UTTLE MESSENGERS They Get 1 Buiin*ti THE DUNN VaL · DUNN. H. C, NOV. FIXING DATE FOR VOTING ON TREATY MOOTED QUESTION Stnalc Take· It Up But Littl· Proepoct For Agreement WANT ADJOURNMENT BEFORE NEXT SESSION lUpibllcja· Want Flaal V·#· Ο· N· rambee I Ilk WkiU Democrai. Will T· Lin·I Debate) *···"■« Debet· Today 1* *««■!·' Order, T*ki>i Up Seetiei· Waahington. No*. 8.—The question of Axing ■ date lor a Ana) vote on the Gorman peace trraty—« question which Involve* inhidentally an ap » proximate tim« for adjournment nf the present melon of Congre·· -will com* up (or action tomorrow in the Sénat». Poaaiblllty of agrrement on an an iwcr to the dominant quextion i> nol viewed with optuniira either by Re publican or Democratic leadvni. Thi latter declare there in virtually no proapect of adoption nf. Republican Leader Lodge'· proposal to vote An ally on the treaty November 12. whilu Republican» »rr itrongly oppoied to that of Adminiatration Leader Hitch cock to limit Senator's talking time to Ifi minute* beginning tomorrow. Prediction* wire general tonight that no agreement of any kind would be reached and that the treaty'» «onaider a tien would proceed at* u»nut Sen ate leader* ir-nr-rally dcere an ad Cornmcnt of t'ongrea* about Nmern r 15, so a* to give memt.er» a two week·' rcat before the December vinon and, alao, travel allowance» for the naw aaaalon. In the regular routine con»idcra tioa of. th· treaty, the S«nt<· will re name debate «morrow on the mo tion of Scoalôr 1 al-'oll· ttc. Krpubl can, ol Wlaconwn, to *trike out the •ntlre labor acction. Other amend menta to be acted on 1* that of Sen ator Gore, Democrat, of Oklahoma, providing popular referendum· on «ai declaration*, and that of Sena U/r -Lodge to atrlk* out Uta 8haatuag clAnae. Λ few other amendment* may be pramntad hut the SanaU hope. to b«*ή in aarnaat thi* week am l»ai latioaa - la thv^ooae.aun tM w4 IN e* the aeilroa4 Z wWkfc I, U te- refold gittee late thia waok If J JSU&l tu* ferenef bftvcm thr two Houari thU w»«k art the oU and »oal lar.d ifaiing bill, tin Cummin* bill nitorirm the Interstate Commerce Commiaaien'» rata making powers and the Edge bill authoriaing foreign export finance corporation*. Two new and important mcanjr.1 to be launched tomorrow in the Sen ate are the sugar control bill of Sen ator McNary. Republican, of Oregon, a and flipping lull» by Chairman Jnnn. of the Senate Commerrt Commit tac Although Serator« and Repreaenta Uvea are greatly ilitlurb»! by the coal and iteel ftrikes and other in· daatrial disturbance*. the general feeling at tile Capitol «Mm· to he that at preaent thrrc it little Con (rea· can do. The miners' walkout uadoubtedly will provoke further de bate tomorrow The Senate Labor Committee hopes to tubmit this week lia report with legislative rocommen dationa on tha ateel itrlke Inveatiga tion. Study by the Senate and Houiw Military Committer· of {H-rmartl-iit army reor*ani*atlon in almoiU con cluded. Ueneral Perahin» is to Bp pear again before the committee· but leg Illative action >· ni looked for intll the December Muinn. VIEW5 OF LADY ASTOR Declarea That She la Oppoud to Forced Prohtbi (ion London, No». Ï.—Lady Artor, who waa Nancy L*nghorne, of Virginia, and who u itanding for election to ' her buaband'· vacated Kept in the Houaa of Common*, today defined her attitude toward the prohibition ques tion thua: "I am oppoacd to forced prohibi tion, but I believe the time w coming when the electorate will chooae be tweon the preaent ««ate of affair* and nationaliaation of the liquor traffic, local option, or prohibition." nr.l 1ΝΠ iMiiaii itw· ON PALESTINE 3ITUATIOS London, Nov. 8.—Rari Curion, the new Britiah Furaltfn MlnUter. today rvaaatprnd Jew» thrnoichout lh» yrorld thai (ireat Britain ha* not changed Her policy retarding th« eatabli*h< ment of · Jrwlah national atatc if PilHtinr tiMf the declaration of hu prediMimr, Arthur Balfour, proml* in· IL lu · latter read thl» ofternoan nl ■ anUni of Uonlit· at th· Londnr opera hou». Ix>rd Canon make* il elear that M far aj Britain ia eon earned, that promidi hold* good. Thll Maternent la regarded M hlph ly dgnlAcant becasee aa Kor«lfn Mm M«r ha I· directly rpaponelhle (or th« British attltud· toward the Pa1intln< ttaetiaa. ·*ΝΑΤΟβ MARTIN SHOWS VBKY SLIGHT CMANG1 ..charlott trille, Va.. No*. 2. ΛΙ ****eh ha had an uncomfortable nigh r"~ MTarod free naaea· thia worn {I,*/*ha eonditlon ot ftenator Martin ahewed a «light improremrr Mj phyetrlaa announced 11/ Γτ"* "oarlthetrnt waa «m aad rn.ll 1"λ *·*41οτ ν·· permitted te «aa twi earing the day BAD LANDING FIELD CAUSES ACCIDENT MAYNARD PLANE Flyinf Paraoo Break· Machine When αα Vi*it to Horn· Folk LANDED AGAINST HIS BETTER JUDGMENT Propeller Broken end Radiator Small) mî Ib Saad* of Sampevn Coualy Fair CrronJl At CHbImi Not i· } Good Humu Wk»n RecojMioa Com mit!*· WtRoaM Him. Clinton, Not 4.—With the η oar of hit giant tram continental plan· b'irirH in the «and of hi* native heath. Ueul. Belvin Maynard, aviator extra ordinary, wa< today welcomed to Sampiuin County one hour and ten minutrr after hr had Irft Raleigh to l.vlait the Sampmn fair. The bis ma chine il a partial wreck, the landing Held prepared by tho Lieutenant a ruuntryraen being to «oft that the wheel» «tailed in the aand one hun dred feet from where It first touched (hi Kruund. The propeller i> broken and the radiator partially «"aiM No Owe I a )u rod. Neither Lieutenant May nerd. Berg «art William Kline nor "Triiir" the ranitx mearot t»a» injured, although the tail of the plane went high in the air aj> thr noep burrowed into the «oft «and. Itenerant Kline wa» thrown ,rr«>m the obaervcr'· eea't by the Im parl but scrambled unhurt fnjin thr right villg upon which he had fallen, lie harriod to the front to asaist hli «•kief to alight. Trtxie- renamed in her lofty perch until the machine waa righted, thon the acarflpercd off to yip at thr heoli of horae· engaged η the second race of the day. The flying Par m η waa not in a Toml humor when he waa greeted by the reception committee headed by Merry A. Grady and Major George K. Butler, but for hi» religioui train ing it is not improbable that he woald have cussed. He had circled the field a doten timer before attempting to flight While he wax so engaged a tractor demonstrator was pl9ugtiing the ground trader his machine- "The field is not fit for a parthute J am per to land in.** ha said to the commit tee. » LieaUMfet Han— «toother, arriatot had flowh orcr, /Né Menai Olive «artier la the day. Ha woald not at tempt a landtag 1* the fair ground*. Lieutenant Haynard, however desired home folk» slII the thrill» chin· repaired I· liai tot flights to morrow or Thonday. Saaapaon had iir« pared « big wi-ltone for Ufa whom jiajor Butler introduced Lo th« thou sands pr««n"ji Stmpcoa'i "Most Famou» Son," ifler he had made hu way through the crowd lo the r.Und from which he wns invited to iptalc. He eanrce^ed keen pleasure nver bvim* again in the county of hii Sjtrth. but stated that he wai in auch jad humnr from the accident and the Îatigur of driving that ha would not ι rust himaclf tu make a speech. When h« mounted the platform, the band l>egan playinir the Maraeiltala·, merg ing into tac Star Spanglnl Banner, ft,000 Uacov«T ia Hi· Five thousand head) uncovered and Ave thousand thruaU voiced a loud weleorac After the introduction the Lieutenant and the fWrpaBt were ruesta at a luncheon prepared in their honor by the Fair Anocialion. Among the most interested spectator· of May nerd's landing wan hi» father. Dr. A, A. Maynard, who remdee in the aouth em edgr· of the county. He had pol seen hi» 'on since hia recent flight to San Kranciuro and retarn. The old gentleman refused to show jxc'Umi r.t, however, and waa about (he coal eat m-mbcr of the party re reiving the aviator. Mr. and Mra. .lohn W. Goodion of Mount Olive, parent· of Mra. Balvin Maynard, were a Un present. So ai no were many young men and women who had at tended school with the Flying Par -on when he waj a lad in this neigh borhood Members of the party ap beoidei ilr Grady and Major Butler, intrd to welcome the Klycr ware J. Peterson, W. W Caateel, L. A. Rethune, Dr. John D. Kert, Major Graham K. Tlobhe, Col. C. M. Falr dolh and J T. Kennedy. Trip Without lacideal. The lieutenant'· flight from Ral figh to Clinton was without incident until hiii arrival here. He entertained the crowd for several minute· with minor stunt flying before he attentat rxl the landing on the ground· and ilrrw everybody toward the race (rack. Λ rac« pawed unnoticed wtiiW be eirclod the Acid. Whm ha dU land, all of the ahoat 200 ttln cvjx employed for fair weak could not keep the oroKd fro «the machina. H wai not until the artillerymen encamped on tha ground· war* callad into χβτ vice that mechanic* coald b«(i· work on the damaged porta. ALL PA43FNCER TRAINS IN GERMANY WILL S Τ Of .Berlin, No*, Ϊ.—Tha Oaraian hu»i' it*m world itanda aghaat at the gov ■mmeal'i· unprecedented declilon tc •upend all panenger train eervki for a period of eleven day·, beginnini Wednevlay. They >r« in it a veritable paraly aia af baatacaa, d«mcrall«atlot> ol comma η lea lion and a cruifclag of th< delicate economic and iivtaitrial lift of tha nation wfcleh Waa Jo»t dowlj and peiafnUy on t»« fret again. CI aaelal circle· m pert a further depre elation of Carman manay aa a rceul' of the tuapendwt A «torm of ffiticlem la threaten , ed agalnat the government, which I already far from popular. The M ' a em loea throagti th» Mtpenuen a pamnger traffic an the entire natworl I of Ihe rnuMn't railway* will amoon <0 "Mly million· FARQUHARD SMITH BELOVED DOCTOR, DIES INHOME HERE Wu On· of Couaty'· B«t Mm And Sarrtd Humanity . >WoH WAS A SOLDIER OF THE CONFEDERACY Celeaei Da· Hack McLaea. e LH» Iwi FH»W, Write· of HyJJw Ufa Wark Aaaai Fallow Maa »~ Waaaaa. Leave· Tira Saaa ΛΜ4 Τ we Deaghleve. Dr. F SmJth, wail known and be loved in all part* of this sectlor whvr* hu had spent a Ufa in service for others, du dlaoonrage and dapreee th« people even more than the ifcadow el war—Dr. Smith opened a privait it hoot In Ut· Blllottrvllle neighbor hood and tanght the youth· of thai •action for aevaral yean. Da rial thla period ha waa naatduoualy par •ilng hi· taon hooka, preparatory tc the poraalt of hla choeea profeealor —that of medicine. Me Anally eloaet hla eehool room and attended medl cal laetarea at th Charleetoa Medloa Coll·*» I'pon hla graduation in tki medical college, he entered apoa thi active practice of medicine and ver; anon achieved high «Lallan in hli ehoaen profeeatoa About Utla tlmi he married MIm Battle Bandera a Jfhaatpn «Matf. Tba (πlite of Ihb ■urlifi war· Mr». Rom Beat, M win Smith. Mr·. Delay Yonne, Do·· lu Hmlth. rarquerd Smith. Mr· Jt ■le Smith, foar of whom nrrln hit· H· mo-red to i oh M to· oooaty Ml practiced medicine lh«r· until thi year 1177 when he returned to Htr •oil aoantr to Jptmà Ikw mila| ol hi· dor* ««one hie own formei friand· «ad reUtlree la I Ml hk wit· waa taken away by death aal the remainder ol fela ll(« h« epaa with hi· ehlldrea. Falling haaltl compelled him to glre ·ρ the actif, practise of well Idee, bat he ooa tinned with Β a a be ted effort* to at· later I· tha aolerln· (aopl by wken he wh anrronnded, without reward Of him It caa be truth tally aaM "H' went a boat dotut «ood." l)r. Smith waa a patriot, for h. loved hla country and gloried la he areataea* Ha took aa M tire part h erery acheme aad en ter ρ r lee whlcl ι were eaadaelTe to tbe raflnemaat. eal ter· and develop a· «a I of oar aaotloa Dr tatu waa aot a poiitietaa · I »d»a aaahar. bat he took a iwaty la lerwt la erery thin* that [Wnaaleo X wake PoauuT RHODES L, Ha Omm. af «> UP «choir» ta b* United SteUa fer . novated Urifkt by ] Jotte. if tlx H of Tirt»ol«|g. t aifca Mmm of η MN MB >ar Wot OM a vx tak Ajrda Iialll·!» |thoM who womM hàt· in 1*11 m», « it not bm far «fca l.tad aa of 1·1> JS , Janaary aad tkoaa win aptar next pat ι tien *aa k dnrlns the 1· »hipj b***a. 1 dna la larya lalaraat la th« war.' A lata· ' kfall na . Uaitad !tfca year ι aatac·, _iaf ltlt f I r Mm aandkd af thai Pal (&« Nottfe Hnk, .Jr., Goanaa, Jr., of ι Dart** C0UNTÏ1 IN —Harnatt art Mt te arltk « —· rata ua SB of (o«r < Tba ratar D* J. aad cwmiM, ~U$ mn* —, appotated to aaleef*4*tt*te BMI (or With t*·. It wi Tlill tkr I _ _ τ I·»· darla« Νarimtf taetead ·*! Oetober, α· aoco«*t ·< Ihi fart tu | he received Uk« U> heeke Ma. TH Botri wjpi 'ο U« I Welfare oaeer M>¥ *ero M Mt fl^vt Moaday to aM*f with tba Board of Bd Beatles. tha Board οt Cotaaleeiooera n4 0»Wf Waltara OMcar C entry. It vaa ordered that tlM a. ^ tha Harnett Connty W» Aeeedatloa (or extra police iivltrf*· lotaf tha (air. Bararal other |M* or a ratera ware dUpeao* M IUU OoUUtein UA>>aUrdar for New York where he wdPttrchaae label «later and early rood· fer Uu Coldaieia Compact· rood foretaiaapt to W* *Uie aad aa Uoa. He had ao ta*te or petleeaa {with the vtlee and of the deei a«o«aa or »rp*«aalna«< Ootltjclaa A bora all. Dr. kaatt* Wee a Chrla Uaa. who Inod aad *°rBhlppad kh Redeemer with aa ^HUaa aad |derotlon whtek k»*»*· attleaeat, with a oourat· that *"♦» ao (ear, with a faith that k»e* ho doobt. Dr. SaKh vaa a raB»« elder la the LJIItDdto· Preabyterf eharah. aad 4 been a lace lu orfMlaattoa. Now that he le rooe hie *·* aad eoaaar ratlTa rneae·!· wfll »· Mdly ·Ιο··Ι by thoee of the ill»n>* who aarrtra IdM* ΤΜΓ« «M BOT I ui aaafal lit· ikwisTf — — __ what ba Malt bara 01* ta tea lan iu>p et bla Mm< fevior: ".T%tb «r, I h»T· fialsbad *** ^ork TkH l"Wt M tO te' TM" »U M «Ioot of a ilagla Car fit» Vit what te U« craat M«r af »·**·■ bla aa it wltb Ma JtaW «M not bal frmra wa (Ml ι bat (H4 that wa If» ai bla. Ma ba· tatt to ·* On laharltanaa at bte C aad bla Oodly walk ι la bla tetettaaraa «** ht» faUaw maa ba waa aa eaatl* — tea areata· • •phrr. »4 I· h ta Tatty te hl» frlaaCa ba vaa aa til* aa Ua polar •la». Ha «aa te4**4 a Cbrlatiaa witbaat «alla. May >· all aaafc ta follow bla ta tbaaa IMka of lickt aaaaaaaa wblab ba «a**bta4 te Lraa4 aaul wa raaab tba |N» partait at that Calaatlal Ottf #*tab baa baaa pratara* ter tbaaa «H an teltbtal te tea aad Pnm I* Mi ammt ■ 'aabaa. ημιι to bte tobtorlal aptrtt! ' Ma raala aaw ta tba baauai af tba) ■ bavior wboa ba aarvat «a bfiUy aa4 I wbeai ba te*a4 DUNN'SWEAK LINK SNAPS 'v. — ——— >W»IUI Ik) Dunn wwlilpil tUctric power plant »·» Λ· Sw· iaduitry fa North Cknllu to Miff or from the atrik· of cool mwn, Tko DiapoUh com· to it· rood or· UtaSad with ο decided paucity of mow· mat· tor. Wo unit apalogiae for thia hocauao wo are ia m wtjr mpwuibli. Nor tu wo mo ko ntam for tkooo who oro cloth >d with authority to hup tho mu nicipal oakrpriM ι —oiai Rather oro wo forced to tho coocHimoo thot mumici pol outheritie· hove hooa «omowhot derelict ia ou· Μ····1. Tho cool Mrfko hu hooa to I hod of for week·. It wu looked forward to with tho certaioty thot tho mImmi would corry out thoir throat to cripplo American industry if thoir dmwji wore oot mot. Pri ▼eto QMtorpriio lAptad ufofiurd· i|>iatt this throat. Tho ooMom mill· t Duko, for iattuct, ko vo ρ la cod —iMgh oool in »toray e oi»d in tho hoMMO of thoir work er· to loot tho oath* —try through ο long win tor. AH other prink enterprise ia thio ooctioa wo· fore handed enough to proparo for tho imminf. Tho aaaaUoipol plant i· tho oaiy ooo dependent upon coal thot hoo rartailod its apmatioa» And it· cartailmont came without aaflMg to MOOT· of aurriit twenty-four hour» oftor tho «Mho order fc>eam· offΜ» There ia mo dou b t thot every man eooMoetod with tho city ιιμιμμΙ ia ο |nd — For oil of tin iff Tho DiapoUh «Mtitain· tho htodlieot of foolkf· It U our kallaf, howow. that they have proven thamialrm tho wook link to Dunn'» toda«tliol fabric It W certain that fimllhtofao a cuoot ho toc I ad ad to tho goad quali ties thot wo are ready to odmit thot they pe·····, ROY LEWIS DIES HERE AFTER LONG ILLNESS _ After H IDum of MBy raonûw Pkika Lawli, 4M at Ui l>oie ID tkb cKjr Mwrftjr at 7:4l I ï'ciaeà. aad e»Û*mgk ktTTwth ted came aa a #act ta May fri—di. u< ledaed a· a pnt ion»» le alL in a yaar ho, fcoy at Sanatoria·» part· of tkt atata ia an jain kit heakfc. and only •teot a MB* aca. vfcaa hi* tonit tMt •wry λίΜΐΜ VMt fhyMKM, BUM and ImH mm ομΙΓοΜτ. hi* aew dltioe .mm bmf very iateac* In *M riigbtly over ti year· ·( If*· K*vin« Wn born Joly 9. 1β·7. ■κ ni Ike trNnnit mi of Mr. im Mr», B. U«b. Bt apnK kit bey· hood day· is Doaa, wfcot he ■Inn been deeervedlr popular and inlHnwn. B* waa ut gonraw of I aiai jyliHid trail· of thuactor, nektag htm an lafta«aec for rood •elHrmr Im waa knew·. He was UM W the IBMt of the town'· roinc man hi tk* btrnin· world, and had b**a vary woee**· fol la his choaen work. Th* ftnt peeMea Im Mid vu la a clerical ca pacity whh the Atlantic Coaat Une Railway Company in thin city, where ha reeaalned only a brief ported We •'ore b«tac promoted to a larger work at Wileoa. Haro U* KrvVn wcr* of a elac* and merit that be wa* rapidly promoted to a very mock more reeçoedbfe poattion with the mm company, and wa* mat to Char lerton, B. C., when ho remained un til forced to raai*a la the interval of hi* health. Indeed the Weat that caa ho «aid la that h* made good. In otw walk* of lifo Key'· choke* have been well made. H· wa* a member of th* Mcthodlct Episcopal Che re h of Dana, having made this eona«c tioa a ahart whil* ago. The rnarrai —nice* were eondact ed from the raddeae* on North CUe Ud Avenue, Taoaday afternoon at 2-Jt «'clock. In tha ahaence fr the city af hi* pa*tor, Rev. Eugen* Oltv* af th* IM Baptiit Chareh coadaeted the il ι lee, which wa· eery impumin. Intanaaat took place at Greenwood Cemetery in tha pretence of a lain number of •arrowing rel ative* aad friaada. The floral offer ing waa preface end noA beaatlful, ptteating la a «**11 decree th* high pita*·* m which thla yoang man ara* held. vwi vcwif OTjnwv titaUi ·( Um decMud, wm Ptil Zoom, Lull· Wood. Dick Toylar, WUUrd Jackooa, Baaott Upiton, ui li PilkM. Honorary soil boororo w*ro: Ε. M. Wm, M. T. Hodiu, W. *. Howard, Γ. A. Lao, J. WWblUhead and Noah Loo. tarvMaf lotooood of hU lmn« dku f tally ore father ud mother, ο no brother, Mr. N. P. LrarU, aad lolWwiac lUoni Miid.au W. D. HoOnd, L. P, Barioo, Ju. WHoaa, D. J. Cartor, aad Mia RaOU Lewi., all of oh»· raoldf lo Dann nmt Mr*. Cartor, «ho Ihroo la llorth Wltkooboro. N. C. COftMKLIU» HODOCS Cornollua Hodf·, oao of the pt kuiatM, the leaf tobtcc· market aold a total of 114.Me.7lt pounds for M.MMT8.M. RAILROAD WRECK IN DENMARK KILLS Ui AND INJURIES OTHERS Cop*nha(en, Sov 1 An txptua train from lioroear, <0 ell*» loatfc weat of Copenhagen, collidr-d with an other train bat η it ht at Vi**r»iey Fire or κ* of the coache· rolled down an ctnbarlunent and another jeaa wrecked. The latest reporu «tau that 22 pen··* were kilted aad mort than 20 other· injured. bat it la fear ed that a numbrr of bodie* are «till under the wrecka*c. BR1GHTT0BACC0 GETS HIGH PRICE —Harnett County New». It la with «rant aatiafartlo» thai thla paper record» the high prleee raid for brlcbt loal tobacco In tlili •action thla aaaaoa. I^aat Jaanan tbeae eolunin· berpoke lor thoae whe planted the weed the be*t of prie·· aads.aow that the (old leaf I· brin· la I faaey price·. It baara ont thb paper'· prediction at that Ume τ ha 'greenback· would be ftoatlax uroi Harnett county like lattice" It »··( be remembered that rlithi through thla particular belt or xiuidj loam aoll la the only «pot In tin whole world that ean ral·· brlgh' hk( tobacco of the quality m mud la demand for cigarette* and plp< ntoktni Ai a conaeqaenc· of th« •pleadId prleea b'ouglit by thU to· baoeo Ibla •eaaow, (arm land in ihfa etotnlty la In groat demaatl. aud II li Indeed a piece ef wledota on the part Of tbnee who bay oarty. Thl· 1· noi a land adrertlaemeut In any aenae o! the word, la tact, the Innd dnej no need any further adrartialng now. Ite caaae I ta "rap" la «cure Mr. Ο. W. Howard, the «ell knnari (•barco «an, M MlllHB moi»e ut lh< flBMl tokMM «n pUred un Ihi MrkM. Tb»« la «bat Dm luad!ii| tobacoo man ear, a*d tker kaor Mr. Reward reiaad ou la nil hnloo|!n; u> Mr. H. T. (Man Juni nutot Ci corporal* limita ol LUItnftoa. tabac ce «(bteb ararmcad aboat a dollar ! pMltd—M ba mit, 1,100 pwtnd broackt ||,1·1. Mr. Howard ta no tbroafh marketing. Ha bee yet u pat en tba door aoiao of th· "Tt>:iow aat ol tba y»IW»w.·· Mr. Blaloet. Juat ooulda of LU llagtoa, mark at ad tba otker dar 1. 100 poaade far )a>t m many dollar* Tba a tory aoald ba otada a Ion •■a. ) Tbara la m much aetUlty li tba tobaeoo land mark at that (ho to baarii market llaolf U baiat oral leaked la the raeh. It la a aafe ba that land la Haraott oueaty la Iowa aow tbaa U wUI arar ba. GREAT PROSPERITY •Ι ΟΥΚ. TIE COUNTRY il·»—· r~>—... • Verging Upon Keck· Ι«»ι·4 ij REPORTS FROM AGENTS 1'£<·*< S«Hb App* ready Aypraarhiaa ;l. It* Ka4, Rtpart Dnltm, Though ;·. C-ai Mi.·· Wtllmt I· Mm h'i. ! Μΐ·ι faullw Numbof Strike· I ir. Sea* l)iairi opnt) n«k Iovihi· in baylns »e* ί·κ J in prae tically all rrttion» 8ummar+*'-»r th* t-epoït*. Uii· bcatd !>n a uau.rc.nt wsidr pablk- Atttuw • day (aid Uk· labci »JtuaUoB oceap*-." a position of priwx y ianorcauci- tri'.h an ir.rrvaainar dc*i·'· or gt-Drnil μι.· r»«t over the roar try. "Th;· atari *tri!.v wbic-h haa b>-tn 1 )oi:(r drawn oat. th ■orh v^kh pro*!ac tion well raa'ritan'i-d," raid lb·· win man'. **!» apparent',y upprcf.-tiinir Ji» jnd. Thr- hit·· not in Hi ,-nt twkt •.■rWHi.ly tumjirri»· production. "Mora MrkMU. |M-*h«ps IB it* p>» idbililtc* than any orhrr labor dhaur laniv, i· Ikt 7 "vrai roa> ·«(«·· •*Hoj»'.fnl ituiL-a'.'.un in tin· la hoi ii»tricu a >j»ia'l-r namiirr of art tut! . alnkcj or a ►jnalW βοηιΐχτ of m.*n •at of »wL υ ι. mdt cf nri);r>. ' "* t?o rb!t»Seir factor in llir In du trial -ruatior, it mid (n the rxle «■nr· of a w1d*»prc»'l rendition of indurtrial and «oclii asreat. and whilr 4i«turfeaiK«C inpwinjr o»f of xlrikcr have not ir.cmaird durin* 'J.c mootb. .irerprrta 1er a erearth in thii dtn-c icn have- b*vn *uth a« to ro««t· torn* ar.jirty." S«mm!n(t up diftrirt labar «tua !««', it would apprar that in ttiv N«w Enplarni '"rcico thara is BO ftcacra!. or 'eriou· d in! «cat Ion. of working rela tionship!. ahhooyh thi-r» U anusual ra'Jtlan aaaoop employer*, arhllr in Philadelphia but littSt· dinturbanrv haa bac* rxperwr.cad, condition» in '-ha., South, at Atlanta aad the ad jacent, err fairly «atjifxyn, who· t>i-.ipost/d ir> a rtMlr'.'fn '•••ir.y, adopted by the 1 \ tern <; «til > ->»ττ· « of "Knrkt&t *'» me .. · nJouM of the B»l Julctretion t.· *5 cvill'· ι hu.ild inr'ude α m r.ar. ) ·|·.·' ι j laUo.-. ar>·! οικ< rt ς·.'Λ.1'-.'ι·μ '·.♦ rt.vcr<;minl· *;· : roti rc-cc.-noM-ndinir nr. cii.V-horr .h/, wh'rh ww adopu-d Satu.J^r inl rcfrrrtd hack to com mitt -.' fr.r r. ν;»icr. aimi war fina''y adrt-ic:i Imi»;. H an Int. ·*-' |^ia»Wn»t cor." nth.·· frtiV h: "f lM. fi-r al! wovfc.:· η maximal· Kv.m—tAol* R^nwircs. .yu iw naucori. j·. iMilv· Je·»· . ,115, rt*>*l E. V.·,», ll\ Wvr# er I ι·.·*ΐί:' boT< Ε^ία· <·· ./ n'.tfi»» i9WI« ΙΉΙΜ nr ''or Stat* of Ν·-· York mil kad, in hplt jir.jfi. « ·6Τ .•'vit*I trji, imh/ lleotl. ■ valuable btatk Λ In rub* an J .1 a tu W . '.· Or.r wf tîï«- kepi «halttid ta < S· polknu that th* ear had kaao «Mm η »'.onrec, N. Y.,,lka(f kotM town. tad rtalM two car» Hi li"«W ■*M» «„<- karf Ml tWta >.. —