THE Diiiiit jjsPATCS • uUuhed Every Theredey Intend as eeeond-eiaaa mefter April let. 1914. at the pest eflce et Diana, S■ C.. under the act af March 9, 1$7». l!~BUSBEE POPE, PuhllaW Ijh swaths... 41 lit montha........_.... M oct pear.......11.04 At 1 -art wc car. thank cur mouo A -u: friend- for the absence ol ri alcohol in the I'hristica- egg 3*n;«- think It i> a -or: of Alladir.' ..otps otb-r* predict that "twoat <k ■Kllfe'r while a thinl fee! that it i. . l a well-tried agency throwgi t h .-h. with proper help and encour r .m.-nt. maey pood thing* can b 1 ... t.-ht to paA>. It i* upon the la* »>*; the Dunn Chamber of Cnromerc >-.i-t ilcpend for it- existence. i p In NYw England a grocer wa: . .led fdOU for wiling Jamaica ginge »• a beverage. Then an additiona of fl> wa* imposed bocauAC tb !jr’ wa- not up to tka -tandard rr r UT.-d by law N"ow ere know who do -ora. of those fellow .•>>.*«* monkey rum U not equal ii •. ttol'ty :o thi- pricer charge-1. '>.eUi(b-> New Hotel Waata a Name. Ir. The New* end Observer ever; morning are carried Ivttcra suggest intr no it. « fur Raloigh'a hotel whici I- :•< be built during the present year Mart} are the suggestions. Tbi • jcier range from "Cotton King” t> AVnlnw Wil,on and Josephus Dan I I?. Some go back' into history am -r- urroet Xathanl.'l Macon and oth in who short* in the .ariy days ol lb. nation s life. Sort, however. ha» yet suggtrtci • Andnw Johnson.'' in memory of tbi ■ at gel tittle tailor's apprentice, who 0.1 m aru reared in poverty in th< soot' C t> of Raleigh, moved to Ten • -ic.-w-c and became President of tbi United States. I'ur some reason Raleigh has ncvei .. r proud of Johnaoet—th* low-born It.- "society'’ ha« nev.-r recognised hii -u mory. True, Johnson waa an abo ' uor. st and as such detested by Um South during the war and for man) yeurs afterward. He was inelegant and crude in many respects—but hi was a wonderful man, or he couk rover have reached the height* h* di< u: a time- whan thing* of the Soutl i ere oispiavd in those sections ol the country whose votes were counter in national election*. When hs became President, John non proved that he waa a friend U hi* pt-upla. V Now, after all them year* I would bo a fitting thing to name thi best hotel in the town of his birtl “Andrvur Johnson.” Ina'deqwecy of Equipment Responsible. Responsibility for the regnuabk tow water preasure which so nandi cupped the fire fighters In their bat tles with th* l«ro disasters recently •.:citing Dunn seem* to r**t with th* uu-i Rsrtf—and by the town wi mean th* community; not ospeciall) ihi government. Inadequate equip n:- nt at the power elation and at th< hydrants *c«ms to have been the rea .-uw for the firemen’s inability u vb.-elt the flames before they ipsinec to strung a hold. It i* ca*y to say that the man it - hurg* of ’> town's affairs sboulc lave provided against such an t-xi K» icy. The critic’s job is always at va.y am-. It i* pleasanter to plaes b am.- than to assume it. r.<u mi mhiv ■ wWT that a luul whm there war nt ..eray.' u-nl when the ronrumptior •if municipal water for dnmrauc pur ,-.i.ur vra* not half no great a* It ii .i. 'jf. By working the pumping it* •. i n jvi rttma, however, we hav« managed to let along in norma me*. But with the coming of tha lac" Are wv -truck a snag. It wa. cold. In half the home* of town ,iigi •> had been left opm to prevent .a rnaziag of piper. The hard , :/ «etl machinery wae doing it* berl ... keep the tank and reecrvoir fall tv hen ' bv alarm euundrd It wae noi VAiing Itf own In loneequencr tb«ro waa little Mirplae water for tha appaiatan. .■ontrbodjr tueg’-Mrd that it wai 'i doty of the >uperintendamt u t.trvvot the opening of «pigola b) .etttw v. a.t*r» of water to pay lot th- waote Tha ha Impoeatblc for the .. u- »n that oaly about half the 'mnu a of town are equipped with water meter*. It ally .ho fault waa not with tha .u delate n<knt, th* farl -dtmUon. tha mayor, nor the board of commimon ».■*. Churn not'd* twice th* uq»ip' m. nt aaavc in a#-. An additional hood ■.roe may he aeodad to puevhaev H. ’ihct#f«r» it i* up to the people. If «r> got better protection wv mart pay for if. Blaming thoee In oiBce wilt r ft pay Are lian pa at or faturo. Av CnelMh ruble-.d »ay« that Preat* dent Waleon in Prone* waa “attempt i iag to mailer in a month what Km . iopaaa diptemwy bad rtodiad through noratioar*' and (hat he "hod th* rum* rhaner aa a taNow rabbit in Ml with an adieeto* greyhound trail lag bit he*la" Br.lhdt production i# gradually re 'iking and American -trike* are help lag Mid trade in foreign market* <*• v v v > '. *: > •; *. • v .. • •• 1 ^♦Wv»\»vv»A ofyv • ;-t a .. t iA .4A73 ABOUT Lj |: THE TOWN 8 Swwmimjmttuuv It'x a bad sign when a fellow s <v .-■lakes In the dim! of winter—-ope, •ally at that Ilia-- when r.U dirlstcn Jum h on sht voice of mnkmu men rjr; for even in lioee anil lim. a the- -■ are way. for a fellow with the price to’procure a liquid ttnt i* /tiarni>;< -V to prod lies Juki as stupendous a hamc oret if not so mellow e souso as did I hr mnbri fluid of happier -lays. For this rvcu thoua-- w. know the good fellow to b- the tub. r rat of goat It men in ordinary times— we looked dubiously and suspiciously upon the genial (1. S. Muorc when he wended our sanctum with a wondrou* tale of a Pender County snake slain by himself on tbe c-vo of Christmas Kve. Si ven feet long and more was this winter king of the reptile world. Twenty inches he measured around his tummy, and at the tin of his tail . were fifteen whirring m«J"» -oun-lmv . a sullen warning te mm. Now. you know, rattle snakes do ’ certainly lov. warm weather Fact 1 is they seldom inhabit lands further north than this. Even hi re they ar> supposed to begin their winter -lum ber in late September when the leaves ’ lake on lheir brownish tin;--. Natur ally »c suspect) d the good broth, r I I)s> you blamo us? Her- was the , Christmas season and all o’ that. But— Over to Hood k GranthamV wc - were escorted. In the window was i the stuffed pelt of the rattb-r, prov , ing in every detail except the rattle that Mr. Moore’* story tra» I rue. Four of the ralth s had been lost- At 1 the base of the monster's skull wa • a wound inflicted by a pitchfork which "Mr. Moore had driven tber - It is e-or was—a pretty animal Now, don’t surpccl u»- Hun down | anil take a look at the snake Carrying one of those round pm-k - ages which. b% fore the gri-at a ml ness , | iwsi iiwh u|wn us, was locally xnowi, , . »s » quart sin-, a lilstimruirhvd, mys terious and foreign looking gentle laca edged into the Hood and Gran tham establishment in Broad street the other day while we wen inspect ing C. S. Moore's snake. "Sumpinfuri nr*" queried the cher ubic Barber of the curly lock- wh« ' greet* all come r*. "I have a met cage for Mr. G. K. ■ Grantham, or Mr. George Grnnthani” , responded the stranger “Sbugv.” said the cherub, “S'boiiy els* do.” ; '•Thank you, no; l must «••• Mr. I Grantham,’ r*?plted thr man of my* tonr, hugging Kb package closer. | Having a well known and deeply ; seated distaste for ouch beverage* n tho*c quecr-shapsd parkagea used to contain, wo decided to stick around and ***** if we could not pick up a , little raac of transporting for our friend Chief I‘age Presently the man was -ummoneil to th* mar where the genial George was filling prescriptions. After two , minutes h* care* ont, minus hU j>or*k age. Ah ha—a car*. We invr-di* if ate. '•Mr. Grantham,” wr say wit.a dig nity—knowing we have th* law with us. “Mr. Grantham. »v have a gnat , regard and a deep respect for you. Wc- do not bclhii- you would know ingiy aid in the breaking of (hit grand law Biahtp Cannon. Sidney Peter? and Wayne B. Wheeler have so nn , selfishly given us. We have- reason to bclisv* that the man who Just Irfl brought liquor to you. L*l u» sei that package.“ Gvorge wav impressed He had j similar impression* himself and «» for di-atroying th* slutf forthwith. "Nay, my good friend,” wt ti me n*-t rate ; “he nol mv rash; first wr will look Vr ov,r u»d then destroy it togrthsr. Tell u* first the story." "Well it'* thb way, say? George; Thu man com?? in and -hikes hnni.*. /hen he give? »ne thr third degree to ascertain if I am really the man hr ia looking. Then, satisfied, ho says; ' ’In Berlin you have a frh-nn who knew and loved you hate twenty-five years ago. It is front him that thin package comes It ha* not b-ft my ■*ids since it wa* intrusted lo m< and I trust, ur, that you will enjoy whul It contains’ i “With that he walked ouL” Then w opened the package. It wa» from Alfred McKay. Berlin. Gn.,| and contained maple syrup Uawtaaaat La* Home from Cenoaay Of courr* wc Wrn- glad to sol* all of taoao boys ar.d girl* who flocked back to the old town to spend ORri-t raa* with the home folks; but it wa* through seeing the entiling, haiultini /acc of William C. Lev. Tdcup.-nant in ?he army, that w* were afforded <p«*c- i ial pleasure. Wc wi re reminded of a Visit In Raleigh right after Carolina Aad IjIjIi.'iJ Stntc ColliirvMt no*« m thr •lut of defeat. An A. and E. hav wa* tare otir.g the sad fart, "but,” he *atd. “if ‘China’ las.* had turn hi-rt-, they nover could hav.* dons IL" When wc saw "Chiug” Ovristmn. I *• »rr» conviei-id that th* A. and E. fd*llr*W had iDdtan *a m.vMtkfi.l kI - had the football *tar looked «o wi ll nor happier, for tbo charming titU wife Whom hr hod wc-J.led „n the verge of going to war wai clingingly proudly to hit mighty arm in Jiappy propi ictordi'p Lh utenam l ea a a* about tha lir*i pf p'lrn'a boy* to enter the eerrice agalnat Germany. Ha wa* among the to rii la Pram* and he »a* e ** r***r,‘- the algninr of the arm. it to. he hat ben n . juartcr ,"d in Gtrmany making hi* former n-nai.-. behave and become- friend*. eT-i j h*<J •.*•«*• hMr<1 *««e> and h. glad to get bach to America. He will remain hire with hi* people until tomorrow, whta h. r, lam* t.> Camp Dla, V J. for further n rvtca. Call Maatiag Par New Natal. Promoter* of the nvw hm.-l pniL-tf *•»* /■•’If1 * •*-•*«'»* >t fl'U. n* m b nel Ja Harm-* A Holiday ahow room* rrrnhy evening of ant we. k They ‘"y|f ■"<* <**pect the alp mlaacr of very man whn ha* the welfar. of tta. •own at h'-strl. Thl* i* a h-r thing that th< ac m n are striving u> accompli h. They can and wIM do it alone if other* do ■HH »•«•»" "*»o lb. mov. ment ta relieve Dunn of tha anu* that at far ha* lo K* lack of faeilHIta to ear* far tho*v who came to view it* gnat nra* in other reaped* It Is animated that at loaet f 100.OOP Will be ramrod ta build sad ...uin vueh a hotel a* Dunn need*, fhl* *U* nwt he rawed yuicklv becauo 1 • . 1 I • -i •. " A x amii^ iiialrvCt l —-L-^ —■ ■■ Store it in GENERAL UT2L1TV COMPANY'S GOVERN MENT IYONDED WAREHOUSE U. O. TOWNSEND Government Licensed Grader DGI :N( NORTH CAROUNA The PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM TIRES ♦ Best in the World ‘Fabrics” guaranteed for 6,000 miles “Cords” guaranteed for 9,000 miles If you want long service and absolute dependability in tire* these are the kind to buy. We have them in the sizes you want and can make immediate delivery. ,‘‘w ♦ t CHANDLER, MITCHELL and AUBURN AUTOMOBILES Chandler equipped with Bosch hightension magneto. Price $17 95 f. o. b. factory Mitchell Remy equipped throughout Price $1690 f. o. b. factory Auburn has Red Seal Continental Motor Price $1695 f. o. b. factory Chandler in Stock and can be demonstrated to you now. All three are standard cars upon which the buyer can rely to give the ut most in service and satisfaction. ■ . We have a complete line of Maxwell and Ford* parts, as well as accessories for other cars. Our mechanical department is manned and equipped to give you the best in service. James A. Smith, R. I. McLean, B. B. Baggett and “John” are numbered among our mechanics. They can repair your car. & V. GAINEY ” . ■ ■■ — " — ■ ■- 1 | MACHINERY HEADQUARTERS \ I “( . I If HOII.Kits OAS LNOIKfiS ♦ KNtilXES tVOOUSAWS ♦ SAW MILLS (,‘OUM MILLS Z PI.AXKUS PlI.Ml'S ♦ . .. . . LATHES SHAPERS DRILL PRESSES FORGES t miu . z. i railing, .^aws, racKings. ♦ Mttihinc Shop And Garage Equipment. t---- : I; HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY .dill j5j|»p!ic:i unci Mad]uKi :: W1LMIXUTO.W M. <•. IKi RF.RN. N. C. ihtf ncc<i i.< «irk*»."». \>iiL from any On mem i piin usrraton* »n ll*» cf the company will »vup th«n i.Uo will 1m- th« gratil.itAnt come* •'mm aiding in a worthy mov« m« i.i. An appm! In sin |Mtt'<(UiDi rath*** than to the thrift of the community iii made. Such no appeal ha* n* w** H9i : ur.2Mi.-w* ml in Dunn. H’i* trn-t That wi! will nci't all **f you in lhe uiirht m'-iAing. THE FIRE AT DtJNN Thr people of Fayrttevillv and all the -UnuUi!*l!!ii: . *»ui»i*-y i-ytrrid m m palhy to Die »Hxipl of Dunn tn their heavy io r by .ir« Wi dm Huy. Th* blow fHl harder b* *.au>r ul the .n •Ppoitunc time, while ihc m- rrhanift *e:*tc Cjlfiyirif larnc lioVclny stork* and puxhoitr IiU'.iiiv t*» eieun up with th** . ndimr of th.» IIuwvvit. Dumi */■ MiiriietN-, ami it will not tuif* loot: for cimpMi- i habii:t:itior- i*» hi* u» r**n*.pi*, hml. ->unn i»» a very impt* riant trading cctt ter and a tire, Ifi’Urii t may W di< .i-lrou-'. dot** »*ol diUiemt'n h»r pco nl*, but only ,»ur.. tlt.-nc .u> t«* ri mw»iI i iDirt.—Ku/vUi viKi I)Im rvtr. FINDS STILL NT AM SCHOOL Bb'lLDINO Cf*» of Jdi i/mr, l‘r*t>mjV * hoot ilHfhflr h>*.- |OW«-t'Vl . If * ;.»i flu thir>; moii triui rui-.H\ e.vch e.-Lv-oi. At ii-y.;4. on. of. the attractive young l*if|y t-iiit- r- chIUiI m thr oHc* of the t'«>ui*.ty 5u'M‘i*int«.,Mk*M :« f *n hiy* ojp* and rfiiht ►In* had an uh.m.&I n pon to ina!;* iti;' Andi r-on of c our.«t* tilt*ii'*lit it*.- uvu-enl r« |h .it I# . **l hr.v - hr.d in* or. ► fcn». mi*. n. u n.un 11*0 mum c#t odsni and f'HfriNii," 'I*.. IV: 'ii-jirw- of th»- A-<«Um Sitturlmthe M’yru' xhonl murre raid. **I found a ytIH r»irb*. a;*;tr Ji* • rlK»o! Innld-nir, :*»nl out m-v, <ai ration*; of isfl'/ READY FOR CENSUS H ary Lilly Cook Wants Csoprrslloa of ikr Public in Undertaking Wr l>fitor: 11 tic* fourteenth runnlul (fttiiu. In wh ri» I'reHtdar.l iVilom hur railed • fh** iiit'-nti'in »*f the nation in H;h proc* I amain.. nuhlu today ta to hi ih' blin.‘*|t( anil mod complete 1 •*< *Wff4 oi IL United Sintra irver Uik tri if th" pbiri of tb« C< fleg< Bur*tu dr n'l to away. I O.r <r#ir of llie Cartaci* Sam L. i fiaiii.m |*ii no noun, cl that crerythiur ' -g ir. .•*« lfn.*t ;n Infiltj thr ramn^ing - '-arupaira that dvtlnr Ch* month of li‘irt4ry, iP'Jtl. will v«vnf **ve#> man* I do.i, iirry rucuat: aril rv*ry hut in i K? c*f»unity. An n*mv ronro than 1 <7 iH!» rnuin. "Hior.*, unkr Hie direr* I kt id y.ts *“ fiMi Atipervl-iora, wiU 1 *# • e i*.-4 In making the muni. F^ rr £*«*».: in l)*- land will be -f* uai raid and the* *. am *. I hfrtV.riarn* nod ocruimtiun* of nil of \ 1 eel Sun/* uiif . ami n «h«u. will u ret down uinl foruitrded to Waab- » irijos. i olhar *iUe*t'«»r# on'ornitif \ *»»m. batin'. vHmxmWt». martial #u.i ‘ feraey. >■*, telor nad roc- atv I •i.ftt In* *1 in rh • i*opulai*nn flchtel'ilr I »h«*« lb* nam. minrr wdl All fait t rum h-i an nraM u« r« them. t F* 'tm'Tn aim will l**» aAi-d :h« tarn «** coal.iiiiH In tha airrUuUore > ebi'i rrla»:ng l*» Ih* »r farm-. * » «iur o «*|g M/*rr farm t.-non . ‘•4*n; efodui l# eal«* •. «*f frrm land*. *uilr*/ x, Hn*»!« menlr and imnmv.- I final . fUM rrnjm, imnlan product*, v / lock, poultry, Hr-rovcd and i :0ft -age and phases of the loverad. 1 will be t uunl I automobiles Questions a* itric light, gas which fall un it of “farm fa i- litie..." the ^irposc of the govern ■si nt in collecting information of this ■ -laracu-r being to show the modern mprovementB installed on farm* dor ieg the past decade. The Census Bureau desires to era nhosir,.- the fact that tho information -.ilhcrml In the census U for gen iiil *lali»tical purposes only and that Uch iufnrmation ran not be used as > bus's for taxation. Nor can such mini motion be used to harm any pet en in any way. This is pointed out in the President's proclamation. A* a matter of fact (he identity of individuals K kmt us soon as the filled uul schedules are received at Wash ington. For upon reaching there the nfoniintion is tranforred from the ■beets to cards 1'hia ia dona by ma ■1,! i.ery and names are discarded en .'icly. Moreover, wary person con let ted with the taking of the census n prohibited by Federal law Irora di mix-in* any information given them n the performance of their dulira. The Bureau of the Cannon has al ways had the willing co-operation of lie public m the past and confidcnlly doks forward io that name spirit of •o opcralion for the census of 1020. • C:u.k vi_it, r_ii_ i»!_a “ Lhe Mimr counties compoiir.g the Sixth CimgrciMional Diatricl, Includ i.vr the countie* nf Bladen, Brun* wi.-k, Cofumbux, Cumberland, Har ' l*i Nix Hanover and Itobeson. -il. I, Cook. Supervisor of Cennu* Sixth District of North Carolina, r’uyi ttevillr, N. C. *155 HERRING TO DIRECT SOCIAL HYGIENE PUBLICITY *•<*' Kate M. Herring, formerly di vetor of publicity for the State Board •f Health, and more recently engaged n the thrift campaign for the War -oen Organisation of the Fifth Fed ral Itoiurvo llirtrict, will take up pub icity work for tba Maryland Social iyuicne Association on the flrst of he yi-ar nnd her headquarter* will be Saltimoro. Min. Herring will bo aMoeialtjd in hit work, whirh will be devoted to i two year experimental program, rlth Dr. Hugh Young, Mr. Alien John ton, Jr., and Maj. C. M. Tight ff the work ia successful in Mary an*. after the two yours of experh ncntal effort, the United Stataa Pub ir lloslth Service will recommend It •n <YiTy state in the union. Mim fert ing will ho director of publicity. -New and Obwrvor. >R- HOOKS AND SON INJURED THEN TRAIN HIT AUTOMOBILE Wilson. Dec. SI-Today about nor a Houthern passenger train truck an automobile at Sehna In rhieh Dr. Th<-I Hooks, of Smith field, nd hi* 1 .'. yrur nld son wore attempt. V tn ernas the track. Dr. Hooks had nth collar bnnea broken and It b honght he b internally injured. He brought to Wilson fee treatment. Ill* mu was badly cut about the cad and neck. nvcaawtating twenty titebes. He will recover. flchon Dutch of New York main tins that we muat fight Hclebcvl’n ■ith Christianity. Start Your Tobacco Right! TT' P Tj' -pv the young growing plants with the food U that will give them the right start in life. They are particular about their food. It has to be prepared especially for them, and not everyone knows how. Here is where the specialized knowledge and skill of a life-time is available to you. Mr. F. S. Royster began 35 years ago the task of perfecting a.fer rilizer for this exacting crop, and the success of his ef forts is proven by the fact that there is more Royster Fertilizer sold for tobacco than any other single brand? We recommend for your plant beds ROYSTER’S BONANZA 8-3-3 ROYSTER’S 0 WCO 8-21-3 IMHNSM We have an ample supply of old-fashioned foreign pot rsh, like you uaed to get before the war, and it will be used exclusively in these brands. IT YOU want your tobacco to have the color and texture that brings top prices, and full, oily, heavy bodied leaf that makes for weight, start your tobacco with ROYSTER'S in the plant bed, and continue to feed it, when set out in the field, v »th the same fertili zer that gave it its start. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY NORFOLK, VIRGINIA I PRE3JDJHJ-TII 'AMOVS'SHIP ^ __ ^r ko.rd today .lloratcd tk. G«aiva to tk* Amarican Ha# far Mrrvk* I*. CP* »f*V>5* WanhlHgtoa tkr vaMal whkk twk. twaafi H.w York, Hrrrt, Ckrrbouri' WNUAftoi, Dee. W.—Tfct iWp>t«rrf«d Prtaidont WlUon to Prarx* and Southampton. \

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