THE DUNN m • * DUNK. N. C., SI PRESIDENT LEAVES ON STRENUOUS TRIP —-•» First Address This Morning At Columbus, Ohio.— To Mr.ks Many Speeches I.E WII.L REVIEW FLEET President Also E>prc;«d to Touch on High Cost of Llvir.g and Other Domestic Problem> in Spooches Wn-hniflnn, Sept 3. — President Wdeon lift W* hinpton tonight for a country wid« rK«»mc trip to tell lh* Amn'fiu people at ttrft hand of his part in the pear* negotiation* and to makr u perecnal appeal that the |vrc€ treaty be ran lied without a merdm id. The Present's i-pecial train, on which he aill live nearly all of the time for the next 2n day#, departed at 7 o'elick. The firat Irp oT the trip of nearly 10,000 mile* will he computed tomorrow morning in Col r.mhu*, Ohio, where he will make tho hr«4 o* hie 30 echoduled addre-s**. The Prviddent and H»« party reach id the station at f»:1h o'Ho k and were given on ovation by the crowd. After effort mg Wihun In the yii*ival« c;r the President returned to the platform, where he chatted with fru-mU until the time for hia i 10 leave. Accompanying the Preaidcr.t in ad d-tion to Mr*. WUaon, and Rear Ad miral Cary T Crayton. hi» physician. Nearly 30 retnpancr correspondent* als«i were aboard tnc train ;n addition to thc force of uflV'al stenographers And secret service men. Th^ tHp, i r-i-hapa the moxi arduous ever undertaken b> a President, will carry Wr Wiliun ar.d hif rmrty as fur weal a* th* Pacific rcaat, almost to Ihe Canadian bonier on the north and ol mo.-t it> Mexico on the /.outh. He will peak in every stale west of the Mia* a «idppi rxirpt four and make up for thp omu*iun of lh*a« by fpetrhej in Ohio, Ind‘ans Kentucky and Tennes see. In point of* covered, the tour Will ..v i!nod on a par with the . T*re idenl'e trip to Franc* and return, and th^ membershif hi* party expect it to be much mui e strut) Hums because of its continuity and thc lorg. fast rides threurh the went. A'tboUL'h thc detailed schedule *tf -pU, fleot. Th* *ch# InW is a vigorous one frvm th* A fur hii addrr«« it Culumbrs tomorrow, .Mr. Milton wilt go to Indianapolis In for un evening mate meeting Then He will continue ectwerd with short stopM et S« Lou if nod Kansas nty. reuihinr IV» Moine* Saturday for the week * nd. The following week will take him f*ir Into th* tven by the northern route, with sprcrHva at Omaha. Sioux Kalla, St Paul. Minneapolis Hinnerck, Billings Helena (‘oeumr D'AWne, Spokane, Tarvma ar.d Seattle After that will roroe Portland, San Fran cl^o. Ran Diego, Los Angclc* Reno, Salt lake City, C'.lwyonne, Denver, Purbo, Wich'ta, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, Mcmph'* und Louisville. The itturn 1o Washington will be on Soutcmlier 30 In adi'-rton to the** scheduled ad* «'ri‘fjff, Mr. Wilron in expected to rmiki.. «inif ihoTtcr «p#cch*s from hi* train at into medial* stop. Although it is expected that the President will devote mo»t of his at tention to the peace treaty, he proh rblv will also truch on the high cost of living sad othrr domestic prob lems. It has been pointed out that much of his Itinerary Lee through the j wlh'-wd, wber.’ labor ard ..o^a* u irr*l ha- be*»p nrenc j<ic* -| Rut the principal mea#sage to he taken to thf people ia exported to re •uU to the negotiations notf treaty of Versailles. Aftvr the wimo manner ne he went Vo the coin ry for hia nroourcdnevj jncamrat, his advisers eiv Hr U prepared to make v>e the fghl of his political hfe. if nereewiry. for the peace treaty. ru" MTIFICATiOn f CrlHt1**! Ripuklicaa Sene tan far He*d:ne U» tka Ralarnu Prtwldarf for Labor Wa«h:n«rton. Ang. SO.—Formal an oouooararrt by flatnwpl Horn para t-raairfant of *ho Amarteaa Federation rf labor. thit the Prate Treaty wttt tha I<emgur of Nat'on* eoveuau* t' hlch include# the labor aoetiom bould bo ratified 'at oner and wtthonl rmcndmeeti whirf, would »and tha lrrat» back i0 twentr-eeven natlpne l.rlndrv (itrmaav, attracted wld* ---and Internet in offlelal and lahoi rlri-ler today. Wh!,a Mr flora parr doe# nol nlB clBn» erneet the Am-rican Whirr* tier of Iahor nttmbere to awing their w»P rort to th» CBUre af g,, UMta. m do* t r'vrrrt* erltl*!,, th« attltudi ..f tho RjalWeap Relation* Cnmm't t'.. in withholding th# treatv. Hi than refer* alto to the labor reform ’ li’th roil'd he brought about If th lahor .action* are adapted.* at Harnett ooanty m. till* weak at l.llllnglnn Raptta eh arch to bold an lat»rro*aloaa| roe foranea for the purpoaa of hut tip on tka "m»»nty-fl»a rn'IHos Aria*. The eoafartnea »a* held Thuradaj and waa ddkigaatad *» « day of pray ar and conference Thl* la out of 41 almlter meat tap freer tha Ruu look lag tpmard tk •araailjr trva million ce.npnlg* »• Nl rata bar 14-Daeambar premia eat man warp pm apt. i GODWIN ITEMS i _ i Mi** Elite Morgan left Friday foi Wilma where the it • m era bar of (hi Ifrcult,- far the rooting year. llr. ar.d Mra Simmon* Yerbrougi 1 cf Irvington, Va, arrived Monday t* I upend a few Jayi with Mr. and Mra | A. U. Yarbrough Muuei Mary Crater and Lucy Bin haw of Yadkinvillc, N. C., are spend ling a few day* with Mu* Aray Gra ham. Wrr. Robt. Burrow, and children of Florence, S. C., aru .pending a few day- with Mra E. T. Markham. Mis* Ruby Turner waa a Fayette. villc vintor Tuwday. Mi1* Atiams of Four Oaks, openl * few day* With Mi*a Milo Jonoa. Mi*c* Milo Jones and Norma Pop* pent Sunday in Four Oak* with friend*. Mr. Emmett lldgerton and Dr. Jrrnlgan wera Godwin vlstton Sat urday p. m. Mr. Carroll Morgan left Friday for Si. Paul to tak, up hi* work again Miu Virginia Rhode* ha* boon vie ■ting friend* and relatives in Fay etteville. Misv He one Rhodes it spending a few das* with Mias Ada Godwin of f-tyetl ville. •dli». Mayme McKethsn of Raeford ■'**nt a few day* with Mr*. C. W. Spell. Quite a number of our young poo tie hsvc been enjoying the numerous fox chases. Messrs. Naylor and * : tilth of Sum peon were over with •heir Hop yesterday and after a short hot llve.y chase sucreedcd in catching a large 'ox. We are looking forward with aiorh pleasure for the next chase. _ REPORTER. Sept ». ipi» SCRRFLL school items Several firmer* of this section be run picking cotton this week Fiiood. of Mr C W. Whiltonton wdl be glnd (o learn that he ii im irrvirg H, ha* been finite akk . Mi. ard Mr*. J. H EnnU and ..I'ldrrn Saturday and Sanday JJrs. E. ms' psrents, Mr. and », n- Stewart, near Clayton. I.indsey Er.nia went to Ralegh ' cdne*day to enter A. A E. College. Hr will tak, a course in agriculture Min Berthe Sorrell, who is attend |>- school at Huia's Creek," r.ient h". »"<* with her pa recta, Mr. trd Mr'. J. R. Sorr.IL , , McJ *. IU|4»i wnd family latfJMa vtafting in Samp T**fc*Jr forjho past f.w ilays. Miss Hattie Ennis is spending the Week Miss Verdio Barefoot in Mo**r* Willi, Ennis. H. T. and ,';;rl WhHtenton attended the Union netting «i Oa Forest Saturday. ACf- H. U. Enni.i and son, Lindsey, • rnt thy week end with at Lumb.rton. Mr. end Mrs J H Penny and chil dren gpci t Bund**- afternoon at the hoin. of Mr Willie Ennis Mi*. EHhcr Thornton and Mr. Al n H *- Leo. of Dunn spent Sun n»v aftcrrnn nt the home* of Memra. H. M. a.yil Willie Ennis. L (sir M's* Ines Ennis cave a party Sa>ijrday afternoon, celebrating her **nrh birthday. Several of her little ifrionds ware present and enjoyed a oleasaat afternoon of gamra and re frs-.hmr.itr. Hn Corr-inns Jones has returned hi m- from a visit to friendj at Kenly. Mrs. Lee J. Turlington apent the ,fcV w'lh her parent* Mr. and *rr Willie Ennis. Mr Arthur O'Neal celebrated hij h ’ 'W»» w'lh a picnic at Stcwart’i /ond Iasi Thuriday evening. Little Mi <• Margaret Iaracl uf Luro tirMoa is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Ennia. Mr. Hawley of Kenly is visiting at the horn, of Mr. Marion Rnni* Mr and Mrs Oscar Johnson and children of Benion spent Sanday with Mi and Mrs. Parley Wood. Mr. Carlos Ennly spent Saturday - ghi with Mr. Paul 8trickland al Dunn. Observer DICTATING TO THE CHAPLAIN OF THE HOUSE. Rev. ilrnry N Coudrn, the who i« chaplain of th. ~,u.**. wm,_w»mvd by Keprrsentativi Frederick H. Cillett, ipnkir of th< Pn‘«»» Politic, in hi wt ®*7,in« d*ily nuioni . !»"!?.“Jfef "Mot the Cillett inei -iT-r»“■ deeply moved 3* "dJ. **■*• boon ekoploln of th. •!ou»e *4 l«n, but I haro never be for. been U>M that t put polltk* l! my prayer.. y.t Condrn was Ont atoetod ehao tain of th. Hoc hjr U. JUpubll«n5 Thr n.mnrnt. continued him In the po.ition whon they cam. In a iwag ago The re-elected bin In May. Th, attack made on "Him tr Speaker hart, and humiHatai tarn very aiurh. B. talk, about I Mtk tear* In hia rolee. . The criticism of the Mind rhaploli by Mr. Gillett war brought to th. at •* the Homo by Boproaanto 'i'2, Thomas Heflin, of Alabama M. mM that a Aepablkan Mgb I. bed*L ,nd. lK* eounella of kit party cv.TrT*4 Mr C««tan >***•“ iTknl' Mrrua •» nations h f ni* Mtwtam «poo ll» I TH# R«MbllPBB mamba* 1 "* **• HaBliTa AatamaaL v/w" n.o,?’^r » • i*ha asm, , *: *»oi. ■«* v*r, wtM i ' joTt ar Chfta* taaimd _ . changer*. «ho tempi* at Jar* A^rordia«“> Mr Cemle,, Hr. Ot Mt mid to blm. I am sorry you mt 1 Pet tier into year pray^ »' • "I toM tb* »P~k«*. explained Mi - <*>**_ -that I was an^,^ £ I WJ palkiea »» ■yjfm, I gld m tefo, t, the trrary peadtng t| ■**««e but *a )aa«na. aorb aa won] 1 THEY HAVE GREAT I TIME AT BEACH Big CUm •« I k j _, i Wilmington, Hoyt *.—Altar on, ,1 tha baggait day* of tha hlrtory of tha noblaa of Sudan, the fall cere mo n I Ini came to a cloaa loat night with the grand ahriae dance at Lamina. The day Was given over to a baainam ' acMion the paMk hum ills lion af | “froch meat," the more (ever, troat 1 meni of the unfortunate* daring the ceremoalal in tha harbor island audi 'torium in tha afternoon And while tha caadidataa auffarad untold '•torture" and qtialiBod by Be ing through numeroaa ordoala to don the red frt of abrinedom, wive*, daugktora, awaathcarta and vial tor* enjoyed an automobile tear af Wil mington and vicinity with a atop at tha Carolina Shipbuilding company * yard to watch the launching of the ■tool chip Cranford being tha feature. Aa crowd* of abrlaaf and vlaiton poured into th* city Sunday from all part* of tha janadicUen of Sadaa, together with viaiton from other state*, including lmpenal Potentate Kendrick, af Mtiladelphia. the total attendance her* near the t.000 mark Monday waa a general outing day for th* noble* aed other*, who toak ad vantage of the rarf and othar attrac tion* at the beach. Th* Sudan band and quartett rendered two concert* Sunday. In the morning the fun atartad bright and early Tba candidate* mad* their appearance of th* beach unuaually early, voluntary, a* rad fecea accompanying them indicated their persecutor a wore praaoat Each of th* candidate* appeared In a eon turn* to fumtih humiliation for him and fan for th* ooMai and joyful onlookers. They wm rivtn no mat I Iroir. early morning until aflat tka ceremonial in tha afternoon, tka total number of candidate* trod ding tka hot aanda of lh* desert and landing son* and faint at tha ahrine being 101. Ora of the requirements imposed on the candidate* was n hike through tka 'veod* and spars from the harbor aland auditorium to Banka channel, whcre they were forced to take a «altr plunge From convict raita to «a«hy creation* of the oriaat. tka . tinner* and Candida lea cava tka ajs paanaac* -of t boaaapoHUa small jaaat of cirrus performer* The *romt march was the ln»t, when tha candid ate* (lied into thi auditorium lot tha final pain. _ raeapUdh wa batter half of I ___ Wive* and friend* of'the nobles v.,, present for the enjoyable event The visitation of imperial poteti-' tat* was on* of tha features of tka ceremonial. Potentate Hunt, of Mecca temple, New York, with kia menagerie of sacred maker* of Arab ia and other terrors for candidates, w* mlao her*, taking a prominent part in th* proceeding*. A banquet at the Oceanic tonight, being the regular ceremonial ban quet, was on* of the big features, a repaid (H for a king hiring served. Later th* nobles, incloding thoa* wha weathered the ceremonial, their wives and friends went to Lttaaiaa, where they took ever everything for themselves. Then th* big dance of ikrinrilota began, with hundred* of spectators looking on at>d with pros pect* vf th* hall to eontloaa into the weo morning hour*. The exodus of the nobles win begin tomorrow morning and continue until well into th* afternoon. A special train, which has servad aa a portable hotel, will carry th* Rocky Meant no bias back, while apaeial ears will handle tha remainder of tha crowd*. All in all. Potentate French is pleased with tho result* and aayi it wa* one of the moat tnjoyable events yet held by Budan. ICOURT ORDER PREVENTS HOLDING JAZZ DANCES Fayetteville Sept. 1.—In obedience to an order Jaraed by Judge T. B. Calvert in Superior Court bare, as the result of a settlement by agreement, no more "Jan" dances will be bald in the hall of the Pemberton build ing rented by the Mooes Club, until such timet or mesons as to admit ol the windows of the hall being closed *° as not to disturb the patient* el the Cumberland General Hospital, nearby. The order suspend* a tam , porary restraining order secured by , 'he'Hospital to prevent the holding ol , the dances with the accompaniment of e “ja*a” orchestra, th* complaint of the plaintiffs Ming the ‘‘Jaaa’’ music waa detrimental to the receven , of their patients. Judge CaUert'i ' 103? W'U ln entil April 1 | Mis* Gladys Young returned Wed I ,ro" “ estsnded visit U fr.Mds and relative, la Tatam, B C. I Leurlnburg and Jackaen Springs. 81m 2£* *«»»»n«led by M(ae>oet* : : gptfJrtrvvt i^rtyrsau*1* i agBT.afggKt'aa i, I one af thaw number, y, TV* oldest members ef Coagrem d •. not recall aay teeh perfarmanee be fore A wt*e leader weald eat Mr - don* each • thing Mr. Offlat wtl t never bder the IM ef R. Mr. Ceedr *• • brave, op Handing man. Ml '• f«r«i before we meat to war wM ! jtew: ! a c. »o~< oTESS i Observer. I 1 OPENING OF The next I aehool will begin >nMt condition* _ peet ef be in* the Eighteen tear here ted with the | •hip tad apana portaet work. L' L h- 1 n ■« ntgn ■envoi votk fourteen fer the •rhool will eajop end advantage la fewer number* fa teacher will be able l aoaal atteatlan to The efleWat b_ hai about completed ent new knitting g Mid airy aad will hot air furaaaa. •specially waited f«*' aad win be aaed to , Parents would ] children raceir ' liefore ecbool filiations re surctssfally Vi X»ar*. The new North •-ory ecbool law ' nwi*t careful of every parent la dietrlct. Under ihU rulla, child la 'bia vchool d.strict the eighth ‘o fourteenth Mr ‘ «!»■ palled *o attend ecbool ,| gay foe hr entire aebeel d no abeiiu_ •'ll be allowed il authorities •xcept for eer t reasonable ciciim. Parents w.U ha halt moponaiM. for abaenee of their childym aad a heavy penally la provided M caaae whore parent, wilfully keW^tbair chi 1 dr, a Rem school. A Cota* Welfare ef ^er win aid ta thejpiforrement of The program fed Jhv opealng of ickool ia as followa: ' Monday, Best. lfc-at t p'cloak— Teachers MeeUjgr. Monday, Sent. IK'at S o’clock— all new pupils (saiapt feet grade children) wtt report St school baltt n* for classiftcatioae -Er&itst pile .should bring tbett lunch aad be rmdy for regular walk. Wsdneeday. Sept H. at 8 .’clock— exaalnattoets will teagtsoa to paaile who eiA to socerd credit for eer lain delinquent watt of the peat see •ion. HDOn OttO. W. OpNXOtt JUUI W W BI'NI JudK* Connor of Wllaaa. who k holding court Ibis *«oh and oat pnto "pop” la tbo pr^oodlnga of hti roarl. Tho ludga if not hollar* li lotting thing* lag and walling awai iimo. rtg iho affair* of ooon an •norod along in a Wntomatte man nor. , 0 Tho ponpio am mnch piaaoad Will Jadga Connor, and ho has boon eon* pllnonlad rrooty gpo«i bio lair am 1 mpartial handling Of nation tba bofom bint. An attomop rpooh* of Judo* Can ' nor no a "uiaotar df Ihnoprodoiioo. hr whloh tba na»*h»oi man Iran* i hat tbo )ad«* |g nntaonU ■uod fur tbo bon•• Ho b a aw j who apaaho ooonir M4 omootbi) I nnd hroad-to'ndodly. and th ha to noon and hoard I ha bottn C-ooaty lfc*t SALARIES THAT CAN TACKLE OUHLC.L A Story ml Alleged Rwraal. •d By lariitiisllai Washington, Sopt. 1.—The House subcommittee investigBUag nrdaanaa expenditures during tk. army tonight mndc public testimony take a in its showing that tha government •hell loading plant at Fort Delaware, uncompleted when the armistice waa signed, ha* coal the government to dot. $14,000,000, ahhowgh the sati mat.d cost whan tha eentreat was let on tha coat pins basis waa placed at rom $1,1 $0,000 to $1 .$00.0*0. The difference between tha sett matad coat sad tha total thhs far padd out by tha government for the build ing of the plant it shewn In Isstimony given by Lisat.-C«L k. H. Hewkns. of the Ordnance Department, and a report mada teat October by Major Clor Foster, of tha copatrwctleadtvi siaa af tka array, and inaortod by tha commtttaa la th. records. The eoatract for the ploat was 1st to tha Marlin Rockwell Loadtag Company, which in tan contracted "ith the Fred T. Lay Coaspaay for cooatructiou of tho Mg pMat. aad •djainlng town to honZ sons. Boas, tUff. Tat SlaaUa Wan Major Foster's report citoa some of ■he salaries paid hy ho 1 sadlng Com pany and the Lay Coaspaay with ad venes* in pay made after a faw months service. Tha manager af tha former company, tha repast asserts, had hi* salary raised frees $10,0*0 to $16,000; the assistant wumugwr. “a lawyer* aad farmer head sal Samar." from $11,000 to Sit,***; tha eMtf engineer. from $7,600 a yaar with *i*o a month for living lrra iism to $10,0*0 a yaar, aad tha trap sera, from *4,(00 to (4,0*0. Of tho treasurer, the report arid: “f i ram sat iMnri quasUoaad as to tha trsasorar** duties said they never had beoa able to aaa th*l k* ill ..akl.. to * — the towMilfi chocks and alga thorn of tho Loading Company. T n Boor is Mlad.'*' ‘‘Please bear in ■led," Mid Major Poster's report, “that all these Sol aris# do not coat* oat of tha 1 —f‘-g Company1! fN. Tha |n i ae aMaal papa ||m Md^ttw pays 10 gar eenean iddHiouol laad at i Mhefagg ea SaithAeld. Sept 1—A lav pertaer ahip was form ad hara last weak be tween J. D. Parker and O. A. »«»** Mr. Parker has base legated hare far shoot 10 rears and has a good law practice Mr. Martin, who was ooa nccted with wm law departaMat of the nwrunt at WaohlngtM dor lag DM war, lu recently located hare. Both mens bare of tho Arm are grad uate* of tho Stats university. Saturday MtUard Parnell, a man with wife and children, ana ad wham, a daughter, is Married ran away it la alleged with a IS year eld girl. Sank Suggs Parnell, ft la clatoUd. 'took tha week's wages of his family, lead tha girt took hor Mater's wages Both haeo keen working la the Ivsn . hoe rotten Mil) here. I Saturday Marnlag a Milling was held at the courthouse at which tha Johnston County Cottoa WarahouM aesoeiatiea was formed with C. W. Horns, of Clayton, president; S. T. Liles, of Wildroo township, viee-pre j aidant, sad A. M. Johnson, county 'farm demonstrator, secretary. The purpose of the organ MaMea is to secure a cotton warshnaoo for John ■AAik PAiinli COATS MEWS Mr. _ atayiac m •rrarmi aiatli._ ^fciaaea Ida. Cara add Mai _ ipent Mcwday he “lilgh Mr. aad Mia. M. T. >otteram aad Mr. and Mia. W. W. Wlfl^aa m ■MaadJa* the Shrtaara Caarention at WrlghtarilUBaach thia weak. »®raBeyC 1, ta Mr. aad Mn. Owaa Odixm—a aan. . VS C«rh af AarUr waa la tawa Friday aa bwrinaaa. . ^dirtoa Paya. am af Mr. J. M.Poya la rnlta rick with tyyhotd farm. Mr C. O. aad Miaa flam. Til lilt *e*it Sunday with ratathraa l« Baa J? 1-■ ‘ r of Bwm. m kart a faw hour* Taaaday. Uaotamnt Juyw Byala anrired Taaaday fraaa Cue Trwria, Tama ta a month with hit raiatriee, af ter which h« will romaw la eaay Hi ka yat kaa eight amtfcc la aarra be lata ha la dlaahamad. Mia. J. W. laatoa aad MMa eoa, Bmy Warrao, af Dorhaa an the Krt&rLr*"- ^ u w Mr. DiaM kmtt left —-->rr tar Katoleh whm k, arill aoter the ill Coll*** K**»w of a tat os m4 Lmoy T.nm< of fmatmoa *Wtan km Bondar , “'tr- Fop. kMb o Im Lhu*»’^A ^ a D Jfclt. Mr. takan Godwin of family apaat Sonday with Me. T. D. Whitten to. and family (kata. BopC Ttk. fi*»t itul ‘ ~~ WUmlngtoa. 8apL 1.—Tha fkratl Moo) ihlp to ho eoaotractod ka North Carolina (into tho f fironimt nt tap pod latent tedaotrial porno* ham, MU with awe-lniplrtnc gnm from hot war* at tha CmwMaa ttnrmd Mdo ffiss".3i->.‘r£-nciS nr Rttlt i atn I tfctlr My uktin sssr *■* * w o. for tho Ua wJmwtf, of tho prooldoat of tho corporation, wttb a fnO grown hotel* of gonaia* ohamnogno which trloUod laxity down tho bow of tho toatol a* it morad late tha Motoric Cm roar. —mm and ommm The Buford tobacco market, aa wall u tha other market* la' tha Pledmeat faction, will open aa Bap Ian bar Itth ThJe wa* nada aoaoa aarp by tba market* opanlma lata k Beatb Carotlaa. Aa tha market* art Mlk epee la that Mate, Varan oouU aat came to tbla aacUon hater* tbi nlddte a( Saptanbar. Hawn Hack a* aad Tarbaro wUI ba V«*r ter tbi aa« two weak* prapartet ter tbi •*apt*e of tbatr warahnaaa*. ■ Thai taU aa that there will ba pleat? n barer* oa Uw narkat; that near e< tba lead lac lilmi come* rn a of Ibt eaaatrr will ba raprenatad By tbi time tha narkat open* tba plea ten la tba earmndlaa eaaatrr win ban •beat Batibad eerie* BAd prop*rim their crop ter market. Tba taiee ar (at** la bo naah preattr aa th toeal narkat thaa ever hetore. Wmtm *» pram ' t 'I If

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