1 - ' — I * • , On July 4th! • The people of Harnett County will gather in Lil lington and celebrate on July 4th in honor of the victo riooa conclusion of the war, the safe return of the sol tod sailors and their glorious deeds of valor, hero ism and self-sacrifice. The occasion will also combine the gathering of Confederate and Spanish-American war veterans and the bestowal of honor upon these heroes. i ne county commissioners have appropriated the •um of $250 towards defraying the expenses of this celebration, and every citizen of the county must feel his own interest and his own pride in his own county by coming forward and participating in the glory and honor of the day. Let everybody lay aside work on July 4th and come to the countyseat and join in making this a jubilee occa EVERYBODY WILL ENJOY THEMSELVES THE SOLDIERS WILL TAKE RENEWED PRIDE IN THEIR NATIVE COUNTY A PICNIC WILL FEATURE THE DAY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: L. M. Chaffin, Chairman. e . |) SWAT ~ SHEsH-iI •a* «■* A* wbjMUd *• high > Wgla to hatch - Is as faembstor mad rraa though Um » bat a short tfsie l aaflt for food. This cos bo tntirttjr pro r or itltoeitng of Um -- tho breediag saaaon to -— rmpaigs for Um prodac •*}• of isfsrtBo ossa has boon wag ed -am iwn Tt Ualtod StatM ' of Agrtcafcsre poultry mad la below takes op •d etoor ia Matos whore rstiwes are highest and famt. Weeks bore boon ^■wst tho KwpUr" for Um I birds. Knormoo* Wfag fad aeodloaaty, hare bora atark 0!ad daring esoh wank-. It ia aoeh aore goaeraUy sadontood that bona r4* »•» *• woU wHboot a. bmW Is the Kook. STBANGK SUPEKSTITIOM H has boas* wisely raaearktd that as aactoat aad aa I retool boUof to STalSiMl£a^ igto.red; there Blast Odd soakers bake always asd rr "jAoi bees bald is peealior rrr SmITSmb booty preoeTttotT'iiea^M oor rtrfllaatl.^ we ere etfll saporati A boa la always gloss aa odd nmm no valid reason can ba adduced. It U a nagut of the old “odd numbers m tampt, and murmur hopefelly: “Thbd Uma lucky!" Tha odd number again; and the old superstition I Seven 1. tha favorite Biblical nem ber. and old divines taught that tt bald e mystical perfection. M’s aa odd number. Throo (• tha namber of tha Trinity—an odd namber again. Palatnff In tha “Merry Wives," i* entrapped for the third time Ha him self aaid: “They say there It a di vinity in odd numbers'* because of the old belief that the odd time would be locfcy. It is a superstition still in vogue. Physicians of other days always ia pistad that "bleedings" should be In odd numbers—one, three, flve, etc., and never an even one. PRODUCE INFERTILE ECG3 West Raleigh. N. C.. June 4.—Col iMtiag Statistics for the Agricultural Extension Service from several ef tha argent restaurants In North and South Carolina and Virginia, Mr. 0. A. Card e-ell. Agricultural Agent of the Atlantic Coast Lias, has found that tbmm invtitutlona tr« antnioMu la Iheir desire to have farmers sell them better eggs during the summer. It has bcea estimated that about one-third or mora of eggs sold by poultry raiaors daring tha rammer months reach the *" *£• ’*rf»r towns end sal— In en anflt eondKion for feed. This ia largely bars use infertile eggs tra not prodtusl. A fertile sgg. one ** tromtoVam tha mS» bird with the flock, erfil not keep well, end. In most cases, will be rejected because such eggs generally will moil before they can bo taken to market. Mr. Cardwell's statiatics *ow that 14 of the larger restaurants and 111.004 do sen eggs annuity. The average of bad egga idmiattiiUriaa-Ald TIM^ fffMP 18, ^sskkkh h«T -agga final fsrman beeaue they °*,y" *» tA’ZZ, MEtt not agga, freah egga, and all a* the “‘"3*“*“* cradubejar^n. ami gan mad vfctn tla buyer objieti to the quilt* applied." This lady •tatu that when hot weather begin* she buy* storage egga. t ??**" ***** *• • *oat enemy of fr** «*J™ on the farm, Mr. 5! G. 0*i*er. Extension Poultry Specialist «A.VhT“* ‘ “I*1; rula. wh :h co-t “* hu t *» feUo*. bat which will add dnlia-. poultry y,rd returns “baaa are as follows: Eaep the nsst* clean; provide on* aest for every four hen*. Gather the sgga twice daily. 6**? V**..**** ** • «®°>. <ry reom. w,^*** *• •**» •» loa» tsriee . Sell, kill or confine all —»if birds u aoon a the batching season is ovtr. I ** iranLU9fZA.C0UH AMP LACRPPl I _*°tJ) EVERYWHERE I l "OwooexcoisL.sonosi.va.l WHO IS TO BLAME, GOO OK IN DIPFBKEHT OFFICIALS7 A tot of Maaoalc “reeolations of ,V*4 "P***1” kW‘“ w** • beW-facod lie. The "Whereas, It has GoJl *° «** •» for Brother Blank frees labor to reward," us a clear com of “paaaiag the bock " |t attaiepti to shift blame for aa an Um**F from the shealdera. of vary calpabl* mortals -When cttlaens They’ll Make You Say, “MORE” • \ rjk^ SSbS’lSIl^ °«?-f™-CHra s3f5S5i?noS •' sfctCST'.lSf's «•—••«■ ■tod fMi It. t» tt. «a pwporttaut th.^J?S2i iL^ • KSiyL^1* ^ **\ Te? *en‘t hu to buy them «tnL 5?! thofamUy plentyof the good (Um ^RSLd^wS^r*f5?ralb?f ^ OCCO-,®IotS to<ky‘ Look for the Indian Head oo thebe*. OCCO-NEEhCHEE I I i i I SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - < 1-7 vlrt ye of tha paver of sale eon in a Mortgage sxreuUd the dav of Beplimbn, 1B1T, be J. • illva.t to tho Bank of Capo Ju-;- regist«rod tn Book 6J. AN i’S #. <n tho oflics of the Rogta »r cl Deeds of Harnett County, wa rill .<all at pub Ho auction to tba High -t bdd..-, far cash. the following ‘ 1 rwraonnl pro party, to-wit: All of the bath tuba, lavatories, nks. pip.itga, connactions and plumb 's* flatoraa af mrj daarriptlon, also raaollna snginaa, water pump*, gaso line and power pomps connected thereto, hand pumps, acetylene ganer •Af* and gma ftxturoa of every kind Md description contained In tha Metal Building situated on the South dda af East Cwaaberlaad Street, In the Taw* af Dona, aald building be tas known as tha Maaeengili Gar eg* Building, and all other property con veyed In td mortgage where*>e\c» Ic-attd. ,.?■* JuoB l0* 1,1 »• •< o'clock M. Term* of sale: Cash. Jttk «f Gape Pear, Mortgages, ^■rd National Bank of Dunn, suc By J. A. Culbreth, Cashier. NOTICE OP SPECIAL ROAD ELEC TION IN AVERASRORO TOWNSHIP Notice la hereby given that tha Board of Commissioner* of Harriett County have called a apoclal election to bo held at tha Municipal Building, 1 In tba Town of Dunn, Avaraaboro Towi^ip, an Tuesday, tba 22nd day of July, IBIS, submitting to tka <rieU flod voters of aald Township the qoeo tlon of issuing ISO.OOO.OO In bonda hi Towintip, for tha purpoaa of improving tha nubHc roads of aald Township and or levying a special tax for the purpose of paying said bonda and tha laterest on tho asms as the »w# shall become due, and for tba purpoaa of improving and maintain! rw the roada af aald Townahip under tha proviMona af Chapter 4*7, of tha public,local Mwu of ISIS, and Statutes amendatory thereof and repp] ernes Notice to further givon that an »•» r*gtotraOon haa bean ordorad for said special flection, ami “■* N- A- Parker has been appointed j^tWnr. *nd 8. W. Jackson and CjnsrteeTbornton Poll-holders for raid Tkto tho tnd dap of Jane, 191*. „ **• PAUCETT, Clerk. Board of Comtalmloners of Har nett Ceunty. ENTER! CLAIIT PORTLAND C. M. McDonald enters and claims a certain ttnet of Und. Mag and be ing in Linington Townstip, Harnett S°'J?tj\;4joln.ng of A. A. McDoimM. C M. add A. A. McDoa fii Bailey and other*, and m #f **"***’• Creak on tho LWIngten and Harnett Rood and containing about two acres (I) more ? it"*.^®4 prot^ •» filed with- ! In the time prescribed by law a war for wryty win be linn for mbc. . . --1 of tha Sugar- i ior ,-r of Harnott County la a entitled, “Z. R. j Byrd, Adwr. of G*orp Hobson Fowl Hattie. Weneer. , st el pending In said Harnett Supers ! or Court, I win aelt at pnbHcHue- . Uon to tea highest hidderVfor cash, i tea fallowing deecrlbod lands fa Har- I nett County, and in Averaabore Town- i •hip. to-wit: Tlmland. conveyed to George Hob- < “"1 £SrUr*bZJ<U#<l of Ml>«> Lucas i and wife, dated January 8th, 1947, < registered in Book 107, Pago 47«, tee I mmo being three acres oflend to be < eut off from tha Southwset side of . tho 17 acre tract on which Milos i Lucas and wife, lived at the date of . the above conveyance, said three'icres | being next to the lands of Harvey . Tew. t Pines of 8nla: Municipal Building, i Ltazin, N. C. i9f9tar*^k*:^tar,UT'Ju,y Terms of Sale: Cash. This tha 2nd day of Jane, 1919. N. A. TOWNSEND. Com. penult unmnltary conditions to pre S?* continue: when they allow tea authorities to become 1.x and in different In matters that concern tho h!T ,h* ®f.vU,.r°mn,u,litf■ rrgre of «n honored readmit teould aot be attributed to tho wiU *nd pUa«re of the Almighty. Such reaolutteoa should properly begin with * e»Jpn. for ovary eitlsen most *nro la tea retponeibilttj. Some teae a committee appointed by a lodge tar such duty may cut loose from precedent end the stereotyped 'orm of worts, amf startle the brete *■• •**> ■ pronouncement in this fashion i „ "we—* . “• Mayor. the CHy Coaacil and the Health authorlUo* of ertMlbnOy failed U> m4tavn^bUM^M. b?£ taJled_ayo" to moan, the lou .f oar Blenhi therefore, be h that Oil* lod*e, doea hereby ccmdejd web delinquent aathor.iiea, hJW1‘T« ,“P to the reprobation of oUaood dtlaena: and be ft farther ho^aa of the Stale, aad the roorU «o*alaanee of each wmfa! napfeet and misconduct." It - ‘?'f,TJf Uhaly that aecfc treat, went woo Id tore beneficial results. *^* •»*•• •» adapted I* net fair to Gad. and w»«i oEendin* men to roatiase in wro no-doing while (till re rasrihA-iss fX^XX ttXZXXXrZ ea4%“agr^i r^ai sga^ci’ja.iKS* lanrta^'ilwrina iVeemaaon**" NCWTOM OIOVI commence ment p**,*rT*t ^ *• * "•»**« Oe«J» ft5day?aad “man i WT enjapht# aeead.a Indeed. The smniw children bed aimed* fy aaiiagali'miat oa the prte iSrSETtiu MWrVJCr hod been espeetad u' [hail Insurance i | ► • ^ ^ • . - > L < - ► t This is the seaso of the year to isure your crops of ! ’ t tobacco, cotton and corn against damage from hail. This ► section has been visited this season already by hail, but !! I [ the damage was slight; the next hail storm may destroy • ||| » your crop. . ! I > > , 4 i We represent the best companies on earth and can ;; ’ • . K l write you a policy that will protect you fully. And the i l i jj; premium is small compared with the protection you get. !; See us today and let us write you a policy that will i I i Cb 3: comfort and protect. You sleep better at night when your 11 crop is protected by one of our policies. i"; X ► , O x ► 4 , , X ► x ► 4 M » X » , o X ► ■ > 4 H » X ► < . , N > ,o XI , „ > X t \ x I *44, x ► 4 0 - > __ , « , " " — -- - - , „ , N X , 4 , | Dunn Insurance & Realty Co. Hi J. L. WADE, Manager leliver the address at eleven o’clock. c«»Ww»»Wfcgia dr. Kenneth Royal], of Goldsboro, a roaog attornoy who has recently ro amed frost over soot. Preceding the address, the school horns sang "Vocation Bong.” little <iss Annie Bello Weeks recited "Did rou ever stump your toe.’’ Misses iertrude Westbrook sad Lon WU lasns skillfully performed u dost. The seeker was gracefully Introduced by (r. J. W. Bryan. Mr. Royall spoke >nly briefly hut to the point. The nomlng exercises closed with a vocal loartotte. Then what a dinner fol owed, and how, despite the swirls of ust naming over the ground, the big rowd made way with those dainties nd more solid victuals 1 Too tco wa tood so thick shout' tho tables that he dust dkte’t reae hthe food till iter the crowd began to ■ ratter and hen there wasn’t so mock food lo bo art, but still there was a good deal spoiled. _ The afternoon fftrla tor ■ fold eobi ss a prise. The eontaetanta were Miseea Roby Weeks, Margaret Rryaa, sod MlWred Cogdell, with Margaret Bryan winaing. The inroad contest was that of three bo yd for a gold coin, Clarence Gainey winning over Pat Tart and Lloyd Weeks Then came a contest for a gold ■eedal by three young ladies, Mwaaa Naomi Warren, Laura Williams, and Georgia Raynor, Misa Warren win *)■*- These contests, in which all the participants did credit to thsm •elves and their teachers, were rn with appropriate mnsic. Following was the delivery of di plomas to several members of the seventh grade, and of two high school diplomas to Miss Gertrude Westbrook and Mr.- Weeks, both of whom had completed the tenth grmda with CTtdit Tht diplomas v«n 4i* b«t he bean that the exert net at - »M«ht war* ane, that a mat crowd waa preeent, end that the beet of order praraiUd, thanks to the alim inatioa of a food deal of kune ai«l Inf on two Jdoe of the riTlace. Under the prtneipalahtp of Miaa Ljiey Herrin*, aided by a One eorpe of teaebon, this aehool has done moat excellent work this aeaeioa_Samp •on Democrat X»th. 4 SOLO BVERYW1KRE ANN IUN< VIENT We take this method of announcing to the public that.we recently purchased the Godard Lumber Company and will continue the business at the same location in the southern part of Dunn. We are now in the market for 5,000,000 feet of lumber for which we will pay the high est market price. You will find us at the mill at any hour of the day. We will have on hand at all time dressed lumber for sale to local buyers. We also will dress lumber in any quantities and will be glad to get in touch with those who wish to have work of this nature done. . i BE SURE TO SEE US WHEN YOU HAVE LUMBER TO SELL OR WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY. Tumage-Jones Lumber Co. W. D. TURN AGE, Manager DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA

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