********* ♦LOCAL* ******* * i George W. Gardner left Monday for points in KatWm Carolina. Rev. Eugene I. Olive l> ir l2r>-nn» boro to attend a aerie* of Irrlnree. Mr. and Mia. Glenn Pope, of Cloy ton. were here yesterday. Postmaster Eugene T. Lee attt nil ed the Masonic grand lodge m Ral eigh this week. Mrs. Hrnry Mickty. of intLin Salem, is here as a iiium of Mn. Eugene Parker. Jli« Sallye Htimd to:, o! L aulo.l, was here thil week vlsirtiv her sis ter, Mrs. V. B. Morgan. Mina Maude Upchurch rvtu.nco Sunday from a vinit to rili-tlvflu* at Bui*« Crock nnil Lillmutoi* G**orjfo L. Catiiiad; rnivl D. C. FuomII returned tie. we< I: from a lour of Georgia and Florida. W. B. Johnson attended a meeting of Jlctropolitan Itmirnnce Company agents in Wilming'i.ii this week. Robert E. Surl. >. I.*< 1*. Furies, John C. Phillip* anil Thoms* Proc tor spent (sat Sunday at South*!:> Pinas. Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Broughton ami little son of Kenly, spent the week end here with Mr. and MrV Sam Broughton. Oliver Perry Shell, of Kinston, ir here to visit his mother, Mrs. M. V. Shell, who has be, n very sick loi several day*. Dunn was well represented at th' <JalU-Cu* ri recital I" Raleigh W wiinv. day night. More than fifty w« nl by automobile from here. Rev. W. E. Bundy, presiding eln. • of the Phyettevi'le Dirtrict. will preach at Divine Stfet Xl tlr .li/t Episcopal church Sunday morning John W. Draughon ami J. Lloyd U/.Js .ftMt/lori Iko /• . • 1-odge In renion ut Raleigh ihV week as delegates from the local lodge T. V. Smith returned Monday I'mb HP extanded trip through Western North Carolina and Virginia m lh< Interest of the Stall Rank and Tm-t Company. Mr. and Mr*. Worth II Pope ami morning from Tajlorvillo, Illinois, where they had been vUititt*: v 111 Pope's parent* for several \v, r(.■<. Mr*. Colon Prarnon ho.* relumed from Wendell where she .idled rein tiro*. She ms accompanied home hy her mother, Mrs. fr. D. Mamhburn. who will apend *rvrr*l rtayu with h r Mr. and Mr*, 1). C. Pusaoli, Mr. and Mr*. H. B. Taylor. Mr. I. M Reave* and daughter, Julia Howard were among those who nltrndcd the Ualti'Cum Concert in llilr'idi W. «|. nesday evening. J. J. William*, representing the Southern Truck and Cnr Curpcration of Greensboro, vs spending several day* in the city in thr Interest of Isis company. He Is veiling stcelt of the now concern ar.d making arrange menta to oat.ibliah a permanent agency bore. Miaa Myrtle law, daughter of Jo soph Lee, and Herbert Atkinson, of Fayetteville, were married M latlinc ton last Saturday night. Hoib arc well known here. The bride’* home i» near Dann. Mr. Atkinson io * brother to Mr*. W. H. Newberry and ha* often visited Dunn. Through the hurry of getting the < "hotel aery" Into print Uat Uie name of Hugh Prince was omitted from the li*t of those who hud tak-.n stock. Hugh war one of tin- fir t end most liberal subscriber*. lie w%* also one of the ha^drst work t• i-i the stock sold campaign. Next Monday night’s it. V. P. L'. includes scripture reading by MUj Locjr Pope and talks by T)r. J. R. Butler, Perry Morgan and Misses Wasteott, Ida May Pittmar. and Ida Felton. The quartette trill sing. Ur. Butler is to leader Cor the night." "Bud" Aaheley Tope arrived ImtneJ this morning from Georgia, where h*| bad been buying cotton since the close of tho Mae ball season. Dud had another successful season as a baseball pitchsr with Southern and . Middle Western teems last yu tamer. H# will spend the spring here in train wig for the coming season. Mias Ora Parker and Duncan R. McDonald were married Friday night > at the home of the bride's mother, °tB ?" ^ t. Mr. McDcnnhl i>- it lb the Dunn post office. His onae is one of the most popular young women of the Dunn district 25® “ * sister of Lcvandcr Parker. They will make their home in Dunn. J lines II TV—J- t_ i Arm will henceforth be koowTao Ka noy and lac. Mr. fee he* been , 5*ft5 t5S an excellent teem and ham beenvirv mcmwM. ThtT *'<> o53uS3 oflee* »nd aalewnnin. In u»c mLv rmltb Building, South Railroad nue. and ha*. ■Mml them up handsomely. They hare a largo »tock of bath room fixture* and «<-co»*oriC. and plumbing rupplire generally, ond will atriee to croete on* or th., 1*—. e*t plumbing concern* in Ea„tcrn Carolina. BOX PARTY ' “ Thate wiB be a l*o* party at Jon**, boro oebool houee three mile* from Dunn. Friday night. January 23rd. The public h invited. "" SPECIAL MEETING All member* of Mingo Lump, 303 M. C., W. O. W are rrauretvd to be proaont January SI. IMO. at 10 o' ' *■ W.‘ H. 8TR1CKLAN D^Clork Daughter* of tho Cenfedmaey The C hicora Chapter, Daughter* of l hr t'onfadrracy. mat in thr Presby terian church Monday afternoon to celebrate the birthday of Rohm E. !<*••. . The following program wa. ren jtuird: 1 Thr Star Spangled llttnner. I Sketch of tne life of Lee—Mr*. R. M. Pearsall. Sketch of life of Jackaon—Mr* J. ; C. UIHTord. In Justice to the South—Mr*. Far uuhjird Smith. A short huainesx session wai then held. Mrs. L. J. Rest read a letter from Mr*- F. Harvey. State IVeai .'o i. A Ktl< r from Mr.-. Anderson of Fayetteville win read also. The meeting adjourned with "'Aeh rice” «•: unisr n. . • Tuesday Aftrraoon Book Cluh Mr*. P. A l,rr w»* ho*tea* Wudnoa day afternoon to thp Tuesday after noon Book Club The house wa* attractively decorated Wlth potted plants and narrU*u» \ short Hu*, ints* miriini? was held at which the IVmdir:. -*lr*. A. L. Newberry pre | inlcd The rtiMr were entertained at four tabien of gamer. After Ih* game- Miar Hester i: .noted Mra Lee m forcing delicious refreshment* Tim members present were: Mre dumps J. It. Smith. Z. V. Snipe*. Marvin U Wad*. (1. I_ Wilooa, E. '■ ^oblci. J. H. Barnes, Wallace B. f oUrar... Pool C. Hood, John P. Joh'esia. Nathan M. Johnson. P. A. Lcf, A L. Newberry, Clarence D. Mnln. The invited guests were: Misses Iiro-h My*It, Hester; Me.claim* R L. Wans* and Earle Barefoot, MRS. FLORENCE JACKSON Mr* Florence Register Jarkeon, "i" » n'Nuvui i'unn ior x "umber nf years paused away Sat urday, January 17th. at t'ayuttevil)*, M. when' .-he had gone for treat ment. Ml*. Jackson was born in Clinton. ti C., where she grew to womanhood. KxHy in lif. ehc gave her heart to ' tet nod united with the Methodist • hutch in which the nerved as a faith tut ei..l devoted member. After her man'age »h>- Joined the Christian hutch When olio remained a faith ful r.r.d useful member until her 'bvt'h. Throughout her life she waa a wo man of Ann q-.litlrs On April 13. 1VU3 she »u married to Thomas J. JarVscs. to whom she made a faith ful a. d devoted wife. Really her de .*o*'C;i bne.-ifne pathetic when a few > -.* ago hi was taken away by -I- nth and she was never able to over v -me hi v grief at h'a departure. Aa i mother, ahe was sacrificing and da vutisI, u« a friend, unfaltering, and I might be said that ahe spent her if.* fir other*. On the death of her husband, he ro g left with three children, she ihou’dered the responsibilities thrust upon h<r and although frail, areom idiah'd what many who arc strong would barely do. For some lime ahe was afflicted but during all of her '•Ineac- rite wa> patient, but her frail '•oily had atood all it rould and alowly the end i xnu . Two of her brothers, her husband 1 rad mother piveeded her to the grave, tier aged father, four sinters, three brothel*, ar.d her three children with 'T--rr.us friends are left to mouro her ■cv.ua. A lunge arsed gathered at her home Sunday aflrrnoon to !'") their last tribute of reapeet to his After funeral service* conduct- ■ i ll by )U-V. J M. Daniel and Rev. J. ! l-i irston. loving hnnds tenderly loiti hot to reel beside her husband . in Oieei.wood eimcury. She is gomi but her loving memory will long be cate-med by those who knew her. j CAMPBELL HURT IN AUTO WRECK Peculiar Chain of Accidentl to Buie’* Creek Student* and President 5k-vcn hour* after twelve-year-old l.illian Ferrell had accidentally ehot •»d killed Allen Swalm, Wlnaton Saleni riud- nt of Bair* Creek Acad emy, at Buie* .reck. O. S. Ferrell, father of the girl, drove hi* Hudson •’UWl* *ix into o Ford Sedan four mile* from Raleigh injuring all Ita oa vnK<r<. ineloding Prof. J, A. Campbell, brad of Rules Crock Acad emy and Arc students who wore ac companying the remain* of young Nwa,m to Raleigh. Mr. Ferrell, more Injured himself. *u not told of the totality in his own home and continued on his way to Buies Creek • rota the tcenc of the accident in an other car. Th* injured, none of whom are dangerously harts, were rushed to lu x hospital for treatment after the collision on tb.- Fuf)u.y Spring* road, at S:l6. Thry were: . A' p*'"l*t>cn. Buie* Creek, head hurt, ear lacerated, body bruited. J- Creech, Smithfteld, band madied and knee hurt. T. F. Jordan, Krankllnville, badly scratched and bruited. Crw-k, hand end head injured. Spurgeon Brlgman, St. Paul*, aide hurt. Charlc* Cade, Winxtan-Salsm, scratched and bruited. C. S. Ferrell. Buiet Crook, scratch ed and bruised. last night all the injured except Prof. Campbell and the two students, J. T. Creech and T. F, Jordan, h| hern dm barged from tile hospital, rmd (hue* three were retting well. Fear* of concussion which expreaeed when Prof. Campbell waa carried to Urn hospital wore diesapated by an X-Ray examination which disclosed nnither fracture nor concussion. Prof. Campbell had rogmlned contciousncnt and when Informed that member* of hi* family were harrying to Raleigh. •.ey px vo uic uenro to eec hl« lam Hy phytieiaa u wall. Sheeting of Sweim "he aborting of Allen Swalat took ptar* in the bona of <J. g. Farrell, ?•*> moved to Role* Crook recently from aoar Raleigh to pat hi* «hlC oroe.In at'hool. Mr*. Forrrn. accord 'Nr to tho atory told by atudente at I no hojpitnl yeaterday afternoon, '»rtad about bar ban rework before the 7.!,Vd°r> «*ny1ng a p«tal lato .v* ’'I1*"" wil*< her for protection *f bar hodiead. Young V* boarder, cane lata tba tb^T.i^??1 ^•‘faat tine, rmoved ml i1??d*** fro* tba revolver, fcoy AftX JL* **■ »PP'«f ^ Farrell H«M»»*trta» with Mr. *rr-' «bc aaa of tba woo pan I in an emergency he re-leaded *n placed It on a shelf. Dlda't Knew It Was Leaded Twolvey«ar-oid Lillian Fcrrel. Ii an adjoining room, beard ths eon vermilion and the snapping of tb pistol She came into the room, tool the weapon from the shelf, polntn it directly at Swmlm and pullad lb trigger. She didn't know It was load cd. The ball struck the student in tb right breast. He staggered acres the room, toward his room-mate, say ing: “I'm shot. I'm going to die. 8en« for my father and mother.*’ In forty ninatee he wee dead Allen Swmitn was the ion of Rrv V. M. Swalm. pastor of Sooth Bid* Baptist Church, Winston-Salem. Hi was rixtaen years old. The tragedy overwhelmed Mrs Far roll end her daughter and threw i )oak of sorrow about the academy Kcither the fnthar nor the mothei of the doad boy eoald come to Boie’i Creek nnd Professor Campbell made arrangements to accompany the body to Raleigh, where It might be placed on the afternoon train for Winston Salem. Accompany Body Ta Raleigh The Philologist! and EuUophlan Literary Societlta of tbs academy ap pointed representatives to pccomp sny the corpse. Those were Charles Cude. Winston-Salem; Sporgeon Bngman, St Pauls; S. N. Lambo, Buie's Creek; T. F. Jordan, Frank linville; J. T. Creech, SmithfleM: Le Roy Martin, Elkin; J. W. King, Smilhfleld. At l:«5 the party left Buie's Creek, Prof. Campbell end five rtu dents in bis Ford Sedan first, with ■ ria mars* driven oy i. u Haicaer, and In-anng tha body arrompanied bv two students. S. W. King and 1. U Hatcher, following. Tha Smcsh up Four miles from Raleigh, with Prof. Campbell's ear maldng about twenty miles an hnur. according to tbe story vosi-hrd for by the student*, a Hud son ear anproarhod. Prof. Camp bell kept his car to the right aide of ihr road, heading toward Raleigh Tbe approaching car. on the same aids rove no sign of turning, and moving at a speed calculated by thr students *1 Twenty.Ave miles, crashed head on nto ihv smaller automobile Just aa Prof. Campbell turned further to ward the right. Prof. Campbell crumpled up la the bottom of the car and the students looped up in the 8edan war* hurled egulnst the scat and showered with Ihv rplinterrd windshield. Both car* were smashed, but Prof. Campbell’* machine wan almost a total arreck. Only Prof. Campbell was knocked unconscious. Those of the pSrty who were least injured, got thr other* out >f tbe muchine to a mwr-by farm louse and called for an ambulance. It was then that they learned that he driver of the other ear was G. S. Farrell, father of the girl who had hot Alien Swaim. He was scratched ind bruised but not seriously hurt. Mr. Farrell waa on his way from Petersburg where he had been on a business trip, to hla home in Bui*’* Creek. Ha had not beard of tha .ragady in his own borne. In tha farm house. Prof. Campbell x-rolcoasciou* teamed only concerned ibout the share of his responsibility 'or the accident. "Was it my fault) Did I do wrong)' 1* asked repeatedly, but was assured ay his students that he wne on the propor aide of the road and could sat nave avoided tha accident.—Maws ind Observer. Report of the condition of THE STATE BANK A TRUST CO. it Dunn, in the state of North Caro ii.u. at the close of business Decem ber 31st, 1919. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ...$161,008.68 Demand loans_..... 80.20 Overdrafts, secured_ 229.43 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds_... 6,646.00 All other stocks, )>onds and mortgages. 3,126.00 Banking House, furniture and fixtures ..._ 15,748.27 Cash in vault and net a maunts due from banks bankers and trust com panies ... 86,034.64 Cash items held over 24 hours_ 47.00 Checks for clearing_ 1,448.69 Total.$213,302.69 Capital stock paid in ...$ >6,008.00 wMwtTiwwv piv'iM I ex mm current expenses and taxes paid. 8.189.87 Certificate* of drpoei* representing money borrowed_ 6,846.00 Deposit* subject to check 109,758.86 Time certificate* of de _ Pf*1* .. 87,848.77 Sexing. deposit*. 27,887.89 Cashier's checks out standing _ 2408 10 Certified check*. 2^90.01 Total .8818,202.89 State of North Carolina, Const* »f Harnett. 1, T. V. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know lodge and belief. „ T. V. SMITH, Caahier. Correct—Attest: WALTER JONES M. C. BUTLER R. L WARREN , Director* , ,a°tacrJbed and sworn to before me, ihie 22nd day of Janaary, 1920. JAMES PEARSALL _ Notary Public IRON SATES TIRE AND BURO lar proof. A1J .two—single and doable doors. Box 887. Cold* boro, N. C. i-| FOB SAL*--NEW DODGE BROS touring car. Run less than 200 mile*. L. 0. Hicks, Bank of Her nett. Duke, N. C,_It pc FOR RENT—A ONE-HORSE FARM two miles aorthwest of Duan. Will fumiith atoek. Bxcctlfnt land. 8m *d.tonoe. Moms Tripp^Ihm, F°* SALE—SAFE WEIGHING 1. 000 Iba Practically new. Rea sonable price. So* P A. Parkei nr can at Dtspateb etBee lt-pd OOOO FARM FOR RENT—WELL cotton and com. Alaa twe good “*»• far sale on oasy terms. J Q. Layton, Dunn. N. C, It 6ALE4MEN WANTED TO SOUCH and paints. Salary or MgMlMtea Addrcaa the Todd OH A Paint Ca. Clevelaad, O. ®WJJ^DWFATCH^JAIjL^M^»VO ■* * * * ♦ ♦ » * , * BUSINESS LOCAL * ' STORE YOUR COTTON—SEE a 0. Townsend. i FOR SALE OR RENT—FINE ONE kon* farm between Btma* Level A Lillinrton, N. a Thirty-oru acre* with dwelling and outbund 1 5“Jf tama. Jamcj Boat, Dunn. N. C. *TOBE YOOR COTTON—SEE B. O. Townsend. ————————— IF TOO ARR INTERESTED IN town property see George L. Can nadey. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE.— Cabbage plant*, all leading varl etiee, now ready to ship at 25 ceata per hundred. Mn>. Bailie V. " ret. Route «, Dunn. N. C. 15-4t-pd FOR SALE—ONC WOLF ROLLER Hoar mill, with modem equip J1*®*/ Srint mill, ono James l*®** r®g*n®- Fer further infor mation <cc If re. 8. C. Neighbour*, Daan. N. C., R. p. D. Ko 5. _ 16-4t-pd. SALE—I HAVE SEVERAL houaca and vacant lot* for white and colored peonU for wJc L j Beat. CL pi FOR SALE—A VACANT. RESI 12*?*1*0 itet Cumber pSLfiTc. AS?y to “• 0 Wt,t’ ST°*Jr toij*~cotton-Zsee b O. Townsend. NEW AND SECOND HAND FORDS for »*i«. PAHEIBH-DRIVEB CO JU.*L ««"«> SOLID CAR ru P*mo“* Mollno Stalk Harrow*, Riding £s tefm'ul 8t>r»ad»r*. etc. 8ce u thaTT U •*R*»»l*d fer .Dri» *** •"* we win **' Bros. tt, Nb0cn“* ^^*^*A* COATS FOR ml*. W, H. ParrlRi. Dunn, N. C. if you are interested in ^proper,, ^ George L. Can °?SSf T?li5,,?c CA*Fo* 9ale cheap. Farri.H-tMv.r Company. ^J^ssnss. at i^*>,4*'^** Building in JSmVitS* * c "zs/srjp*-* have a few b hwkr .khJl|d *>in* w<><>d “wed N. pTr—*| d *tove l<'n*th'- R •ffiL :^*EHCE. HAYNES, tion withT?' ,n rncsllmt condi SSp,&tTL,ia —SiVw.ra J-OTS IN DUNN— Choice location, Moderate price* Good tonne. C<T Georgs L. Ca nady. RUY LIFE INSURANCE WHILE I you ara in good health and have]' ■‘•T It take* ear* of the wife , children altar you are gone George. L. CanMdy. FO* SALE— SEVERAL NICE farm* in Barnett, Sampuin nod', Wake conntiaa Any nie you I want from 40 acre, to 600. Good i buildings, plenty cleared land, on highway nanr eburehaa and school, and railroads. WIU Mu at able priest and on easy Item. Sea me if interested, Willie Pope, Dunn, N. C. STOP worrying about that old furniture. Hodges, the novel ty man, can m**e it look like new. Much eh sapor th«n you think. Call bun. Pfcoao If®, tf. FOB SALE.—GOOD MULE AND wagon and n IN of farming imple ment*. Call a* Dj»patch office. dixie flyer. SUN boo miles, j f 1200. Wa* SOW for |1«00 sbtty 1 «y« afo. It B in perfect condi-1: tlon. Parriab-Privsr Co. I have A few vacant lots on Tewnacnd desirable for residence*, that I wm **|| very cheap. B. O. Townaend. tf. ' ••ww I'AJR vwi ton—SEE B. 0. Town Mad. IF YOU' ARE INTERESTED IN town property toe Georgo L. Can nsdey. ORSA1JL—I RAVE SEVERAL valuable farms'™ sale la Harnett eMiaty, leoatod In nod nelghber ktoda, on good roada, and Mar Dana, X. C if you are Interested In town proparty toe George L. Can naday. -■ _ SEC RAT AND FIRE PROOF CRIBS and Hie proof Ravage*. Chtaper ttek wood, Southern Martin Works, W. O. dohnion, manager. STORE TOUR COTTON—SEE B. 0. Townsend. BEHNINQ PIANOS ARE CREATED to axo*n. T**7 da. That ia why sa IP TOU ARE ■NTERESTED IN town property toe George U Can aaday. WANTED—TO EOT TEN OR FIF toon gear*. B. M. Pearsall. WANTED—wTeUT IN EMPTY ell barrel*. WHI pay |1 oath He livered to mj Aope. I. W. Thern ton. i ^_ FOR SALS OR E*NT.—140 ACRES ef land near Cento. N. C. About half cleared. One good dwelling aad one ax*all tenant haeae Will toll cheap far to*h or on oaoy toraaa or will rent aad furnish fertiliser*. Call M one* W. H. Lane, at Una's ■tables, Dana, N. C _ » _ I GAS and OIL I p ENGINES I and I MILL OUTFITS 8 • 4 l \ SIZES FROM :: ONE TO ONE HUNDRED H-P. 1-ET OUR MEN TELL YOU ABOUT THESE PROFIT. ABLE LABOR, TIME AND MONEY-SAVING DE I VICES. DEMONSTRATIONS ON REQUEST -— 8 DISC HARROWS STALK CUTTERS RIDING CULTIVATORS COLE PLANTERS McKAY DISTRIBUTORS 8 EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM ■ . ; . i&jfl The BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. HARDWARE.FURNITURE UNDERTAKERS DUNN, . NORTH CAROLINA • ■ « » . , ^' ■ ' i, ,^—i_ _• ' • I ■ c S#Sg&tj’ ' mmm, . ■ I BjMjjfrSR-.: lljP -1 Why Veedol Medium is the Ideal Lubri- I e cant for the Forth Every car has different lubricating problem*. In the Ford theae arise from tke exclusive and ingenious construction by which the diae clutch and transtnlaaion nan are an closed in the engine. 00 ***** In other makes of cars these parts are separate and tha oiling requirements of each are met by a different lubricant. In tha Ford, ora oil must lubricate all three of these parts—the engine, disc clutch and transmission geara Ford owners are rapidly learning that Veedol Medium is the ideal lubricant far their cars. It Is heavy enough for the engine, yet light enough so that tha clatch I doe* not i n tr Veedol Medium, beside* making Uia Ford engine run like new, reduces operat ing expense to Ihe minimum. Ford owners get 25 per cent to 60 dot cent more mile age per gallon with Veedol Medium, because it not only resist* destruction by keet and minimizes the consequent formation of sediment, but also reduces low by evap oration to a negligible quantity. Ford Owners find that, figured by miles of service, if not by cost per gallon, Veedol .ucufum proves much more enonomical than ordinary If you haven't secured one of our booklets on lubrication, you should call around and get it. Its yours for the asking. E. V. GAINEY, Dunn, North Carolina I FOB SALE—»• BUSHELS OP corn in U» (buck. First pure ha*, or at |2 a barhrl g*t» the corn. Cannndy and Tilgtunaa, Dana, N. C. FOB BENT OB FOB SALE— IM acre*, thirty-one cleared s dumped with exception of fonr or Sr* acre*, an Clinton to Payrttarllle High way raaaiag by Charley Hall’* place; reran mile* to AotryrHIe orav and day road; Sre room hnuM in good repair; oororal good outbuilding*; good term*. Kina farm Oood place far mergrtle man who want* to own a farm. Dr J. B. Batter. 4-IS-tf ■■■■■' —I LIGHT WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED IT Oar Extension cord spot light on your nut odoes It Throws s clear, white hrlfliant light for Mveral hundred feet down Uie road. For the aatobt who does much night driving or sees dark streets, this dandy sent light is the thing. Come took It over. Fall Use el Aeeeossrlos wed flannlns Feed Farts z.v amm

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