaoaa. Tec aaih togar apeote tha Wirt 4i WUI*» treat aad piUgiio to tha iMbatlaaa forme af diarrhea which am iraaemMted by Sloa from open prtrtm I eirtrsr 1 The State Beard of Health wUm , to ha pram tha feOewtog facta ahont hrfaat dlarrhaa i I It N la a laagorim tefaatlaaa • *»««»* * * BUSINESS LOCAL * i * ******* ABOUT JUNE MTU 1 EXPECT TO opoa aa oSke is th« Pint National Bank building for the prattle* of medielae nod aurgery. P. A- Pe tra*. M. D. FOR SALE—COOK STOVE, PRAC tleally now. Can nao with with 01 without watar. A bargain. Boo Mm. J. W. Langley FOR.STEAM, HOT WATER, VACU uaa, hot air, or pip*lore Caloric Pomace*, nao Doan Heat * Light Co. 8. B. Stigh. Mgr., ButVei Broo. Store POR SALE—SEVERAL NICE COWI fruit to milk. F. 8. Cullom, Dunn. Nv C. FOR SALE—SINGER SEWING MA chiao la good running condition 8eo Mr*. J W. Langley. FOR SALE—SEVERAL NICE COWI coming frank Jane and July. F. 8 CuBoa. Dunn, N. C. MONEY IN AMOUNTS FROM M. 500.00 up to load oo improved torn or farm property, oa long time R. L. Godwin, Attorney, Dunn, N C._ tf. WE HAVE A FEW TONS OF MUR] ate of Potaah for aalo. Caah oi credit. Johoaon Broo., Dunn, N. C BEHN1NC PIANOS ARE CREATE! to cxcoU. They do. That la wlq they are the talk of tho country Sold by Parrieh-Driror Co. MIX MURIATE OP POTASH WITH your aoda and notice the Increaai la yield. 8oe Johnaon Brae, a1 oace for your aupply of potaah. jDONT WAIT, DIG YOUR PIT NOR nae*. 8avcs 50 par cast fuel bit) i keeps waterpipas flew freexing. All hm of Um seen la Dona abou I Calorie. Wa have Joe* received i car load Calorics. 8e* ft. B. gligh Mgr Dana Hast A Light Co., Bat I ler Bros, Store. FOR SALE—A FEW TONS Ol Muriels of Potash. Mixed wlU ■oda It will iacroaaa year yield. Be. a* at oace fee year supply. Jobs ■on Bros., Dana, N. C. JUST RECEIVED—A CAR LOAI of mattreeaeu. Can now no poly yoi with anything you want tn thi line. Prices rang* from 94.04 fa 925.00. Butler Brea, Dunn, N. C NOTICE.—MY SON, LeROY Me Neill abost 17 yean of age, lef ay premia** on the moralng o May Slat, without my oeaaent o authority. This ia to want any aai all persona whomsoever front Mr lag him or aiding sad Mu bi any manner whatever. If m they will he prosecuted to the ful extent of the law. John McNeill father of LaRoy McNeill, minor. St pd. he will acreeu your perch, doom o wtsdnwv oa dto rt uotfca. Ha cai stake any tils. 8a* him befor buying. Uader the Wader Tank. HJYA “CALORIC" PIPELESS FUR aac* new. Car load Just arrived Bee B. B. Sigh. Dona Heat A Ugh Co., Butler Brea. Store. JUST RECEIVED A SOLID CAI of Sod Coder shingles cut. at Vai louver, British Columbia. Thee ■hlnglia average from 4 to 1 inches wide. N*. I quality i 97.14 per thousand. Boa as for hi mediate delivery. Butler Brae Doan, N. C. FOR SALE—JERSEY MILCH CO* See A. E. Robinson, PaV-on, N. < BEFORE INSTALLING YOU! electric light plant or water work see Dunn float A Light Co., Buth Bro*. Store. OR SAUL—I HAVE SKVERA valuable farms for sal* la Harnei county, located tn good n* hoods, on good roads, i good awritaU with goad Gal, oa or address, R. L Duma, N. &'__ 1 WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS AT PA! ia axchaaga for anything wo aa or paymeata on notaa due la fa of 1»1B. Parrish-Driver Co. ' POlT SALE—ONE BAY MAReT 91 1 years old. QenUe and has goo and good M of borneoo geo Da Moore at Newberry Broe. A Coe all’a factory SEVERAL SECOND HAND FORD far aala. Saa Parrlah-Drirao Coo P«"7 .1 FOR SALE—A SMALL FARM, ON aad aaa half eeiiee from Doan. All a alee poor aad three pood mile wen, two fro* aad aaa palap dr aad a alee drone of hope. WI aoJI ail teaather. Will alaa aafl era aad eaa pira pneeaariaei ad aay tiau Tama: One-third cash, beUaace 1 aaa aad two yean. Far fqrthe bvforaeation ae O. t Lao, Daai N. a tt. FOR SALE—ISO ACRES OF GOOI tram laad adjoinlnp town of Eon BOft, la Roberaa eoaaty. oa ami lino A. C. L, railroad. A nal bai ■ala. Eaay tarmo. Addraaa Bo If Iaorel Hin, N. C. S S St. A MULE STRAYED FROM Ml bf mo In Ccetx loot Satarday * Intel CLSrtftfSSrtiS Union aa to bar arbor oabeate wil fenar# s**0- “* Mice niBNUNID ROOM IN PM rate family wanted by ycanp men Addrma^Ooa. Brown, Bet M, Cm Hooter isao ora ant, bat than 1 eUD a lot e# hat alr Utap epootel ahaat Rm aaol eRnatlan. Dtak Taptor and Chrla Jamba pm aftajM ad Map dan hteMB*? pm lata a am waald net baAor. them. LKARN HOW TO LIOTON TO MUOIC AT TM« COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA. TM* MISSIS KILLER. Tfc* Kisses Greco and Udli Keller are two charming young Americas gtlts who are doing something moat unusual la musical courth nntrui. Coa Tlacad that many people, who hatu never studied music caa enjoy It quits at much as any musician. If they bat uuvteratund the aisauliig of It. thess two talsctsd artists present a program oo the third day of the niuutauqua which they espials so Interestingly that every on* says “I never krvrvr there J was to nsach ta music." This program has bam presented before Inrve sodl as re a and groups of music students throughout ths country who have found ( It a great laaplrattan la thulr walk. CAUID Hu) FAULT TO HOT BEDSIDE i SUMBckDk, Say. Tom My. talk, Aa la a WdL tbaag Van mi Praha. CarM Par b Recavary. Ctty. To.—Mrs. Mary KJl i aaa. of thlo than*. aura; -Altar the ' birth o# ay UUla | alda aom . iwaneod to hart at 1 had to pa bade 1 to bad. wo eallad tt* doctor. H* i i treated b*.. .bat I pat no better. I pot vara* and acne until tha talaary waa aaboarabU.. .1 waa to bad tar thrao month* and adhnt aoah apeoy that I waa foot drawn ay In a kiot... | I toM ay hmhaod tt b* would pat ma a bottlo of Chrdul I would try tt... [ 1 commenced utttap tt. bowaror. that > aranlnc I oatlad my family about tha batiar. Thai *u atx ran aca aad I ia atilt hara aad as a waD, ■tiaac agaia. aad 1 owa aythh Card at. t had eoiy takaa half tha batti* vhao t baaaa to taat batiar. Tba atlaary to toy alda cat lato... ] eootiaoad rl#bt aa taktsd tha Card* aatu I had takaa thraa hpulaa aad I did aot aaad aay nora tar I warn wall aad narar fait batiar la say Ufa... I hara narar had aay traahla (Van that day to thla1* Da you auftto Croat *—itrif-. haak> forth, each moathf Or do yoa ttol traah. aarroaa aad faipt aatt tf aa, ■Ira Chrdal. tha wina^i toala. ■ trtol j. XX I j Your | Bathroom! * iyiANY ti“#* you’ve • * A wi-hed it were up-to I la, rpotleeely wbite aad modern. ! Seikfy that dee ire, hutnll i e new bubroom net*i We, have the equipment, the > eaperience end tbe rifki men to make a food job of it Yon can be eure of that. 1 The weak cea be done at moderate coat aad tatthoef tbe morn and fuae which aoany think aeceeaery. Aak *e to inheati on a modem bathroom far your homo, tuch ee the bean- * tifnl Meddock fiatnraa W. C KAMOY DUNN. N. C. Chiropractic | ’Not Medicine, Not Surgery, Not Osteo pathy instead CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL / ADJUSTMENTS for orate or Chroalc Ailments ~DR. o. C. KLUOTT, CHIROPRACTOR SS-IS-S4 Pint NatT But Bldg. DUNN, N. 0. Mondays' Tenders Wsdnosdey. REED-MOORI Mist Harriet Moore and Sergeant Jack toed won amnrlad is Dana Thanday evening, and last evening i Sergeant Raad ami hi* bride, wbe h2 kept their amrriaga a aeeret, left ea ■ nerth bound trala for a honey an »n tear, their where* boats a abaters la thotr frioad*. Mr. Reed le from California. aad has recently returned from inrun where ho anti la the sunset division. No eras severely weunttl la Bull, aad came borne ahead ofhia dll Mia, end waa sent to a hospital la Haiti am, erhere ha mmalaed far taas tt»*- Si use Ms release fram the bee PAY YOUR PRIVILEGE TAX NOW! Notice is hereby given that all privilege or I license tax under Schedules B and C is due ! and must be paid on or before the first day i ! of June. The following is the law: Ucense must be kept posted at place where business is ; carried on, and separate license is required for each 1 place of business. Severe penalties are provided for I violating the revenue laws of the State, or for engaging in any buaineaa for which license is required before pro curing such license. The Sheriff is forbidden by Isw to issue any license after July 1st without adding penalty of twenty per cent, except as to new b.i.dness. Penalty will apply aftef- July 1st. Please pay up promptly. } i W. H. TURLINGTON Sheriff Harnett County 1 ■ - - — ■■ ■■ —~^ A BANK ACCOUNT Teaches, Helps and Encourages You to “Get Ahead” It abo^vee you the convenience of paying bills by' checks—the simplest and best method as well • ! ** the safest, as, you^ checl^U^its own receipt for We Offer You ~ --olute security, co-operation and the most convenient satisfactory system of handling your money. wiiiiuiHitwmatmatatwminmaMumuiiiiiiiinHwwwmwPtnmmtmawit | 3 MORE DAYS I H Only ten word days, then we eloee our eel* Don't mlas the chance but come while wt have the cootte marked low. 8pecial for Friday and Saturday, noted below: Tablo oil clotha, white and fancy, 8Sc. Window ahad**, white end green, 4Sc 811k Peplin aklrta, regular price <6 00, at 1111 Rood quality fin (ham. aala price, 12 I-2c Bait qaulity Man* oeeralla Me up to f 1.08. Ladle* Taffeta aklrta. Mack and atrlped, ft.»8 Coat SuHa, all wooL new style, bargain at flg.tO. Illg aaaortment of tare 2 1-tc up to 10c. Men and Lwdlea black and white boee only 10c. We have many other thing* that we meat eloae eat at vary low priese aa am expect to ehanga our stock after S tMa aale and the few ileaae we have we most eloee oat ho ! coM, ae come and aae our display Youra far baalasaa, Thomas Bros. ---in mi..... r^J be he# haam making hia hoaaa ottoevilla’* handaomaat young women. la Fayattor Be. _^ Har affable manner, and attractive Mm Heed la tha ascend daughter of personality hare endeared her to w Mra. W. O. Clark, end la one of Fay- oryeno —Fayottevlfle Obaarvor 7th.