THE DUNN C l VOL 7 DVKN, K. C. AWU1. IT. IMO. ‘ ■— - IL =“•-=-? LEMON LEE DEAD AFTER ILLNESS OF SEVERAL MONTHS End Cam* Saturday to Bring Sorrow to Many Dunn Haarta ONE OF DUNN’S MOST SUCCESSFUL MEN Was Forty Yror* 014* Naliro of Smmp*+m nmd Hm4 in O ■on Far La*t Eighteen Y««r»—Car «lacted Large Heru and Mule Best aee* Here. Lemon H. Lee, for eighteen yen re one of Dunn’a moat progrcaaive bxai arm men end valuable uliuni, died at hta home In North Wllunn Avenue bero Saturday afternoon after an Ulneaa that had kept him In bed for tlx montha. Funeral aervicea wart conducted Monday afternoon hy Rev. Junta M. Daniala in the i>rettenc« of n large erowd of frtenda who had known and loved him for Ibna# Ititt qualities which had rndearvd him tc Hia hearts of all who knew him well. Interment was made In Urrrnwood Cemetery. _ Dorn had no more popular citizen than this man who wwa yet young Ha waa only forty years old. Nearly half of hla Ufa waa spent here after k* left the farm home in which he was bom ia Mingo,Township, Samp •on County. Moat of the time he liv ad hare bo was devoted to tha sale of homes and moles for the farms aroond Dunn. In this business he bu came known to t eery body, and every, bodv seat his friend. Two years ago ha waa sleeted to tha Board of Town Commissioner*. Until his health failed ha eras a duti ful alllcer and a regular attendant and advisor In tha meeting* of the ' ®r "u • Mason and a Shnn •r. His brothers of the order assist *d in the funeral ceremony. Mr. Lee waa a son of Mrs. Ccllr Lea and tha lata Blackman W. Leo of Sampson county. Thv years of hi. Coth were spent on the farm where acquired those habits of thrift and Industry which In later years mud. of him one of this community's most toccaasful man. Five years ago hr married MUs Martha Rozs, of Greens boro, who survives him. He waa a member of Divine Street Methodist entire rt. ""rSnSStSsr 5?S5?PS!5ifln?!!>! man Lea, of Dunn, and John M. Lee of Rocky Mount. Tha sister is Mrs Marion C. Butler. Mr. Lee waa a strong virile, active man, and apparently in the boat of health until he was mo-,.1,. ago by the malady which resulted fatally. When be was stricken It wa* believed by his friend* that he would soon rwcover. He snade no progrtas. however, and after a few day* wa? carried to a hospital in Raleigh. He seemed to show some improv i-mvcit and was brought back home. Subse qaently he seas earned to a hospital in Rocky Mount A abort while ago he was brought back home Then it waa kaown among his friend* that the white-winged messenger wa* slow ly approaching. Last week his condition grew steadily worse and news of the ap proaching end spread gloom over the town, for Lem Lee was a lovable and a loved man. Saturday bis soul pars ed out to its reward. Friend? flocked to the home to mingle their tears with those of his Immediate family and to pay a final respect to him whom they loved. Floral offerings from far and near came and werr basked about the casket. Monday, despite the bad weather, a great crowd followed hi* body to Its retting place 'nealb the coot foli aga of Greenwood. Dunn grieves with his fsmlly. A FATAL ACCIDENT AT FATETTEVILLE Jama* A. King, Psssdmat Basie*** Maa Dim From tajuria* Whea Raa Ov*r Fayetteville, April it-—Jama* A. King, prominent business man of this city dmd in a local hospital at 0*0 o'clock tonight aa a result of injuries received late thia afternoon when he was run down by an automobila drl vaa by David Reentree, ■ negro, oti a read near hla hem* in the north pari af the cHy. The accident w«* *,|J p, eye witnesms ta be unavoidable but Mayor Uaderwoud stated tonight that as a precaution ha wa* holding Roun tree. without bond. The negro it declarer to or a good eitiaen. ITe waa driving hla own car at the tun*. Mr. King *« •jightl, deaf and It le thought that he did not hear the horn on the car when it wee emended. When the driver «* the he did not knew of the approach ol the machine K waa toe law *° *"*Fi leeordlnc the version of tho >wr) obuUanWT* tonight. Mr. King waa Iaunedlately ramvd to the HlgnaniUi boepruJ. Hi* bach and leg* were Injured, the leg broken. Hie death followed thiM hoar* later. Mr. King waa one of the moat high ly »eteamed men of Farettarillc boll la buainem end In pabHc life. He wai eae of the olde« and mom veluabli mem here of the beard *f trnatcee ol the Fayetteville public echoola. Hi wee for many y«*r* » dtp eblvrmai aad bad eerved ea the heard of au dK and finance of the dtp. He con • doc led a large end proapereo* her note and wagon buMncee aad waa i •accotaful trucker. He waa formerly tieket agent e the C. F. and Y. • »»d *g*n of the Southern Eapreaa rontpan barn. Mr. King la avrired by bia w,f Wbe waa Mia Anaic Oaalor of thl city and a ton aad daughter. THE‘BLOODY SIXTH* GETS YET BLOODIER Fierce Pisoonaion Amoagat R*. Publican Brethren For Congreaa (Neva am] Observer) Pierce dissension has broken onl amomr the Republicans of the Sixth .district ov«t the nomination for Con gress. with 1 red i’ll Mcares of WII i mington and WillUm James MeDon uild ef Lumberton pisparing to aealp , -ach other while the district coitven 1-'on'* nominee. Lawyer M. S. WhiU, A Elizahuthlown, stands by In a mors Jr less innocent attitude shifting ,irom one fool to the other to avoid any mud thm. may be along by the >ther coatrntlcr*. ■Hie impending battle appears not to br primarily for the congressional nomination, a fairly unserviceable piercquUile for whoever gets it. The real isaue is Himra Johnson and I one ard Wood. Mr. Moarea la a protago nist of the Californian and Mr. Me Donald would fain have General Wood nominated for president. Un trict, neither would hare any hop* of being elected if nominated, bet h.- contender, are looking farther. Tho Republican* might win and there would bo lantern Vo be appor tioned among the faithful. The Wil mington candidata place* hi* money on Johnson, and would be on Head with n mighty itchy palm. Tho Lum bertonian is batting Wood will wtn, and hU ibslm would al*o bo extended for favora distributed. Mr. White ca tered the race on gonaral principle, benevolently neutral toward all aa chantv and also hopefal of turn bcroncc, should rcmembcrance* be la order. Jahaooa Entry Bala tad Hiram Johnwn'i entry into the North Carolina pnaaary baa not yat made its appearance here, but It la understood that it will be rocairad la due season. Mr. Mearea was authoris ed to enter hi* name, and offered to lo so. but tho regulation* any that .t must bo done personally, and John son is reputed to hare dropped It into a mail box tomewbor* in tint* to have it post marked before midnight night. If it doesn't ecaw, Mr. Maaros will have to fight tho Aght without the tangible lams* of aa euthoriicd candidata, bat area so, ho will no doubt extend bimoalf mightily for the few relatively RapaMIcaa ballots that -or* to bo cast la tha Bloody Sixth. UCU IM V1DCIKIIA Tnwa Oae TkwuM Citaases Cathey A* Cceuty Coart Hmim ts D*. maad Policstasa Bristol, Va.. Ttnn., April IS—Meb violence waa threatened at Norton, Va , today when nearly one tbeo -aml indignant citiacna of that place gathered at the courthouse and de nanded Policemen Worley Wella and Harvr-y Agee, who are charged with having caused the death of Armer Cowden. a Wise county mail carrier, ate last night, according to reports received tonight./ Information received by the two officers that an escaped convict from Wire county jail wa* heading for Norton ie said to have caused them to hall the maflra trier, who Waa well known throughout that section. Cowden is reported to have ignored '.he officers, probably through hie ilmfncaa and the officers fired. The automobile in which ths mall carrier vras riding waa wrecked, pinning him jnik-rneath. Whan Cowden was taken iron underneath the car be waa found to have twe bullet holes In the back of kit head. PATE-WOOD ALL .Duke—OnSunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alonso Barber, Mirs Ethel May Woodall and Robert L Pate, both uf thii place, ware salt ed In marriage The ceremony waa pei formed by Rav. H. Is Ha riseII. pastor of Duke Episcopal church. The wedding waa a quiet heme af fair pad attended only by immediate rolatives and friends of the bride end groom. Tho wedding march was rendered by Mina Nettie Turnage. Ths attend ants were W. M. Pale, brother of tho groom. Miss Lucflo Barber, Otis Hen oyeult and Miss Burris Avery. The marriage of the yosng couple >■» a nappy eurpnae to ta«r f I lend* in Duke and Harnett county. Mint Woodall, la originally from U roadway. thi* atato and wkila aka haa been In Dake only a little more than a year elm haa made a largo circle friend*. Tho groom haa Wn a reetdent of thia place fine, hla childhood day a and for a number af year* haa boon aa employee of the E. R. Themaa Drug Co. “Bob'* aa ho U move fami liarly known U popular with tha old ■»d young alike—all af whom wleh far him and hie recent bride uabaua. d*d happinee*. NEW AFTERNOON DAILY U »OON TO START IN WILSON "• Apill *«._Editor Caatilo, at Cllntmo, two dayu in thia city wjak looking over the proe ^or.the eslabHohment of an af He met with «n kind, of encourage m*"t euboUntlal kadma B*-U1 »U!1 kli.* gauarally who . L’Vr r.iTu ">»PUTt. It it mid at, i.rVrl. ha li a lira Wtre 1 *"n ih. far a owe and • will U^* l*' P*«ple of the big tobae • to town a paper thkt they win In proud or._ r ]%^0PtL°tf *fT^*V~tariff Ml f provided that jareiya fra It pUata f duty, the idea beUg to onoourog, th< • eatturt af high-grade ratiettee 0l » fruit traaa and graperinea ia im country. FAVORS TAXING OF UNEARNED INCOME •wars QMdiaaMin A* A “Private Citium" Washington, April *6.—Replying “ “a private cttaon" to the qocstlon eain Issued to ell candidates for Prneidential soml nations by the Ne tloeel board of farm oiganisations, former Secretary MeAdoo tonight outlined hie position on various pro positions being agitated in the pro convention campaign. i *5*5* f? Mr. MeAdoo de clarad ahonid be Amplified end the harden of taxation “redtotribnted so that the men who earn their incomeo fry*—» * thvlr brows end with their brains Mull not be rmnlswd to r'uV “**’y « those who live In MImcm and draw income* from •aft investments" "A distinction should bo mode," “w k* “*•**••“ anmod uad hmiii «* income." Ho deciarod himself op P°**d ta al tax froo bonds If after a two year ported of private ownsr xhlp. the railroads foiled to fuxetten properly, Mr. McAdoo said, ha woald ?•*<» ro-spvainc th* railroad qaes ttea. H» declared for a “fair trial” of tea now ra’'wad law bat declared It cannot aoAte U*c railroad prob lem because K doss not math fan daman tain Mr. McAdoo declared himself for b.r**?,r P«Wklty for operation* of the fata* loaa system; for moaos to bring producers and consumer* closer for raprvoontettea of agricaltero on hoard* and ceosmiaaons who “under riand actual farm condltteah" for redaction of farm tenancy; for tho SBM service sad sapaltes for farm mo organisation* in interrtate com ■ores as appte to private tnterprisss In tho same drramstancao; for rvgu latlon of monopolistic control of cor poratio as in interatate comasarce and as absolutely opposed to nay abridg ment of tho right of Creo speech, froo proos or ftao aooomMy." »mrard with concern," mid Mr. McAdoo, "tho tendency to restrict or impair thorn grant constitution! ■uaraatoao open which root tho fornt datteno and perpetuity of democratic lntHititw Mr. McAdoo's answer was given la a latter to C. A. Lyman, secretary of tho Nationol Board of Farm Or gaaWtteas MU* KMAUB ANO ML MOLT TB Oreonsbors, Call ford county, and othw sections of Norik Carolina will be the announcement of the engage »en and approaching marriage of Nin Helen Elitabath Knanr, of Den ieon. Tax., and Dr. D. Waldo Holt, formerly of MeLeansville. and now a prominent- physician of Doha. The marring* is to taka place early in Joan. The following announcement ef the engagement of Mies Knaur and Dr. Honla taken from the Denison. Tex., Herald of the past week. “Amodg the mason’s moot delight ful social affairs was the afternoon announcement party, at which Miss Helen Knaur was hostess Saturday afternoon, naming 20 of her intimate friends os guests. "Ths game suite af the Knaur borne, where the party took place, was quits beautiful la tta profusion ef spring blossoms. Hera an absorbing series of card games was ptayad. Af ter the consummation of tko ssrlss deleetable refroriimeat* of sponge baskets tiled with fruits and creams wnrs served with toed coffee. The fa vors of the afternoon were colonial ■oeegnys. Cleverly concealed In each and Joined with dainty bows of white ribbon were engraved cards bearing the Inscription .’Dr. Waldo Holt and Helen EUsabeta Knaur.' In this man ner was amouncad the engagement of the eldest daughter af Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Knaur to a prominent phy sician af Duka, N. CL The marriage will be eolamnlacd the early part ef “Mlsa Knaur is one af Deniaea’a most charming and accomplished young ladies and her circle af friend shin is eery large.” Dr. Holt, of MeLaansvtUe, a native of Qullford county, sod spent Us boyhood days in this section. He Is a graduate of Trinity college ef Phil adelphia. After finishing at Jeffsr *en and his hospital work in Philadel phia Dr. Holt leeoted at Duke, where he sojoy* a large practice. The announcement of Dr. Holt's engagement earns* with peculiar Luwarg W nuinj *n tea Maui 01 Ul« Dally New*. During summer vacation la Us college dare Waldo Holt woe on Um local staff of the Daily Now* and aa a "cub'* reporter cut rings arooad many aider heads in the news paper gams. Everybody liked Holt and everybody on tho Dally Newt re cognised that wttilo tho medical pro fas aloe la getting the Guilford boy was adding to Ita prestige, the foorta oat ate was toeing a star. VOTE OF THANKS GIVEN TO POBMER EMPEROR Berlin, April tb—A rate ef thanks to former Xmporer William as the “last eiapoeal head sf Um Protestant state church” was given at the clow lag seeeleti ef the anmuU general sy nod. The synod alee paid a tribute to the former monarch aad hie consort far haring “la many ways testified to their yraetleal Christian spirit by works of tors toward their breth ren." AIRPLANE FOREST PATROL Washington, D. C., April M.—Al the request af Urn Department el Agriculture, the War Departmoul has UlRhil aa airplane forosl patrol this pear, as was otxeesefaRj dans la ISIS. Aa sere squadron sto > ttosmd at Reekwell PlsM, Cal., will W used far tho petrel duty. DUNN WILL SEND REPRESENTATIVE TO SCHOOL MET CUitM C*5Tc«Bf«rM>c» a .1 GEORGE GRANTHAM URGE]) TO ATTENI E4ui, Tte-CM f U^, to Avert Re bipniln. t Dunn *11) •end . dete«aU •ua farce which Ipoath A Camper win present at the Metropolitan Oi era Houxa on Wadneadnr retain* April 2SU. Mr. Htywoed't admire dating from "Aeotn Daya” aad N body7* Widow." two great rtrnri for former year*, found In hie Into work the aw Marti# af Une aad el cornea* of thnrUctrrisaUea whk hat (raced the ether*, with aa a ■rent balk around the inexpert ma lag of a cocktail pots Us aodienc. practically late hyetcrica. The long Now York ran of tl piece, with ita thouaando af oat i town vl*itoe*, *pread the fame "Fair aad Warmer" all ever tl Conakry aad croaked a vigorous d mand for M, aad was followed bp tl mamtioaal oagagamoat at the C* Theatre, Chicago. Spaeth A Oompai ■cad k hare with aa excellent ee* pa ay of f arrears. MIS. LLOYD WADE C OF NEW WOMAN1 ^ Organization to Aid in A ■ tkma is Formed Undei rotary Riddle of Chi Mn. J. Lloyd Wade was ehosau > president of the Woman'* Club, font ad last Friday aftarnoon in tbs oflt ■ cc* of the Dunn Chiuahar of Com - meres under tbs direction of See I "UiT T. L. Kiddle. Other officers . we Met- E. B. Culhrsib and Mil, „fMa Warren, vice-president; Mia. Harper Men. Holliday, recording aac raUry; Mrs Ernest M. Jeffrey*; cor i responding sscrotary; Mrs. H. 0. I Jft^ranr' »»d Mm. T. L. RMdlc Chairman, of civic depart ’ merit , Organ nation followed an appeal I 10 wo“e* of Dunn by . Mr. Riddle, who desires their aid in brmgiM about thorn unptovaaMota i 1 la which woman art moat deeotr in •ercsieu. i ne club will afniiato with Federation of Women'* ] Club* and lateado to became om of ! Uw mom helpful factor* in the move- i mwit for the betterment of bossing, •ehael, park and playground tnC . tiros in Harnett eoonty. • Alrmdy the club hai started a i movement to improve and beautify 1 Cr«e«iwood Coacury. Mrs. 1. /. 1 Made, Mrs. William J. Thompson. I Mia. C. W. Harris. Mrs. J. ft. Batter. 1 end Mrs. J. ft. flmllh wore appointed I a committee to confer with Mr. Bid- 1 die to form ale te plana to this cad. I Mr. Biddle called the Friday meet « lag to order. Mrs. Loo l. Boot waa J rknma temporary chairman and Mr*, i Harper Meb. HoUiday waa rhoove I merotory. The appointment of a asm- 1 committee with Mrs. ft. L. i Godwin, chairman, U suggest offt cera, was followed by the edeetion of •■c«ra rocenuaseeded by this asm GAG RULE APPLIED BY HOUSE LEADERS D. C., April M—The party whip and ‘WapT anla are boh* " by Hono* majority leader* the Can son days did not compare i orlth preaaat-day Republican tactic*. Representative B. W. Pom, ranking Democratic oa tho House Roles Com- ' miUso. during the debate oa the ape- 1 clal rule far the peace reeoiatien, J laid the Repabtkan loaders jam , where they were heading "It you adopt this nik,” ho mid, ‘ “no amendment of any kind will ha • in order Once we are bock to the J ftM Arelsr m# oVI ___ B7L_a __s_1_ ■ 1 For two days Uio ao-caOad Reece wchambug will ho debated. Not aa i eaa be dotted or a “t1 cromod." This iadk-tmeat was grooted with applause from Republicans. “I am not surprised that the Re publican aide of tho aide, from which there was .ao mack opposition j to tho war, should applaud again I whoa you - are playing Germany's for that is what you are do ing." mid Hr. Pou. “After all. you am promoting to enter late a treaty of ymmoat with Germany, bat yea must take the «o-ca]|*d peace reso lution io Its entirety, no matter what i year views may bo. This situation would bo humiliating to ths mmbm of the House if they did not rsmsm her that all logiaiatior U subject to i the control of four nttnabers of the i Republican ‘steering committee.’ “ Senator Lodge had i ad its tod to 1 House leaden whet they should do. I aad they did it. i la eonclusieti, Mr. Pou mid: “A I mors Incompetent Congress than this • never assembled under the dome of • the Capitol. Too have talked and I talked sad killed time and den* noth • lag but defeat the treaty and play I politics With perfect confidence, wa I submit the work of Preeideat Wilma t to the American people." * t la their fear and hatred ef the • President, some of tho Republican* i have stooped pretty low. I* the Congressional Record of Tuesday. I Apt? «, pea* M7*. la the remarks of I Representative Mason, of lUiael*, i therr appears this line: "That w i when ko (the prsrideat) got side. 1 (Applause ea the RepohRcan nde.l" The Republicans applauded the • declaration that the President oel 1 lapsed on hi* Western "peakmg tour l la behalf ef the penes treaty. i jttcamn* u>c laciavat, iwrinMM tie* CaatriR. Democrat. joldt "Ah, pent! emeu, htui lb* preet Republican Srly coma to that? I 4* net Mot* i people out la th* country are that .. way. Great God. think ef III Tkot r the repreeefitatiee of th* Republican I- party her* on thle floor ar* cheertnp y and applnadlnp whan on* *f ; nmmben any. that th* Preaidant of f. th* nation^* been etrfekan and 1. » an hie alek bed. 1 pmenwie had th* *. aam* peaUawtan announced that he a had bean Nriekaai V*fLwV •?» ■» A the point of death, which, thank Oad. t- la net true, the Record weald have h ahown ehaer* and prolonped applaaaa h am th* RepnWkna aid#." i- Democratic leader* ta Cenpraaa >1 ehaiv* “Old Guard Republican* with bloc kin* mtifkatlen of the waanaa m aaffrape amandmant by Delaware, 4 belierlna they faor th* weman'e rote 4 In the Preeldanllal election M "There I* • pereietent belief that »- th* Republican leader, fear the *f i* feet ef women’. participation In thd. rt year’* electlea" aaM Senator ». H. ly Shuman*. of North Carolina, who a- added he helWred worn**’. partieh pattaa weald he ta th* edmatape el BOSEN PRESIDENT S CLUB FOR HARNETT dement of Civic Condi ’ the Direction of Sec imbcr of Commerce tvcrTMt of tha auui man' *Ub. aad flee athara ami la thafr momborsMpa. Only active member* ar* waatad. Tha alab aC can raaliaa Urnt It baa a real wark to do end they da aat waat InHadad tn the membership Bay —fa, who in Harnett coenty £ ctigihU far Bail tCWBlO. . —* * taaaHtatlaa am to »• framed eed wihmlttad to the »««* 32&V-iMt,&2£ g£ t Ceeyer aad Hr*. Me a BeW SdmkST** ” “« The following ran Jelaad: MRLaf! lr». H. & Mdd», Mrs. A. UNow SSwSBPtf** learnt. Mn. T. L EiddU. Mb* Jea ?JSfiiiVv.VS!WtV£ ■ Tfcawmen. Mn. M7lLTm..,il. J.XWiA Mn. i. LM Wada. MnCLVD d f er rmtlfteotioa iTST ^^Ti.'ZJSL Wukhctos, D. C. April Uaiitl Cut T. Onrm. Wilson's advisor, nano lay (Monday) He had r ‘ ad • _ “WOtiam and Mary vat founded In IMS,” eaid Admiral Orayeoa. -Her ilaaaal beUnt that their appeal has la and an Labia claim to rim support ►fsvary American. She k the second >UUat eollaca in the Unttad States, he oldest actually k Re aatecadsnU “»d the drat collate arieblhhnd la the loath.” LIGHT NEGRO SOLDIERS GIVEN LITE SENTENCES Atlanta, Ga., April It, Elpht no ire eetdlera, from Camp Grant, Hi, :oavictod of criminal aamult upon a r»aat white asnaa r* the camp in May ms. arrived at rim Federal ^^•■Uary here cariy taday aadar «'“fd. The eaen are It ia HdtnUot that tba Miwltr -no «^«tba d«tb parity bTS naaral eaort-ioaatial that tned than, bat tba aeataacaa were caaaiM by Pteddeat WUeea. WAJtT TO OPEN FZACENECOrtATIOMS .. AJr* **—*- Tcbitebarbi iba Bobber* foraiga mtalator. baa •ant a foratal yreaeaal te Crarba Bt ssffi5seac« MOHO** FOIt WIM- ELECT Twa D-Hab^TA*.*. Ct*m at On ss»~ tstw* b tint war* a* aacb table Theban gjay.ia&iarjs renatating af teneteea. aaadwfehae araabara, ytekla and tea tea. Mader J. Hereon Barrie, Jr., aad T. 0. Iba Jr., draaaad aa chef* aaaM ia aaIHn| • Mai wagon ladaa with aaaM bit ehaa otanaiTa far tba bride-te-be. , Prtday afternoon Mtee LlWaa Tay hr cava a “handkerchief abawar’ for Miaa Mary Reynil Haaaoak. flw Ublaa haring beea ahead far nab runcb and taadwtetae ware aarrw whaa tba gneota arrtred. After ate •ral gaataa wan aajayad a coatoa waa aagaged in, “Haw to Wtn a Ha, SS" 8m ZaAKI VS aawtaat. Altar tba eaataat, al ratal ware iarltad lata tba dtatlac roaa which waa baaattfatl* Tirmiil crs.Tiartdta&iS Bstjsr! •uo *. Wr .. u rraaai aad eafce ware aoreed. BUSINESS EXPERT WILL LECTURE TO MERCHANTS Cl W*rUf r—«■« May t Vm4m WILL SHOW WAT TO . '*•' • ' ' j V* Jn*6£$£ y*gWg .! ■ t