FIRST ANNUAL DUNN FAIR LITTLE MESSENGERS I T L^JTH «f a~ag 1 - sz ■*” vr ——.— , , . ____ VaC • STAGE IS SE'i FOR I BIG FAIR S DEBL1 GATES WILL OPEN ON FINISHED WORK TUESDAY MORNINt Big Parade Through Buiinoc Section to Mark Beginning of Exposition DAN HUGH~Mi-LEAN TO INTRODUCE MR. PAGI Candidate for Governor on Pro grant For Inaugural Speech at Nocii MaaagaMat Preaida* Maay Attrac •^•e* kf VUilers. Four Race, ot First Card.. Ckarl.tta M BraeS la iiS|, Asreplaaas ta Fly Aaaialists la Ptrfa.ui Nigkt Showi le ba Big Faatara. Midway Alira, Dunn’s first Annual Fair it ready to make its initial boa to the thousands of Harnett, bampson, Johnston and Cum berland folk who are expected to pass within its gates between Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock and Friday night. Every detail of the stupenducas undertak iiig has renchtd a stage that aa iiurea thorough completion be fore the grounds are opened to the public, and Eunn complac ently awaits the verdict of * thoae it has invited to view Its greatness. The big exposition will be officially opened at* 11:45 o’ clock Tuesday, n.omipg when the grand eld man of Harnett, Colonel Dan Hugh • Lillington, wfjl pefi turn to ta#6di Page, former congnaaMilAj, ’•FJorfflTWWll, VIR1U nAUI <•the opening address. The com pletion of Mr. Page's speech will be the signal for the open ing of amusements, riding de vices. and exhibits and dining ball. Then the exposition will strike its full swing which wLH ruffer no dimunition until Fri day night sees the first effort of the enterprise pass into history. Among the many attractions pro vided by tha management for tha entertainment of the crowds arc dally aeroplane performances by noma of tha bait flyers in the Amer ican Army. Thaac will bo staged in the afternoons, and. because of the crowded condition of the program, will necemrity have to overlap acme of the other free attractions. The dare-devil feat* of tha flyers will he hair-rataing to those un-w. ustomed to viewing tha thnll-ra that have be come *be everyday work of tha m«n who ware the 'f»« of Uncle Sum'i army in France, hat they will be well yrorth seeing. Beaidos the thrills of the asm planea, th« old but ever interesting aerial trapeaie and bar performers will have a large part in entertain ing the crowd*. Two troops of such performers have bean engaged lo give frae shows every afternoon and night of the fair. These wre th< 8 tire waits family of ftve, and th< Marvelous Mellvillo. tha latter out oi the moat thrilling parformert of the world, /v. a . . .a — —-wiiwivkw m. Uiaaa known throughout America fur h*u wonderful voice whoec rich tonei h*v» Wormed the heart* of thouaamh of auditor*, will al*o h, a ehanaia* member of the free entertainn**nl peraaaael, Madame Brand will «inp twice each day. All of the free attraction* will be J!**?d 0B the big platform fronting UMimmante grandaUnd. Thia plat. I* really an open atr theetro rbeing coaippwl with drcwtng room* Wght* and other ementinl* t« he Tb* h«**° DoUlghU will the night performance) and^will thoroughly illuminate th< -jy, fbJf ***•» Bard will furnial .in at “*« net. and will find ‘III C0,’**•*« ~*'»l Thil *1! ^w.Py'ay ,0r “•* *W| raJIn*W,TISMw,5r w111 °P*n tEHShC** °" feature* ^Idred. aV1 '*°r” ot t*«‘*d •*>»*• Hd7«r d “d twii 2i"“’"5S'«n£ 57XE7h£ *£ Through"!?*IlVp**! »“ •“w^mnnda who com* u r‘*Z *!)"1*^; P°ult7. ^p * ,7rial diJlrd c*r“,n Ptoducta, in f.££XffJry‘’ *• — *"d * ^rb,r •«•£* «*•** ROBi-Kr N. PAGE He will make the opening address at the Harnett County Fair - - _ * ^ ! Preliminary lo th. official opening Ihf will b« tnr o'clock to. permit th# bib ed in the 1stt war, buxine•■>« tn;n, fai-meni, women and children who at * to take part in in,, big expoai t:On. The pageant will be led b> Marshall Spear*, of LjUington, chief marshal of the fair. The formation of the pageant will begin at 8.SO o'clock. By 10 o'clock it will bo gottan in motion. Then it will move through Broad Street to McKay Avenue where it will turn toward tha Fair Ground*, arriving there about 11 o'clock. ESTABLISH RECRU1TINC " ' OFFICE FOR U. S. ARMY A recruiting office for the Veiled Stale* Army will he cttablirbc.l *, the Feir, according to an announce meet mad* yerterday by Swr.-iu-y Owen Odum. Thit office will b0 in .-burg, of an offiecr »nt from State headquarter* at Greensboro who will ?:iv« information on most nny xubjcci ormer coldier* or ihc-r pc rentr- may deelre. A Idler from Colonel C. 8. Floyd to Mr Odatn f..b Iowa: “We desire to *end a member of our party to your fair, Oct. 15-1P inclusive, to by of service to your patrora in glvng lnfo>-m6’.ion rel ative to tho enny. The parLy we -.end will bg preparedto give information concerning tho $80.00 bonci due former soldiers, allotment*, travel al lowance, government in*uranre. Vic tory Buttons, and other matter* of ir ter eat to ex-tnldiar*. tlloir parent*, relative* and friend* i -: HARRIS HAS CHARGE OF FAIR DECORATION _ ■ Charles W. Harris has been nn pointed by the Fair management to superintend decoration of the* and buildings and to aid In perfecting the decorative ccheme in IS? bust res? district. Mr. Harris is a’rrndv at work and hopes to have the work r.t tho grounds completed S-»lordi5 Monday ho svtU devote all of his time to th« work down town. Ye. t?rrl v» hc stated that h, did not fear a ..hnrt •Fe of bunting and other decorative material AUTOMOBII E I.IC-ENSZ TAX REDUCED FOR FAIR SERVICE Because the Board of (oromiwlon ers desires to provide suffleiert con veyances for those srho attend thr P'alr the “tor hire” He*use lax ha. been reduced to IS for the wenk be ginning Monday. Idemsc- are beint ijgnad to auto owner* who agree ft transport passengers for a eliarge noi Jj exceed IS cent* for each person Thoee who charge mora will ba com pelled to pay the full fee of 8ZS. HOOVER BAYS TEACHERS' FAY MUST BE INCREASED AT ONCI Fan Francisco, Cal . Ocl. 7.-~Warn lug that if better pay Is not forth coming for tcnchers In America* •• horde the American prop's will h. face to face with a dangerous rad' callrai from the centers of highe education wa* voiced by llerher Hoover, former federal food admin i«e rotor, In aa adrlrce* before ihJ Har vnr*l club of California, at a dinar here last night. __ 1 —— i.f PLANES to flY [RET* VISITS GROUNDS | C'.rde* Over City for Nuiiy mi Hour and it Watrhad By HodrUt, S«»r« Col tow Pidton. Government aeroplanes will take part in Dunn’s groat exposition and *'•11 malt* flight* rvsry day. Axxur ance of this was riven Repreeenta llMr.nihal L. Godwin at Wash ington last week after hr had drawn tc.'eral IT fusel* from tha War De partment, and army aviators have already been on th* sesna to arrange lor landing space in the Fair Ground*. Mr Godwin had always been con fident that th* planes could b* gotten •"** .•«■!.» IJernble fear that h* would ft he xuctctaful in his effort* n this ■-it ectie n was fell here whan dla vliher iron Washington stated im* \t 1 I>una would not bo allowed the plane* by the War Do i* rtrr.vnl. All fear was dissipated Tuosday, however, when one of the big planes HMl over the city and circled * the Fair Grounds to And the oe-.t ways of approach. Th* big pit no wiie over town for nearly an* pilot performing many thril .*r» for ‘-hr.delectation of hundred* upvitatOM that filled tha streeta ei.d house tops. When ht dipped to * f**,/o*t of the now landing nr Id at tha Fair Grounds where cot oii picker* wire at work there was a general exodus of piekantn *nd u*k#r cotton pickers for ’'thtr parte of the ground*. •Senn ®' *Wef of police, has ren in Wilson most of this week. Mr. Pope is a witness In a-whiskey -aao being tried hi Federal Court be M! Judge Connor.’* •* WnU aoi*> P"*id*d at th* rroandi »• fcanatajaent. I! Partun* cfcatfM »M.b, 28 etgU. I b --- * 1 <*&* ooUM E. P. DAVIS TO HEAD NEW BANK IN DUN* | Duke Man Form. Now last* Utica to Operate Here CAPITAL STOCK flOO.OOC Brf'U Operations With 128,000 P,i, *»l Aimed, Subscribed Botrh of ll*inou Akendens Breoel ■<1m. It ii S*U. t)u:m it to Have u third bank. Ii HLJ° ^ kneyn a? the Comrae’rela 1?., .y1" be IvCsled in the Let luni"’! wfc,/c n-inner* were recent II UP 1cr •be Bona branch si lU. Bark of Harnett. X. P Daei. aroVhl'*' **“ *" Oodwln, and othen arc the ..(corporator* of the financing Incurporatiofi paper* were (rectod '£'~rk ** 4f 8U‘* Corporation - omul Is* ion. Eleven thouaand dol “rVf 'tuck been lubecrlbed *y Mr. Davit and hit friends. Tho , ^ktitnllon will begin operation with ■*■*«■* eap‘««l of *25,000, it waa ttatod by Mr. Godwin yesterday (t ha* not been determined when the b-nk will open it. door*. Dm7il U namad *• president of the company He w*e until s few yesr, ago cashier of the Rank sf then'll n ’t rVir**'1 ,ki* P°*ldon yhen the Duke later set. offered hiss ;** r<H>ti«n of manager of tho cot ton mill *t Duke, s position h* has ecestly resigned from. He is eon 0f best bankers sf -North Carolina and tun loat wonUd ^ Jlofhif in Dunn. Tho rhcrtvrtnjr of this bank, it to : f4** n*k*» ii practically eortain that Km br*"eh 0i ‘b* B»"k *f Harriott will not b* located here. CEMETERY CARETAKER IS PROVIDED BY TOWN Woman’. Committee Cots Ac tion From Board mf Com, tni.siomors In response to a request made by a committee of women hrtcrostod la the upkeep of Greenwood Comet*ry the Board of ComaissionsTs has de termined lo employ s 'caretaker to to provide cciMtery- 1, contemplated , *n* ^ Wmd# vm the Utdtr el lh« 'women who rune before Ux -oerd, Tuesday night. In praaentiai her plea for aid she amphaaixtd Du :.secwtty for action along the Hat •*•«!» that, while moa "wnc® hS P^P1* now Ur £? '“ **" k*Pt ta F** «>»» i1?"- *^*r* anny others own M P*0pLe ,who h»d “»»•<« away i* to car„ for raeh aa these that she desires tbs employment of a car* rw,^ W- Honda, Mix*/ L. Hatcher and Mra H. 0. Mattoi worc ether members of tho commit baby show is to be held IN FLORAL HALL WEDNESDAY Arra -mmeota for holding the babi rtow at tho Fair Wede„dey Wr2 o' *’**" '“"P^Wd, accord!n| to Dr. Bobcvt Warren, under whoa! J rccUoit this phase of tha exnoaitlon’i aethrttiCa wfl] be conducted. Th« judgin.T will begin at 10 o’clock and rill run well Into tha aftamoon, H belKVcd. Moral Hall will be Uie tcenc of tho contest. COUNTY TO POLICE GROUNDS DURINC WEEK OP THE PAIR -ci-uhed ?- Turlington hai ™ST.I Li "ty^v* “*P«‘** *•> vpfv’iml polir* work at th* TWi, Grounds next week. The deputies will ec under the pcnoiuil auperrla Si2Si trZzt *“ Sheriff, || wa. sited rWerday7 CITIZENS PROTEST i against bad or::. ' 3owthaMq R«ik!cnti ‘Take C&m of Fertiliror PUN to City Dm<U HAD SOCKS UNDER BED That U Aecweeliea Brceghl Oae Husband By Wife Whose Ol feeterle. Suffered Fim Evil Smell —Committee. Appointed In a Anal effort to dimtudr the Stoinob Fertiliser Company from further preparation t<> manufacture 3r,y product tonto''ring “H*h scrap," > eotrmUteee ropraocntlag the Hoard of Commissioner* and rvrldcnta of the .ortbe'dr will meat with o#cwv of the icuvitj at the ea.-liett moment poeeible. This r.rtion r.-n, derided upon in a aectlac before Ot* town ronjtuicrior. '■re Ti-rday n'sbt. when n bodv of teerly 100 ciVtenr led by Dr. Waller, Co Krone and Z. V Snipes appeared •vitb counsel before thc board and c*kcd that step* be taken to force abatement of “the smelt" which, it a a'K-god, pannaatci the pbora ■nrrtmndtnr every home 'u the gr.tih vrn part of town. ] The citizen* war* renreaerted by "a her* L. Godwin and Chr'bt !*•? '.lay, lawvera, who state tliai the matte will be taken tn the courtsj f immediate relief is rot given their{ clients. Several .torkholdera of tkej company, however, bare stated that I hey win gladly give their ent'r* hold 'mrs to eat rid of thc odor raid to ■'minute from the Aeh scrap. Among these era C. L. Wileoo, Mr. Snipe> and Dr. Hebert L. Warren.. Not Imldei m Hamer Fervent protect mreinel the odor' Sad bean made by individual- for wvcral days, but it wn. not until the Tuesday nigh: meeting that a eon-' carted effort wi* made against its presence. The meeting, although mrioua la tta intent, was not lacking in humorous momenta, particularly when onc prominent and apparently weft-washed citizen proclaimed that '-he ■•miernz” had accused him of •mttiiw hi* necks under the bed whan the w»r And made its presence felt in the ooenmenity. The wife of atv-j other charged aoamrashJng of foot against her gK)ttw. Tw» fnittMi busts far dead rmta had bean mffBa in th# kitchen cf an other. Several squatty indelicate, but) Godwin declared that the odoi , ariaing from th, factory had ab chok , ad tba angina of an aaroplano Tuns > day moraine that the machine ha fallen, out of control, for a thousan fact into purer air, and that even th bustards had baoa forced to tea Raids leas ns os sating. A. L. Newberry, secretary ani treasurer of th* Newberry Droa 4 Cowell Company, whoa* fumltur plant is directly arrow the Coast Ua, tracks from the offending fertilise; . plant, charged that th* Knoll was at ; thoroughly disagreeable that he ws; compelled to Vrap hia offices closet tight and that many of his workmei had threatened to quit unless tbt odor waa abated. George E. Prine* merchant and civil engineer, whoai boms is four blocks from th* plant daclarod that h, would huv, to a si ’ for a doereaaa in his tax artsaaaiiin unlcai th# alleged cvll was remedied Several dwellers along the southern sdg, of town stated that they wen preparing to nor, away just as aooi as they could find quartan in othe part* of town. Many hnttMaiti Present. Among th* protestanta praosi Tuesday night war. Dr. Coltrana, 3 B. Smith, George E. Prince, K. V Snipes, J. L. Hatcher, II. B. Banks J. E Butler. C. L. WUaon. V. B Morgan, I J Nobles, Jess* Tart, K J. Norm, J. w. Wilaon, P. H. Lynch P. A. Lae. J. H. Caimaday, A. L Nowba%y, J r. Cannaday and form or Mayor Bldredg, Loo. AH of them and, according to Mr. Godwin, sever* hundred others, have signed a potitior protesting against th* odor and da mending that the company bo re strained from further operations no ceasitating its presence. N»s* of th# company's represents Ova* wars present TTmm m sflos (a* a/ T_■_ 4 * a. Clifford, acting in the capacity ol city attorney, the board decided that it could take aa legal action, but thai it would gladly cooperate with Uk citizen! in an effort to aboUch th« allayed aril Commtaaioner EUia Goldetoin and William H. Newberry, Sr., were ap pointed a committer to meet with the (grieved citiMna. 7. V. Snipe* A. L. Newberry and 3. L. Hatobei [were choeeu aa the citixem commit Itoj to place the grlevaaee before On officer* ef the fertillaor company. W*Ae U local manager foi the 8eminele FertiUecr Company, (i i» hie opinion that the odor will bo ”** leaa and lam obnoxinu* am itoally di(appear entirely when tin .Hast bogiaa fall operation and wiU iha advent ef cold weather. FORMER VICE-CHANCELLOR TRIED BY GERMAN COURT! Berlin, Oct.— (Havaa.)—T>e brie' In the cam raaulttag from complaint Made by Mathlaa Enberger. vie. pro mwr and minuter of Anance, again* Or. Earl Nelfarvleb, farmer hnperia *iee chaneattor, bat been forward™ l* the mightratea iKtlng ia the cam i («•<» detail! af the charge* madi agalnet Dr. Hetferrlch have not beat "•* pohfc, but it la believed the] ryfer to bio aetMUee while la office " mi reported am > apt ember 11 Ut ?••• "BRlnM the former vice chancel >«r wonld be tried by a Mate trtbun iwEEi’S PROGRAM j f!AS BIG FEATURES jWcJi.csdcy Fimlurtd by Edu I u^maI OanctMintioa tni! Baby SF'ow | INDUSTRIAL DAY FRIDAY Maeufac.'tulag Pleat* Cat te Gin Emr!i-rn. Cheuc* to tea Big Fair. Slor«« «bJ m—% Qi** A/imavm KblWUya * j Tito Weak’* Program. « J Jue-Jay—Oinm’nc Day. Per- i i tdo. bpsedi bp filbert N. Pen, i 1-figJarau by Dan » Hugh He- I P «* Arte, jadc »* ctdr..'t ■. i'ei.d contorts, Tl ' *“». uisooJata flight*, mid. y-r ■btwf. ‘•’•Ju.-dt* - - Edaeatloa and Delijr Day-- Pertent by r-eheo) cnlarwe of tfc# rountTf jod#lu of bxlr •*, 10-1 nuod judging of n*|hiie, racing. aoropiaae • n-'t't- Curd eoncerta, fra a acu [ »f«*< »y, fln vorVi airplay at ? cipt ! „"•!«» Jar-Everybody's Day— • i /VI frav and bund eon . c; «/i. midway, aero pla;.a fl.gbt* :•nrr, flrawaihs . d*r'»'iy at aSgbt. wnu ■ | I'r.iiay—ladattrial Day_Big ac. dto&, in ln<*03' “* •xblbiu, in. I l.v , ii * * r a c 1 a g, • n 'J. "SL*J* •««■. «~pUai ^ ftmio dh DidwiT w-..d fcwt-n? an «Hr. • ’VW'.J rr-ry day of Uo Fair te to oa ax '.ntcTeatisg as the mar tea an m y.atx ednrtday and T ha radar, to et ff*V r55ct^ crowds. Wadneeday trill b« by * big nch.-ol rally and tb« V»*»T Judging context. Thursday u.ll b. ‘•Ejwrj.hodT's Day." and wiM b« featured by necia! free acta and by tarw, activities along Uto midway and thnwhout tb, ground* Sap^tandaut Byrd P Gantry, of u» county school* trill rnramli with the aunagaotoet in --<*g Wed D**dar a rad letter day forthTsaheete of Ha malt. It is r*~~~rlT 1 school in the £a.ty r •d hi pageant,to be stag* mrr trafi. Uandrada^pf riU taka pa« la I bet nalaiil, which t PtidkT u to bo induatrtal fey, When Ifc'ft.'^SirsS-srSE: uo ftrth. j .'udjiir.* io nearly all department* | wi.I borin immediately after tha opac , i*r o.'d wiD eer.tiooe through Wcd .,n*t«oy. By Wednesday nfjrht It <• 10 j**T* aU ot Wvrk com 6w«™» Jodja* have been . 15c parttnent' O^hc^Tl bTj^M^ ctJStw.dmisrr -«* •* ireopm at # o'clock." ■t Doom i - TOV/N BEARS EXPENSE OF SEWER EXTENSION | ?n j»rtjr Owner* Pay far Corn el ruction aud yat Return »n Water Rants . Future toworage exten.ior.* u> *tT:eit emi bl«k* of town in ' iLvPJSf. Bot *>«ody bean io *-»U»d wfll bo mad# at the azpaoae conet ruction tnu*t b. paM for by th# property owner wbo appli* for thTaxtailSSf Sjeh property owner* will be raim o'j.vtd th. water department in ter.-tet ar.c water. Precedent for th!* waa oatobllehad '!•» * m*--t-n« of tho Deard of Con aJaeionar* Toaaday nirbt when Dal l*» C. Johneon ownor of a dwell*** 1 *l P'Htjad Aver.’je and Divine 8t, ayp* ad for infetmatlon aa to whether :br or the town waa to nay for extra laion of th* *ewrmjre lino from the eotner of F*r*!t«vfl]a Avami* asd jlVvin- Street to M* lot. Mr. John i*®" th*1 he eredlted l«TS“ul fj1 ** ebargod againet the ,Twi. b(iU) ft ii connocd !L£ ketrt*¥ £•* •eor** •* k”1 b# ^ ratantJoi* W«WH tbq h«xt few i ft ■Bln u Ma decided that th« town coaid d« ia r*tKr tbaa fetlrw thi, method la all |cKJCk. Atbeagb the etworago era |-r" >» Htllg more than fix. peara old. <hc tern ha* already outgrown it aad oacy eatemroni are needed. Tbo imancial rondKion of the manielpaU. ' ty nut being of th. beet aad It being M-o de«lre nf the board that al elU aeiw he Irea'-d equally wel. it wai •Jwuaht that thl. method offered the 1 *aly »olotion of a perplexing grab 1 lC®. W,LL TRY COt. NT MtNAJICK ROR SHOOTING 14 BELGIANS ler,«. Om. T.-.Tba extradition of ^ °*,° Bi»~rck. graadoea of tho lament Oonaea ibniiltr 1 N*' been <lntMBK«n4 of tW Carman (rtntmtttst at th# InrUaca of court : ■®rt,#' oothorkiee at UOo. neeord ln« U the oerroepondeat oTthe Bx 1 Oilnor. Kjrht other Oenaoaa are dnrodlUd. th. wrtur iffy loo'en, Aot *‘aa M oimm»U"Tnd ' •* k®0"ln« eoem) beaeta Rwe! Km • liar rhergoe am pmforrod agoinat tho ‘.othere wbeei —*redffleg *- 1—-■■ , APrEAL FOR thorough decobatK>n Made to people BY ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE OF THE EXPOSITION i: ;iv ssr?:js;2sii»~ ***h* •*»**<"- solars: 'S-raSS5*£FlSSaiS?B fiss^reswus-fta : w 2 sasji Cy°°“; ! our community. a‘*p‘* * twiH "I**®4 cr**14 UE°" youraelvea and ! ub^d^p^^'f^^SaoTO^ c:r >-■«• :*y * p^vid< *»*«.' to mil An tiM fnr this lioln a»aa4 ® wioy cOft to Attempt Do not hosttote Mr Wads -t-tod lAAtPni»K/\uAfA<^Eh^5v*r^ tompiM by Monday night." from klm tiVSSv A^n?,5^ ‘bf,4 to tea tha whole length of Broad Street and office bundhig* he .aid,rtwSdbS^dV^LS«*‘ JT1?!? «UhUahfn«,t I1 TSiTCSSS »• ifiptar™ nS? *v,r> ■|| Am, it. p.fekbpriw h^llpr*jfc«j!Vl.V'"'T? |dnc *" M’rjrt.nHjt ~ till. u> i ovorlook#d ’* h« said "Thnna. i^roBTt>.-*•**—**• “ ^ • chonco that should not bo : SCaSfSL^iTt-h^X»1h^K;.^t"L^ovb/UonwU1 uh#r*for ■ ;l For protection aa well aa for r)|.njv< Mr- . a_ i|l talning thouaanda of balea of cottonf VuUl kJ^waU u"fW*' • will .how aome thing of the ln£ortZi««fth^J^L *4 "*£*£ The lighta there

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