-—*-■ ■ '■'■■ggggB || United States Tires are Good Tires ‘itejaf CM1 The Real Thing Right Through Fut United States Tires under your car »n<* you’ll find them the real thins. They’re built to wear—to give you the of economical service you want. And that’s just what they do. Hundreds of thousands of regular users will vouch for that—lots of them right around here. There are five distinct types of United States Tires—one for every need of price or use. We have exactly the ones for your car. We know United State* Tire* are; cad tire*. That'* why we sell them J. W. Thornton, Dunn; Thonna Ting Co., Duke; R. D. Overby Bros., Angler; Roberta Auto & Electric CompanyCoat?; B. R. Tboma* Drug Co., Duke. LEGAL ADVERTISING (. C. ate the ten * hu Johnston is this 4th dor of An#., 1919, dissolved by anstaol consent. Ths business wifi bo coutiaaed at Coats by U U. Stew art who is authorised to settle the affairs of the said Arm, This Ancast It, 191*. A. D. JOHNSON. NOTICE Tbs oadenbraed bavin* qualified aa Executor of tbs will of the late, J. Gm Coddard. this is to aotlfy all per •owe indebted to tbo estate to pay tb* see* t*> tbo undersigned Execu te*- Notice is alao glean all persona baring claims against said estate to pntM.it tb. eaau to (be undersigned, dwly wUtrd. on or before the 22 ad d»y of Au#.. 1020. or thia notice wll so plMxtrd l' bar of unu. lh!* the 21*t ilay of Au#u*t, 1910. BELI.E £. GODDARD. Exoeinrut of J. Guo Goddard, dac’d. S-Jl-Ot. NOTHX.OMM^Bt * tm In ncci.r.lcnca with (ho provuiom of a reyr la'i-in of the Board of Cod miw'onar-j •-f rha Tor;, of Dunn, N. c., ladiil by v..d Dour.: at a mr-vUsc hs:o an Sept. 4th. 1919. the undar -■un-d on Saturday. October 11, ^ ’ C •*,Vf**k roon. on Broad ••4**1, •- -h. A. C, I. in Mid •: “* '-oM.c . .. to the r K'.v. . .'i-r ta : .i rtf- vn tract or lot of l;,nd in the Town of llonn. li.'nott County, M C. dairribed *. V -.V a. 1 * . W.vio'a corner lr. th,. n’!\, be.i eer. cl.-; A. It. I.. P»Pr< .-d Co.*;, lot on -.-hioti th& depot ’> e.rated end Fayetteville sheet. and l'onro earlvrmdly with Mid J. ’ • W;d:** Irnr .'.J fe*| t0 the A. C. L. Bhtlrrnd Cc.V line; th.o.cr Mtuthward : nnratie! with, Fayatlcvillc street Id feet; thence waattiardly parallol with --L1--u-— MM»gec Ith'.. first fins hereof 55 feet to the l;as of the said alley; thence north v.unity with the line of the aUay 18 feet to the beginning, told lot lying between the lot of J. L. "Wade and tht lot on. which UaJTnwn water Sank Is __ to COTV *; mtt.'on by the Board ef Coania tionors of the Towa, and the success ful bidder win be required to deposit t:' cent of his bid pending such ••• o. Motion, the balance of the pur chase nrieo to he paid upon execu ' • fJ'd dcIWery of deed for said property. This tht Hth day of Sept., HU. J. W. WHITEHEAD, i.‘.:yor of the Town of Dunn. NOTICE To *11 w)>Lca tbl* may caawrai Wterno on or about January lat, 'IV. I executed and dylivarad to Coat* 5 note* ar 91,000 «ach. •-ituyiib;; . .ipa ttTely on January I at. ’’20, li»l. i 22, 192S and 1924, birh uotrr a*- *(104700 V, mortgage no in? “err* ■»(' kind In \*ii|* Creclt i‘r,.jjip Uat .att County, known a* " * 1 ul1 —■'*» •he TUi'well Conte Home place, and,1] ’:* ''b rotor and manga^e were «x»- ’ hv me a* Mao*e duo on pur-i . hwc price of xa d lard, wl.ch land • O" CPCVav.-d to me by the laid Uur fojirr id wti'o by warranty deed • '. i* da • ct‘ ::iid note, an-' mint-1 jv; and Hr heron* ainee the delivery to me o.' ra d tva-anty deed. tui- hao been t t'ltad Lfaimt me and other* in • Tnparlor Court of Harnett Corn V for the poaaerrloti of 43 acre* of n. land i. we>r3 lo acid deed; 'or, th'raforo, I five nnl cc to all *; *a: lb -t paj meet of raid notoe i 1 l.c res Ud until Anal Jad.ir.Ln* J •• th.« suit icetit.ited by W. It. Mel- i i '' ' 'ben dull have been run- 1 .1 a>:(? thal tio f%'A 3unre,l‘" o 1 th. bullion of the uteri *u.' ymer.t that may be rrn 1 *'c n ‘rid action against rm. ’ A- I nd persona buyler eaid notch 1 i* a'ro t.ie £■ a* '.object to thla . •lot'ce. f] J.tu Jicp.ember 11th. 1P]». it B. W. L -U ?t pd TO VBTUUA.Vi. > ! >3 •••« ?-H .Sitae notice hui boon rr- -j oe.vM* hr "nttivl Confedersio Vot-'g e:-t. .a K-.rueU County: He.’qu' r'ora Second Br'fndir. ;i. C ] H. C C. V. 1 An.onv'tle, N.,0.. 8-1. t»i». 0 or oral Ordera No. IS { I. The twenty-idmrh reunion of J : Confederate VuteraK will bo fcjtd in I Atlanta, OrtiNer 7-M. | ' 1. All Veterans are incited cuetun ct tho oily and will be qucrlerod !<■ !P prlvatd otue-. Ideal* will bb serveJ I .u tho cnpltol ground: free of ctargo. ! 3. Vour cimp la urge.l to send n * er«o deler.'tlon. theapby showing an- » .■roc!, tlon cl Allmia'a hospitality. j *• "'oil. iait fare one cent a mllo 2 •irli tray—two eenU a mllo rooud S r..J. Tlchata ou aale October 1-7. S ■l.Cd uu.. October SI. I.' 1 luiat 3cation oortiBcaio* wilt bo 9 -rcrsMSry to obtain this ruin. Notify 3 lic.n heudiuaruru promp-ly of the J .mr.uor ^ *nt«i to rpotuoru, maids of honor, me- 2 ..-On. *-ud chaperones. 7. i.»cry Vatcrnu who can will em- J nrcce tblu ,'pp... iunity to mm hi.: S cumiv.lee Mid revise eld association*. S Gihcial: J. s. Myers, I.t. Col. Chief 3 cf :!!.<*: Wiu. A. Smith. Urlg. Oer. 8 Commanding. ;>J An electric and hours of E. J. Hudson, Dealer i HKXi'KltNHlP CAMPAIGN 1 KOH COTTON .ASSOCIATION I IUUIsh. Copt. 10.4-Wlth the ao loclto:> of 3. G. Hobinew of the At r!-' rullural Rxten.doa Service an ean PeJitu director for |ihe impending irire In October tor tnemborahjp Li he North OuroKoa alvlilon of (he American CHton Artfccialioli. plan* ire now r.-Pldly teklnh shape for the complete »rgaai**iioi4 of the cotton larmera o: North Caroline. Mr. Ku sinow is rapidly workjn* oat the d« .ails for i'.u crcana{tioa. and will wcure a c rpe of eaaMluats tor the work. It U pi mad to mkka a hou a to koum and i (am to term campaign during tbo month of October, kt vhlcb Utr > at lanr.t 70,000 nemiart •re «n» .4 to bo on rot lad in the -»o«lkllo. from tbo cottoa growing .untie* of tba Htxu. The local farm '■monatr: on r.tebtgpf tba Agrirub .oral ExU ixlon Serrlee. anil ,m rural ndlrldnal . anil OrganlxaUou, hare 'ready p dgad their enppurt to tha .noreraent. Many , omlrnuu apaakora hnvo been lnelt.1 to the State during the time of II oomraign and aa won at they bat Urea definite accoptancp lo Ibeee i : citation*, enaoaneementi of the Pl; m and date* of moating* drill U T. R rarksr, wnU known (armor ind ilirwc' .r of f.rmern' Ihatltitta- In Ji« Btaio, will bandit tb* »pc-ak;a# ..rugrtm of tho campaign, and undue hc pra.M»ut ■rranjsrognt p. H Jalar. Mtricw'iural odllor of Uta Matnnaioo Aorrlr-,. will ovtiat Mr.' Robinow with lb* publicity work ’ k It L. pfooaod to inaka tho out i*n!gn abort and iatanalva. with an 3ffo. L bn: a* mads to triroll orary In*!* cotton farioar In Kortb Coru '*»*• at. • rttutbor of tba Morth Caro jha tilv> oa. Tha Auorlein Cotton A.aoflatlb i. »« sow slaaaaU, will lm * r-ormnnent orgJblMllon with htr rb offlras la all af tba largo cot k« cou a min# evaplrlaa of tha world, and will dotroto lu astir* an arc na to «wnH«g fair prlrwa foe Am ancaa crows cotton, both at hama . aad abroad. It haa baaa roan that (hit la tba only way |a wtleh tba "wnroairjt (or a fair prion of rotton caw bn ru.ctnsfal. aad It Is ho par) by ! an'Wlilaa that anary rotton lar atcr la Iba Mato arfll an,roll hlstmlf si a iitombar. * Dolallorl la form cUod In aoanwr lion wits tba work of tha Association aaa ho had by wrtMsg U ». O RsMaow. dim* Campaign Dtrpcior. kaialgk M. C. — --1 “Keep Cool Bcjr! Whom it's so depressing !y hot tlut yon tii,i>U »trr.’.j)!l: wben the bcu!> tln.id ryjl on y<> r f<«:ehc d ond the keal'vlu'rMnlwoluttly iwdiw>!s« * Pc^i-Cob bftn^ the m bf««c» to youl Forlrnt«rr tlif I I pr">. h < »! cr>:ts'it»ct—' >, tegt P(7»-(.4'. [n>*il' Imf jeplinh: M !vpy rderf C.t eTHi'li rml.