COTTON ASSOCIATION PLANS. I FIRST CRT RUST ON THE |] FOUNDATION j1 (The Pngrereive Farmer.) Tha Amrkio Cotton Association! meeting in iiontgoaeiy, Ala., lad 1 , week. era; a Botabie success. A large i' Marker of delegates attended from ' all the old cotton states and from the Bower areas in Arlxoaa and Cah fornJn. To-> mray mare politicians war* on tha p'orram. but many real ly important addresses won deliver ed end moeh good seotk planned. Tha most dloe-jared feature of the ' meeting era* the report on Calif or-' nla'e remarkably eoeeciclal co vpere tlv* marketing work aa explained by’ Aaron Sapiro of that Mate aad. his plana foe the formation of a gnat So nth-wide cotton marketing organi sation. using the same methods which ban brought such increased prosper ity to California producers. In that Mace several yean ago, the prone growers, bean sowers, and raisin grower* acting separately, organised state marketing associations, employ ing tha mod capable selling agents be he found. In each cam contracts wen signed by Individual growers, each grower agreeing to mil hie pro duct only through hit organisation far a period of aeeen years, provided 4* per cant of all the growers signed noth an agreement. The cecewary number of signers was secured- Than to build tha needed warehouses, dean lug and packing establishments, etc., short-time preferred stock was sold to huatueas mao. one-anventh of such Heck being bought up by the orgmni satioa each year. The result is that tha grew cm will soon own all the warehouse* and other physical prop erty needed far affective marketing of their crops. TV— aussm »- »_U L_! eve r. h» been that each organization hat grown to tuck proportion as to practically control its market. It can not, and of coursa it should not, fix an arbitrarily high price: bat It does Insure growers against Doing forced to take anything lass than fair niices —prices based on the theory of fur nishing the grower of good living pine a profit. la the opinion of s great propor tion of the dtlegates in Montgomery, the time to rip* for organizing the cotton grower* of the South on the California plan. The convention, therefore, created a special commit tee to take it as a model aad work oat a general marketing system to bo acted oe by a special meeting af tha association neat fall. Otrr own conviction It that the Cal' ffomfn plan offers a superb Meal toward which we ought to work, and that we ought to have each an Meal bat that a vast number of. neighbor hood warehousing and selling asso ciation* must he built up before any general South-wide organisation can bo successfully organised and carried out. la almoat every local markat town In tha South cotton farmers are suf fering from gross evils which can ha corrected by the farmers them selvas through the simple process of erect, lag • bonded warehouse aad having their cotton officially graded aad co operatively sold. The great work of the Cotton Association, as wo see It, should be the active promotion of •neb local marketing units, bolding oat at the same time tbe pxuepoet of •a , it In yean whoa cotton is scarce a fadoration controlling even aao sisth Of tbe South’* cotton crop could - largely control pticei. The California plan to tha cap stone of a cotton marketing struc ture. The Meat wars he using and mar keting associations arc tbe founda tion. The thing to do now to to make ready the capstone but also to ro mrmbsr we must lint lay a broad and dead foundation. In every neigh borhood to the South cotton formers should right sow workout plans for Cperiy grading, classing, wsreboos and co-operatively selling their own neighborhood cotton next fall. If only this Is largely done, then all those ether things wifi he added unto as. *HL O. MAD LEY DIES SUDDENLY Mr. 0. Bradley, member of the county board of education and one af the meet prominent citizens of the county, died suddenly Monday while driving his automobile near his htBI III Klpjlafc. Mr. Bradley was driving hie ear op a grade to the road aad It lines that while turning a carve the ear struck a tree, doing the car •H** ***** nvwcTvr, n w avt viwhimi- ihi bin 4wdi «m eeaood by thl* alight aed Int, mm only • coopt* at wretch** were found w hi* face. He bad bean ■afferiaf with a weak heart and eth er ailment* following a stroke of paralyai* waa month* age. Mr- Bradley was found tying near the running hoard of M# me chin a la aa aaeeosnoa* data. H* died a few ■Mn afterward. Funeral serrkaa were held Tues day afternoon at S o’clock at Chaly beate Spring* charch. Interment bo taw In the ehaiehyard. Throng* of people attended the fennel. Mr. BradUy waa ana ef the SM*t widely known and highly esteemed men in tWe section. Hors. /. A. Campbell and Pastor Farmer conducted the sendee*.— Harnett New*. CSSISUS BUREAU GIVES COTTON SEED REPORT Washington, April. II.—The eon ana baron■*» cornea mad and cotton aeed prod eel* report far the eight month* period, Aaguat 1 to March SI, announced today shewed; Cotton nod crushed 1.704,87* tone compared with l,78S,df* a year ago, and an hand at mllle March Sir*. S1S.1SS tea* compered with 30f jM a year ago. Product* awnafaeturad far the eight month* and on band March SI **£4d* oil prod need UilMN.IM ■fail* compered with 1.104.724,lt$ a year ago aad on kaad N4MNyM pound* compered with IM.98S.S7*. fee-need efl produced SldiddiStf pound*, com per *d with *»0j»»,047, and on hand S4M9MM pound*, iimpared wtth 30l.M7AtS. Ooht tad. meal produced I AS1.1M tana, compared with 1AM. MS. mad on baud S«7A*d ten*, rnutril with JMA7S._ GRAVEL INTERESTS BUT MO ACRES IB MABMETT LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICI. Hit lac qualified at administrator if the estate of Laara E. Pope. de ceased, lata ef Harnett County, N. this is to notify all persons has. ns claims aaaiasS the estate of said 1 ccrssed to fils them with the asder dsnrd at hla ofles In Dunn, N. C, in or bufnra the *6th day of March. IM1, or this notice will be pleaded a bar ef their recovery. All per was indebted to said estate will ilease make immediate settlement. This March tl, IBM.* ft. L. GODWIN, !t4t Administrator. SOftTH CAROLINA. IAKNETT COUNTY. la the Superior Court, BEO. TAYLOS vs. Order of Publication, ANNIE TAYLOR. The defendant above named will *he notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in tbe Superior Court of Harnett County to ibtain an absolute divorce from thr bonds of matrimony; and tbe said defendant will further take notice (hat she is required to appear before (he Clerk of the Superior Court of said eeuaty ea Friday, March 26, 1B20, at UUiacton, N. C., and an swer or demur to the complaint In mid action, or the plantMT will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded in nid coxudaint. This tbelBth day of March. 1B20 jr. A. JtcwnAUir, Clark of Superior Court, l-6t Haraatt County. NORTH CAROLINA. HARNETT COUNTY, la tha Superior Court, before the dark. O. R. SIMPSON, Administrator of R. L WILLIAMS, Deceased. n. Notice, Service by Publication. LILLIS D. SPEARMAN, G. B. WILLIAMS, GEORGE WILLIAMS, FLORA WILLIAMS, GEORGIA BELLE HARRINGTON, WALTER WILLIAMS, CHARLIE WILLIAMS. The defendants, G. B. Williams George Williams, Flora Williams, Georgia Belle Harrington, Waftci Williams, Charlie Williams, and all other kelrMthw of R. L. William, late of Harnett County will take no tice that an action entitled ns abovi has been commenced In the Super tor Court of Haraatt County to id a tract of land belonging to tho sak R- L. Williams for tbo purpose el paying an inheritance tax due the State of North Carotin* and tho said defendants wD farther take notice that they are required to appear al the term of tho Superior Court oi said County to ho held on tho Sid day of Kay, 1»10, at tha court bourn of said county In LiUiagtoa. N. C. and answer or demur to tbo com plaint In said action, or tho plain till will apply to tho court fur tho relief demanded in mid complaint a. a. McDonald, Clark at Superior Court This tho Sth day of April, lHt. NOTICE OP SALE. • Under and bp virtue ad the sa thonty contained in a Deed of Trusf executed bp E. T. Spence, and wife Katie Clyde Spence, to tha under signed T» nates, and registered h Book 114, Page SSS. In the oSce of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, the onderaigned Trust* will on Monday, tho 3«th day of April, 1*14, at 1 o'clock p. at off* for solo at public auction, to tfai highest bidder, for cash, at ths Court Hearn door fa Harnett Coun ty, the foHowiag described lands, te wtt: Beginning at a stake In the cent* of Front Street of the Town of LB lingtou aa extended in westernly dl • womvu M • fVUIl UWfWNM HM —M I weat comer af lead doodad to Mr* Ana to M. Haro tty Board af Treated of the UBiagton High School, aw! rani theme* north tl decree* IB1 weat ISOS fact to the waatent Hm in tha Pegram land; thence aa thi line of mid land south U decreet *•’ armt 421 feat to a stake, the original comer af the Geo. W. Pc pm 10* aero tract and the A. N Wadded 7# acre tract; thence nortl 8* degree* 40* weat 854 feet to • stake In the Grady Baa; thaoci south 44 deyr sea 5’ wait 1011 faol to a Make in tha comer of K. Str**< extended; thence aa tha renter oi mid ■ treat sooth 71 dogma* J5’ E 1778 fat to a stake, the corner oi S acre tract deeded to T. L. Bayne Jr-I*h«e* “ the llao of that trad north 18 degree* 28’ ■. 8M foot U 1 *t*ko: thence 8. 71 degrees 88' E. 180 foot to a (take la the Uae od Mr*, flare: thence with her Hat north 18 decree* j$* g. 781.8 feel to the hegiaalag, containing 4i acre*, mar* or loan Thia the 22nd day of March, 1*20 J. 0. McCORMICE, Trustee APMINIBTEATOS’B NOTICE. Haring qualiftod aa admin Mratrta of the estate af in*. B. Sounders, do caooad. late af Barnett Comity. North CaroHna. thia U to aottfy ali peraona haring claim* against the to tote of mid doccaaod to exhibit them to the aadendgnad at Duma. N. C, •"or heforc tho 20th day of April in aiir*HU2alr<>^a^.b* JuT**. ■on* indebted to amid mute win -fitt-r'VEBSi. A dminiatratrix of John B. Saandar*. Thia tho 80th of April, imo. aki nSr~ * *“**• and gross! dspasita of the Capa Pear Orwml Company, at LSttagion. Engine sea ar* now aa the ground Mylng owt plana for an -r"- 1m mining aad walking plant with • ca po* af M ear* imr dey af washed mad aad gwat TWa antorpriaa will moaa mach to •hi* »*rti*» of Harnett ceanty aad »JH W sf great hoaofK to the * sf North Carolina la fatmfal torial for BtSilIlM aad Uag&ewae.^...., Born ace natimplalil aad wdj ha tfxrz?s'i!r£z7,z material mark at What a howl yow’d h*a? If tha maa S-1’ Jei, no it lewl hgmts'wg'wia ihrn'dsil^ "V U. ~ £. • ' •* w *♦ ■*-v . X>wt. I * i *.-•> to tinker ; - o bring • ut-' repair shop i*i ,'r r :i rnfo ride. :t'. >viil make your mo tor run smooth and sas\ once more, and help you to avoid engine trouble in future. ‘•SERVICE’’ is cur 1 Watchword." Full line of Standard T: « andGej;urn..- Ford Parts Z. V. SNIPES - -- 1 Jl STATE COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Tflarhrr* *vh'tij( .«• »s«i !* t ' '• . :l*o « !a«a *,f their crrtifcate* «nd thtir j;<>'* 1 * . * t\..'i<*iu at ol(«c for scfctuHi •v.r 1v t . July J&h AJ«o cw!l«i«} tfff.fuiif, ci*’*,* *■ • it .i«»d Home i-ourn-v lar cmialv^uc wiuv i>> W* A. WITHERS. DIr«c<or Wul Rtkl«b,N.C. VIGOROUS PROTEST M.»PM AGAINST PAYING KOi V: j Washington. D. C„ Apri; — | Henry Breckinridge, au-L-tant !W: -j lary of Wee during the incjcib, r«;-, of Secretary Garrison ain: who •'r.-.i cd in France as a ldeuti'itBiil-Cnlo of infantry, made public v lettar to Chairman of House nn.l f-n-' ntc commitl/-. ■ il« wri:!i i '.I ■ i bonus legislation opposing ■..->> -*.i proposal.^ fhr Uji'.u- proj.oinl in wTonff ir ,.r*f.cip!o un»j unwound economically 1 • .*, ad/nir that a bonus would “itjury not u benefit both tc lb p* ople it i« 'njpiHiwcd to benefit r.rtri to the country/* Thy wont dark bit'an t«*U i« thf tvnult of too much self. t'wople u.*» to rrlv «*n tiod; no* hey rely on *.bc rovunraent to hclj thvm out when they gel into Uoublc, - ——?—^ *s—a TREND IN COTTON 13 STRONGLY LOWER Liru'daiina if th. L.M l.«a~s. srd Fr«K 3«1Hb| For Short Acceuat New O,leant, La., April 25.—The Censial trend In the cotton market last week wa* strongly lower under liquidation of the long interest and freth selling for short account, bat cd mainly on the idea that a prolong ed reaction from the advance war due, although heavy selling appealed at timer, particularly at the raiddls of the week in sympathy with unfair orwbla davalopmsnts in the monel market but bulged on uniavoiabli crop new*. At the highsst the trading month, were 19 to 32 points over the clou of the preceding week. Prom thii there was a steady decline until th< lowest IcvcUwere rmehed on the clo* mg session. Hero the markut stood a net declines of 235 to 267 points July traded at its highest at 40.16, , new high levs! for that position sni fall off to 37.02, closing at 37.77 Last prices showed net losses for th week of 220 to 256 points. In th' spot department middling closed a 41.00, showing a net loss of 7 points This week the market prohabl will b* a weather market more thai anything else, although financial cor dltlons arc claiming a good deal o silrmtion from most traders. Ruin in Texas would be regarded as ahon the most favorable crop doveiopmei, that could arise at this time, althougl warm and dry weather in the easten bell would be a development almof as important. While at opening of this Inst wed the market acted technically weak the heavy selling of the sacceedini I reunions ha* pot it in healthier shnp, i so that It can hardly be expected Ihi I week the technical conditions wti play so important a part in the trad v Mills Cotton Gins _St:ik-vs Corn Mills i d$crj Feed Mills l i-iirsrncrs Wood Saws Lath Mills Pumps -«v: luiscl \>ith us all sizes and ' nnd-hr.nd machinery. Let us ur requirements. ‘ AN SUPPLY CO. uppliac Machinery ON, N. C—MEW BERN, N. C. . . JNO.n , ,i E»*t Prus*m, by tb« In an* •*. . :**t I tommivsiun. accoiding to • •* ” »»vcm«4 «*' • «« received her*. mmae- nxinrrirm trraai—— ——iu • « I I . . \ i . \ • I j Residential Property for Whit nd Colored FRIDAY, APRIL 30th, at 10lUc ’ clock a. m. | | 1 Will offer for sale the following property cut into lots as follows: \ . Five Lots, 50 by 140 feet, and Two Small Houses and Lots on Ldg.- • . . «tt and L!m Ave nue near the Colored Free Will Baptist Church. Terms: 10 per cent* cash, 15 per cent Nove*. *st, 1920, 25 per « cent November 1st, 1921, balanee in equai ; Tents, November 1st, 1922 and November 1st, 1923. m 20 Lots on North Extension of ; ^noiia. Ave. On the same day and date 1 will also sell twenty lots on the North Extension. ■ ,-ilia Avenue, near the Oil j Mills' according to the blue prints of the W. P. Surles Sale made by Burton be i is will be reasonable on all of this property. l.'"~ • ‘ ^ . . FREE CASH ZES! Will be given away at this sale. Bring the women and children. They r.*’ jy ' .c prire winning numbers. j U 7'*- ■" • * ■.' «... . . ' i :-__ i- A.' '*.»*' * -' . . ' I

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