MONEY for FARMERS If you wanUnou^i amounts from $1000 to $30, 000, on term^^^^^^^Bm 5 to 20 years, for purposes stated below (a) To aid in providing loans for the purchase of land for agricultural purposes. (b) To provide for the purchase of equipment, fertilizer, live stock, etc. (c) 1 ο enable land owners to invest in buildings, drainage and for other improvements of farm lands. (d) To liquidate and consolidate the indebtedness of farm owners, etc. into long term loans payable in easy installments. or for any other legitimate purpose, come to see us for further information. CALL TO SEE US WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN AND LET US TELL YOU OF OUR PLANS TO ASSIST IN UPBUILDING THE COMMUNITY Our Bank Will Alway* Treat You Right, Whether You Come to Ask For a Loan or to Make a Deposit. ' ? STATE BANK and TRUST CO. / ■ Hampshire 1 m ι >. iiwmiB-qwij- _ FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14th 1919 Sale to be held three mile· east of Dunn on G. R. Lee Place 30 head, bred sows, gilts and boars ANNOUNCEMENT In announcing my first sale 1 wish to say that my herd is of god quality and breeding. While there are herd* better advertised there are very few with more good quality animals than will be found in this herd. The si red sows in this sale are being sold because I cannot keep hogs to any extent for a while in my new loca tion and am compelled to let go of stock that I have tried to produce for several years, and am sure they will suit the most particular buyer. BRAZIL LEE For Sale by E. L. PARKER & SONS WILLIAM A. FORBES Chriatian Advocate Our column* e»rriad recently the annoonrtmunt of the Mrlou* illneaa of Re*. W- A. Ferbee. on» of the old er m»n ">β North Carotin· Con /•ranee and for lèverai jean upon the auparerauate Hit W· had ne farther report frets htm until a tele m· from Bar. i. H. Daniel on Oe· bar i»th brought the new· of hla having paeaed to hi· eternal home. Brother F orb»», tha third child of Rev. John H. and Mr·. Mary Torbaa va· horn near Danville, Va. Fataru ary 18th, 18i«. and died Oetohar S7, Ι»1β, In hi a aeventy-fourth year. He gave hla heart to Oed la hie »th year. and joined the Methodlat Epla copal Church, South, at Rack Spring· near DaavlUa, Va. He moved from (hi· community into North Carolina and fettled at Rozboro where ha en ured heartily Into the life of the Church. He became auperlntendent of a B»«4*y aehool and waa for a tlm* aaperiatendent la general of the Sunday achoola of Ροηοα county. He ara· alao a ainging maeter In thoee day· and taught aaveral claaeea ia •inging. It waa while here that he «ai licenced to preach, and for aav cral yean «gerelaed hia gift· a· · lo cal preacher. In hi* twenty-Ant yaar he waa married to Mlaa Virginia Powell naar Milton. N. C7 ia May KM. Ta thla union two children wen horn, oae of whom died in Infancy. The other la Mr·. D. C. Bryant, living neat Wallace, H C. It waa net until the yaar IMS that Brother Pork»» entered the Itinérant, Joining the North Carolina Confer taee en trial at the eooeicn of the Confereneo which met that year at Charlotte, N. C. Η ΓU*a lacked only a few eeenUu of being forty yeari of em. bat he ha· had a aoeeeeafal mlnietry He eervod the fallowing charmai Magnella, IM4-T; Kenane vlUe, Ι»Μ>·7»-·Ι: WhltovMe, 1IH »», Bvthal, IM4-M: Mattaaoehoet, '•H; RicManda ill iaehaea 1M7-M; Dunn Circuit, 1 β»»-1000-1901 ; H m danon, 1902. Hi* health failed klM in the fall of that jtmt, »rd W took • aapeninauate mI*Um taw m grew; but at the next Confereece be wi put back oa the eiertivr Mat and continued hi· work. EUj futktr ae pointment* follow: Oak*. 1904-0·; Dover, 190S; Fennville, 190T-0S-09; Atlantic, 1910. At the Mdw of the Conf(i«M· in 1919. h*U at Xliaabeth City, h« again aakod for the aapcrn naatc relation, and hi· Health never pemitttd him to re-enter the active work. Durine thia time he ha* — da hi* home at Bale'· Creek, de in* each work for the Church a* he cooM ud aa opportunity offered. During hi· paatorata on the Dunn Circuit hi* wife became greatly «Bet ed, and after a long lllneea died De cember 4U>, 1900, at the home of the daughter and we* buried soar Wal lace. On Jonc tnd. 190*. he wai married a «oeead time to Mia* Leoaa Crowdcr, of Buie'a Greek, N. C., who ■urvhrea him. To them one child ww bon, bat it,died in infancy. How ever, they adopted a bright boy to «rhum they cave the name of Lvthor Korbee, and he also nrvivee. No man in eld age and failing health •ver had a more aclf-merUeiitg and devoted companion than did Brother Forte*, a* the wife of hi* laet lit) M a action Wadntiéar Mcmbtr I, it Un L D. Jgkun Hop· pl»m In Maadaw Townihlp, — Chub: Cfcarlaa M. Johnaaa. Tt I·!· k«flm at 10 o'clock a. a. A. G. JOHNSON, , Adraioittrator. Dunn, N. C.· Professional Card· Οββ· over Stat. Bank * Treat Prattle· la all court*. Proepi and carafal attastioa w COLLECTION* * UAL ES TATE a «partait?. *>«. *. h. wnum 0®ea crwz Dnw_ Stara ο·»· katura: » Λ0 Μ 140 • φ φ φ φ . φ φ JESSE P. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Demi. Ν. C. Oflca (rat PMafcaan Bra·' Stare formerly occupied by Κ. L. Godwin. Practice in aH Cowta. Τroapt AUeetioa ta «Π ΛΗ* A JEENICAN DENTIST «Wi lt Pint National Bank Ν a. Si • · · · · · · Jt- C. wcrr AWOWiiy AT LAW Ofltca; Srd floor 1st Nattoaa, mk InUiu D«m. H. C. frowlAtU»· • · · DB. PAUL A. tTSWAKT ro^Ç^ArtST Dm·, ν. α P. YOUNG tmi floor Ool^uta bU*. Proept attartioo rtvoa Practice ta «Π Co orl· v. a PHONM: Day, M. Nl«ht 110 DUNK. H. C >. C Clifford, Ν. Α. Τιι·'ϋ··ιΙ. CUFTOW» A TOWNflKND AltΓ Cujic οl Cun.otiu.ftd Coun ty, therein -••nJiug u;td entitled. "Farquhard SmithTW^^IÛlot:, LouiflTR. Wefcj, Λ aW I «rill «ell at publie auction to the hifhefi bidder k ccrrain tract or parcel of land *ituatt in Cumberland, North Carolina, in Black River Township, bounded and described a* I'ltcwa: beginning at a'slake and pointera in the Hue b«tv«in John C. Smith and W. T. Smith in a u: a jch neu :ht aid xll« aeat aad runa thence N. 7 R. 29 chain* to a stake aad pc'.nt,e«. a corner al lot No. 2: thence at the linv oi lot No- 2 8. US Π. ÔO chaîna to a atake on the Stage Koad. a come r oi let So. 2; :kmce with the road β 1-2 chains to a pen ln:ttcn '.res oû rb; vot; edjpe of the road; thence S. h W. 11 1-2 ciuins with the roed to the line »f the land of the estate of W. T. Smith - thencc a· ^htt Une 87 W. 18 1-2 chains to a »tak* by a la rare pine. Kmtth'c corner; thence as the other line N. 43 1-2 W. 12 1-2 chaîna to the begiu alner containing 100 acrea. same being !ot No. t in :li. division »f the landa of John C. Smith, deceased. Date of Sale: Friday. November 21. 1019. at îl r'clock a. n. Place of Sale: Old W. T>. Smith home Terma of Sale: 20 per cent cash, balance in thirty days. .... ■ Sale made subject to confirmation by <*. S. C. dated this the 20th day of October, 1010. C) arc η ce Smith. Commiuioner. L'A M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS •car tut can bs mask Cot to jo* $U8 ■ Gallon when mad· ready to bm ivimroRcm· lakes ihe guess out of Baking - saves you money You can't buy baking-powder, soda and salt as economically as when you buy them already mixed in Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour. And the extra in gredients.are added in proportions for perfect baking. Hot-cakes, liijht, golden bis cuits and tempting waffles can be mixed in a lew seconds and baked in a few more. Just mix with water or milk and put in the oven. You'll like Ooco-nee-chee be cause it's a real time.- and trouble Baver. OCCO-NEEC Self-Rising Flou lâkat tH· Gomi ost of ÛsUnf ι you Money 77.· t~ét*n Hrmé i» M 0»*ry ιχλ^Οκν ««•-«λ** 3wU kt»i*m #W. Ymmr iww» ■MmIÎ/m a twA Ν<1«/ Λ·* Âi« Ff m é*m* plat* flovr >»r /*»«■ · fc » · Autlin-Hekton Co. Durham, Κ C. ' *£1 .*7'i r ' * ' f ►Λ "·^ M&k* • ' -ti; Ι-.. * ν -