v«l • 69,791 BIRTHS IN STATE DURING 1919 Avc»|« Birth Rate Per Thou sand For State Is Twenty-Nine CLAY COUNTY HICHEST WITH 41.4 PER 1,000 Harnett County Slightly Above State Average With 29.2; Weyae County Pbystciona Convictod For Failure to Ropoet Births N. C. Above Average Rata For Country. C«n»ui enumerators beginning their work on the Oral day of the year found ju*t 60.791 more babiri to count than they would have found had they begun their work a year earlier, according to figures given out by Dr. K. M. Register HtuU Epi Jumiolojrbl who In ab*o in charge of birth* in the State per 1,000 pop ulation ii computed at 29 or five more than the average For the ei» tire countv in the regiNtration area. Clay county acnobr^ thr honor of having more childnR boro per 1,000 population than any other county in the State, it* average Mng 41.4, and the county of Currituck, down at the end of the commonwealth, givoa the woivt evidence of race suicide with an average of only 11 births per l ,(K>0. Harnett county is slightly above the State average with 29.9. MnunUmouis counties, fur the roowt part, report higher average* than do coonticA mairr the low rater are within »ight of the ocean, but no parlirulMi -deni (leaner l» attached to this fact. Ncw-Hanover has the lowest rate of any of the- cvntcrr of population. rv__ C"_: _ .: a_a In giving out thr figure* Dr. Reg ister announced the first conviction that has been secured in his recently inaugurated campaign In have doc tors comply with the law requiring vital statistics to be reported In spectors arr at work In various part* of the Stale chocking the moras to determine whether there hns liven i arelcssnes*. The firat physician | convicted *«> Dr. H< nderaon Irvin of Eureka, Wayne county, on two count* He was fined $15 and co.sts. The report by counties is a* fol low* : Alumanacc, 27 2; Alexander, 31.5: Alleghany, 20.8; Anson. 26.2; Ashe 28.6; Avery. 28.4 Beaufort. 25.6; Bvrtic, 26.7; Bladvn, 31.4; Brunswick. 25.2; Bun combe. 22 5; Burke, 18 9. Cabarrus, 31.2; Caldwell. 26.4; Cherukco, 22.8; Chowan, 26.8; Clay. 41.4; Cleveland. 33.3; Columbus,' 27.4; Craven, 24.5; Cumberland. 22.9; Currituck, 11.6. Dare 21.3; Davidson, 30.4; Davie, 27.7; Duplin, 29.7; Muihum, 28.9. Edgecombe. 31.7. Forsyth, 35.6; Franklin. 35.6. Gastnn. 32.7; Gales. 21.9; Gar ham, 19.3; Granville, 21 2; Crecne. 37.1; Guilford. 29.8. Halifax, 27 2; Harnett. 29 2; Hay wood. 27.8; Henderson, 26.0; Hert ford. 27.6; Ilokc. 18.9; Hyde. 20.1. Iredell. 26.6; Jackson, 21.9; John son, 31 6; Jones, 25.6; Lee. 30.7; Lenoir, 31.1; Lincoln, 29.3. Macon, 28.7; Madison. 28.2; Mar tin, 35.5; McDowell, 3u8> Mecklen burg; 21.7; Mitchell. 19.8; Mont gomery, 29.7; Moore, 23.3. Nash. 33.2; New Hanover. 19 9; Northampton. 28.8. Onslow, 25.7; Orange, 30.1. Pamlico, 22; Pasquotank, 22.6; lender, 22.5; Perquimnna. 22.8; Peraon, 22.1; Pitt. 32 S; Polk. 23. Randolph, 29.8; Richmond, 25.7; Robeson, 18.9; Rockingham. 32.1; Rowan. 26.3; Rutherford. 26.1. ) bampeon 37.2; Scotland. 26; 8tan-| Ivy, 38.7; Stokes, 37.1; Surry, 80 6; Swain. 84.1. Transylvania. 28.6; Tyrell, 28.2. Union, 26.9. Vance, 28.6. Wake, 29.6; Wurri-n, 36; Wash ington. PRISONERS BREAK FOR LIBERTYi ONE IS SHOT Two Eocopo From Cumberland Jail Whil* Another lujoced By Officer. Fayetteville, Match IS.—a negro prisoner named HotchKi* waa shot t»y Deputy Sheriff A1 Pate when three inmate* of the Cumberland county jail made a break for liberty here at 10 o'clock tonight The other men. Ike Even*, negro, charged with mur der and a white man, awaiting trial for automobile theft, excupcd. Pate wae attacked by HotrhkW*. A negro trinity came to the aid of the deputy and the three men struggled from the door of the Jail Into the •treet before P*te could get hla gun into play The negro ie not danger ously wounded The throe men cawed ben from their cell*. Motehklao occupied a cell with Kvana, who la the moat Im portant of the three. R, killed Tom Reeve*, negro. In a card gamo here Chrlxtmw day. and «„ raptured by Pate and Sheriff McQ«achy a month later. ._ A whit® prtaoner named Autry, charged with automobile stealing, i* thought to hav* planned the eocttp* and wax removed to the city lockup. County official* tyetyod warning of an Intended Jail delivery some time l _____ . FOUR HUNDRED KILLED at RIEL DURING ROMRARDMElPr London, Match 10.—Ifour hundred pareone are reported to hav, been allied and many wounded In • bombardment ef Kiel by tho Oey. man eruiaor Rekornfoerdo, *an ■ Caniral New* Hl»f*tch froo, "•Ran quoting •** Rhrtrahledete K(,i tory*ap#ndenL ■ DEEDS' Of AMERICA'S FIGHTING PICTURED ON MILES'OF FILMS I Washington. II. C._Nearly Ikli miles of film, picturing the lire and n.-h.evcinenl* of Ameri can ioldie-s in Frmice. England I Belgium, Italy, Kuista. Germany umi Americu dining the World I War are indu-led in the collec tion of historical document and dnla in the fireproof vaults , ' of the Signal Corps in Wash- I 1 ncton. The stories of valor 1 ami sacrifice told by the*., film? I are a great stimulus Cn pa- I erotism. Already good use ass I liean made of them hy schools. I college*, auliliera' awe .cations. I historical societies and urgnni- | : fttlinns < ne.ij-r) in "American- j notion" of foreigner*. j I Tin ongiiud cogntivcH nr 1 fliere finis. Mi ter having been da- ' pl eated, were h si rm.iCH Py ral- * cd and arc kept under rondi- j Inns that insure ih'-ir prt-serra- i tion for an indclinitc pe riod. At I f K-cjUcni '.ilereals they ore in- | apcctcd with the object of dln covering mid nrteMlng any J I change or iller-orntiiei. The I duplicate negative* are u-od for per ting win nev r a new film is I di-aired. I I I-* addition to they, "mos'ie.** 1 of the army in actual war, then' arc about d.OttU.UIIO feet I i of film, cc-inprVtnjr a4xty-two ‘ *<|Minte subjects, foi uac in ! training recruit* and n lllu*- | trating in the officer*' class I | mumt special not dr-iiv the nomination, bul »r^h Tn»l. hr oyvck it to prog \>aivi democ racy to go to the party’s Ns t»onrl rmemtiun “to help in oppoi ing the isactinnarirsi und friends of th-.* saloon," mcording to the state-1 lent Mr Bryan's statement took the /niV MTVKfrr'H^prrRl^ntial rare. He sold h< ,,n,cogn:/.«yl io he thi duly uf lh«* ci?»r.^n l«» .> t»ond l.*> r.*H •;i hi* i;nu* lr*/ in prat? or wt ,M “If thr situation became such that mv noRiinnl wr, wm o< tually dcn.snd • d, a/ in time of war a soldier’* life is demanded on the butllefirld—I would fed 1 should consider it.’’ he Mid “I hope that n*» iorh situation will •c::**- *:.»* I do ini r*ow sv*> »ny pni •Ibilitv that fi.ch a •citualinn will Mr. Bryan naid the demand* of jv.iblir life fi.r thirty veto had do-' »»rj%«J him of the companion* hip of1 his family und that h;* now desired “to look for* trd to a fr-w yi-ar* of uninterrupted happiness at home/’ whore- hr t-ooM devotr hiv time to literary work. Hr added that bo hud nt»1 lort intrrmt in publle question/* but prefe:red tn aid >«>ur.g men to *'r*rry on the people'* uum-." "Wo have great ‘xmet L. fore u»." ho **id. ''nr.d mighty work for llioitp who uv willing to put the welfare of thr puhlir above their own cnee wnd comfort eno risk nil in the pro trctlon of thj common people from the Assaults of privilege. " Beside* not desiring the nomina tion. I think it it my duty to the u.oyreaaivc Pemorrnu of the^ notion lo «o at u dclt/rate to the Vationnl convention, if Nebraska demand* it. and aid them in opposing the rear, tionarir* and friend* of the *a ioons. Thi* 12 my potitio* and I conclude with a heart overflowing with ycHtitnilr Tor the loyalty end confidence which my friend* have manifoated.” IN FEDERAL PRISON HE RUNS FOR PRESIDENCY Atlanta, Ce., Hnreh 11.—Eugene t• Dcfcn. former candidate for Pre*l ifnl of the United Staton, now nr nraato of thr Federal penitentiary. gnrrn hia consent for the one !f bin name an a 1‘rcaidontial can ihl.te in the coming Michigan pri. itanr, according to a rtatement made iunlKhl by Warden Fred B. Zerbat >• the nriaon. . ,, *™C>1 Zerbat State,I that a dele gation of Midi loan Socialist. vltited Jv* i at the prieon laat wm-K and obtained hie content to the ute of •" * candidate in the primary. Owing to prison Un”ht W“’ 10 **• f>rb« THE HORSE AND THE MOTOR. rh.Ra>Lie!!n^S^ 11 B",Jr ^ true that ™'„!?faitr,v*\ *ohlclc ha. begun ’,0r,r the run,” th'.re i* no ey.dencc that ho hit do >ri!Tdin’"*’**'’• nml hl* total value dill compare, favorably wit* Plhnf cInline* Of farm animal*. On Januaiy 1, l»«0. the Bureau of Oret Krtimote. of th. UnJtJdlRati. 32 partntent of Agrlcnit,,^ ctimd*o (•'i*rt•*«r* I'Vig ^n^pait, : N**w«rk. N. .1 f brow or, aud n i.-\r rnniert app< a!t • « injunction »vcc«x*d ip«» Mgui.irt the Manitowoc I'rodur* tonipnu), a Winruncin coil t cr Th two .if pial ('».»«* i-*n!y prind* ra,fl^ b* the vability of flu* ».,».hib' * oi an* Mian* m in-*.f.i* it -r'alr* ! ‘•i tl’ manufacture of hti-r nllrgud ;y br nondMuxirktin'r The* gov ->T'm.*nt won thr f*rpi. r bu« lu*t :h. Ini., raw in th... ow»r eo.nl*. , Th ti’iid iiUo 'i, i|*t oilv:>« • i nu nt iita*' i*>u n: U*ne of th* mui ndmmt and I *.■'" ' chtca.J get dork. trd Tedav .... *#0 Vork ami K«* F:m uhoo • he fore* w r »»»•«•»•’ e.tul.cd f cm the vd I*v Ih-* ron» ninatl h '-ifioa* f***r a i f ,Ho court*) J*’'«** leiderdlip »! the World Pro hibition Federal n:i w. nnnnur.rad *• /'*». Rrv T*r Chair, Sr anion. | r, t *’*• horr. yvnerut -ccr I ary of I rhi* Pr< ch> t. nun Poord of Tcmpr*-1 ince acil Mon! Welfare. “W" (hout regard In erect1, party, race. try cr nthn- diat:-u>;luii.n n.rtl r>r. Scailon. "trr rhul %•«!!; through Ih * me t sgiinat a'roltul aid niyK. ■! **>•*." -io*1 the roRimi rinji on Tcmporar.rr of the Ftileral Cour.r*l of Church.-*, 't r;s ttr.nocnr* *t havi* hern eom * n d w.tti the World Prohibition f dernl on l.nt *n n 'lititm to Ihr rnrieu* dc.ioniii.3lior.il acpncic- cn ■ -oriit inp if ‘.he «o* the fiend Temple.-*, Soot t*f T*-mper un. e, Proh.b tion pally, United So ciety for Pill '..liar Fn.leavor and ' it.in&tloral Sunil*;* Stliool A*-*tn ■iit'ion Th I't.lhnli' Priest** Pro-1 h hit1-*** ten true heatb-d by Father C.ejrKe Znrcher. of North Evuna. N. > . and Father J. J. Curran, of| W*r-.er-Ttn re. Pa., «!oo has joined ’h. mmptVn. it wna stair it. The! A-1 d-SnWin I eneot- lin» * o', become ufili ate*; with the mnvent'-nt. CHINESE EXECUTIONERS EMPLOYED BY RUSSIANS W.lling. Practical, Uaiaottorrl Toole Of lb* Murderer* Who Pay and Food Than*. Airtte-tlam. Feb 27 -(By Aa -oriated Prcitt,)—The cormapondenl of the Ilar.ikL-btad who *ei*-ntty re turned from a trip in auvlcl Buraia aivec the following Account of hi* 'iterationtton* of the nctlviti** of the ClPnoAe cmplovi-il there by the bol >h ri'it an * xceulinncr*. , "Such horrible **iorl*- wed' be t. hi in Europe about their* Clin-.o that I thought it Worth my w t l *° l»>«r» about (him. A* s Jolt*', 1 n?kvd every one who inlet<1 my opinion of th. bnMicviki to •how Me ti.ni: ‘real m*:n-k»llina Chincae. Hut I w»t olwave ' .Id that they rouMnt produic r.nv junt now &Tnetf^n,“H *" **" ma-eUri i.y their ey" „£cr. tari ff1 thclr^ bUt th' ' ran ,ikp harp* rf Muir officer* w.r» killed M^ow°7n("'C "l”" V4/Ty r»T» ‘n Moarow, but, in August. when thou. ,a«A> ot 'counter-revolutionari#.' wc . ei-mrhUrcI n *„ carried ont hv t». Lhinw bofjtuar t»vr author! jea.ed the Ruminn wolclfi. re wo'il.1 ref one In do tbo work_ •Th- CJunrrn do 0.i» work in differently— lifco they rf0 .u other work ‘hey aro ordorrsl to perform Th«» blind, roa*ciimeeL*a tooli II the hand* of th« men who feed them and par them and who rained *bem from the poaitioa of cooli. in arhirh they mmc to Ru,,lM to tl.a rs.uk of soldier of the guard*. "If the ‘bed, >J»k.* hi. rams for bol ahrvik, order* aomethiog. the Chi new doe*i It. and he does it in hi* ty»|. enlly prutieul wav. Kr firat mak.r lh- victim dig; hi* own gray* and then ahoota him With hi- r.rvolvar It* 1* »<* rrt»*l • boat it, .‘out nrae tieal." F SURRFVOKR IMPERIAL FUND BeHin, Marrh Id. —(By Auaociat.' w. .» B. , fcroWfk r„k Roadway IV .a . ; V “ b“'Wnir» and H ith plan, fo-f .. ompi., V- cons.nl* ,|d wjthin ,h tcropUna landing iarway it now **;• l‘*«k County Fair >o 1 1* I th. f # ctnch it* Wat...n will , ^ U Camlln. plan- na a Ivadtrv tO.— 'thU ynar .vnocii y.n orcan of th. or 1).rector* and .llr • at th. Fair rr.'tita'ian met T • *». .It., for •1-unas tt> du-cid* tw nj and a now >•?» marhlnc.-yj i? u.-blnery hall -..i trv hou*.. * ifeet and will oc •e.ll bc .ixty by b [oral Halt. Th. tb* *•»* o€\{ b. twenty-foor wulttj- house wllu.ni Ktand Juat 'y sixty f.ot an ' noth of the call! mobile na A I ai.tomubila ' in th. ma s'h'ncrv will be q epace will chincry build in* nn at the *"• «i to co ^ n foot. Tho *2 *0 jMt loop by booth. »,n b« Tl.r bu.ldlny twenty f. rt _mil. « --- -Ml or wtMH.vIm,, *u g*ch ifWtd 1k« y™ mtcWnrry w*« *y "urtend in ' P°hilu “* ?' *'*’ Th. »M : W'Bm ?L if** * ■'r* entirely building will be1 1 * - l41 -nlr1>l a.‘\U * oJETu. ’(Tort will bf “ hiirw*+t pnaltry .how m^T ; f»**« r as X 1‘ngtun m of OI> ^ V ill devote m_. while Mr '^r.lyr''\^ry dr; mak. that luriiiirlnr is ngO, - - rrtaLrd In , o' male .nd «?• ***** *■ | th* State. *. „ ■ Tranorcr fcd £ tl..l1 Tllshmaa. wlw la th* oryanisa tloii of th* company. liens torougb vnicft the road 1* lo come Into Dun* fro being worked cut and win probably be sobmlttad In 'own authorities with in the next few week e. ThaW pinna howerar, will not bo mad* public until the deal ia closed. The road, it la un derstood, win approach the eastern edge of town over the TUghman I amber rouii right of way, which ia to he used for a grater part of the di-t.incc between Punn and low boro. Both Bcnaon and Clinton ara saak Inr bide for tha r°ad Beaten de sires that it be made the weaters terminus Inatoad of Dunn. Clinton, if it cannot ba made the eastern terminus, dsatraa the conatruetlon of a rpor which won*give It an nut let to the wsaL There Is small pt o liability that B*Mon wfll ha sue civaful in its effort*, although It la Mid to he wilting to purchase ■ large block ef the company's stock, Clinton may he aeeeeasful if its citi m n« will construct and equip the spur thorns*Ira*. Capital for the construction ol the rood ia being raised among tht people whose interests He along tin proponed right of way. No sildl capital Is asked fee. No bends wil be iwued, it U Mid ■Inekton, Miss. March l«.—Usui ;B W. Maynard, Iks "Mying pamoa, | attempting to resume his Might tat today for New OrlMns, collided wit a r*ump and broke tha pmpsUtr a hh, machine and will be detains he v two or three day* until ropali can be made. As mneh thrift Is required hi kee| Ing as la acquiring. ENGLISH SPINNERS EVIDENCE WORRY TK*y Ur** Plan* To Crow Staple Within (he British Empire Itself. Manchester, Kng.. Jan.* 21.— (By Acaoriatrd Press.) -Lancashire cot' ton interests are so .siiously dis turbed icirardins the fulure supply it raw cotton, that a spot-iul acet n* of the rhamher of commerce teas railed recently to consider "the ser ous menace to the stspl* trade of Lancashir* winch may cries in the •vent of America's inability to sup ply this country's future ih-miu.d for aw cotton.” The meeting also adopted a rtwh. -on calling on the guve liincnl to take immediate steps »„ p-umnti the Rowing of col (on within the Uiitish . nipirs. Rdivin Stocks'.oo, presiding, refer td to the pc-s;mistr reports brought bark by delegate* who had •(tended the cunfert ties at New Or-1 Vans, and said it must b* remem bi-red if anything cmriined to in terrupt materially the supply of raw eottun to Lancashire, the buai:ic«* her* would be luted with possible •uin ar.d 1 hr whole country would utfar. The speaker cited »minor. *atlve reports r.-guiding increased .'ensumptiur. In Aon-riia and dt-, ! easad production of cotton o.nd, mid: "It would scam that the grow 11, g of cuUun within the rmpire would j .'.main one of the most desirable *b i*cta which our da teamen could fntfsr " Sir William Button. ’ member of parliament, p eposed u resolution recording a aunt* of danger of a fu ture shortage or cotton and urging the government to take stipe without filay to advance by every mean* in iia poorer the growing of cotton within tho empire lie thought Mesopotamia the most hopeful root to meet tha needs of Lancashire. Keypt. he aalrf. Had intraased it*) rereage by oO tier cent, in the last I 26 year* but the total crop had' scarcely increased and he expected' very little help from India. T. Crook thought the money spent J*» frying to g.ow Br.tish cotton had bron to a lavge extent wasted and that America was the asost likely place to increase the Lancashiiu cot ton aupply. Sir William burton’* rranlution wax adopted. [Since the mr-ating referred to in '.he foregoing, the British ’ empire cotton growing commilUv has rrcom-l mended that ihv British board of trade grant £ 10,009 for five year* to that committee to hhftr*o*A ^ * growth of cotton wittun the empire | ]»« committee staud that thr) British cotton industry drew four-, fifths of its supplies from thi • United States and said there was evi- j lorsec of * world shortage of cotton. Confidence was cxpieased by the committee that if proper measure* were laker, it would be possible to grow within the empiie “a very :atwo proportion of the ro'lo.v it re quires.’’] PEOPLE DO NOT TaVOR PROHIBITION, HE SAYS Campers Declare* NaKody Want* It But “a Few Feaetits’’—Cordially Dsmnsd By Everybody. Trenton, N. J.. Mar. 15—A pre sentation of labor's tsure again* men in pablic life was made by Sam u*d Go timers, president of the Amer ican FecfiTution of tuhnt , a), a labor maas meeting held here today under the auspices of the Ifncer county! central labor union. He declarrd | that the men in office who hav«- not' cariied out labor's wishes should be •'elected to a vacation. Referring to proliihitiun. tha speak er said that there V'-ts little doubt of what would hoiou -t to the ISth yet U> come in contact with anyone who did not “damn prohibition up hill and down dale.'' • w--- i ung man. Ho Mid, "who bar mid to m* that ha vti ia favor of prohibition ju*t aa it aland* today. We arc ibv object of the ridicule and contempt of the people of other countries who can not understand why lOO.dftO.OOO people have been *abjcet/d to the wiahe* of a few fanatic* who have attempted to mate people good by law.” HOT TOO OLD TO CLAIM SON. Kentucky Mountaineer 132 Year* Old Went Alter HU tia-Year-Otd Sea and Got Him. John 8he)l, old**t livintr homan be. In* at 132 year* and 6 month*, U able to take care of hi* awn. Ac cording te wnid from Shell'* home in Leslie County today. Shell ■ .'turned home from a visit a few aib* nway to And hi* thlrty hvi-yrat-old wife lying dead In tha front ya.d. Re ' child. • Shell, who la the ebamplan rlflr shot of the mountain* not withstand . Ing Ma vaat ngv. procured hi* flint ’ feck rifle, which he mad* ever 1M l yarn ago. and purrued Chappell an* I th ' Shull child, and. overtaking him f forced Chappell at the gun'* poln 1 to yioid up hi* hoy. Shell then rad* s hack home, where he and tho ehia and Hawaii. Among the J method* adopted to promote 1 thc-v rumpulgn* were scholar. ’ •hips lot children, viidtmg , Icach.ts. continuation and part- . time school*, vocational train- , fng and vocational guidance bureaus. '_I CONSIDERS BOND ISSUEJEASIBLE Frrming latantt Alooe Could Easily Finane* U tutor tnkiag, Say* Kirkpatrick. Cha iottc, March lb—The farm 'll* interest* alone of this State easily could finance th; refunding, includ ing lntci-< id. of a $60,900,004 issue of bond! for permanent highway con • truction. It ia indicated by figure* made public here today by Cot T. L. Kirkpatrick, president of the i liar latte-Asheville-Wilmington high < »y association and tne of the lead, t-r* of the movement »* vern tl • - -* to. ss'-tseue, ourutg Ise ape. .si wumud of the IwMature to he held this ijmmcr. The issue, it is proposed, would be 20-ycar serial bonds. Th* draft of the hill is now being pre pared by Col. Kirkpatrick. Payment of th* IntsTuat and pro viding the sinking fund wuuM unionut only to $1 on each $16$ of i-rop values. It was explained, this estimate bring baaed on the official Bggvra giving the value of Worth Carolina's crops last yiwr as 6688. 000. 00*1. Th* intercut, at 5 per cent, would be 6Z.Mi0.000 annually for th* 20-ycar period, and It ia estsmatsd that an additional annual amount ■«lui*l In half that sum would ha re i)oii ed to provide a sinking fund. It was explained that the annual In terrrt would be decreased each year ss the I>onds arc retired, and the I coring annual difference would ia c-fTi-ct Increosc- th# annual sinking fund allotment. At now favored by the highway as sedation*’ leader*, the automobile li •tnr<* taxes, amounting to about £1.200,000, would, by provisions of ihv proposed highway bill, bo con vert-.*! into a fund for maintenance siul new cunstruction, supplementing ‘he Slati -aid# system with the bond 1. -sui p-netted* with paved “feeder” reads. When completed, this hill will provide for the expenditure of the so-ul funds, designate (he official) o rupovln* the apportionment ir th? various connttea, determine the me*hod of apportionment, detail the rc-str-jction specifications, and pro vide for the construction and main 'cnance of brldgos, whether by Iht State or wholly or in part by tb< countv or counties immediately con cerned. A 6-rnur bunding program would be outlined. "NO COMPROMISE" ! -WflmrfHE SCRUBS 1 Whether butte, boar*, ran*, or j rooxtere* if they arc In the eerah ela«*—they muxt go! ThU to the . d« character of tha man who pro flKf QHHi STATEMENT SHOWS CONDITION OF TOWN ! beiterby$72,::: Pr—MU Baa rd Ratirea $14,000 la Bonds and Reduce. *— Dwbta. HAS MONEY IN BANK AND OWES LITTLE Nearly 810.00# Paid lar N—ail lairmaeli Daring Paat Twen ty Oa. Meath. Qr.r $40,000 00 Paid aa Flaatiag ladabtedae*.— Mayer I* Praad af Record. In ita Ural reply to the crkklrtn dirivlrd towaid It* efforti daring the part twenty-one month. Dunn*, municipal rover moral .ho*. that Ihu I town*, financial condition is bed el by «•■»* ITt.OOO by reason of Ita policy of retrenchment and conerr vatlMa. In a atatameat Jurt tailed by H. A. Parker, city clerk, at the instance of Mayor J. W. Whitehead. Ob Jana 1, 1010, when the prer ant Mayor and Board of Com mi a ilonara aarumed control of th« town*. j (Taira, the total IndahtadneM of thi municipality wa» 8940,778.78. On March 1. mo, the total Indebted •"■cm wna 9299,878.40, law 810. 839.49 In carti and notaa on hand and in banks. In the mean dm* the board ha* lnatallad and pgid foe nearly 810.000 worth of peemaacat im provements to the municipal water and light department Iiuruanai int auununi rwtr *t*i had made to bring the town’s affairs to tha present stable condi tion. It era* pointed oat that no hoard within recent years had shown a reduction in the public debt. Usually the revenue has not been ■uAdant ta pay the rum big ex penses and Interest on bonds. During the tvaaty-#M months ending March 1 the town collected from all eoarees fltl.2tft.42. It paid out for all purposes 1174 001.17. Itemized fl elements of these disbursements have horn pub lished in The Dispatch from time u> those and ean be seen oo (lie ta this Of* the *301,040 is bands oat-, standing Jane 1. 1*11, 114.400 has bean retired and the Interest paid on the balance. Of the *44.77117? !r floating indebted nr-* ,i 0>e» ... 100.3S .-as ’ | -'•*« "V I II Floating inaoatedndbs totals 4*.- ” 27*.40. Some of the permanent improve ments bought and paid for are ma chinery for the power station, *4, 040. culvert*, *2,100.00 and meter*. *1-040. Tbs statement follows: Iadebtsdnese of Town of Dunn, June 1, 1918: Bonds . 8303,000.40 Note—F. J. MeGalrc_ 12,000,00 Note—Bank. 12,500.00 Claimi with Attya. . . . S.OOO.Oti Bill* Payable .11 ,#48.78 Note School Board ... *18.00 Amt. Pinea School Board. 780.00 Total .8349,778.78 Indebtedness of Town of Dunn March 1, 1920: Bonds.....82*9,000.00 Aceta. Payable _:_ 1,978.40 Truck Note .i 2,*00.08 Culvert Note . _ 1.500.00 . „ _ 829*,278.40 I—“ hot** Due Tosm.. 8,541.47 . Total ... **91.7*0.7* Ltu Cash on Hand.... 7,291.75 Total .*284,444.98 EVANGELIST BLACK CLOSES JONESBORO CHURCH MEETING Sanford. March 16.—Evangeli-t William Block, of Charlotte, and hit ringer, Andrew Berr, of New Bmr wick. Coneda, are concluding a anc reaafal revive! meeting In the Vetho diet church of Jonaoboro, two mites from here, tonight. Thn meeting, which was under the auepk-ra of all the chore hr. of Jonca boro, began a wook ago. It wan scheduled to boro begun a month ago. but the mfluenu aitoation h» torfeiTCd at that time. Mr. Black could only give tbia abort period at tbia time, prior to bit Siting an engagement at Ilenvltte. Va., to which place hr goes. from loneakaro. The whole town and community have been greatly 1m praaood through the eamewt and pow erful appeals of the ovaigrotiat. GOVERNMENT of eaff IN CRITICAL POSITION Field Me rehell vea Wadooburg aad Hetfferieh loth Rufwee Their SapperL Berlin. March IS.—The position faaa»«r Minister of Flnoaoo HclIT erleh haring rrfueed to support IL ac cording U o dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Berlin by way of The Imperial odke fo* the dlstri buUon of enroots has imued an ulti matum demanding the rmlgoatlan of Clttei liter Enpp within 14 hoore. ih. diipntcb art GoadMlono arc not o* people want, i but rather as they think" Whothe correct or not, Sr A *m i »rmotor, are usually lasting i tmi can listen to any kind nf - Presidential talk umt you waut to