* L Ο C A L < + * » * » * * ; Sandy SUwart wit ι vl*itor hei Banda;. J. W. Jordan apent lad week wit frter.di at Lake City. Frank Drmugkon npunt Sunday ι Clinton with hi* family Miiw Kvelyn White ha* return· from a vliit to friands hi Durham. Mr. and Mr*. Hannibal L. Godwi r> turned from Wa»hltigtun Saturd*) Mr. and Μη. Ν. Λ. Towmwnd ha* returned from a brief vitil lu Kiel· inond. Mr*. Granrille M. Tilghman h* ι Uimrd from a vlult te friend» h Norfolk. Claud Graham, of Godwin, he* ·<-" cpted a position with the Kirst Na tional Bank. Mia Jua&lta Crockett, of LiUIng ton, *4>eBt Sunday here with her P»r' •-nta, Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Crocket!. Htnry A. TuHinetun, of Duke, l>rraident of the Harael*. County Agri cultural Pair Aaaoeiation. wa* here Ihi* weak. Ml» Mabel Smith, who ha* >»·η Uaching in the killington actooe'»· ar rived Wedncwlay to tpend Thanks giving with her parent·, Mr. and Mr*. T. V. Smith Miu Fannie Cnbble returned Monday night from far·*·"™"·, where *hr had bean Waiting friend*. Mia* Gribbl* i* a trained nuraa who»e home i« here. L·. L. Turlington, brother of Sheriff W. H. Turlington, aad Mte 8uph«n., of JohiuUy County, ware mimed at day afternoon. Μη Jimu A. Poole U «till with her mother in tto· Hodge· Cnapd **c tion. The mother continue ?iry #kk, according to reportj »cjit friend· her· yeoterday L. H. Uo, who ha* been venr- «ick for Mvtral (Ut1· ehowed macn is» vm«n«it yeeterday. It u thought thai be will be able to return lu hi» o»cc within a few day». Mia·*» Eloiic Martin and Lalla Rook Stephen·0" ·»<· Prentiaa Eaell and Walter aPrri.h, of Snithfleld. hprnl 8und»y here with Mr*. Kaaell'» mother, Mr». J■ B. Ettell. Mr. and rM». E. O. Townacnd, Mr». J, W. Jordon, Robert Jordan >nd Ur. Wallât* Ε. Coltrane motored to WU ■on Sunday to hear the conference •araon of BUhop DarlinxUm. Ml*» Cad Wrauott, of Rocky Mount, arrived m Dunn Tucaday to Kpand the Thankagivwc uuon with bar «iltrr. Mi»» Lena Weitcott, who I» a member of tbe Graded School faculty. Chief of Police U. S. Page returned Wednesday morning from Robewn County, where he had been to attend the funeral of hi» uncle. A. C. Page, who died Seturdap night at hi» home in Florida. Mia» Marjorie Godwin, «croenpant ed by Mia» Pierce, of Pollockerille, is here to ipend Thankagiving with her parent», Mr. and Mr*. Hannibal L. Godwin. Miaa Godwin and Mlaa Pierce are attending achool at Greentboro. Mr. and Mra. Harvey H. McKay and their little daughter ipent aeeec IduI Tmim WBM Mr. Mc Kay parchaaed β large etoek of gooM» for hl· Ckriiuu· Indu. Hon. T. Gobbler, a native of Samp· ■on County, died her* yeaterday in the fcotnc of friend* with whom he had coia« to spend Thanksgiving. None of hi· immédiat· family lunrlv n The old gentleman will lie in i&atc in the dining room of Dunn until î:00 o'clock tfcia afternoon. Hia "rtnaw" will be interred about break*ait Friday morning. .Sunday morning's service at the Baptist Church will b« a rally Th· pastor will preach on the subject, "The Golden Wadg*." In the after noon a committee constating of thirty man will make an •Trry-DinabeT ean ν·ι· of th· church membership to ««UK pledge· for Oia Baptist 76 Mil lion Campaign and fur tha currant «upport of tha church for tha year 1920. At the evening service the hour will be riven ov»r to report· from the committee. A large crowd '· orpaetad at both aarvieea Special •nuaic will be rendered. A bank hai been chartered to opar '**! at Bui«'< Creak, whara quite a thriving town ha* grown up around « Ι"··' »eHool conducted by Rev. J A. Campbell. It i· planned to begin bualn,·, ,t onCf. Dr. J. K_McKaj Pfoddent of the new institution "· "· MeLeod ia eaahlrr. Some of tne bast buainaaa men and farn^n 'aa* district are included in tli< Hat of ateckholdara and director*. Th< urganiutlon of this bank (wans tk< number of »uch limitation· In Har nett County to nlae. TV·· of Uiom are in Dunn, two la LUIington, ant ?*** »l Duke, Coat», Angiar an« Buia'· Creek. J*m·· M. Daniels, Otia Ρ 2, . **5 A· L Newberry returnee ÏL Ϊ?™ W"aon whara they ha< itt«QMd the Kiuoal North CtroUm of MetWi* ·ρ»·οο pal Churchy Mr Daniel, was re ^ 'if. 10 Dan η chartrc bv tki comri.K· uttor appointment., il ■hi· kxdHr »«n: Norton Oww Cir (•it. *·*. a. H. Brin·; Ulttaftei Circuit, R»T Ν. M. McDonald ; Dehc d««. R. T. Taylo*; Clinton, *«*· B η De*to; Srnlutflald, Rn. 1. A. Cot ton *«*"· Jo^n H. Bhor· and *»» Γ M. Snip·*, forrn.r pastor· her· w«r» »·<*· prwAdie (Mm of th Wilmington and WarraMon Diataicti μιΤ*·1* *·»· J. A. Homadjr »· ante·**' 10 Maxton Charrh j?rote the Coaforanea at Witoo » I pjawbarry brine* » bean Λ·* \ . "boar " It* pod 1» aUven and ï.if (nch·* l<w*i *wo lorhaa broa • »d ova Inch th»W- It ha* th· (onai 'Tt^/.nea of · lima baa· ΨλΑ w rreiTb* » c· W·"·· · u manofa«tarar. with whoa Ml Newberry «il» attending th fTWr M » 4ol«e.to from th nTTl«J if** Mathodiat Cb»«h her. ffr'iS uâ »«*· of rvartda, b« M? Wall. _ ιthat wi· grow tttji fa ' h» «·*« °"· to A. D. Mao· Z7c\rt£*» ·I th· ttaH ha (.r. Mi J, IwIr^hW Xr Moo. and Mi ara to try to in» matai b.+nt from the aaad· ta the r«e»eetr> IS? Th. ana who ha* the moi 2~^a |a to ·>· r»w»ri*d *T U wJlT Th. *»oetaa to adibU and ma « a tea* ν·? towaH th ttah ro<* of Hrlae ta thla aertton I k U foaad tha* it «aa ba auaeearfull mtmrnm k—— ^ Mi*. J- ^ Raanrrman if vi**l|l , r*lati*»« in Goldaboro. lb*· Lloyd Widr returned )f« lardai' from · brief vi«t to Fiytfc » jrlli* Clady*. the IltUc daughter of Ml • aod Mr». Gorman Y * Ui·, in nufferinj Croat pneumonia. h Mra. U. 8. Page and bar llttli dkpghter left yeaterday to vialt r·) t ίΚτί· in LaGrin|c. Mr. and Mm Λ. G. Juhiuon. ol i gmhhflcld, trient a «hurt tune her» Kek 8neadlh "" Johnaon'e fatbar Ml»* Ailiene Cowell daughter oi , Mr. and Mn. J C. CoweU. of »>* . fttcTlaa. la hvr, to ,i,jt her uoc|>· A .L. and W. H. Newberry. ' ν Mru J K· Guy died -«ddaoly al her borne near here laat Tburaday night. Apjioplexy it behaved to havt been tha eaaau of her death. Mr. and Mra. John A. McKay and ,th«'r aon, John A. Jr.. baec (rone t« Kannapotia to «wad Thankaglving with tbeir daughter Mrs. W K- Bran, don. J J· l.ane and Ben Johnson re tamed yeeterdaj from St. Loan wher* tiny purrhaerd two car load· of mule* anii how» for their ftable* here W. [(, Howard and George K. Prince returned yaatrrday from Edgecumbe County where they haii baon looking over »o«>« property own ►d by Mr. Howard. Mack Stewart, county commiaakmcr and one of the btit f a rme r* of Kaat ern Carolina, waa hare Saturday from hi· hone in Grove Townahip He ,B,d hia cotton and corn crop· ware ca pecially good thia year abd that coo uiviuni g»n««·"·/ ■" ",r weiuy wore good. Prof Minor C. Baldwin of the But ton Cooaer»ato«7 of Mu»le, will give an or**η ridul At Divine etrni Mcthodlrt Church sett Wednenday evening. Frof>**or Minor was a tutor of Mm Gertrude Jackson. th« on»' lit, and i* ««id to be one of the bait radalcian· of the country. No charge will be mad» to hear him. Lueknow Square ha* again taken on the ragged appearand' It prrwnt. for Ult (rtttrr part of the year »ince the major portion of thia year'· cot ton crop hat been j*»i| »d away. Tho old «quar» serves a mighty good pur pose for the cotton men, but it cer tainly ia an cye-aore to everybody etae. It la not a very food advertise m«nt of Dunn'* beauty oithar. Herbert B. Taylor and other baae ball enthusiasts her· are planning a revival of tomi-profearional baae ball here next rumrarr. The cooperation of the directum of the fair associa tion ia promised. It ia probable that a Held will br constructed in Ibe aeroplane fteld at the fair «round*. A league, including Dunn. Smlthfleld. Selma and Clayton, may be formed. James A. Poole, of the Internal Revenue Department, I* here to spend a few day* with hi* family. Through the recent reorganisation of the de partment'* force· in North Caroliaa Mr. Poole'· port of datv ha· been shifted from Dunn te Geldsboro. Be will continue to operate in Harnett, however, and will not ft*d It necessary to change hi* residence from Dunn, the Dispatch la gtad to be able to announce. Dunn will not tulfer for Ice next ,rummer if the Dunn Ice and Pn*l Company can orç^ ■. a, îNH II ■■■■■) IBM It Vtl JwIM po mad equipaDent » the plut nil· riant to practically double lu cm pacity. The nvceaeary work will be .done immediately, according to Geo. T. Noel, jecretary and Uvaaurer and general manager of the plant. Gilbert Bau and Jonathan Bare foot were among thoae cc railed by prohibition oger.ti in the round t[ Ipf allvgcd whiskey distiller* in thi* section laet week. Both were bound over to Federal Court when given1 a preliminary hearing before United State* Commtaiionrr Eldridp Lee. Deputy 8b.-riff R. F. Jernigan and Dcputie* Dixon and Bainre of the United Stale» Manhal'· ofBcc, ca|it*ir cd the mam. - The Harnett County Agricultural Fair Aaaoemtion la alrrady planning ,f°T · educatloaal domonitracion to ba held at the 1»20 Fair. All the tchool* of Harnett and a part of Sanpaon, Johnaton and Cumncrland will »a aaki-d to take part. Superin tendent Byrd P. Centry, of the Har nr»t «choot», ha* agre^J to aid in the project and will begin .plunnlng for ^he e^cnt e«Hy next ye«r. It i„ plan ilfd by the official· to give an entire £%y to the Whoolt. The General Utility Company ku atarted in eerna* to cut lumber for .Dunn'· revival of budding. Moat of Ka ·ίΠ« are running aa near to ca pacity aj labor condition· will per mit and an effort i* being m»d· to increase ">· maxium at once. w. H· Turner haa been employed to euûbMetin,'>aT and to luperin the cutting of all lumber, fet on contract U> other m.ll. T H Waahiegton baa been encaged to ra perinumd the OP·™**» of mlUl it Beard Bolhof ^ae· man km τι lately b®0" "HUn* buainaa· I at Arfi·*· Herbert Β Taylor. aerg.»,,! IrA thé 324th Field Biffnil M.w-u— in ill rcettpioi* tcii+τ ttown Captain Harry W. Mirt®· ferai·? eommMtui»* ί?ΜΪίΤΛ€?3 kr to p»rti«*torly "(niu to M b-„n -<k« h. h.£ to much fro« Herbert end the oth·· local boy· 1» ^ ^ C«rtu„ Xtrior, Cr»T·" "*·"> Lewreue* Bt*. fell. B*'Ph *°?i" J"*·» R«>n»o>.c fijfiyy w$T9 »" Walton Do»n folk *5» *~rJJ In Ui« .fa Kt>yenvmcnt (lT»f. i ι-ί°*· 'nt< town U "?|Τη^Μ,ι, ^ΐ!. *teek °< ruolia· «Wh *Wrti Jj w*i try*,,. to make Hi. WW <» k2 Cortl/ W-ptM'· Tk· »,H. In · cotton P»»«h J·1'' · «W nortt •f town, mundlnr »· toor ■* M» unk» «Ό™ "*»od. Wot wti«, ho cum* Into *7he*aIe5Jn?" »ot» « reeopitJon th^he ~*?V> *·» Thot WM y^^r· *"k MO SiTjItw* [-"Χ'ίΐ,ΪΓΛ.ώνΤΛΐ; «omea kin «aw»·*·' ">· çKy «We S.». p*n ·*···£ °**T '«rotu . tHJo, Kotoif». "Ί » other •wfcort* mMm neelne Dam f oiioof tk· b««t umM,i«U>·»· the Ko,t r ont Mr r^ito. *[^2to*r* bto »Wt *·*» fi*W*· L. L. Lerlneon. of CnU, m hare Tuatday Bin F. JNirkrr, of Bunalrvel, w·» ,here la«l ni«ht. A. B. Crura pier, of Clinton, wu ■ vmitor her® yt^lcniay, partner of J. Bd. Col· in the ahaat metal and roollng bu*ine«e. Glenn Pop· and Robert Saundarm, of Clayton, were hare Tueaday. I Herbert Stalling*, of Spring Hope. [»·» her* Sunday to vlalt hi» family J. J. Wade and Lewi· Denning. Vtudrnta in the Untvenity, were Her* la*t night to a'.land the dancv. C. P. Walu ha» returned from Charlotte where he attandod a con vention of Pcp»l-Ceta bottler». Col. Dan Hugh MeLcan and hie ♦on, Alfred M. McLean, ware here vulerday from their homa at Lllling (on. MIm Annie Wade ha· been quite Mck for » encrai day» at the hurae of her parent·, Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Wade Mr* A Β Harrell returned Sun day to her hooir In Pet«*r»6urg alter having (pent w«ml day* here with her parent», Mr. and Mr·. Henry Pope. Jamra A. Bain, one of Dunn'» own young men who ha* been reaiding in Sanford for the la»t aeeerai rear», ha» return«-d to Dunn and will *χ*'η make It homa. He will become a The axial I bridge over Black riecr on the Coat* KoatTia 'n bad lhape. »r conlmg to reporta brought here by travelar», and »hould ba rtpelred at onee A meeting of the ChKora Chapter, t* η r k.. v~— "1>*J *— " ' 2 at the home of Un. N. .A Tow»· j>nd. Mrs. 4. H Anderaon. district director and 9UU officer will be pres ent. Ail nraibon arc urged to at tend. Aviator Wonder King. No. 134421. the Ou roc Jersey Κοχ which we* given flrat premium at the Darn Fair wa« alao first price winner at the SlaU Fair, and tuu been crowaed champion of North Carolina. He ti earned by Henry Turlington, of Dekc, R. V D., and ia n«w on Mr. Tar linituin'· fans. The hoc » 18 month· old. weighs 800 pounds. ι» 40 inchaa tall and 76 Inehe· long. The base around IU ankle ntuurn nine and a half inches. Bill Penny, of th·· American Du roe Association, says the hog is a batter apeciirrn than waa that which wai dccUrtd the grand chamijo at the South Eastern Fair In Atlanta this year. SWAIN-HOLLIDAY Miu Grace Holliday, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. MeD. Holliday, and ι Robert Swain, two of Dudd'· m««t I popular young peraona, wore married in the pretty home of the bride'» par ant* here Tucaday availing. Kev. K. T. Grim, D. D., of Uie Atlantic Chn· tian College, Wllaon, oficiated. No wedding of recent jrt-mr« m I>ann attracted mora attention than did this which united the haarta and llvaa of .a roang man and young wo man wno held the friendship of all ef Dunn'a poople. Scorus of friend.) from all parts of the State—college rhums of the bride, childhood friend· of th·· groom, relative· of both wit·· here in large numbers. For the ceremony the bom* wa* at tractively dacorated in varicolored L« render «ad "yellow. τζΐΤ rh«m( ^ waa ofcaerved In the coatuntng of bride, nttid of honor and bride's ■«tdi, blending fittingly with the nor rounding grwr <lr«»cd in Ha autumn color». The profrram of the ceremony vu "P««»ny plcaaing. Pir«t Mr». Harper McDinid Holliuy, piaalvt, end Robert Jordan, tlolinirt, ployed, a* an accompaniment to two aongi ranjr by Miax Ada Gray Dixon, of Karm ville, "Because God Mad» You Mine." and "At Dawn." Then Mrs. Holllday and Mr. Jordan played the Drvdal Chora» from Lebengrin. merging inLo the wedding march from thr Mine opera aa the bridal party enten-d. Thr party came from the upper floor down the fraud «tairwa», throojrh a beautifully decorated hall, and enter ed the north paHor. where the cere mony waa performed. Firat came the presiding minister, follow 11 by Miaa Fannie 8waln, of Bflhaven, with Fred Sitteraon, of Wil Kin, and Mia* Jeaaie Holllday, «liter of th» bride, with Τ bo ma» Proctor, of Dunn, bridatraaida and grooma 3iin. The»» were groined about the arch of nry and chrysanthemums built In a corner. Then cam·· the maid of honor, Mi* a Mabel Lypch, of Dunn, followed by littk Mia» Dorothy Cooke, the ringbcarer. The bride J room came next with hit beat man, ,. W. Ayera, of Wllliaauton. Thi- bride then entered on the arm of her brother, Harper JlcDsniel Hol llday, who gave her into the keeping of the bridegroom The few word· of the brief vnd Isaprteaiva ceremony were apoken and the young man and woman boeamc one. The bride and her maid* and the Utile ring bearer were attired in lav ender satis and wore black picture hnta with yellow plane·. The ring waa carried In the heart of a trcntond oaa yellow chryaarthrmam. "Traumerje" waa played a* the ceremony cam* to a clean and the nartr ad lour n»H >■ t h* «nnrti narloi which had bc«n converted Into a rc pooiUry for the my raid of gift* pre •en ted by friend· and relatlv·» of the roupie. Her» an informal reception wa* held and cri» and cake cor responding with the general eoloi M Kent· were served. Score· of |UU, ranging from ■ flva-.harr «tock certificat· In thf Barnca A Wolllday Company, pre ion ted by tke bride'» father to modem offering» aent by the cplorvd mm ptoyaoa of tk father » •atablUbment Wore diapUyad. Notabia among the* wa· a art of cet glass tumbler· an<! • pitcher oner owned by the lata Mrs Ν. Β Hood, who had loft than h charga of Sully Coo par at her deatt to ba preaented to Miw HollMay upor the occasion of bar sean-lage. (fan aredt of piece· of cat giant, mac) •INerware and many roe» war· aim numbered among the gtfta Han< Paint»! cMnawaVe from friand· in al pnrta of Eastern Carallna wa· marl ■n ntdmttL Nearly a haadred Invited gaaat »»ra preaant Thaaa war· ragister e< Jn a hook kapt by Mlaa Madrid Hood W warn welcomed to Uio home b] »nd Mrs. £. V. fUlpaa and Mr. an. ·*»«■ Herbert McKay. Darham Tay ' m? and Mlaa Brownie Kitall presides tv*r the gift room, and Craven ïaael *"«1 Mlm CI eta Nay tor over the ctoal «ad Mr». Swala left Taeada; , nif»t for a hrtef νι·κ ta Mr. *w«W J«ntr*c» ta »ev.r»l town· of Xaatan t*i"olina. They win r*t«m M6>«la 'after*eon and will tatahMi îlivit |hom# ·»<*<· Mr. R«ain "nu · Ι>·. ν <···" · licet··! wilh I he IliitiH*.· A- -I··1" · rt 1 Company ■ »\-rul v.fi «.onliaiM ΛΙ» ^cang IViokv b L'IHl jr. * » coQnorUoii. l**y 7·βΓ P****nal· town .»*v" , mud M*· calnitKimiBL At't<n* th·. w**k 1 Pi'occwd lu co|1«ct <·'· · ,n»ek »β»»ίΛ aneurdioc to Uw. trip to Hell may utvr >;·υ iron·,1 I,)#, «jabarraiwmi at and unnwe.vii;'1·1 ;ixpen*. υ. H. I'AGK, Www L».\ «·■··' U-ctor. ■·*· «BMY DVH, MEET Th. M«jpΓ>·«..7"άαίι m.t « til *" P·"' jJood l"t vr^vk. Hen!, v.. play«4 and i ®«»tc *„ fevniMrctl i»y Vh· c*a»>T bird. Tho* pr.x.nt/r.ri·:] It™. Z. t. Hnlj**, Mr/ A l.^Vv.· b*rry. Mn^ M«rv,n Wlul,. y,.A r. A. WÎ'.V η. υ. Matt JX. Mra. J. WKitvlMed. Jl.v. Ν. M Jobnaoa Mr., HcrtK^t Ta. lor. ΙΤ'κ Madrvd Ho«d. Mr« C. I.. WiUun, Ιίι*.| Kufua Smith. Ply your pcrnoml low η now and mv* f»b*rr^«ment. After thi> W#Î. u to collect wl! « j "*fc ·ΒΚίί Ϊ?*,? hording lo Im. Λ trip to City IIall in* y mVc you Lrou- 4 blc, wmbarimiwmynt un«l unn<cw*i> ' j rtpeuJ·/ L. 8. PACK, lovtr. U.x "A- 4 tocior. ·<!▼. , 4, book club endorses" educational B1U.|5 Mr·. Cwr APp^"nled to .-1 For RedCro·. Seal Swiss !' t,ndon>< mi nt of the bill «■' ''V ■' to create » of οι1α<·.Λ · Id tk· national «ov»rnm, nl, cm ·,!.*. with it provUion for the cvoavioi* <*· the offlw ·' <*er»tarY of ïdm-tuoii In th<- rr«mdenl'» eab>n<-t. "<>·» in$ in Conprca», »„< pvm VV t'1 Ttiur»d»y AfternoM R»ot. Clob whi·.» il mot with Mr* SSli· iinldtt ■ wrok The *n'or»Q(B«nt followed the reading of » I·:"** from In» ivr. .. ; ment of «rdu<-«tOM of the· North <.'· ic· | lin· KadoiaUon of WomanV by Mrs. Ρ 8. Cooper. Tlr l»'ier* requMtx-d thi« •ni uril suivi-· ed Ui«t thr clob Ripr< · rn'.xurt Godwin end Senator* Simmon- »"*" ΟνιΠΒΜ for thriy Buppo*t. - . Mr». Home·· F tiftCAii rn* ' ; ' I ' b> th» elub a* a d»|«;Tat t.i liiv «'·■ ' | • rlct meeting rf t-h» Stat·* fedenitir-r. . ta he held at Lumberton next mon* a. Sh» ι» to attend in piaer nt J··'*. W χ. Town««nd vho el«rtc<l nunn»· a urevioe· meeting hu| w|j0 nnt ooiip r{ to doelim· th>· honor b.-cau-c of., their preawK dull».. Mr». Ρ 8. w>. iiyixiiii' i I ' a comantut of on® t„ at ranee foi . thi* T"['* <'f rk-d Ci*Vi * **' ·* I ^ riurinK the ('hnktm%ii tcc^on. Few of tm? ai. mh,*rj. tfta- priicri f01 xho »oi*t'»»»ie. Th ? pro^ii.m, huv ever, w»» intcr.-Mlto* MfM. (»l»»v;i .· M. Tilfhm*? t^uii ^ Th· Liic ci S-I ney Ι*ηΐ«*· Mr* ]] o. Mett H\: ' » «el· coon ftem the H*me pocU ">J '> JohnvtoB »* · NovMliut" wa> u diKUBwJ hy Mr». l£dwsrd Sm th. Mrs. A J. Wftilt «If H VIM'.W. The next mct-tlng w,|| be held with Mr*, p S. Coop-.r. Pay your perMjr.ul town t**»' and save emMrrammaoL ΑΛ«τ œ" t 4 woeW I wiH proceed to roll*·* a « n*eh vingcid t^jecord^ »··· buq gnne*TN».ir> N "Ρ·»·· υ. S. PACK, town tax 1..1-N lector—adv. j « Smithfirld HrnU. 5 The hrart of Capid r«^er*»d anoUi· 111 thrill lut craning Mi*. W. N.b Holt innotucixl l ht rtjiji men*, o. ' Min Elojrt Marf*. Ih<- uttracth· daughter of Un. I- R. Martin. -■ · Mr Prentiss Kuril, the popular dtui·· | gist at Hood Bros. rh« mirr'-·· will take place in Januarv. il rs. « Holt had a» her iru^» on thi* occoa ion the TV G. S. jrlrB »cd η few olive · frien d*. The evening «al Vlea*Mntl>~ ι',χ π' playing rook unt l Λ,: nfrtllnii'ii·'· 1 j which eon*irt»d of a '•Ud cour ·■ "νitli> I coir oc, were broefht m. ttnpiirlij walnuts tied with nWion», on »fr ; ' plate, immediately cl» m <' A" ai tanilon of those priant. Upon o|>cu ϊηκ the not·, oints »«rr> fourni in ali of them cxcrpt one - Mr.-, T. La witer found upon a folded «|ή> of jti per P. M. S.—M. K. M„ Janu.·., 1920. ConpratelMion·· »nd mnl *»'.h·· | were showered upon the bnd£ tie· ; Mus Cora Bell Ives PT«po»ir.ir an ap-1 propriato toast. The pnettr »/<ur ' took thetr deprrtura indutsted to Mr» Holt for a eery dalifhtfal «■vstrinf. TerpMcKoraaa Oaaaa Attended by score· "f Tititor} from FajtUerilln, CI into», Smithi). Id th I ftrrt annual. ThankseJv.np Iisnr· <·', the Dunn TerpsieWean Club «·»«, held last nifht. The Garhrr-Duvis Orchestra furnished tho music Pay your personal town taxes now and sstc embarrassent. After th.i weak I will proceed Uj collect all such unpaid tax·· aecoMn* to !«-« A trip to City Hall may »vc you Irou We, embarrassment »nd expense. U. R. PAG®, town tax «of-; lector.—adr. BAPTISTS PLAN RALLY HERE FOR NEXT SUNDAYj Ί*η·τι Sent Te Ewry Member Urftng Altandanc· U|mi Morning Servie·. The following letter hat br^n srr.t to mr; ambn ef tkc Finit Rtplul Church of Dane. "Kaxt Barwlay will br the aunt wonderful day In tbe taialory of Souti. era BeptiiU tbua far. Wt W;int ;» to be to In oar own ebureb. To malt· it rarh it will be mniry; "That you be prvaeft at Ibe murr. In* tervitt. Oar peetor pru*i>v-· in brin* aa a *lrrla* uihi. ';1itttv aix at oar itreaptt man will «tend «I the front at tbe Mom ef tho a»mc* for a prayer of dedication beferr tbey undertake the "aftrapaljra ''or rlctory" in the aftvraoun. fUcrirti. ι the hit Sunday dinner; "Thai yeu remain at home in lh< afternoon. bo* a rod tbe beurt ef two I and aix. ontfl rial ted by the ro«}*> it tee. If y»c are .β ηκη»*»τ <>r *»■· 1 Flnanr» Cotaaslt'e·, yea nre'to iw i··' I fba rhnrrK at οn< thirty Leavv off hi autaaaob<le rid· anH other r^rn· I ,;en. Srrnd trrwnr thr In prayer a>.d I deration. » I "That yoa be fair u^th Oo<t m tno aiatter of pledging. Whether you ' bare little or mari». H· h*» put it > bite year hand. It alt balong* u Him. I Yea are anly a ateward. II· will bold ' you aoeoeatahU for hew you ox what jroe h»v*. At !«··** ont-i* na oi · *ur ncr-m· WU f·' in'·" *b:· Vr ·*·'* trcorury "V ill η ηι·.·ι > »l> C:if" Mafarti' λ:·. "TWui /no ►O'H'I '-y <»»T Ouitfi'l. «· cow hate no d«ut «xrt pt to God. 'Πι» U/dffvl .ni-'udM Mil «*< «hull Ιικνο u> Ci»r. under noimut ror<1Htor>«. tor tK« eatlrv y»»r, Il ;« twofoM: "Cirrewt K*|w n»*4, 14,('00. Ihta wlatlcit all Ifctt we «bell nred In Br ι» ma in ———r« ;iic >.upp"ii oi Ih vert and thr ·μ k*> » «( vmr rhQTch m opart; at bam·· ar.d C«iirveiu.iea, 14. ο J· Ih · irclod*» .til our »+ftl to abjrrl» it ,.·.·λΙ I»;.· tl·· fo-jiham Ra^tixt and ...· r I "lui* ConvcntJaM. Tfctc pli «iv τ.Il h* mad* «η blank* fimnh cri l'y our Br.K' rt 75 Mltlln· Cm* pn.i Ccmmllliv. 4a MM ta raa*J ih? p' ·»rv It U M> ward»d that ya« err no ι . hj: rt to «itmlnir W. Oar met *'«·. _« . · I ι I . . 9 · :· • ' '·"· ?! ί <. . .i. h * r . I PPH'tijy BANK -.-on Le tf :■ civ to ,;erv« you. It's vault· are being in ·■ - *î t it"s ".stare., arc in transit. It should be ready •r. »ι π week. ■ U ■ u ' M : It." ■■:· , vr2>^ /. . ν». 1 Ρ i - { ξΖί··· Îi'ii' tgm ttV'V··' . TV.·. i.uiit-.'rion desire® to nerve you and the community. ' '?· ο cp; eJ io ectend every reasonable accommo ! c.n: vi'!! he glad to serve you at any time. I. P. '"'μ·ί<·. :·;·:·.·ί·' :ΐι ι;ΐι<1 C°:u>hier; Ru^nc W. Sn.ith. Vice-president »V. PuT''io '^;·;»ιΐιο »V. Srrith. R. L. VVarren. i. C. Byrd. ¥■ W. McKay unJ b. 1'. Ltavi*. directors L. Godwin, Atty. 111111111111111 il 11 u 11 il 11 I * '< > ; : - ; ii . Wait! - Wait! . Waitf , Ν Get Some Real Land — t ' * . THE Everette Farm / «· t Robeson County Bctwsver Flor*»· College and Wakulla on the Highway ire ·' ' r v. -inburg and Maxton to Red Spings. 250 Acres Subdivided, 175 Cleared Public Auction December 10th, 10:30 a. m. • Capable of making two bales of cotton per acre. No bet tar land can be foimd in tbe Carolina·. No poor acre·. Splendid Duildingr. ' This sale is for the purpose of division. FREE DINNER BRASS BAND THE G. K. l.USSELL CQMPANY, Col. W. L. ; < • m ·' ' · ^ in , ; » felling Agents, Lturrib'-rg, N. C. Columbia, S. C. · ** ' » « tt . ismtmtmmaawww. tiamwwtsr mnmnmiiim

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