THE DUNN DISPATCH — - Alrt la, iMft at to* poa*"*** to Dm*. X. ft, aht to* ato to , Mm* ft lift LKMH POW, Palldhi NmIM a* Wo*_ To Boot Miwfan. T« toaM who ha** haaa worrta* far to* frta lapaatia of CmJlu'i eUmtop throe* to* total tha activity *f to* IftaiM nachUa la It* effort to fate* to* a*Mia*»toa *1 r*ni»o X*rria*a a* Pennrary't —Tnfirl b****r ia to* approach! m p*htr**Un*tl e«*f«lp i* aa uawet can* a* it *B prove iiaMaca* to) to* party. Machia* ■*th*to ahaaU have a* plao* la to* pr**nt kIm* of ptoMaa No mob ant oven th< BaaanM* Funtfold. himaalf. toaoM to *II«thi1 to dictate to fro* voter wton they toonld cboo tv for aay of However. Mr. Siaaaoaa' atatollttw are Cartel aly at wort for toe worth] Coat. Oat haa hut to vUH aay Fad oral' haildtac ef tha Stota when age** of th* vorioaa Fadaral da Urtfli told forth to dtoeover thta SBStirbsifts toa eivoa toon ttoir lobe That fa fahrmangh. They fulfill an oblige tin. Bad mm where la chril acr vtoe lagaUtloai. w* kMiw—than fa • Haaaa which la supposed te pro had* tholr wsddHag Into poilHaa. The] aloe hr* aadar mm -Mifth. to tbi pohMe, aloe* tha pahUc pop* that p. tjgti-. of taam, haa thi ngbt accorded every citiaon to vot< for who ia ha pleas**. Ha map g* •< far ha to paMWlp thawpina tha caw af tft* was af his choice. Hia iaflu awiafa hawavar, ah said wot ha permit tad da compel thoea whs travel at pah Hr sop ansa to apaad tea public'* dm aad .ataasy in dafsating tha public’ w«L It I* paaaibta that those wan hnv< ant had “the ward** frees Mr. Bias ■Man They amp ast kaaw what h< wants them te do. Bat It la cortaii thdt thop are awHng a pretty pm rasa* sc they weald hove been turner tnWSitkar Mlki Wfm paw. {Mb Pag* tote* math at whWhth*] sap r*—*-p thatr hmviaal pm. Tim] piwtem to boUovo that ho has a< “lhjisii at hfl"—that dm rase Is ft hi tpf hetwoaa Max Gardner aad Mr ^^aHgtdlan to ha tha Mg ^ d strangest man la tha nr* tactics map win far Motrisoa had hi the Wag ran thap are boat* trlssa far tha party. Babart H. Pagi doaervs* better af tha DmMoatfa pasty than Its Waders la Wateiagtor weald have It treat ka Certain 1] stapagtp toward him Gdad Baade aad ' Haw I* BoOd Them One af dm neatest oahiavamaatj h -tea plan far Federal aid la read katlMag MBUaa* of dollars havt bam amacprictwl tm* ^a paapam a*4 a waadorfal bapatas haa baaa • gfpaa to read hoBdiag la all parts al the paaalrp. As aaaal. however, thr Btptas of tha Matte sad Middle Wart ham haa* tha test to taka advantage af tea fends aad are yolay ahead to baild hard Moite Carolina _ *9 £ ggpr IMMM. IWMMIWIw fulAHmeat will upty repay th* ef fect Hard ratface roods will be the channels *f fittn transportation. That fatar* is Mt many decades die taat. If sr* are U coatinea ear pre i teotioo* to pragreedveoees w* most begin new to prepare ter that time. The community that held* to the oU nUUh system of toad building will eeea he relegated to the realm whither th* dede ha* already flown. gmmmmmnmm ;;; IN AND ABOUT the TOWN ttwmmimimmm: Karniagt by the Pint National Bank of Dus totalled U pot coat during the last year, according to a statement asada to tbs stockholders la their annual meeting Tuesday af ternoon. A earn! annual dividend of « par eeat waa declared aad paid. The balance of the earnings were transferred to the snrplas account for farther protection to depositors. Oil Goldstein and J. Lloyd Wade ware added to th* directorate of tho beak aad nil of th* old idiffts and directors wavs reelected. They are D. C. Fuasell, President; G. If. Tilgh man, Vk* President. H. B. Taylor, Cashier; W. B. Baldwin, Assistant Cashier, and D. C. Puaaetl. G. M. TOxkmsn, John W. Draugboa. John A. McKay and Marvin Wad* direct on. The past year eras one of tbe most successful ever experienced by th* honk. A special resolution of thanks t* the oBcers aad directors was adopted by the stockholders. More than s million and a quarter dollars was on deposit Teesdsy. This was practically double the deposits at the tin* of last year's annual meeting. P. S. Cooper ha* sold his stock la £fc« Rank of Caaii bb4 writ It fk# an. no*) meeting of its stockholder* this veto retired os its president end di rector. N. T. Patterson. cashier of ‘.he institution since its foundation, succeeds Mr. Cooper. Other officer* elected an Elder 3. 1. Coats, rice president; C. E. 8 wart, cashier; J. B. Baggett and L.' L. Levin eon. at ternsys, and Mia* Blanche Graham, rtenegrapber. Mr. Patterson. Klder Cents, Mr Baggett, Mr. Levinson. Or. H. C Cohorts and W. E. NiehoL torn the hank’s directorate. The aurnioge of the Institution last year racetoed 100 per cent. A stock dlr idcsMt for this amount was declared. It was also decided to sag an addit ional 10,000 in stock so as to bring the capitalisation up to tit.000. The present rsoeurcee of the honk art over 1STt,000. according to the ro part submitted to tit* stockholders. Cote of the now artesian well win b* approximately (10.000 according <• rough estimate* furnished by proe peeUvu centra storm. This Is neary tosal to the Int cote of the entire Ught and eraser pleat seventeen years ago. But It la admitted that Dunn ■ute hare « new wall. Oaa good healthy stream of water from this wail weuH be worth several tims* Its cote when Ore threaten*. W. H. Newberry, L. U. Blssell and ”■ A. Parker, farming a committee topoiatod bp the Board of Town Cornerl»Mouera, visited Southport this week to inspoct crude eO engines is as* there m the municipal now. r «ia tion and lu other plant... Yh- >• ... tv vary favorably impressed axil .it.., ahly will reeummem) the . similar onea for Uir power *«.: watt . plant here.. Mr. Bixaeli supc-surer sl ant of tha water Iqrht «: y,.i\ mint, made sueii a rcentum.-udat.... at tha lad monthly mvlirg «f board. The initial coal ot On- < ... giaea, however, <au<at ;h. ciinia' sioners to hesitate. Probably lie. two would be noolrcd to Install hi chinos that would bo ample for prv. ant and immediate future rvrpp.i meali. It ia certain that tha cm.I. ail t-uginee would save a sum nv.: to this within five years if they w.L perform at nicely us manufacturer: aay they will. At any rate. Um Inca plant must have additional equip ment very toon ar it will collapse Dunn cannot afford to delay, third those who are familiar with the sit nation. Although tha Board of Control - •loners determined several week* as< to remodel the Opera House, no step, toward this end have been taken a yet. One reason in the scarcity n building material and labor. Aootho may be that the commissioner' di net realize the necessity for speed Moat of the plastering on the wall and catlings has cracked and a lulv part of it has fallen. There is al 1 much danger front that which *ti< hangs to the laths If eontvthing . not done soon the entire buililt.i; will 1 offer damage that will cost four] -- ■ ‘i™*** . ,■ asi Fifty additional gar bag - cans havi been placed along Brunei strvet i: the bunineas district af the iioUnc of Chief of Police Page. Visitor to Dunn are a iked to use these io waste paper, fruit peels end ottu refuse. Merchants arc warm-d tha they must use thee* for waste mv.-jI from their store. A recent ordinal-.* imposes a fine of (10 upon person who ere found guilty of rvcrpm; Into alleys and back lota. The chic it* experiencing considerable difficult in keeping tbe streets and alley clean, although a large force of Is borers and garbage wagons arv krp constantly at work. lie asks lb... visitor a and townspeople cootn-.n; with him in this work. Stockholders of the HarmU t >•» ty Fair Association will m.*et heri: i the offices of the Chamber of Coin merer Friday afu-n non. Jar.uar S3. In this mectintr glnno for cn larging the fair plant and for *>i holding of this year's fair will li discussed. Directors of the o*iran ration have some rath* r u.-cbitloti plans to present to thi body n*-d is thought thst they will be adopter Secretary Owen Odum was her Su orday arranging for the meeting. LEGAL ADVERTISINI SALE VALUABLE FARM Under and by virtue of a decrer ** the Superior Court of Harnett Cour ty. N. C., In an action or Special Pr» cording before the Clerk entitled l W. Hoekaday et ala. v* Altdtl Hoekaday et ah. the undcr-tr*-. commisaionsra will offer for rele fv one third cash sad the balance in c.i and two years, on Wednesday the -It day of Feby. 1920. the following r* scribed farm, to-wit; 41 mmrmm of land In Hamvtt Coin ty, N. C. beginning at a stake hi Ei aia Las and Hllery Stewart'* corne and rasa as the Ennis line S. 80 E 8.6 chains la a stake; thence S. 21 I 13 1-2 chains to a stake; thence S. W. K.6 chains to a stake S Norris’* c " ' r’:-‘:^TC>l. JAN. 88, IWt corner uf thn AtVnJ 130- aer- H»r Or wr««y: lh\ as that line N. bC i V M rinli.3 to a stake lav s.tu * •v-. :. ;• ;r...< A ji. tract; Iuci.j a. ibt: line :* -h* tie.-pr.oiai:. c* .I ci:.' !*, •!.; t an«* O': Kb, a ] inline 1 >t hV ? •.* the Division of ’« ,lm.; of 7 obi i • ItyaV*. aer'il ’> ■ •air ", mail a i! Tprw, aid - 1 ’ ? II—...' c» •fc* praallA* aba' / il t in 7.' -‘clai'k on v . i •. ;icv .h 4’h day of Kcb/. H>£:. !scv Id. 192.7. J It. BARBOUR, J. WILLIS CREECH, Commimtencrs. NOTICE OK SALE OK ROAD L0ND3 OK AVBRASBORO IOWNSHIP HARNETT COUN. tY. NOUTH CAROLINA The F.oad Cemmlmioacrv of Aver i. 'oora Township llarnett County, S ate .,f North Carolina, will receive ■>e»\!rd proposals for the purchase of fifty1 Thousand (150.900.00) Dollars, I i bonds nf said Commimionvrs, U •urtl aider authority of Chapter 487, 1 l‘cl. \ Local Laws of 1913 up to 13 1 o’cloci: M. Frbtonry 14th, 1920. Said bond* will be tuned in de ni.ninufioa of 91000.00 eaeh, unions ’ other-isc prescribed by the purchaa-1 • fr; w.ll be doll'd March 1st, 1920,: cad oi'm interest from data at aix per ’ cent, payable semi-annaaUy, both ’ i rim "pal and interest payable in the t;- of Nett Vork, mid bonds to mi 1 i. •.Meaty years after date; that is ’ 'o ..ay. on March 1st, 1940. All |irop,imls mad be accompanied - I Vj rvrlillsd check upon a responsible, '»!»!: Buyable to the Treasurer of the i Load Commissioner* of Averanboro' i Tounsliip. in the sum of 91000.00 | • 7 h„ ’awd re-.ervee the right to re • Jecc my and all bids. All proposals ■ -'Hi '.«■ opined in the ofllce of Clif ' foul ft Townsend, First National I ilenk Building, Dunn;- North Caroli. I ha, si I ’ o'clock M. February 14th, i 1029. For further particulars ad > irc-s the Chairman or Secretary, or : Cl;Cord & Townsend, Attorneys,' f Dunn, N. C. » C. L HEMJH1NGWAY, Chairman. B O. TOWNSEND, ■ . Secretary NU1ICE Monti Ct"»!ln«, Hnrnett County. In the Superior Court .'ur.n OhIdwell vs. B. R. Caldwell fh« dot rad-ant. above named, will laki notlei! tluit an action entitled, ti vbuvi! H-u beM commenced $n 1 lU-j Snp-rifr Court of Harriott nmnt} by the plaintiir for 'hr nurpoa of ar-curine from the defendant a dc ei*ni of absolute divorce; and the' ••'•■•d defendant will further taka no I'tn 'Hoc h,' U risjulrod. to appear el the term of Superior Court of ilrrin It County to o» held on the ElovcnUi Monday after the first Mon , i* ry ir Marrh. 1920. it being; the J7th day of H»v, 1929, at the Courthouse I in si*Kl county, in Iditthjrtoo, N. C., autf answer or demur to the com plnint in this action, or the plaintiff ' will apply to the Court for the ralief dom.-KH ii Ir. said complaint. This the day of January,, • leSO. i ... a. a McDonald _ t ’erk Su|>oiior Coort. ? ' I 1 r 1GLEDO-NO-SPRING3 WM. 8. PARKER Repreicntatirs Box 367 Goldsboro Mattresses I:: ' and Chairs ;;; it « ; ; CAR LOADS OF EACH JUST j i RECEIVED THESE GOODS have been exceedingly hard to get for several months past and many of our customers have been ;;; obliged to do without. Now, however we have plenty to supply the demand and will be glad to make immediate ;;; ; |; delivries. ;;; THE MATTRESSES are of the best felc. Cotton felt and combination grades. Made of high grade ticking, double- ;;:, sewed and seamed. Quality and construction guaranteed. !« Prices right. ! - ’ _ < >< ► THE CHAIRS include all grades of rockers and straight chairs in wicker, oak, mahogany and the cheaper woods. ! * ! Some unusual bargains are to be found in the lot. All are « of high grade construction and worth more than we charge ! ! < <. , , . 4 H I , , i 4 X » SEE PRETTY DISPLAY OF 1 FINE FURNITURE IN BROAD i ! STREET SHOW ROOMS I ! , , , _ :,: 111 <i Tbm Bamea 4k Holliday Co. NE./ HOME -- SEW!NT- MACHINES . 4 EDISO'I TALKING HARDWARE FURNITURE ' MACHINES pianos ::• < UNDERTAKERS «"d ORGANS DUNN. NORTH CAROUNA I « . * 1 1 _ »j:i»■ » »■■■■' v_ ^ __ 9 i •• H * ■* ' ■ ■ uJ : v-M§ -U • • >*V IN :-’i^c ;,,/^^.Sf\ 1 ran be sore of • > ' 4. •' • Fish Fer • ■' 4 .. • I 1 r.mple sup - v. «. t3 demands of • : - --•V»3. t- i: for Royittr’a i i i Made :-v v"' .rziQua IV ‘HTANO CO. y Vs. Tar boro, N.C. ■- ' * jt. C. Columbia, 8. C. • y. - •" • •••'* **•••• klt&i/i, Ua. Columbus, Qa. *c tyy«, HTd. Ta'^do. Ohio rv^oHt T. W. WOOD & BCp’ whiskey as a MEDICINE NOV/ ACITATINC THE ME1ROYOUS New York, Jan. SI.—Dr. RoyuJ 3. t, health r«f*»mi*&«>ncr tc (tired rumpla nt' today that ybvn! ware unablu to obtain wSUify fot troaUaent of pntle.ita. U* <ruii that only about 10 pur rent, of ibo inter** 1* tEo rlty h«* fr-iu«r- It and declared tl,u would trjro the retablldwnt of atoti'c-a by tha eoraraaaoat where li.,o«r rould f 0+444444 00 00++++++ I I * v oarage I !; 40 (I < . < v>'i a. C*. fst-class Garage, •> X •■'■. Dunn highway, ;; » &JS Johnson Brothers I! * Cn, f :; - «' ‘ >- to give you the 1 II rt i i 2 i ;; | fur tcrvicc, j; 1 \ brothers jj ' <ri-# Jt »'> * »-K ».*• Jtj.z.. . *4 .' -r-j. . J*1 CT—rajjij , }•...•■• <t • •• • | V,,.* ».i *kN, WI*W' whiukvjr m f/tkjfik-moK . Or. ,enlUI In pn*un««ia ctmw.

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