•LOCAL* ********* Mr. Gilbert Tuttlo of Clinton, wa* a Dunn viol to* Wednaaday. Alcy Parker Vent a faw day* thla ■■ik at Ocean View. Va. Min Clam Pope apent Saturday In Fayetteville (hupping. Mi« Crace Crockett la viaiting frlanda in Clayton thla weoli. Carl Wllaon ia •ponding *ov|eral daya with relatlvva In Four Oak*. Mra. J. R. Murphy la viaiting rvl ' alivaa in Morehoad City thla weak. Mua Spic> Cooper of Clinton, apent Wednesday in the city with friend* Mlaa Ruth Fowler of Handeraon. la the guaat u( Mra. Jaa. Farthing tala ,L W eoR • Mr. W. II. Byrd and aon, Alger of SnaRhOrld, waa in town Tueaday on builneaa. Mia- Qlxabeth Thompson la ape tid ing aeveral daya in' Goldaboro with relative* Ml*» Virginia Mitchell haw retnrnad from a visit to relative* In Rich mond. V* Mr* D. C. Johnaon and aon, Careon of Clinton, aoant Wcdnenday here with fnend*. I-lttle Mlaa Mae Wllklna of Wllaon. ^enl a few daya here thla weak with r*. J. J. Lane. Mila Sarah Rev*** of Fayetteville, apent th* areek-end hare with Mlaa Ida Me, Pittinan. Norman Yatea left Saturday for Wrightaeillc Baach where he trill apend tevcral daya Mr. P. S. Cooper (pent Monday in Raleigh on bnefnoa* He wee ac companied by Mra Cooper Mr* M. r. Gainey and Mr* J. W. Jordan via lad friend* In Joneaboro Tueaday and Wedntadav. Mr. end Mrs. Z. V. Snipes and little daughter, Grace are visiting relatives In Richmond, Va. this week. Mleeoa Peart and Blanche Gran tham returned Friday from a short visit to relativaa In Smlthfteld. Mis* Ruby Fleet of Richmond, Va. arrived Saturday to spend neveaal dyy* with Mra Mary Mitchell. Mra. Geo. W. Williams of Fayette ville. spent Sunday here with her1 mother, Mra R. G. Sutton. Mr and Bit C. L Wilson left Tuesday for Blu« Ridge, Va. where they will spend several weeks. Mow Ethel Lucas has returned from Faison and Goldsboro, where J>e spent several days with re la trees Mim Ladle Howard left yesterday for Kcnly where she will be the guest of Mias Ire* Edgerton for several daya Mia Marjory Godwin left today for Krnly wherc die will be the housej gueet of Miss Ines Edgerton for sever al daya Jake Wade, who holds a position with The Fayetteville Observer, spent Sunday her* with friends and rela tives Ml* •< Lilly Gey. Anna and Poster ■haw of Walden, are spending several with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. lsddde' food' daughter, - ■ • IsrjrgL *r%g btfdflkss at Durham, spent a few dan hat* this week with friends ahd rotative*. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weeks have returned from a trip to Wilmington and WrighUvIlU Beach, where they epont a few days visiting relatives. Miss 8e)enc Parker and sister, Mrs. Perris of Oxford, after spending ■cvera) dey.i here, the guest of Mr. ond Mrs. W. T. Monde, returned home today. Mr. E. J. Nobles, after bsing con fined to hi» room for sevsral days with fever Is now up end hsis resumed hi* work as manager of the loom] tele phone eschsage. , Mrs. Cora Thompson and nephew, John Thompson and Miss Lit* Her ring of Goldsboro, spout Wednesday and Thursday her* with Mr* J. u Thompson. W. R. Johnson, formerly of Dunn, who row holds s position with Ful Jhum Drug Co., at Menlv, spent a fow ays herp this weak with friends ond relatives. Mra Marvin Wade and mother, Mra Louis, Wad* loft Monday for Asheville, whors they will spend sev eral dr”r with Mrs. Wade’s son, who is In th.. hospital there. Lewis K. Darning, who has' for the past four months boon employed In the Quartern alter Department at Camp Eostie. Vs, has returned home to spend sometime with relatives be fore taking up his work again. Henry O. Hiell left Monday for Wilson where bo will Join the cals hrntod Garhsr-Davis donee orchestra ae eornotea*. They will prob ably play Darr. later In the season on their tear through th* 8outh. Mr. David Poanall, ■ J. Hudson and Lawrence Biasell, left Sunday for Colombia, S. C-, to attend th* Annual convention of the Deleo Light Co. Ihoy will return th. Utter port of th* week. •lev. Grim Will return Saturday, afUr rpending a month's vocation in New York aod other cities Mr. Grim will All hi angular appointments Sun day morning at 11 a. m. and night at 8:tS a. m. at tha Christian church. Tha public I* cordially Invited to at tend each tarries. Mlae Eva Strlcklaad returned thia waak from Waehlagton. D. C., whore *« attended the Madam Grace Corset School. Miaa Strickland hold* a posi tion a* saleslady with Mr. 1 L. Hatch-1 er. Sha aril) be glad to ahew the' lad las tha new model* aad correctly 1 8t them with their earaeta. Rev. A. C. Danner, pastor of the Bcthamr Tabernacle ebureh, Patota boro. Ontario, wttl preach at the Method let church neat Suaday even ing at 8:88 e’elock. Mr. Donner la the leading speaker at the Palooa I *r*W tbl* year. The public \ laaordUU, Invited to attend thia ear-1 The young men of the town gave »■ informal dance in the Pitageraid Hall T naadary evanlng. com plimentary to the vtaitiaf ladles of • »• t !>*•• Jo the Brut social fa action ef Me bind given here for duKe awhile and those pnaent taecn ed to enjoy H thoroughly. The donee wae nude m»n enjoyable through ttw ceurteey of Parrieh-Driver Co , • who furnlAod the yowng folk* with • Pntho, which rendered ercedent eelectioae for tha eeeoetoa. C. 8. Moor, spent the week-end at Wilmington on business. Norman Ye tea returned Monday from a visit to rrlativsa at Wilming ton. James and 1'aut Pope and Voigt Sutton spent a few huurs Monday m Buie’swCrcek. N. A. Townsend spent Saturday and 8undey at WilmingtOD and WrighU ville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Poole and daugh ter, Helen, are -pending several days at Wrightsv. Ii Bruch. Mrs. H. B. fn;lor, after spending several days w.th relatives in Raleigh, returned huma Sunday. Mr. and M rs L. B. Pope and chil dren have keen spending several days at WrigtiDville Beach this week. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Pope returned last night from a visit to relatives at Petersburg, and Ocean View. Vo. J. W. Wilson returned Saturday from a visit to Atlanta, Ca and Hal Spring*, Arkansas, where he ^ant several wreks. Mrs. II. Godwin and daughter, Mild Malibei, and non, Robert, left today for Washington where they will spend several days. The Falcon Camp Meeting la being attended this week by a large number of Dunn people. The meeting will doe, Sunday night. Mrs. Virgio Warren and eon. Edgar and Mr. and Mrs Daniel Wilson of! Sampson county spant tbs week-end 1 at WrighUville Beach. Martin L. Wad# was quite 111 at his borne in Dunn yesterday. Ha ia reported better today and will prob ably he out again soon. Mr. J H. Ballanee, Coivie Wood I ami Misses Helene Parker, Minnie' Guy and Miss Jones spent Wednesday . afternoon in Fayetteville. Howard's Electrics! 8hop, the re cent electric establiduaent is now prepared to serve you with anything electrical Bead their ad elsmarhere in this naue of The Dispatch. It tails of their specialties. VI .. 11 tlnll ~:n _..._ .SI. wool from Battle Creek. Michigan, where he went in aee Mr. J. D. Samei who haa been taking treat ment at the Bottle Creek Sanatorium there for several weeks WilUam iVaraall arrived home Wednesday from Camp Milla, N. Y. He hae been in the army for several months and the moat of hia time haa been' spent in Franco. He will prob ably make Donn hie home again and will return, hi. work with Newberry Brothers & Cowell. The Epworth League of the Metb odirt church gave a moonlight picnic •* Stewart's pond, Are miles north of Dunn, Monday night. The crowd assembled at the church and wont to the pond in automobile*. The evening was spool rwunming. boating and Ashing and was thoroughly enjoy ed by the number who wont. McD. Holliday was la Richmond. Va , the Arab of the week whore be attended the annual meeting of the Southern Retail Merchants A. toocle tion. Mr. Holliday was president of thia organisation the peat year and presided over the meetings at Rich mond this weak. He was accompanied on thia trip by Mrs. Holliday, Harper Holliday and Marion Baggett. The town and community was shocked Friday afternoon whan H was Warned that lira Allan Starling who lived near town had passed away. Her death was not unexpected as she had beer in declining health for sever al week*. She is survived by her Husband and six children The funer al wee conducted at the residence by her pastor. Rev. Grover Vaace, ind interment was in the family ceme tery near the home. The floral offer ings were many and beautiful. Mrs. J. L. Bam and children of Enfield are visiting In the horn* of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Jones Ml** Lucils Hina* of Suffolk, Va.. and Mis* Kelts Howell of Franklin, Va., are spending a few days with Mix* Ruby Turner. Mis* Eloiac Connelly has returned home from Chapel Hill where ah* attended summer school. Mr. and M re. C. W. Spell spent Thursday in Fayetteville. Mrs H. McIntyre and Mlae Ruby Turner spent Saturday In Dunn shop Milo Jones and Norma Pop* I were Dunn visitors Monday. Lawyer Robert Godwin of Dunn wes a Godwin Visitor Tuesday. REPORTER. Aug. 12, 1919. , at Hunm cram. Buele Croak Academy will opaa lu door* |<yy the ItlHI aaaalou on the *•*•> Of thle month. Which u law than two week* o9. The ladteatlona point to a heavy reglatratloa lor thin * melon Mr. J P. niaohmaa, poet meat *V at Bala* Crank, and Mlu Kalla Hateh ar daughter of Mr. Wlinam Hatcher, wore married lu! weak at Raleigh LIVE STOCK IMPORTS PROM ENGLAND RESUMED Recently STE aheap. 111 comm and I Berknhlre haar pig arrived in New York from Esx”A“ffisa,’.sai«: Mrtnwnt *f Agrkultara. locladod " ">• iblnaat worn 70 paarltM Hamp.blra. CoUwold, and hi0.k °*« «mi war* aMlIp OMraaar* a»d Jaraapi, an of *• an Heal* Mm par. Wad. parch** * f*r »•« m foaadaUoa Woek and n Inpreafnc th. hard, af United ttrh. jtm dj*k tend* Mwaat. th. two oouatoW. •Wah *u abrapUp <arteited bp tha mW*Mm of Um U boot*. . Gommlmtonar of Labor Hhlpmnn •aam* to ba aUtad fa ra goraramant JOb. Thraaa laglalatora wbo war* clamoring for Bblpaaa'* non Ip bar* booatag Mm ap laafaad of naming Mm oat. Tba Lad In. aM Social/ of* lb* frmtaodlM oharab mm with Mr*. 6. H- Bigg* Wadnaadap afternoon. Af lar tba baalnaa* wag at toad ad to. ra fraabmaau war* aarrad and ibop all reported a good Um* I . # - ==^==BggggiM=55B5B3«BgggB * _j_ The New Pied Piper OORT LMT MNI LURK AWAY YOUR •OVRANMRNT •CCURJTIRA. T*« naaatar Raw We PIM PI par of Mawlta 1M» ptepek • elrea tnaa •a Ala pipe aaA itM Wa ckiMrea avap Tke leal la aaar fall at Pla4 r I para «Ao are UtM W Maaa people la eall Ike* Liberty koala eel War kertmaa •*“P* ’W we waklac “(oMaa- paaaalaee; War are after** a lock * ... •waa «hM War aap »IU aoake roe Aak IW4 pear pa—eel eaeemiae IM1 let We PM Ptpaaa make a lau«%w« alack tal a eaafcar eat at yea. BETEUJ WIATffi THIME OF AMERICA te teRWtete twirln TW UUt* tel h ariaa toa «• tka ilhte ■tea to faaltea what this aoaatrr toaaaa ta tka wwU to*ar Ba U visa* to alt (kat It atok, i*m«| It aa i att rUloa to"sar*i* feull; white tka aaw eamar kat Matas to what aaa ol tkaa ha* to aar *te k flaana A Btehaar a* tka lklt atoaa a* tka Bastes Hl«h Bahsol a* Otaatha aa* ha asm to tbk ■■■tel traai hi* aattra tea*, (rate, whaa ka waa M faars at*. te a tsar “teal* ■ as ill aa tka rates at War torliti sumps. Stesa at tka sehaal raeaaUr. ha aaM la (testa#: “■ate k aat aharwctartetla at tha Atoarteaa paaala. bat tka Oanaaaa Uaakt aa aawUltatfr kow u hate Ikato. Maw u k a ala aat ta hate tka spkrtt tha Has shows* aa* set ta ahal ha K (rasa tka taaa of tha aarth. Of tka lattsr ws aaa paalUralr atm. ka •»■•* tka twaatoaa paaaloa ter |H (tea h a hastes* thaaa atnaaw thaa waa tha Oarniaa paaatea for aaa* aaa*. *1 aarar aa Mata tea* tha i*aa af ka aa* I am tan that It7. bat aaeh a* tea watt* aa tka Mow k tha a* aa te pvara Aaaarleaa ar a ■a pwattoa at thrift aa* tea paw OKU SAITS MONEY BEST Di I0RLD •alar Caaba B**k Y* top ••Ming yta* iina ita tartar ta laraur lapwi M. a. CaCaa waa ataaakak ta Oaaapaay U IMO tataatry, aa4 far •ta aaaath* waa at Tatar. Qainy, W ■•aa traa Lwrtwbacg Maw ta ta baak kaaa "WblM wa taa ta Troaao." aaH •maul Oakaa. "wa war* part ta ftaaab auaay ill iDmirt. wkae wa war* ta Oinaany. wa war* paM ta Bartaaa maaay. Tka tWaraaaa ha twna tka rwa aal Oanui aosay, ■a aoapuM with Vktrt ktaiaa Baa ay, la aaaatap. It la prtalat aa whit* papar. aal aaa sat* aa awfkl wai at k tor aaapaumttraly a —it! pantlty Of Ata*fto*a maaay. ' "Wkaa wa pat tkia taralgm atak tka bay* war* **ry Nkaral with It Thar woaM pamkta with 1C wo«14 l* i« H im4 haadta It wary eiralaaaly. Bat whaa wa pot ta Braat aa oar way liiaaa, wl that maaay waa asobttpaf tor raal imaiimi waaay. all that kb aralltr «i***pa*r*J ul M waa fart at aaataoaiy * ) Thai Ip aaa af the toaaaai tki war ha* taopkC Aowrlcaa maoajr lay [aawtai to pay ns tka pari at Has la Paac ta ah«bty ralaabl* ta Ik* ayaa af 4k* wart4. Tail ta why tha Llbarty •oaks toagf to roaky a martiac ul that ta wkp Om> War Paring* AUaapg took Mat aa poo4 u maaay. Tkry ara hath arlkaacaa of lafahtodaaPa aa Pnala Bun'a p«rt »»4 hit wrtttaa pmanlia n m r Thera ta aa raearf rat that he r*«> fatot to maat aa •hHwattya, L-if (SIP ON YOOI WAI SAVINGS STAMPS VMtaw on tar pMtecOt. Ian* tan ta MM tka lain.. iloc* FtaMtar* *n anatataal ta a battalia raataQr !•**#« by tea National Vial taaw CammMm * tea kaaoclatM AtrarUalac Otaha at tka Watt Tb* ban*Urn tellaata* **r*ral ——<^-v Ua al(M a( ta**|| aa»- a*oak H *ta« *UA man H War hta|a •tatapa Ml Ubarty Bam4a win to vail ta aoaataar bate,, atkupn (ball rahaaftla aaoarftlaa tar tb* affartepa *1 aartbara aMta*. Tka Wank* ta prnaynMr* Mnatan ta aa (Ottawa: "•akmif bar* baaa *bta ta a* aaatata aot a taapl* aaaa baa anr kaaa n>erta4 whan tea i Milan at * ta rrtiaaaia, wartby .attentat ban at *an4 ta taka Ubany koala ta par aaat tar tea aaprtal taocb at a aaw w« baiter* _tbat tea nry batabar ar UpHtaate taakaa aTta^tba nlaa at tb* alack that la atami ta •tataMi tar tea bcaba Tka affar to nataan ta am nnattk which sboaM aam aa a waratap. 'Aaatbar aarmaak ta tba tab*/ ta U* ateHali. wbaa « ta praaaaa* ta naaaa teat as tatabllabat fm W0ta( Inn teal H cault oc: ar- 1 ta 4*aaly*. Tat tan an Miraniite ta paapli wba aSaw tbaiaaalra* to bo iHtakkal baCaao* tkoy baMan n'l tabry atartea. BAND GREUDE BANKS WEI SOON RE READY •MIWm Aw Urpd «» Baol* torntna Mwmy At Oom |» TAM They Will NM Lm Aar Tima. •aaa Mt.tto head pm.Hi haaka wtn Aa wady tor dtotrtoelioe to lha Fldto Federal to.au DlMrtet hy to .aad M lha Way Laos Oryaaiaetlea ad to* dletrict. tony aaa ad toaae head peaadee was maaufactarad to aorry iwna ttoa to too Haaa. aad bow. via far raaatoa aay aad aylaatee r aaa aad. toay era to aeree to too aamratpa tor thrift. Mado tola MaaycM haaka top via ha teat, aaa to eeeh child aadar aaraataaa yaara aM vha eaUa at yarahaaa aaa ar toa. a War daetaae •Aa*. to cared to a ayaaldad Urns, toa head pa.to ha.aaaa toa at arty af toa ehttd Tttoi. haa haw earn* delay la Waabtodtea to fdtttof toa peaada ready tor dtotrfbtotoa. daa to the targe aaa ha Uat had to ha pea red ter thatr aov aayeeto. Vat It a aov ae eered that they e«l ehertly ha ready Brary ehM vha veotd Mha a real aetcaJr af the peat war eaa pit h hr aaBtod at toa head M eooa attar defeat » ao yoatota. tor toare rfl yrehahly ha more thaa ItdMO eHU area to toa dtotrtol vha vOl vaat too fcraadn. aad too ayyty Is aaaaear tty thalted. ■aaavhtl*. tbs ddliea are eryed to bsgto aartoc M aaa as that they toay haaa a 'rasa toy atari' ahn lha armada haaka aa detoured. The a War ha Mace'•Maty the .aaa the head parade halaa«a to (ha ehlM. aad toa .aaaar toa ahfld haptoa ta wee toa aooaar toa datred aM VT ha aaahal Oato Thrift lata Thaidt tot ton MILCH com ud calf, to S 1-1 callon* par da condition. Apply to 7. Dona, N. WANTED— OE LEAEX 18 or 30 i_ farming land with aia or . n hooaa, good wro isd uc ion coDvcoieocM ta ar naar Addraaa P. O. i Box 111, N. C. I'm not a null man. ■«. Knar from you at onca 8-7-tt.I FOR SALE CHEAP—ONE CHEVR. I oWt tourinf ck/ good tire*. Jaat palntod, n*w Ktterr and top. E. V. Gaintjr. FO» SALE—ONE 1 _ .1 PAN AMEJL ‘,'2,* Aotoanabilo, ran n y 700 i rfact conation. rood paper dU In falL WIB taka Liberty Bondf or will axebanc* for good farm land. Z. V. Snipai Dana, N. C. ^ SECOND. -- - -j *aat -ba ra aaonablr a iroao in nod cox dib-'wi _ I P. O. Box lli, Daka, N. C. behninc pi Fare created ta axealL . That i* why • ***• tha roan try. Sold by Pa Co. AMERICAN SEED Exit Trad* W* ft* — Vaiak. I CORD TIRES I They are tk* tough tread tiree and a marvel in their re wtiMo to wear. CESS MIT,F ACT! • I NOW ON DISPLAY j I in tune with fair and wrmer weather These attractive yet moderately priced Summer Frocks are proof positive that a woman can be SMART, COOL and ECONOMICAL, all at the same time this summer. Pretty plaids, figures and plain shades. Any size. „ . THE GOLDSTEIN COMFY • • . • Dunn’s Best Store __

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