THE DUNN V,L “ DUNK. W. C., JUNE II AlnrLAItt fUto ACROSS ATLANTIC WITHOUT STOP Pilot Aicock (British) Mad Nuvigctor Brown (Ameri ™) Both Reported To Have Stood Tbo Voy age Well LANDING MADE AT CL1FDEN, IRELAND le Taking the Grruad the Meek?** Struck Heerily PleiifUm late the Seed, ead Re, - r. Will Be Neees •ery Before Pvcoediag T* Londo* Wker* It U Planned T* Glee Aa Exhibition r ver That City, SIVaaee af Radi* laa.'rumaat Daria* Veyae* Explained London, June 15.—The Anal goal of all the .-mbitioos which flying men hsvu ventured to dream since the W right F, cither* first roe* from the earth in a hpavisr-than-eir machine, wae rea'i’.d this mpming when two young British ofllcrYs, Captain John Aicock i.nd Lieut Arthur W. Brown, lend ad c n the Irish coast after the first ton-stop flight across the At lantic net an. pM'aac* of I,#00 Miles Th’'r voyage was without accident and * th-iut unforsecn incident, ao far aa ean be learned. It was a straight away clean cut flight achi.nert In sis t>on four? and twelre minute*—from N *v ;< undland to CUfdcn, Ireland, a of more -hau l,9i)0 miles. 3 i; ib. brief and modest descrip. tior wh'rh comes from the airmen at Cllfdrn tells of an adventurous and amazingly haaarduus enterprise. Fog and mi .is hung over the North At lant c end the Vlcker* Vimy biplane climbed and dove, struggling to ex tricate herself from ths folds of the airplane's srorst enemy. Fly leg topside Dew a. She rose to 11,000 feet, swooped down almost to the surface of the sea, and si times the two navigators found thmxaWea flying upside down only ten f« * above the water. Befo.c coming to earth near the Cllfden wire'eea station Aleock circled the wireless aerials, seeking the best S>i trr"tgcch ths earth, but so suit Is ground was found, so ha chanced H in a bog. What Breve 'aid. After Breakfast. The wireless itaff rushed to ths aid of ths aviaton. They found Brown daaod and Aleock temporarily deafen ad bv Die force of the Impact. As soon as they wars able to be aecorted to tbs wtrslcss station they telegraphed the news to their friends; than had hid MttB. ! rn4t4 ot ntf4f. London, Juns 16.—Capt. John Al eock and Lieut. Arthur W. Brown in their Vickers Vimy biplane landed at Cllfden, Ireland, this morning, com pleting the first non-stop airplane flight across ths Atlantic. Their trip from 8t Johns. N. F., was mads In lfl hours and 12 minutes The landing was made at 9:40 o' dock, Britiah summer tin*. In tak Jng the ground the machine struck heavily and ths fuselage ploughed l»to the sand Neither of the occu pants were injured. Much of the flight was made through a fog, with an occasional drixsle. This hampered the airmen considerably during their Jonrnsy. Wireless Propeller Blew Off.' Captain Aleock explained the sil ence of his radio instrumsnt during the trip by saying that the wireless propeller blew off toon after the air plane left Newfoundland. ‘‘We wars much Jammed by strong wireless signals not intended for ns," be added. When word was recalved of the accident to the machine in landing arrangements were made for mechan ics to leave London immediately to make repairs. Aviators Espect te Reach London Tuesday. Word came from Cllfden this after noon that the pilot and the navigator of the biplane were leaving for Gal way, whence Lieut. Brown planned to travel by train to London, arriving there on Tneeday morning. Captain Aleock, however, hoped to be able to fly to London la the machine which made ths record flight at soon ss it could be repaired. It wan planned to hove him viva OH BikiMtisiti misr fxindon in the machine. If poaibU. The Aero Club received a metmge from Clifden net long after tho trane AUantic fight* lnndc<f «ig»ed by thou, which merely dated that they had completed, the (light In rixteen hour* and 1Z minute*. They reqoeatad In etructiona from the club. In reply the clug telegraphed Cap tain Alcock: "Keep machine Intact until obeet-rer arrive*.” The air miniatry dated that certain mark* wore pet an the airplane at Newfoundland which mud bo «/Heially Identified by a member of the Royal Air Foreo before tho flight la declar ed to have been officially completed. It wa* mkl at tbo miniatry that It wa* probable one of ita official* would leave Dublin in an airplane to relieve Aleeck end Bream. Max Repair Damage to Machine It wna hardly believed there that the machine could be repaired before eeveral day* hod paaecd aad it wa* thought both t(ie aviator* would pro ceed to England by train. Alcock and Bream rtnod the trip well. Dering Achievement. The fight of the Vlrkere Vlmy bi plane errom the Atlentie waa one of three recent notable and daring achievement* by airmen. To Captata Alcock end Mont. Brown goee the high honor of having made the firtt non-atop air nmegi of *"• Atlantic, the achievement going t° the credit of Great Britain. The Atlentie had already beer rnned In an air Journey, however feat having heea performed hy rwiiwi ivbm iistu vmwn ici uh wwm plan* NC-4 with a atop at the Alar** enroot# from Newfoundland to Lis bon. Portugal, the journey beginning May 16 and ending May >1. I Laai sue easeful, but no laaa daring than th* achievement of the Vickarsl Vimy pilot and navigator, waa the ro cent (fight by two other British alr ■en. Harry G. Hawker and Licet. \ Commander Mackensio Grieve. On, May 18 they covered more than half the distance arrow the Atlantic he-! fore bring forced to alight in mid ocean. Por nearly a woak they ware. glvan up for loat, but Anally before the r*w» of their dramatic resuec' waa relayed ashore by a British de itroyer. Diffarmt Fni SmpUm Flight. Tha successful flight of th* British airplane and the American seaplane were made In pursuance of different; phases of experiment in the problems of the air. Elaborate precautions were taken to guide tha NC-4 and! her companion flier* by deetroyarn.' Else ad at frequent Intervals th* eon ' ring not so much to make a record as to establish the practicability of cross ocean traffic by air under condi tions of comparative safety. The attempt of Hawker and tha soce*aaful I flight of Capt. Alcock and Lieut1 Brown were made for a prise of I 160,089 offered by the London Dally' Mall. The Idea was to make a con tribute, n of moment to the practical side of air navigation. b«t th* appeal to the competitors was in no mil] maa-urr to th* sporting Instinct the fliers running strong chances of being rro.iicvably lost at aea if anything happened to their machine. Compairtea ef the Two Flights. A comparison of the record* show that the NC-4 carried Ave man 2,160 nautical miles In 46 hours and 18 minutes, while the Vickers Vimy plan* S 'WWW IIBUtikBI miles in 14 hours and 12 minutes Ths pchievement of ths British fliers sets a new record for distance covered in a single flight, the longest single Jump of the NC-4 having been ap proximately' 1,200 miles from New foundland to Herta in the Axorrs. The Leading Flees. Clifden, Ireland, where the Vick- ] ers Virey biplane completed its' wonderful flight from Newfoundland. * is 42 lilies northwest of Galway and : is situated on ths inlet of Ardbeer harbor. From 8t. Johns to Galway ; the distance in approximately 1,040 miles (I.C82 sea miles) CONVICTS ARE SAVING THEIR MONRY Richmond, Yn., June 14.—Convicts in the Virginia State Penitentiary are juying thrift aad war seringa stamps regularly, according to a statement made today by Major Jasaoa B. Wood, the parson superintendent. The man serving Waa within the high walls af mtesmem nave been found everywhere safe profitable and eonvanlcnt for tbe In vestment of small sums. Moreover, as prisoo officials point oat, the convicts though they have lost their clUseatbip, that being ths state law, still retain their patriotism. Many of them invested generously in Lib erty Bonds when the government ap pealed to the people for funds with which to prosecute aad win the war. One prisoner, attired in the striped garb of the penitentiary, appeared before the officials at tha prison office and directed the lnvastment of |400 In bonds. By virtue of a legislative enact ment the men are allowed a small sum for daily work. A number of the ermviets send all of thla to their homes; others retain half of it and much of this is being put into Thrift and War Savings Stamps. The SOpCT intendsnt mid his boons showed that, the prisoners had invested more than, 22,000 in Thrift and War Saving* Stamps. No solicitor* are allowed within fh* prison walls, it eras explan ed, and ths fact that the convicts have recognised the merits of the government’s sav ing securities and are investing their money in them is said to bo gratifying to the prison official*, since It has been proved that thrifty persona—be they convicts or not—are Invariably the best and most cheerful workers Moreover, the convicts who are saving are looking to the future when they will have a substantial stake fer their fresh start in life. making (Tsrxr.TH nrai milk Plenty of milk is one of tho simplest »»/• “ improving th. general health of children, authorities believe. and home demonstration tft«U ox the United State* Department of Agrleul tor* and tha Stats collages art raak ng special effort* to create public Interest so that ovary child will get hi* rtl*r*; . K"* «l“m, where many children have been found un dernourished and understand, milk la served in the schools. In It Indian apolis schools, 1,000 children have boon served a half pint of milk tech school day doling the past year. Tha milk la delivered at Uio schools |p individual half pint bottlea. A hole la ponched la the cap of the bottle and a straw la Inserted. The children help themes hr t* as they mareh past, aad afterward* they return the empty bottle* to Uis rack. This work la Indianapolis is mainUlnsd by Urn parent-teacher clubs, but M is largely self-supporting. The majority of the children pay 3 cento a dap, ee I 1-J coals for milk and eraeksra Thom JSL21 *•**•***• “'lk fr\* Tho children ore moarared and weigh ed. and the chart of each child is kept In his schoolroom, so ho may see whether ho to up to normal or below. An Uie children are much interested In weighing what they shoald. Tho traehora report a marked Improve meat In the scSoolwerk and want the work continued The Indiana home damuMiration agents cooper ate with tho county welfare commit toes In weighing eng measuring the eliiMr*n ■II thought* wer* legal witness*! maAy an hoaast man wo aid bo proved a rogue. MEXICAN MATI_IT TO UNITED STATES MMibyhu la Wtikiiltm Sap America* Tree** Vleisted Mexieea Sewareigaty Washington, June 17—Gag. Can 't kio Aguilar, President Carraaaa’i confidential ambassador to the United ritetoa. Iceued to tbe prase today a formal statement declaring that “the hrcrnmtni and people of Mexico con sider as a violation of Mexican oornr ointy the crooning of United States oldlara into Mexican territory. and expressing the hope "that the ettxa tion crested by the latest occurrences ia /oarrs will be satisfactorily ad justed between the two coantrtee.’’ A copy of Geooral Aguilar's state ment wa> sent to the state department bet officials there said they did not ■ugard it ia the nature of a formal jrotort and that no reply would bo made. They added that as other cots :nunication had been received from • he Mexican government rcgardiiw the entry of American forces into 'frxJco to dieperaa VllUataa who fired nto El Pnao. Texan Aftur the American troops crossed 'he international border, General Aguilar and Dr. Rojo, the Mexican charge, ware invited to the state de partment by Acting Secretary Phil lips. who explained why the American forces entered Mexico and gave as uranees that they would bo with drawn immediately after their object had been attained. It waa understood that both of the Mexican representative! appeared to be satisfied with the explanation end in the light of this it wee assumed General Aguilar had sent hit State ment to tbe state department merely In this connection it «m learned authoritatively today that President Comma never had aaaantad to the Ogroemoat proposing that whore ban dit bands cunsmitted depredations in • ithor country the armed force* of that country would “follow" a bot trail across the iaUmationsI (In*. OFFICERS FIND STILL NEAR FUQUAY SPRINGS Four Plants Destroyed in That Section, Throe Borng in Harnott County 0n« large copper stilL fear Mill plant*, 1,204) gallons of beer and a email quantity of blockade whiskey captured yesterday by rev sou* oEicon while os a trip in the lower edge of Wake County, and atao la Harnett Coogty. - Tha «01 we* found soar tha Wee bouse. About 800 gallons of boar woes destroyed. Three still plants were found lb Harnett near Aagiar. No stills wore located. Each plant contained about 800 gallons of beer One plant we* owned near the hone of a fanner named John Wearer. A search of the man's house revealed some block ade whiskey. Those in tha raid were Deputy Collector* E. G. Richardson, N. ft. Roinee and J. R. Hutchins, Deputy Marsha) J. P. Steel and tero deputies from Harnett County. WILSON TO TOUR COUNTRY Washington, June 10.—President Wilson, on his return home, will tour the country, sneaking In support of tha League of Nations Secretary Tumulty announced today that ho 1ms arranged a tentative Itinerary for the trip. Announcement that the President would tour tha country served to re vive rumors at the cspitel that op ponents of the League of Nation, might force the Senate into a three day recess, so that they could go to the country at the same dm* the President Is speaking. It was said that the subject might ha conMdered formally at a conference when Sons tor I.ftflM RannKHaan nf yam.aak.e_ •otto, returns to Washington lata this week. Rcnrdlea of whether the recess plaa is adopted, opponents expect to mad out speaker* to answer the Pr**dynL Senator* Borah. lUpubli cao of Ida to. and Joham of Cali fornia. Republican, ware among these mentioned as likely to he selected. Names of the cities to be eiaited by the President In his swing around the circle," were not mad« publie. Many cities have invited him to speak on July 4, It was said at the White House today. White House officials expected the President to start fur Washington soon after his .visit to Belgium this week. MO SPECIAL TRAINS GOING TO THE DEMPSEY-WILLARD PICHY Toledo, O., June 14_No leas than them hundred special trains win be run to Toledo for the heavyweight championship contest between Jack Dempsey end Jess Willurd on July 4, Tex Rickard, promoter of the context, mid today. Besides the rail reads mom ef the lake Meaaufcip com penis* are planning to ran special boats here and anchor Hi Maumee Bay. Willard announced today that ha axpocta to weigh about 2M pounds whan he is called Into the rtac to feet his youthful challenger. If the cot over Dempsey*! damaged •f» la suWctently healed the cham pion will bo allowed to resume boxing tomorrow hi* manager announced to day. Sailor Bill Katchell, the yonnsr heavyweight who joined Jem Willard's stoffi of sparring partners yesterday, e oa his way back to New York. Wil lard mnk a left hook fato K etc heft’s mldaactlan and he Tewed that he had had enough. The man who would Vs truly happy should not study to enlarge Ms es tate. but to contract his desires. ASHEVILLE OVER EVILS OF Complaint of mod Shimmie Fl the City Aabeville, June 1_ cheek," “tickle toe" ai hutcaa, brought to the Ihe public through com '•red by mom be re at the lien of Woaee'a d *“ boetmlmonera, in ™_ •anaation, and the city b •P over the “a that have been_,— Happening* at dancaa, at Cirar aectione of tha cl ding hotela. Thay » leading hotel here ■ jaax band jasaad I Ian cere performed ah . itunte on the floor that •f the hotel turned »nd the follower* of forced to eoek the_ tad a asocial jui bead from Mcmphie at greet r»an« people who (till cbeaa the fleeting boon feet” and determined full money'* worth at t to the city. eou*ht eat and continued the di mall houra Following the eo »d by the Wooten, ih twept the city aad ea matter It being poaaibillty that aoea might be taken by on*re to too ridod for all . Held at placaa perform. The _ •upcrrtaor of dancing .da_a • _-aT-_ plaints, acores of Paver would have for the public by the ladiei_ loners, have been line* then aad hotel* an coni , ran be taken w be refer bnua their daw beet people _ Greemboro Newt. U. S. REGULARS NOT RETURN Fourth 5 la lad To iu P: Washington, Jan* and fifth divisions i been removed from ■ehadulad for_. United States, the »aa advdad today >nlv "under plana" tin command aad - )f President Wilson. I- . -■- . PROPOSED HARM BTT* COUNTY memorial BUILDING --- I e Harnett county promima to be th# ®r*t In North Cere tins to arect a memorial to the asUiary of bar mil who fought la the world war. bar* efioodr bow drawn for f* building. which wli bo croctod n Ll.llngton near the op^thmus, aad preparation* at* being wtd* to Mart ictual work very aooa. SP Tbe Harnett MemorlaPbtiUding will he dlatinetlv# far one <*■*; tt was teiignad after the beam of Him rebel Martin, of MiaAWpbL who ImL ber Ilf* after nurd no tiioegh X Infiumxa epidemic In LBUngton. She contracted cerebro-eptnal montogitis while nursing a child; \ A brome tablet la JR* • building will be In memory ef/hi Rachel Martin, who was HornADeuaaMl a tlon agent in Harnett, aad IMU la th* new bolldlng win be for tbe Home Demonstration agent to ‘ Harnett, rooms In the new building win be for th* Home DemondMMon Meat, the demwtte icienee dAool (with kitchenette) and a ladW.TWt mom. Tm county dtptrtnMt of idocs> tion will have ofltoaa hi Bh hew build <"*• « wfll the county agent. Tba main room Will b« the memorial kmH •ad there will ba • UBrpry and • •rooking room for tbo -«Wul U la aimed to maka tba bnOAng a am maat to tha wldian at Aiwa van and to dadieaU It fe t^wtoou. ~" V ' SOLDIER TAKES LITE Saliebary, Jan. -VhWfl A. Imwranaa. aged M , a aoldlar ratwTwlBg from Tr Ufa by cutting hia •at with a raaor nl(bt wblla a train naar Ln.lul •1 tW. eityTand b m charm of an an_ <■ aaid Lavranca waa at tba tune and van body waa found am by comradaa who i in charm of «••» alaa on tba tram amlnatlon and gputaf dde. A aiatar of tba **« Olan A. fiml Oklahoma, haa baan death of bar krather. Wn la awaiting km tba War Dopartmunt before d|apoalng af t bake* insists on or wLMtimi Waahlngtoa. Jon# fiSnKss!? that Congrcaa_ •n army af SOS, Permanent l Tid. Ha 100,000, _ army appropriate tha Haaaa waa “I Obaarra knew tha Tba more a L_ la Inalinad to ba I NO REDUCTION OF HIGH PRICES Howllas to Qairtei W Plflrtwl af Later Fra. AH lllri... af tha Craalrr An Practically Uaaoimeiu . That Caaiaasr Nsad Nat Expect Aay Tima lees Redaction la FrUa ml Pi-iacipsl Cammadittee— Ian af tha KapBai. Washington. June 1*.—Tho Infor mation sad education service of tlu United States department of laboi Beds public today replies of eai<oai banker*. business man and editors re gardiag tha prebeble course of priori in tka nttr future Tbaoo replies indicate that through out tha country these Is a general im prasmOB that there Is bttle prospect oi a rad action in prices and tho hlgt root of Hein* wilt remain for ion. t«M in tho future as it Is today. Tha replies to the queries of ths department of labor as* from all sec tion* of the counter, from North Carolina to Iowa. ‘ftey are practi cally unanimous la the declaration that tha conaemsr need not aspect at nay time In the near fata re a redaction In price of tho principal cpmmoditiaa. Certain observers are so prprimlaHr aa to declare that H 1*111 be four sir five years before pricea on tho aomaradltlas of ths dinner and breakfast table, or thorn affecting ths wearing apparel of tha average Amer ican citiaen, will drop to a pre-wai loyal. Among the rapliaa made public to day by tba department of labor, which are representative af tha ahadet el opinion In all sections of tha country, axe the following: “I do not look for prices generally to fall. I export to sea the caff of labor remain high. Tba war has amds assay mlHlonariaa, and others bars •too developed, ia America, at least a spirit of generosity never known before. I believe there ia abroad In the land a recognition that the mar whs labors is Justly entitled to < larger stars In tba profits. Of eesroo, if labor la to receive a larger distri bution of tba profits, tha cost af froods wfll remain high."—T. Oregon Lawton, president, Southeastern Ufa Insurance company, Greenville, South Caroline. “Thera ts only one thing to da, and that is to gat busy. Tha man whs wait! an lower prism wilt be a lotar.’ —J: W. Peeler, proudest, lloakwali, (I. C. bank “Wo aid bear ia mind that prices are only h|gh by way af compriaarZ Tba tram* filwars has be apwiad.gmd i r level Wus high. af lie. In al credit cea . l prasent abnormal shortage of buildings; tremendous amount of n^Ufary public construction work.' —8. W. Straus, president B.W. Stimui and company, New York. Harold H. Levi, manager, Hecbt wd company Washington, and AWreC Butler, caahisr Commercial and Sav lB*» bnnk. Beliefootalna, O., aaa nc promdlt of lower prices toon. Within tba last three weeks a change has taken place la this sec tion- I find that rust ora erf of thii bank era buying vary freely and ban testbed the conclusion that no recto in prices will nrpr bach *e prewar prices."—Waldo Newcomer |**jjSent National Bsc bangs bank, of "I have for mbs months warned customers that wa moat gat used to I new level of prices and that the pree ant generation will never witness Um prewar prices’’—riles Dean, cashier Bank of Dorchester, Summerville, S C. "Prices cannot stamp. History and logic of tho situation forbid. Beiaj a veteran of tba Civil war I ban knowledge of prices before and aftai that great event. It was more that a decade before prices resumed than DN-Wsr IdiVfil finii (niiaa^ hVav r>t fully buck to that position. Thi •am* will be true after this war.”—J H. Harsh, president, Creeton Nations bank, Creeton, Ie. “grory thoughtful man who hai peon the subject any consideration knows that labor, as a unit, baa nerei ftslrsd a fair proportion of who It produced. When I pass throng) the industrial sections at this country and witness the squalid surrounding of the families of the men employ* in then* place., sad contemplate thi prodt* Um proprietors are earning I am not surprised at the present, of surest. The remedy is'a better ua I Matlenal bank. Jaeper, Ala. j WUe wise legislation can doubt I >“■ belp, yet H is my Judgment the In the long run K Is a quaatlou o »aad demand, and iaasmoch a are Ugh that will stimelet brodnetloa. Whan production reaeb* the point where demand has ceasel or nearly ceased, then, and net anti then. In my opinion, will prices com down materially.”—J. B Ormhaa president Northern Central Tnsi company, Williamsport. Penn. "It b str opinion that there ssf be no eodden redaction In prices. W do not think that any operettas •hould'b* stopped or held ap oa * tho expect atlen of Ism £nt*rim<Netton*l bsnk^wVfuX^ A C. . "*!*?•• "dll not bo materially n dor-d far ooas* time U coma, H ere ■ Wealth la taken oat of the ground I i Its natural state, or put together b .man bath procemes requiring lube 11 A* tuber controls prices tg a grw 11 rstont, 1 do not see aay relief . ’ t. Steele, (ashler Herkimer, M 1 | Nation*) Beak. "Indteetions point pretty eourlu > Heir to tho fact that menksndl m*4e In this country la going to I » In groat demand, set only at boa but abroad aim. It rums t* me th > present indications point to • wander nil »™ of prosperity for this nation and s» Ion* aa thia condition exists wa cannot expact the laborer to •kargo laoa for hla services."—A. D. I Jf Win. preatdoat Pul tom County NaUcmal bank, GteveravUle. N. T. •Tha world to la fa* a ioag patted Of high pncaa. It woaM aaeoa that Um public la alowly aecaatiag and een fornung to thto Idea, ft to neoeiaery that thia should be done to raatara r confidence aad ooarage to raooaae ' busumaa.’'—H. fl. Willard, pcaaidant Firat National bank, Wtlleton. Ohio. "With the large volaao of cirtuia •tea owtatoadlng tew pricaa appear »oa distance away.”—-J. J. Lodga, prvaidval Firat National bask of Seal City, Iowa. V. T. Hines, central representative of the Pregreateve Farmer, pabltohod at lUtoifb. N. C„ baa addreaaed to all soatben members of Cargraaa a totter dracojxin* prohibition and ita relation to flavoring extracts. Hr.’ Hiaas’ lottor, which reached member* of Cenpaaa from tba aouthern ototea' today, is addressed to “boothtoe tors and con*raawxin,“ and ” frankly the cTalm that If a m rot liquor ha will taka a dfvorin* extract lisranaa robot contained tbersda. Hr. Ulnae’ latter reads: “I believe there to grave danger of making prohibition 1 affiliation ao stringent aa to daotroy a lif'dTmala and necessary industry—the aaanu facture sf flavoring extract*. “I am la favor af prohibition, but I am also m favor of good food*, and I believe that prohibiting the awe oaly cause many whelmsass foods to lecture af Savoring extracts will not b« tom palatable, but will causa actual waste m tba non-utillxatioa af those food*. •T bav« gone over this question with two af tho largest flavortog extract manufacturers In' the United Stataa. toll ma k to utterly tnpami Wc ta hold tba average fnM flavor without Urn mas of aloabeL They would bo glad to make extracts with out tba aaa of alcohol U it ssora pos to> pat out flavors of high stand All. • w. i jwv u laarn oi A CAM Of intoxication from drinking favoring cxtrcu. and 1 bolioro tfa •aMuat of such irmknMa la evar ibBat*d by many aiiali BatMaa. •k. extract* will eauTvCtant 5!ow£ » obyaielan friend telli me. “I believe in keeping aleehol from th* reach of the nirTmianlng maa who baa a JoUy-ftefe barkbena, bat it • “«*»Hy iteageaoIbl* to keep the faol (real bU folly. A gnat away drunk irrif are not deguaantot, but that -Igbt or wo.ll of Ttauor te loo much for Mb Far tlinr >k> I hi SELLS HEW YORK HAY IN THE FAR SOUTH B***4fX N. C., /an IS.—Soya a ro ■•rit now* oarriee bulletin lamed at Comoll Univrrmity, in New York Stole. “A fanner* coperative eem iany in wertarn New York baa found ' rtron* demand for hav in the South. Rocontty this company boa no id ia the ollowtng citina: Now Bom, N. C., UvojjJa, Ga.. and Rocky Haunt. N. C. Other shipment* have also been -and* to ether point*. “This hay baa beam handled through o broker at St cent* per ton broknrage fee. The hoy boa aotd on • price Bub of f. o. b. shipping ato lion, th* tenna anally being draft on arrival, inspection allowed, aa ‘tonal hay association grade* and -uln to (Worn The pried* realised ;r tbo hay have ranged frea* «t7.M Stt per too.” Now. tent tbia a pratty how-to-do, i'ko the Rstenalon Servlee worker* af the State College and Deportment 9t Agr'cnttore? Naw York farmer* trV 7,,inf..h*y ln Nort* Carolina, -vel'atng tM per ton to Hiamaatrm. with one of the iborteot growiiw eon x)n» of the Ualtod States. North Carolina, a natural graoa country and with an all-the-yesr-roand growiiw loaeon, paying Now York farman Ml per ton for hay, whoa It la on* of ‘ho easiest grown sad restart hand led CTOM (hii4 the Rut# Vnnws An economic ctudy of the hay ait-1 nation to North Carolina reveala the fact that though we iacrtaeod oar encage during the laat three yean hy 1NXM0' acme, the acreage fer IB1S waa only IH.«N On thie rrea OI«,(HW) ton. were predated, worth according t* a recent atudy of 1 thi. .ubject, * I4.IIM.000. In (pit*. ; however, of thU lac reaped acreage, thi* State import hay hy the carload. Recently at Wilmington, while at tending n meeting In the Chamber of ■ Commerce. It waa noticed that two carloada of hay were being unloaded [ '’■ring the .bert time of Urn meet It la true, aaya the Kitenaien work | era. that good cold eaih can ha raaHs | ed on cotton and tobacco, bert whaC 1 -a the am af .pending thia each fee ( food and feed Muff. grown out of the > *!"*•; wl*" *** he produced abundantly within the State. Ai Dr. • Knapp ha* mid. “the State .Would flnt bny a tkkot for homo hofnra plung “4 ■ AH automobile owner* ahoold m r rT* lieonm nember, before h Jtlf 1; The new number* ean be >. men red by makiag epplteatlea U J. Rryan CHmm. Secretary of State, i Raleigh, N. E Thar* out be twe '• " umber* on *11 cars. ... ,* trout and » one at rear of car. tateute, and oth f W umnoceeaery neteoe are pr.blMtod '■ Pont ran at nigbt without your tail it Hcht burning. Chief Page mya thel I- be la going to enforce the entire automobile law. after inly the l eal 1 thorn who fad to abide by the In >- will be brought before the court and • Heavy Sam placed open them. it CoaSdo a aecrrt to a dumb man am It R wm make Mm apeak. SUN TIME WILL BE RESTORED OCT. 26 BUT MTUKTOIIAKl IT EFFECTIVE AT O.tCE Fete Far Bapaal at Bad af Pr waat Saaaaa Waa Or Mart .li.lig, n Ta • <• Baaala aad IS* Ta US la Haaaat I obcr aad Warm late reala Fa* Itapaal af Law ^’ssskv- - » war ■ toy by __ Haute adeprag tar The Haaaa, following thraa hoara* tobata. by a rah af ISS to (IS. fa mad a MS to tap aal tha law an tha bat Soadap ia Mat October, bat rejected aa tawhiat to toaka tha repeal effective at aaaa. tojJjTJMjato^fM teJL pro vldl itoMrar*iapaa?*af *Sa*dayUtato ■aaatra aa tha aaa data tot by tha i* P*®*? Ml It to ha aent, to tha gaaata. It la coa adored Utat^ Mat Rttatod far tha Baaaa —*— Uoa of Caagraaa, cantiaaattoa of tha l_ tkl* —Stor aad aarif fa _ tj»m to aaa daw October H. eadliw two yaata* oparadoe af tha daylight F'Jam aad Laker fn|U tar Eopaaf ■ewbara af both leaato aad Baaaa. la adtacaUag rtintl ad tha law Mtad March H. ISIS, aaU they wart nridtd.latgtly bj wtohat cdSttetta »“<* i****** **aa wha appatt th# *dvanc«d bun durtaf Hm rMh aal nmmmr —ton. Owmidi rf tfct -1 * ‘ -* *• a - -« a ah. a boar of daylight ana a ham to alty dwellers aod aa—tod that other* ■adta ooold adjust their affaire to eaaiena to t' Tha iocad I vetoed. Grata i CMM varUahb I_ ing rata aod atiaa ariU £k>a?feed It-tt wheat ta rata and take, rays tha United Matte Depart g^gnsaeJinSS The acrh enoalte of (tend grata ax* data poem* and rodent fidi mu aad laiea. An elevator with a lanky roof la only a little wans than one af JowlBg free entry to rats aad atia*. Tha peasant avion of wheat —*--- a tolling appeal far retproo# ecaatowt of wheat conUteera. New to the tlate ta AD ret holes with-1 or cover these with dart iron, aad ta hufld new muse-proof granaries of either concrete or pahranlaad ehaat boa. In Aatoralli^SnSng' thT*^mt*^; tacks af wheat stacked la high pOas swsitiag mbi patent, 1 r~IT isftetil by niee which riddWd tha racks and •f tha cawtonto . oeenr te this _it la fiaptmtleaMe to provide tight cantoiam for stored nodacta stops thould be tokaa irarao d lately to toep or poison ran aad aeicc te tha general vfeinttv af tora. Wgegrn •ad hi ju7>rwwy mHM variaaa matboda •! darttayian rau and mtea. Thaaa Mbltoatawt ■ay ba Ud fraa oa applCttaa. STUDY RETAIL MEAT MARKET. mo

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