isr r SMOOTHEST SMOKING TOBACCO 'T'lME—gioen the right chance— *■ pate character in a man’* face, Aone-icnw under hie hat, and mel~ low fren'Uneef into hie tobacco. - Time is a big factor in giving Velvet Tobacco its mildness ana “character.” Velvet ages for two whole years in wooden hogsheads. During this long period the choice Burley leaves take on a hindly quality of cool nocc o r i n Vi grance, a “taste” that appeals to pipe smokers—old and young. Don’t hurry, but just walk iuto the next store and lay down a dime and a nickel and say “VELVET”—the tobac co that isn’t harsh but is friendly. ■ TtHE FALCON tfo'UNESS SCHOOL AND ITS COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. Since my connection with the paper It ha* been my custom to us* ay edi torial space in the first issue of The .Evangel after the Commencement exercise* of tha school each year, to give a write-dp of u>e same, that our readers might get son* idea of what was done; but th* fact that I only ■aw part of the exerciaes this year, makes me write more In a general way about th* school itself. From what I sew of the exercise*, they wore op to their high standard from the standpoint of their selection and the high moral and spiritual les sons which they were designed to teach; and the person who laiasaa those exercises, simply because w* have no other name to give them than that which applies to other Com mencements, which generally are made up of foolishneet and frivolity, falls to appreciate the distinctive fea ture* and the more distinguishing characteristics of The Falcon HoUnem School, ■> compared with other high schools. It is not only inspiring and edify ing to our souls to have our deepest emotions stirrsd by th* beautiful and Scriptural anthems that are so beau tifully sung in the opening and clos ing of th* exercises, and by the reci tations and Bible dramas that are Knaonted; but to those of oe, who v* ever entertained a friendly feel ing for the school, and cherished food hopes for its results, there i* nothing that could moro clearly portray to our aunss* tha progress that has been made, or encourage os to continued and increased activities in its behalf, •r Inspire us to greater faith in it* possibilities, than these Commence ment exvrcises. The climax to the Commencement this year was the story of Ruth, pre sented in drama in various scene* by representatives of tha different char acterm mentioned in the *ory as relat ed in th* Bible, and there ha* never been a more boautifui* xprsesion given to any sentiment than that which Ruth expressed when she refused to separate from her mother-in-law, and eh one the companionship of God and nta people in preference to all tha1 tha world and the flesh could hold dual to her, sad this sentiment should bi so culti rated in our lives as ChrMiana and especially as holiness people, thai we would choose to go and live and die and be buried with the poopl< whoa* fellowship and eompsnionsnii Is dearer than any aartbly ns. I mentioned this climax of thi Commencement And, In order U strengthen, If possible, sshat I shal eay concerning the contest on Tuea day afternoon between- about a dosai young ladle* and gentlemen In reel tatlons and declamations, for It 1 along those Hna* that people gsaer ally Judge the merits of a eehool, an< It la also along Ihese same lines, tha peopls ardlnarlly think that the Boh • ness School is Inferior to others. I dare say that even many hollnes people have left th* Falcon HoUnas School eat of consideration enttrsl whefl thinking oT tending their boj and glrk to sons hoarding hi* eehool, bees use they thought that th literary advantages would be euperlc elsewhere end that th* high Soon din name, from a worldy standpoint, e tom* other school, would give Um | COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA | Real American Music I | BY Real American Musicians Com* and hear the old tribal eonge of the Chero keee, the Quapaws; old Indian war eon^s and lova tonga played by the famoua HASKELL INDIAN ORCHESTRAL BAND The member* of the band are under the direct ■upervision of the United States Government, the consent of which had to be obtained for this, their first public tour since their spectacular appearance at the St. Louie Exposition. See the Indian Sun Dance pat fm axed in fell tribal costume by Joha La Mgre and a group of Choctaw bravo*. Hear Hear SARSA CAREY ™RD C**?,N Quapaw Indtaa Greatest violinist of M* original and novel musical program Fourth Day Attraction • Sauna Ticket. $T7S- P«* A. FW Ml vi I U *oU at UJ» ■ Oat VMUV «»rty ana Sara n Oaata. k ■ cone and daoghter* * renter praatlge. r and porhapa relieve them of eome r rapreach even, which might attach to f them if they attended the hollnaae tracheal Rat I Ian failed ta at manlfea tn any bay or ytrl attondlny any wh or m* rottoyo, whatever may bo royotation, aay yiRwo of train or adoration that yavo tbo loaat m ——eae—a■ ■ • ••••••• T. E. DARDEN Veteriaary PLyaMan. Sofeea aad Dm Hat. PHONES: Day. SO. Night. *10 * DUNN. N. C. AAA** + + AAA* JESSE F. WILSON * ATTORNEY AT LAW • Dune, N. C. — • OOca over Flaiakman Brea' * Storo formerly occupied by B- • L. Godwin. Practice ia ail * Court*. Prompt Attention * to all Boeinaea J* C CUffaed. * N. A. Townaend. *• CLIFFORD A TOWNSEND • Attorae/a-at l*w • Ollica on SrJ Boor of Pint flat- • tonal Beak. Prompt attention * (Ivan te all kuajmar. • B A * • • + A A A • • JOHN A JERNICAN DENTIST SS-SS-S7 Pint National Baak • Building Pboae NcT 81 • A t • • A * A • ##••••# E. C WEST • attorney at law • • Offlee; Srd Soar lat National • : Prompt aad Pataaaal Atma- • lien given all Buadoaaa * CoBwtioa. Made a^Bparlolty * • DR. PAUL A. STEWART • Fourth TIoJTFirvt Nat. Baak • Bldg., Dub, N. C. • E. P. YOUNG AHonwy-at-l^w OSfee Car; Soir GoicUteln Wig. Prompt attention given SukCM Practice ia all Co art* . • s MONT AVI LLE FLOWfKd. Moatavllle Mowen. the wotad Auwr Iran •, who founded and or ganlsed tho great Cotifereoea of A trier Iran Lecturer* belli In WaafclBainn I roar ago. brine* no the third Sight o | the I'uunminltjr Chautauqua I rlla J atlrrtag meaiuige to tin American pen i (Ac at a ilmc when many g.avo proi. lema coiifrimt tu. HI* lecture. “Ou National Highway to Happtoea*- Ua brought cheara from every nudleau that baa beard It. for It to a* «l«|4r direct ar.l forceful Is Its pUtrtoibu* that r.rfj KeOurhlto-ond-hlo* blonde American Hod* In It tbo maoaoge I ti booking at tbo pm*eat tMo. Will yhra your family all of the baas fits a. fa ehaarfol, modern horns DrJjCO-LlGHT T*e Mfl»b Deotlte LM* md Pnam Fbat E. 1. HUDSON. DaaJar. of superority orar tha boy* and ylr! that hart confined thomeehraP to Til Falcon Uolinaaa School, and with p farenca to tha cob teat of this hi Commencement I aa frank/** sa that, takbn aa a whole. It Mfpaw anythin* of the kind that I kht are hoard, aa It wn* not the amM Sana lority of oaa or two ecntaaWUU the discarded the rant of tha number.i beiny outclassed and out of Aba ree but say of them, would hafa dm credit to any school la Nora Car linn, and many a modal In* hae awarded by colleyae. era*, XP^p doaarrtny displays than ware for sou of these Tha audience sms held shoes* spa bound during tha entire time, w while there waa that In aoans of ti pieces to enuac the Bailee of pieasu to play error the feeaa of the Peoj at times, tha predominating afoet s on tha audlancs waa such an t» mo tha mpra aarloua and deeper amotlo of OUT natures, and handburchie wore m «one*ant use to wipe, aw the hot tears that freely Sewed fn pur eyes unbidden. Tin was the most prosperous y* of the aeheera history; the large enrollment and the jargapt attai a nee, and we, aa frl ei\l a sad patre of this noble school, hare sef).1 eoarayament U double OUT rffiTU mukiay much needed ha pi u'lsma - In our bulMInga and other iwmbi equipments ears saury to psusMe I the aeods.ef a larger and more use —' Institution of learning aadeahiba - finances of each spiritual training characterises this school.—J. A. C lad broth In Tha ApoatoMe Esanget sol - its Heater fire* are out, hut Stars lag still a lot of hot air belay «pou art shout the aoa) eHuation. gP§88 Keep the ol hoss in harness TO chloroform a good horse just beoauaa he's hungry would be a foolish thing. But thousands of people are apparently juat as reckless—dumping good care onto die acrapbsap because of a battery hunger they do not understand As this is not the year for extravagant waste, tfl up to you to keep the old car in commission. Peed her and she'll respond. The Eveready Storage Battery is the tonic she needs. No indigestion—no ruinous sulpha Hon jltft the everlasting “go” that is her natural gait when you treat her right tea to mad fm4 um tiT Mama*j Oaamaaaa —a yaa* and a katf-ul arm’rm hama » mmda k |ka* J. W. THORNTON, DUNN, N. C. eVERIAJhr __ - ------' STATE COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Man Dr. W. A Wlthere, the direc tor of the Rammer School an n ounce i that the graoteat paint have bon taken to provide court** and instruction which eball meet tha needi of all those atteadlng ragardleae of the diversity of their needs. Excel lent opportunity is afforded to the Teacher* of the State to secure or raaew e Teacher's Certificate of any klqt la addition to providing for the Teachers, many courses are offer ed for the benefit of thoac who art not Teachers, and who are net con cerned with any cart!Scat*. CoRaga Entrance courses are offered to enable pupils BOW in High Schools to obtain 1 additional units towards Celts** En trance, in order that the diaeigaakza tien resulting from tha epidemic el Influent* last fall erfll not work Vc 1 keep pupils frees entering Coll eg* l» * September. FTaehman credit enure* , will be offered la order that Co Hog. , Students msy eater College in Sep I tens bar without condition* er with ad vanead credits. Special coursss art effaced to home makers to enable them to plan thaii homes on tha baxia of a basin*** ** tabltshmsnt, where income must eovei outlay. Coarse* la Ceokery nr* plan nod to give tha student practice b preparing an appetising meal in a> attractive and economical manner Courses la Dietetic*, Sewing am Cooking taken together, will give th * student a thorough training la th< art af conducting a Home oa a buei nam basis, an art la which the Aawri can poopl* need earnest .Instruction. Many other interoetiaf course have been planned: in Laagaegei Ieiin Trench and Spanish. in Idler* tar*. History, Esaketry, erd Phy*.ci ‘ EdKitin. hwframing will bo a #«* ■ tare of the eebeol. * The Recreational features hav t been well looked out for, and game * folk-dancing, moving ptetams, 1* ri lures sad eanaerts have gem arran* 1 e4' l GIVING THE CHILDREN m TIME OF THEIR UVE l. Chantaequa time is Joy tha* far a * the boys and girl*. The whole fls h days is filled with fan and merrvmal a lag for thorn. It begins the night h ■ for* the Mg Cbaoteaoaa span* whs i* there will be a great piny festival as ticket hunt to whleh ovary hoy oa 1- girl la town U weloamo, This evw 4 tag ef merrymaking la fro* to all U m boys and gferla, and no bay or girl ro too old or too young to toko pal I* It's rosily a get-acquainted night ai p- all the good Usaao for tha next fi re doy* will bo planned. Every bo ss should he there to learn aD ako fa tha coming pageant, the fauna B »y and picnic. ss viewy Parade Seam Relates. Oa the same evening, tho great vi nr lory parade will take place, and i st berys and girt* or* Invited to pat c d- tho gayeot eoetamo they eaa fad a ie tan oat la Use atyt* to show I n- foies of the tows what Young Am* In «a ana do. .The para da will march ilk around town, and before It bus go ry vary far every grown op will wish or bo a child again. Fal AS Tab* Fort In Vtatory Pogeao In- After this latrodortlon to Jan a* Choate eqas, ovary hoy and girl i ul- want to be a rnsmker of It h en to toko kbit In the fan for tho r | of the weak. The Monet feat or is tho victory pageeat whleh will ho at lad *d an the loot afternoon of tha CtooUeqna. Tho Mg folu wtO allowed to see what fun there to; in toto jpo»tftorttong tetouu wffljto gra HkdlAuirictTaWtMa. Bran •u of them, from delate Optra i_j of the Junior Chautauqua. Cmi to the I end ef Gheta aad Her—« These art tha special f eater at, hr the eraryday erauts are equally at interesting. First, la the story ham every morning whan there will ha I daily feast of thrilling stories fa bath boya and glrla. Indian stories adventure stories, fairy ate rise, all wil be included aad every ona win bam hi* favorite talks Than follow* th morning play boar for Uia young* boys aad girt* wha want tha gaatlaa muating gam—. and a— for the aids bay* aad girl* who want new excitin' games to last util Community Chau tauqua com** again, hedge ef Manor far Janie* Cheap— It’s goln^ to be too much fan t mlm. To make aura that net a M of this foa wilt ha missed, a saasoi ticket should he bought at one*. Tkl makes th* purchaser a member ad th Junior Chautauqua. Bach member I untitled to the blue badge of hoeoi This badge ef honor ia given to perse by th* play leader ef the Junior Chau tauqua on the opening ef th* Chat taaqua and it insure ftve day* sd re* fun to th* wearer. Liven Up Vacation Days Tha wholaaom* fun and merrimou of the Junior Chautauqua is last wha is —tdad to lives eg vacation dayi It give* th* bay* and girls plant to da aad think shout tea rest sd th summer. It’s all healthy play and ye there’* a cartons aid* toe. Par th i admission price ad ona dollar pH war tax allow* the chSt to atten . all th* ••*«) on* of th* Mg Cheutai [ qua as wall as tha Junior Chaatai

Bo that la addition to tha lira da] i of play. tho bolder of a Janlor Chai , tauqua mason ticket can hear ah tt . band*, me th* Indian*, watch ti . marvel*a* performance of tha mag Clan. Brush Tha Great, aad laugh Vfi th* rollicking burner of -ScrteMm GIHIIaa Th* grown-ups will an* . th* Chautosqua more if they kae > that thooMMroaara also having ti 1 time of their lives. BUILD HOW I d “ty!i5h ad*tW^CtXtoT —d tb* d ledMd—L~ • Wage* ar* paid far th* creating Is wealth. W*ga* are labor’s shew t th* wealth It .HAS produced, rath id than a mortgage oa wealth that ■a WILL produc*. Wealth dap—da an ly conotructlon j aad ia tha building St rt aad only do** th* Individual add to 1 it paraanal wealth, but* h* add* to 1 assets of tbs Nation. ’ Tb* United Stats* now has ■< *■ weatlk .than any other' two —tk ill combined, leery baas* built, avt >a read —ustructod, every halldlng ■ id impruvsm—t, b adding to that gn to accumulation sad perm*cent weal rt- making tb* Nsti— ctrangar I iU stronger to A general, ua—try-wide cam—l to of building, aaaamtag rises—hfi totllgaaea a sawrtmT would da m> u'.sr^2:,'si»s."5s ID aad tb* indlvWqaL White Ha pan ler —at wealth la tiling up—*te**k Mt when H Is la tha nature ef hm ) i t •i I >11 If if 1 It m S' ha rt ni 3 •t E R Nm B Ml 3 !•** #