THE DUN V-L • DUNN. H. C.. « BAPTISTS CLOSE CONFERENCES ON \ MISSIGN CAMPAIGN Mm tud Woman From Every Se« tion of State Gather Hare for Moating* SOME WORKING PLANS Waeh Of the Cw|ui|e Hu Started' Off Wall With Orgieiutlee la Every State Raleigh, N. C . Aug. II.—A terlet of coofcrrncee R which three hundred i Bapt-rt, men und women, gathered fror.i every •return of the Slat* have participated. The Baptlat* cam* to Raleigh to tliocue* plane and methodr by which the Baptht Seventy.flvv Million Campaign could be made a great uuceeea in North Carolina. There no "uuw meeting*, no public eorvicea, bul a eerie* of eon farenca* beginning Saturday after noon and continuing Saturday night, Sunday and Monday. The plan* which hare been mad* by the general campaign compilation and related to worth (Jarolina ■ condition by tke State campaign committee were stud ied and careful attention was given to the entire matter of the need of the denomination which resulted in this greet campaign. Director Walter N. Johnson, who is in charge of tha work in North Carolina, presided and eras assisted by Organiser W. R. Cullom. Men from several sections of the 8tate took part in the discussions and Dr. J. TV Henderson, of Knoxville. Tana., the general secretary of tha Baptist tmpmrn'i Mavemsnt of the Southern Baptise Convention, delivered two addressee. The on standing feature was tha presence of Rev. L. R. Scar bofough. D. D., of Nashville, Tenn.. the general manager ef the Baptist Seventy-five Million Campaign. Dr. Scarborough was inspirational. In, forceful sad earnest in hie presentation of the campaign. The kaynot, of the entire series of conferences was “iatarcasston'’ and Dr. Johnson felt that the campaign “■ *d be started srith services of > oarnvet Intercessory prayer. Vtru ara coming in to the effect h, people ara araasad and en V, bat tha task before South Te in MANY SHOPMEN GONE BACK ON JOB Conference WUI Be Held At Onoo to Determine Whether All Shall Return le Week. Atlana G»., Aug. 11.—A conven* t • i! yl < ryi uieiilulieea of the itrik hu|.muii of the eoutheaatern die tii>: to be h.ld in Atlanta within Ihe itvkt Itu or three days, or at eooti a., me J-.-li gjieu can be assembled, hi' been (.ailed by thc local executive committee, to decide whether ell shopmen of the district shall return to work at once in accordance with proporal of Prostdent Wilson. It was stated that the Atlanta strikers who still maintain their stand against returning to work until choir wage demand! are root, will abide by th» decision of the convention, which w li be- 1 (imposed of pructlealljr the -w.i peironrcl that voted in favor of a strike at the convention here July 15. In the meantime Aopam at many points In the southeastern district returned to work today and the situation generally was described as "Improved. ivt W rn» rsnroaa Aflminu*rm tion bcidi|utrUri flowed th»t strik* Inf uhopmcn r»turn«d to work today u fellow*: Seabonrd Air Lina: At Richmond, Raleigh. Hamlet, Caye*. Mo:.roe. Charlotte, Abbovtlle, An drew*. Norfolk and Southern: At Raleigh and New Bern. Louixville and Naaheilla: At Btow »h, Tenn., and Albany, Ala. Richmond, Fredertcxaborg and Po tomac at Richmond. Atlantic Coaat Lina: At Richmond, Petersburg, Clopton, Florence, Sum ter and Columbia. All force* alto returned at Macon, Dublin and 8araanah. CARNEGIE IS DEAD The Croat Steal King Gaea Up tha Cheat Today and LeH HI* Woahh Bakiad Him 1-ennax, Has*., Aug. 11-An drew Carnegie, steel magnate and philanthropist, died at kit Lennox be mover noma, “Shadow brook," at ?:10 Una morning after an Utnaas for the last three day* with bronchial pneumonia. So midden waa hia death that hla doubter, Mr*. Roawall Mil lar, waa unable to fat te bar father'* twdalde, bafoeo h* died. HU wife and 'RELAX CHILD LABOR LAW IN FEW CASES Ceadltiaa. Uader Which Children May ha Employed Arc Raleigh, Aug. I.—Following con ference* with employer! of children the child labor comm Union hoe an nounced the rule* and regulation* auggocted In coction I el on child labor bill, which provide that tho com munion may auk* certain exception* to the general law. The commieeion on tho whole found that thoee who want to employ chil dren were in harmony with tho gen eral idea and purpoaee of the —— ur«, and believe that the rule* worked out will bo generally mtlMnctory. The rule* follow: 1. No child under II will be par miltcd lo work In any of tho occupa tion* enumerated in tho mooaure, be fore U o'clock in tho morning or after • o'clock at night. The law make* thU rule mandatory k. No girt aader 14 ynnre of age •hall be permitted ta work in any of th« Place* enamoretod la tho bill. The reaeon for thU rule, myi the email uon, is mat tl tha womanhood of the ***• is to b* proparly oouscrrcd In the future gtrle of tender in should oartalnly not bo allowed ta ran tbs danger* of 1—or loti on Inherent la employment In public iluu I. No child under It year* af ago •hell bo employed ia any ef the places onuses rated in the bill for mere then eight boon a day. 4. Boy* between IS and 14 yean of ago may be employed hi the on amerated octepeUoai whoa the pabUe •chool la not is-■—i. end when it i» shown the scanty superintendent of public welfare Cbm the proposed employ meet is sat Ukaly ta injure tha health or the morels of the ehdd. Bat n no ease shall each employment be legal until a certi(Vests has baas le »had by the oosntr superintendent af pubhc welfare a* Monks furnished by tha state eommlaeioa. Before dour mining the onaation tha cooety officer may, if he deem It necessary, require a physical examination of tlw child by the health officer or other preetie inf pbnkltn. k. During tha tlnse that puMk mhaol is in saaaioa boys between tha ages of IS and 14 year* of ago may be employed on Saturday aad out ef school hours HARNETT Tho work on fotnp forward u wiaT Mr. C. ft. too, ia paahiap ftroot MOD odd workman tha fair aad with all lW> of good 1 will baf in to i ana of tha f tha mod tho atato room ia of ovary m Urvd Indian, by auay ana tioo apart fra pU who will Oraat Fair Tha wool foundation of wfli ba a mada It ia M fool arrammadafi bora wffl ba ao arraafod Tto ItlJN mom all mid. dadind »J> to •Bkocrlbod tot fl.UO.M groat laamad of tto fair la county baro i •acratary waa tofon aalUag tto Idaa ofi a fair of tto a fair wtora Harnott aad coat* aad foal ladaad tto •rary rtiitar _ to ia a part ad NEGROES D N. C. CONGRESSMEN STRONG FOR PAGE RwpwrUd Eight ml TUn Will Vate fa/ ll«a Mu fat Meat Owaaoa ar By S. 8. Winter* WatJi ligtan. Aug. 9.—While many political leader J are preao ta divide North Ccroiin* into two distinct camp* with rcjti:ei to the rabemateri al race—Mortlao.i and Cardaar ad herent*—the writer learn* that it io altogoth. r nunfhl, that eight af the North (I.mI ».e cong: teamen will ana port Hon. Hohorl N. Pago, of Btocoe, for governor. Mr. Poe* was popular with hi* col leagua* '»b.l in cbnrrvaa and bad (ha admiral eeaki tha man. Tha peaUAea depart- 1 neoi ha- mated a rapriava for two 1 weeks and if a candidate fails to put ' ta hit aperaraacc tha Merrimon office win be e'eatd. Chief Justice Welter Clark, of Ea- 1 'tlgb has accepted tha invitation to ! 'm pc cue-..t v'. the conference of the 14 railroad union to meet in Waah- | •ngtoo to disease tha subject af rail 1 road control. B. was among tha firat •*e of the distinguished American ei tiaaaa invited ta tha confareat. In aigaifyiag his intentions af hetag peaaant B> L. Steels, Third, of Rockingham, was a visitor to Washington Fridas. Eta. father, Babert L. Iteoia. is n> Be Him ere hospital, recuperating from a severe illness. Baa at or Lae S. Overman turn seise t ad Joseph Attic as Mania as first al ternate to tha United Botes naval ac hdamy far 1PM. Tha rramlnatten FIRST DIVISION TO ENIKJUNfOR BOMB Start O. Aaaart II W Mark PM 11‘P*n « Groat Mary ml PlraI DhrWaa hi AaaaWa Part la War The follawinr vat takaa fna tba Bridgehead Beotiael, a paper poblfcb td by th. Pint DM Aon and WMt to tie DUpauh by Lawraa*. ianrf. naa, a Dana bay, who eniiatad la tba nrvlca *rv«ral month* an, and who swK.s-<»a«r£s with the audit —ilMi *-Triliia bar. ' ■" ,Tk*. *?»* phrlnea Bwt la rrary thin* but ana! KPint to ranch Prance tot to earn t* tralain*—Ant to . • part la aa afadri La oacrttn oilcan and __ _ __ world rtn>**to Srat aa a IrhlM and —Ant to cram tba BMaa lata Oar aaay—aad new loot to *a bowel And for aO tba --nrn.talt that Ri. AIL GROCER FIRST PERSON CON ViCfED Federal Curl Gala I Ire Par Ovrckarylaa Far t ugmr AFTER CLOTHING COCCUS Attorney - Ce.Mral - an Hava Food A d Ea> UNCOVERING Watrmrjoa, Aue. IS—lay aver developments U tRe sorer_ (she to iedlc j the kick c«A of 'Ivin* Urtinl Pahter that tto'tod — jt/i-. utiea lor pioMUexiivr had lined District Attorney Uto »le*-._.bed from bioehaoMoe, K Tl ■tot a retail tracer tod toe. toed MM lor aalEa* sspr at IS rents a N>er.d. Ko details wer, given sad to bar sudor wtt'rh '.to rase nns ’ woerkt not knows tor*. daring of tha scripture a stronger traumatioc and aaed it a* a text “Cafl auto mo and 1 am ancwonng tha* sod shew t' ;c h.iw to C yrvmt • nd dUBcoh ,k ng. which thou dnlirt not know how to do. * Dr. Scarborough reminded hit an* diene* that God ia atOl a Ood of miracia* and that prayar, roe] prayer, will non God. “Real prayer,’' said the speaker, is “lessens th* struggle. Baal prayer is the lubricant of tha machinery of Ufa. Prayar mover God. The Bibl, teaches this and un leas a man believes th* Bibl* ha is on th* toboggan slide. Cod inmirer hearts nod this inspiration follows real prayar. Southern Baptists have corns to th* taak now that requires that every Baptist hlteh up with Gad. Looking at Baptist* missionary plans and pro)Tams, Baptists missionary achooli ad collages, orphanages and hospitrls 1 thank God for the prom ise, **C ill unto Me and 1 am answer ing thee •'Southern Baptists hav# a grant taak." he continued. It Is a big tank. It in not a ‘peanut task,' but a task worthy of tha bast that is in the da nomina.'on. It is not too big. It is small \ h.-nco compared with tha needs of a world. It Is small when compared with what Baptist hav* re reived In bWeeing*. But neverthe less it is a b'jj task and a task that calls far prayar, right prayer. I ra in ember that the late Dr. B. H. Car roll said, “I win.all my victorioe bo fore I light, win through prayar. This mum b* th* purpose of Southern Baptist. God’s people rightly related to God can do th* miraculous and thia right relation can bo brought about through prayar. No man baa any right to be * “lltUa” Christian. TW* ia not th* day for llttW prayer. /w“ WITUCTB WW DIVIfi SAW 7VI ■ bollov* God? If you do, than yon Ve lieva that th« day of miracle* has not pnaood. God ia a miracle-working God, aad to receive evidence of thlt, all wo need do U to pray. In closing hi* eddraaa. Dr. Scarbor ough Mated that ha wiahad to give what ha termed aom* ingredient* of "right" prayer. Then ho raggoMod the faiportanco of hamenity, parity, communion, mutagerying faith, com paaion and sarriflalri onaoiflahncaa Tbeae ••Ingredient*" roeult* la “right pray nr that prayer which compel* tho promise of the text. At the afternoon conference, Dr. Srarhoroagh told of tho report* that are reaching hi* efflee, report* of an awakened people In every State of tho Soother* BaptlM Convention. Tho work of the campaign, aald Dr. Scarborough, ia Marring off well aad tha organisations ore being perfected ia ovary State. “What I am oraylag for,' ho aald, "la that on tho *r«t day of the Inal daah, Sunday. Novem ber SO, Southern Baptists will ho ahlo to report th« entire $T5,000,000 pledge* aad leer* tho remaining ••von don for raising $18,000,000 additional, patting tho rampelgn “ov*r tho »•»" aad giving for mt* atanary operation* $100,000,000. *ev. Orim will return Saturday, after •pending a month's vacation la Now York and other eltioo. Mr. Orim »al *0 hi angular appointment* Sun *■7 ““rwing at II a a. and night at Sidi p. m. at tho Christian church. Tha puMlr ia cordially hrritad to at tsad each aarrios. tn^nrStn^bouMOsgTOBdi^He wus token 111 Friday and craw stead ily worm. His advanced age and lessened powers of resistance hasten ed tha end. Mr. Carnegie came to Lennox to make his home in May, 1917, and had spent the lost throe rammers hers, die Intended to spsnd his de clining days et hit country heme when he bought it, and tha announcement was mads that Mr. Ceraegl* would spend all of the spring and summer months there. He came up from Now York lata in Mny this ysar. Mr. Carnegie -is survived by his widow, who was Miss Loolsc White field of New York, end hie daaghter Margaret, who married, lost April, Ensign Boswell, Miller of New York City. department to sell TWO MILLION BLANKETS People Css Bey AU-Weel, Cm to. ud Wool, end Cot toe Geede Frsne Cor ora weal Washington, Aug. 11.—Ocerlng to the public of 2,000,000 surplus all wool cotton-end-woo I, and cotton blanket! was announced today by tha war department, arrangements having been depleted fer their distribution through post office and municipal chan nels on tha earn? plan as that adopted fer Mttaffs Fur Individual purchaser!, prices will be tb for n-w wool blanket and ft l-r reclaimed wool- It foe new cotton-mixed and 93.94 for acclaim ed; M for new cotton, and 91.29 for reclamed t-o-,..n The recMim,^), ,| Is explained. ire blankets used hoe than a year, which have Leon reriova. ed and laundered. .These selling prices will be Axed for stocks retailed through municipal ities end poet masters. In addition Ihs department will sell blankets tn bole lots of 20 st prices lower then the retail figures No more than 10, 000 blankets will ho sold to n Mlfcta, BDrchAMir. FALCON CAMP MEET ING WELL ATTENDED • Sunday waa a big day In Faleon, where the annual earns moating of tha Hoilnona denomination la bold. Huge crowds etended from at] parte of th« country, the biggest gathering of this year's asaaion Mag present. linmett, Cumberlaad, Johnatea and Sampson counties bars bean 'oe'rihutfng tha large-t attendance ta the meeting, and tha number of peo ple baa bean Increasing from day ta day* Services have base regular, Boys. A. 0. Dormer and K. D. Reeves and several others doing the preach ing. Mr. and MrsJdcD. Holliday and •o®, Harper left Sunday for Rich mond, Vs., to attend tba Southern Hardware Ataee lotion Convention. From Richmond, Mr. Holliday will ga ta Battle Crook, Mleh., to eoo Mr. J. D. Barnes, who is being treated In the Sanatorium there. Mrs. Haiti day and Harper returned Wednesday. They mads tha trip through the cotm try. the fact that tha law does not prohib it »ha eta pie jra eat of ehfldrea la oc cupation* other than thoae anmnurat ed. each as farm lay or l-mirMi *or riee. The eectloa I repeatedly refer red to In the rule* follow*: , "No child under the aye of It yean •hall be employed or permitted to work m or about or in connection with any mill, factory, cannery, worb ffiop, manufacturing establishment, laundry, bakery, mercaatOo .stabUsh Btent, office, hotel restaurant, barber ■hep, bootblack stand, public stable, yarayu, place of amuaomont, brisk yard, lumbar yard, except in and under regulation, prescribed by the eotnmiaeieu hereinafter mated.6 A booklet of II payee amllllail “A Directory of the date aad county officials of North Carolina” bos loot born issued by the North Carolina Hirioricel conuntoffien. and topic, of the book can bo secured fro* ef chary* upon application to Hoary K. London, leyMathrc reference librarian, at Ba lebh. The book contains the names | aad addresses of all the state official*, i hoods of state dspartaaonte. boards and cossmisoioD. Judicial officer and of county officials with their postoffice address. H give* for tech count* the natac and add ram of tha cloth of court, register of deeds .sheriff, treas urer, coroner, surveyor, superintend ent of health superintendent of schools, and eouaty and highway com missioner*. James A. Hartnom. of Statee*lUo, hots on hnoinoos with the eommlo (teaer of nubile welfare, who has been mentioned as a candidate for eommte ■iooer of labor and printing, nod who was a candidate ayaiast Secretary of State Orimcs three years ago, de clares ho Is not o candidate for aay mate office. Ho geos oven farther aad state’, that ho will net ha a raid’da to for aay of the state offices while the ralarioo paid ore no higher than they *r* at the present time. BACK TO THE SOIL 1 Doctor! or* bow adrMng ttomiiu to C*t oat on th* farm end work in th* mnehlne rod th* air la ardor to got Ihc'r health back. Woman art not rfiipoeod to do It. bot thorn who haoo have reaped Imatone* boooSt ■nd also helped to garaar th* ln leroaeo of th* earth la fruit* and pro doct* of oil kind*. Not a few who ' enwh* forma now Aad therarehee* ow ner! of • MPH bnelnooe. Perm ib i« a buninae* aad It It u good I _ __ __ "prratoo Ho owa rofthlap home, Me own eroaiaory end It* owa oaBobw factory, aad employe hand red. of moo, woman, hoy* end gtile. —WIV .miagtoa mar. The yeoag men of the toww gave on Informal daaee la the PHageraU Ifirsr iSMS 'ed to oajey k thn^mMpTTko Zm« srfssvzzg&z-si. jjSWass.'aaa ••lection* for tho TTte*l*n 'down b«Ua dM other day oad everybody happy. vrth plant aat and war farmers with food hooaoa, ateek worth looking at oad food hash accounts oad credit. Yam. air, they hod kandreds of pounds or that rood old North Carolina cored stsirwsnarrea ■taay of thaot gave at more ant than I waa akl* to hup at preaoat prioM.N Whoe aakod how did ho fool about tha atottar, ha raoliod: “How did I fool TW oil, I fait ebnp. dost to think that 1 ban a hrri fam ily aad hav« haaa rrttlur rood warn up hare and waa aot able to show any 7b*UJ'^*1 •%» < jwoppority Kkt than folks at bean. I to goii« back ha on soon aai I can fot enough Money to taka my faulty and ban ten oof to halp at# bogia. farming.” Whea aakod dM hla lectio ■ afford Mm opportonities aqua! to tho aontb to maka a eucoaaOful living on tks fa**. h» unhesitatingly warmed ap to the fact that Ms chances far ma te rial advancement ware “dawn MM. TW* oonreraatieo correctly Moe trata* the ctUt'xU of thownli of in tho north a«d weat. It alre EST1*, **2? u,inf* »«th faatartaf. WhU« in dire Mod of anakillad labor ■May af tba indaotrtal canton an bor« bid hfch for negro ornddUod labor. In too away Inatancoa labor a«unta reel tad queettoashte atorioa of hoar tbo aoathora aafro would bo re ferred and treated “ap north.” Man* ware told that their boaao wore al ready farnlahod aad that tba doarepH MareWa of tb, farily would bo amp ly cared far aad made reprewrty happy- Thouread* of them ana aad thoy cow aad ezpAienerd for •alrea. Tba good, had and indifferent al am ante war, huddled tofodwr and tble aaodaa ware, aa ana af tba aria Efsurs* “**•“"" >Jja»,iava«sr;s call than “hnafalrwa” aad tiiaantit ■Ma^af the lory, citln A.r. whit, peeplo lira .rare artd to autny af tha aatorad people far tariaa tbahr real raluaa. Tea often uaerrapuleuo real mUU km would i«ll prfrptrtlf In dlrtrteta inhabited hy whCTWVTlor ed MMb aad thoy wall know K ureald oooaatan troublo. Tbo euteonu waa roolal aatlpatby in Many eltlaa moult BA’y^g.&iSaa wddan larartoa af colored poopb tb. hblllM of .any ton.Wood Aero aad a aO^rt other Sg.arvxTsLg tlare between tba twa mm to tba nralh aad wart where before tba aa 52* *“h faotlaaa .rare not la art ddnreao Bqw rajfilmqd. Tabbi with aa tohaOlgewt fallow that North Caretl«m*T be gtroh the benefit of this material during tho *“: ta Jhe winning of the war. Tb, Pint taught the French ta the Tlciaicy of Teal and Lonerffla that it could make a darling taowlar hi a defende. actor. Cnatigny dlapelled fonva- any tlhutoa that the Pint eoald act conduct aa offoatavo. Aad ta the Moody day* at hetreoa. tho I^rltioB played aa itaMt taealeal ele port ia the earing ad Prance. who woa tha war ia a debatable i quaatioa. Bat tho eahar Mgawt of < retraapeetire fciatory wfl accord that , Praaee would hare haaa teat ta J«ae> •Bd Jaly of 1»1» bat for the pnoeaco, of the im throe Maricaa dacWoaa. FIRE INSURANCE TO COME DOWN 10 TER CENT j Ten Pm CeaT Wa» . An*- —Tha marchargc' af 10 p«a Mat placed eg Ire iaear aaa. pallciM dartag th, war win ha 1 dloeon tinned aa Aagaat If, aeeerd- i lag to tofonaation Insuranca Cow 1 wlaatoaer Young brought bd to the 1 city today from Not fort, where' bo baa been to conference with Mortal committee from the national awe tie < Uaa of taauraace cemmia* loner*. The committee ha* been working am tWs proposition since tha useetiBg ef tta national emaciation la St. Louie three < months ago. The insurance ceaepaaiea had aatl- J rtpaled large increaeae ia laaaaa and to operating «mporiooi aa a rsoMoae ef 1 «d that hath werJ'raaarkaMy’ awaD, ' law hi fact than they had Mm la 1 the new. The Increaeed tariff waa aa. jneufod aad them la aa gieaad far continuing this addltioual charge. Tha comwtwtoner said that before ho left New York all inenrasca bo reams had Imca telegraphed af th« sctlon and that aalklas iesaed attar Aagaat If. an which this 10 per cent additional had bean charged, weald mm Jest that muck cheaper. Miff KATE HE kg INC PEOMOYID On* af the moot attractive viattara ta th* meetiag af the Pres* Associa tion at WrijStrrllle Mat weak was MIm Kate Herring. ThM bvilHant and aaccasifal Bampaomian has r*-1 ceutly received signal peswatlea. ft will be recalled that A, was “leaned" a,,t.gLg5jafcjg tofflSTtSSaaBn ratad*to u, MMEfcAfsrSkThSSs • the War Lear Associe •’f'UwFtfA Pectoral Besse Dio trtat wK> headquarters at Kirkwaad. Mhm t(airing will male* aa fa air ant InraMJgatiaa law Vara far tits nrgaatoafien asatoUnaa bare Uha tha* raaatoad by colored people to the Malt “where the weak grew Wrong."