IDE DUNN DISPATCH Amfl let. 1*14. rt «· M >i M Dm, *. C., wmêm the art W| t, ttn. L. SUSBEE rOPt -W.oe N· Mw* Fm Copia· Of TW Dfapttak lc«w priât paper kw aenred to ■fchiird of yrka and U extremely Inrd to get at UT figure The Di* potrfc ku boo· (w«*4 to ndec· the •«hf of «urplu» «opta· viieelly printed for thoer of tta Mndt who i tnt to the itic for them. bouta ·>!·« wKh thi* bout wo or* cotnpcll o*l co frt as can Mlttt that he la aa guilty aa the alleged evi dence at haad Mae to iadicste. Hie www alley Ia that ha waa lead tola liera that the fliiaailiiin war· ex toeaatlas- We hapa tf the courts ®nd hte fpsilty. merry wtll be his portico. We hare always lilted Peter; es pecially far to 1er· of the town that wt lore. Dean ia the only home Peter has known since he came as a child from errer the seas with parents who ware eaeklng succor from the htel of the Turk. He was a wee mite of a fsltow when be eaatc. Krora the ftrst be mixed with our aattrc hoys aad soon became one of them. From then until now Dunn has twr "tfte Urest tow· oadcr the tmn." for flier. Ha aa«agrd ia btudacsa her· and p. oeperad. To every call for fonds for «Irk unproeement Peter always answered promptly. Ha was and Is 0*0 of the best and hardest working Γι -- men m the local valaatrwr depart ment. When America want to war, Titef was one of the Int to answer rhr call far men. Ha sold his bosi ■v-as hare at a sacrifice to go to war. Λ few moatha age ha ratarned, with a clean record aad the raak af serg eant- Then be established the wImInsIi fruit and confectionery baUacas through which ha is alleged to have disposed of gtsds «talon by ixrtfroet from freight car·. Tt la a pity. We are hanking aa l'cter to "eomc clepn "* k· to be don· after the Ra paMicaa lmt< rtm#h.·» kj mutilation of the peace treaty m «b*ttt*4 by >\-~».4e»«t WltaoaT Vrmmtm and England han already »rt4 ta the United Statea 8*oata. Their actio· war i'pen tha aaaamptiiwi that tha Uaited *tat-t »mU Uva to the egreeiacoW mad· by lu ifpraMtithm at tha confer·**·. (prakiai of thia tV n.MxWra Κaw» aaya; From praaent iadteattaa* Um t— «y llM «10 β «ally »»«ri« fram »V L'nltad State· mitt «rill not ha » all tl* treaty that Mr. Lloyd C/Hp aad Mr. CJeeeaeeea elgwad m· behalf of Ii«ba4 a ad Franoa, ami the* Ε attend ^ Frwc» hove ratMUd. Tha iMiy that flfcjr did a%a «a· act at a0 ike treaty Hum thoy waa Id have draw· mp had they aat ha lved I ha* the UaMad ftataa waa U«ta« tha peace of tka world THANKSGIVING DAY A Proclmajfti by the Governor Our forefsthK established the beautiful custom of setting apart one day near the end of the harvest time to return thanks to Almighty God (or the blessing· of life. ' la this god year, 1919. how uuch have we for which to be grateful ! Our soldiers who on last Thanksgiving Day were far away «η foreign lands have mfcly crossed the seas, and are at home again in peace The Lord of the Harvest has been good to us. Our fields have yielded bountifully. Our in dustries have thrived wonderfully. Prosperty smiles on farm and factory, bank and store. In every line of business endeavor we are prosper ing beyond the fondest dreams of our fathers. There has been elso a mighty triumph of spiritual forces in our midst, for which we should be profoundly grateful. The fruits of this victory are seen in the great forwsrd move ments of all tha churches ; in the finer education al advantages enJoyed by all the children of tho State; in the growing demand for complete economic and social justice in taxation and all other matters; and in the larger opportunities offered on every hand to the average man and the average woman. Surely in this day God has given to men every where a bigger, broader conception of Chris tian service than they evsr had before. ; North Carolina is singularly blessed in that in this time of turmoil she is almost entirely free from industrial and racial bitterness and strife. We should be deeply thankful for the spirit of friendship and good will that prevails among us. Let us pray for absolute justice for all, by which alone this spirit may be strengthened and maintained. NOW. THEREFORE, I, Thomas Walter Bickett, Governor of North Carolina, in obedi ence to the custom established by our fathers and in accordance with the proclamation of the President of the United States, do hereby proc laim Thursday, Noveanber 27th, a day of public J Thanksgiving. < Let this be a day of rest snd rejoicing, observ ed by everybody- Let us not forget the orphan, 1 the poor and the unfortunate. I earnestly trust J that all the people will assemble in their places of worship and make this a real Thanksgiving ! Day. ; aaaociataa iuW that it Ku not beei seriously altered ; Mr. WU»n u; that the bttrt hw been cot oat »f It but they »ft« that hati· have bwi laid upon it, mod that it la not thi »mr thine to which England ani Fiance subecribed. In rach · situation, it i> eriden that actual ratification of the treat] by th· senate would be no aaanr aim that the loos agony ta over Th· other nutiwi an atUl to bi board from. If they aim with Vi Wtlsoa that the heart haa been cu out of Article X., then It will be n< more than ordinary common κη» on their part to reconsider thon frontier) which they traced on thi assumption that that article wool· stand ; for without the United Statu potentially the strongest nation ύ the world, the lnague of nation would be a pretty weak affair. However, when we begin to spoal of retracing frontier*, there u Get many to eon>.'drr. nyone who la bori under th: i πι pre*.ion that Ger many in .«till proatrate 1· much de «•ived. She is not the power tha plunged the world int· war hi 1914 of course, bat neither are her antag on Ma aj strong aa they were then Kelatlrely, Germany la (till form id abl«— p«rhap> too formidable foi the exhausted allien to think of re Turning the war which might be aec '.■Msrj to recapture what they had 11 their handi a year ago. and whkl they voluntarily relinquished in th< belief that, with the United State barking them np, they weald no need it. So they may be forced t< acquiesce; but with what bitternes against the United State* OB.· cai imagine. The senate η buaily piling up I •ton of hatred, of general detests tien of this country aa a greedy faithleaa and cynical power, tha may flower in war erithin a genera lion Ko the greater object of th war which we have just paiacd wll have been lost, and our dead wil ha*· died largely In vain. But WIImsi will have been pun Mud. , CORNELIUS HODOES Harnett Couaty Jo* en· of rta mo· valuabl* citisona and Dana on· ο ilt beat frieade when Cornrliu Hodgea. wTMlf-lvo yMn old, paaa cd old ha aeptr* te eaek honor Thta he waa A-feated by kia frleiw Cm re Κ Orantham. M aaanhoad. ho woe «r. ha arti»· part la ceaaty pel • *Hrneaaa e/trecate of ' Be waa . Larten To theaa tan aaae and fe ware barn. All af I baa· txty MarahaR, who diad et the e«· al •Uteen ·flora paw· a*o. are «II Mm ch a lUc-m* mber, conducted the faner ai aervieee at the ehnrch. Interment wa* made In Ictbed· Ceaurten in the presence of a large crowd o< w 11 y t*f friend* ud relative*. BOOK CLUB MEETS Tbe Thursday Afternoon Book Club met îsst week with lira. John C. Chfford. The Life at 0'Henry woj the «abject far the afternoon. 1 Mr*. Cliff,ml read a «ketch of ih« noted «hort «tory writer, and Mr* N. A. Townaend read a letter written by Porter just before hi* marriage. Μη. H. 0. Uattox led In the round 1 table diacuaaion. Mr*. Townaend wa* appointed a delegate to the district meeting ol , Woman'* Club* to be held at Lum bertou November 29 Mr*. Clifford served luncheon dur. ing the meeting. Misse* Dorainick, Weathenpoon _ Whitflsld and Carr, of the Graded School faculty, were visitors to th< ' meeting. The next meeting will be held witi . Mr* Ellis Go Id «tele. NOTICE Tbi* i* to certify that I have quail fled as administrator of the estate ol C, Hodges, deceased and hereby mo Utj all person* owing said estate to make immédiate settlement of ram* to me. All persone having del m ι against «aid estate will present their claims duly verified within one yeai the date hereof or this notice will b< plead in bar of recovery This November IOth, 1919. J. Γ. HODGES. Administrator. 20 «t. TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE! I will ba m D«n>, at tka First National Bank, cm SATURDAY, NOV. 22 ■from SA.M.TO 3>30 P. M. to eollact tant. mm par Mat rflwewt, if paid rfera Um tnt day of W. H. TURLINGTON, I l.Ulo Rivar Aa*o«iatio> I» «τ *it V .. ί ·:η»·Γ''·κ * Λ·"* »' l· . '.·· ■ il. «-. ν! I Λ ·»ι»0 »îiS|U '-'κ. ·<· ■: \ ι ■ '..·· R- 'ji'u· .· S.rt ·*.■ I ' · · ("Ό ν» .!»t η ι γ.κ :· ;e .· lu j church cnn bir; tliat f.»r '·: «Ί ; (>;.·"> 'osii lurfi Îhivt ia. t. v-taiJ.· rC Dunn, oar . ia ' '·ι. —ΊΙ ir»v $1,?;.·· ·· Si tkcjr ira not our abt<-«i ,μ ο.ι * . .t.i . ι Haïr >««f not -ouït on.· wS«· wi" ■ I >1.1 1)0 a yrar ""or five year* * ι.··. a.! »: r» oat do OUI bpM th.» <*. i."j of Rrrat opportunity anH bl» ·»·;.. | At Bui· » Crfi k » b»ml u( —<| numb rini; Tuatlur of the l nol a full mivt'.n*. Tb> tirto i· r!»iiv| «vrry whara. Tt>a l.itl)>. B'var Ajvo iavi'.n tai l! ! • for Convention object* more lliun 1 j "w'cf as much monay In 1919 a* ·· ,191b, which ap to that date was lti ' boit year. T)jrin( ihi· y< ar th«> thnrrlK» paid ou' non' lliati #T1.000j os thoir houar* of wonhtp. Λ« .wr ] NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF HARNETT COUNTY Γ Your attention il ruptctful· ly called to that portion of the "Machinery Act" which pro Tidet a discount on all taxe· paid before the first day of D*· camber, la ordfr to take ad· vantage of tki* diicoiet, your taxe» most be paid oa or before the last day of November. All taxes are due and paya ble oo and after the first Mon day in ^^pbecj^and the books are now open to tbst each and every citizen may have full ad-i vantage of the discount by pay·' tng his taxes early. I would meet earnestly urgej upon all citizens to take advan tage of this opportunity to pay their taxes, thus m «king a sav ing to themselves and expedit ing the matter of collection. Herewith is printed that por tion of the law which refers to the time of payment of taxes, and also gives the rate of dis counts Section ββ—Tas·· Due the let! Monday in October. All tax·· shall be due on the firet Mond«jr in October in each year, and on all taxe· paid in the month· of October and No vember a discount thai I be giv en to the taxpayer of one per cent. All taxe* paid in the month of December «hall be paid at the net amount charg ed, and from and after the firtt day of January a penalty of ooe per cent per month «hall be charged and collected by the aheriff or tax collector; that b to *ay, that on all taxée paid in the month of January, after the firet day of January, a pen alty ef one per cent «hall be added en the tax·· paid, and ' hthemMthtfan^Hi the firet day of February, a penalty mt ter· per cent «hall be added, and an additional penalty ef em* per cent for each additional month of delay hi settlement οβ eeme. W. H. TURLINGTON Ihee Mf Harnett Connty Inurluitt men »ro dc-dicatlAg !.. r i«u and m ««η» to Uw glory of Cod The btllw day U coming. ·... iuxrn it·· coming, J. A CAMl'tLEI.L. BANQUET GRAHAM Ch*prl Kill. Nov. 1·.— fl* J. R. Pagp.'tt of UlUnxtoD. director of the Graham Memorial Kund of hU dis trict, will b>- among thoao in attend • lie« at a banquet to be given hero un th· evening before the grvat game. Th· purpoa* of cëtitifr. other than th· «octal *i«t* of it, ia to hrlng to a elo»* th* rampmgr for >160,000 with which to rniit- a lUtloi; memorial to the late tetoved pr*ne will find s much needed homo. The ntudrnta foel keenly thii n«.e . !.wt -t ■■ ii. :««rn denied the ·. , . has mat with «plendid juccww, Uul to reach Lh· H60.00< Ifoal nuieh work Mill rtrsaJ ηκ to be done. Al Ihe banquet th- Anal »um η.ίικΙ from each district will b« rv IK'.tcd. and the mm total announced. 1 he committeemen. alumui and friend» of the University are hoping (hat the fund will be ovtrtubnenbad. »'.·< Λ·Μτ»Ι wcre ' ·· e* to the tari a> . . > throughout th* campaign U> « 26. If poa*ibl«. So far will b· brgun. It 1· hop· ii lhat »urk will b« w«H under way by Ihr 12ô11> annivrr*ary to br r lrl>ratcd nut lommericmmt. That will th<- greet »r.tituli»n for which he never tlrrd ο wu riling whllr he *«· living. AT TURLINGTON SCHOOL. At the box party d«tn by Turiiiig ton rrhoot lonl Friday evening tC; wbj ι caliird (or tbv benofit of th.< school. The «chuol bu bought a nio piano. Thir «.-houl η*κ four leathern Ihi» ymr. Uixx Core Well* I· pr-n opal, and ^iv tcarhera are Mitwj Mary Σηηι·. Ο dû Turlington. Rear 'don Two new rnuou ar· l>vinv; built I "or primary and uuric Anybody who dor* anythinu η··< ha» got to do it alitno. FOR SALE A FARM OF 96 ACRES ON PUBLIC HIGHWAY IN SIGHT OF COMS FOR SALE. SEE OR WRITE EDDIE WARREfc ANG1ER, N. C. . »♦«.» »♦ »««»»♦♦··· ♦■»♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦■»$ Our Sale is-^till in Progress I Will Close SAT. NIGHT, NOV. 22 Come Now While Real Bargains May be Had McCall & Co., — Dunn V —_— , —r ttSîKsaaîtiGtsttœîuœœ» Wait! Wail Wait! Get Some Real Land THE Everette Farm Robeson County Between Floral College and Wakulla on the Highway from Laurinburg and Maxton to Red Spings. Î1 250 Acres Subdivided, 175 Cleared Public Auction December 10th, 10:30 a. m. Capable of making two bales of cotton per acre. No bet ter land can be found in the Carolinae. No poor acres. Splendid Buildings. This sale is for the purpose of division. FREE DINNER * BRASS BAND THE G. H. RUSSÉLL COMPANY, Col. W. L. Bennett, Selling Agent·, Lflrinburg, N. C. Auctioneer, / ψ a Columbia, S. C.