♦LOCAL* Roy Bailey, manager of the R«< Spring* and Marten telephone » change·, »u here Saturday and Sun (lay to vial» hi* parrot*, Mr. and Mr* L. F. Bailey. Thar· will b« the rnrular service at tbf Free Will Church Sunday Morning and niche. SubJcct f»r Sun day morning Why Keep τhe 8ahbatb1 Everybody wrVromea t° theae »cr· vieee. Gua ParVrr is rapidly recixrrring from Injurie» wujtainrd through hi· falling from a waj^n ·» the J. L, Thompson Company «tor* teveral day· ago Mr. Parker »*j badly bruiaad and suffered a broken «Hi Judge and Mr*, t·- Havl· d children will mov* to Punn (hit w«c!i. They have reeided in Duke xcveral yean, during which time «κ; judgv was affiliated with th· Hank of Har nett and th* Dak* interest· general ly I'oliceman Hunl we* acetdar.lally «hot through th* I if while (Waning hi· revolver at polie* haaduarur* lart Knday night Hi* wound la an usrly one bot ι> not considered danxcrou·. Yeaterday he we* reetlng well. ΰ reported. W. C. Willi·!·* 's ·«» l>unn Tor a f*w day· promoting and advertising ihe «aie of the H- I>. Godwin prupfrrv which takes ·Ιμ* n*xt w»ck. T)»· l«rg· tract of lend will be *0|d at suction by the Raleigh Koul E* ta loi A Trust Ce. Kenneth f. Howard ep*nt aevcral days of th·* ***** e' Clinton where he waa ech*duled to fly *,th Lieu tenant Maynard. Purmiiuion for hi» light· were g"'1*" from Uir War Re partaient throuvh UeprwenUlive Hannibal 1» Godwin. Showing that real estate «aloi-s In the Dunn datricl art „il!l cl.mbing the Jon·· Κe·"*·* Properly, six m l·· from town, sold Monday for an aver age of about $300 an erre Then: are 126 acre· In lh«. property. Some of It »old for as high a» »4*5 »" sere K«v Dr. and Mr*. H. D. VeCHtr*. of WilBi-n*ton, returned hom* M cm da jr aftar fpvodmy the wrrk-end here with Mr. and 9fn. S. A. Townncod. 11 Dr. McClare preached at the Fret il bytarian Churrn ftundsy inorniner and | j nieht. La*yf cor>u;r*-^«l4onj wtrt ; prcsrnt to near him in both In ! Gronre Monda, of Marion. S. C„ was her» Sunday and Monday, Hr rame to attend Ihr funeral of h>< neice, Hn Paul GnSn Mr Mondn Is a native of Dona and is pleasant ly remtsnbtred by all of Dunn'i peo pl» who knew him her* up to about tan yearn ajro wher. he moved to South Carolina. Among thon of Dunn who atU-nd • d the circus at Raleigh Saturday *"t J. Lloyd Wmd·, H Newberry. fc. M. Jeffrey a. Eu*ene T. Lm, Jack Le·. Henry C. Lee, W. C. Ranoy. Arthur Pope, J. Walter Tirnayi', Lealie Wood, Lawrence U. Blsxell. L. BubM Pope. Bn John C. Hod*** and L Buabee Pop·, Jr. Vernon Howell Maaacngill returned Monday from Richmond and Balti more where he hod ipant asvaral day* HMgl«| for furnMhlngi for his handsome new home now gnder eon· «asftwwteiWB«Mws*? wddinci. It la expected, will be com pleted early nut January. The fornlahinit will arrive at about that time. Dr. LeBoy Pridgen and Mi*» Mil dred Vick were married Wednesday niyfet of last week at the home of thi' bride's mother in Godwin. Re*. A. K. McQueen, minister of the presbyter ian Church hare, performed the cere mony. Dr. Pridgen i· a son of Mr. and Mr*. D. L Pndgrn. of Dunn He I» »ow practicing dentistry In Fay etwUle, where b< and Mrs. Pridgen will reside upon their return from a wedding trip to Washington and oth er plaies et Interest In the North. Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. A. Leo re turned last week from a trip to New Yorit, BaHimnrr and Wash ington and have established residence with Mr* t*c'« mother. Mr». Sarah Thornton- \J·* were married two weeks age at *rv Thornton's home by R*r. Eageno I. Olrvo, pastor of the First Baptist Church M TA. Lc« WM Min Kit her Thornton, s charming AaH fc^fDlBOHwWl *ηΐ1ΛΓ» w.aaan 1*» LVa 11 one of thii mcIiod'i mo··* ι prominent young ftrmm. Thomaa H. Wabb, of Concord, wad jmonic lbo»e who «>mc to attend th,> 'oneral of l>r. ™«3uhard Smith Mon "«y afternoon. Mr. Webb «ι» for **·/ yfar» Ç"">l Kupvrlntrndent Jf lht Erwin Cotton Mill. at l>uk·. »t *·. dorln* tho·* v*ar» that be "new Dr. Smith and from clone iu> •petartion with him learned to ltove "jo»e *«nt)e quality that nadc him th# n»n be wa*. Mr. Webb in now •«Perlntendent of a cotton mill hi ^oncord. He returned to Concord T»«eday morning. fcannle Lm Tart, convicted two ***» Mro on ·'"*[*· ?* homicide in Γι2ΓΓ?οη wMÎ j£? k"!'"* of fat r*°yi here and aantenced to a term » 4*JPenitentiary.Perdoned lart •«•fc by Governor Bickeu a recent •fetation In I»»*0" #»*o credence to )»* yonne mar*» pWa Out he lhot f'uyd in M If defenao Hi. ,tory wa< JJ^t he had bean «hot In l),. he«d ■"^or. |,c killed TbU evldinU. wu "°t believed by the trial Jury The operation di«ck)«jH U* pr.H«·, 0( . bullet In hi* baad. Thie wa» the rea •on far the pardon. W· E. Cannaday, of 8now Bill **» here Saturday te attend to huat "«ea Incident te axtenelra Improra ®eit» planned far the property at 5*" «orner of W"·®" Arenaa and P*"*b*rtai»d Street which h» ree.Tit, 'jPurrha^d fr«a« Brnert V Tounr Jwblle here he bought mar oth.r 5*— property and «tated that he wan P^nnln, t« locate her· about Jann •T 1. Mr. Cfcai»<«y U · court „ u, Ql>or*e L. Cannaday. whoee |Bfl„_ "we wm largely initramenui |a in. «<"·!«« the Greene County man to ""*· to Dunn aed ■>· »"«t a remark tbfy rood town et ta. Bell and iwindell I» the atyU cf • iww piumMa* concern whkh ». " A. B«|l aad B. t- Swindell arc. the °wnera and headquarter» has bem established at Uc.N. A. gtfi P*ey store. Mr. 8wl«del! it |g fJ|_ RL*1?"®?d *"d made P*«1| hi· home for aevera) aionthf wbie* the* be wa* aaaorlated »;tb V. C Ka>oy la the p1»«Wn, «"fataea. TVey ara aow 'JJ jenra too aad win appreciate a por **· »f reur buM·»·». ► T. C. Τηνιηκ, of Sraillifleld, W» here Saturday. Alfred Mtliimn, of IJIhngton, wa a flikor kcrc Monday. k Kennle Howard and Brrua Pon w»i*c *i»itor* in Clinton today. J J. A. Pool··, of Raleigh. waa bar Saturday «nu. Sunday to riait lui - family. Mrs G. M. Tllffenan and her litlh •on. Mayers, »rc vUitlhK relative» lr > Norfolk. ' Oor** I. Cannaday spant Tueaday • near Vcmbrokr, where h«r conducted a land *»!<. V. Smpea l» ajfain attendiaff *» butin·-* after a week'» Kinase at his ' homo here. ' Λ. R. Wilton it here UiL· weak fr»» I Maymiio, to vi»il hi» mother, Mr·. A. R. Wilton. Β. I. Tart, raahixr of the Bank of Kour Oak*. wa· a buehie»* viaitor in l>Onn Monday. Κ. I. Howard ha» recovered from ι a ini'sr* of sichno·» at fret feared to haw be mi influenza. Sandy 8tcwart paid h» accustom ed wwk end vitit to friend· b«re I.Saturtlay and Sunday. John W. Draufhon «pont Muerai ilnys of thin weak out of town in the inUTMl of hit baainea· here. Mr·. Α Π. Ilarrcll of Petersburg, Va., urnvi-d Tuaaday to ri«it Krr par ent·, Mr. and Mr»· Henry Pope. Harry P. St*»·"» of SmilhfMd. wa» her·· Monday «n butineaa. Mr. Htrvi-n» hold» · position with the Union Auction Co . of 8nUtbflo'd. Mr·. J. M. Water* returned laat week to New Bern after «pending lev vrai day» h^ra with her parent·, Mr. and Mr»- N. A. Boll. Mr». B. F. Hmlth, who ha· been viwtuiK her »l*er, Mi»» Martha Tay lor. returned Monday to her hone at Goldsboro. Mr*. B. C. (ate·, of Duke, »a» here Saturday to vinit her parent», Mr. and Hr*. J. W. Driver. L*wti Denning, a »tudcnt at the University of North Carolina, «pant Saturday and Sunday hcie irith hU parent». Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Denninjc. Granville >J Tilgbman returned Saturday frost Norfolk where he had •pont m-veral day» on bu*in«ea for the Tilchman Lumber Company. Former Sheriff John Henry Pope; '«•ft Sunday for Townaend, Ga.t whrrv ; he will «pend lèverai day* looking after his farming ιηtercet» In that! Jection. ■ I Mrs. It. G. Smallbonaa, afta ■jw-ndlnjr wvrral day· here a· a ruci uf Un. J H. Pearaall, returned M or day to her kuoo in Wilmington. Dr. J «met M. Lr«, of Prlarabnn »aa here latt *c«k to vitit hi» broth·: Or. S. P. J. I« and other relative in Dunn and ttampaon County. Ml»» Juanita Crockett, of LiUinj toD. «pent Sunday her» with her pai •mt», Mr. and Mr*. J K. Crockett. Mra. Claude Gardner returned t Hock y Muant Monday night aft« •pending acvrral weak· her· with ha mother. Mr». M. J. Pittman. Emert F. Young, after a Mm· day·' til*- of illneaa, 1· again abl u> attend to duliaa ta hi· oDca. Howard Tilghman, of the Tilghmai Lumber Company, »u here Batoi day from hU homa in Richmond t eieit h>« brother, QranvtUe M. Tilgh man. at hi· rnarb!» yard aeveral days aco Coll H. Bert, employed In the Nor folk-euulhein Railway oBcaa at Nor folk, wt· here Monday to attend th< funeral of I>r. Farqunard Smith. Ja> H JliUiiu, hat moved V • Jjnn and accepted a position witl The Dunn Heat * I.«ht Co. Ili famil> «ill Join him a> toon aa rait able retidcnce can be aecured Representative and Mra. Hanniba L. Godwin returned to their homi here yeaterday after a week'· «ta; in Wa»hinfton. Mr. Godwin will re turn to the Capital thu week. Mr» Ben 0. Towneend and he: tinier, Mit· Margaret Towwnd, re turned Monday night from Robeeor County. where thry had «pent 8at urday and Sunday with relativea. THUMB TORN FROM SOCKET The firtt joint of hit Uft thuml -#»e torn completely from iU tockc when κ colt whichΝ·|*υη Le· wat lca< η g balked acd Jerked ita heed a fee dey» tiro near Falcon. . Mr. Lee we riding in a hurry on nit way fro η Fnlcon to hix home et Koar Oak» A mbaII repf attached to die colt'i lulter waa wrapped around hii Hiaob. MRS. BEIILAH GRIFFIN Mr*. Bvulah Grlffln. wife of Pau. (triflhi and a daughter of W. M Mord», died at tbe home of her fatb er laet Saturday. She waa eightcct year» old and had bean married about one year. Fanerai tervieee ware eoa ducted by Rev. Dr. McClnre tn Om abaencc of her paator, Bee. Α. K. Me Queen. Interment waa made la tlM Monde Cemetery, near town. Mre GrifTIn »u a young woman who·» «weetneae of character had wan hei many friends here and in other parti pf tnia eectlon where ih* was wel itnown. H«r huaband turvivee her. NEW BANK ELECTS OFFICERS Judgo E. P. Davie wai elected pre indent and eaehier of the Commarcla Bank when (toekholders held tbeii flrat eeetinjr Monday afternoon Bugene W .smith era* ehoaen vie· proeident end J. W. Purdle, I, W Smith, Dr. R. L Warren, J. C. Byrd F. W. McKay and C. P. Davia wari elected dime tor*. R. L. Godwin wai made attorney for the InetituUon J.dgr Davie will aerva aa eathier un 111 the incitation complétai errance menu to employ other help. Omc< auppllra and équipaient ara expecte< to arTive ta lime to permit the oenk'i opening on November 18. They wori ordered fevera! dan ago and Moat oj them are In transit Mo mora (tool in the invitation win bo «old far thl time be lag. Judge DavU announce* yesterday foflewhm the receipt at wrveral application· far etock. Card of rk.„k. We wteh to thank our friend* an< nvighbora for iho many acta of kind neee ihowo at during the IHneee an< death of ear loved otto. Your thought fulncaa and sympathy It deeply appro ciated by ue B. LEWffl AND FAMILY. Mr. J. R. Rlwa ot gen fard a pen Tueedey la LllUagte* t. the lateree of tbe Cottoa Warehoaee A· WHAT HAVE YOU DONBr What you done for Uu world loday, far >11 it hoA done for you— with It· life and it* chance and it* toil and play. And IU muaie and laughter and dewT ι What haw yog done for η world that Ço r in "rfrthat •hinea u yon to; or a world that ia iwUr of mice and kinga. That cu make at can break with a blow Τ Why tr« you troubled aad diacoatent In a world that haj dona to mack To clothe yon with grace of tho |Hti it baa wit And thr t-Haaee it ha* helped yoo to cluteb? For thla beantifal world la a place, lAdoc<l< That It doing things hoar by hear That ahould help a* to climb to a happier creed, Α» the bloaeoai clinbe into the flowert What arc you doing to help Κ along For the help it ia giving right now To the children that IMt to iU prayer aad ita aong And are touched by a holier vow? What have you done for a world that can anile j And help you to lanitc on your way, ' And a world that it lovelier, mile ' after mile. For the take of it» children each day? —Bentxtown Bard, Baltimore 8tm INFLUENZA rfvtswfiaCi Kfll tk· CaU. At u^n CASCAKAWQUININI »—**·«*> M a MU u m Π?--ΓΓ» Ran At All Or, COATS NEWS r Dr. And Mrv C. R. Younf of An t Kler apcnl I'rlday with Mr·. M. J ι* Kuquay. K. ». Smith wu In town'a fr· _ hoar* Tueoday. Mia Gtvnni Jokwoa Km accept** à a ρΜΐβοη ai primary teacher in Um Pinny School acar her·. P. Williams la in SmlU)Aeld lor a ft» day·. Miu Mai· John»π of Roes Hill »u the neat of her alater, Mia* Iran· > John ton laat week. r Herbert Grime· waa a viatuir In r' Varina Sunday. Mua Pearl Rambeau of Amriar ria I ttad relatWea hare Saturday and Son f day. Mr. and Mr·. Charlir Wllliaaaa ! «pant Tueaday in Raleigh Charte· Stewart and ion, Edwin af ) Pembroke apent a fow day· laat weak . with relatives here. Mr. and Mrv J. D. Pope and MUa L 12 Levinaon «pent Ta—day la LOltnfton. THE COUNTRY DOCTOft During the aeaaioa of the doctor· in , Gacloma the other da*, the statement , waa made '.hat in Mecklenburg. a . i i»-irat agricultural and rural county, I then· war· but two doctor· under the »ge of sixty-Ave year·, practicing oat aide the corporate limita of Our 1 lotte. This is a statement that ihould chal lenge the thought and attantion of the rural public. What ara the CO·ctry people coin* to do fat doctor·? It ia an ertdant fact that the country doctor, a noble and heroic typo, is fast paaoinc out. He in moving to the city where be does not bava to endure tbo nerve wrecking, grueling (rind of country practice with Ita long cold drive* m ι mow and rain and sleet at aay boor : of the day or night at the call of distreaa. . Tt — —— — — uivio Bsnnc iignre ιο American life today than the oUl country doctor who haj literally worn | hlm*clf oat mlnlatering to the weak Land poor and hamble of the country I *idr year in and year ont at the paltry price of one dollar per. In GaJlon county, which i> thickly aetUed with taduatrial ronunurUUea, to the beat of our knowledge, we do not know of a aingle phyncian who·· practice t· altogether among the rani population. And. a* wma «ο forcibly brought out laat craning, the proMoa of country people, eight and ten aailee from a doctor, la getting to .be · aeriout on*.—Qaaton Qaaette. BOY PROM ANG1ER IN JAIL IN RICHMOND Richmond, No*. I. Hniiy Her· Jonee, SO, from Angier, Ν C., waa held In police court today far trial November 14th on the charge of rob bing two trained nuraea in a boarding boa·* at 104 Wert Grace rtraet. Γ rem M&. L. L. Lew ally» It waa allemd that be Mela a IIS gold ring and it· ia currency, while Mlaa E. Enrla wma relieved of a pearl handled revolver valued at 110. Jonee waa located laat night la a downtowa pool room. Ha admitted the theft Ha waa boarding in the mm* bejee. The ring aad platol and all hat |4 ef the money waa recov ered. Janea eremed very repentant in ceert Quite a large delegation from Ul· II α (ton attended the eoeamaalty Utr at Morrta Chapal laat rrtday. 7*hey all report It one of the Mat oomina nity fair» they aver attended.—Har nett Coo at y Navra. flfl η η ηη on. Β. J. Ι·4μ, Dm|« I* BUSINESS LOCAL * TKuxirr^w^WTgD^ ro* roym c£3 Uni aa4 al«· twvnrtwT haw* ·> It *+fy to E. M. Mn7«, Dun, * C. îïiEW AMD UfJOUD HAND PONDS for ■»>· ΙΆΜΜ-ΡΜΥη CO. CAMAOS PLANTS AU. LIA»^ lu «itfto. Nm> rtWy. Hn. ■2b· % W«t, R. s. Dunn. Ν. C 11-Wfd· rAîï> »αιχ—Hinrnr $B. fairish*1*·" ""Jj WANTCO at on^roùmTwô: Λ» *1·» U kl» ®«™*W la tw ecmtm m nuretn* i. tlx - ' -1 tm — laUiiUm and btMftclel wlU "or T.ï^vÎf? f««· t—<·>!■■ — cmi· ci Λ» narMs. 101· 4L LOST—A nmota CONTAINING ~ s^'-^Afau-ss Rout· «. It. pd. · roK *A1X=: SHALL MOAT" WRlCHIHC ABOUT 100 powd. h·· Ute, up »t my bom·. I» ■· U os· of roan li ϊ1·4*, » *-JRowl*»d, 101.r Broad H. It pj. iraUMITMP MOWKT to UtND ON M.oof.o# w§. ytOt **"' il LOST—TN* COAT TO A CIUN ~H Utwmm iok* BeUm ui Fruût SU*· ·» «k. QiatM road. Λ <d for Retort of ·>0··0 for ntUB te J. H. HodeM, D·*·, a. i„ Bos is. it. pd. WANTED — TWO ATTRACJV· '·» PJ^SSJL"»·» it ttw*. A4 drn· R·τ L. Wleer, Do». It p*. lost—eloW Cold watch, w**d for i**n> to Ucj Poy·. IL Ρ* OK IAU^ âÀvB _ »»Ι««..ίί·> mi. te .<■ m —1 for _ "■Ά * Prfic*. JU»T «XC»IVP>-4 CAJt LOAD I Hn? «*5·* moo. WfartkPMi.K c COOO home fOft SALE AT Dunn. N, C. PVm "·«, >-4 xn lot, mu D. A 8. Apply to 8*ra TImm. Dun* « C. St. BEMNING PIANOS JMCUATV to «scalt Tfeey 4*. TWt t· wfcy th«T m 0« tair *f tk· tow· «•M by PMTW^Îm Ç+. BEAUTIFUL HOMEfOft 1ALC ATI Don», H. C. Al»# VoaiM i0 atterl eitM·. WIT mB VMMtUjr. lf| l°* 525?* to ""SLÎ. *?· "p"1' ui SuafhMU·. Dm»·. H. C. 2LI ro« tALB—f ACSU t· barland eeaatjr, f Wnllk 140 of erdthratia·. LTtsjjs: I UbwTSie,4 uS'|H« te tobaeto. wttw ar an. For mfafc mI· tflmd «t nq b» Ocaraa, wm •y write A. W. PU*». r>7«UOTrflU, «· c. SALESMENWANT*» To ftOLiCTT ordan for tmfcilu»lfc> tik immi PAINT Ca. CUirf—d, o. SMALL FARM NBAS COAT· PO» «•U. W. H. Paul*. Pw. Μ. α NOTICE—A RED KW WITH 1· pi*« took ap It Bf PW«. W^m*. day, Mr», S. Owa* aa« r*t dtaa scs&'sriwss: Dunn, M. C. for ull—Hourt and uorrii north Wilton Aw·**. Bmn to Al»1» W FINE FARMS FOR l*U AND R—ι ISO wm soar D*fc* «Μι md balMtaga. 141 ««" naar iJ· barf, pW la ad aW^MIm. ltt aaraa a«ar ΒWRf* Qraa· road·, II ,*00 hHM and pM farta aM paatora. IntirwMrnit T«n tybag·far hU red'·» the fata» I ne p*a. J O. U»··*, Dana, N. C. NaT». «I* HOUSES AND UOTS IN DUNN for ·κμ) n> yy at ttw Mt; mifMVhk* Mmm. (t) TV Umm adJalaM <*· abara aM mn)M W Β. Ϊ »·*■, (I) and («) lia |M *»*IU Mar R. E. WiM «tor· hSMl kwl Straai. (S) aad (β) Mw tk· Oal· of aala, 11 o*e)aak, jk a Mrr.daw •rod Haltaaaa CharÀ Daay Unaa Τtea af «)·, 11 rtb*, a. ■*.. Nrr. SS, ISIS. I. 0. Uyto» iio OVERLAND PO*rtL—»AJU for qafck al Rao. J· A, Da»U. ■v«*t a mon'h ko to «tUn4 th. ■aathwaatoni P.apt!»t Tfcaolartc*; MMinarr. Hi» rooMuU, R«, Ra«»U Γ, WWte, «on of Dr. J. U WW*. far af Ih la Sut», now of riarMa, rawatm to tfca boat* and condaetad in a way tka faaarai ttr JINATO*imttrn 1.IOWI •awSESKlS *«4 free - ^ Idk, A· ««utiUta β M*, ifcewed » ι t<MÛckU Uu lApM 2S>r ■· IWM. v Litter· totat REAL Even With Money Plentiful You Want It* Full Worth Dollars get mighty little for their owners under or dinary conditions during these times the producing mark ets of the world are taxed far beyond their capacity to make up for the four wasted years through -which humani ty ha· passed. No where now can we make the present dollar stretch as far as it did before the jpeat waste began. But, occasionally one finds a store whose owners were forehanded—who bought wisely and well before the last great rise in prices were made. The Draughon Store is one of these. Packed into it are great stocks of standard goods that were bought at prices that permit it to sell for a little less than the average merchant is obliged to charge. These are goods that you need for every day apparel and for special wear. They are good good· that we back with our reputation. We do not ask you to take our word for this. We want you to come and see for yourself. We are featuring some especially good value· in Men*·, Women'· and Children'· ready to wear garment· of all natures, and shoe·, hats and furnishings. These are big values and are well worth your inspection. [ J. W. Draughon M i Buy While We Have It Production if Uncertain Markets are Scarce All good· made of steel, iron and wood are becoming scarcer. They are hard to get at any price, and no mant^· facturer will guarantee delivery of more than limited quan tities at any specific time. For this reason we advise all of our friends to place orders for their needs, in these lines as early as possible. Farm implements needed for next year's work should be ordered now. While our present stock of all grades and all kinds of Hardware, Furniture and other lines of our goods last you will be given what ever advantage we have gained through buying as heavily as we have. After these stocks are exhausted, however, '— we cannot agree to maintain the present prices. They are · bound to go up. If you are fortunate enough to buy of the present stocks, you will save money. If you wait, you will certainly have to pay more. This is the opinion of all wholesale dealers of the country. We will be glad to advise you in^uiy way we can about market conditions. The Barnes & HolKday Company I ■ I I I

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