V«l. • NO HOPE FOR EARLY RELIEF FROM POOR RAILROAD SERVICE lUtpouible For Conditions, Report Soys. DIRECTOR CHAMBERS SUMMARIZES WORK Tsarist Travel and D nleyomt la Southwmt Demand Had Of Equipment—9,21g,XM Train Mfl« Added Daria* Year—Dtaim* Car Servies ihnws layroraamt Washington, Feb. 11.—The strik ing increase in passenger travel dar ing the Inst two years which haa beeo largely reeponaihle for the difficulty of supplying sufficient pas senger equipment wn indicated In the •annual report of Edward Chambers, director division of traffic of the Railroad Administration, to Walter D. Hines, director general of rail roads, for tho year 2910 made public to-day. Mr. Chambers (bowed that a total of approximately 46,202, •27,366 rssssnpeee were carried l mils la ISIS, or an Increase of 17.2 per cent over 1917 end an increase ef M-6 per eeat ever 1919. “With constantly increasing vol ume of passenger bnsincm sad little hope of early additions to passenger train equipment.” said Mr. Cham ber*, ‘'it la important from the viewpoint of public convenience that them be na ebendimmaat af the present pinna for tho conservation af service.” Director Chambers pointed oat that aa soon as possible after the endfcm of the war former train ser svtea has base restored to such *x . taut as seamed Justified by the pub lic need without, however, the rein statement of expanhve duplicate terries aad without disturbing the AiiRiiffi—«ti lnatitxitf d 4txrln» Out early months of tho Railroad Ad ministration under which th* arriv ing and leaving tins* of trains of tho different railroads hntween common peine- was adjusted to serve boat the pohtie convenience. Ho added that certain train scbadalks have . boon shorten ad to. (emit of faster Ma vis* between, the Imgcr niMiii ld e hi term, oooae of.** Putted trains have been rset seed to thib Termer added in the western put of the United States alone In excess of traia foDoago canceli-d daring th* war was represented by #,*16,204 additional train miles par year. This being necessitated by tourist travel, development of commerce generally, aad especially tho new oil develop ments in tho Sonthwsst. Hr. Chambers also pointed out that a Con sistent effort has been made to effect desirable and coaveairnt c-on sec tion* between pose soger trains at tn tericr Junction*. and a ceaspetltfve campaign has been conducted with very saeeesgfui results, having far Ha object an increase in the number of trains on time. Mr. Chambers pointed got that it was impossible to make many of these changes to bring sbeat better service to the public until well along in 1010, because of IM very heavy soldier travel dne to tk* rotors of the army from France, which con tinued until wall along Into the ram mer. Consolidated ticket ofleea have now been established in 108 contort, according to Mr. Chambers. "These •fleet recehre seemingly th* univer sal commendation of tnc public." He said that the saving In rental aloat resetting from these consolidations amounts approximately to *1466,076 and miacailanoooa ■rum amounts to even aaora, la aptlo of tha mate rial increase In wags* mated to tha employe. Ha added that should tha consolidated officaa cantinas throughout 1920 tha.a would bo a •till farther reduction la th* eoa* of operation. Hatter Dials* daailaa. Among other nnproromoate la sarrto* mentioned by Mr. Chamber* wa* the battering of meal* an din ing ear*, unification of taraainal facilities, natformity In aerrica and priaaa far mania at railroad atettena, standard table d'hote maal ohoeka, standard alac mans oarda, and also uniform prices for tooeorial and clothe a pressing aerrica. Ha alao C fat ad eat that baggage equipment a bean pealed so a* to radneo to a minimum th* congaaUon of bog gaga sad tha incidental delay* ra • jftlng tbarafram. Farther peogTsee has alaa bean made la th* seat ter of (bapliAcatUn °f Uma-tablaa, folders, ate., aad ■rortatona bar* been mad* far tba waning Of additional consolidated tiy tables showing tha ethadnl** by raOranda between oomman points, tha* adding awdasiaPr to th* eourenlanaa of th* pobtte- 1b* t"rduJTr~u" hm bean (ranted with headquarter* (, >tew Taab, CWetorh Atlanta far tha «* commodation of tha pabHe aad (b* diaaamlnatiaa of information. As a raaoH, rofjtte from thetataatee Da the aatfawSTpaurkaTml loyad the greatest pntoanaga la that* klstery. Director Chamber* patatad aad la Um prmnratWn and pabbantian *f toiMb, tbs handling of rate gw tlona. routine of freight, ate. “lYa aonJtiona during tba roaon atrncttoa parted.” th* rapMt mid, “bar* mad* H aeeaaaary to MtoMlm •ear* near aowadlte rate* to mart s?£rrtSbffiW‘-“’ • ■ ■■ ■ • ROAD MOVE MS NT CROW* IN SOUTH The movement to build bard surfaced highways continue* on the upward swing and reports from all (action* of the South indicate that the people are tak ing up the light la earnest for good roads. Tbs economic necessity of permanent high ways is becoming more and mare apparent ia all commun ities end there is an ever (row ing sentiment that ia building reads, those of (ho permanent type, suitable for service 365 days in the year are really the cheapest la the end, despite the higher first cost, as compared with dirt roads. The maintenance cost of par-' sd roads, coupled with the ser vice they reader is the beat ar gument far that type of coa- ' etruction. No other surface will gtvs as ttntvaraally satisfactory haulage to all types of vehicles. The tremendous number of au tomobiles in use sad tbs con stantly increasing use of tbs mo tes track ere clearly demon strating tbs importance of real highways Motor tramportatioa, espec etally at a tuna whoa railway facilities are uncertain and in adequate, is proving of humeral benefit in helping solve ths transportation problem, aad the extent to which meter vehicles can be aAcisutiy used la limited only by ths number of mites of good roads.—Industrial and En gineering News. e - ■ - ■ . . n □Tim COMPANY STARTS HERE SOON Op* ratio** Eapaated T* Start Withia Thirty Day*. Uddl* Say*. Doan'e health of tb« Durham KaUtbkg MOb wtU begin operation withia thirty day*, aocordlng te aa anaotaacameat mad* ytatarday by T. L- Riddle, eecretary of tba Chamber af Commart«, after « Baal dmlw aaea with T- C. Harral, Bald rayce •aatdtlT* of tba mill ama».. W. ( 8. 8. Barren, wbebto be Waal, ■unhger af tba plant, wffl move kb , atboa te Dm^ early aagt waak. Ha , will mg irtatead tba jiuek. .of re Mare will be etarted to work oa ibltr Monday Doming. The wareboune U to be ceded and rot late aeretal nom, bet it la not probe bit that it will be enlargad for aererel month* te com*' Ereotoal ly, however, tba company will add two or three Soon to the building if auAcieat labor can be gotten te operate a plant eo large. at. Bar- , rati eta ted that the company weald , urn all tha fnaala labor tea town | and aarroaadtng country could cap ply. Applicatiene for employment have poured Into'the ofiVcee of the Cham ber of Commerce daring the I eat week. Nearly all applicant* wdl be taken, aHhet^h it la improbable that more than 100 will be given place* la tha Initial training ecbool. New claaaae will he etarted each Monday morning after the Bret la trained. Learner* will Ba paid $0 a week while learning. Whoa they became pro Sclent they efll be paid oa a “piece-work” babe end win be Thar* are few la tha company** em ploy. mid Mr. Barrel], who earn lam than #S* • wmk. Mr. Kidd I* will notify all appli cant* when to report for doty. AMERICAN EXPORTS IN 1010 MAKE NEW HIGH RECORD Waahingten, D. C.—American ex port# ia 1*1# exceed by 14.017,000, 000 th* total of Import* la tha n< ported, eatabli filing a new record, the Department of Coeaneree, re port*. Export* for 1(10 were val ued at »7,**1,004,©00, compered with #4.140,000,000 for lilt. Im port* la 1*14 war* valued at (I, 0*4,000,000, aa exeaa* of |I1I, 000,000 ever thorn for 1*14. white Kraater than la December, 1*14, there we* a decline both in exports and import* Wat December. The decree** la import* In Decem ber, compared with the previous month, wa* 141,000,000. RETURN Or SOLDIER DEAD LEFT TO DECISION OF KIN Wafitiagteu, IX C.—To obtain from relative* of Amerlonn sol dier* buried In Praam a definite uo derataadlng of thetr wishes regard ing the return of the bodiea, the War Depertawaeit ha* malted *4,774 card* to the aaxt of hia of them man. Thu* far 74.TT0 realise hae* ban* reaatved tram th* rJuHveg. In thl* number wore 44,900 answer* from perrons who requested the return of the bodies. Th# War Department repeats Ha former aaauraaee that a pan request af th* next ef kin the body of a deceased soldier will be returned to tike Untied State*, but again calls attention to th* fact that th# French Government ha* ruled that for the present a* he dim gtfAt removed frees the ecu* ef the Imete*. Pee Ip ewe Meeting. Although there la a* Influanm ta Red Spring* tha committee having sharas ef the.air-far th* i**fT tl after aauauhntiau srtth tha psm AL’i^a^is. • • COTTON GAMBLERS FORCE DOWN PRICE Head A marie a ■ Cotton Aaao ciation Say a Moat Bulliah Outlook la 60 Year*. Columbia, 8 C.. Pah. 7.—la a •Utcmenl Issued here today, J. Skottowe Wanamaker, president ef the American Cotton Aaaociatioe, eharye* that a combine ha* bean formed by certain European and Amor lean ramblers, manipulator* and peculator* to boat doom the price* of cotton and to affect tba direct aalc of off-grade cotton. Re declared that seporti received by the association from Europe and from thU country *bow the absolute cer tainty that demand far exceed* the f'fnvaetig.tion made throughout Europe and Amerlen,” mid Mr. •ver existed in cotton in th* last •• years. There is every indication that combine* of manipulator! and manufacturers in EnoUnd .*d Mil Buropo W. are convinced that the English manufacturer U raaptag luge profits. He la selling his maao ractnrad product practically with oat rose petition. A tremendous nrooor Jon of the manufacturers at Eu rope are unable to secure the raw podact and the field is tntirelr •pen to the English spinners, In lorriewa and Incest tea tlops bring to light the fact that Eqnpe will Im »OTt the largert ameadt at Ateert tnd European potato effort ta 5e5?t^ff W ssrasf ng reports that are being sent oat root naropanh countries are pure sbrications manufactured for the purpose of enabling the spinner to urn his production still more, fab tlous earnings by farcing tbe south o sacrifice raw cotton. With the In formation In oar poaaasaioa we droagly urge the south to refuse to ■orifice, a bale of cotton at preaaat irlcM. “We find that tbe law of supply md arau&d when it once bwoaM operative will require «r«ry belt of raw cotton at price* far higher thaa lbs highest price being paid today. IENATOR BROWN IS NOT MAKING ANNOUNCEMENT As Ta Far Slate Of Agriealtara. Before returning to bis borne at Chadbourn yesterday. Senator 3. A. Brown, who on Tuesday night at tended the Americanisation moating ■t the O. Henry, was questioned In mgerd to the report that be would be a candidate for srtato commis sioner of aeririiltnrr ta Ike TVne. rmtie primary this year, but ha de fied to make a definite statement la thia connection. However, Senator Brown did state that there (a a remarkably bread Held for oerriee in tbo commUrioner tolp and he Indicated that he bad been giving aomv thought to Urn question. The Chadbourn man, who (* ®“® of tbs ablest mambere of tbo rtate senate. bus boon given aasur aaca of enthualaeUc support from ■any quarter, in the west be do eW“ ** enter tbs ruee and it ie gea anlly heUwed that be would prove a very formidable candidate. That MsJ. W. A. Graham, the prmaat eta to eommweioner of agri caltoiu, will be t candidate to see faed himself is regarded as certain, •tooegk several mouths ago it wss rumored that be expected to retire from public office at tbo eiooe of tbo pv—eat term. , *" *tow of the eoutinoed reports to ,**• «*fet that Senator Brown wjjlprohebty bo a candidate far tbo d2r*M!t *• jlholy that bo will iaeue a definite statement eonearaia* the to the early ftrtur*. OOVBBNMENT SAVED MILLIONS CANCELLING WAN CONTEACTS . Wasfciagton, IX C-—la a formal statement to a eonferonre of dtvto rommaadei'i. Major General Burr reported that In the adjust, ■ant of IS,000 ef tbs S7,S»0 con ducts and ebMgsiiena by which tbe War Department was begad at the ttoM at Ua armistice, "the Oeveru fteto. be said, lavetvad mere than two thou wad million dolten. toyee Not Oa “Dry" Bay Be*. .. N*w York.—Everts teat Wll Jto"1 leaning* Dryuu waa eu the efthe And Baleen League to* * #*w tooetem. but far astttag • ••••• * * • , . s VT jr • • INFLUXKZA CtaM ' OATMUlikj^mCZS • • jnt • • ChureSw, tohooji2t»otion • • pie tor*, ttm te^^B* tad • • other pertt of HUrJ^fCounty • • effeeted by tfce^^Kte epf- * ' “l. or until ouch UmflEjl dim- • e **r d cootinnod • • today by the Ce-j^HLard of • • Health. The ordar^^P • "All chare bee, edJBwbtlon • • picture ahowt and a^B Blares • • ef public f-tberiortHEJ be • • cloaed- jntll ^hUr^jj^y until a • condition! will purSEf-opcn- * "Schooli in the jSfer not • • infcoted by tin dis—^Kd com- • • mo oft tea where tiiSLc haa * • not hpaeared. and W It ap. . • pear, that there iliBon for • • cloela*. the oboe, not • • apply oatil rach tlrnHfthc in_ * • fluenaa may appear t3B*c com • • moiutied." ¥T e s. Hm County puBa o • to pat thi» order U^^Ect. • • • m financial dusTTWai SAYS arKAgj^yiLLETT Oaly Thrift Frw Hitaey. Ha D«Em>. SprilSaM. ~mTT X United SUM ■ facta* the dBt financial criaU fa to Jtotery, di|s Speaker Frederick^!!. OQlette, jBfe national houee ef laprceentatjerTbi an ad draea hate before l^Btnoea , The preeent ki*b of Uwtac. be told, la doe Ihrnlw ■Hie rraatto At no tlm« ban tk* wage rata* of farm labor bean aa kkh la thla coun try aa tkn war* la 1*1*, certainly a* far back a* 1IM wkaa tk* Brat inT*atigatlon of thh rabjec* wa* made by the Bara* of Crop Kctl ■wtaa, United Mata* Department of Ajrricalture. Atom*** for the Un ited State* are la im»d, and not. lo cal iai«*. For labf hired by Iha mo-iMi with board, •* average talc was MB.n, aad nmj tk* ptf rapblc diviaion* tk* *»*r*ge waa aa low a* M0.B4 la t» .South Atiaatk •nd a* high aa UlSt £ tk* Waatara, including the Moodaln* end FeeiSc Staten Wit bout baa'd- tk* average fat A* United waa *44.19, and tk* lowaat we* *44.09 la the South Atlantic 8tatt* aad the Mgh •* M7.lt la the waatorn. Extra*, rack a* A rewood. W^L, **-, are not included. Average for Uattrf State* *9.1* Hanraat wage* par day wttk beard •Uwfaripjrf river *ad \ + b m I ■ware or *u non ««—dad hrlltt. U tha former •tatof, while tha hd*r atataa had tha Wwjat overate, ***. 9tat«aaia la *hllar foam far Q *** for wotk oataid* at hair 2? .»*tS board igko tha UaMad ®to*“ overate that of tha Not^i Central fit* waat of tha ttUaMrol river * * *, and of tha «• «* tha South hgaatle Sutaa and "«rt to tha lowe** tha loath Caa ta rataa la 111* ** tata — _Z all »»a"ta'"the“l#5h'centS Bute! ]—« of tha WfitiM Hear. Tha barcoBtaga* of pah, |„ all IISsv^rH12 t I ■« I ti M ■ b I ■ ■ ■ terras Sf££sd wtgi tpHjyd t» • »ar 3 ZZZ REVALUATION ACT DECREASES TAXES] So Says Covaruar Hrkatt (a RrrMwmi Action Of 1919 LagisUturo. By GOV. T. W. BICERT. Every oar who studies the Kovato ation Act should at tha outsat giro tha act credit for a saving of forty **« par cast, la tha years ltlP and 1920 every property owner pays forty five par east Ian taxae than ha would have paid if tha Can era! Assembly of 1919 had set touched tha subject of valuation. THU is net aa arganaat, it la a statement af a fact. Uader tha old law there was a reassessment every fear yaars, sad If tha G astral Asa trebly of 1919 had dona nothing wtth rreport to valuation the resentment weald hgve been ande la 1919. and tha taxer for 1919 and 1929 would have been paid os this-in n 1 Thu law has been in fores for about twenty years, and ovary fear pears tharc has base a substantial in crease in vahna. ' Tha average re crease has bssa It 14 par cant. Thera is not a nan la tha state out ride of an institution far tha tnsana or the feahla minded who does not know that tha actaal Incroaaa la property values during tho teat four yean baa bam greater Una la say faar-year period since the-mi aaent law ha. boeas on tha books. Me mortal man wiU deny that If tha aid law had been allowed to stead with out tha dotting of an *T* or tha crossing of a “t,” the values la , IMP would have been bieramad as i mach aa they have la aay four-year ' period, fast knock a* the 1 14 oar cot and ear that pirn erty valoaa i wo aid have boa beerseaed Si par cent Than ta lili, tba praperty men weald hern paid Si par erst mere taxes an tha aaai* property than they paid ia tilS. Under the Semination Act they did sat pay a eaat mors. A eimilar woaid ham ta ha paid ia ltd. hat aodtr my recommendation ta tba General Assembly this M par saat increase In 1M0 wfl] ha re ion I ta , • par cant, this far pah lie eehesls This makes a act tartar td praperty ; owners in i»fo ad <0 par eaat, aad this added U tha M ar eaat esmd £l1010 mvtaff ta tha •f the A Mttae Act. The__ toe.yoar 1118 ere dmtetwe___ 1.. Tha pah Be mbs el term amhy 1 a practically aaaaimous rata er the I people of North Caroline increased from fear to six months. Of eagres, 1 when the people rated for this to- 1 mass of to per coot to tbs length <rf the school tana they art mat sell that It weald east SO per eaat more money, and no fair-minded — — — complain on aecooat of this in crease ta hit terse He voted it on himself. t. Tba General Assembly of 1010 increased the sal arise of i—hire ta the pahhc schools >0 per east. This was dose because the General As sembly reached the conclusion that tt wee pot only unwise, hat pidtlnli indecent to starch the young woman of toe State who wars devoting their lives to teach oar children. Before tole increase too average teacher ia the public schools got |«{ a month for teaching four months, her year*! walk netting her *100. Under the Constitution too term was lsngthaa ad to six months and the Leglstatnre increased her salary to M7J0, which makes her earn lugs for too year 0408, as increase of more than 100 P*r *•»*- tt a man is opposed to this increased tax to give to the • longer school term aad pay toe teachers wages that win heap him come oat boldly nd my to. Pkoee do Mt eherrap them ta eroaooi to the Ecrnhmtiea Act which, u heretofore eteted. redpeed the texee peid In 1*19 end 1990 41 per cent. GINNING REPOST ISSUED Me Aheed Of IMS Tolol North Caroline ginned 811,9** heiee of 1919 eotloa prior to dean ery IS. eeeerdlei to tho la teat re port of DhwetorSaa* L. Roger*, of ^tweiMink cmeee/depeit period lari peer, tho report ehowv 910,496 hale* hed been ginned. To tal* for till* diririct err Aown te he “uTvirt"!1.*7,474 99,979 S2Elit-::: 828 828 Made* . - - . 47,199 49,979 TO CHOOSE PLACE FO* STATE LIVESTOCK MEET!NO Wrri Rnkigh —OSkrr* of local Ihreetoek emoeUtloa* of the State win moot la tho eMre of Dm T. Orey, at tho Stat* College of Agrt mltare, nhoat thr 9ri#i March to deride oa the time ead place for held lag the nest meeting of tho State Llrrrioih Aarretatioar. , . Several town* have elrredy extend *d Invitation* far the next meeting, according to Mr. Ores. Thc meet leg tart peer was heM at Hildehoro. sutl s^zrzs:*ts ru.m .. The ParM* end of the IWxta Camel la farther eari than the Ah laaUe eadT BOO VEX DECLINES TO DECLARE PARTY AFFILIATION NOW Say. Will N«« Mod*. Vote Miadadt A*l» Wkoro Party Maaayors Stead. WILL STAND 1Y LEAGUE create a danger af ■laarNr rale. I do believe in party mgealraHna to rapport great Mealc and to carry neat iceaae and coartatont poUctes. Nor caa aay oae mam dictate the la euea af great portico It eppiari to aw that the hope af a great aaier Ity of ear iKie—i la ecafreatlrar Sis:"*-* 2W rSA*i.S3* 'SLi O—Uyjratll It —«■ dofaKely cp. UraVlraeriBen **'S? many Mad thh^TtSTiiqr fHeade have advaaeed ea aqr behalf. Tat I hope they «i realtae aty linearity to aot ttotog aiyaeH ta uulrttail i| 1 • I • 1 DAYUGHT SAVINGS WAS NOT KILLED BY UGHUNG CONCERNS By l. I. JONES Washington.—In the Bscats va cantly there was a sort of east mor tem on the “Daylight Saving 1Lew," and through statements thotVwa In troduced into tha fi ngTimfins* ng-ted* dm agalimt*thT“lih£ iag intarasfts" that IT ac tively eppoaed^to'tfce ^ev tor W Sheas X. CBtorf faeh, ■toted that he had Ins faaad aa rrldeane to CSeBy hearing agon the subject is Bw letter of Oscar H. Fan. secre tary-manager of tha American Oes association, to Senator Gaidar, in which hs says that "tha offset of the daylight saving lew agon gas cow aasies has base so ■sgftigrtili aa ta he unworthy of ninsida—Han. and hi several large Shall— which tha write lrrMniTIr rnmiwri. tftka farance in mle of gas. dne ta day Usdi -»- - mm mm msmU tkmi Iff when be told the employ- that -prfoe to our entmace into tha wav yap ware aa a piece-work bade aa wan as working aa a tea-hour day. Whoa tha gpearaaKut took over tha mil read*, piecework wa* Mapped. Tha — output par aaa par hear fan tl par cant. The shape war* pat oa an eight-hoar schedule. Thto eat the aatpat aa additional II par cent, aa that tha output per Baa par boar in oar daw la but *0 par cant af what H wa* before the war.** Caa Hah Parmer*. Thia I* a concrete eaaa, aad : ****** to ratify fgi tha mRroada with Tiiiii nnwhere *f _ •at haw* aarrying an a larger vel uaeaaf hadaem than under the day* •/eintroBed mltroada. th. «33arys**n*T5*au: till tha aafl, and who have staek b, their job* while turn help hm been docking to tha city, larad, a* a famar ba* pat H to tha goeean weot, by "the proud#* of deart hear*, high waga*. aad tha premia* af a good tha*," dee erne every tumidTitlon tkti Um United Stetea aaa extend to tha bad* Indent*! which retie* tha feed for humanity. MahJMr. Meredith le apt tafca hi* awn dapartamat wha Ilk# ether govern* dnea they am < the policy that I .. other* have attempted la l*a t* the ditrteiiat af _ t*Z*'lsz~h7r .bJr*«css *: rwaity for tha Mia aad avfla la fa cial aad tedmtrtal Ufa that aaa cry

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