THE DUN i VU. • DUNK. _ < / ' v-^_ _ __. u| PRICE OF CORN IS SENT DOWN 32 CTS. Fight Against ii.C.L. Is Knock inf Bottom Out ol Trade Valuas CHANCE OF DROP IN FLOUR OF $2 BARREL Pork I, H..M Foe TV Collar With Tha Tebaggae Under Foil Haad wayi Dropped.$3-50 Ysatsrday To $41.BO Darral For Saptamhor Da. lie ary. Ch'rago, III., August 5_Kffortr (o anticipate the reaulU of any quick uwltch in lh« government policy for ditpuaal of th 1010 domestic crop of wheat knocked tha bottom out of value* today on the Board of Trade Downward nlungca In the price uf corn, the chief trading commodity, did not atop until the market was 62 cents a bu*hcl lower than when the campaign against tha high coat of living began a weak ago. May Cat Wheat BO Cast. It was not until there remained on ly a single hour of business activity before th, time set for a conference between President Wtlaon and Julius Berne, federal wheat director, that th rla and provision trade appeared g'»* serious Mm dance to reports circulated for dB that the govern meat would maOTt radical cut in the price ef wheat to consumers. The most definite of those reports was that millers would get wheat from th, government 60 cents a bushel cheap er than th« government had ruaran taed. This would snak, flour Teas ex pensive than at present by $2 a bar rel Me Denial.ef Reported latent Law As corn prices have been largely baaed on a prevalent belief of farm era that $2.26 a bushel for wheat meant $2 a bushel for com sad that the value of all other cereals and consequently of all livestock and meat troducta had a similar substantial ra tion, sad the absence of any dental ef reports that wheat prices would bs severely cot. finally produced a tense situation late today. Wholesale throwing overboard of holdings all , •$ commoditise made th, exchange a , soon# of confudon not often rtvaZUd r la 1 SHEWS SPJSffR? $1.4$ 1-4. At the am time pork plunged down $3.60 to $44.40 a bar rel far September delivery and a alike cora, displayed no power whatever ‘to rise again from the bottom price reached. PROfTTEERSWHO GOUGED UNCLE SAM Eaeeesive Charges Ease ted ef Gov ernment By Own ere ef Piers in New Yerit Washington. August 6.—Pier own era and leaeea in New York garnered extreme profits at the expense of the government during the war, the Ship ping Board disclosed today In making public a report regarding terminal charges at United States ports. It was declared that the Board of Ap praisal of the army in hearings oa IK# value of pier leases of the Bush Terminal -bowed that during the ear berthing (barges In New York harbor war* $260 to $500 a day, whereas | whereas before th* war charges for | the same berth* for ocean steamships had been from $60 to <60 a day. One witness who appeared before the hoard said owners and losses ex pected to make a higher profit “be Iaos* everybody's doing It—charging as much as h* can.” The report added "there it same evidence that and understanding be tween pisr owners had Influence dpon the high price* paid for piers. Ex amination of charge* show* increases in •ora* Instances of 600 per cent” The report makes various recom mendations regarding standardisation of chasms and facilities. Cheek-Rein Needed Now. . .,re,J2r* •" ®c*an rates also issued' bY *|ja Shipping Board makes recom-, mendaaont and mentions specifically rut* fluctuation*, adding “these have I n*naic4ip upon busn *>•*• and placed heavy burdena ea booyer* end user. of commodities The pol.ey Of government control of rate*, tha report mid, "it fully Justified by the f««te ahown. Indeed I tha ehevring would indicate that the Toreroment might properly have aona aither than It want In tha standardi sation or itabQisation of ocean rates NO COAST LINE TRAINS ARE ANNULLED AS YET Fayetteville? Aug. 6.—No Attantie Ceam Lina train running In or out of Fayetteville ar on the main line through this dty has been cancelled ao far because of the drib, of rail*yh the strike aftn oU*n l« admittedly mrtooa. It la only ■ question of time, mid a Coast Line official today, when the locomo tives whlefc are not balim repaired will break down. "*»»« trains Will be ran, ha mid. "»» Ion* at w. have metl*t Power to run them.” This wns in contradiction of a wild rumor going the rounds, to the affect that as train* would b* ran after if 0*. •lock today- Hope that th, Write. wtU h, trttlad^oea .« mpraaood by the raitroed officlai Th, Coast I.;', „ •tin accepting pertahabla freight hero. i J*or. Mr. Bleu* him eelf was forced to reepmid to call* from the audlanoe for eaveral eatec lections on hi* fiddle, and during tha intenuimion ho gave a number of atunts, ranging from a family con cert from th. pig sty to a tr-jwto nature Imitation of th* water being **«**.«*< uki rotcy pump and then running back down baford you can gat the dipper onder the •poot Mr*. Bfbunt icponptnltd many of the —lection* on the piano Hi* imitation of a wild goo** WM dna, and thair pra—nca added greatly to the enjoyment of the occaaion. HENRY FORD SUPPORTS USE OF METRIC UNITS Noted Me nofee tor or Approve* Cam paign la AbalUh Old Standard* Ran Francipco, A Jg. S_Korrr ”ord and th* Ford Motor Car Com {••ny hare com* out in favor of the ™»te****- PoaMoto. not beiei ?»*•*■*» trudge •olnot their employer hat because w *C* V"***?1*1* to Wt *•*, themselves where they or. In quiry at aom factories fleincsi that assigned to taaka f°r which they are not suited, sad where no provision la made forittior them to Ike job. 'Thcee returned soldiers of sere are certainly entitled to training. Even if they war. not, it is to the advantage of the employer to giro It to them, lpduotrfal training mean* ttom work and efficiency end conse fesssjsrss.iK obtained by each courses In corns ed - -1 issrr COURT DECISIONS IN 2.75 BEER CASES Preklhitiaa Utigatiea lutm Oat I in •d By Attwwj Caaral Pslsm Washington, Any. I.—Secant rtate manta said to eouuist« from a brew ing association, purporting to show that Uie courts hare stood “ten to four against the government” in caaee brought to tart the legality of 1.75 rar cent beer under the wartime nro ibition lew, evoked . reply f?o» attorney General Palmer today out ti£W£S£ *• *f ^°WW rr&S&f £ prohibit! all bw^r eosttiBlni aa much “ of one par cant of alcohol SfT >*•« "“*•“«> ** ““ United Stotea district coortj at Pittsburg, , Conn., sad bold that two —.’iJTT" r-« *«“t beer la prohibited; bat it has been held that the law appUaa only to bear which is, in fact. Intoxicating at New Orleans. Boston dan Francisco and Providence, ft. L . s'1" ™ CH* ^ district ^UdCJrW •FJh,rtI too government’s contention sad enjoined the district attorney, but the circuit court of appoala dissolved the Injunction up. f".tof ground that there was so jurisdiction to great it, expreedne incidentally, how ever, that the opin' Ion that tha district judge had proper ly construed the act. “At Baltimore toe district judge ey eased hie own opinion aa (tror ab4 to tha goroenmenfa contention, hut felt constrained to follow the toe judges la . BIC INCREASE IN JULY IN NATIONAL BANKS Washington, Aug. 6.—Increase In th« number of national banka In July "■> th« rreeteut of any month In recont years. Comptrollar of tha Car wiry WlUlama announced today. Twenty charters for aew beak a ware ■ranted, the aggravate capital being *7*0,OCO, and 44 ampMeitlona 5? Ill,660.004 laeraaa ta capital were appro rad Total reduction amounted to II £10,00*. On July II there I were 7£S* national banks doing baa). I an a, with 114 application* tor char .Urj await)ag approval. “Thar, ha* bean eo failure of a rational hank for mere than tht I month* pea*." Mr. Wllllem* aald, “and In t’ie 1* maathi sine* January |, 11*11, then have been oaly two aataH national bank failare*. This record > for mm unity from failure ha* net been .q,tilled state 1*70." ’l-E*S THAN 100,000 SOLDIERS OP THI A. C. P. OVERSEAS ' n-W,*.*hla,rto*’ Ang- *•—Oaoarul Pershing cabled the arar ilapailmaal ®»£»*y II a total Of Mr 4*7 troops still wan, overscan l>, npt for about 1,000 these troops *vr( scattered through the Amerlemi area* bi Esrepe. Abn la England an that data were III; la Berth Rumlo 44; north Bessie feme OB mete to Brest, 7*0. Inditing from H« immediate ia waiting for __ How can ' 'bo eneegtaedt Hew eon ou. b« raetorod asttg/wB’.jrir -re to produce ted capital to opeed ZuXzjr"**" odminlateriag Hr following eUniui nnte U tbo conn try: Find, toll aH program)»» ■arrhanla and raaanfaetureco—teU alt wbo ba*. anything to aofl -do adrartlao now »°d Uia ad rentage of tha great market which i ijaf at this time ^Second, toll thefuMjc that now I. th« tire, to hay—teat they, the pee pU. In normal poach thaae are the dirtribotloa. . ,{* *be consumer fc«y« the merchant aeUa and in torn b forced to hop. TV manufacturer «ad tha producer ot /■» matoriab are forced to buy jndeeM. Labor ia eat to work. The hrakaeputepoa Gmtry are thee Zrz&sS&i car To create the dabrod athaolae the poblle ia being urMdto buy. to buy U^wanta'** *® ”7 —today—what New i« the tlate whea a few addi tional purchaoee adled to tha dally necessity purnheiec win loereaee the praad toUl of mlae to aocfa a magni tude that the merchant will he oMfifed to replace), Ue stock. on a larger Jtola. The wholeedar, the maau&e tarur, and the pridarm of raw — torljb win be obfcSto Imuie their ----ivb wyri iff prodocaa. Tbrr, win Vo a Jobjfar aaek Jobtoa* mu. Oanoral confident:, will Va Matarad. Boat aaaa will V. Vouria* Baeoaetreetion Ud ramaVIlliallaa af aar war aettrt u" ‘nto P—* lo^rtriat wiU to oa aai.-'asSiS.-jffa.-aa tho woAor at Me banab or lit. daak. . Mow .te th, paaybalaalaai tint to Va*io tVi. drl.a far Wowrrttj. Lot m «ak* tv a+.lmifnSn?do all that w, ean to alow th. parted of to pto* with th. laaat W WVor and oopV Vie, mart kart th. ball --‘do pha« wa too, bay zt’ifusr*- *■» Haw ia th. paapahaiuplaal Uiaa. uii fo. Thl. U too of to. th*,*. of Labor. I | l HAND GRENADES T(f BE USED AS BANKS War Laaa Orgaaiaatiw Amiam They WiU Saw Be Reedy Far ChUdrw Richmond, Va., Aagust f—Hand gTtnade banka premised ua» tuac »«o by tha UniUd State. TVwsary to stimulate the thrift aad aad nr. move ment among the children of »h, coun try are almom ready fnr delivery, and distribution of thorn will begin Auk 11, according to an Mdc her. today by Ibr War Loan Organisation of th. Fifth Federal re serve district. About 250,000 of thru- bank, ail] ba given out in thi* di-tricL. Euch hank U literally a baud awr.ade ex cept that the explosive ha. bi-.a team out and a slit baa bfcu diifi..! in ibe nark of th. “Jug” to adiu.'l prnnioa end dlmn. , CbfMrer. u.;. i. ationed •tot to put nieUi l, ;a th. . J« bank ss&'Ssxr the arrival and distribu tion of lie hanks, William k. Tim aaoa^ director of the educational and rani division of the War Loan Or ganisation af this district. U urging the children who have made applica tion for them, or why may apply, to begin saving immediately so Sat they P“7 tern some thing to pat into the “ they receive theat. Under the original ruling any child under M run tees years of age could malte application to the bank la hi. and receive a band gren ade hank ea tram. Then, if during the srhol vacation th* ekild saved enough money to purchase a War Stamp the band grenade wo aid bar ante hie property. Because of ana voidable delay, however, it was nol pamibie to ad Jlver the grenade hanks aa soon aa daairud, aad now. since tha school vacation is rapidly paming, the time la which the children mum are the aeceaanry amount tea baba extended to October 15th, the ezteanion being left optional with the local banka, aa that every child, every tey and girl (under seventeen), la tte district ran became the peaeeaaor of a real, aad at the am t rue aw fuL war trophy. SIBLEY'S SHOWS TO BE HERE FAR WEEK *■«*«••* centre* BJbley’* Bupcrfc Run for oar midway <2t"eUo?L ““t'1 Sw. Is lb-eej ■how packed hi 15 ears. Tho com mHlor had bad th* chance of some larger show*, but they have worked hard to got a clean thow. oit xll can afford to visit and not leave Teeling Earned of themed vet for going. Af ter going over in detail with a num ber of thow men the different fea ture* of their show, the committee decid'd OS Sibley's Show*, because they believ. h to be a dean thow at well at a large one. though not so large a* tome. To make tore that the public will get a great midway attraction and a dean on* the com mittee wrote their own contract, making it that the/ are to be no immoral shows; do gambling, and that they, the committee, should have th« i ight to go through all thewt at all t me* with full power to clou* and pat off the rround> any -diow that i* not clean. Th* committee an working hand to giv# the public a gnat big doen show, full of amuse ment, sparkling with fun; and we want the people to enjoy it to the fullest. The work on the Grandstand is going forward at a rapid rat* these days Things begin to look right much like a Fair already. Th. fence la almost complete, and part ef the frame of the Grandstand up, wig all bo ap in Just a few days. W. ail begin to look forward to the First Harnett County Fair at Dona, Oct. 14, IS, 15, and 17. A cony of tha premium list I* in the bands of the printer, and w. hop. to have this ready for distribution by September let. While w* waft for a copy of the premiam IN* w* can get our exhibits ready far the fair, everything from the Baby .to biddy Don’t forget th. Baby Show. Oet the baby ready. Our progress rv« farmer* are getting tbeir cow. chicken* and bogs ready to show, •by net take extra ear* of the baby, •®j£ *•* H ready. Plenty of Reek regular hablte. will help th* baby wonderfully them hot summer days. Babies six month* to eighteen months will be skews as a ^w eighteen months to thirty months eW will be shown a* * two-yeer-old baby. Libor al prime* offered for the beet baby in Mfh. Ua AM and! tWA *.ae. .l/.U elaaa. Thea the music we win have! "T* >*■»•” sinfin* centeet In the Grandstand will he werth ell the time end money It easts. Thsre will b« a Uheral actaj given to th0 bset choir ehicInR la tfc, eoatost I shall ha fhm.ta (tot la touch ndth a lumbar of chair laadtrs in Harnett and ad joining counties and wa shall all bo (lad to bar* thorn work up their choirs, corse with them to Dwaa's Grant Pafar aad taka sort this, per haps, tho most interesting contest of *B. toot of music. OWEN ODUM, Bocy-Trsos. ***- CASQUE GIVES UP STUDIO WOKE W. A. 0aequo, msaogor of «h. Gao quo Portrait Co., who has operated a photo studio la Dunn for several yoara, has discountlaued his studio hors. On account of hie forming bt toroot aad looking after hi* men on tho read ho woe forced to do this. Per special engagements phone Ko or da* at Ms residence, 604 E. BOUSE MEMBERS GO BACKTO GRIND U^Ur. N~r H«m rV Mmm DU Ad, •» Cm|Ah UV la F»< «r *w a.» S French WwNMMtioT _tana** debet* oa pane* rrittiai *11 continue. fftirTia* Be - publican, of South Dakota, to to sd draaa the uuU tomorrow on tha laacua of nations, aad Sena tar Har* lUpubhcaa. of IUinoto, *a diana. Is to apeak oTrSa3?*. i MDrt.!'b*t* “• tka h%h «»*t n# hem* usd way* and mean* to cheek it to expected in both senate and bouse. SesM member* belteva Presi dent Wilson may addrtm Ccagroto on the (object after h|* cabinet eom raitea submit* recoanuandatloaa. Railroad problems will b, takes up tomorrow by the (sent, tod u-^-T in. ‘rratat* cemmerc, committee*, which expert Director General Hinas to (shmit tote in the weak tha ***£ •Station bill prepexiBff a was* heard Strunp opposition* to dteaiapiaf to ** 7*** Ftoo, with aeathneut for traoefcrrinK complete authority to the Interstate Commerce Cnmmim ion. . -''*«*reemert lestotatmn 1* due to advance another stem to morrow with the report to the senate Judiciary committee of its tub-com mittee’. tantatii-.bnL Traaafar^ of tha JcffiaUtton to tha sanate caton dar for consideration at the earths* opportunity conrtstant with action*! thT trvatiet i« propomd. Tariff lestototion atffl is before the hoax* and Its ways aad attani earn, mitt*, and tha a*Bale ffnaae* tom E 2*® !“.? ST* **■ **•'< the heme* bill* abolishing war taxes on aeft drinks Several boas* Inraetiaatluiia Wil he centinuad thto weak NORTH CAROLINA CENSUS DIRECTORS Apytlatenu Aaaaaaa.l Yoaterdny Pa* The DiatrtaU hi TU* •tat* WaAlufton, At*. I.—W—«i af the mot. who will direct th* tekh« of th* 1»Z0 canma la aata* of th* Rovith.ra State* war* aanoaacad to day Other State* will ba announced later. Thee. appointed today *~ liidi Korth Carolina, a* foBewat Pint, LloydJ. Lawraae*. Morfraaa bor*| aocond, W. O. Howard, Tar boro, third, Khrara D Johnaon, Way. taw ; faartn, Otway B. Man, InL Hup*; ifth. Ja*»•£ Taokar/YaJiaawJ Tllja; dnth. Hoary L. Cook, Payette rlUa; aaventh. Latter A. Mtrtia, UiT fnfton; alfhth, Arthur L- DaaL ssagi&ueg liameton. OVE* HALP OP OP L W. half_ | •orpin food rtacka hild by tea wa* isagfi fSfci*. «» ■■■Tug avail*bl* for oh, rindhif te a s^x-jrsrfcrs: (ld.MdOM worth of fraaaa Mb and •l.dTR.SM la nilltil nju. i mt £ m >s it X