""-.gg—i THF. DUNN • » · <· · *··· · DUHM. *. C-, NOV. I*. 1·» , YEAR AGO KAISER REACHED HOLLAMj AFTER HIS FUGH1 Sine· Former Carman Emparai Arrived No Demand Made For Extradition REGARDED SIMPLY AS REFUGEE BY HOLLANE C»»a«darad Τβ Β· CililM To J<mi Right· and BeaeAu A· Any Jakui Stliayi; Dvtah Gevtrnaifnl Reach ea DMwaiutlt· Aa Ta II· Pal.c] If [>*a»aad la Mai·. The Hafiit, Saturday, Nov. 8. Einprror William rami to Hollarn u year ago next Monday. Smci· tha time there bai bcrrt no ilemaod uO rially or unofficially, for hi» extra dition or delivery up U» the allia» nor haa Hollaml at all ehanRad itj viewpoint toward bim. The Aaaodated Pre·* learned thti today from «nureee that are unqu···· tjonablf Holland'* viewpoint a· re· rard· William IIohen&oTlern m»y l*« dated as follows: The Netherlands whi«h for ccntur ics has accordcd political n·fuge U alU considers the former Bmperor and Crown Pnncc a« rvfug·*» not ai royalty bat if person* wtitlnl u th· same right· aa aoy pin in Johann Schmidt who fled to Holland durin* the war. This principle is no Mronjflj held by the government and kImi bj the ρ re m of Holland thai nothing ii likely to change It, it Is aaaerted. Not Coa»i<lert^ Criminal. The Dutch government ha* reached a d et errai nation a* to iu conduct in the event thf »urrand*r of William Hohentollern i* asked for. No oftciaJ »tatemrnt ha* been made- in this con· * u..« - » ο learn* that Holland considered the former Emperor beyond otndltioc us there is no powblg way legally to hold hire u a criminal. If th jr desire to Insist on the privilege. both the Hohentellerns would be fret to IT" where they liked, as they are tn no sonae prisoner*. However, be causa thay feel that they would cm berrasa Holland L-vcn farther they apparently have -agreed to remain wnere they now irr—the father at An*ran|«ii and his son at Wicriofco. If the MMiu Emperor and Crown Mute desired to return to Germany they would be permitted to κο. While it U possible that Frederick William some day may return to Germany, official vriclt* in The Hague arr In be]ief that William Ho tad to buy ■ null estât* Wcsonc hM )on( Its y at Amcronscn seemed ufv fair to Count Von Bcntlnck whose castle he occupies. AHhouirh a number of purported in terviews with the former Kmperor have been published, the fact h. that he never has spoken for publication since his arrival in Amerongen, and to the request of The Associated Press correspondent for a statement oo the occasion of the anniversary of hli saying that he had not changed his determination not to speak. "Holland realises lh<- unpleasant nee* of the situation rrmUtl by th» fact that the former German rulri sought refuge here a year ago," s cross Dutch official said to The As sociated Preu today, "but for os it ii only a question of sticking to φι principles which have guided us foi centuries. "Also there Is the question of prin ciples In our negotiations of Belgium'· demands with regard to territorial adjustments. These negotiations art proceeding satisfactorily in I'arls. At no time were ifiplocnatic rvlatioin hrtwofn Belgium and Hollaud broker off. "As far as Limburg is concerned, wore It not for the fact that it would be beneath the dignity of Holland tc consider such a procedure, we would welcome a plebiscite then*. for w« know (hat only about one-half »f on< per cent of the population of Lim nil, and tkese for self-interested reaaona, would faper annexation U Belgium. Rega»dlni< the Rivel Scheldt, Holland's control of th< waterway ha· boen unquestioned since the fourteenth century am there is now no reason to surrender it Mar *"·»«· Sut· L»n> "On· me* pot one'· ulf in otar piece to understand. It in the nirr a* if, ίο» inrtanre, SwtUertand «hnuld a«k for the rwht In build and control a canal to Genoa, or Canada should Jwltv to do the nma thing from Canada U. Tampa. Pla " The correspondent of The Anaoria tad l'rea· ha» Uarned lhat while Hol land hat not yal mode a (tat* loan to Germany, iuch a loan It quit* probable a·, fr·"» Λ» »tandpolnt of ■ neutral, which Holland consider» r»e. H«r a fair par·!**!!™·, tho ft. naiu-ial and commercial build inn up of Qirguiiy il ab»olutel)r fiwi lljl to Οι» tranqalllity of f·· *orld THE OYSTER SEASON AT NEW BERN IN FULL SWING N< w Barn, No*. t>.--Tha oyhtvrj^ aon ll now |n fait swin* her*, wlJM| product wiling at the dorka^Kct from the boiaU at 75c to and from 4<*Jei-i by ,h«' q««rt for GOc. Tha qaality l* "li to ba.«,. ceptionally fln, «aaaon, and t>ad, I, rather bri* ilnc tha eold -p^|| ■et i»· No InM th'tn IS bouta «r< »rr*in» tkla cfty and »*etton fro» the wand bete» here. CONGRESSMAN WEBB MAS RESIGNED FROM house WgMwt»·! n7v "ÎÔ!_l»opre« nU. tWr WAfe, of North Carol·"·· h*»in* been appelated a fierai dtatrM jade·, today reatonad u a «"«b»i ,f the houaa r„(«.a»lon wa, iataodlately aaaetKe, and notk"· of 11 wa· ft**? '* ipcakar OHM* «"d tha North Carol I «a gum nor rm lit», utiuml thrift carried on by the CJuv - 'IDE CAMPAIGN IRIFT PROMOTERS ICLOTHC5 LEAGUE it rrnmcril, provi thai the country la hatooing to the official ailmuni ttona to ■». In thia work »u mm in acroraplUhmg much I tlirouch effurta that cut down ! houoholil opt-nae·. Secretary Clan announced re* ,| cfDtly tha (Jimrethan )l. 107,000, I ' 000 has been received In th· I Treatury through th·· i»le of 1 I Thrift Stamp* ami War Savinra Stamp·. In the laat thrc.·* montha ι j talon have shown an increa»*, th* I Aujruirt reraipta bcinir more than I r* million dulluM greater than tho«e of September. I Onu of Ihc movement· tn the 1 direction of thrift ia th* organiza tion of Old Clothw 8oclctiea, which La Is Una with the Govern· I ment "ffort to diacouriff* the pur- I I chaac of cuiitly raiment in obed I l<ner> to the frequent dictate* of : I faah ion. The rlerks la the city I ι hall, Chirac», have atarted one of I the»· «ocietie* with "chapter»" in I each of the principal department· ι ηΓ th·- city trovemmeat. In Lcn- I I don Old Cloth»· Lcafura with (he | ι motto, "No more new clothe·· un- I I til prices ko down," have been i 1 spreading, it ia reported. j KEEP DOWN PROFITEER Attorney General Aaka Co»· grata to Keep It la Effect Six Month· Waahinirton, Nov. 7. tent^-nUon of ' th·· Lfvfr food and fu*l control law If··r «ο* month· mfXmr the prucUnu tion of p«ace i» nocciMrji to >roU«t t Kaa frnm ki»W nW»..a A« J EXTEND LEVER ACT TO ''>ri;ry Cfrrml Palmar today told the house agriculture committee. "Cnnataral (ronomic condition·," 'he attorney entrai Mid, wouid oc iaktn "advantage of by unacrupulou» people." to make price» high unlesa the puwtri gnntod andcr the act nr.- t |·:Γ. in'j «1 ill fore· Tit··· con tlitiun*. he (aid. prevailed throughout the world. "The conditions in the country '">· mfadiataly following peace make Κ own morn neceaaary that the la* be continued than tha coaditiona that prevailed and lad to the enactment of the orifinal act," aaid the attorney general. "The act originally had far Its purpose· the incraaae of production, and to protect tfet people from war Urn* condition· that reaalt is very Inocd onr . after-war condition» may re salt la higher pricea than during the war it hclf." Suggestion» by committeemen that xti-nsion of al) wction» of the law was unnecessary were answered, the attorney general urging blanket ex tension, for he laid unexpected ' ntu atmni might aria·," and that the mer· existence of the law would be of wholesome influence. •The main purpose of the exten sion would be to atop profiteering," declared the attorney general. Aniwcrtng question· regarding the bitnminooi coal miner»' strike, the attnmay-gvnrral aaid that the depart ment of juatier had no legal plan·, other than iU injunction rait at In dianapolis, for dealing with tha atrika tfHBN· "The failure of the men to carry out the contract to work at a cer tain wane daring the war Lai tha pri mary cause," ha added in reply to as - »ertiun at to whether the strike wiv8ne to the war conditlona. MAYOR M'NINCH WILL TRY FOR WEBB'S SEAT Five Macklanburi Man Haw· Announced For CoaptM In Ninth District Charlotte, No*. 10.·—Mayor Frank K.McNiich, of Charlotte, today an nounced that he will be a candidat· for the «eat in Congre» vacated by Ε. Y. Webb. In announcing hi· can didacy, the mayor urged hut· in aa 1 ecting tha man to represent thii county in the Democratic primary j fight against Clyde R. rfoer, of Cleveland, and Judge Cnancill, of Iter ni «elec-tin* tbo Mecklcnburg man frun among the fear Mecklenburgcr] who Hart «nnounrt-d ttwnhb »nd entered into an elimination contrat agreement, be left to 40 ind 4M, 10 or 12 repreeentin* each of the four candidate·. The major announced •orne Urne a«o that If he rnterod th« racc h" would abide by the élimina lion eonleit aip-nment. CLYDE HOEY ANNOUNCES HIMSELF FOR CONGRESS Shelby. No* 10 Ç, R. Roey, aa »i«t*nt United But··· district attorne) tur wcifm North Carolina, ha» d» ι finitely announced hi· candidacy foi ( onrrm to aueccwd C»ng»e««mar rwirnetion became rf [ entor the fee·. ! MOUSE REFUSES SEAT TO VICTOR L BERCE* Washington, No* 10.—Victor t< Itère·', of Milwaukee·, iiocialilt, w»i ■ ilchiml hi· Mat In the hontr tod·] I by an overwhelming vetr the hou* - holdlnf he »aj ihrliffth for member ' "hip bvcaoM> of hi· open oppoiitioi 1, to the war. Tha vote to anaaat Ber* ' er «.-■> HO# to 1, Reareeantadvi 1 Voigkt, Rwuobitc»n of Wfaconaln, be I la· the only member to (apport thi 1 WTarontln «cialirt, either during thi debate or on the rod call aeaarancei ry count) fen Have com trum cTif^^OTter urging him U PALMER ANSWERS ORGANIZED LABOR IN GIVING WARNING Formai and Final Declaration of Government'· Policy la Announced DECLARES COAL STRIKE VIOLATION OF STATUTE FWml SUM· W1U Ba Rafarcad. Attorney General Say·. Without Fwr Aod Witkeat Feeaei Law Hifb«r Thaa lleeelaUeea af Can· «•alia·* Or UaUa Οι Ι·ι«. Washington, Not. 10.—Solinn warning w»i given the United Mine Worker» of America tonifiât by At torney General Palmer that nnla Uon· of convention· and order· of officer» of organisation· ere not above the law. Formal and Anal declaration of die govt-miaent'e policy of dealing with tile coal utrike waa announced by the Attorney General while office η of the miner·' organisation at IndianepoK· were struggling with the <jue«t»n how to answer the court'· Must and pre •niptery command to reacted the Λτικ*- order. Describing the atrik· u a plain vio lation of a Fedt ral itatato, Mr. Palm er. peaking with fall authority of the Government, aanoancad that all the power of the United State· woeld he excrtod to enferre the mandate of the court. Am««r la Lakar'· Paeitiaa Although no referme· waa audi in the Attorney General'· statement to the pronounii m»nt of orgaaiaad labor supporting the miser* and demanding withdrawal of injunction proceeding·. it wan maeni uuti «r. rumn usa that dMoarat in mind >nd oBcial Withliflo» Îucstid ht» dtctenllon te moan tbat refaaal of tb« minera te cancel their strike order would mean a flght to the Mner and. The atatemosi of the Attorney General, which was construed a* ι reply to the pœition of organised labor aa art forth laat night by the American Federation of Labor*· exe cetive council, follow*: "The real etrlke la a plain viola tion of a federal statute. Thia baa been the goTcrTKn«-nt'« position from the start. The Praaldant declared it to be aa^awful full teal be unlav merit· of the cortrorersy be tween the operator* and the miner* are not involved in tha court pro co-ding* at tndianapolw, neither ia the right to strike. Nothing that the government ha· done ia Intended or riteigned to have any affect upon the recognised right of labor to organise, to bargain collectively through ita an ion», and under ordinary industrial condition·, to walk ont, but ia concert ed action, "The proposal by the Praaident of a peaceful settlement of the matter* kt iasue between the operator· and the miner*, through negotiation* or arbitration wu rejected and the gov ernment, therefore faced the alter native of submitting to tha demanda of a single gruap, to the irreparable Injury of the whole people, or of challenging tha aaaertion by that Soap of power greater than that of t government itaelf. Geveraasaat'· Duty Clear. 'Confronted with *uch a choice, the government's duty vu perfectly dear; H refused to surrender to the dictation of a group and it proposed to a**art it* power to protect Itaelf and the people whom It is designed to serve. The government is no rasper toe of pertons In the enforcement of the law. Those who conceive that the resolutions of a convention or the order* of the oAcsrs of any organ isation in the country whether labor prganlaations or any other are su perior to the law of the land will And themselves mistaken. "I asauma that the order of the eourt will be obeyed. The President'» offer for a peaceful settlement is •till open and I hope that tha vainer* and operator* will now gat together and settle their controversy." RESOLUTIONS or RESPECT Ripo In year». I» wledo·, and In ChrUtian virtu·. Dr. Parquhard Smith d.partrd Uni· Ilife an U>e aecond day of November, 1919. HI· lift waa worthy of emulation by a« all; gantie μ, Ib« aveuli* Mtkm Mania II a child; yet «trong in ChrtaUan faith and virta·. He «< faithful to evrry tnu*. and I]la Hfa waa one af aervlcn to hi· God. hta coantry, and hi» fellowman. He waa a Confederate veteran, ba in· «·· of the ftrit to go to the bat tlefield. ««htlng valiantly la defenae Of h la country*· eauaa, ami »hena·, we. aa mcmban of Chleon Chapter. Ho. 901. U. D. C., wiah to aaeure hla bereaved onaa af our loving Ijnt pathy, and to record for tha ay* of C.fiiratkoni to eo»e the grateful ap preciation la which the Daughter· of the Confederacy hold one who fought •o bravely for ua; therefor* he Η I. liât. In the death of Or. Smith, we attend oar decpeet iywip»thy to the borraved family. t. That thaoe raaolatloni ha rprMul oa oar record*; · copy tant to the bcraavrd family, and to the local paper for publication. MRU P. 8. COOPER, MRS. J. C. CLIFFORD, MRS. J. J. WADS, Cow. Slater Waa. 'My father le a veteran and ha· β Matter* leg." "That'· nothing My «later haa a r«dar chart.'' NEW YORK'S GKEATtST RA(D NETS 1,000 REDi * of Aotrchjr Held For · Court AMfa» New York, Not. I.—Thirty-*·*· mm eaepectad of laadee^lB ta «Μη radical activitiaa, «m laU oa vori ou» char»· today, after atat« and eltj oScer· Cad ftpia*od (fHoaliMr thi 1,000 and more who wm* InU laat niyht in tha bfegott«3d Ne« York tt»r taw. The three priooaan rtfuM u tJi< »Mt important aro:. - "M* Jim" Larkin? former haad ot the Iriafa Transport Worker·' satoi and IrUh rerolotloniet, chargad wM éliminai anartHoy. The police mkt ki had a torgrd yampiot m bu jooeei (ion. Banjaaiin Kitlow, M |wn old, re puted to bare aervet · Una la tha •eeeaably, i* diarH with crtaiaa inarcliy. Henry Pearl, ti, dpearlkiil M lead er of the I mam· a let party In hii ■mdWjt diatriet, ihaaaed with viol»' tkooa of the law prahflMtlne the carry in* of firearm·. larkin ie one at ,thk moat wlddj known Enelieh-cpeaka* radicale Ha had a atomy career,to Ireland and England baforw he caoae U New Tori la November, 1*14. «eceotly ho ha. beea eeekis* to ntora, bat the BrH ilk government deeltaod to nceha Him, a» a cooeeqoeaae ef which tha Dublin mtoM tfcr eatened a oae-daj ttrlke of protaot- Be wu arraetad hen in HIT after aa attack on tha draft bill, bat waa discharged. Uitm wu arraatod Mvara] timet in DabUn la 1·!· ia eeaaortkm wit* •trikc diaordora and waa eentencea Snally to tmpriaenmanl for incHina rioti. Detective· laid they foand two re reivers aad di Una of cartridge· ai watt aa them tea la, ia Peart*· homa which waa oead aa h—dunarton '«■ the coaamanieta. • Flw ton· of radical ltteratare wwrt Mixed at the ditarat meeting place·, and la expected to farniah valaabl· data on radical aetlTKiea bear* and eleewhere. Much bf H ii printed in foreign tangaagea TOWHSEKD INVITED TO ATTEUp BANQUET Ltwjrtr is Dh«Uor af tkc "ft' 8SrS3fl55£r<2 Hatl tnnd tha tutut beard to M CUBpalgX^O · ctOM. Grahsm lftaorUl Fmd »■ mount· U $150,000.00 and Ita pur poa· U U erect a build lag on tk< of the Uahmitj of North Carolina which will urn u 1 ο rial to the late Dr. Ε. Ε Citkw and a· a much p«adad «cedent acti vity building. Tit· director» of th« Fund propose to build on· Ul« hindnnc building which can act ai the home of tuck orgaaiiatiafu on the cam pu· as Dm Y .M. C. Α., ennt) ctabs, publication hoard». North Caro lina Cfab, UtmiT fnttermitlaa, glat clab, ate. TV· Graham Building will alao contain a targe auditorium. Th· attitude of th· atadcata at tki University toward· Iht Graham Mem. α rial wat expressed laat Spring wh»r the» . «uWrioed 1*0,000.000 In >·< night, is amount· varying from |21 to $600 The exacuthrc committee of t>M Fund, through ita •aer«tary. haa ml out aetlees to iiihlrt —mm U complet* their caavaases m aooa ai potnibW, a· it ia hopod to ni·· Um 11(0,000 by Thank giving Day. Work on the plan· for the nea building win be begun ma moon a· Um canva» ii (l«nd. CUMBERLAND REPUBLICANS AND OTHERS IN MEETING F ayatteeiUei ffcrr. 10—Polities: conditions la th!· section of North Carolina were 41wi< at · meetinf of Republican iaadara from Camber land and n*arby counties bar· thii sftrrneon, at which Bert Fuller, rep raaentatie· af Chairman Will Haye» of the Republican aatiaaal WOMAN I* ^ H&»£ %1Î$J2£ •W * H*H ud eo-l«*d«r with C—1·» W. Otvaacy In tka TanA A m»V ly Diatriet, to Μηι «α tit· Irmta '· brack. Mr*. Norria I· Ik· flrrt woawti Hi tK* ataU ewer appelated to dt on • llhl'i bnfti, eitkar la e rirai d*I or cml K»rt Ska ku baaa Iden tified whh T·w«iry Hall ever «tnca women ware tufrinfMwi, aad waa rtea-ckali of lh· raa» paiffn comralttaaa of So^mM Court Jnatiee litirt U Lurt m4 tana tor J an a* A. Polay, candidat» far Bafipfata. Daring tka nfnn ιμμΙμ la Now York atato Mia. Νarris wai a prominent worker. Ska la areal daat ai tka National Woman Law jran" Aaeociatioa and a niMahur of tka New rotk Coanty Lawyer»' Λ not titjoi. 8k· Wfel idncatod it PardtMua Unlvaretty and atadted taw at tka Nrw Yaik Law 8ekooL Mayor Hylan roquotTAOTNBHR] Mayer HyWa ie«waa»J'tkatM^ Norria be aataad ta tka We aiaa'a Cowrt Tka epaetntaaeat la far a thirty days' parted la place of Magtatrataamaa wka la Hi, bat It can be , CO AL STRIKE ENDS; ■ ORDER RECALLED BY UNION LEADERS I ________ ; Wmy Opmm Fer Final Arijaet ' meat of Coatrovcty Ϋf«M Miner· ud Op«rtlan INVITATION TO MEET COAL OWNERS ACCEPTED Judg· Aifariu SI(M Oifai Γ·—I IU( I ijkmIm Aft·* l»>iinlw »( C^r ml Order Τ· Coll Ο* Strih.i SfmUti*· WUl Week» — WiU Do Ft·-. ladianaaolle, ind_ No». 11—n* way for the flaal adJtuUaenl of the controversy Wit won the bitaainoiu coal operator· end the United Mine Workera of America, which revolted IB a rtrlke oi 42 6,000 union at]Hon and action by tho gntnuooat la tho Federal court, appeared la right to ■Mt While the repreaentativ·· of tho miner·, who earlier la the day bad agreed te comply with the laaadato of Uailed State· Dietriet Judge Λ. B. Am— and late today —MM aa order rewinding tho *Uike, wer* dto cuMini the fatare poiicy of the or· gaaiaation. IdMWI were roc ο Wed from W. Β WUeoa, Secretary of the United State* Department of tabor, and Then· T. Brewater, chairman of the operate·* ocale committee, by John L. Lewi·, acting president of the miner·, inviting the miner»' rep rooontativeo late a coaferenco. I ·■!■ Am>H I»lit·II··. Mr. Lewie, on behalf of the Mine worker», attoyUd the Invitation of Secretary Wlleon to Meet the bit am Ineaa operator· of the country in WaaUa«tM< oast Friday morning at 11 o'clock aad lapUod ta Mr. Brew •tor, who re«aa**d a meeting of the central competitive seal*, committer with the operator· of tho dietikt la Washington Monday. Mnwhr IT, "to aagotiate a rootract to he la force anon the «—l—aloa of the •ontract now in alrsedir ha vitatton mfUr. «he miaan* aad Mr. *rt t ™ their tMUma inn . _ . iliac η the telegram ttmm Mr. Brewster. CUk Searies, edi tor of the United Mia* Workers Journal and other aAdaU of the or who worn ander the km that Mr. ImntVi Into a tacit the Wsâbtiwtoo «till LB força. TtM^Kbon kawe eoft Mi4a«4 Vl ■ I I ■■ I S^i ι ι ■■ f Aftka II ■■ ■■ à m li» ■■ ·ΙΓ wem turoB^nvil· uf vnmv'vi·!. at tha way» caottwt ha* ««Hwi "H ara* a naat litUa political move on the part of the operators," aM Mr. Saariaa. TVj believed wf would accept their proposal and in ao doing admit that th* Washington *ar agTnatnt wma still opera tir<-. The aient, however, accepted th* offer of 8ecrvtary WUaon to meat him la Washington next Friday and merely wired Mr. Brewster to that ««act. Also Mr. Wtlaan'i memage was timed oae hoar oeriier In Alia* than Mr. Brewster's We have main tained all alomr that the Wi contract died with tha war sad that at prcaaat the Mine W an have ao contract with the op erators of tha central competitive EFWOKTH LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS CaiB^oi|m The Epworth Leagme of :·ιβ Matb odlet Church hold a burl net., masting Monday night, Nov. I, aad sleeted nem officers for tha year. They ara as follows: PrtaUeat, Mia* Both Whitfield; Secretary, Mia* Etfrada Cuter; Chairman of Miménaary Department. Mlm Mayate I nil Mas Chairman of I Devotional Depeitmsnt, Hugh Prince ÉÉW Social Daf^···· HH· of Social Department, Mies Natf Fridgen; Chairmaa of Baligtoua 1 n«r-rtm»m Ul_ Hood^^m Inim ι At Um laat bmU>i a mot Un *u made to kare a cwlMt for the pur pom of wearing new nl>»n aad ■tare latere* ft mo ne the ■ben. Tb· loagnora w»n to two aactiaaa. Kin Mat. tie Ml Godwin wa· chaaaa captain far oh aactioa aad Mia· Maym Joho *aa for fko other aida. Tkii Mtnt wfll ko on on til December l·. At that Usa, th» aaittaa having aararod Ua Boat member» aad having had tka larwert attendance will be ortor laiaed oy the leeta® aida. The leagu· bmm «*017 Monday rraain* at 7Λ0. Dont «ait to be • toed to join kttt earn· aad rtre o. ' nam». A «an· «tilioa»· await* yo«. LIGHTNING DRU OIL TANK AMD ΚΑΝΙ TOWN Wlehtta Fall·, Taxa·, No*. It-— One man art killed, a η amber au tainad minar bare·. aad a tau «kick, it >· cet (mated wfl eu red a miMioot dollar·, r»aaltod to an oil Ore 8«n<Ur which awept M acre· of provoa aft territory oa the oatoklrta of Wuggwrn ar City ^ aad doatroyod a torfo »ari[ °f FaaaHlar u thUjaay worbj •pot art deposited the remahM of ·»'· who ftmmmti Boaoty wlthoat VaaHy, fltrength without laaalaaeo, Ooorare Wtthoot reroattr, aa4 all the Vto· tea· of Mm attheat kit Bleea Thla Praia·, which wo«M ko anm»»ataç Flattery If laeeHhdi ever haman . afthea, U bat a jaet trbtote to the J Memory of Boetewala, a Do»" DEMOCRATS PROTEST U! Washington, V. C.—D«/»etra:ii apportion h*« forced * JUpeh'iun majority of iiie Houee Commit.<e ta Furvlrn Affair* lo kill the Ml) ap propriating H >0,000 foi th.· pJrihij. al Β United 8ut«f «Blury bulUlins it Santiago. Chile. A »u7,«ier.t τ um ber of the C. Ο. IP. momSt-r» juin»!1 ίο the protrjt again»* wnai »aa ternj od "a ΓοοΙΙώ expendttuie of B*Mcy." The Dvisocrata favor Ihe parr-hen of prnaunent Ajocrican rmhiAU. bal la«M that any rack expenditure ■heuid be buHl upon c< maou rr. n« . For year* many American* bave con tended that the houtfn^ ef the na Ilea'* diplomatic rvpm><-nUlW*.< in foreign tc jntrle· vu in mac ■ In Uan:es a rational duyracc. Tin· Up led Slater, unlike many of tit* world'· leading cuuntmm. ponruu bat few imbtueldortal. legation·! and rcn/u lar building* Tbt. «-«rtptloiu· »« Havana. Tokyo and Conneat-inoplr. «ftthdl wltb · few eunnlUler in China. Representative Flood of Virginia, inking Democrat on the I'orchcn Af fair* Committee, voiced the «rofrn·"*, »f hi* party i-olteaguee in protecting ►g*in«t the proposed osntW" [ penditaic. It we* pointed oat th*«| rrxbajey building* were much morp needed In the capital* of Europe rhar. η South Atnct-icn. wm In imrh u larve country ae Chile; thai at toi·. :imc property could be acquired Vvry rhceply in the Wwiopena rSti»*. anil hat the United Stale* now had an opportunity to acfluirc ionic r«-a> bat tait·-—an opportunity that »o'j"i:. won ρ ne» It vu farther poinli-d out that Mi« wminf allowance of the ambaifn-tur to Chile waa ample to rr.eir.uiti h'< ■rtablManenl na Warn. hi· co^'-ion a the diplomatic etrriee. HcreLo 'erc the miiaion to Chile cat a ><<a ■loa wllh a 412.000 annual ralar , ehile th* pr*eent anbewidwtklp •errie< with it IT.(Oh. , It it likely that thil rebuff i»il' iroopg the BepublVcaai to cvarM.-r be purchaee of cmhaerin in London,: Paria, Rome and other European «> *"■" rather than fritter κ «ray ap-j COTTON SEED PRJCE Ι MAY BE DECREASED lute CniiLwi DbcaM Recent Rutin* Affwctin* Prie· MCIU· of « mi»t nrti»* by Che United State· PptrtBtS of Aerlcal we udmlng Μ ι»—nt prier of «Mo· w«4 meal, *u predicted yrt crday «t a moetia* of die executive! ooualttee of North Carolina Cot on Seed Cniaher»' AMociatioa held it the Yarborough Hotel In Batcifh. I the meeting of the tuv'i Icadtag •nuhcr» wat called to consider a I rtUr Mat oat by thr Dtunrtan'. of tfricultare from Waihlnjtors N<v rn^tr ». Τhe circular letter called attention M · recent report Inrrnut or a con templated iarrcaee in material* Uju â Λ toe mangfasturr of fertilizer· nek le TCtphate of ammonia, dried blovH, ankagc, fieb κηρ, cotton wed meal, ■oek phorphatc aad balk arid pho.v iMUe. Acting andcr thr provifioaa of the rantrel law approved by Congrrei oa U|uit 10, 1917, and recently a neoded. which rive* Ibv Deparmrnt >f Agriculture authority to reireUr. ike fertilizer buninrxt, the dtpar. nent advucO thr croiher» that rale* >f the above mentioned ingrert ier.'· it prirea higher than tkox pftvaiN.-.r >n October 7, will be considered υ prima facie evidence of profitwrins:. Ml Mich t ■—ii. tha letter ftatCA. torn n| to the attention of the depart ment wiB be referred to tbe Drpart-I ■eat of Jviticc for proeecutkm. On October 7th, cotton eeed meal eat generally quoted <n North Caro lina at M7 P< r ton. f. o. b. mill*. or ►70 per (eg delivered in car lot*. The tannera were receiving then for their ι te***! (MM ftJLTt te tIA »utv (nn OK-.— 1 kdvaaeet. It i* Mid. bav·· urrarn J « th» seed market during lh« part I IkrM or four weeks, and *■:· loit »*« roc«nt)y void ·· Wfb a> \i<S prr '«a. Thr advar.c* in cotton mJ ho* woo reflected in th» prie# of nnL *Wch hit· advanced to aroaad $78 ψβτ toe (a car loll. TH«· rvdortinr. a tbc prie» of imwil to lhat p-r*»i! a(t OB OctoWr 7th will mnn * Α»π> laeUne io the priée of cotton m-d, ahlch will l»o unwelcomed new» to 'arm-η Id thU StaU who hav< ΊΛ ·· yet marketed thrir crop, it wu ImI TV» action of th# DeparUnmt of ^ricuKare cam a» a mrpriec U< the sotton ao»d and fcrtiliarr Induitr'. >ti O'tobwf · and ?. Varlnira war»? teld In Washington with rvftrctec to pr .··<·« of f<Ttnla«r injradi*nU. aad in October I»», the depart»· "it an aoanced in pro»* aoticto thjt thiy would r.ot ur<!-rt*ko to ft* tor pr't .· >t fertni*-r Ingredient*. Inelodirtr ;otton acod mini l,t<· adrkM rwcW lavtoa yert: nla> lhat the L ear mod II, thdr l«*tt*r Ihcjr hare arrived a^TTe^li ion 'n the aniuei, rendition* «ar reorlin* thoar InHertne* will likely b«»iii ttnacttl'd. m UOW ClKVMt IT CI HT». G* ANU1.A ι £J> PUT AT 1· R. w Orleaa*. La.. 'Nov. ·.—Tin prtri for thla κ : .«n'a yellow ctartAru waa Hxe<! at II raaU a uouo^ at · mectinc here lata today of t.av lalai.i plantera, thf prkr mihioet to tha itTtprnval C. AtwvuJ Claw··.··! Palm·.. Ait additional rent a pooad for ehott » plantailoa granulated Ml and the Mate of pria·* arrani FAIR ASSOCIATION TOR^CAMTAL PS!6KTC5Sip Aùdibctiai 925,000 Ά°·II B« Of it re J To Pmapim of Fear Cou-.itr: ?UN BIGGER ANO ΚΈ1 TER FOR 1920 Ha,I T·! L·* C«m»(nKll4 . t'e Τ*·ι jf Ρ!*> '«■/. >ι«ΜΙ*ι·— Π ..!«--· Γ. ,-μμΓ ^»nd t Λ Pra»i4a Per !-»rps t-. Tua ff«r Iwli serf Mala*. Cubital Mori of th· Hn-n-tt Ct»»· ly Arrtrahofal tVir A'xx '»1i.>n wIW b* inrr«ttK<l ftm tïi.l-w m Μ 01Λ13 βj Cui rffirUtf Wi Lkr mt r yrU< cun b·· &H)v..iVd. .« ion n··.·** f«7 to ik« ted vji l> η Tmdiji ••tjÂt *W di.t «·;·.*· .f ,:.j fair mrl ίοr tV flr î tira· κ!η* :hc Initial annual rrvnt of Iha A'KXiatior. wen h«!d !ijit nor il;. .saw t~.l« rct (_,c\ ih »: a iUt t:». + , it· nutK. of -.i-rt > „ ·'.' fair !ki*rr un.) Bi«i' U'iirflrïal te tku commgnlt;.· ùiar. -.vu* ■.'un. ni tf-i» yi-or. B« i*--i * t>.*1 .he- l·!»!'?™·!·· Cff-r* Ciw of tfcc J··': im :n«fc. u./· ·»\"* «ρ· abir l'Ut· GuMnV'r, (». Y T{' 'hmun arc Vei>. lÎul.it.ny 'riart ν·τ.·.·\>«Η* ·Ι to lak- ar sir'Wrnr.l liijrt au. h a*:iï ÏJ. «. .fat: ». J. Br^l. Π.-. J. R Ztlkr end ÀUC««; ami!» «M'I.I r.b» u. '.η >A »f Tiw f-r cthai· htaltfcy cfcartkv i»b»e Mr. Tilrtucvr. n.nî»rt«l that t snirît: le ht-rt '.·) pt.rjl'. «ί%»#Ί·τ# •jî υ Jirr fMtu et &:·«ι*λτ.. JrhraUir rr.J Comfc'TÎanJ <oe .t1·* to rubvribi·. Hc thcaaJrt thfit liii< *mM prov. Âf.Un 'tr ihc l> itijiCint a v-'-dar Ι.·,:·.-ιοι, in ik· cn<Î-j*t».k'nf. Oiva OihUm a CLaaaa. Whin (Hi 1Β»«1 «Ι(λ.ι «». m»i4 . win (teehinl ta eoni'ine of* nock cub. •niptior.» le thoec wIk. haw rot y.t for the time brlnjr catci-pt ia tbese can.-* vratm the nwistion vu indebted to »pp"cwt for addi :io-.al Mock. The report of Secrciary Owen OdtUB ihc-vt-d Just rbr fell- ground*, nui· track ami bj Mm*r had ec^-c* »Ti|iro>im»ti^T mi 060. Yhe e:»t«ar pn'»»· had earner. over * per tvr.t on thl· airocst. 'Λ? esrr.inw» wore Made to apply an \We excess of investment over the capital «tack of «2S.0M. redufln* outttandhts in owlne ban» into one bif bulMin* to X used a< β hs.M for machincn <* hibiu. Tilt «αϊ give tïvem a bulW ir>r about 2Cft (Vet Ion* by to ."oat wide. which will provide ample »aacc fer «jtomoblk», cKctr:ral and firm marhlnvry exh9i:U and rcUiTt the ι »Γ.»ν'Λίο). in Vtorsl Hall. Floral Rail will 1*· o*cd i-xo)u»hrHy for far» tid home Other barns will b« built for stork and «wife auil the pinon»i d will be materially efilarjc «i Lw|e New PrbIicm. To attract Une·- all arotuid farm i nhibit· the director» ùite'<!<-«l to offer lltnc prise» fur !)h> best ir. this dan*. Ore nriie wil* b< |10O. auolH· r *40 and the third $2·. Other mvw pri*e» will br for farm mules and Ik expoet ed to attract handrvdt of uxhlbit* fro» the furrounriirr rejntry. Two day* w'tl be feat-in d by mule shows, Ole firrt frrr ms'.frl mal··* anil th·· ►rcc: .1 '·.> *>31· one». A f-r«t pri&c of Ϊ.Ί jSv·* fer 1h» tn-rt pu" · ο·* ju.'lt·/ On. of f&9 will he •Hvj for th·· S*l n«'i male. It ··*&.·■ t'i·» «le-'Ati to ρτο\ îdc a [.i-iri tor LX'.i'i-i. .«.epatvd by «4 m<l ;κθ|ΐ)ι. t. ■· |:»'.αΜ·;, too, thai or·· c«y >>f the fuir will b« «r.vcn crrr tnthely to the colored ptCjJe. tllV (irfcfetein wa« a[>fjlntcd la· dinjwiv if '.be additional fork. Hv «as ni» ηΐΉ·ι1 on a (oosuttw with G. M. Tilehmar to nudit the actoanti· tif thiv Hl'IlWt S.'lt 'Λ»'« iT. Ko Who en C, W. fn; jn -r tl Henry 1 ji ! ntrtx.:. wen- naa» si ι rnatmilTei te κίίΐι: ath 'J.r co!u*>d Înrmer Who τη* cultivâtm<r the (KKiMt wh.n the Mfwicrlan vwk charm· at them. Chyles foe prin ting ιι«· all miror «•■count* of Oie si-«*:a*ton will be mailed oit by litninr.' Odw this «ee«. COTTON TO GERMANY Savar.r.ah. Oa.—Tu l>.-fouine et l-.+vy «hîpmoTU ο." rottoîi U k3anu.« !l· «w*n In îfc** loading her* cl ' i '•Φ rti amarm wllîi Mr ·»η Κ0.4ιΡ<° unit ΐ^Ο.ΟΟΟ bal» of cotter «hick (-< drwtirnl for G»rrran 07.1 O.her ft * tien paru. Thi* doti ivt i.vclud· a lumwr of morv ardera'.·· **cmJ tt.-oah-m which a»? ]*ad.njr .niton» cti ,*txtef!* aad «iaiUr ronirmdiiir» \to >· an coael noiob.. α/·· dur >itr «arfcr crrlval. and ntbco arr brin* ra.itunth' add' H te tkc 11-4. Hum·· rrc of v«rjr !rrr. i-.ii:Vr, rwI*U r'.it aori the > 1,000 to. * ηι-t. Th»>y ire for tk·· furifla- Jl < ...-in eo ta, t'y τικ*·!. Pa*f·, fipiftin, Huwuri. *ι·1ι<;λ!ιλ. Gh<nt and geit in «outh Wa'wp»· ruenirr» hr.re Vlu el>«r«id orJ xaiKV far 0-r :nan®*t*, trlfc ar.rf Han»· ■teïf, ard Ynrrt t.Tt· ritnr Î «ding, 3a· '.mata ha.· aNrajr» brra · faeoriia * -.rt .v'iih fimuii * aod th.^ x·». '-w.-nl k»nr intm-apud by Uw TtT Ka« MMpaMMd V*JT *»Λντ Λ'ρΛΗϋϋ are (· krrt frcf Κ ' ««*ak ntkt ll.'BK . *.·, 'οτο'γι.* herr ha\ » k- -n maMt· hly howvy »f ΛΛΛ ·»<ΐ the etoel. U xia.HH iatyv. ·*ί λ rtrVdonkle I ovpnrtie· I» already ea ahtpboai 1. ' W> «;?« i. a îel ν are*'.Λ. Why. I ha».· no»n hat to |Md kit aaft-nee for huaii " Wif!»: I rxjeni "Afwt wfckfe fht woaM 1er ll in Uie crédita and rock It t· lie·».''

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