I* to to dtaaor. sad while Uur at* their way o*t too Mat at aa ata oar waj la. K was a typical Aatlach dtaaor. Seats war* yr prided for lb* rat Fro* la* *wa. dears cad ocher iw frachwratr wore aarrd to all rotor aae. la tha afTcruusa a haataaaa aiaot ■ac *f CatayLasah. Ooofodormao rot tha. prodded oror to Cayt. Ala* COMPANY WINS IN BUCKHQBfo Case la luntar Coart at Pitt*boro loo woak. a* mm look ip tho astir o*o|. it M* tho taao of Backhon Laat A Til bar Caapup apln Jian A. Tarhoroo«h. Tha trarkia aaa hf tha phhlll oak tha Mot aat took as i<ml. vkhh.ctl nai •k la Apnaa Coart at Iprtaf tana Tha^aatt lavalr* 117 aaxao of hl«ht] «mlt|oalak oak laprarat Ipat aa tb< % ,v, vr V k.' * * LEGAL ADVEinSWG to lb Town «f Dbh' A _ Twmufcb, aa Tobr, tk* IMk day od Aa«A 1*1*, nbub to Um H*alHtod toton of Mid Tmdh tk* aaaan— «f taoatop tMXM-M b twill ad mU Tmrukip. far tk* par paa* of bpnftaf tk* pafctk road* laf **ld T*aa*kl* aad ad toryba a 3ft±^VK£?i?B M*a*.aa tk* mmm *kaH kaca*** da*. 3i^sr5$«s,*2 Ahudatt* mi rid *ii* «d Ckan. 41T •f to* PakU* tool Law* «d tlU, aad batata* aamdatary tkmof aat mp pl«M*at*ry tkatata; Motto* b further' atom that aa mtiroly now rapiatratioa ha* k**a ardatad far said M*ri*l abetiao, aad that A A. hriurbs bn appoiatod Bfbtiar, aad W. & Jackson aad Ckarla* Thorn ton poUkoldsn fa* This toe Ttk do* of Jaly, 1H>. w. h. FAuqrrr. Clark Baaed of Csnaaitobubn of Haraott Cooaty. T SALS OF LAND Zt AUCTION Under end by rirtns of aa eider of tbo 8aporior Court of Harnett Coaaty, made ia tba ipscial Pro r codings entitled C JL Papa, Admin istrator of O. A. Pin Boas in ."’ope, Eanaun Pop* aad ctbon. tbs <eeaa being Bomber 1M4 upon tba Jpoclal^Procoadlng* ^dtohot ^ of ^ sak iSSTaa Prtdsly "tbs^tth* day af Aagast iClC at 11 o'clock a. m.. *a tbc ptamlin, offer for sale to tba high mi bidder, eo tbc fallowing tarns: $lOdd.dd cash aad tba Wanes par abk ia ftra (») equal aaaaal ta dsfattita. tba ton af mid Install aacsts to fall daa i Jan aery 1 i»M and tbo remain! four to b* an Taa. 1. 1M1, II , 1SII and 1M4, that certain tract af land tying k Arams bo ro tewnabip, Harnett coun ty and Instil id as Mows: Beginning at a stab* and poiatsn t Uaks from tba sarusr of C. H. Pope** antsy, it being tba tad oernsi of tba IP aaraa Nathan H. Papa aad wtia said to C. H. Pop* on Psk Id. IBIS, ia tba SCO acre tract Has and 1 run* aa uid Una 1 1.1-i l Sl.fi . chains to a stake aad pointers oa tbs «** of Us US last beyond tbs . toasteb, a earner of tba SO* acr*< 'banc* as another tine of the 1M memo N. U M E. ITJ4 chains ts * stake In tba rand ia MiaaU L *lls' Horn a corner af tbo 7 serai Nathan § Pape, ^andbt of G. A •kpa sad wilt ra TA II, ldlli ‘tone* aa the Una of tba 7 acraa N. M 1-4 W. Hit ebatn* to a stake tr tbs Add, anatbsc saraar af tba 1 sera tract and a comar af tba afore mid Id acroa; tbance aa tba Mas ol tba Id acme 1NM W. S1.4C chains ta lbs bagianlag ooataiaiaj Tbk Juk* «■« Your <£> Bathroom! \4ANY tine* you've lYrvaked k v*eri'up-to ifitr. wpMmJjy wluti fllJ Sobefy that deaara. haull *J?£kS3S.E experience and the right ’ Maa to make a good job of k. You caa he ear* ef that. The* work can be done ai . . laojate coat aad alU the awawapd faaa which W. C. OkaOT. ■ -- «» 111 II DUN ft. M. C. Hon- Twaa aaaa said that laaryara ■>7 aaaa aad co. but Bukhara worn on tararar. Owa (aoatloaa par 40* coararaaat with tba Back bars trda raaaarkad oa ana oaeaaloa: “Oakrtal will not klen ika last hora —tha loot kora will k* Baekhor. - Caanty Naan. . - — — ■ - EUROPE AS JAMES WITHERS SEES IT (Prom Jim— Witters. Army at Or; cu patios. city o( Aadarsash. to Us mother. Mrs. 3. VL Witten ot Broadway). -*- . Jety at, 1»1». Deer Hotter: Your letter, teitiag of tte Fourth Is UlUagtoa, tut right on tte heels ot • oelobrsUon ot my ova. staged la tte **001408 at tte World." t fast got book from a parade la tte etty that la sertnlidr tte taaaa city ot an damps—Bno calc. It la tte taact plaea I vaa or or la—sot area axacptlac Parts—aad la pcnplid with tte cream ot tte earth. We loft bars Monday morning, want through Cologne, aad oa by Atx-La-CtepaMo. The Bret Belgian lava we saw waa Liege. W i ted already found that are ware among Moods, though. It reminded me rery math ot our trip thrwdgk Maryland, Pennsylvania aad Now Jersey last year. It waa easy for them to tall who wo were, because we traveled In big long Am erican box aara. with "U. 8. A." on them, sad we had aumeroec Bag* out. Tte people all tamed oat to welcome oa. Wa could see handker chief* aad aproac waring area off on tte hilltops, a boat aa tar aa we coaid see. Tte train ttaelt waa In an up roar. The coaptry looked Ilka the thickly aattlad parts of tte Blatcs. sash sa Baslsra Pennsylvania. And tte people lasted Ute home-folk*. They snrsty received as with open Wa reached Brussels about mld olf h|, staying on tha train. Tuesday moralng It was ralala*. ataadlly, bat that did oot bother tha parade. Per haps you read shoot that paarde. Tha American troops from the drat and third divisions loading. Wa marched la mass formation, thirty fare abreast. Tha parade area two miles loag. sad are marched about tvs or ala milaa. Throughout that dlatsaoe tha streets were lined sad pushed with people. They. ware packed la tha windows, on tha side walks. la tha streeta. on ths roofs, aad ssas la the trass. All those who had alavatad positions were earrytng armfuls of ■aware, and proceeded to pat over a hloaaom barrage. Thay aaad rosea for oaafattl. and most of tha Urns ths air waa full of them. Most of the time wo marched ou a regular carpet of ho wars. Tbs air was sweat with them. It smelled Uha a vast rose garden, only that yau eosld small the crushed oaas so plain. Than ware Preach troops follow la« as,'and halted iMn ware. Japs, nMildteiNtMk^MMMMaaaediar L rssflsseeai sod- heat.' s’ hands ••vara kept ep.I knOw tha Bslgl.ni vara almeet swamped vltk them. Pint, va llnad up near tha aaptlal aad taad'arad tha aaaaaaary homon to Marshal Poch. KJnx Albert and other "big guor" Here we were all that kept the crowd. back. They were frantic to get clone enough to pay trlbate to Uetr king.' »• veil aa to aaa what vaa going on. They crowded arbvnd aa and atnong aa, aaaa breaktag through the ranks. Wa 'flood than ayd talked to tba paopla I of about aa hour, them va board a la ran It break looaa down the a tree!. We ooald not bear ooaamanda at all. bat va triad to coma to attaa tioa Wa vara wearing helmet. aad gad bayoocta fixed. Boon va saw the company on oar right oome to "present arms."'aad va faltavad salt —aadb maa aiftlng oa bla ova tattta ttra bdfckfcaa too ooald hardly have beard a tha non shoot ia chat aproar. 1 had a time soaking to present arm., beeaana a' rn.deatol.sll. had me bn each arm. 'aad aa old aiataV bad hi anas around my neck. 1 bald rfj 'round, thdfiglr aad managed to III •U mf Bihrury fit tie. vltbont loaf1* the lad tea. ITdHkal PooB aad King Albert radl .Id. by .Ma. BaU are Ban leak lag maa. aad aaparb horseman. Ol cos me, they rode the boat hor.ee In Barapa. Paadamaolam ratgaad while they vara la sight. Behind than cams' carlo*, attar ganaraU, and last levnral A marl can gaaarala. Tha asiaa bad lane avid soma than, bat vkaa tha Amartaaoa same by it broke sot .fresh H a bowed nary plainly how vs stand with tba Belgian peo ple Nova re seined a greater ova ttea than Old Otory. May we ever baM tha maa ptaca ha thatr heart., aad aa eoadart avvaalvaa as la be aaatUy a* H. Tba crowd lintd oat ta spita of tba rala. bat i. Ptvrla* via bind aaoagb to boM lt|0f vblt* tb* ** rad* vaa aa. It Martad agala jaat altar dtaaar. aad aaatlaaad to rata aaUI abaat I o'clock vfcaa it etoarod ¥L Altar dtaaar v* had tb* froodaai aI tba tava aatll 1 o ■flock tb* Boat awratag. Aa aooa a* tb* rala Map god v* all itartad aat to aba la tba tava, Tba tava la ag wild ia p»ru. bat la vaab grottier. baa bat tar paa pta la It. aad tba bast laabtag girls I afar laid ayaa oa. Tbar mr* vara bartag tbsaailrn a Uai*. aad r« vara aa witnai aa lovara la Mag. d » ■ - ■ . ■ Tranth and iTeaiUh. and slUl could .(•. iu'. -■ usilsriusiUsf, Um sju.j ipwk a little rotucunl Oer - Xu e a last resort aI waa lucky I waa captured by a swarm .!» i school girls who coaid all LPt-k English. l «. aid write oolunuu a bo at that Lklaruoun. aad sight, but still cooid not do It Juitlcs. . This shoddy old O. 1>. uniform waa an "open tnaas" to tha hoar la sod homos of Dalglam. Throe of as started Vut logotkar. aad had various aapaiianeos In the dty. but about dusk wa tamed off h mala boulevard to go arvuad a crowd that waa too thick to go through. Ws weal a block or two. aad raa Into what appeared to be an tnclpent rev olution. or bunch of civilised Indians holding a pow-wow and war-daaoa. Ws pasted by and went about an other block. Then we saw them corning. They had some kind of a band going, and tha street was full of mss. woman and children and sol diers from every nation. They were dancing tbelr way up the street, singing tha Mgrseilatse aad "Xade lone." tbs French marching song. Then they struck up “Tipperary,'' singing It In different laaruagu*. mdaily English. Ws stopped to see them pass, but that was not their lntnatloo. No sooaar did they tee ua than they let out e yell aad mode tor ua. railing "Vlvt I'Amerlque,” “Hurrah for tha The yiook po—Ion of u« and wu continual] the march to a big open ■guar*. Thar* war* lots of pcopla there, but we started in a small cir cle near the center. More end mors pc pole came until the square wai packed. We kept enlarging the cir cle by pulling others Into the ring aatil the whole square was ailed with e hilarious throng. A Preach prints seemed to be th< master of oeremonlea. He wore twe Legion of Honor cords, and a wbolt string of mednla and decoration*. H« led the crowd is a sort of soak* dance, doubling t^ta way and that kaeplng time with a irl-color and t baton. I aooa loot the fellows 1 was with but had Do troable keeping In (oust wit htbe girls. l found two wh< spoke almost perfect English, ant slack to them all through Then were boon coup Others who spok* It and I would be srtth some of them e limes, but usually had at least om of the original pair, too. It sura was great to gut had among trtunda, after eight months It tnsmy territory. It was greater stil to ge temoog ktoe girls who couh talk, sad did o4 mind doing so. A1 •ooTsatlane tsdasd to be throws eh soletely.to'thaJHM*- We were el we moat o t'-vvikwirts grudga afattot 111. as thay wars nor •r la our tactftoay at all. The oat; place thsy ware In action was la th soeocd army swetor. In November At* that lime wa ware In billets am wa kcjl been In the firs! army. They cannot blow for all the out Its, so of coarse they take the bes known onaa. Naturally ha woolr I peak fo rths mart oat. because tbs ts what his hearers expect, and want Thh (act that ha mentlosod the Art division shows that he huowt a fe« things, and that his heart ta right Wa are perfectly willing for the ol'. drat to got alt It can, because the; ire our beat friends. a uses ,thla la enough for this llms Still see no signs of going home.— Harnett Connty News Love u> all. Aa ever. NOTICE (1) AI) automobili requested to apply at their town license numbers. Every owner or keeper of an sutoanobilv in the town of Dunn will be com pelled to have one of these nets ben on hia car. Bring your State iieenat No. with you whan applying for yotn town license. The price of th, No is 9100. (2) Every owner or keeper of i deg In the town of Dnnn must set ■e at ones and pay kit dog tax, whlcl is long past duo. Mala, 91.00 bik female M-OO. V. B. PAGE, Tax Collacter -1-—. I Aw A*-)} A I — falfn hay mako ihJlm.n nr>4 VI nr.v ,t b: iriua:.* (>«4 (fr hur^>. Rl CA((1« andh^JI liva atfJi Kail HI la tU© piopVllmf »r aowtn«. n Whan pUntaCNiic af Aft I f.5. °wrnifVSajjfor' 5 A maka undrr faY©rnfW>NMv;li Uona. ■CRIMSON CLOVER Pi BUM la IIh kaat aC ■par«r,,j."K.-.^5 ■ ft n»*r novar 1-ropM, fuf ■«<l«rti Jrroln* and rh ~ «£'2^v jsr. ■ WOOD^S SEEDS I al^aS^laaSi^JSMrad.*"- ,""" 1T. W.WOOOASOfC. I Dmm. K 0. 14 I rKK PUBLICITY RJWKDY FOR FBOFEtnaUNO. - i Nover bofora la tba blttory af tha eaaalry boro tba people— pabUc of ficials and private cltlaaas alike— boaa ao thoroughly aroaaed ai to tba dangor* of aaaarapaloea proltearing aa at tba praooat time. Tba art la ot exorbitant prloaa bara become ao great, and tba demand for Immedl *te acuoo ao universal and over whelming, that ararytblng alia, even tbe Iremendoualy Important Paaoa Treaty and tba League ot Nations, baa bean overshadowed and la being almoat loot sight of. Indeed tba de mand tor raaaoaabla pricaa baa bl ooms so poworfal that tha satire ad ministrative machinery of ear cities, our stelae. and of our' federal gov ernment. la being u (titled for lha single purpose ot bringing pricaa down to a point within tha roach of all The cry for relief 1» so tar-reach In* end so Inelatent Chet the correc tive meuurei ere likely to resell ell profiteer!, big end little ell It e. Thai, while Attnrney-Oeuerel Palmer baa announced that local actloa will ba Immediately taken acalnit tbe noto rious meat'trust for violation of tka a barman anti-trust lew, ba has also Instructed ell United Slatea at tor neys throughout tbe country to pro nerd quickly and vigorously with tka prosecution of ell others who era unlawfully boarding lood or dying prices. Moreover, tbe attorney-gee cral bee pointed oat In vtgoniua and unmistakable language a method ol procedure--that of publicity o( thi coal of all articles offered for sale— which. II put Into effect, la likely U reach and effectually curb, by thi force of public opinion, every profl leer. On this point the attorney general said that he thought It wai very vital that the people of thi country should know the facts as ti ell price* entering Into Ibe high eoe ut living Hint they might Judge fpi tbemoelvc i a* to Justification foi prices. *1 be people, ba said, should know production costa ei wall at sell Lng costa. Inc price*. The Importance or publicity us i means or curbing profiteer! cm hardly be ovar-es limited The tea , it publicity will do far Bore to In ore the consuming public a eqaari deal as to price* than will an; , rmoaot ot dell or tvea erlmlna prosecution! Moreover, the public Ity plan can ba pul Into uffael niucl ! more quickly than any other avail able remedy, since but a few lines o I legislation would bo required Ti 1 accomplish this purpose It would b . inly nscs c ary to provide by lev [ that hereafter, whsaavsr any art!cl > la sold or oKsrsd- tor pals, ths par , I ortnsd hr written or prtatei ! tutsroerit bearing Iks vendor's van< , and address, and amt ad or attach* wksrsvqy possible to lbs article * , iota or offered for sals, as to thi , exact purchase .trice or coat of pro dnctlon or such article. ' The lav should also, of course, provide i suitable penalty for violation there It. Includlnc oot only tea and 1m ■rtsonr.ient but also at least ta eae< if a second offeose, withdrawal o right to do buslossd. Laws ot the character above men lotted might well be enacted no «nty by the federal government an Isr It:, present war power and lb icnsral power to regelate Interstab *nd toiwign commerce, but alto b; ba legislative bodies at the varloui Utes and municipalities Indeed, ll nost clUex the plap could be put lab idect si most Instantly by mean* ol -__ ordinance! or police reaulations. Moreover, even thongli there may ba In proeaae ot U-ilalLalton plaaa (or permanent price or prolltxlng com mlaalona to deal with the problem, thla publicity plan may woll be ap plied (or quick relict. m Of eourae objections will be raised by dealer*, maustaoturcrs and mid dleman to the effect that It might ba lnlnrloua to (hair business (or com petitors to know Uelr coat pricea; however, ataee the actaal Injury which the great body o( the con suming public has ao long had to en dure aa a reaull of aecracy aa to coot and production price* in laamoeaur ably greater than any peaalbla dam age to vendor* a* a rasalt of each price publicity, such objections eon not pro parly ba given carlo us con sideration.—Harnett County Neva axnoimum da tks rob coming roirmBKiM Dr. 1C. C. Hrooka ' Slate aaperln Lcndent of public Instruction. baa announced the data* for the WesUra " Dialrlcl Aaaoctattoa conference of euperlndredetils and for the South aast District Association Tha drat will be held In Asheville. August Id to II and the laltar at Wrtghtavtlla Beach. August II to 17. The ooupuleory school low, the textbook question, teacher tralalng for ldlt-10. achool bulldlnga aad the November budget are smoag the matters coming up tor dlncasalou. The eoeaty superintendent of public welfare will he urged to attend and take a part In tha diacuaaluo of the compulsory attendance law. Tha AshevtIIs meeting will be held at the Laagren hotel aad the Wrightsvtllc meeting at tha Oceanic. News FROM SORRELL SCHOOL COMMUNITY The weather U fine for polling fod der and the farmer* are hard at !L Service* were held at the Little Tabernacle last Sunday night. Twice a mooth now service* ara held there. On the lit Sunday p. m. and Id Sunday night. You are iuvitgd tc Mean. W. T. SerreD and Undue) Enls are keeping the carpenter* and maaons busy thee* line day* srectini new homes for them. Tba work k programing very rapidly in a fe* weaks will be completed thereby add Ingtwo nice home* to th* community Th# woman and girls of the com munity are busily engaged In can aing and drying fruit* and vegetable* The canning club met with Mr* Brooke, th* Home Nemonatrmtioi Agent, last Friday p. m. at th* kom< of Mr. Willi* Ennis. The lta* waj devoted to special packs for exhibit at the county fair. Tba club wil mael August 22nd at tba houa* o! Mr. H. A. Turlington. Mr. J. C. Aathony. Farm Deaeon •trator was also a twain l« the nelchfeprhodo Thu aa thetr sift dwv. < ' Miss Mae Johnson ot Hoa* HID re turned horns Mtnfday night. She aa case pan led Mlaa Hetti* Kan]* home from A. 4 E. summer school ant had been spending awhile at Om Homes of Memxm. H. M. and W. Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hal* and chU dron of Philadelphia, Pa, have haei lb* gumU of Mr. and Mrs P. Wool for the last few days. Mr. Hah mad* the trip ea his tearing car. Miss Dona Ennis visited relative) and friends In Oak Dale sectio last week. Miss Nelli* Bergman of WUmiagtoi has for the last few days been vUt lag at th* homes of Mean. J. H. am Willi* Ennis. Mr. Charlie Kiwis of Rocky Mount srrlvod Wednesday for a few dayi stay with his parents, Mr. and Mr* H. M. Ennis. Mias Bertha and Mr. Walter See roll returned last Saturday froa Durham wh*r* they had been risitiiu relative*. Mias Nannie Ennis has returnee hon*« from a visit to rrlativts at Clayton. MUa Hatti* and Mr. Ckaa. Ennis ■pent n f» wdev; Last week at Lrm borton visiting Mr. Chas. Aster, Mrs. . Y. Israel. Miss Leo la Wood re1 irncd veeter day from WlLmln<ton wbrr. ska has boon spending several dsrs with bar uncle's family at their summer boat there. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper EnaU are at the bone of Mrs. EnaU’ mother in Elberon. Va. Mrs. John Bullock of Fnveitoville, visited at the home of Mrs. N. T. Whittington last week. "OBSERVES” ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES Wes Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 14.—An nouncement of eoarses at the North Carotins Stat« Collage, for tho sew Mon beginning September Jrd. U the subject of tho 8tat. College Record for AagosC. This U a profusely il I Ultra tod boklet carrying pictures of tho buildings, class srark. laborator ies. and college activities, and goasral information regarding the College and its offerings in technical educa tion. Tho publication U designed pcimar ilv far distribution among prospective students. Tho lasa, of "Technics! Education’* which was gotten oat to the U>rtn* has been exhausted. The new “Announcement of Courses" rovers somewhat the same laforme ti-n, andis pow available to all those who wore not provided with the form er Record. BONDED DEBT OF COUNTIES Some Interesting facta ere revealed la the matter of bended tadshtedmse of North Caroline aa compiled la* (he nio. Book for the Lagiajativo Befsr ance library. It appears that Bun combe not only loads tha state I" permanent roads, but la dabt ia cured in btilldlne thorn: bat aa K i la, wo doabt If Buncombe would swap it* rood roada and Ita debt of $1,044,000 for tho sort of roada Mecklenburg ha* and IU laaasr debt ef 1701,000. It ia entertaining to note that Iredell has Invested more largely ia imarow mont hands than tha vastly richer county of Forsyth, the Iredell Banos being $570,000 oa against Forsyth’* $221,000. On* of the state's now sat and smallest eonntiee—Avoir has --it 5200.000 in road buildiac aad court hone* bonds. Tha bonded In debtedness of G* Ilford with tha less* stretch of bsrd surface road In the Bate, is only $$$0,000. Madison, up la the western corner of th* state, hat bond laeuaa totalise $$73.$I4.M. The bonded ladabiodytaas of Now Han over Is but $527,000 and Wake $$IS, $61.48. eounoes that carry no bonded dabt are; Bladen, Camden. Chowan. Gates, Graham, Harwood, Hartford, Jackson. Johnston, Muon, Martin. Montgomery, Nate. Pasquo tank. Pander.. Warm and Watauga. The total county beaded iadabtedeesa of tha state is $14,1$2,4««.63, aad total sinking fond collected $$47, 082.07 —Charlotte Observer. THE, Ir*aO« QUESTION work the* .im” getting for their 07. And eonpliMt an to thin we not confined to the wheat belLTkey art coming from a vary motion. Nor or, they confined to the country. They nr. jort at common in the town* and eitim and manufacturing dia tHcta. Never In hlatory waa It as dif ficult to me are competent help, end that wholly without regard to the wagea imid. Parke pa thia condition may change na w« gat back on a pence baala, but wt auupoct it will not chaag. very aoon, end farmers might at wall pre pare to moot It, If they can prepare. It meant doing taor, and more work by machinery. Pomihty It m.ty mean more help from women who Ilka work on the farm. An long aa prevent coe ditlona prewall, there menu little nop, of sotting the farm hoys home from the lnduwrim—Wallace#’ Farmer. 1 HARNETT COUNTY TRUST COMPANY UliUXOTON, N. a BANKING DEPARTMENT Will conduct a general banking business, extending every courtesy consistent with safe and conservative banking principles; money re cetved on deposit subject to check. - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of one dollar or more will be received on which interest at the rate of FOUR per cent per annum will be allowed. Interest will be credited on the ist days of January, April. July, and October of each year, and such interest will be added to the principal. IKU9I UtTAB I Mtn 1 Will act in any fiduciary capacity; do a general trust business, hand ling sstatss and accounting to ths Courts for tha same. Thoughtful man and woman realise that an institution llkf ths Har . nstt County Trust Company is bettor than an Individual to act as Execu tor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee or Receiver. YOUR BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED , OFFICERS John D. Goff, President. B. F. McLeod, Secy. A 1'rsasQrer. 0. L. Johnson, Vics-Praa. J. R. Baggett, Solicitor. J. A. McLeod. Trust Officer. r • • • e t

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