THE WJHN DISPATCH April lot. 1*14. at tar put erica « Diaa. M. C-. uda the act of Watch a. ih7a. lTVjsbee ran. COTTON MARKET FOR UUJNGTON At a aaoetirg af tha bmaiaooa men at LOLagtoa Wedaaaday fright H was detenu Lted ta tnugt far a cattoa auriut. Definite plant wart laid, tha pacfactlaa af whkh waa la pragtoac aa thU paper west ta preaa. Thoaa wha are la charge af tha ariaage manta told this paper that H weald ba mf« ta aa Bounce to the tarmac* that wenld ba a aaarhet for cotton 1 I everything will ho la l by the tha# cattoa la ready ta roll.” ThU wm ho goad new* indeed ta tha fanners of this rieUHy. hocaaae it wig «n thoaa tha that, trouble and exponas of haaHag thoir cotton o distance to market. Tho statement is farther Bade by the mao in charge af arranging far haying cattoa, that tha top prUo will ho pold sad that thU pric, will ba maintained. “If other markets want tha cotton they a(tl hove to pay for it." mid they, oad it Is nfe to my that they mono Antlwi foetai* of tte mettles on Wednesday alt tit wao tte matter of amktar lorn pci*— for m-baniH— to fasa—rm ia order te ladac* their trade. A syvti—atli bulletin will te tept aad the pete— of staple poedi will be made te coeepar* favorably with tlyae of otter to— TUo pop— ia tadaed p) allied to be able te mate this aanaaae—Mat, be tter why there was aot a market f— tottea la UBteptea. U Is ear*. eeUy hoped tte* tte farmers will Aad ttetr way te tte coaatya—t ia I* * win Aad tt te their advantepa te te IS. tte aaliail lad—try worker! of the Apvfcaltarol Bataoeioa ter vl— rro w« lit*jalap t> promote I tcr.e.i of Mi bar bones aut day al a—a. darles th* time of the coarse Hoo. The Sr 4 day. Taasday. Deoembei ». will ao-Swtao Day, at wkleh Urns the Norte Corolla a flwu* Breeders Assor'at;—'will have Its ncettap aad will havd cnoaph pip barb—aotwltk aM tho adnisarr trlmmlacs to‘pm a fr— idteru an oft—a lap oa that ‘ |av, . *4fb/ 04 WWtlllur. DwMbtr 1*. tka 4*»*7 ur#tllu M»|l< win aarra a fravtaamar. TMa will to law Urad V'Hwtl Carolina eksaao U>«a4 odea. Mo4 cfckkaa. and at klada ad Retry aad yaaltrr arodocta Tkwraday. Pmwkac 11. win to Baal Cattla Day. aad tka aooe-daj *•4 iltfka aaaayeaad lirfaiy of i ■laarl liWiiaat rsarUag. U ptiaMkla. oa Friday. Doeaaboi Ik. tka pfciip paayta wM ctra aooth or lapk karkppai. kaarawar. as thai Faraorii* OsaraaUea, It la aot kaowi dadnltaIt kt tkls liana wkatkar or ast H rW^yaMMp la imago tkk Tfcaaa aduaedaaa tn to la add! daa la IMi ipliadU pngna soar tor •a* anatikid fcy tka Mraataak w» a atlaai. R. S. Cartla kaa aatlea tkai aaaoral aalaawf klaadid alack will to »«1 cm. 4*d tkat aaao fa tka kaa *•*•■ Braatoik paa of tka aoaatn trill ka aa tka araena. WTW3 fon wommmMA '• school coancimm J. H. lull Saturday light aad Baaday. Ha ia hem* aa a farw mwah*' r.iriooetL Hiaaaa Mary. Hath, Nfcoari aad Mr. TV yd Surlas of Undsa aad Mian. Ctwrelaad and Melver aad Paul Byrd ot Bunalml ware rial tors at the baass of Mr. Willie Ennis Sunday of taraooa. Mrs. Thad Lae of Dana spent Sat urday night acd Sunday at tbs homo of her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ennis. Messrs. Salmon nod Carlos Ennis acd Joepsr Rysls aada n trip to Ral algh Baaday. R*r. and Mrs. A. T. Lossitrr of were visitors in (he neighbor hood last Saturday. OBSERVER SrrKRiOIt OOCRT .tIUOHIKtD WEDN at NOO.N Hsrnett CoonVy Superior Court sit lourned nine die Wednesday at uoon. basing computed the calendar except tor thou cases which were continued to aoxt term. Judge Connor made s foe luiyrrs t>ion hero, and nous bnt words ot praise are board ot (he manner In which His Honor conduct™! proceed ings In Ms court. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW Whet a Haag •< Hapwla.ii It WaaU Brla* t* Dmaa Hard to do housework wKh an aching back. Bring, you Hour, of nlatry at lei *ur» or at .work. If women only knew the cause— that Backache paiaa often com* from weak kidneys. Two aid save much needless woe Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Brad what a Dunn cttiaen says: Mrs J. R. Jordan, Ml t Broad 'It-, says: “I have an attack of kidney rouble. Thera were severe pains in '*7 back and across my loins and I raa a* aor. and stiff, I could hardly nova. I became dissy and objects vsmed to fleet before my eye*. I ought Doan's Kidney Pill* at Hood x rantham'j Drug Store and two boxes were sufficient to cure me.” The above statement waa given •un* 20, 1014, and on July 8, 1018, -'r*. Jordan said: “I have felt floe -ad my kidneys have been in goad ondit-on over since. Doan's cured ne. I consider Doan's the best kid. sy remedy on the market and highly •oommend them " Price 80c, at all dealers. Don’t J*P*Y Mk far a kidney remedy—ret coen s Kidney Pills—the same that In. Jordan bad. Foeter Milbarn Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. IPjaHow thiakers seem ta tet ia a «»iua oae cans* for high price*. Aay nan damn veepl* who have stored htkttw, eggs meats sad other food yOQUtl. KM fa* higher if k 1 J. D. Fletcher Talk How Clptw, Vetch and Alfalfa Can Be Rained la a very inteteetlng letter Mr. J. O. Fletcher ef Fayetteville, N. C, telli of the experience of several farmer. ta rmtong clover, vetch and elfaHa. Hie letter throws eon* ***** *£• *•**■*• rarest sad moat »othod of sscariag a good etaad. The letter follows: Fayetteville, H. C., May «, 1816. Gentlemen: * to advise that your NitrA *«™ proven very sotiafactory to g—lga wh° aaad aamo in my eoun z+’sxvj&szr'c*,* ■tatemaat recommending this mate R# has • Wt of elevor, hairy vat* and alfalfa near this cKy that * *T^ **w. tod I want to J*F that your MitrA-gvrm was used to inoculate (Soa. sood, and I can you that Mr. Bevil win b. glad t* give you a moat excellent recom mendation. Ha ia highly plaaaed with farmers who used ant In this county. Yoora vary truly, D FT-ETCHER. ^odtteod similar • reorta for thou mode of farmer' >n Mhbtg aocccaafu) steads of clover, wteh aad *falfa. NKrA-germ .l^ tmr *“ T?ur eo<tcn alloys sf *^J"o °* «*»•■ will he ready when the cotton la picked. It P-gy*^"* *5f "hi hay and 2^* "°U- NiUA-ftni •vetch whna planted with oat* and nr* make. when tamed ander ia aqeai t# 700 lbs. of Wid rraia faetiiL.. P” NttrAfam Malta U nr* • 5*1 P*#<l *®<1 4'or I crass mi W** ^ !■ pUotia* thU r#w T1 •KintrA. tt r"*r "“P Wml. It fc— <!** !£• Mtcni For fr»« byh W« WC uitfiw. .VttrA f*w, WMiA OtL MVWUi. SECOND-HAND FORDS S~ Mrrkfc.Dctrw^ F*7* HARM for SALE—I OFFER rSV£L?M5£2CS! ar=?.w£"iE SJS'o^wH 53k £5; •I;'l.£2r‘ £Sl g©««£R LSSS.'Si lydmu Mmtu Mkaal CaSSl *.r'z?z^r4es'£ *t I ter.-acrr-At32; '• MfynaSS , 0 0* $ * as J» m <. »-. » •• j * BUSINESS LZC * ******* FARMS FOR SALE—1 HAvr SEV oral farms for wlr, ’orated n Har nett. Waka, Sampson end Ue' eoontles, near Fuouey Springs. Dunn, Angler and Lillington. They contain from Si op to 500 acre*. I Price* rang? from $25.00 to MOO per acre. Some of that* farms lo cated oo good highways and late improvements on them. Will tall on easy term*. See at If Interested. Willi* Pop* A Sons, Dunn, K. C. tf MONEY IN AMOUNTS FROM Mc 500.00 up to lend on Improvad towa or farm property, on loag tine. R. L. Godwin, Attorn**, Dunn, H. C. tf LOST—AUTO LICENSE PLATE No. 04-217, on highway between Dunn and Benton. Pinas* notify Brasil Lae, Dunn, N. C. lt-pd FOR SALE—ONE SECOND HAND Maxwell touring ear in good con dition. E. V. Gainey. BARBECUE FOR SALE—I WILL have barbecue and refreshments for sal* dor r.g Fair week at my store just north of Dunn. Will have plenty for all. Come In see me. W. M. Moore. 2t-pd FOR SALE—ONE ttl«-17 MAX weQ frame with running board* E. V. Gainey. FOR SALE—ONE CADILLAC ing car in good running cor.ditioa. Will sell cheap. B. E. Johnson, i Dunn, M. C. » 11-St-pd □ tnmnu riAnuS AKE LKLATED to cxc#*n. They do. That it why they are the talk of the '•country. Sold by l*arrish-Driver Co. GENUINE OLD FASHION KAINIT and .Manure Sail*. I hav, for sale I hundred torn Genuine Old Pah ion Kainit 14 per cent potash, manure salt 80 per cent potash, which I can sell in car lots for «*e.h Set nr write at once if you need potash. U. I. Smith. Coats, N. C. 8t-pd JUST RECEIVED A SOUD CAR •f Red Cedar abrngka cut at Van couver, British Columbia. Thana shingles areraga from 4 to Id Inches wide. No. t quality at 17.SO per thousand. Sea us for Im mediate delivery. Butler Bros., Dunn, N. C. WANTED—EXPERIENCED SALEdl lady at ones. Apply at McCall A Co. 8he!) Building. Dunn, N. C. WE «UY LIBERTY BONDS AT PAM in exchange for anything we sell or payments on notes due In fall of 1919. Parrish-Driver Co. SMALL FARM NEAR COATS FOR —!*• W. H. Psrriah, Dunn, N. C. YOUNG'S TWO FIFTY EGG Strife of Single Comb White Leghorn Cockerell, March hatched, It each. Lucretia Parker, DukeTlf. C. “LEARN AT HOME OR SCHOOL shorthand, bookkeeping on credit. Positions guaranteed. Edwards College*, High Point and Winston, N. C.T’ St W. H. WAKEFIELD, M. D , OF Charlotte, will be tn Dunn at Cen tral Hotel on Tuesday, Sept 80th; Duke, In Dr. Holt’s once, on Wed nesday, Oct 1st; Newton Grove, Thursday, Oct 2nd: Benson, Sat. urthty. Oct 4th Th* doctor limits > his practice to the medical and sur ^ treatment of eye, car, nose •nd throat and fitting gUmi. Aik your family physician shoot con sulting Dr. Wakefield. TIRE SALE—W. are making a see cH price on new Potd tires that arc below wholemle prices 8ea oa Parrish-Driver Co. BRING US TOUR LIBERTYBONDS if yea want to sell them. We win pny you the highest prices for them. WiH pay you cash or Rive I you trado In exchanpe. If you drcido to sell don’t fall to ta^ us. Johnson Brothers, Dunn. N. U. JUST RECEIVED—A CAE LOAD of mittnnct Con nm* supply you wHh anythin* you vast In this' Hi!' rnn*n fmn 14.00 to tt( 00. Batlor Bros.. Dunn, N, C. FOR SALE—ONE PRACTICALLY now top bocry and ham ass for rash or on t'mr. E. V .Colnoy. -J_' "WANTED—NICE FJ|RM. 100 TO V0 rrfrs. rood road IrooL Btalo amrnnt l«ipm»t»*nt«. first rath ps iamt. lrn*tb of tlino on pap iB'nts Address Boa 105. Groans boro. N. C. 7 t| 7t vs sai.r_OHR GOOD MULE in iris* old and wri*hlnr aboat an/in no--nds, rash Or OB UjM E. V. Galnay SPECIAL — STRAW HATS AT *«*r* »an rriro Ws hs»n a tarpn a n^m«nt to r*»ort from oil of r-b'i-b nre roia* at a hi* ndnrttoa. Cal at nrra bof-r* Dior arr nirkod ***•- AJi *ood itjlar Johnson B-n’hori Dann. FOR SALE—SEVERAL HEW FORD Unrip* ram t. V. Galnop. W'*—< HAVE ” SEVERAL vatamMr farm- f«*r sal* fa Rtnall mart*. Inratod la *md inlpUhsi •p*od*. on >aod raado, and none roM marhats nf»h mod baMInRB. Ca» or or sddaasi. R L. Godwin. Dona. K, C. S M ~S*4 »N WANT*® TO SOLICIT r»da*» far laihriraHyi* nils, ST a os a a a-d aa'nia. fUtorr or ramartaRf. Addro»- Tb« Lr-nos 0»1 A hM ,0*. Clm.lsad. 0. r I A BANK ACCOUNT ‘taelp* and Encourages You to “Get Ahead” fives you the convenience ol paying bills —the simplest and best method as well est. as your chet k is its own receipt for ' the debt it pays. We Offer You urity, co-operation and the most convenient ctory ayrXmn of handling your money. ville Conservatory of Music If open ite door, op Monday, September 15th, 1919. ' in Inetromentsl and vocal mule. be directly unrinr ',hc supervision of Miee Chs/loUl d teacher of the Conservatory of music at Bruaeela Klee Raenrer l.i rrcopilziU as a virtuoso and leachei ability and is a distinct ucqUsiition to any inetitutior r will b.. Dr. Edward Gleason, professor of plant »rb Gloat on. profeuor cf voice; Mm F.thola Froet a Mary McGill, profeaeor of voice; Mim Man French, pior.o and violin- Mis* Isabel Nichols, profoaaoi and Miss Psttia Foole flcrriiijf, as-ilstant harmony In Mre. J. A. Kin?, wi.l have rhsrRc of the primary de etion, with l.iu Mildred Your.tfblood ai asaiatant toady for distribution on or about July 16th, 1919. “Mon may be mails by nddrerii-.g ih^ Fayetteville Con ra. J. A. Klnit, {secretary and BeRlstrar. —rmvtc NO WAR TAX ’ --7 They m^ QOOD Tires, and we hare only a few left. 1.50 as long as they last r sizes in same proportion e. First Class Repair Work on All Cars l Driver ,Co. Wileon Avenue \ FORDS 1 ' > Should be repaired with ;! GENUINE FORD PARTS at a schedule of prices made by the Ford I i 1 * Motor Company j; ? < * <. I am fully equipped to do anv kind of re ! pair work on Ford Cars or 'rucks. I have X | just installed a 200 ton press and can put ;; solid tires on any size truck. ;; 1 am also prepared to do any kind of black- ■; I;; smith work. ;; Oxycetelene welding I J Auto top repairing and upholster- ;; :; i«8 i: Painting j| Horse shoeing < > Full supply of Ford parts, carriage mater- I! ] | iaU and auto accessories. I! FOR GOOD WORK and QUICK SERVICE « ► < ► «► « • jj J. W. Thornton ;; Phone ? 77 DUNN, N. C. i: < > « ► ttl-J- 1 a —*P* ! "" ' ' - - ■ J! ll- 1 ■■ _ 1 ’I" gBODHK pJBTrrr. -rxisnymry—--Tg I Takes the guess out | 1 of Baking - saves |_. H mixed in Occo-nee-cbee Self- Rising Flour. That'a wfiy you nvi money when you buy P this flour. The extra ingredients are added in a th# exact proportions to bring about perfect _ B baking results every tinn—not moat every H > time, but always. You can't falL Sj B ’ Hot-caUea. light go'den tvscuits and tempt- M g ing wrffl ?s can be m red in a few sectm-ls and - baked in a few more. No trouble. n> worry. pi Just mix with water or milk and put in the oj ovm—that's nil gj Such a lirne-sivor »rd trouhlo-orver as C. | Ooco-nee-chve should be in every p&ntry. g It's a wonderful help to all housekeepers. Uj 1 OCGD-NSE-CKEE i Sjlf-Rising J*2ousr « 2 Takas the Com ojt of 3-tIinj 4 and Caves you Via.zz y jZ m . i (J /*d«n Ht»J b an *•»»> •#-* •/ Off*- ■*• ^ C «Am 5«*r.-w»r / .<m* . K#.# #»*-••» / *t//j rTl Ifcd « am* ki %. 4.4 , i«Si A| a a * i § 1 i t I ! * ».. ' * i _I •f : • *

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