• ♦*•*** » •LOCAL* • #***-*■*•* ■* HutH Print* It In Qrewaaboro to day on business. Hanry C. Lea hat accepted a posi tion with W. C. Kanoy. Cha . Row. of UUlngton, was a bus in aw >. Isitor in Dona today. B. '.V. Loa, of Uraithfield, was a buaine * visitor in Dunn Thursday. Will Barbu nr, of Four Oaks, wu a buaine is visitor in Dunn this work. Earl Hinson and Earl Maynard spent Sunday in Clayton and Golds boro. t I Cap-.. Harry L. Be a ;'*>•. of Duka, was a ruslnesa visitor in thr city this woek. Mr*. J. A. Morgan, of SmlthAald, spent the weok-end here with rela tives. Ton-. Pate, of Washington, D. C, is spa ding the week ho re with friend... Mia.- Caddie Purvis left Tueoday for Durlu.-n where she will visit relative* for a few days. Mias Elizabeth Lamb, of Fayetu villa. was hare this weak th* guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R BuUar. Mias Elisabeth Shall, after spending a wcok her*, th* guest of Mias Laura Shall, returned home Sunday. Perry Jernigan, linotype operator for The Dispatch, is spending his va cation in Washington and Philadet nhla. Miu Gladys Warren left Wednes day morning for Oxford, where she will enter Oxford College far the fall term Mr. and Mr* H. A. Parker have re turned from a two its ska vacation which thoy spent In the western part of the state. Mr*. Son Alien of North Emporia, Va., is spending eaveral days in the city the guest of her daughter, Mra R. L. Warren. Willard A. Jackson has returned to Wilmington after spending eaveral days hare with'hit parents, Mr. and Mra W. 8. Jackson J. C. Anthony, of LUlingtoa, coun ty farm demonstrator, was here Tus* dey on butinete with Mr. Odum, con nected with the county fair. Carl Ha ref oot bar accepted a posi tion aa cotton buyer for the Marvin Wade Co. H# will represent the above named firm on the local cotton yard. Haaacll Daniel, who has been •pending th« summer at 8wannanoa, near Asheville, returned home ‘-t* ■iglit, and will spend the winter in Dun if The local telephone exchange has win and Clan Pope, and KennU Howard, U K. Denning, Edward Lee •nd Paul Newberry spent Sunday in Kanly the puli of Hiss Inez sad Claude Bdgerton. Hr. and Mrs. MltdhsU, of Vlrginl, ore making U>»lr horn, in Dunn for several weeks. Mr. Mitchell is fore mso of tbs workmen who are work ing on the .Western Union )in« be tw.-en Dunn end Fayetteville. Miss Mary Sebtt Tucker was hers Sunday, and was the rueet of the Wsalcy BIM, Cl zee Sunday morning st the Methodist church. This elase is supporting Mies Tucker as a pupil ■t the Greensboro College for Wo man. Evangelist H. Gordon Bennett be gan a meeting in Four Oaks in the schorl nfdlterlum Thursday evening, September nth. The public la cor dlally Invited. Mr. Bcnentt Is an elo quent and entertaining speaker. Yon will enjoy th, services. Dr. G. C. Elliott, chiropractor, •pent the ft ret three days of th« week in I ha city. Ha will be in his office in First National Bank building, the **** three days of each week, from now on, where he will he glad to see those needing his aevieea. Several balm of cotton are being sold on the Dunn market ifettly. The farmers nr* not rushing their cotton to market, because Ola present price is toe low, but moat of them are sell ing some. Thera dose not seam to be much demand for the staple Joel at this time. in* premium I lets of the Hemett County Agricultural Farr Aeeociatlon nra bain* handed out thla wank by Mr. Odum, tre aeeratary of tre Fair. It la a aevanty two page pamphlet and contain* many Intareatlag thing* about the Fair. Call on Mr. Odum If ■you want ona. , The merchant* of tha city will hare thair formal millinery opening next Thuraday and Friday, September 18 aad 18. The atoraa of John eon Brow, The Co I detain Co. nd B. Flelahman A D*oa. will hare thair aew fall and winter mllHnrry an dlaptay on thaee day a Chief Page of Dunn ear eeneieted In th« Superior Court in Lilllagton leal week and fined 880. The caae grew out of the »creel of Eugene WIHon aeeuml wee Ire ago, who be came ( Vended becauee Page drew hi* gaa on Mm when he refaeed to go with him, aad brought euiu Mlm I»a Peareon left tMa week for Edaatoa where *he win take charge ef the made department In the grad ed aeheel She will alee direct the «heir ef the Fhmt Baptiat church of * Ov* I^Tom ,7d Mae took a Madias Fart fit tha mod . y cal Ilf# ef the city, and will be mimed during her stay in Edentou. Uev Willie Pop*, el Dunn, and Rev. Ilaneum Allen, of Falcon, are conducting a tent masting near Lay ton achool bouse in Samp.on county. Th* lira service woe held Wednes day night. !h» meeting will continue for several deyr. So far the attend. an<« has been rood, and the crowds are increasing daily. Th* public is cordially invited to attend theta mooting!. Mraa tannic Spain, of Greenville, a graduate of Converse Collage, Spar tanburp. R. C., will occupy th* studio, formerly occupied by Mies Iva Peac •on, near the graded school building, tht. school year. She will teach piano ond voice and will begin her work Monday, September find. Hot pu pils will be limited to thirty, a* aba cannot poarhly accommodate more than this number. Mies Spain comae to Dunn highly recommended and la well qualified for the work ahe will do here Those desiring to commu nicate with her will And bar at the home of Mr. McD. Holliday REGULAR COMMUNICATION. There will be a regular communi cation of Palmyra I^idga No. 147 A_ E. A A. M , Tuesday evening, SspL loin, at 8:80 o'clock. The Fellow craft Degree will be conferred by th* now team on five candidates. Ifem boie of th* loam and candidates ar* requested to import at th* lodge room* promptly at 8:80 o'clock. All Master Manon arc Invited to be pres ent. J. L WADE, W M. PHILATHP.A class meets. Th* PhUalhea Clara of the Flret Church held a eery enthusi astic meeting on the night of Sept »th at the home of Mias Ida Mas Pittman. Many plana were diacqgeed. of which th* neoit important was the 'eking of an orphan to support. Ma,iy suggestions were offered as •o the upbuilding of Uv* class. Ae there wae no other b urines* to attend to, the meat ng wae then tamed into a serial hour. Altar th* guceta had delightfully been aerred with cream and cake the clau adjourned to meet with Mira Minnie Gay on Tueeday •light after the first Sunday in Oe tob*r. AT FREE WILL CHURCH. There will be regular services at he Free Will* Baptist Church next Sunday morning and night Tha morning service will be held to the memory of the late Traak Wood, who paaood from us last October. MEETING CLOSES. Tb« aeries of meetings which Ion b*«n >n program at tha Christian Church for tha pari tan day*, cloaad Thursday night. Paster Crimm was *n these meetings by Bov Barnard Smith of Klaaton. Mr! Smith did axesIIant praarhiag and was htard at each aerrica by largo con gregationa. Mach Interest was manl featad in the meetings and several additions wore made to the church. The musical program wee undor the direction of Mrs. J. B. Ken Icy, of WU mlngtor., and was very attractive throughout the meotlngs. Mim Spain °f Graenville also asaistad in the music, and tre solos rendered by har were thoroughly #ojoyed. Mr. Smith left today for his borne in Kinston. The work ha did In Duan will b* far-reaching In its affect upon the moral life of the city. Ha Is a good pastor, a consecrated Christian, and has a powerful influence for good wheremr be goes. H, made many friend* during his *ay in Duan who would lilts to havs him come this way again. BROWN.JOHNSON Duke, Sept. Of *oeial interest throughout the Carolina* Waa the marriage of Him Myrtle Johnaon of near Denn to Mr. D. J. Brown of Fayetteville, on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in her rammer hem* near l>unn. Mr. and Mr* T. L. Raardon of Buiee Creak were prevent, aleo Mr Floyd Taylor' of Buie* Crock, Mr. Jack Flak, Lola Partin of Anglor, Curly Matthews of Lllllngton. Mies Emms Parker of Duke, Rev. Alford Blalock and wlf. „f Dunn. Rev. P. T. Dontan of Raleigh outdated Mr. and Mr* Brown wHl roalda la Ralaigh, where the bride I* wall known. COATSNEWS » MIm Annie Keen bu ifcfptcd § position m MletUdy with Dm Ceato Supply Co. and began her work Mon doy. Mr*. C. R. Yoong and ekildran of Anglor and Dr. and Mr*. G. L. Fu_ iu*y of Cameron were th* guoata *f Mr* M. J. Foquay Sunday. Mr. 4. W. Talton of Clito, (Ja., I* pending a fsw day* her* Maamn. C. R. Coats and T. D. WhHtanton want to I.ladan and Bunn leval Sunday. Mia* Ruth Raaboau of Anglor waa tb* guest af Mias Msta Stewart a few A»y» Uat weak. Sexton at I.ltllngton I ^ t . * % •pent Sunday her, with friend*. Minna Greco tyrd and Myrllv Pope left Monday for Kaluigh in enter Meredith College. i Mr. Robort Kivatt of Waycroaa, Ca., fU! :. I d ti.roujh town Thursday on hla way home in Buiea Creek. Mr*. Truelove of Jonesboro apent a few daya Ia*t weak with her slater, Mrs. Nettie Stewart. Mr. WlU Supbcnson of Angler apent a few hoora horn Sunday after i.oon. Mian EeUUe Burt of Buiea Creek was a visitor her, Mondty. Mr. B. P. • Butler of Wln<ton-Salcm wu here a while Tucaday. Me/.mra. B. P. Parrlah and W. J. McStcwart left Tuesday for Savan nah. Ga, to attend a land aal, thorn. Mr. Kdifar Denning of Kcnaon wa.< a visitor here Sunday. W# are very mitj to loam that Mr. J. F. Pam ah la quit* aick. Mr. J. E. WiHiama. manager of the telephone exchange of Angirr, waj in town Tuesday on business. T. V. Stewart made a burinca.- trip to Durham Wednesday. K'ra Annie Odum Martin, who hns been visiting at the home of Prof. Odum, hat returned tn hvr hum, ul SL Haul*. Maxar*. if'. K. Howard and Ear] lliiuon of DuDn urera In town a f.-w hour* Saturday. J. T. Clark b»i returned to hi* horn* In Rocky Mount. A moonlight truck ride wa* greatly enjoyed by xeveral young peopl, on "ueeday everlng. The party went to Dalce, where each had a pleaaant ■droll ID the pork there. Then the nde frond there to Dunn waa great f jn, while c-rh or.c ‘.23k part in ring |®H>t old ao a thorn and Indian •on^a- At Dunn the truck vu un* loaded of tti happy party, at the White Way theatre v her, all row a tplendid an'a One of the party *P°ke for all when he laid: "I have enjoyed myeelf nearly to death." Tho*c who went were: Mime* Alvah Tarlinginn, l.ocy V ggma Callir. Myr.le ai;J Mu* otewart, Lina Unrdor. and Ethel C- ate, and Mean, iwon Kuquay. Jeff Turlington. Henry Stewart, Buyene Kelly, Eldndgc C.ia’.n. Dr. Curacr F-qnay, Herbert Grime- and Rufn* Stewart. Godwin rrers Mm Harper Jonei ia upending a few week* at Seven Spring*. Mra. J. D. Hemingway of Bethal I* upending a few day* with her par enu. Mr. and Mre. W. M_ Pope. Miea Lime May Hall of Antryville it vim ting Miaa Eula May /Starling. Mr. Mack William* of DaJIaa, Tea., arrived Thursday might to apend a * ' “HifelMWr. Mr. J. C. nfarlld -v Eloiae Con nally. apant Wednaaday in Wada with Mr. and Mra. Alax McNeil). Mbaaa Ruby Tomer and Loctle Mc Intyre and Mr. Miditon McIntyre mo tored over to Fayetteville Saturday afternoon. Mr. Rhatt B. Myera of Kenly wa* a Godwin vUitor Sanday. Miaa Johnnie McLean ia apending a few daya with Mia* Avm Parker of Dunn. M“" Loutae Pridgen of Dunn epcnt Friday and Saturday in Godwin with Mia* Johnnie McLean. ' MIm Eui* Williama aid brother, Leon, have returned frjfc ML Olive where they vieitud retail vee for sev eral rfayr Moser*. John Williama af Goldsboro nnj Willie Williams of (Hntoti, arc apcnd uR t few day* arlth.tbeir father, Mr. J. C. Williama. Mr Jin McNeill end family of In dian Pan, Kla., are speeding a wbll# in txhsln with friends aad relative*. tlr. Anya, ftreham of'Cllo, 8. C., ia iHKtidinir a law day* ftfth hi* bro ther J. Maaara. Jehu aad Poo Graham. Mia* Jaa.e Graham la spending a few cfoyi wri'.h her airter, Mra. W. F. Tew of Llnriun. Vi •. Perry Maxwell ’ of Falcon rpri:t S it u Jay in GodOdn with Mra. J. (J. J one*. Mr. anJ Mra. N. E. Demon and children ot Kocky Mount arrived Sun day to spend several days with Mrs. lirruon's father, Mr. C. C. McLellon REPOBTER. KOTKS OF THK rouiiiKn xi ipiEn snnxn, < contributed) '.i’tiu.lon, ptotaber 4. 1*19. TImi ilumett Ccuaty Cum.iter ScI ii.! opunod IU lltrtj |cra> Aaeu-l :nh. mi We bad a epleudld >-*> Kofi. Wr unrolled.. 90—10 tu the ] Tbucbrrt.' IH. pur talent aad 40 In the < fourth. fifth end elfcb trade*. Kll- 1 leuu of ibesa laach&a his* elrnndr J uprui froffl feo to tj vauhe la the Stele -umniur Sc h oaf at FeyctterUlc. lini.Fi.boro. Skew Uafveretty and •'they Stale IneUlutloaa. Our teacher* art' doles much to m.ko thamraJvo* feore eSelert la ifiolr profearlou. We are :tltrta* > hard, uolvlib- J 1 ton.l!;■( our email ee^aries aa tench ' •*' :a prepare otfyieelree for llfe’e 3 i.o:l ■ We -are tract spinni!ng the 3 ifv.hi-tls leuraad *1 Shew ralverally \ ;ud otluir SUte eeboole la the dll- 1 'n't**: ichooia of euy epuacy. 3 W. uss !*»»« to'Uuk oar worthy a -ufc. ut.udeut, Prole,,ar u. p. Don 3 ,r:>. tor tueklht Ca>Ua buiLIdd of u> 3 I- hi. liUualul feperl of Harnett 3 OouuV *ch#ol« • j W.- are auhtatit bit drive lor 3 to mpport dtr Ideal eutamer 3 l All lu lift. .* J I*C. xleYbor aad 'Profoaeor J. C. j 1th. hdili ol Caput tortile, paid ui. j - tbi: Friday sad Protemor Smith j uo.'.v. red • epieadld addreea—tbe 3 t:lai tor which lurid eo ftmoui. J Bd3W«1 tf. STUART. 1 Couoi; rntperTlAeimf.OoUred SchooU 4 i.»d Ouserel Memetpr or Summar i School Wert fa* Cetorwd. j .C nlv '1 Any man Mr, can fead any town or at a cut at fi Per day, of 111* >'.cream far. than i ' -re ' Tha <•_. abeot dealt wAi to toock wboa, bo« farmer la permits prieo for. The merchants, __ practically a vary body 1 working ■h°rt«r more dollars, spending a playing long-1 •r, DtTtsf ever bofor* In they cotn plain bee _ farmer does not *11 wbaata* and hor* ati >«▼*» •; _ SPECIAL SHO UNG ' of FlIR Wednesday, Septern A Special Representative v" Store to Show Yl JOHNSON I I Began THURSDAY, Sept 4, ’ r ► 9 ► and [ 1 | Extends Through the Season > s We are ready to greet you with decidedly the greatest line of MILLINERY, COAT SUITS, CLOAKS, YOUNG MEN’S FINE CLOTHING AND WEARING APPAREL as well as our regular line of SILKS, DRY GOODS, SHQES, ETC. that we have ever presented It’s a pleasure to show and price the season’s newest and best. We have it. Prices reasonable. Come to see us. R. G. Taylor Company j! In the Yellow Front Store, Dunn. H - --- ' ^-- | it | jj liTZZZJDJU— Beautiful i Besses in tune with fair and wrmer weathet TH®*® attractive yet moderately priced Summer Frocics are proof positive that a woman can be SMART, COOL and ECONOMICAL, all at the same time this summer. Pretty plaids, figures and p1»™ shades. Any size. . THE GOLDSTEIN COMP’Y Dunn's Best Store I # ^ * CLEAN OUT SALE We have on "hand over stock which was left from the * old 5 and 10 Cent Store, which we want to get rid of. We are marking these goods down below cost and will sell at n very low price. Come in and investigate for yourself. We also have on hand a beautiful line of ready-to wear dresses, skirts, georgette and voile waists. DON’T FAIL TO COME IN AND GIVE US A TRIAL Yours for Business, McCALL & COMP*wv 113 East Broad Street DUNN.n.v. I « 4

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