m mu dispatch] |gp 8 ' i@§ Jpg tlt>>'v/s .*'?■■■ ~i _ . 1 Jr "p* rad mi coaid ytinri h further. IfcfeMnt Wlleoa at* a hearty CMbm diaaer, aji Um mii "Deafer Moaee deabtbae read that The recast kiatary af the Sanata a**■* ta ahaw that a “Pro*raaai*a" ta a l^iaHItaa peUUcba whs back* op ahan “Baa*” Name |ha the There ware fewer calk far char ity aa Chrbfeeaa thia year than ever befere. BepafaHtina failed ta their new they eaa paiat ta no famine aa Pattwct to the only hope neiln K ie • strange comma atary that rim lima a Witt H. Bays makae on the pie Mat toadervbip ot the Rapolbllcan party arbaa ho otiyetotes that cob peUtaee far tho priaa of «10,040 to bo ettaeed for the beet nontioai for tho peat SapoMIrun national plat farm doll bo “yeony meo or young —ia aodcr Si years of ago." Baa bs ao naHmii in tba aaeicota of his party T Does bo too doabt the ad ability of the man who the 0. 0. P. to, •? to It possible to boHoea—with the net of the coon try— that yootha "oadar Si yean of age** ore oa capa ble of waklag. a soecsmf ul Kepahli taiaiy ~ tV‘ ' _ ts give that aid. If we re ■AhIMfco' Hr. Biddto’i Srthnnj win be - The reoilJcat mi The SiSwiii Berne of . President's critic esaTtniHritony «hJ£!ftto!t iThU*^ tton with respect to the rottroods to boo moved hastily ee without givlai tho BeyuMItoo majority to Cenyrea * fair eppiTtoalty to fsneolate one foaed the latmaata af atoakholdart sod the yobtk'e rights. Ahhoagh M eras cowcededly o big prebiem, Utii rctora of Ao rood* to private owner «Mp aoder whatever form of Todor I I It la with keen pleasure that wa he tnt year ad ecu yeaag friend, rha Haraett Caaaty News, publish 'd at LiDlagtea by Hand.raaa Steele, mat week's iseee roeadsd eat title rear. That laeaa waa so full at ad rsrtleiag that we ere convinced that heals has made a “go” at tha thing hat so many have tried srlth Httte The News haa aa aacuUaat pleat —one that hay town ahoald ha pro ad »f —and Its editor haa given Unac ted a newspaper that ranks high o siong the weeklies of Tarheetin. The Dispatch commends his eater, prise aad eaogiatalatea him aad LU Hmgton apea the success that haa tome aad ia la kora May he and the News live long and prosper. Tho Knitting Mill A Probability. It appears that Dunn Is to bteoau the ska of a branch at tho great Carr knitting mill industry. Thera is, however, a possibility that the oppor tunity will be lost to tha comm unity through dlsinlersetadnecs on the part of tboee who ahoald cooperate with the Chamber at Commerce la its effort to land tho thing. What is needed now in tha asour aace that tha caatpany wfU have suM cient help to operate a pleat Thera ahoald ho no trouble la giving this assurance. Coed pay. clean aad wholesome work is offered young wo men. Tho opportunity to Warn is offered —aad pay will be gtvon while in the precise Help la the only problem. It ia hare. Thera are do tnisrp rices em ploying women ia largo aomhare^ There are many who can work'. mere are soma woo snouia. inis is the first enterprise whose cowing to Dann depends spun the wosnen. We have enough faith In the wesson to believe that they win do their part. |nmuuwwmttg IN AND ABOUT i: the TOWN ; i mimmmtmnsttff D. 8m Cox her* for the American PtiiIii— Ceaspaay, ha* fallen la love witt Dun and pramies* te make -his stay kero as long as pa wikis. He see* our fsalts, however, and doesn't hesitate to point them out Princi pal among theee Is the untidy condi tion of the streets sad allays. Ha says It is a shame that e town no pretty and with each nicely paved streets should be allowed to become so absolutely and absurdly dirty. If we were dawn around the Canal Seas ho says, nil of ns would din of ytOew fever, bubonic plague or some ether psoMtonro Oar hotel facilities offer aagthwausjgMbrMjxCfei^^o eofecc hb most lasting SpmS of Dunn. That twpvdidnn cannot he goad under inn* tsndltiss, he mys He advises that the badness mu of Dunn taka tons at spending n few winter days aad sights la local hotels Thu, ha points nut, they win bare n pretty therimgh knowledge of what visitors think of- Dunn. The thirty employees of the Barnes aad Holliday Company have banded themselves brio an organisation with an ambition to sell half a million dol lars worth of goods this year. Har per McD. Holliday, son ef the big chief, is president of the cmoclstion and Fred Baggett b its secretary. Every employee. Including every body from Mr. Holliday dawn to the colored track driven, to a member. Every Mecdsy night they meet hi the stare to discuss different phases sf the business sad to exchange ideas for tbs good of the bonce. We mot with the crowd last Monday night end were given a now Insight to tbs nw sou (or tbs big sstahllshment's suc cess. The meeting opened with pray er by Mrs Proctor, of the f nnuture department. Thu Mrs. Harper Hol liday sang a solo la that deep, rich sweet voice that 1ms endeared her to the hearts sf Dunn people. Mrs. Bob Swain pinysd the nccompani ment on the piano. With those pre llminartos out of the way K. L. Cooke, Hector Strickland, Mrs, Proctor and John C. Phillips made talks on the ef ficacy of adwtbtng aad the best way te ase It Those were parts ef the set uforrsm. Then tbs Me bom talked to ale men and women on eeprit 4o corps, tailing thorn how mueh ho expected of them. It is a Aao Idat sad is beiap ex eel la stir ear rled oat H wB do a lot for tho Bemee t RoUUUj Company and far Dana daring tho renting year. Harvey McKay has uncovered a SS-year old edition of tho Ptae Blatr Arkaoau Dispatch. oahilchad ia tha town in which Us father and mother ware merrtad and lived before the eider McKay roteraod to tha Mile of hie native Harnett forty rears ago. Tho Dispatch ia dated Pneemhcr 1. ISM aadie in emeOeal etaU of pre •erraUon. It la, meteh to tha awry Ml /o^bond* p.’p.T^totr Coed/oeat M—NI i»iu OkM war and meptlaae ia aaa of ite etor the Bar. X McNair, a anted Praahy tw1f» *V oBeiotad at the wedding of Harroy'e parents, thaw- i iag tha depraved leadHiem of new*- < cETSsirdE: i to — >th»r eelama aa advartiaaaat • ehranletea tha fact that the dmnMa « Jw* • Rat of dao wiae^ WaeT|l dtao and tltaien jt their attention to loading the negro oat of that darkness which has 10 ,100* rotar^od fi* pgograag Prof. J G Smith, princisel of the negro school*, tod all of his pupil* to Ur? hall in which the i slab ratios waa held. Ho rood the emancipation pro clamation and pointed with pride to his chargos who store endeavoring to lit thsaaaslve* far rospoctahl* cHlisn khlp. W. H. Quick, a colored law par of Sanford, waa the principal speaker. He smpheiircil the aezemti 17 for thrift, industry and training and said nothing about politics or jim crew car laws. Dr. Codrtagt»n tad Bov. H. W. Horton, also among the speakers spoke along the seme hie. All w*«-> proud of the progress the rnco had mad* aader great dif ScaKie# and wore hopeful of greater things ao white aad colored people grow to aadesstaad each ether bvt Becnaee there waa no evldonct hat ho had dene anything wrong the mm against Slag Jsag, Chines* Ison Hyman, waa dismissed when it came elm the Superior Coart far trial hi* wock.Sing waa arrested ea a Hargo of haring ride* money from > peeks* hook ke found la his laorv try. The pocket booh belonged to i maa named Barefoot who left H hors whan ho called far hit lasn , Iry. Sing found the pane and out t away far safe hasping Whan Mr i Mrafaot returned ho headed it to i fm. Several hotel later Mr. Bar*- i ••t returned a seeond ttete, alleging katJM was ariaring. Sing kU* . othtem *« ft aad waa seat to coart i oruani of Dana's hurinaag men went < » LilUnaten to prove the Chtearaen < f good ihteaatea. Ad aeon as tbs < ttetew^iiitil to the Judge t W. Byrd, at iMr bom* near Dunn. The house had beta tastefully decor ated for the occasion with holly and mistletoe. The Simple bat Impressive ceremo ny was performed by Rev. Mr. Port er, pastor of the bride. Only immediate amanbere aad a few friends of the family wore pres ent. * Tbc bride was lovely In a coat suit af taupe velour cloth with aeces sorios to match. After the ceremony ton (vests were ushered into the din ing room where u elegant supper waa eervd. The bridd is the accomplished daughter of Hr. W W. Byrd, a prom inent planter near Dunn. The groom Is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Stephenson ef this city... Mr. aad Mrs. Stephenson will re aide at Durham wberT Mr. SUphaw ton holds a position with the Imperi al Tobacco Company. BARBOUR-CLARK E. Robert Hassell Igrbour and Mrs. Blanche Proctor Clark#, two of Dunn’s most popoldr young persons, ears married last Thursday In the Baptist Parsonage Ms Fayetteville. Jar. Mr. Schneider officiated. Only i few of the closest friends ef the !ounle knew ef their intention te aad. la eoaseqsesee few whs eased he ceremony. After a wedding aup xr at the LaFayetta they returned 4 their home here. Mrs. Barbour is a daughter af Mrs. 'entile Ward Procter aad has made ' saay friends during her few mouths i f residence here. Mr. Barbour lg Jehuatoa County bey aad hue been "Ployed In the Hood A Oraatham | 'rug store far several months la >onn. ( Goewm itxmj Mrs Chaa. W. SpeO spent There- I •y is Wade ertth tin Ain McNeill. Mr*. H. A. Parker ef Dana te I poudlag a few days with her mother I In. Mary Flefc. ( Mrs. Norms Pop* spent Sunday in Godwin with bar parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pope. Mia* Milo Jones is spending a few daya in Wilmington with friends Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wsrd are spend liff s few days in Florence S. C. with friends Misses Sadi* Markham and Annys Beetle Graham have returned to Greensboro where they ar* student* Harvey Markham left for Washing ton^ p. C. Saturday to taka up hii Mr. aad Mrs. H. J. Osterfcsmp are spending a few days with Mr* lister - lamp’s parents Mr. aad Mr*. D. A. Mim Gladys Watson of Delias, Oa. has arrived to taka charge of the mo swjlepartment la the Godwin High Mis* Ethel Graham has rotumod to Linden to taka up her duties aa a member of the school faculty. Mim Eetalme Starling of KorAaw R- C , Is spending her vacation with her pa rente Mr. sad Mr*. G. H. Star C. C. Godwin aad two sens Chris Jr uid Unwood of Panama City. Fla., bare returned to their bom* after ■pending eereral days with his moth >T Mrs. H. Mslatyr*. Mrs Haywood Howard af Salem mrg baa returned to her ham* after ipandiag several days with bar par mta Mr. aad Mia. I T. Markham. i£t£ktSSZ.?/2i)!Z Sss.'SLr —* Mim Lowaoy Olivo ef Dana spent afLioSS? k Mim Bshiasa Oadwhi af Atlanta, fliaTZj *" Go4wla wMk Mka CaJUa Bhsdm at Washington. i.'Layssrrt.’sa:.'" Miasas IWby Turner aad Laaila Wwr* have rataruad to Flam Me ionald Col leg* where they are sta Him OUdvr Warren kaa rstornod l« achool at Oxford. Reprcoontatnre 8soil of How York •ajras "Wo wfll nsror bar* a prow poroua country uni.** tko railroad* I ho moo !▼«* or* prooporoaa ** . ®oor* M-KoM* of N*bra*ko My* lhat "waAofolaraa and extravacaaro O* torfn ooil* of thio bo«r and may ■ - II ■■■■■■■ I — h* piacad in idUnraa." Tba Boaton Araaaen km rated to fir# tap their America* Federation of Lnbor ehortor in th* International Aaaoolation of Flro-Fighter*. Dr. Henry Van DyW myet "Labor «•**«• am tor* by diapatee for con- _ tool by men wbo neeer dH an besoot d*y*a wot* In tbolr Urea." < -11-ggeee3IIIM!e==g===^=ggSq=!-!a=!==5Beig=gg==a5B EDISON-PERFECT IN TONE The Highest Type of Talking Machine Demonstrations when Desired i However Nicely j Your Home May be Furnished it Isn’t j Complete Without an l EDISON If You Want A Cole Planter Buy It Immediately . * We have a limited quantity that will not begin to supply the demand and do not know when we can get more. I * _ _ ^_ Chattanooga Flows Disc Harrows and Cultivators of All Kinds Buy before prices take another t jump and while we have the goods. * OPERATIC STAR SINGING WHILE EDISON PLAYS AUDITORS UNABLE TO DISTINGUISH VOICES f Edison Records Include all Popular and Operatic airs by the Best Singers and Musicians BUILDERS’ HARDWARE -and MILL SUPPUES WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY THESE t IN ANY QUANTITY AT ONCE. OUR WAREHOUSES ARE FULL OF GOODS YOU ARE GOING TO NEED BEFORE NEXT SPRING—SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS NOW—INDI- . CATIONS ARE THAT ALL WILL ADVANCE PRICE BEFORE WE CAN REPLENISH THESE STOCKS. THE BARNES & HOLLUDAY CO Hardware Furniture Undertakers DUNN North Carolina I ELECTRICAL No contract too Ian* or anal) Potaonnl Attention Oivon all Work JAMES T.FOISTER Electrical Contractor Fefwenc^ Purniahod Lon* Raperlcnrr Omee and flock room In Purdle Broa Building Telephone 248. Dana, N. C * ^o^aaaaaa^. .. WANTED GIRLS Girls willing to learn hosiery looping ; and those experienced in looping who : wish employment in Dunn will please write or leave their address with The : Dispatch. Attention Durham Hos- :: i*ry Mill. ‘

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