• L O C A L * * ******* Jo* Greel returned yoitorday from Richmond. P. 8. Cooper returned Friday Digit rom Mullins and Loria, 3. C. Colonel Dan Hugh McLoan and Al ‘red McLean were here Saturday. John Fitsgerald spent several day! 3 Richmono this week.. The first annul Fair Bali will be uild her* Wadnoaday night In Mooaa 1*11. James Mood* and Mis* Ruth Caah *•11 were married Friday at Lllling tSB. Robert Yount and J. J. Wad* loft last week for Chapel Hill to enter tbs University. Rev. J. A. Elba, formerly PfMur of the Fir* Baptist church here, is a visitor in Dunn. Granville M. Tilghman returned lo day from Richmond whet# ho had spent several days on businem. Mrs. Z. V. Snips* Is rapidly re covarlng from a serious illaw- which has troubled her friend* for several days. L. L* Bar, of the Seminole Phos phate Co’e sains force, has returned from a visit to his family in Halls more. Jerry Reapers, civil engineer in charge of road conrtruction work in Sampson County, was a visitor to Dunn Monday. Mlu Roth MacCoUam. of Maxton, has accepted a position with the Southern Boil Telephone Company as relief operator hor*. Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor and her father-in-law. Jamas A. Taylor were in Raleigh Monday to hear the loc ture of Dr. Truott, who spoke in the interests of the Baptist Seventy-five liilltAH romntlFIL J. w. Pnrdlo. representing U*s Purdio Hooks Company, and R. Howard, ropreoonting the Stephen* Howard Company, ar. attending the North Carolina Wholesale Grocers convention at Raleigh thi* week. Oscar Jones, a former Donn man wko has been living in Hillsboro for Severn) months, was here with frianJ* this weak. Hr. Jonas still suffers toms from the aftereffects of aa at tack of influence last winter. G. A. MacGallum, of Fayetteville, ha* aciepWd a position with Butler Boo then Mr. Mac Galium is well cnewn her, through having been con nected with the circulation depart ment of th, Raleigh Evening Tune*. Twenty-five acre* of th« K. l_ Cod win property on Fair Ground* Road were sold usoeduy at an average pries of $600 an acre. Thai part of the property iront.ag tho rued »u purchased by V. L. Stephens for $800 an acre. Mrs. Paulino Myer*, Mine Emily Myers and Mrs. Myeie' sistsr. Miss Margaret Wade, visited friends at Wlnston Salcra last week. They re turned Monday, accompanied by Miso Annie Wade, who had spent several weeks there. During September 4,460 bale* of cotton wore sold on the Dunn market, stoat of It brought 40 cents a pound, oe more than a half million dollars. This is thought to have been lass than one-Aith of the total to be sold hero Richmond, Va., where be had fata tonsils removed Vandiy. A talc grain to hii father announced tfeat the operation lad been performed without any Minolta ru-ulu and that William would be home Within a few days Kenneth F- Howard returned Mon day night from GroenviUa, S. C„ wber« he had been attending tho re union of the Thirtieth Division. He was accompanied to Greenville by Louis Denning. Louis cimo as far a* Chapel Hill on return trip. He stop ped there to enter tho University where he *u,d7 taw. T. V. Smith, president of tho State Bank and Trust Company, ha* ar ranged a system through which his bank can loan tare, sums of money on long torm to farmers who desire to improve their fame. Hr. Smith has an advertisement to this effect In thie issue and my* he will be glad to explain th# syidetn to any who are Interested. The "Mcouire note.'' against th-> municipal F»v*!:'i“c"1' hni been paid. A receipt for $18,0(10 sent to Norfolk for it* paym*ul.received Monday • by Mayor J- W. ^ Whitehead. The note it that for which the town war sued eaveral woeki ago end it thP last of the unbonded indebtedness incur red by the $200,000 paving project accomplished here thr*e years ago. The new home of Mayor i W. Whitehead In "C*»J Avenue will be completed early neat year, if the Mayor is “°t, ®«**y»d In hie plane. The brick walla of the fine structure er* already completed and workmen are finishing the Interior aa fast tu material can be gotten. This bom« will be one of tbc handsomest ir Dunn end will cost approximate!] $40,000. is Him A. P- Christman, tho trained nurse who accompanied J, D. Barnet from the sanitarium at Dattl« Creek Mich., to Dunn, will remain la Dunx until Mr. Barnes has fully recovered hi, health. Tb*a Is Mies Chriatman'i first visit to tho Sunny Honth and sh< 1s much pleased with iu pooplc and Ha elimits. She agrees with the bo loved "Jeff” that Dunn Is the host town under the son and may be per loaded to erfabHeh her residence heit when tho Barnes Hospital is com pteted Harnett Conuty hank deposits P»* ed the 18,000,000 mark last week an< hankers are loklng for larg, increase aa th ecotton soiling season become' older. There ere eight banks In thi county, with by far the largest p«r of the deposits In the hands of thi throe institutions st Dunn and Doha One Institution In Dunn had mor than $1.000,P00 on deposit last Mon day morning. Its president stats* that bs was confident that the ban! would have deposits of over $1,600, 000 ion, ttme asxt month. Coast I.ln« passenger train No. * was delayed hero more than an hou Tuesday night by the alleged ml she havior of a man who gave his naia as J. J Henderson, lawyer, of Root Carolina. The conductor was at lai forced to appeal to Chief of Poller Paco, who was aroused from had Chief Page took the offender iu out lady and hold him until Wsdnasda ■oratag, Banduruan pleaded guilt ta tha charge of disorderly condor end waa liberated upon payment o 116.06, th« ammsat of the costa. Although Jo* Stephenson has been rforresafnl in keeping trains from run ning over automobiles end other vehi cles at the Broad Street railroad crowing, his success has not extended to that little lobby holo which serve* as hie shelter In bad weather. For tho second time within a year the little house wat wrecked. Monday, E. V. Gainey and his automobile be ing the wreckers. Joe wne not among those preeent at th* time, to escaped injury. Mr. Gainey was traveling westward on Broad and was attempt ing to escape collision with * **• driven by W. Troy Monde at the lira* of the wrecking. J. IJoyd Wade, chairman of the entertainment committee of the Fal* desires that ovory parson in D“r who has a spars room open >t to visitors who com* bare next Week Probably a thousand eictrs rooms will be needod to accommodate the guests Mr. Wade ask. that all who hev« ■pare rooms communicate wnn hut at once. H* would like 10 know how many guest* each family «*° mudata, the convunioneeu offered. th« price to be charged and the oddroiu of each bourn. This Informatiot should be furnished to him by 8atur day night. There la already a dement for such rooms. This demandI ml grow when Use Fair opens. Dunr must b„ more hospital then over whlli the Fair crowds are being entertained i____ 1 COATS ’ ,_ 1 Lwon Fuqua y loft lost Wednesdai ; for Chapel Hill where ho will o«on< 1 school. ; “** i. L. Johnson U visiting’h*' 1 ■*». t. 8. Johnson In rebolon thi : week. J. McStewsrt returned flotur 1 day from Wilmington. . J*r *2d Mrs. It R Jonee of Char ^»l>- C, spent last week he* I trlonde and relatives f Ida and Caro Coats motors. ■ *• TP®'“ Sunday afternoon. . , , Dr O. o t'mqo^y made a bosi i »•" Xr*P to Raleigh Wednesday. , Mcsdan.es w. E Nk-Hols. i t ■ ■i’4 B l‘ Cangdov and Mr Carlos Btwwurt end Mias Rthel By* ’ £*nt *U»,Fh Tooeday to hear Di r Qso- .Truett deliver an addrem In [ yy °f ^ Ti Million Dollar Cam f *7 “ AHhoa Btewort of Bens*1 *“ ***• t few boars Thursday, J. L. Johnson and B. F. Byrd want tv T.llHnrton Monday on business. Mt»* Ethel Costa baa accepted a potil .on as music teacher In the school at Chinquapin, N. C. School opened Monday with a lam attendance. I*rof. H. B. Mock of Wintton-Balem will be principal, Ha w ll uMiUed by Mias Ruby White 1 of Winaor, Miw Sallt* WUHami of Wanvnlon. Mia* Iron* Johnaon of Ro«- Hill and Miaa** Myrtle and Naomi Htcwart of Coat*. Miw Bar the Edtrcrten of Kealy will teach music. Carioa Stewart made a besinam trip to Rocky Mount Friday. ! 8un<Uy* “1 5S,-.,r,cj^,t0n ^ Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. SMtmbsr SO a daughter " ' ..?**?• 0**B«h* Graham of Fayatta rlllo baa accepted a position with th* Bank of Coats J. H. Carlysle of Portsmouth. Va_ ,Sunday ban. ~ VV illiam Medlin of Durham was a rijitor her, Thursday. Mrs. T. D. Stewart is risttinr bar brother. E. W. Burt In Atlanta. Ga. Thedford Watkins of Varina awst Sunday her, with friends. CoV\, *n<i Lanadon »n<J Miksvm Calbe Stnrvt ud Ltw Wiyrina want to Banacn Taeaday niyhL Mioi Geraldine Primer of Broad way w»« a visitor hare Saturday. Alku Byrd mmd Marvin Kelly apent 8unday afUr noou In Duke. MUses Glonna Johnson and Mata Stewart spent Sunday at tka County Home of W. J. McBtewart'a Mr. and lln. LLUi^ Mr and Mrs. N. T. Pattomon and Mrs. Marimrette Bain spent Monday in KaycttoyfUe. 7 C. A. Thomson of Atlanta n« t. rpvndlnir a few days bare ’ E. P. Kelly and mother Mm Id. SrtLKFcA-* ** known Vn^"' ** vnown in Antfer and Coataand thofr many friends wish than ut&t and «Qcceu In lift rnwiliLUT IMPROVING QUITE steadily now Phyaiciana, Howmm, Are Caa ,*ou* *"d Guard Again** Over-Optimum wnL<!^ir'tt«n, 0ct- Praaidant . ! *°n * condition improved again dr--h *1 h“ be,n one of the aarioua 10 «■ r«ov«T, showed a J ohanga toward normal, twn J****?• **• P1-®*™^ that hia «14 il'"1 d-oahtoML Mm. William J.., c.Ad“u. of New York, and Mra. VA * ?■ SaTT*’ °* Conbridgo. , who care, to Me bedeido eever *' d*J? «**, return ad to their home* Pr**!]1, ,ft®* eoaeohatioa with the "JfWtM l phyaicianx, Jirayeon and th. other phyai p sh°w»d a derided inclination to fvU*rd »»tn»t <oTo^opUeaiara, how !tm i *•&•* Mllrm another eetbaek Thi U ^thln the range of poaalbmty. I*10? continued Mr. Wiho«7ee«SS: ’B*Bt U> bod and kept official boeiaeei ewny from him. Ad“lr»* Orayaon, the PruM Pereonal phyaieian. at 10 o*. latbik- toni*,>t iMa#d tha following bnV ! .A Praeldant baa had • comfort 1 ,b£ d*r and U slightly improved.” ...fht"**** aolirltudo and eym Kff/ fontinnad to peur ioto the ""'ft Notiee from aB part* of the by. Cable about tha tmprrore 2n?V “ yoor health. Wa ernve it *rfll be e tnrntag far the beat” TV. Nelite te Teaeheea. i Jho regular aute examineUoai • 2™-)* ho>«l at LWingtee, N. C., In u2Jh*nd Oetahae 14, ’ ."tl!Lh'r* who have to take all at any part of thie eacamiaatioa ahoald i b, certain te eeme at thie ttma. ». p. oe«tbt, »»yi r • • • m a a e* ton TIM*- r TO UFAYii The eitreordmar, 7 Fayette Theatre *„ _ 11. la “»<«»• Time,” the I aaledleao maatcal j ed aa laetaatanooaa last winter. Thla combine of joyous beauty sad fa the joint product Young and Rudolf collaborated I art teoateai i "Sosm Time in local am aw Um tbaatra to plica bool for be neglected. I Whereas, It haa ly Father to our water and Parker, tboe canting Society to aoataln a end white wo ara ante Father'a will, yet , ciety to exp reea Therefore, be it rt 1. That la the er oar cbarch and ono of ita Moot l whoeo place wee ana whoae heart i tell tor hate *. That w, pretence, her '/ • .. • Both banka of Dunn will clos# at 'noon Wednesday and Thurwlav U five their employee an oppurlumt) to visit the Fair. AH rtorC6 will close at 2 o'clock on both of these days for th* name purposes Th« • Lores, howsvsr, will reopen at 6 o' clock each day. Chief of Police Pago has collected *13,f>$fi25 in taxes since last June when ha became town tax collector, according to report submitted by h.m to the Board of Commissioners Iasi Tuesday night. Tb* larger portion of this came from back taxes and hank stocks, much of which bad nover been listed. He has just started to collect taxes for tbs present year and saya that ha axpacta to turn is mors than 160.000 by Jannary 1. The largest collections In former foots have ranged around *30,000, saver passing that figure. H. D. McDonald, on* of tbc bast known farmers oftb* Bonn level sac | conducted by ths Masonic I,ndge of Lillingtun. Interment wax made in tbc family burial ground*. D. R Mc Donald, a rlcrk in the pustofflee here, was a son of the deernned. Two oth er sons are J, P. and W. H. McDonald, of Hunnlevel. Three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Clark and Misses Martha and Mack McDonald, also survive. Vernon MnisergiU has lot the con tract for a handsome residence to occupy hia lot at ths comer of Macao, tin Arena* and Pops St, immediate ly in front of tbe home of Captain Will Holland. The foundation ha> already been completed and lnmboi is being hauled for tha main body. Tbe structure is to be of the bunga low type, two stories and basement and is to contain ten rooms and two sleeping porches. It u to b* eilhei steam or furnace heated and will cost approximately $10,000. It will bo finiibed by January 1, Mr. Masson will hopes. ► DUNN INVITES ITS FRIENDS Duna U ready to make Its debut ipto the society of expos! tion towns, its fair—staged fur the benefit of Hamott, Samp f?11’ J.ohn*u>n “nd Cumberland Counties—ie prepared to opei 1 .!!!!,°ext Tue,d,,y morning. From every page of the Dis patch this morning this fact is heralded by buslnom men, tin fair management and the Dispatch. And with the heraldini go®* «h invitation to Lhow> thousands of farmera, business men art suns and others who have helped to make Dunn the dip > town it is—ail invitation to attend the fair; a welcome I r..ij Du“n “ Proud of wh6t il has just accomplished. It haa i eenag that few towns could have performed the job so quickh and so well. It believes too that thin pride and this feeling art justified- It is no small job to establish most any sort of-a little air. And this fair is r.ot the ordinary kind. It isn’t a little fail all. It ranks right up with the big fellows, almost challen* I . ® the State event IlMdf. And the whole thing haa been created since early last summer when the germ of an idea was born in the brain of Robert L. Godwin. It was this germ of an idea that put the thing in motion. Mr. Godwin thought well of it. He got in touch with Henry Burlington, Owen Odum and suveral other good men of th« county. They thought well or It too. Then Ellis Goldstein J Uoyd Wade V. I. Stephen*. Granville M. Tilghman. John Draughon. McD. Holliday and many other* were rocruited to * ~w *•*» **■■■•*> - ■ • A company was organized. Mr. Turlington was mads president. He went to work. Ellis Goldstein was made busi new manager lie went to work. Owen Odum waa made secre tary. He went to work. A forty acre field waa bought and con tracts placed for permanent buildings, drives and race track. Then Ed. B. Warren appeared on the scene. Since the flrat posthole was digged. Ed. has supervised ubout everything that has happened at the fairgrounds and he has seen to it that work was dispatched and done well. The race track la Ed’s masterpiece. He directed the placing of every clod of earth in it and surprised everybody by getting the job completed a wof k ahead of time So. the field that last spring was planted to cotton and com is now a finished and polished exposition ground—complete in ,irUkl1 butbu,,d£d while the crops grew and finished while they were being harve«'rri. Where cotton pickers were ui work Monday morning is now a landing field for aviators w ho are to entertain visitor* to the fair. This enter|*ri»e has grown so swiftly that even the people of Dunn cannot realize its magnitude. But they know the big plant Is there and that it is rondv to receive the guests of Dunn A glad welcome awaits, all who attend. In its pride Dunn beams. ’’Welcome’’ is embroidered on every window curtain |i'i the town. ~r>rt*r * Bom, Dunn, N. C. [DAIRY j * JUST MILL.S ^Hviue. tiw* SM3SJL The perfect balance for I• School Auditorium, Duke; N. C. Friday Night, Oct 17th IM-ar ~ii n_l “THE KOWLTON OLBK AMO BANJO CLUB* The ant of four attraction*. Price* of Admiaaion: Adult*, aiagle ticket* ___L AO War Tax- .oc i M • Children Under 12 Yean, single t ticket* .___ jt War Tax- .0* » ~ li Seaaon Ticket*, all Pour Numben: • Adulto-31A0 -;T .• Wat Ux-20 VJ •• — Si * 70 Children under lk yean._!t» War tax___j_ 41 . i a •W Seane Ticket, aow oa *al* atLR. Ttaaaae Drag Cm . * r':.-. *. ■HMHH^raaaai and all needing Banners and Display Sifto for The Fair Have them done now. Am official Wanner ap proved by Mr- Odum Secretary. Dew*t Walt Until tha Fair Starts . • • • I : ■' a- . '•V'* .... , f • ••'•*■ —_ * : \ y ■ i- ; ••.;= .V J } 9. ' k. At Grounds or Secretary OBti i "I -r——^•' i C ? i DRESS UP FOR THE FAIR I I Old Suits Mad* Ntw by the . ' !fv! :,K I GLOBE PRESSING COMPANY * „• » . • • - l " f ’ *•’*'! . * We welcome you to Dunn and The Fair and want you * -ft' * t! ■ .« » * to visit our establishment while you are here. Wi are • *'* • 4 * . - • - ..*» • ' 11 t ; : - ; thoroughly equipped to do cleaning and pressing aiuf can SSS-ieJ .. . * £ ■' ;•» S' - 1 ’ .—~ • -'j| make your old suits and dresses look like new. . ' ■* i i -it ** , It - '3 I We can save you money on tailoard suits. i * • ♦ GUttE PRESSING COMPANY ! | -v «*■ j ■ . *”*■' ■" 1 . . iiWIWWBj " *

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