~ .... TOWN TAXES DUE Your town taxes for I 91 9 are now due and the books are in n»y hands for collection. All tax payers are hereby notified to see me and settle at once. All poll and personal property tax payers are notified to pay before Dec. 6. or I will be obliged to collect by dis tress. One per cent discount if paid during October. No discount during NoV. and Dec. One per cent monthly will be added to a\\ taxc3 after Dec. 31. 1919. AJay Now and Save Discount \ U. S. PAGE, Tax Collector Town of Dunn, N. C. < < A>n:«ic..-‘ Gen tie main Sho«5 for men Widths B- r^L 3i:«e 5-11 Men’s Shoes $4.50 to $10.50 '.mcriian Lady Slices for women Widths A-E Sizes 2 1.2—A Ladies Shoes $3 50 to $12.50 RED GOOSE SHOES for Children Try our all leather shoos for service end economy. Sold and Recommended by I « CAROLINA'S GREATEST NEED Tho greatest need of North Caro lina and every other state today it better farm era, batter merchant*,bat ter preacher*, better teacher* aad a more Intelligent Hr. Average Crtixec. Thi* can never come except through higher education. Maae movement moat be accelerated in calture In citixen training, and la a keener pub lic conscience. If Democracy la to endure. On every count a higher education paya. Thera ar. maa without It who succeed and do wall. But not a oca of them la ther, that wouldn't do belter with It. It Increases the earn ing power, it make, one more useful to hi* community, it give* mental aad moral polec, aad it develops charact er. provided one la a man. Bat not all the colleges In throe doxen stats* ron » man out of a fool. North Carolina la rapidly becoming a great state and i« taking on the dignity of wealth and culture. It is a happy fact that the law now make* it impossible for the normal boy ar girl to grow up In ignorance. The great movomenta for bettor things in the state which are sponsored by some of Ha groats at aad meet useful dti e*ns can never get far so long a* there is a stubborn andartow of ignorance and supervtlUon, Educa tion pots a man oa the right rids of all great public question*, If he la the right sort of maa.—Loariahawm Exchange. sale. Ktw Graii Arru|«a«u U> tha to van* wwks cut .1 Uon, during th« maturing period *V over tha couolrythe Unit 3d Btatoa Grain Corpc ration ha worked out a revised grain grading TrangaataBt allowing liberal dl~ ■anta, designed to protect tha gro rOO 0( atp Oi pone*! ttesq r*u a, •« fbaying wheat fro. ti. pro. ■I* Bevta* la Liquidation. Through the iiqwl<Ut,cn ot ctn t VU tha army ha* and tha Govern meet approximately $J ,67i4,8««.0UC tmiltkt. Contract* total '*•< ror aopplice no longer n-r-H hav. beea liquidated at a coat Iii*72*7”’0*0- the Original vilu, of theaa contracts completed would *“»• been >1^46,M3,000. Action on tha League of Natioar covenant so sans as far away a* aver. Jj®* *■ ri31 claiming almost an of &■«•■*» *l Congraa*. President Wilson a mldsa Illness scams to bavt compHacted tha ritaatlos aad the mat w.SiJSS"LSSSJ;,'£r"w “ COtTOX utort POB BAJISETT OOl'XTV Washington, Oct. I,—The tabula tion of tha oard reports shows tele graph summary to bo correct There wars t.tgi halos of cotton, counting round as half balsa, ginned In Har nett County, from the crop of l(]g prior to September tl. 111*. •* com pared with Ol* boles ginned to September !(. mi. DIZZINEsJ IS ANNOYINC *• ***•» Du* fMfU Knew Tm Well •f1*** the kidney* ua weak or dia they fall botdad la flkartng tb* blood of poison*. Aa thaae pal? ana attack tha mtv.i, the remit U felt ta spoils ef vertigo, juet as drnnkoanaaa will make a man ditsy from the poiaociag of alcohol. Diuk aea*. headache, barkarh* aad Irrogu lority of tha kidney aacretioaa arc all slot of trank or disordered kid 52* he nagtecUd. Use Dorn, e Kidn., PilK the boae-ender*. ed kidoey retnady. Bead this Duns reeidont’a etetoaent: Mrs Betti* Godwin, 310 8. Wath Ingtea Street, my. "1 was in a mia etnbl* condition with my kidney* •bo’H.tw® year* ago. My hack hart terribly and J would have to prrnc mr *P®» «h* small of it to “*• “* INI*. I had MtOo control ovo, the.action of my kidney* ud •■•erod from attacks of blur red sight and dints f I we, Derr. “U jma down, too. One box • Kidney Pd« strengthened my beck end kidney* aad ma<U me etrong and wnUagak” *°e. at all dealer*. Don’t s.” s^sist. rAMUkT or JOHNSTON AND WAYNE COUNTIES MAXS. FINE FALFA?** *** CtOVE* AND At Mr' Wi H- He^Uar*. a prominent furmm of Jofcnmm County and Mr. ^»«„Cotinty. PreH J*** ” T°a Kentaay Homs and Mule ®*., write intgeftf letter* of their •Haifa_ Johnston Co.. N. C., May , ISIS. f need WitoA |W_ twenty-4 ve acre* vetch tad iiham clover end will my 1 eat highly pleat ed with results, I secured e perfect •tend end consider it all yon claim for It, and take pleaaare in reeem mendiag (t far growing cloven and vetch. I expect to continue an# ef one. With hoot a tehee (Signed) CHAS. LUTK8, Prssideet, A. Kentucky Hone and Male Co. NhrAworee hae produced ■>«■«■» records for thousand of farmer* in making successful standi of clover, vetch, end alfalfa. HttrA germed clover planted in yew cotton alleys after the working of cotton will be ready when the cotton is picked. U ia eacellent for grating and hay and haiy tfca NinSjkfmS vateh ay wkaa planted with oata and ry. sake* tha vary baat feed It wig daahU^roor ^riatd aad haild^o^ awwwSssiaS <•»» rent per yaar without euKS vutlMt. H ia a wonderful land build er. Ia planting thta fall Inoculate your aaad with NltrA-gera and ha aura of a good stand. It improve* yoar crap aad land. It eoata 12.00 per acr. delivered. For free book Wo. ttF ad dr an NHrA-gana, Savan nah, Ga KING OF FUN-MAKERS BILLED AT FAYETTEVILLE Da Waif Hopper, that king of fun Sahara, will be at tha IsFayatta Theatre Fayetteville, Oct. 14th, in his production of "The Batter ’ole.” It It U a good deal mar* important to understand than tt^mmoar H your competitor lnvwW. too ca't -hot kia mouth but yoa can £rt your oars. £a interested in what your euato nerr la buying Tha woman win knee ■ dime's won}) of silsar paKsh today SSSZSZf* ««* •* I • I j SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTING For farm and town homes Demonstration of SANECO SEPTIC Closets and tanka and other Innovations Interesting display of MODERN COMFORTS for the home. City conveniences for farm residents We ore specialists in making Happy Homes through providing san- ] itary and labor-saving appliances See the Display then visit our Shops I I W. C. K ANOY I Arrn«« from r>oMoff(( ■ DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS MOTOR—Six-cylinder RaUnber-American Motor, L-haed typo, with Timetable hood, eaot ea-hloe. Bora, S 14 laeh stroka, S hubs platan dtaptesateagt, fiSO cable ineboo; Am print eurpea ■Ion: crank m. dhrldad hariinntfllT diamatar, provided with thraa --I hMunnga; develop* 48 horse power at cvptionaJJy light. VALVES—Special allay atari vahrea 114 per eaot nickel Ilea dr Mate re wa type lifter* are seed wrick are hard ened aad groaad. LUBRICATION—Phumar pomp driven di rect from caatehaft drawa ail Ibra Alt er in crarVeaee baae aad dittribute* k andor premure to each caaak-ehaft hearing, and throogh under each con I : n acting red. A pramufe ragatoter la fu rntened attached to praaeare googe , _aa dark. STEERING GEAR (Oeamer)—Warm aad ; : teeter etoertng gear sated with 18-inch corrugated ataeriag wheal. Bteeriag poet rigidly eaebered ta the body. Provirioa aaada for ad/ertmtal In cam > af wear aad far labriatewn of all ataeriag gear parte. Horn button In center of wheel above starting end throttle lev era TRANSMISSION—Selective eUdJnr gear type (Grant-Lee*), throe ppeeie for ; I ward and a reverse, (14 par seat • ■ nickel etaaL Caere aad abaft* are I; ; nickel atari, beat-treated aad I Hyatt kigb-dety radar hear iBSrf * B***>* Ottotpy central Intr •nd foot control pedal arm m rant ad la unit with tranrrciuiim and ditto cal* < • Clutch Mclmd. PROPKUJCR SHAFT—Fit tad with daahia Inirtroal Joint* of the moot approved COOLUtfc—Water rooting with centrifugal pump. Bail bearing fan mounted In front of motor. Homer comb type of ' 1 radiator scientifically doiignad. itoa nooi’S1.?1/ e*?*c,tF *'* fo!«o*a SJ FINOS—Sped*! spring ctooi itock, heat tree trd chicmo-iUlce mangaaeao ito*l. Front eeasi-elliptic 36 incha* long, roar ' 1 uu.SSlHfc*** «■**•» bto*. BFAKES—-ywp *ot* of braicea working «* V*1 fruD’* 1* terhe* In dinawtor by * inches wide. Emergency—la Uraal expanding; ears ice—external contracting. < > AXLES-JWt I-bcu», on* pl*ea, drop fnrginx. beat-treated. Rear, three. S“JJr eaaing me an tad oa J Hyatt roller bearing, with ball throat casounT rz&L$.'gt ££uo« * „ s ^ *S3r£B2r STARTING AND UGHTIXO—-Wmttai JXSSifcS* d'’«<*»■ *«h Boadix drtVOL fmSSBFOb-itiiW, lniaat dealga. ICNITION—Atwatar-Keat, wkhWOUard ii*-voh itorage battary. ■ ■ to HUL-BA BE—lit tec baa; weight, tUO EQlfpitENT—Engine driven tire pomp; -- Borer motaairtar; oaa-man to* with v ! ?".ltk <*e*oeh*M* curtain*, Gw e«te tains in rear; plate glam windows rlontlag rain-vision wind-hhUldrlin.’ ! I’ itromcntr specially ground an ■»—«■ ’ punrl; illuminated by daah lams and JncJodleg ipaudumetcr, aauaetar, alrc kr‘e *'Cbt and ignltian awitohaa; ton Srte"horoP: *on,ptet® ^ of <Mb| alee CARS NOW IN STOCK r ALSO AGENTS FOR LIBERTY MOTOR CARS ’■R 5"ith Hu,b w. p,..« ;; SALESROOM AT GEO. E. PRINCE AND SON’S STORE .......-... : ’ Announcing THE 1920 (K SERIES) QUALITY bas been the foremost consideration in the TiTZS*** *•”*> Model K Series. Anestab bshed standard of Buick construction that for yean baa given to the Buick Valve-In-Head Motor Car a reputation of superiority. Upon such a foundation of strength, durability, and value the 1920 Buick Series been designed and manufactured. An inspection of the near line will reveal improvements ■nd refinements that are sure to please the moat purchaser. ^ ^ Mom of tho Now Buiek Sorioo ' ; f\ ‘ *' '-. ;J* ,% * . ' •%X,*£ 'AiyffJi'V** , '••■■ • • x V'*; .» ■£..: r"' y . *» . ■ jt fi • • t GREEN’S BUICK SERVICE STATION, Dunn

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