I I Your Fruits and aMes at Wholesale i » . iL'; 3 __ _ jfr * ^ f w , . - Mk . * -- • • j Peter A. Parker’s New Wholesale Store % I have just established a wholesale store in Railroad Avenue, three doors from the postoffice and am prepared to supply your needs in FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES ORANGES AND BANANAS APPLES ; FANCY WHITE POTATOES and other VEGETABLES I can give you the best of service and save you money on everything you have to buy in my line. Everything 1 have is freah, just bought in Richmond from where I have just returned after establishing connections with one of 'j the largest concerns of the South. No goods will be sold in broken lots, but any person who cares to buy in barrel, case and bag lots will find that it pays to buy from me. 1 can save you money on fancy potatoes in bag lots. 1 have served Uncle Sam for the past two years to the best of my ability. Now 1 am back home where 1 am anxious to serve you just as faithfully as 1 served our coun try. Re sure to see my' stock when you come to town. I will • • always be glad to give you the best service possible. Very truly yours, PETER A. PARKER, . Railroad Avenue DUNN, N. C. — I I Johnson Brothers __ 'f' Invite Your Inspection of . V. * * .3 the Ne w Models in MILIJN *Y and COSTUMES S ___________ Fall Shipments are Arriving Daily a Number of Which Have Been _; Opened for Display We are now making our first thowing of distinctive creations for the new season in hats, suits, dresses, coats, blouses, etc., and we extend a most cordial invitation to y ou to come in and view these un us'tal developments of American and French designers of Millinery ■ v. . and Costumes. . . KjMjj m&ft ' Johnson Brothers DUNN’S Most Exclusive Store. REMINISCENCES OF HARNETT CO. Between the Tver* 1SA0 end 1830 vlierclhere woo • period o! ilrvclcr ment ltitle known by the present gcneratloi: compared with uur pitv enta advantage*. we wonder how nur forefather, managed to live tinder Ibe ditBcalltee they faced. Yet they overcame them and thereby tie.el oped a character that Id wantlun in the preeent generation. Thvj were forced to practice economy, aclf-re Ilance and Indn.lry. Whon we con sider that Increased opportunities bring with them Increoecd reeponal bullies, we hvse rowon to beliave we are not Hying up to tlto high moral and social standard they had When James Campbell came 10 preach on lbs Cape Tear, Croett Creek (•a lamed because two creek* were supposed to cros* mtch other there) was called Campheliton. After fen. LaFaysue vi.ilcd the town In iSJii It watt called Fayattovllle. Slfniuod at the head of navigation. Il b.trci.te a market to the country veal of It. Hborly after the location oi Italeigli In 1T||, at stage route was svtab lisfaod between the two ?'which later carried mall. Burclayritle »nr a regular stop sod pnutofHco About 1110 a mail route w«t eatubllt>liei from Raleigh la a western direction R. H Whlttlker. a woll known w-ner and ndltor, carried this mall when n boy. and made the trip twice a week. He went to Raleigh. *L inllei trim where be lived. Ibe evening before end carried the mall hmne with him Vest morning he itarted out and eroceed the rlvar and -ode ihmur.li the pine wood* tiled with derr and turkey* till be came la Johneoiivtlle the Aral oflee oa the route aftei croaelng the river, were be moppe1 for dinner lie tell* bow parttculei the poatmnatev, John W IJuwvmu woe with tho mail He would wnlt a letter with e goowe no III pen. full U carefully, light a nan die and aco It (no eavalopee were uaed), marl the rate ef peetege on It (ilmr< won ao gtaaip*), carefully inootb on: al the wrinkle* wtih a tailor* goouc (id pat It la Iho mall beg Tron there he went to Pooket in Moor county where he epeel the night Neat morning he came back on (In Raleigh reed by whom Jogeaboro * bow, te RoUta*’ »tore where tber woe eeether o«ee called Long Street •veer where Broadway la located, am trmm Mere oe kea*a Ha gtatoe tha he carried aa average of ala or aevw letter* aed four or Are paper* oac trip The paper* were the F*W» Rogtvter gad the Phlludelphla Prat byterlan Think ef the loan of me new delivered every day In ihlo lei rvtery by the different oOml Although literary advantages were limited. * lauuv ...... .v..—. — ter the war. Dr. Oollno alao came to fiuiumerrllle nbv.lt 1150 where he taught In the academy, giving l«e inm l.i ciioni.eiry. till hie death lie in burled at Summerville. Pollli.'H cm no email flgnre In llile imrlod. and tlio bard rider r-ampaignv were Ro-ea end frwtjtient. The trag edy occurring above LUllnyton vu the rt-nult ot nne of Ibeee. Tha ferte are riven by Ur. Nnlll MeLood, who te tho ouiy living wtreeea. He wie 11 -wum old at the lima end wei leirn In IMS. ..i iking the data 1141 wbc« ll oeeorrod. Archie MeDlar mill had rnprnevnted tha ronnty Is limb iKitiwe of tho Ludleletara tail wee n delegate u> tha conatltatlaaal , conveuUoo la 1*31. U 1*44 B. Y Alkloe and LMtuoan Hhaw were rep , ra>aa‘.«llver. Alkloe and Mrldariuld i he.) eoma trouble wbrmt land, anC i wbca tlta eonvontioii of 1141 cant on MelMarmlii had Atkina derailed I ami (let.rgr W. Pecram who eervpd l novcral yvere In rwreeaaton. w« , pt.red oi> Ike ticket. Atklaa la l dared hlrn-etl* an independent ran « dilate, and went mil on the earn . patgn aa one MelMarmld alao waa | with Ibe ramlldatea to Ilia »peek In 1 plnree to defeat him Tha aieotlw wee la Augwet. Aboel the lent t July the candidates met at the house where John Bishop lived on Camp bell's rreek It was the coldest day in July that wsa known In a hundred yearn: men wore their heevy costa end some recorded It ea on omen ol souse evil. The candidates spoke from the ptazsa to the people In Ust yard. After they were through. Hie Diarmld mods a talk opposing Atklni and as he proceeded he remarked "l^et us see about the character o' the men who two years ago said hi was as pure es the angels In hoaven.' Atkins denied making the abortion McUlarinid Instated he had, and called oo Janice a. Harrtpglon to prove It. but he Ignored the appeal and said nothing. He then celled oe Allen J. CaineroD, who replied that ha heard him make the remark. At kina denounced II as the blackest lie that over van uttered. and McDtar mid struck at him. A platal ohoi rang out and McDlariutd fell dead. Atkins was tried at Htlsabetfctown In Dludan and acquitted. About two i year* afterwards he went to Texas, where he married. McD. rrr, \,.j.1 These) biscuits are j alwajs (delicious Ocoo-nee-chee Fleur is simply jj Indispensable in many hnnss holds. It makes uniformly good biscuits, hot-cakes and waffles because the baking-powder, soda and salt ere already in It, The proportions are scientifically cor- n rect, so there is no chance for fl anything but perfect resuha. Occo-nee-chee Flour is econom- N kml—it saves you money, because g you pay leas for the extra ingredi ents by buying them already It’s so assy to use Occo-nee chee you’ll wonder how you ever B *ot along without it. Just mfat U the flour with water or milk and fl bake—that’s ell. Only a few eec- U ondm for each and no worry at all because you can bo aura these 1 biscuits are always drUrinfi OCCO-NEE-CHEE idwGaMoattfMdaf ■ilfwwii youManty , Frank C. P*f*. in if tk« UUntnatir #f Uw WlnMoa-lalm Joarii' . Walter Htsw Pice, a*4 • aiftevil Hi win ulll roomily incafid in •f Robert N Pafi, cin4)4at« firnewapapar work la New York. 'Onranar, Kii bun employed aa . .-« l