NOW LETS EUr O COTTON VAMHOV4E1. Coart of North Coro ■v detiaion haa of tha la tho aaw and rourts vw H bo at o rad so a* to gradually, tbsrsby glu taand batping warabooass WI it straight that what you’ve hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin’s smokes you’ll find aplenty n P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality / You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can a horse drink when he’s off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process 1 You just ley back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why m samhifl you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer - than you cart to remember back! Sn Prime* AMmrt Minwlin it mid. TWMfim »W ttm, > — A—11 ptmnj mmj «»■« / tta Slm-aa «■* tbmr, >■ mitmal pmmmSetywnt aIw hwMir aU aiM MHifMir W (*•» tnyi (*• Nl«tti a mcA f rfft cwMMk R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. | COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA | | Fresh From the Trenches They Come _■ . * These (our fighting Doughboys who bring th* songs they ssng to cheer their comrades on the fighting line. ' be Doughboys’ Mole Quartet Will Bring Cheer to You! Hear the famous war songs of America and th* Allies I Hear the snappy trench songs that our sol diers wrote! Hear the old favorites—the songs you used to sing! Fifth Day Attraction i | . SEASON TICKETS *2.75. But tha Fir* 500 W>U B« Sold at $2.20. I Gat Your* Early »i d Sava 65 Caota. manufacturing interests .may direct the general warehouse business of the South uniats fanner* get busy and organize State warehouse systems a'l t-« the South modeled on the North Carolina plan.—Progressive Farmer. MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY Writing from 8an Francisco, Cal., a ccr.-c-pondent *ay»: A bit of hnman Jetsam on the lone ly Pacific Ocran—a modern "Man Without a Country”—la Paul Free man. exile. Like Philip Nolan in Edward Ev erett Rale’* immortal romance. Free man I* disowned by the land of Mi birth because of words that he ut tered daring wartime. A u Aral is has twice sought to have him deported to the United State*, saying he is not a Britisher. Ameri can immigration officials declare he ie no American and have twice re fused to admit Mm. A shuttlecock of late, ho haa cross ed the wide Pacific three times in feur months and Journeyed 2t,000 miles—so far aa around the world. He la still ajoumoylng. Three months ago Freemen waa sent to this port from the Antipodes. He was sent back without being per mitted to land from the liner Bottoms, on which Australian officials had placed him. a prisoner Whoa ho r/achod Australis he was not allow ed to land. Tha Sonoma brought him hack la Ban Francisco. Now whoa the liner next sails for AasUalta , Freeman again wiD be aboard, under confinement ia the -tearsgo. still a man without a coca try. The deamshp company Is ia a qaandary. While Freeman travels to and fro b««ween two Haas walip. the OcjmrlrJtee rehellio.*, payMjfM| Fcceatun ray* he ia a BrMshar^T* ela uia ha ia a victim tf a frame up sKe’a ■swayed I# i|mm i J rorui’on aa aa alia*. r.-.’M* admits he made a speech tea me Beta la mining aauap. What ba 'aid f- net known. Aoatrcha* mlH tary ithirttfm sotaod Mm after the 9e#eh *ad thrnet Mi* ihsard the iiwY*m, when he has haa* ever ffiaee • -vpt fev to* eejearae at Ihs UalUd State* Immigration station on Angel Itledd. Freemen claims to be ■ labor lead er In a eoall way, and a member of the Australian minin’ onion. Hs has appealed to the onion to tabs op his cats, and declares hie coming arrival in Australia will be lb* occasion of a strike throughout the mining indus try, possibly involving 2B.OOO men. His claims ars supported by two members of the parliament of Qunenr ia* d, James Dooley and Thomas D. Mutch. These men say ho was a vic tim of unusual military methods silo ing from the war. An appeal to Washington hi- been maue by the Oceanic stramship 10m pi-iy l • help them gat rln rC their on welcomed boarder. Amert.* doesn't wan! bias—rays be is i British cllllan. Au India doesn't went him—-ays as I* nn American citi an. The tcamafclp cnapwr-y dut-sn t wnni him—says he eels too p nrh. Il lt«T: <dtoge:hrr convenient, being a 'mm. sMmsi a country” VELVET The Frioadly Homo Ayala Velvet Tobacco, ia its joBy nl tin, la again a feature of cigar stores, big sad llttl*. There Is again Velvet ia the pipes, end contentment ia the hearts *f an army of Amaricna pipe ssnoktra. And thereby bongs s tale. 'Where's Velvet tobacco gone?” those same /elks inquired, wbea dis appointed la their qaeat for that age pnallowed, friendly tobeece, which bad mad# thorn and their pipes side part ners far years. Where was Velvet? Ask the Rad Crate man or Ihi “Y” man. Ask the .tslvation Army laaai*. Ask tbs dnaghbor or Ik* Jack!*. Ask the har ried and harassed Quarts naaster Corps that were responsible far "nor* hoef, snore ballete and mm tebasso" for the boys aadar the tin derbies. Yea, llntk why Votvot was not on tom* if the dealers* shelves. h wte •» the Ships, (a the caatipmiaii, In the biilee and Velvet is now *f an the "tin •« _- ia Franc* r« a* J*7j — X-™ «a!«Ese* JMfjuaai»a |bi la see yen ad again --— i Ckeeaetha most esseiWat Ufa and I RATIOS or MARRIAGE TO Dl- < VORCC. IRIS Baard an the 141V Canaua Bureau Juliet ,n on Marriage and Divorce, t-—''' - Geed according u> the ra o xa ago to di mw log n.iing • • — t. x th • , -rb-r -ha' ir.dl v t ^ tVuth Caro r.a ■ i m .yd b.Causv : me 1878 no t .. ..- hseii ':irai< rant'd u. * i.. ‘*i • nVv s’ ’u — • o.v '.41: spy "n nfjr 0 w>r,d« t-- r - divorce ourt; but lx the Di U ;t f Columbia >nly one marriage in every VI ends r. divorce and la North'Carolina only ina Id every 32; which U the best bowing mads by any state. South 'arollna excepted. The ratio numbers mean VI mar iagas to 1 divorce, 32 to 1 divorce, in a to on. , tank 8tates Ratios 1 District of Columbia ......VI 2 North Carolina_32 3 New York_ 80 4 New Jersey _ 24 6 Georgia .. 28 4 Maryland ._...20 7 West Virginia .18 8 Connecticut _14 * Connecticut ......_14 V Massachusetts. 11; V Pennsylvania___IS 11 Louisiana... 14 12 Vnraont _18 12 Miasiieippl. IS 14 Mianasota ...._18! 16 Virginia. 111 16 Alabama __lli 17 North Dakota.10 17 Wisconsin . 10 17 Delaware .... 10 17 Florida_10 17 Tonuimes _ 10 12 South Dakota.S' 12 Mains.9 12 Rhode Island ...._... 9 12 Naw Mexico __9 14 Colorado_______g 14 Illinois___g 24 Kentucky_81 24 Nebraska .....___ g> 24 Utah.8 24 Michigan_......_8 82 Ohio ..._....__ T| 12 Iowa._____.... 7I *2 Arkansas_7! 84 Naw Hampshire ..4| 84 Missouri.4 84 Arisons ...._4' 84 Texas ____g 36 Indiana ___..._... 4' $4 Wyoming_ e 12 Ouahoaea...6 12 Montana__.... 6 42 California _S1 42 Idaho_ S 46 WaohlBgton ____4 47 Oregon ___3 48 Nevada ....._2 FEELING BLUE? LIVER LAZY? TAKEACALOTAB WwlirM How Yeeag and Facegcrb, Yea Fad After TaUag TU. Nea-I —alecs Cal—al Tables, If you hare not triad Cblotahe you bars a delightful surprise awaiting! you. Tha wonderful live r-cie easing and system - pa rtf ying properties of, a tab at bedthaY "wiSi a swallow of| water.—that's all No taste, no salts. 1 nor tha slightest unpleasant offsets1 You wake op b tbs morning fooling so good that yon want to laugh about It. Your liver ia claan, your system is purified, your appetite hearty. Bat what you vtah.—no danger. The next time you foal lasy, meaa, nervous, I blue or dlscotrraged give your bver a thorough eieanaing with a Calotab. They art so perfect that your drug gist is authorised to refund tha price! as^e^guerantoe that you will bo do-| Cslotabs are sold only In original,' scaled packages Price thirty-five coats. At all drug Korea—(adv.) UNSHAKEN TESTIMONY Time is the teat of truth. And Doan's Kidney Pins hare stood the teet in Dunn. No Dunn resident who suffers from baekache, or annoy-' Ing urinary Ills can remain unconvinc-' ed by this twice-told testimony. | Mre. J. D .Kseell. Wilson and, Divine streets. Dona, says: “I suf fered from duH, nagging backaches and aorenssa across my kidneys I couldn't rest at nfgfcta and my kid nays caused me a, Lot of annoyance by acting irregularly. Doan’s Kidney Pills were recommended to me and I procured some from Hood ft Gran tham's Drag Store. Doan's entirely relieved me of all my trouble and I am pleased to recommend them to, • n»AM Miffsplnw fnoms 4,ei. LI J a*1 The above atatement wme riven February 18, 1808 and on July 9, 1918, Mn. Sued eaidi “I am alwaya r*«d to recommend Doan’* Kidney Pitle after what they have dona for me. All 1 hava formerly mid in praim of Doan’i ftfll holda good .If rv«r aval a I ibouM need a kidney rvmedy. I weald take nothing but Doan’s." Price 89c, at all dealers. Don't ■imply aek for a kidney remedy—rot Doan'e Kldeey Pills—the mme that Urn. Baaoll had. Peatar-Milburn Co., Mtgn.. Buffalo, N. Y. DROP JESUS r Lealle’a Weekly One of the so-called “advanced" churcbee la Now York City kaa ro mivod to abollah all roferenco to "aoet, clem, nation or ruoe,” and hava » aow bead #f onion to bo algnod by of Me members. To do thia. It daema it aeeeaaary to adopt a new Ratamaat of purpose" from which •ontiea of Christ mad Christianity la oaUtted. Public anaauaeementa ie ac tordlnyly made that this eharch has So the we rid movaa on from the time that tha Master preached oa the Staroo of OelOoe, aa (racial# only fed tho moMitadef wkaa they wore weary ud far from hoam and aent them on T**? 4id "•* Are wo fsapstttpv tha Oraat Teach -waited tha opas af tha Mind and Si ?' J r. U; • I Ml I I , I Just What Does The EDISON TONE TEST Demonstrate? This ia an effort to explain in aimple lucid language exactly what the Ediaoh tone test demonstrates. When you have read it we want you to have as clear an idea of just what the teat signifies as though you personally had witnessed one. We have repeatedly asserted that in the New Edison the great inventor had perfected a device which Re-Creates the artist's voice with such complete fidelity that no human ear can detect the slight est shade of difference between the liv ing artist and the inanimate instrument. The tone test is conducted merely for the purpose of proving the truth of this statement. The demonstration is aimple in the extreme. The instrument is placed upon the stage; an artist stands beside it. The instrument begins to render one of the singer's own songs. After a few moments the artist begins to ting the same song with the Instrument. Suddenly the sing- * er ceases and the New Edison continues alone. Can you distinguish the differ ence? That is the question. Over 1500 of these tone testj have been staged. Over 30 great artists: Anna Case, Marie Kappold, Marie Sunde liua. Alice Verlet, Thomas Chalmers, Arthur Middleton. Giovanni Zenatello and others of similar eminence have par ticipated in them. Of the more than 2,000,000 people who have been present not one has been able to detect eny dif ference between artiBt and instrument: between a singer’s living voice and the New Edison’s Re-Creation of it. With the lights lowered to hide the singer’s lips not one of the 2.000.000 has been able to say when the singer ceaaed and the instrument continued alone. In plain, evep'day English the fore going is a description of an Edison tone test. These tests have convinced more than 2,000,000 people that Thomas A. Edison has achieved what was believsd to be impossible. We are publishing this not only to convince you of the truth of our assertions about this incredible in strument but atso to urge you to call at our store and learn for yourself what we mean by the phrase "Music’s Re-Crea tion." Barnes & Holliday Co., Dunn, N.C. j COMING! ' TO "DUNN ’ - For one week, commneacng Monday Night, June I 6, under canvas Ollie Hamilton Greatest Vaudeville Show JAKE The Funny Negro Comedian, and his Company of Clever Entertain er* are with this Show and will •urely please YOU CLEO The clever little child entertainer Good Singing Dancing, Funny Plays Listen Monday For the Brass Band Door* Open 8:30 p. m. Show Starts 9:15 p. m. Admission 20c. V j Jnu," bat tka dlattpla who battayad Hlai M tad waat nt ud toipd Mawatf. Tba ••adataaad** ikwtli la Maw York aii^bt tall m wbatbar It bad tba bihwd dlaaWaM? Band with tba battayaa and tka dtawm Mab that "dw»«l iaaaa” la aaalaka Bar rabaa, tka arardarav. • Wa ara Hi tka iwMat af tka wartd'ak I uluml, M *t IN not rut; to Mill down tha yoldan etroaa of tha ^niaudara and hold tha rad ra« af ha anorrhiata. Not jrotl "O eroaa that Hftaat op my hood I dara net aak to fly frota thoa " :ajuuk oiAct lAiirocrr dead Oa Wadaaaday, Java 11, Itlt, at o'clock a at., death catered tha taw of AJha Barefoot aad took 1 •way Carrta Grata, tbatr baby ytri PM and aavan imootha aM. Dtarrhooa aad lira trnubla waa U>a caoaa of bar daath. Iba laaraa U Manra bar daaarbara a fathar aad notbrr aad a brotbar •ad attar. Tba/aaaraJ waa aaadaatad by Bar. C A. Jatkaoa at Btaaay Baa taw alary wbara tba Bttla body waa bartod flha la font bat not fnraattaa 111

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