. . ' • I DUNN HOTEL DAY THURSDAY, JANUARY 15' THE DUNNi ■ i I I . ~ r^=~~*=^====^^=== ■ . I SC v*t • v • V> , J 5EIUND AKIEHAA WELL IUBEUK1VEN TO INCREASE WATER SUPPLY OF DUNN TO CONSTRUCTANOTHER RESERVOIR Recent Fire* Show Facilities- to be Inadequate for Com munity’s Needs and Board of Commission er* Act* for Relief I___L AUVDtt SEVERAL CHANGES ' Superintendent Wants Fire A lartn System, New Engines end General Improvements FLAT RATE WATER IS SHOVED INTO DISCARD Meter* Ordered fer ell U*er* eed will Be lastallad Seer.—New Well Will Be Drieea Nee* Pretest Tank la Lucknow Sqesre—Cast Net Edi na ted. A second artesian well sufficient to doable Dunn'* prerent water luppiy will be driven a* toon at the contract caa be let. THU via determined by the Board of Commimioner* in It* tegular monthly meeting Tuesday night upon presentation of recom mendstiona made by Lawrence U. lilt •ell, superintendent of the water and light department, who pointed to scarcity of water daring recent fm as an argument for action It wti also decided that an addi tional reservoir, of SOO.OOU gallon* ca parity, should be constructed. This, too, was upon Mr. Biaxeir* recom mendation. Along with these decisions went another designed to prevent the waste of municipal water. The superin tendent was instructed to order a suf ficient number of water meters to place one on premier* of every water customer. As soon as these are placed all "flat rates" will be abandoned and all users will be compelled to pay for water uaad. The now wall will ha driven close to the municipal water tank In South Lucknow Square. No estimate of Its depth or cost has bean mads, but it has been decided that It must be driv en at any coat. The single well from which the town gets it* water supply at present may hr exhausted at any moment, H is mid. Since last Sop tember there has been a fall of ap piwaiwMi; m w a wwv in im uviunnig, accordic k to by Mr. Biased]. ■t—ir • -sr”—■' . *T. L U. Biaaal), superintendent of thr Light and Water Department of the Town of Dunn, doom the Light and Water system of the town ade quate to take care of ill pc sent cur tomen and the future business of fur nishing light, water and power that the citizens of the Iowa are demand ing both for convenience end abso lute necessity. "Tbs water system at present it fiat rata, giving the customer access to all the water be wishes for onr dollar per month. During the part few weeks the water department has been handicapped to keep a sufficient supply of water for the present ser vice connections, not allowing any reserve supply for fire protection. During the recent Area, which de stroyed eeveral thousand deliars worth of property, a good portion of which could have been saved, the fact that a good many of our cus tomers had left their pipe* open to pre vent (reeling caused the pressure t* be low and inadequate for Are fighting purposes. "Realising tbs seriousness of the condition now existing and the a mount of property at stake, relying aolely un the Municipal Water De partment for protection in case of fire, I beg to eubmit for your approval the following suggestions and recommendation! and ask that you ranaldcr the tame and taka aueh action as you think beet regarding the unsafe condition of yonr Water Department. a Waate Larger Supply At present wc have one wall from which to obtain water for customers and lira protection. This is equipped with only one pump with only one moons of operation. "I recommend that an additional well bo immediately bored and that the same be equipped with deep well pump (driven electrically) of auAri ent aiic and ciDAeitv to dtilvar art tar directly into tank if neeeaaary. "The reservoir we now hare, built of brick and eecntnt, hat cracked, admitting surface water, which will if - allowed to remain in thia condi tion. baeomc polluted. *'t recommend that yon build ■ aew rweervoir large enough to hold a surplus supply in caso of fire oi not leas than *00,MO gallons. “Wo have at promt two steam lire pumps to deliver water from res •rroir to tank. Them were lattelltd years ago, and are now In very pool condition to lake ears of the wort required of them. af». fw Paiwpt “I recommend that two centrifuge motor driven pumps bo Installed al i the water plant to deliver water frow r**vrvolr to tank. These should rwl *• than 7*0 gallons capacity pet *«aa» •«*. The praoont flaj rate for watm 9"* aollar par month giving th* •■sterner »00i> gallons or as much at “Tn**7 wait, and Ins seme eaaae hi “** for nacsaslty 1*00 gallooi waste the balance. -n i,r*t**ft*'*"d **»»* ALL watei eonaectioM bo placed on me tor and that the mtaimum queatiti Itos’mn ^*Tn***,*d b* reduced to lark SSm* V* “""t*1 «•<* >Se f«! • sun MUNICIPAL PLANT SHOWS CAIN FOR SEVEN MONTHS Daring the seven months ending January 1 the municipal light ana water department made a net pro I lit of $3,640.69, according to a I statement submitted to the Board of Commksaioncrs by Lawrence U. | Bisxall, superintendent of the de I pertinent. Saceipts of the department for the aeven months totalled *18,898, | S8. Disbursement* totaled *18, : 257.69. Street lighting, free ! I lights to city employees, etc, how- l ever, more than consumed the pro- I | nt*. Street lighting cost *4.026, I »rd free tight amounted to *192 • 10. Coat of street tight* was fig- | | tired from estimate* made by a com pany figuring to buy the local plant. The statement follows: 1 MU!KIPTR I I Revenue collected ....114681.00 I I Free lighting and dis counts _ 192.10 I Street Lighting A Whiteway . 4026.00 I *18898.98 I DISBURSEMENTS. Payroll .*4019.00 8auiry ..._.... 1050.00 I Oil and Waste. 416.94 Coal . 4808.53 I Profits. 1,640.09 I I - I *18898 38 j will save a good portion of the sraste that now exists or the customer srtll be forced to pay for same. “I notice that your Are department so far an your alarm system goes t» in very poor cndition at the same time it is very confusing to deter mine the location of the Are. This is not in my department nor under my juriediction, but I heartily rec ommend that a modern fire alarm system be iaataHad, which srlll ellro-. inate so much confusion when the alarm u turned In. In connection | with this 1 think there should he a competent man employed to remain St the Are station to keep the truck and all Are Aghting equipment in t.nrviceeoiv conaiuon and b« ready at all limes to aaswer tha alarm. This I think is very necessary for a rase you do not sell t will submit for 1 your consideration soma suggestions! which I think if carried out would prove very helpful. "In view of the fact that the light plant haa to rely solely on eeal for fuel and which for tha past faw months haa bsee very scarce and hard to got, and at the same time very expensive, I would tuggest and recommend that there be insulted two direct connected crude oil en gines in tuch units as may be deter mined to meet present and faturc needs. With tbe Installation of a plant of this kind I feel that it could be operated with lens eapenae than the present steam plant, and at the same time give the customers the benefit of a cheaper lighting and pow er rate. “1 am merely offering this as a suggestion for your consideration. The present plant has become loaded te such an extent that we are not able to rive our customers such ser vice as they desire and for which they arv paying. In view of the condition* that now oziat I recommend that we decline to furnish any additional light or water service until some change is made to better equip our plant for service.” BUIE'S CREEK OPENS" WITH MANY STUDENTS Over Sla Hands ad Stadaata Registered at Opaalag af Baptists S she el. Buies Creak, Jan. 7.—Buie's Creek Academy opened its Amt a canton thir ty throe years ago yesterday, scroll ing for the first day sixtoea pupil* The new school building costing *840 not being quite completed the school opened in the church building. The teacher* were: J. A. Campbell, prin cipal; Mias Nclia Benson, music teach er. Today tha enrollment for the year has reached 620. Today there arv three teachers for piano, with 86 mu sic pupils enrolled. Tha gtri’e dormitory ia filled and • dab for boya, h um4 aa an annex for the accommodation of girls Ke rry bom* ia the village has barn opened for the accommodation of boya and aa rooma are offered they arc tiled. Bule'i Creek Department Store hai Ottod op a largo mesa hall with eight ar ton rooma for boya and these roomi arc taken. Additional donafcorim are needed and will be built aa aeon as possible. A domestic aclence department Usi been equipped and Mias Lima Ballard rrodoate of Meredith Cotter , 1919 "»■ *f the department. The Bank of BuieVCreek has be under moat favarabb conditions Dr J. A. McKay la pro* Idnnt, Prof. & P Marahbanke, vice president and Prof. B. K. McLeoc •» cashier. The bonk is sUrtlng od lloely and Is a great convent*aec U eltlsene and students. Them are about 109400,000 wo I* the world. In 21 Status af this country 15,000.000 wo mea have the right to vote for Preat donV^ull suffrage has been grant* i to women In IT countries. t I__E SWEEPING RAIDS TO CAPTURE RADICAL LEADERS Tea Large Automobile* tad Two Army Wagons, Start oo Raid* in New York ANOTHER NATION-WIDE SWEEP IS UNDERTAKEN with Arrest ea Dapartatisa War rut ef “Chief of Staff” af Serial ftasaia Department af Jastisa As aaaacas It Is Haatlag “Big fisa»"l Weiastaia Clasa la Laas Trelahy. « Ni'W York, Jan. 5,—The sweeping raids aguinst ‘‘Reds’’ by Federal agents, which netted nearly 700 prison ers last Friday, we*a resumed at 7 JO tonight when tan large automobiles and two army- transport wagons left the local headquarters of ths Depart ment ef Justice to round up Comfcu msu end other mongers who escaped the first dragnet Chief Flynn announced later that tho Mew York raids were part of an-| other nation-wide sweep which be ex pected to bring as Important results as the raids on St cities conducted last Friday. With the arrest on a deportation warrant of Gregory Weinstein "«hl*f of staff" of Soviet Russia's “ambas sador.” Ludwig C. A. G. Martens, the Department of Jostle* announced to night it waa hunting “big rams” in its effort to rid the country of the most dangerous alien anarchists plot ting to overthrow the government by vlotrac*. Rated as Trotsky's "best friend” »MW ■ tvnvikW "IW » Rujaian language radical paper Navy Mir, Wrloftiin'i position in the Sovi et bureau ranked virtually op a per with Martens It was stated. Hia du ties aa "chancellor," gave him control of money and proaganda distribution distribution equalled only by that of Marten*. and his activities were gfsat cr. It was declared Victor Wolodin, former manager of tho Nsnry Mir, and said to have bean snathar co-worker with Trotsky w*a swept late the gov ernes rat's drag net law today and sent to Bills In land in tho wake of Weinstein. Supreme Coart Justice Davis to night declared Dr. Michael Mlaleg, treasurer of Novy Mir, in contempt of. the committee for refusing to answer qeuatiaha. Dr. Mislay also was treas urer of tho Russian Socialist Federa tion until hia examination by the 1 This federation was «n ths country. Mlaleg ad SOLDIERS AT OTEEN ENJOY HUNGS SENT BY DUNN'S PEOPLE Mrs Buckner Writes Mrs. Wade of Disposition of Several Box es Sent to Hospital DIVIDE GIFTS BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT WARDS Prsaervse, Sausage and Ham Fvovaa Acceptable to Invalided hays Mesay Spaut far Flewara, Nats, FeM. Candy sad Gifu Which Ware Distributed Over Whale Has vital The following latter has been re ceived by Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade from Mm. N. Buckner, secretary of the Bfiraea-Philathea Union, in charge of the Christmas package* sent by Dunn to soldiers quartered in the nt Oteen, near Asheville, r wonderful boxes came In good time and we took tho preserves, the sausage and ham and part of the cakes at once to Ward Ml as the doctor on that ward said the ban different wards, tending one or two a beautiful decora ttea. Thu bal ward, whert U. foe the bocpltal and bad the -*— we of t*btn« curve. W* Ho*! a braotrfol one yedardy afternoon. TW« WMd h tted with tubercular hmhi wHo Ktvt btoktn down in tkf Mirrlcc end arc atria who aaam to fed very keenly their lonlln.ee andRepar ation from loved onea. The Head a" *?***•* that mere to of any ftfte at e.y ttoTto hoepltal for yea er yon, friend, end wo never eoodder It ton much treo Mo to 4o any errand for tho hoont tal oo 4o not heottato to coll upon oi ot any ttato." ^ “ TURD OF PIKERS STILL $MAIN OUT Pllbkink, —Fatly one third of the ijk J 350,000 eteel worker*, who obewSlthe order of the National Steel 8*ff committee Sep tember tt, lent, -2 *tUl on ftrlke, leaden aay. Yet IM-1-aeeert that the mills aJXfuroacea of the Carnegie Steel CotADX the principal latemt againsttb* etrike wu directed, aa wall aXlUa and furnae ee of indepoadaJKmpanlaa, arc In ftaady operetloa *9'rirtuailjr a nor mal force of woflt^P In recent wedfcXtrlke headquar tm in thla city voted It* time to keeping la Jiaa^B ccen who had gone back to to caring for I bo deetitate, phlJP* fteel coapaai e» have been >a«JftMing op their force* and In i i^TJlIi Ini "We hoe*. dag's end arc biding oar time,’* a* pZ onion lander* when naked coneeSSg their plan* for the future. "Wo are Mj^Hag aa uaual, making and »dltJS»l." *ay the am ployer* In OnrwegJK* rimllar que*. ■ W. 2LFo*«. ,<* ‘ha Na tional Steel 8trlBHP*,ttM> 1* in charge of beadmZBl here, and re eeirlng reports fjEXrgwnirer* In all pan* of the dietriflh0 ar* charged &^ """• Another aactjfmt-B bean organia- ' cd to provide UaSKpeedy etrike r»’ and their fulASiiitHn have boen opeaed, week food la llpf Incrcaae^bG^KSk oMhe°Lmi mitte* iaaiat tbay;U|*et every call made opoa t££^K »««. to exact aum- J ber who are 4D] Wr*r< been on kOCCMifni. ee nu Vi lead to-, i_ »*■.—Ml to __lint number of me tore entered « who ...- placet in th« millo, or who return ed to their ( Their hoot rakuUUou, * the nun tor mfll ew thdn liio, Tli- ad by l«m(. that the ation tfc, todMtm | won for thio clam of r And. The ipany, how **». . thb neorr, >u week in De “ ihowiim **" oe NEXT THUKJOAV TO »E HOTEL DAY Thursday, haury lg, haa.been daaigeotad Heoa) Day ia Dwa Oe thia d»7 »he aebra aaargy •f the tears will ho devoted te raiaieg a a^ mftcUal to build a mod am totoL hamothtog *»w (100*000 .,11 • he seeded Every mea. •very wemee, ev ery ahOd who baa the community el heart aad who U able to mb •*»the ea t»* «• *100 will he naked to mlw •• a ah. Nobody **“ he .ahad te giv. aeythtog. A lend toveetaaeal ia effemd. »d> additi.n te thia the appai laaltp to perform a reel eivle duty it pvwaented. The hotel ho a paying prep •dBm. TM* h proven hy the wwnderfnl htacial aneeeae that haa eeme In **nry drat dan be ta! In NerA Caruita*. It wlU. pay In dbeto Pvefiu te the aleck beldam M *Ul pay ton laid to Indirato ymdto that will eeme te the eemmnndty threegk it* abili ty to agroenbty through the then tend* of vfeHeen who eeme to M every year. ■ The held ia the aammuaity’a . aempeey bed yearn. It b the heme ef the vt^tm. All rule, ef heapHellty demand that thia heme he the bd the earn munity one •ivn. Nani Tbttlay aelldtora will nJ epee t*w far a atoak mb Mugglne—hate a man who la al ways talking About hia achievement*, lie might «mp>07 hla time to a better edemata**" Euggi** "Tea, be might be talk*** stoat ours. _ f. * INDU»T*T CALLI TO 1 TK* WOMEN Or DUNN I ■agbpaW ia offered to 100 or I more of ma young women of Dm aad Ha ear iron* Upon their acceptance hlngee the amt* mme of the eommualWf effort* to eetahltah a knitting aaiU kere The work la pi earn at, eaay to tear* and profitable It la an ee c op at ion Into which ao young wo man could f nd reaaop to keaitoto to eater. All who win accept the paaWem are eaked to ream an i «»te with The Dtapateh or with • the Daan Chamber of Commerce I at afire. Applicants mast be at Waat sixteen yean old aad whtto. 0 SECRETARY COMES TO TAKE CHARGE OF COMMERCIAL CLUB T. L. Riddle, Lata, of Moormr Hara to Halp Maka Dunn Lirwt Town Under Sun DIRECTORS MEET FRIDAY EVENING Wiu Plan Working Pregr.ei ter Year ead arrange Rxertm te Hew Maa Riddle like Commodity aad Waate la Meet all ef ite People— °*«e* Being Fined ay. T. L. Riddle, tccrctery of Dunn'* rrcuntly created Chamber of Com .kl>* ■"*»«• and i> on Ike job 9 *° hit bit toward making Dunn Ac iveat town under the ran. Mr. Kiddle arrived Saturday from Monroe, where for two year* be hat tm«n trying to convince Ac world ■hat the Union County Awn war an inpartant unit in Ae far Baal tcheme »f Alnga. Ha did pretty well at tbi ob ever Aert too, if one U to be «cve all Ac good Aings folk in Mon-' noa ray aboat bin and hie work Since hit arrival ha baa been kept l'*!?* V flt Bp Qt-rte?. text te the fraternal hall in Wilson kvwoue. Be ha. bad a gang of teintem, platteren and kaUooiaorv l* •»* •“ wtr* and hopes to have Jie OnCVM ill ■hhiM In ranalwn »We. nraeton who are to meet wtth him PntUjf night to phut a program of *•** and arrange a reception to be »eld In hit honor some time ooxt aeek. Mr. Riddle likes Donn—and Dunn a going to Ilka Mr. RMdla. He it a ikeblf fellow, anderatands his job ind fits right into Doan'a life just is if he wer* made to *11 the job he '** taken. He ia an enthusiastic be '•eror in the efficacy of organised ef fort becaoie he has soon what organ i*d effort will do for comiaunrtica tnd bor.ncst generally. He doesn’t boost of what ho is go ng to do for Dann but promises to io all iU people will help him to do. H# has no magic wsnd with whose touch ho eon build enterprise* and teeming industries. But ho has « mighty engaging smile and a good mind. Armed with thoso he can do wonders for tb* community If the remmumty will stand with him and giv# b a that cooperation bo moat bare if his service# are to be of value Lo Dunn. As soon as h* meets with the di roltor* and plans work for the com «»*uthg ha wIM have eating aa HOSIERY COMPANY | PLANNING TO BUILD A FACTORY IN DUNN (Uprwacwtatiuws of Carr Inter* eats Confer With President of Chamber of Commerce WANT 100 WOMEN TO START TRAINING Cleon, Wholooom* Work and Good Pay Offered Girl, who Wilt Qsall fy far PosMooe—May Bey Old Ta ke*** Warehouse to Wilson Ave Pollowing a conference between representatives of the Durham Hos iery Mill* Company and Kill* Gold stein, president of the Dunn Cham ber of Commas*#, Iasi Friday it seems that the company will estab lish a branch factory her*. T. C. Harrell, representing the Carr Interests, owners of tha chain of mills, was one of the men hare fn esnfer* enea with Mr. Goldstein. He was favorably lmpresv*d with tha town aad has since written that Julian 8. Carr, Jr., kanwlf, will probably visit Dunn some time within the next weak. Wants 100 Yossag Waawa. Mr. Barren’s visit was designed mere to look over tha labor sltuotioc hero than anything slsa. Ha stated that at the beginning his eompan) would read tha services of about o«M hundred young women who could hr trained to operate knitting machines This work, be pointed out, would ba clean and wholesome and should at tract tha very highest typo of younj womanhood. The pay, it waa stated would range up to $26.00 a week foi those who become proficient in tha art It la planned to eoadart a aeheo to teach at least seventy-five yeuni woman. These win bo paid whlli learning If tha geheol Is established When the class becomes pruflclcn 'the knitting milt proper will Iso start ad. May Use Old Warehouse. It is thought that the brick build in* st the northern mid of Wilsoi Avenue, erected several years ago to a tobacco warehouse, ean be utilise* by the company for permanent qua? tarSL It is to negotiate the purchase o this that Mr. Carr win tome to Dunn it is mid. Tha building, of count wifl Haver ta be remodelled It « possible that several stories wDl b added ta K aad that the plant will Is mads Into one of the largest branch as the eempaay operates. Temporary q sartors for the sc boo have sot boon secured, but K I thought that such quarters can b provided over some of the stories t Broad Street. Meantime the eempaay la adverth lag for young women who are wtlNn) to Isom or who are experienced k looping.All Inqulrim should be ad dressed ta The Dispatch or ta Us Chamber of Commerce. I , DEPOSITS IN BANKS OF DUNN DISTRICT I . tUMB TO TWO AND A HALF MILLIONS 150 PER CENT CAIN SINCE SEPTEMBER Al* F«"**r •*» ImMMiom fan Dm mmd Dw»»—Flrrt Nnbnanl Han $1447,01347 NtwIuhDMWnO DUNN BANK DEPOSITS LARGEST IN HISTORY i Detail* m the aorerel bank* of . I Dunn and Duke reached above tkv ' I twu and a half million mark with I I the close of 182o. ThU la by far , | the highest mark ever attained { , h. re and it believed to bo higher I i than that ever attained by any . I North Carolina to an of leu than 1 10,000 inhabitants, j These depoMt* were distributed | at follow*: ; First National. ..(1,147,013*7 If I State B. and T. Co. 208,544.80 ' i | Commercial. I40.7S8.38 i! | Bunk of Harnett. .. 714,113.81 II | Totnl --. 82.306,440.01 |! GODLEY DECLARED MENTALLY SOUND; AIMtl Fail, to Fimd Dm-'j facta In Mm Awaiting i Eloctmcntiow _ j | REPORT MADE PUBLIC WITHOUT COMMENT Wae Cruet ad Stay af Baeewtma Froa* December IS to January ISi Uadi Chief EaeeaUee Coo id Satie-. If Hlmaell Aa Ta Pilna.i'e Maw' tel Reepoa*iUKt|r Far Crime. No evidence of prvmat mental ah nnmililv nr of nrnv inm Efforts rtf I mind were found in the examination of Chniehm God lay. ewaiimg death in the State prison for criminal as sault according to the report ef Dr. Louis E. Mach, a noted alienist, whs. made the examination. The report was made public without comment by Governor T. W. Blekctt yesterday ifuraoon. The 16th of Dacember was aat for tha execution of Godiey. bat the plnu of insanity made in the prisoner's bo half Influence the Chief Executive to grant a etay of a«erotica until ha to tha marks er’s counsel, Mr. J. W. th (examination and his report is ad- 1 vane to the condemned man. The examination was conducted at j tha State prison sad consumed two days. The report covers many pages with technical phraseology, that sum med up expresses tHt opinion that' Godiey is of sound mind, suffering from no form of abnormality that would render him arrrvponsibl* us in compatible with muntal normality, and that then- is no evidence of pre vious mental disturbance of which the subject has been since cured. Mother Makes Affidavit With the report ere submitted affi j davit* mod* by Clarence Johnson, a clo*c frl.ad of QodUy’s hi Smlthflsld, who declare* that tha prisoner suffer c from Colombia University aad from . Jthc College of rkysielaas and 8or . grona ia New York Later ha lec tured oa abnormal phyuolegy at Col umbia. He served In the navy aa a psycho pathologist during the war and ■ is aow owner end medical director i at the Hiller eat Manor, a hospital for r the treatment of aervoua -“mu at I A she vllle. Ha eummarlaeo bit Aad . ings in the raae as follows: f Irf try «| Kay "That bo is suffering neither from , aay form of W<-e*« nor from ■ any form af mental defect. ‘That he is somewhat emotional ( unataMe and Psychopathic, bat those variations from the normal do not make him an Irresponsible individual, I not one who cannot distinguish bc i twceo right and wrong, i "That the examination did not re t veal any mental abnormality that might have rendered him irresnonal ’ S' * ** Tf tommWan af t Jhe crime, and of which ha may now t ha cured, nar ia he so (taring from any - mental abnormality at the present » which might have rendered Mm irresponsible previously.*] BANKERS PLEASED BY GOOD SHOWING FUnicUl Coadttia* Camam mitjr Bottor Thn at Any Tinso la Hiotory PLENTY OF MONEY WITH DEBTS PAID ktata Bub aad Trwt C l irfnl With M03JM4.M __ Oym Only Twanly Day*. Ha* |lMr WU-Lub far Pnpnnn Yu>. Bank* deposit.' hi Dus and Dak* dewed an Istnw* at mr 1*0 par Mtit during tka Urn* berwtaa Isgtens imt and Janaary i, according e* tg> ires firmlskcd Tka Dispatch ysatsr bur by tks First National Bonk of 7 an a, the State Book and Trust Co. >f Dona, tbs Conuacricist Bank of >unn and the Bank of Hanett of >okc. Total daposMs in tha foar lanlu, taken frost records of a data Me in Darrtnbet, .bowed tha laati otiona to have bad l'J,F0ft.440.01 Oh rposh. All of thi. except *714,1 IL II wh>eh was on drposit la the Dank >f Harm-n. wa % euntalaed in the Hacks of Dttcn proper. On Saptmbsr t, whoa tha trap* i'f Ike surrounding country ware Joat being started i« market, three of the banks had *l,0J7.44t.*« on dunk. The fourth, the Commercial Bank, did not open far busmens until De* abir 11. First Nstisaai Lands The largest psreeataga of ir.creas* a shown by tit (hate Bank and Trust Company, although It ranks bird In total deposit*. The first an » w wm> one we four to mvp pef-vd the milHoo dollar mark. It. too, shows an increaee of over IU prr cent in the three me nth* of har vest time. In September tts imirfi wore (US^M-StT b December they had reached |1.44T,01I.4>. Oe posita la the Mat* Sank aad Tnmt bemaeey in lnytmb ware IHc 101*4. Thar reached ftOl.HtM ia December. The Beak of Haraett had $276,014.42 on dapaa* ia Bop | of *^| 4oOVtf m nu Ue of December, aad the* aador the aoat aafavoraUe of timaiUnea ♦» »• procure The First Notional alone had mere money ax the clooe of tk« year that all of the bank* of Duka aad Daan had at the beginning ol September. This record had never boon equal ed In former years by the Dana Dis trict, nor by aay town ia any other port of North Carolina, according to men who arc familiar with the batik**? Met pry of the State. The most eacouragiag part of it, too, to that most of the indvhtedneoa of the cotnasumtr has been liquidated aad the deposit* ant still holding well dp ioword the highest mark. It to ex pected, however, that they will begin 1" > hew u gradual decline from now until the beginning of next harvest tone since the bulk of tbs money comos from the eottoa eron. w!lrrtrn, R- Tsylor. cashier of the Tirol National, expressed keen gra tification# over the record of his Ineti Intiuti yesttrday. He was proad that his hank ranked among the larg er of the State and was thankful for tb» confidence pieced la H by so ••or sf the Dunn District people.” "T. V.” Well Ftaaeed/ T V. Smith, of the State Bonk mid Trutl Company, scat more than id eased with the great growth axperi «J«*d by Ue insulation aad waa eon Mont that wae well oa iU way to be coming one of Dona's most helpfal cttlttnim. He, too, was approcia— Dunn District folk. w ” C. Hpears II Mm wtioaa Ant kaak •*» scqasiataiKcs ta the District wers farmed while h« wsj cashier of tbs First National under P. S. Coop. st. then its president, was store than mttsAcd with the proyrma of the Duke invitation. His poreecit a«e of htersass. be polntod out, would have beon much la rear Wort it not for the fact thad the bank has practically permanent deposits hi Ha as vines department amounting to •W 11*0,000 00. Judos Da via T—ItAi* : Jud«s t P. Davis, prsatdoat sod temporary cashier af tba Commercial, ZV U,U„" »•••«* than anv of the other reflow*. Bk«on of On iuhy M«yinV obstacles hTJn^uiSrJd ta •VMinc his bask he bod boon afraid . (Rat about ail the money in the con i ,ry would And ila army to other insti 1 Uatlons befor* bo opened. Twenty • (lay* of at Uvlty. howevar. bod broimkt him wen otrar »100,m4.oo, Ml. was more than | , AH the banks froc_ of_debt and ;(he unproducthrs periods" 1 now and nmt fait Tba* »~r lawlt ®2STi.“MBt5l2a \VK§hSfr ttz . *Jf »od Mrs. Fnuk S Cnltsm and * ^lt