'ng=l THF DUNN •/··'· β O'.'t··"·. W. f f'ÎA"LV 30,000 SEE COUNTY'S FIRST EXPOSmON .·■, ίΛ»1«ι Profil on la· ,».;·< '.vinl, Eiliinalet Show manv mi inactions f'LEASE BIG CROWDS \· ■ · DtU 4i lo Premium Win Atb iiiLtncc »nJ Olb*r Mai· ■ . rλ Wui Not Π« Available Unlit ^1.·»', C-« iw plottt Work V.m l\ 1)0»* }*M«I to are P.,·, miMQiil Fair «lormg ihv .••π <i v. it W3h opci» Ι»ι»·1 week. Add* Λ t·· J» <> tln-rr vmt« HpproximMtely ".·» ·υ who |ι·ια« «I *ilhtn the • mi |»ίι j*· * i.' Ui't! innrriviioiiRim, cx tit··»I♦ . uttcni!aiit« ami • · ι ulTyvh· ». ο» «»nt->%·iLi<^l the • I Η·'Ρ|ι·λΙ «»v« r th·' fonce. Oc· . . .h· »;al« ·»ΊηΙiw lo nliondftncr, ;i ·.··!· u;ii «·. «ι··», r» HnJ u(hi*r mMltcr* •"Ι ro". ii · n"n tuft!*· for publication a, i.l S·. ···!cr> Owen Oduro corif· {.I ·.·. . h« w«»ik ctiHy m»\t wi»ek. 'Πι·· »··Λ ·»Γ Makifiir thin yvAr'tf I·'ι. «> «>ΐιιι>η* «I '» )m\r Ihm ji alight· • »i»»i·*·* I*. nui». KoC'»|)Ls wire ap »»···» T.i ·.» Iv In the item of! • · ι · biln for advertising,j »··! tinu. *a.*i· piirn'r, halari··* and .. . ·-.··«·· ·Ηι it)«-r<ttfU lo thr rxponi .' .·'. l*tu· '>..ildnie:i and irrounde co>»t, >ιρΙ··1« il. uUoul $.12.000. Thi* ν ·'- arc pracluully J 2 1-2 I··*r Γ.Ί.ι en the invt sUncnt !t i* thoDvlil that next vr-ar'» vvtint *.·μΙ |.ι.ιλ«· i«v.j\ morr profitable for >· thrit the» miiiMirrmcnt ha* 1·γ»ίι ·' much throurH th·· txp*ri*ncr -, ι · ι.; ο · .« ν · ) Ιμ i« in the layout οΓ th< :w Λ. location of ticket booth*. *y* • no. i;un?: unci methods of book '.»·· »tlrvlif»n\ Many cogtly mit •;.Ι.ι· \v«ir m* J·.· in preparing foi h» ·ιι* ι μι* <·ν· ni, but the lc»sooi the] iiiui'hi wor* of greater value thai \t\ mon» y involved. AU ν ho am-ndcil the fair thttn μ·*η»·*.1 with the attrac '•• Λ-. Tti· ι-biil wrrr μ'υοιΐ, ibe J>*r iij Brand, «Ineer. ant . i' .Si n mit* family wrrr **peckall] .-«.(.I the ÎtreworVi dtiplayi un W'i «ini-^lay and Thuriday nif+iL wri' j^ lciidid. of unfavorable weathei λ,. .1·· "i 4 i>n· »<'oplanra exported U j.i ι.... m every .'«y · uuld not vuul the ftnuiiH» e*. . on Tveiday une W.-iIik v4Ih>* Rr. il on Tu«*day th« ■ 1 ·! bud bi. η -λ aofU'Tv r I - ..n *n,il lise liyvrK rould not land (ι.ι W ■ I·. -Jay, however, sumt thrill in?' fent·. were p. rforactl for thi cm h't» NEGRO TRIES TO KILL MALCOLM JERNICAM Young Farmer Struck With Ans and Suffer» Bad Scalp Wound .\':i)«*i>lir. Jomiran, a younc formel c~ Dunn, i· fUlTrrinir from an Ufrlj • wr.untl inflicted by Rnhwrt Roy. ni, a rr;-ro, who ii Aaid to h»v« ;tl I mint-it In k>11 Mr. Jernican wll> nil i;*»· ti.llowimr an argument «I tin· hum.· of liardy Wurrvn in Samp j*.*n ("onniy Tinxluy morninj. TV injured m.m enmc l.j Dunn without n'ti.liinc, an.) vr»r treat'-d by Dr. C II. Srxtoji. The η«κηι it believed I» have c/ia(X'.l. Af.n' I;us. to Mr. Jirniiran he had hin-d »iu' neero ai a day laborer, *iv iin... 1>im a hni.'· on hi* form for him i.lf, hi* wife and family. It wot nmi.'rKtiK.d thai tht? negro waa to b« I ·* mitiid to work for other· in Dm th '.hburlHJcd when hli aervleci wen ru', m eilc-U by Mr. Jvrniiran. It teem ■ ••I. however, «ha» he did not caro t< fu'rlll hU md of the bargain, appear ln«r Ι» >uther work for oibrra thar for kit regular employer. Γ.. - .1 ·. - I > - . i-i— "IN· nftfio'i wifi· viilur.ti rred the In f<< motion thai he wa* arorking ai ihf Warm· plaei·. Mr. Jornigar fourni him thorn and rtmonitrttfr with him fui leaving hi» work. Aftci ••mi uH'iimont the negro ran to lh( «•<«.<1 ]ΓΚ·, grabbed ihi- axe and at Inrkc-d Mr. Ji-rnigan. attempting. i1 iiM.tciin, to rrmJi hi* ckuïl. Mr. Jernigan dodged, the blade ol •h· aro tutting a gaah about. tw< incbcn lone In hi! «alp. Hit Injur) i ι not considered dangerooi. SCOTTISH RITE MASONS ARE TO MEET AT WILMINGTON VV.tmington, Oct. 20.—The fall rc union of the Scottl4i Rite Maaona il 1» : hold In Wilmington Novembei IK. 1!» nnd 20, according to. an an tn> irrnncnt mode laat night. It il (al< <1 that not loi« than SO candidate· will i>c jrci-plcd at that tine and wfl r.-r <·.*.. (tigrée· from the fourth t< the 3Znrf at that time. Large nun l.' iv η Γ prominent Maaona from ovar; pari of North Carolina will b« I· at Ι·π·ηιμί· ray member», in charge ol tlw réception «Ifair·, Tli« Tidewater Power company no-rating the Wilmington utrect rail «■«> and (uHnrbaa line», plane with in I hi· near future to croct a hand •>M<· nr.d commodioai pe«emg*r «ta ln.rj .it fed Cat·, between Uita cit: •in·! Wri(;ht»»il1<t Bearh. ITALY AND AMERICA ARE DISCUSSING FIUME PUZZLI Pum··. Saturday. ()«t. 1·.—Thar i- .11 prow»i an active nachang· ο nihil·» between Rome and Waxhlng ini> ••«vi'Tumeat*' convention concern in, On: In* project of Algnar Tltton wi'h r-frnrd to the Fiama and Ad rinlii ηβί'ΜΙοπ». Aflrr all, tv oae uuality w« o>k ii an ..-.ecuti'V Ι» ι|κ· ability to gat th job done. ' JOHN Ν Y H Κ.Β FIRST I TO JOIN RFD CROSS Th- (Intl RihI Γη»* n»imb» r In J b< ri*gi*l(;rvil in 1*ιμ South · η l)i· ι vision in the Thinl ft nil <"U11— whit'h hasn't Ιημιιη yet, by tin· way—i« C. Y. EuIhihWh of IM1< boruu^h, N. C., :< ( onftiirHir , ! Vi'tri'HW H RM) Π (Γ fh«i*«r in. >~*HV ·ιΐ I liir μτοιιΙ rminior. in AtUit»1n lii-l Mr^SSunki» wii> »»ct n. Urd k. join th« Kc<1 Cioni. 1\ *»ns hi« own id**. H«* λ u.< in |lt<· Kr«l I Cro»··: rini^Tireixry Κ<·μ/ίμΙ nt ('.imp , Johrihtoii, where ιΙ»ι· \v« r» ••ncAmpcd. J Mr. Kulmnkι siu : convuh-ttfinj'. ι from « touch of UW'hb. Hi* h«vk-»n· I rd Co u I' "Hcro," h« Muic*, Ηοΐ<Γ·ηκ uut a îj dollar bill. "Von take «burg· of ! tbi», plea*·*, ami irivc it to vhi-cv· τ ' takes dollar* for Red ( mm ηυ ηι · 11 berahipH, » η (I put rn« dowti a> a momb» r, Tbcy r«li m«· tho Mr·! I, Croit/· i· frniriji to have* *»>mo ktiul ! j of α rnmiuiiirii for mrmWiv *'»ori. ί W»ll, count m« in—J'fc #»«»♦·n * enough of whnt Lb·· Criv« doc* Him·»· I got into lh·· h«mptinl lo mak# wr m mr»ml>rr for lil'··*' i_ SOUTH CAROLINA SECOND CROSS-COUNTRY RACE Cap' J- O. Don» Id «on Who Ir Second To Fiaiib, Native of Cr««nTillc Mimola, Ν. V., Oct. 2θ# 2Sovi-.h ('aiolma rirviui'«*i| m-con«l Ιι·»·μι ■ » ti the Trun*-<ontmrntAl uii lli;»hl ami return when <*ni-iaio J. Ο Dovtaldon landed nt llooju ν.·Ιι iiM m Hr.'îti today. lh<- winner of tin· arm) u.i iace from ibi» plac»· lu San Francis*υ Mnd rtlurn. having tu « η l.i· ut. Κ \V MayiiAiil, of Witke Ν f\, who reaehrd her# Sn l unln y afternoon a* 1.50 o'clock. Captain lK>nul(1»on who ma«"« th· 0,4ϋυ milo journry in a %ιηκΙ«· M'Atnl q ι· r. —-— -« »· ville, S. C. 11«· ou ι'· Fur»ip< tiftee· month· u a πι«πιΙχ· of li«r Am- rirai Ifrnrral hi *d*iDarte r* χμιιιΚυιι £ηι iiIhi k« »trvlr« »ich thi- llritodt .· > ι TU> near Liunkirk Captain LtonaliUun lauL |mri in ct'vi*n of the major Aprmùuiu vr lb American army, anil «hilr Γ s ην; It < < ί IVua·, «hwrtly «fier th·· 1'htlnu Tin erry driva·, Wiu ntat'kea by thri-« tin mar plan*·. 11· brought down twe of thrm but wa» raptured b> thi third, later, however, ««-aping tu Belgium* ASTOR DEAD OF HEART DISEASE Native of America But Re nounced Citizenihip and Became Britiah Subject London. Oct. 1!> —Viâ-ount A»toi of Rrvv-r i-Mtlo, ci ι ί"·ι I ι» Γ VtMirl iliivai· Saturday morning. He hud b< i n fail iog in health for ■ year. Tilt· body of V'licouni Aotor (· lyina >n thi- realdi ncc of hi· aon, Waldorf A>tor. mimber ol (wrlia ment, in St, Jomci- M|uart (Viicooni Aiu>r (William Wrddorf Anlorl wa* bor» ·η New York in 1848. Ihe >on of Ji^hn Jaiob -V»to. the founder of the Amor million». Hv beeam» an expatriate in th« »(>'« renouncing hi* American nliv.cn.-h!| and becoming a British •ubject. IX· was mnd. a baron in l!>1G and wn· ervatcd flr«t Viaeoum Antor of Κ··ν·» in l'Jlî. Viarount Atlor ha» lnvii reckoned on·· of the nrhi-at nu n in England. Al Ihe tim.· of hi· <lt-alh h. Hill ntaiwed lartre reulty and nllii > finançai holding» in the Unit··».1 Statra, particularly in New York city.) INVESTMENT BANKERS TALK OF BUILDING DEVELOPMENT 8t. Louie, Mo.. Oct. 20. —Th«m· is a retarded budding development in tending over practically all «Γ ihr United Statin which will lax the ra pacity of «Tiatlntr reortgap· mnrhin •ry to the u'.moat, according to thi report of lh«- real cftaV/ «ceuriiicn committee •ubmitied at the e«nv<n· lion of the Investment Banker*' tv» I aocintion hi re tnnirVit Tin. added that ■ confidcrnhlr portion ol many of our cities, notably New Yo>k, will practically have to be rebuilt In lb· next 20 year* and the ι·«.λ1γ.κ mortgage rrrttm ia inadéquat*' fur iht purpo·*. Thia report »tatcd real re late conditions throughout Uir conn try nay be aald to be active, hut no! highly apecolativ· and iacaritiet an in molt ease* being hanad not upor prewenl price» and rent·. ratbor tnar upon a fair eompromUc between pre war and preaent rosta and upon pro curing aarnlng power CLERICAL EMPLOYES OF MILK CONCERNS ON STRIKE New York. Oct. 20.—About B.OOt bonkkeep^^atanographer* an>l othri clerical employ»» of tar Borden Con denned Milk company want on rtriki today in Now York city ami aoburlti having recently formed the bookkeep· ' era, alenographerx and accoontant* ; union 1.240, American Federation ul Labor. AcconifnK to union official* •Orne of th· *trik»r< hare been ρχίι : aa low a* $1» a week. A wne# In cr«aae of 40 per cent, and "bortr" hour· are Mlflll. FRENCH AMNESTY RILL PASSEb BY DEPUTIEt Pari·. Saturday, Oct. 1β. --The am nrtty bill, which waa adopted by lh< chamber of depotic* thia eritnlnjj, vn: ■ «weeping m It· aeope, aathorhiat ι the liberation of a vaat majority rr ! the eoldlar· held for violation. rt - military la·» Excluded from Iho»c grant<-r| am I neaty, however, are MOldiarx coitvir ·· ι - of deaertion in the face of the . m m; and κη\ι who war* convletcd <>f . · peclally aerioa· c*«#· of inaubordlna ι tioa. Men convicted of taking part ii ι the mo iny of the Black tea laei yea Wirv not included in the a<nn<*ty. : CROW!) OF SERVICE , MEN ARE CHARGED , BY GOTHAM POLICE Action T*i(cn To Carry Oui Λ1γ>< f1'. tXi:η A||fti«u>( Pre Uc lijf Cemiftn Opct4 &OKX»lEKS DISPERSED ΓΛ'Τ RETURNED LATER 1 P.pfcii d rWiu-*ee or Mor# Civil, η* »? 1 ίι··ι \tirtri· And R»lu:n Te En*; ;fc m Γίι·Μ With Police; Sail·.'· it Inji'iitl I r Nrw Vork, Oit. Mr>tint<*l f.ol ι·»· (uiiufht c'.ièirj!«''î m rr«»\r»i of I·»'» -4*r\.\ m ι» who lv.nl ir· ! front ol" I In? Ι.·**·η·.Ίβι· Thro'.rc to f ι·ιίκ!ιι4 Im··» o»' (ivrtnun oimtt. nji.»n whirli * .ivin llyl.iu IumI pl.lrrd πιι <·:Τ|ι ii· liï%n. DimmumcI h ν the· ·ιο'Μ «·. kK< ν i*vir« mi'ii liari· γ.»'·Ι ti Y ni·/· » u ne. »n . railttd nearly lt>'KlU , *··νι1»ηιι· :ιιο! fctu· mil lo th· lïirntr··. tl*»i ·* ι ·■·»#· ι V fh Γ·η· ΐ'ΐιν;;;·« «Ι in η ΐι#·ι»ι vit!» ΐι· r»Oi ·ο, lii>i··;; «town ιι 'uti'ai · uf itrn V.* r»\*i t '«i#M··. In 0.ι· I" I i.· rrvi-fjl >ΙιοΙ» won· 1·ι·«1, hut whfthrr i»v (viliii* or the I ul:t"w:nt m rviri m%n, rfvi'tntnr»· <···ι.!«| «..i |< t' im.'l· fx-ur « ol vrii'iii· ..· s \»·« »· *·ιτι ifhi*<1 é»> «tiinv»· and on» ιι«ι·ιΐΐ(· ιιΐΤι·;«ιΙ ι fr:u vorc of th·· ti f. Γ»"· Γ»·ιϊ"<· Injured » id·» * «»f »·ι m« ut %νι·ι* hutU'i! ".-«•rr t'.>* ι oaf «·ί »ι inipO^U* »»· th-i.tr» 1*. ru -u ib«· mu«l iruard • »" :i pu·»:·/ ;ιικ! n»îl»d iw. Hi. «iili*t;»'kr .il»no»l <4rikifi;* iwh !«·'»·-· ut »h'· Iîhn livt··, or»le· «l ;« i« · iniif, urtcMiil Jo'Cijh Sn»»fli. .ι #..»·'··» from Ou· Unit» «I Stale» "hip !πν>· r:«lui, un « chunr* «»f *iifoMlctîy « ••mltn-t Λ f« vr reinuti-fc luU*r η ιηοοη!· ·Ι polu-iiaan \*n#» «tritek i.i th* fa· . bk ?» M.ilmf.l l.«11 Va···»·!» pit>ts of lh« AnuTîran J«%··· i»«n liml ρ,ι· »< *t νν*,>\ι«ΐ··ι e«»r«Um »»n>i •'■&ι«μ|μ«Ί· .m of ι»» . πι«·.ι of»*-··* /cho ·» tuii.ylu. TcnUy ft-pi-c «*»»v ! A » «v » ·.( ib Manhattan Suv:iî poyt •.«i»*le«l ίη Aîayor h y .un witli h p. 1itiort îfcul *h· porfm manc·· b·· «.o(.|> t J. Aftor «*«#»» jltulioii tin· nuiyiM Lî ucd un onin* prohibiting th· jm»« l'Ut drtpiiç 1 ti1 a ordrr thi Jtl·. et Ûci cuMmucd. Hundred* of «oîdkr*, κδιΙογμ »n·] mnr»Tir» gathered in front «Γ lb· '.b«nire, And wh^n the doorj upi4it(J Lhoj· ruivcxl a how! uf dcri>joL· and Anger. Th'ii, v/itfc î».n A»erif«·· lia,· M «tî* mfcù, a cuio^nn of cjuuu*i&· ed mrB swung down the strrct. At '.hci* .«pp'-^ranci. λ γμΙΙ for pcilu-e rv· r 4 fx « Ή w·*· r<c»ttl ir. The lervicc ttC II ... r !ϋ) I.y it in un a ν vnrirur λ f'rrd» ·'. CÎC- rr* Λ few rniauU t ftl'Vrr tht t t«r·»ii)i huil bcrn. rained μλιΙ the i.U-.Γλ of Herman miuic *ifl»d out iliimitrh the dc«»i.v th·· \ncn-rwnn prc-s* «-d fuiuurtl only lo h« driven Kirk urJ t« η ι in»» r· I y di.-por4cd by mount· <·»! Mi: Kuiiiinjr thnt director? of ihi hUir Opera tympany înUrxIed to jîivc i«ι- ρ·νΓ(«ι*r^-nnlK·®^ of hi* nr·! r. th* mpyoi* iiMli il α Mate m· ni .»· *iu<h h· aid ;h«t h<- had dircctd ι lu· po'i; nnl U iiilcrltro wjih On > Pperai *'*.«■·<«» I f»ulil ohUtin the ltd ν ici i Af il·.·· c«»r»iornl on cnunnl to the *rd that ! may proc*· d legully.'· LI * « Li- LlIJr.LUIOOD OF AVr.fc i ihiG COAL STRIKE i«CaJ o.*' Vincrs Say» Order Not le 3c Itckcinded m% (>.>*.-kl*r: Demand Wil Ιι.ημίΐοη. Otf. —On the · vr of α idiifotviur^ γλιΙιιΙ by th' Secre tary of ί iibor «h ! In· hnpL. of ftYerUuw ;Hj stvi!.·- «>f hitnminmi·; cunl Λΐ'η·%Γ%, m I for November 1. John L ».OWu\ »«{ of thr United Mme 'Vcrlciv uf Amelia, announced («ν •imt'u thait the >trik< uriU r wouM not b«* ri'M-ir«iled iiiiK-im operator* »*«'t all di'muidf, »nrlml»njr thi fin dr.y week, UiiIom fh«· Ktriki* or»l«*r with Ή·**», the op« rui<ir-· will not ente? I mw*. n'inmi I.»..!?·»*«# « — — -- — -* J»'·;! me lu of the «ilTcftiUNM acconlmj; »·» Thoman T. Bwwâler. ho-.nl of th· oprcnlor^* cummltUi'. Th»· ronfcronn w«»morr*>w will Ιι«· ntron«i«*d by Seor»* tary Wrlxon q;m! th«* fall .«γλΪο com oilttr< r pixit- Dtiniî mi η ri»; nnd iipcm· tor , ' ftrli i-omnriftini: thirty-too mf»· lier*· but II··· trin<r>il view of inch Α»·ουρ wtf<« ih.it nothine would f»W· Μ ο Γ Un· Mat linjr. &ccnU»ry Wil· •un, ucciiik ιικ Kftvcmm«nl m«-dlato: îiy diirdhn of the Pre^M* ni'» rub in· t, Λ·Π *8λ hopofiil tontyfit how· vit. Ihnt the· fortiori» would frrt to '•cih«i :·ο«Ι not n'unt··· tbc country >010 η *tr«*kc et the bceinuimr «»1 wiiU»r with not mor< thnn m month's ν lock tu" t'Oiil f»n hand, HARNETT MAN APPEALS FOR AID AGAINST SHINERS Say» WhiiWay Ma Iter a Art Ac tive Arqund Bunnlevel tnd Wuiti Godwin'· Help "Another i>p|wal for federal a*»i«t rtn«-1· In cnrbiiiK U»o liquor huwnv<« if Nurth Γarnlina CM»»· U> K»|>rwnlA ι;*<· OivWrla to<l»y from a tltirrn o1 Βοκη Level, in Hamrtl cnunly." 8uyi the W.i4»in«toa <.orre>poaileîit <tf Th< Ni-W^ an<i Obwrvcr. 'I'rnbnbly to I << by the unnoune< mint in thj r»rtn«|«9ndenrr that rt venu· agent Ihvl hvae tf4«ml by Com m I «io ne Nnpvr to Clarendon, In Colombo* !i «1; , thi· ronatitoent o«kn Mr (!■·<! win to git the Ih-pnrtmont ο .Jurtkr to take a haiul in It. ; "Hi* rittarn any» hi· wrltr* In be 'half of tha brttei rlamcnt of pen pi" ami eupil»<i«» hi* letter wtlh thi rather remarkable «tat.emi.1it tbnt i ic>m> n« if the county oflrlilt r» 'ilo nothln* men· than make a r«ii ι now unrt thrn without maeh rtriill» Mr Cotlwin <*·ηΐ the letter on to Com mWt«f Rop< r." jiTCClîS. U. Γ \K5 clash at :!CH :oda\ Li'uÎ. r»»*iy .··.« ' §l Ε i'««t al I rioi-! For ."Irat VU l P: ; ι ■III IM «t »■··. '· ···! ihe îwo ·;»>«··". ' ? It·» lb Γ,»π»1ιη·ι 1 | ! ΊΛ'« Π .y .Γ vf« . ι ··.«·«: · .»·« ' ' . î-'ilM ·:» 'Il l.%V"t I' rvh'ii lii κ t.2 ;ur I'm m. -;· κ·ιμ· ' »f »lu· }!L·»'· Ïi.'.v wilhiii & · Cjr»»lrn.n. Sm h ·· · ? 1J « :l η Vi· ·.? ·. ί Kk'hsruiwi. V î» ·, : |ntt<! ft »v *,. , «. · J '·*»' Ulitii'·* · ..»··. I1 lllllt I - · . Iii : Γ*" ! ·! foi ·· . · ι » · . r r.ji ti; \ ; ; î i' «:miu| .»·»! *.» χ if·»· ι itVu p'jw.· ni hv r. I il ·»»· ® >· » .» fVr · *" >* l*T ·, 4U(kr *·· .v. · ·*. f· n· v.t « , ■.% y · t. .«i »%liv t. ·)»Ι«*.τ » »;;ΐηιί· ûr ·«· ν··*!^Μ .« çor1' ι '".I# »·?'.*·. if MV «· Λ '»/. ν»'· · Γ % j 2 V» ; .-il iV Τ ν h »> S lin» !u μ ur· ■ ν c··».'«· . Ι·γ*γ r i1'·* · «••vW.:· il %\ Il ί·»'ν 'ΓΙ*.· lir.c Ί • »θ·Ι t. 22 - · tf.irfc'np ' ; 1 ;jg)· ο HhiJi .#i»r ··« r.iiiif Un • * V5»i1,e?p ι.;>«l ihc '•ι Cirulmn τΛΗ ■ ι ocu ο·# Κ iilJK'k ^ιιιόψ.ΐιΐ **·»·».Luil] » *rn uû lit fih lb*i Mdhv'iaKU i«î .ι î.ju· »ί·»Γ* if Nm.'IIi Hivf » plujr * tot Ν» $fi .>r Γί·^Χ·"ι»ΐι «·Γ tlv* ill<- l'ol +ii ν.'ι»^|.'·ι»·ΐοη Λ Wx.W*. Kuint t-ofiTint, H η ai.*4· * thi ι J>W ;».ii r.é*!*· coa<V.' foi ιi.o J. *V <V ·*!:»· bs%%1. i«W ur.«t .· vct •4 <4 «)0'Cl'·.· ihi > «I, rh* W'II · rv|k.f •j»1 i.i«nv. A· 0βΙ*'ν·:·*1 <;,ΓΟ Ihe η ·»-..<ι»νι· 1*8. « *· * .'Lin·*· •50 a I ?U;f\ tir.'.' rJi**«?u 1 of ib·· 'j\vh<< •v.··..tr* · 17·* '»*· .»pH Wi,r .«.V· r wr ll"« · » ··."*· . î . Γι - ».<_ ι vM' i oni. '.-I! Τ;». PiiU'Iûrd .1*··". «*uu» . .... rojfjpt ν .*nl?: , Klein (ji (irimn . J'>-i.tr -.-Hnmli ; ...Ι·ι'ht '-r.è Trocior /.··· * · . - .Q-.:.rt. vî uck. . . iohr>*»:; . m»? «..Left ' Alfj:. ι , f'oîclflu H »>»! y -l.iiiî ι !Kl/*«*«k _Τ··»ιι»*> .*.u »\ .. .... .Γ.· taii .. ., âi»nQjch 'ïjll. WKPV-L T.j FOUND N."7/ ;· 'NOVEH aOW | Ti, 1 Y ..cor:- '·.»? · * Two Fjirma ::· r ν -·. ·.?· .too— .\V. k'Sî.A'% :f. \ ι1 «r* »iyi in. <·'··■ 1- —TWv r.rwulo^ cor.o.j Lî i ··.·*.·. ·» Nctv H.»·· » r.t>, Ι**· · *·ι h-λ nir bc«*n <j i«% ·»·. f.Ji .· «» "Γί·,Τ#·Αjtf»î OB the • dw r»* ,n· « il C. AC%·· . uiM '·> AI) *n r· » · . »πλ4 · h m·· lit Ι·> Γ. ■ «» ΡΓ *ïî û· [pMrtSHTt nf ·ΡΤ«·βΗ'ιη , wtto kv .·'.*! f. ».·· · · · !r· !u Aufv.t... Cifi., î. · ·.» *·η Γ.: ·.:> 'er« Ιι,ϊϋ ι rte Juith .·.· : ·! "'Λ "iVilminirtuf». ; /···;«. tiH;.%i* iiftt'.v **> Iter*· to ·' » c: labile to *rv Low •ι r ..Γ the ilufllillctirr i·.·.κ I.··-% .. . I.t. .· d th ·'/ *r.t|>Li.· .Jtc«2 I ·Γ.ν· . ti'^nliou tu h* if. r ;«v; r«t Witomig 1>η ιmru J: l. iy.| Vk· r/· «·' •ry »fca! "Jm·, far l^tlf i .Irim ··„*· î.ii i»·. η iluiio le th. cr«|· ir h»> c.viDty. LCHO^t: -\\>ZKS £IDFSUP Tl.îi CICkALTAR PROPOSAL !/.»·..io.t. 0« .. 2»·,· -Th· ^l*· ment m:»ili l»v ïîi'H)· M*-iillxntf «·:ι hi* «Uni i·· '.il:· t $u»rc«i, >i*jrpct*. i.iur Ιίκ·1 iir· .ιί ?5**κ*«ιιι hire 'Ά*·· roil irc»l «»f (' i'-rahu: wïth lue Unitf-n SUU<r, r.a.« ·«··■ t.^neru^jr 'eporiiU h· r··. jK Μ··1'«:ivtv l'Cnt «·» iritil i ui i\\χ· «. f«4'l ri-pôrt urv 'J r ih. h.tiJÛiUr, "(iibr.iliiif.-A Nm UVi à' /Jca,'' tf»it «Ιο»»: noL coni rr«^i| .)·, Mr. M'#i-»'cnth:iuV tvorde. Λ hvu'f π . i r> iuroi ii» i» )»rint«*W Ι*\· ih« (·*«·)ιΙ|}<-. r«r.ièc)i ri'î^m «-οτη*» wlinl ».iv ···" lo il;.·' "l-'hriiltor pro po»s*l.** ""h· iKV>i,-tpf,r < omni'iu» ίη k*i* IoUnI 1. rrns. 1)1·· L'oitiH blai<*. to ..% «vt ;·. naetVii fer C«t< •.ir.m ».ι·^ί· .«l'Monia î»n»| Aoniclin, Uci .·β»·ϊ ·*··* ny lîi;. Οίϊ»·:·'ΐΛΡ îcfûtfi· Μ· ι··ι»ιΐ.ι··: .·:*« *a «»î«.-rurc/* Oth· •r ιη·,»ι .».» ;,.>t mruttoii Wr. Moryvn •hi;î: V l iviun ιλ«ίι.1λ» ion. Γικτοτ vovwta CO Ι TO* GROWER , I I Or. ι'ν· l«».*-ri!vu' «tlilon» in ! i« 14* irtv?f 11 »ru»' «ίο*», liption I uf :li" ft·'It»;· a» ttmtJott m th·· fol- J * l »«î. tf |« ;t· r lo ih« American « ( «itînn Λ-sc.· «jtif»ii : "TW *r,vr'f.in Coil Oft A»*ocin- 1 ' I if· 11 ■*:»« ??rmr*i l· f« <hiiii χι y^ar ι·μπ, lut I it r.îr» ;uly »κ Hccominr I 1 l»e ertiil'itu slur &i the cotton I 1 îl in Jij»ot*i»ii· hint lhat 1 . !;·, f.tWmt' *"·*:· «il*rc that rMhCI i 1 nl*. thf civi!:r »i vrorli'. ο produce I ; :*!: «ι»····<'«ι^ »®v^J hive and | ΐ·ι··ι( lr-« % ulntfvir l< imi ho ; ·»;.**· ·Γ h.· i yrn-parité Ιο rafnm ! hir. î lu rr.l.inf to Hkoral·· l*:» .*»Γ· f^tiîii Hi*· #la\rry of Uir cni't».! r.i M. that may mnkc h»r hom< r hp.wr *bo«tt for her h'.w^irtr"» itnri children ί '*':»* trofivincinji hiin ibul ihe I I n· «*.·- rt'iuliiic toil hi* rliiWmn I in l.i« flt'idii T'ilhowl eveu the ;voj>li r,f » omp option bv· I )ο·.»«ί η Wr<» l*v:nfr ahouM ce·»·*?, nt«il fiini Un· . nehool m «nioir «n'y fiva m-.ii'h* mu*t I L'iw \r.·y to n f.ctU» r.liKatfcina) I ρνι-ρο* Λιici ih» boy, m.H |Μ« «m· ih·· rf'lU'j» ferai aw utii'ci »r i».- »{··»..! U :rul nncl prof#*a f.'.a' truiitifiix »»« »» tfhfin ar·· n* .1»·,· vite· λ m ui.il itiidvliuti of rrvn '■ rr-mv'^l ·ιι any »»* Sfr vvnlk of H/o. "Yhr roi*on fini ra «rr now * rpi.iΓι*'···.·. ft-r |»jr ipurual troti-c lion nf au I.· .ηΙνοΛ* and the co· ι ο|ητ.ι*,··ι· ma» hi-tn·* «·ί lh flr j»ro f»iif*4. H··/ lwvv thn ,4ia»K'lnl ! hneLii y »« .,· heai ly *n,»poii of tho Iiuhî .v *·. 01 h ii\ their Mn'ripl com 1 nmné* ··** n-d Aey urj t^inf «ο , a9**rvri& 1!ϋπ i* *e<h ο deep in I tatfM'ny fcivi m »·<ι· t#» ihe cotton , ; f.-aiwnijf .*··! o. ' ry, *rt»w|i U ifiiontf . J ttie jini% of %Ηι· Ao iicmlion." .'UNPLEASANT ODOR 1 STILL DISTURBING. , FOLK IN SOUTHSIDE >i Resident» Threaten Appeal te I Cj.rrU A|tbut "Ptrfumc" cf Fertiliser Mill COMPANY PROMISES NOT SATISFACTORY l' Nolbing Lhi Τ)»·η A|rc«m«al I· DU· continu· af OffeoJinf M«l«ritl Will Be Aec«pUl>l«—Clata Tkat Property Valut* Have Dropped Di/p'tt-QM-il w.ih ih·* rcuil of * ron· *"αΓ«η·-ν· *»th imUB/Hite «·Γ tb<· ftrU Ι··*»ι roMiMiny plani in ih« ·.wth« · ·"» ι·· Λ «if l(i« n btii* ptAvrti uV J.-m-I'.nr. ihL %û ih«irt by rc*>«n «.f t·*· ulf· .wiv·' a«l»»r ιhnt ari.cs irom mu i··rii'.I yni ·ι: if..* product·· South· aid·· jrcuaiel· nt* un* |»rrp:»rinfr to apply I\#r a«i iujumtioH r% «iro«nfnjr the rdtniMny ficni Uhinjr I Ho obj><tl«»tv αΙ>Ιλ mutciuil mm! ruw^rDinv il In ichiuvk frutn 0ι«· Ιικ-a'ity the nuun Illy it hu- gii hum*. D<k L'utioii to '.hit . ff«ct ira« mud·· Altrndnv by one of ih resident- utm Cuok «* Iriidimr pftii ··; the origin*) n ul.-. I ttint>ti»c tli «ι«1υ··. Robert L. *;«μΝΗβ n:id i*h>irlrà Ut' Cior. loeel tu wry. r#. huwv uluniy Ihmj retained h y ibc Smilluidcr». nr.il it is· prob j»Ul·· ur.4-of-i<«wt» <«jaiw-l uill i»I«u b»· '«nii!o-.'d. <'lift01.1 £c Toun*ond And ^Vit-ei Γ. Yuans? wrv i«*jrulArly em* ιΐ!ογ<*«Ι i»\ tl,v company. For ll·)** ι'«ηχ·ιΐ llicir nit not avuil jMl tu lb* protivUni·. I<« tin· lOfliiTCfHf held )mii m*i*ok «·if ■ t IJ· I - of tho Ιι·Ι»φΐ».1|Ρ |·1 Ofll ··**<! that •m im»rr vf lh< objet liuonblr maUriAl v.'ullld be «diliitn-H iii Πι·λ« natll »U« I • -«livcnt wf ttiiifif, Mhi-n, thi/y bclii'Vt·, I. TT. r («inp.iKlr.r-· «ill kill tin· uilut·. Γ n*> »'.»«· i>iumia.*i to r.frain fn.rr Lining o|. Ik.· pivmill «pply umII w'.ii'm Ήι· ■« inniuiv a, boW4<vorf air rot «Ivl 'bi ',.i.>t.»u.r>u whui. Ni«ih'Lif ;··»* i«r. uyit-rm· n*. to coia|]l<-tc ■>' «in av..y ni!h lh« a»»· of Ihr nu:i-r si vit' I limn. It i« to j;vt ihi« 4'.Μλ. ϊϊΐιιι tniil Ury thrcati-i. lourt 1Ι|ι'Λι·|ΐΙΐΙ|Λ. iu lh.· ηκ.ηΐυη·. prun >l£nU mJ 'frc, proporty ν»Ιυ«* in lb·· SoatLnJt : r·· roir.i: emrn. Stvi nl contcm I'l^Uti >■!· a li»v<- in·· ii ·»1>·η«<Ιυ»οιΙ |ii i-li'H- Ihr <iutr«iinr of tii* rvntru VII y, ,1 1} Mud, ASSOCIATION MEETS AT HOLLY SMUNCf Γ "fi.I Churcb WorV«rm Will T*k« Part in Littl· Kiver Program In it» tcrty.fim.1h itnoaal Κίΐαη i'u I.lull· RK'rr Rnptivt A>*»cinUon ml! η··ιΐ for :< 1hrv«'-.lay action ΟιΊν bei io ·1 Holly Sprmffi Church. IUr ■icl·. I'oanlv. 8om·· of the ηχ·»ι not«l ihnrrh «orteil of I be territory rov. il«*J by the u*KOrintiint *rv to tak·· pur» in lb·· prrtrram wfckh include* .-von niwion K. fttir np with that at 7 cVock Tuei'Uiy c'enir.p. Holly J<priii*n Churib I» ncur Rye, or tlic Atlnntic aril WiTtrrn Knil inail. wfckh ιοηη:·*1ί IJIIitiKlun »ilb Suufonl. I'w. II. I. Olivo. Judge Ji.hn C OJotil. 0*rti O.lnm an J Jo-Η G. T.iyum ερ· anion)- the Πιιηη mer. *,κ> will bo aniv. uri.rki r· tn thi· mootinp Tho proumn» in full w »* follow*: Τυ.-vJay 7 |>. m.—Sous «Tvic·. Sermon by Kc». C". II. KorrU; altor i Mi I »·, IU-V. Κ. I. Ot'.ve; riiranitatior. Ίι·1ι·κ»'<·. rni'ilUnl. wllic \y elected. Wnlu«.«<ln> l';4ô a. m. -1)ivo«ionel >ιλίιι· by Fit··! Woroack. Social Si-rvifrs Τιτηρ ι-Λπη-—Writer. J. F Walk. f. «·Η·*ί:«τ. J. t.. l.aytor.. Or ; _ ■ _ _ . it* :« r> r· *-1. 1 Sjmikfr. Dr. J. W. Π«1ί·τι1. Milifliri·" itcli»''—Writer, O. Bivdlry; S|*uk>r. Ν. T. P«u>>viin. Kdcrntion: tN-ii -.mUco!> J. S. r«rm.-r; S»p<hI· •■r, I>. H. Svnlor. Γ>ΐηη··τ. 1 :3·> p. m.— 7i Million CumpaicnI Unxttt» fnn> the Oiurrtv *. Plunn tor the 'u ι π re work. Aridn-· by ' R< v. q. c. Π.Mbi-marK·. ' M< ρ ». — Eoixatlon: Sunday !Vhg*l< -WrKrr, 1- I.. T<ev:n*»n| Spt'tikft', Vriry Morgan. Bui··"* Cr«k >flnk'my, lue.—Writ·*, J. Α. Ca»|>" tvll; SpiMilrr, J. C. ClUTunl. Chr·* Iirin F.riviruii<>n—WrttiT. J. A. Vlf l.roil; Spmker. Owen Mum. Thursday 0:40 ft. w. -I'nyw Mret· 'nif*—WriUt. J. ff. Byrd; Sp'akcr, *»V. C. Duvrd. Minion·: Aenoeia· icral Sli-cioiifc—Wril»*T, E. 11. liai 'l'iitlrc; Speaker, S. A. Ëdperlon. R'.nt# Miwidni-WMti-r, ('. W Klorw or/; Speaker, B. P. Gentry. Horn* Mi«at»n*—Wrfrrr, C. H. Norrla; Speaker, Ε. I. Olive. Ton i*n Ml**· ion" — Wriur. W. K. P< arton, âpvok rr, J. M. Hyrd. Dinner. 1-ΛΟ p. m.—M iarrllaneno* : Obi· niurU·» -Write··. A. M. Shnw; Speak ··«·. ·'. Π. Cell1·. Woman'* Work— Wriior, 8. T. Pottorwm; Speaker, J, Τ UMfp-tt. Report* of comalttre· iappoinlinu: coroniittic». time. |.Un on·! pr.neher for next «-«don, «Je. Of I1h< m< i tlnd Rit. J. A. C.impWl write*: '"fhla txxly of Bx|.ll«t«. compose ii'ihiin entirely of iburehea loeatrt >» llarm-tt Cou'ity, *«» ortrinlwrt it 1*71 «ι Cumbi rland Onion eheteh ΗηνΙημ at that time about <100 m«m ln-ra In the rhttreh·.-*. Today tlx m. inli. r*h'p i· mori than 4,ftO(i Tlx ne a' »»*ian of the AwoHation, th< foiir-fourtk. will be rall«l to ort<i '»y Hon. J. C. CillTor·!. Moderator TuvMlay, OetoWr 2Hth, immediate!] afi*r Ihr nrvaehin* of the aomoi by IVv. C. Π. S'orrid or hi· olu raat» llo*. H. I. Olive. Th< proaeat tlcfk j. A. Campbell, hna «ivcH la tha r it parity for ihlrty-nin*· jreara. w»f" hnrimr mitved a *n»im of tba Aaao elation. "It la I'XiMTted that the ρτ«*η «••«ion will be In many rtapert· th mo:<t important in th·· hUlory of th I organisation Muat of the church· ι INDIAN CHIEF SEES 1 KING OF BELGIANS * ———· — I Aged Head of Trtb· Rear» Him ι Mil With Dignity EqiuJ T· ι. Tb»t of the Kiaj 'ι A-feu·)»· Γι|ηι*. Ν. V.. Ovt. 1)».—TV ' μα).· '·Κί· Chi</ uJ thi· ah '.· * *«· « iirint vUefid. ufo?"+.iiiftiÎ. I •voriby i-h'· f o' the Nnvnjoc* ·'. Civ ' uv . Th*y .hiK'i Knr.-i- irtnx·.· ly un·) iwli hu inpirt ftr Ith· .'<h*r. T1»·· «κ. I't'isn bor. hirr.iclf *\ih ». ri'înuy ».\cM ta tfc* •f a Kiiiir. Then· - nu <n«ce-ccr»ior tin Alhrit ιηΛΓ.η<·«· «m! ι». »ioir..lity , " ?n uni of tV·· Bed XWjn. lj TV· ni η *>η·: r.of y<i l<ur.>-.Vik .i* |< hill of lUr'n whvr. ih« Λι·,~Μ > j in .hi· >fi*v McxU'tn \illiiLi1 jof riuilup. but IkMr vrar it tttffi o? I « vt-rnl hur.Mm* κι the «ϊμηιιι. Μ·.ι>· j of th-ir bnc' ri>iil*n it mw>··' «f |io jr-.«f th* H« IrUr.-. A· :hc trninl |»(ορΐ»·ιΙ lb* Uml of Ρ». tJVhlMÎV ! linlinti '. hool ru'unj.' hito Γι*« f~ πι, η ' ι of th.· njtio.u.; »<vth**n of Ik-liHum an·! then th;.l ··.* ;h« I'riK.·! Kistiv, ] I A littl Imi it of ο m v. >. Kounii'û ' n« mu'tuncr. »">' wuKIimi *ntvfc-i ni·, lh*lr f»r««· «·λ|ιλ·*»'<·γ.Ιι—.· . ft.·* thi . K!m: Qmw i,n<l J'iImc '!»vrr«\»<! from »·«··(» cm)·. ΑΓί τ n*·· v.»r .lev» ; t»i> miij.-tir I JBM" il ι. «·>·· ' >v χ . m: . · ; I-om·· of ιΙι<· J ixiltiir or·', of. ihrfi w*r·· ρΓ··«·ηί·κΙ Ιι» hi.·* j,;vl I.".»! ronton. Th. η fh·. f Sllftitatio. is·»1.*' jut! Sr.1 Vxrtl'-r k'mwii η* Ρ-t· I'r.c·. iifpcd; fnrwi.nl will! li>· f tI i.f '.in ι'-'ne ft ι Knr<lrcn< KV*:i>o i, «vV.icH Iw, ii-mv. lv hiiiid.'il te Ai'wr». in tarn,· liiwtuii ajiun tin uM ivtrrlor' l.n*M | ill*, r mriuil' of li(/ hou/c Th< crixr.lnl IriSan wn· ih· la*t' !« itcmivlrf to ι ►» ritiii'jii ni Γι·η| IVIcm · ir «hi I'lty- vrbi·· Kis I'r.iwr. «πι/ β iruiil··. <r t- - ... - -» --JVU 1-7 I'· Μ.Γ in TBI . »-··*·η·' u*i»M h nriv("d the fîtlr'311/. "ι»η·ι ,·ι «bin· α* lin cwt'i'ft hnci i ril ~<|u.ivl «γ«ί|>γΊ in Îi'ir.bb «f «aufty iiUrrt *-·ιί ;·ιηιΐ|> il !» an ap^fi «piui η··ι Γ Ίι· -tat'-or.. μ·»ιι.· of lii< •λ ι·!»» m carryir.jr μαΐ'ΐΌΜ >·. Τικ* l'.nu;1*· lw t.f «h? ch:*f «a- B!i uV.i-c ·η a ran»iiir.|{. *Vhw fin· brave* Va.l fit <1 ps«t Qut'vn Hiitab· th n-h" ttc-u t.. /«S.· Vr husband. in *ιίκίι·ιι ccnfr^-t 10 «j»t phxv Γ»»··η th»lr vroten ijj ibr Ir.'liui·». rl « uojtttpl ·<ν U ^Ti *#n*«il *c th» Indian -^fSw. Win -V- τ» ruc»t. <1 Un-η -.ο [.·«,. bcftir·- ber eti»· • ta and th. ν if η:<Γ,ι·1. cilh.iucb «·ιιβ»· what *!:ir>h'. for thry vwtr piciur* Inking m ilh «cptnûiit^ »wr. 'fkry k-pt (h»|r cjif vu tbc (/rvund while they |minI. IMPATIENTLY AWAIT GREAT NEW CIRCUS Ringlinp Bref, and Bsrnum A Baiitjr Combined Show· Arouae Ke*r Ir.tcrcat "Cinu» Day.** th·· bip bol'jaj· for «»hiel< y»une u.id ι-Μ ImporUv.Jy watt η* 1 lu» < u U r frawn ci « in.rc# to «•c!i(w nil nth'-r » τ· nii· <■( ·>.· rtW. •;ar * r-r r.t R11WA, fcnt w liny. Nov. I„ 1 11 woe Λ »1« ai tli'iujrli ΓΤ!·Γ>· •rnHy In tfci/ Wality were n'rnnirw to su» ni?. Th»· v»ry nsmo oi itt- jrrçjf a·»' rtiTU»--RiM:Vm8 DrMInT* Λβ lïurr.iim Jt Ra ii'j· CuTOtniU-d—n*. Κιιη «iilHiian·. 1o anva».· i»r more in· torei·'. Ihar V.tta rv*T lhfot-ι l-een 'hf \>r. in ih* comme ni i.nj «ne»· · iiiTt ' n1.-rprijM·. Ani w>nl frntn th' ît;nirli:«e llmthi π·, »+.ο nrc lia.· dlne tor- uf thi* ciswr.t.e iuswr-tlreu», i» In ih<· iffi et that thivv wk:i sm-iJ thi· pi-rf(.rma<)c. · will v.vuk-·- Uit irr el.vt program -wr prii-CT.trd in Amcriin. Th f !» liV.vV'-.· riff of thi m.-.mmu'.h »«»et pu'uiU, rfixk will po-HIvel* talii i>b.t-i lAoïr^ay ncro the nummc4h mir.»rir< arid ai! >Im i-orwictiil r.-'t'i thi» b(a:< »· et ai) «nuKiMitt inH'.tulioo*. Th·. fam ous rhowmfTi ha%o mrr.r » rrnni-lt-ti· • tirvoy of b«lh vh» t'i· *· i1·"®»" 'nid wm*«I thv fini-ut ar.il bi-ιΊ ft «-ai-b iulu uni·. Humlrid' jpi.n h'ji:i;r«-il« I of jM-rfomMT» wil|_ai<pmr in ".il.· sriir upon M-OTri 1»ί til ·· fKllTlfl ri'JRlb «ctnr·. Α κο·>-eon>Ijr cvttunvil pap*· «.nt, of rlup< ηβαυπ *i*c. ν ill ojwn th»· |irofMtn. Gn-at tomixinle» of chanu-tcn·. n-jinvi ntinr th* Ixvt-lor cd utorici of fnbl< η r*/1 nurnry lore, will o|<pear. There will ht «f.lr ndM »ΤιΑ many «roup# ot bvantifo? lion*·» in jcwilëd tri>ip»n*" The nr>r>y nf . τΐονη» * kokI nil pi.«t record· for 1 fuh nid numb'-r*. Al! conwfbiit»· to I IV hisKi Λ rirra» in hi«ttnry. INCREASE IN EARNINGS OF WORKERS GREATEST IN STEEL w'iuhiiiirton. 0<χ. 21».—The inert»» in th»· «·πτκ1ηιτ« t».r hocr ot ttAii'.oyc· In 11 principal ln<1in»trti > ihirintr tlw liut m* yenr* «u prv*1 ·*' !n tht !i\m> end »t»-«l Indunlrjr, «irorjir.g to • nUti-mvnf made pabl'e hero today by the bureau of of tbv labor rtrpartmi nt. WhiW- in «otee dr~ rtuuTii/ (hi· rar wan κi<at*r Thai* other·. In all depertewnU relieet I jvL-ly ι h» hourly war*· of «tri-1 and ! iron mill w®rkrr< 'it IP10 wa« V 1 1M>·· r»rt of tho Imiirly wa#to In If Γ5, »r 1« tl»î« lia ς-ieat. lhi· «■»!·«« incr<*>ci! <arnlafι virt ihorr In the mil! wort indu tnr, wherr ihr Inmnei of l:M9 u»ct 110)Λ waa bet 61 per cint. ;mv' had ι-.'vnl» wilta ik><J i vMî'.'m» t« ihi'r ntaihtr n««l >n . *rly all of «lu m τηγ.'. a<Kon*>·» in «•ontTibetlon* for all cbj-s-t» her* txen mn<te. "Th<· ontJooli 1« thnt frrm 7δ ι· llW <lil.(/at··» end r-prcierietlr»·» from the i-huTi-h»* will h* ρ:···«πι(. TV orjmn'uitlo»· for I ho 7* ili'lton Cam paign will brink mony lo the meet· ">Β. Κ I· brllcvi d. Re*. q. C. Davlm nf Albemarle, , wIM artrireiw th·· Awocwtlen on Oh , Kuhjerl of the rampahrn. A comjx ; tent ma a myt: "It la t»fniwl thai ' r>urI» has the li«et raoech vr. the tarn' • pai|r>· ft e"? "»an >n tiw Stat·."* , "Rev 8. A. KforrtM). «or A Mena ί tien») Mlwiotmry. ha· ilane ret* ' *orV thW jrter and will b> ortrvd ' we bollevf, te ft*· **<M more of hli » line I» lh.· wort." COMMERCIAL CLUB ] ! CREATED HERE FOR I • TOWN BETTERMENT i ally FolWU^S^I^to* j ! I PmHiMi {SEVERAL CONCERNS SUBSCRIBE FOR «MO ; , Olfcer· Tab· Pt*· Μ·Ι liAln ·* $M ' ; lUch mJ Mwr Uh Up WMfc Om > ! u4 Tw». Out· Λφφ/àU fmr— MmI A|th Μ ι ■ in 3 j Sparrni to attio* by tbt ; ; taU ><f KRliaai Paari«t«ia. · Baliljb mvrcturit. ud th*· catboriattic <«chr »rton by A. I. K>rt«u; ÛMt tka ! ■ '«rvomtiua of SnrWtry Broa. Β j < •>«•41 wuold nubxcHbo IS 10 m year ] '-.i ilk- «iiport of tuck aa miiki ι the tMbriKM· irrs of Dana Ma» y Any r.'.eht r*·. in motion a faaylQ S tor tW. crutfion of a (Tartar ai * ; < uxatitt' thai bldi fab ta afHl tmf » (•m '.ar crymniutioa -ta Nortk Car»- » [?:«*. ; Mr. Xnrbtwy'i oHwr mu aflar · ^r. gr 'wrriiifil effort to obtain >·· ζ >m< » U»r»bi^» at I2S a yoar M k*' * juttd* and wti ih» outfrowth a* M*. £ l'rarlrtiia'· admonition tbat DeMt ν rvjltl ret hope to attaia 4» eaMMT- » i-'ul ur.tl rlrk freata*«a k taM «■· J !· <« il» ΙιηίΒ·» n«n tubxrlbao Hir » Ally ι ο ih« movctncntfor wfctrb · Ν«whan? UWt M .»■■■■> Ζ l> τα ibai '.Ira·· ντιηΙ tenaira·. « fr.ilu'iinr Mr. NfnUuj'i, lad tqr ; E'l> Guùitein. h«d uitacriM fer # ' 1*1 rrt-irib r>h.iw each. Several otk· » • i' had 'i>h»rnbed far two. Maijr w itad nbocrlbed for OMl * When a total ef «4 mnabenUpa Ζ ha·! b. en ctuûn^d the waiting Wa- <· < J It «evaded that no Bon am to ' !v Viad. Mr. NtwVurj brought mt- η f.iif nrm 10 tbe birhaat pitch fey effer- ϊ Int m aobteribf IÎSO If ia«rilW|<^^ ' ro wat riven imiaillaUli Tlun Mr. GoMatetat tiKii Ma *ul>-« ritrion to Ui boMUm'iM «m< ruiorued it! quick autaMM ky •he Barne* * Holliday Cmnw, J >lin«nn Bro»., J. L pa ny, TIMumi l.nia _ th·· Si» vH»n»- Howard «rib»d for one anorad op t· two. Amor* three were H. L Gad «Va. Ci«iv' 1- Cannadar, Peter Parker. 'J. L. Hatcher. Ζ V. Bnlpat Ul J. W. Thornton. The Plm National BanV. through l>. C. Foaaell, aortd from three to flvr. Marri* Flaiah rrnr.. who aahacribod tare fer B. ririkhman. who aubaerJbed two far ΓΤ Fci'^hanan ft Bro*., wia called enuy by bunnefci early in the laoettac nor was not preaent when the boaat ,n«r ht-tran. It il expected that héa ► jb--rinlion «rill bo materially tn fTi-nm-a. * Many Ester t«tm I» |Ι··ι. Air.·.re tbf rthHi who banded ia I ilu-ir KuWriptioaa a rra Darin Beat Krd Lr/nt Company, C. A. Baker, 1. ft". Drauirhon. Dr. J. R. Batlar, Dr. C. D. Main. Dr. Wallace B. Coltrane, U. I. Goda in. Mardi Morrow, G. K. G mr. it-am. Pordle-Hoek» Cowpaay, !. C. Cl i Tord, Ralph Parker, Dr. T. £. VU-.rccn. Ed car Black, Marrta ! Wr.V Co.. Jm Creel, J. C. Ball. C. ι P. WjI<--. J. H. Pop·, Dunn Iiuiuaace ΐηό Rvnilv Company, N. A. Torare l'. nd. M. C. Butler A Co.. P. D. Ward, Morirnn Bro»., Jamea Paaraall, Wil· 1'nui Pi«nal). J. C. t'liffrtrri and N. A. Towaaaad v.t.i· n.-.mcH a committor ta apply ' ■r α rr.»ri-r for the wpnltatloi. I·. V- w»a*„ R._Batier, G. M. HftUfcer. J. W. Draaghon, W. *. Hoxranj and A .L. Newberry vara r«m«l o> a coasmittaa ta wlieit addi '.f'iuil mctnlxTra. Batk of thai miuc··* are to mitt with the :wxt Monday nigkt whan ?Pn:tmiuu vria be pfitwlaj by tkt • U-f. ion of ofttei-τί and toettm. Tile mi-Mjif aras bald ta tha Br «a 4 Str. o· xkow room* of the Banaa A HrJIiday ( ompmny. EUia OaldsUla J»v»lded and opened tta aMftiaf With an SnLrodaction of Mr. liaitllili. who ir présidant of tlia XtWfk "fca· ,W of Cotnmarrt and ona of tka !;i-rii»ort buinou mat! of tWt etty. |M. R. Braman, aacratary ·* tka iKnlalph orvanUaUon. who iMmaat tha Initial maatinr of tka boaiaaaa . mon two weak· aro, wax , " <-d to attend, bat had ta<_ . ia Washington by Impartant In tha Intareat af North Caraliaa rhippen. Paarlatata BaaiU Orgaaiaatfa*. j Mr. Paarfctatn koat so Mm bl tat {tins th< mora «tan 100 taaiaaaa mm proaant know that ha baUarad ia a*. ■Mniution. Ha rttod mm* af tka bta thine» at-enmpliatad by wsmImI durinjt tka war—and aoaaa af tho faileraa meaaaterad I» tma that war* net ra>aalaid Dm, ta •«aid. arniM not tapa ta «Mate Ha Ml ! "tridi until Mi bttiHtaaa and anf— ionnl rr.fr bandad topttar for m*· lual »Jvurncmaet. Ha rtilMd tka rrrotlon of m rrcantaaclan miliTlj I .afwr the Ealairh ataatar. tha nh |irB of fatvia ampla far fta -~ ι'ι. iroent of a rompataat aacratary Mad 'the o.<*tlon of aOeen «ta τι aid ;»*k· of ttalr oAeai ptaaaa af tatar With irorh an una alia tlaa_ taatad by theaetfr. help™ a~y mZïZ, ba aatd, aothln* raald *aa tta tWaal town under tta mm. Whan, at tha "waa ι lataa and axpraaaad tta hdbf I but Dunn would have Ai (aniaatia· la tta «tata. "Γ ι BeviT avvn a Ihtw art af tbeev," ta aald altar tta ■

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