_■ . ' V • . LITTLE MESSENGERS W__W ^ I 1 frJL. - — - = : =' » M — - -■ --— ——_ * VOL V M _ i wmM, n. c, ray 4, im GODWIN WILLING FOR ONE PRIMARY BUT LYON ISN'T CoL John G. Shaw, of Fajrott* ▼iUo, Issued CkallMi* To Lot High Mao Win INTEREST CENTERS IN THREE-CORNERED FIGHT J WhlteellU Solicitor Sere Ht'i Ran ■lag for Co or re* a ,W Not Mar ia* to Gailertoei Godwin R.eiewe Hie IcccH end Rcate Hie Caaa With People af Siath Dletriet. (By R E. Powell in Newa and Obser ver Waching ton, D. C., April SO.— Waehington'a political interest in North Carolina today shifted to the Sixth district and Congressman God win's ready acceptance of "Highland John*' G. Sbaw'e challenge to himaalf and Honor Lyon. The Fayetteville contender for tha With district mem ber'i teat announced by wire that hr la willing ta let the first primary de cide the fight the hign man to bo de dared the nominee. This ia perfectly agreeable to Mr. Godwin but to Solicitor Homer Lyon it ia not agreeable. Indeed, the Co laabiu county man even Intimates that Colonal Shaw la ragaging in an interesting diversion instead of en gaging in an honest to goodnee* race for Congress.* Solicitor Lyon aaya be IX running and must let the mpk dacida who ia to be nominated. “Tha method of nominating randi dataa prescribed by the State primary law ia satisfactory to me but if you aad Lyon agree that the candidate re cuhring the highest vote ia the first primary be declared the nominee I will cheerfully agree also." C*dvla laaaaa Statensawt Than, advertising to the charge* Shaw made against him ia a speech IB Wilmington, Mr. Godwin aaid In a prepared statement: “I think it is pretty generally un derstood why ‘windy John G.‘ issued this challenge. Ha hurled it out at tha caaclasiofl ef hia speech in Wilming ton Wednesday night where it la un derstood he exploded a lot of windy gaa attacking my record in Congress I woodsr If ha told tha Wilmington people about his record? My record In Congress is open and I invite a comparison of it. Will ha do tha sauna? He attacked me for sending out a pamphlet Tvviowtng m^ service In delivered oa the floor of the Hones’ ns it ia an “extension of remarks* and m Staton on Its facie bat permission was gmnted by the House to print it in the Record. This also appears at the beginning of there marks. The Government did not pay one penny for the printing as tha bill was paid by me oat of my own funds. I urn net surprised at 'windy John O.’ far being afraid of this record. “He charged that I us holdii* the position and believe that it la one that 1 caa pass down to my posterity. This ha know# la untrue because it (a well known in the Sixth district that I have received all ay nominations and elections at tha band af tha people them selves In every instance 1 have demanded primaries under which the people and n fra# and untrammeied opportunity to oxprem their choice free from the bias and persuasion of designing politicians. In every cam paign tha people themselves have had tha free slop to retire mo but on ac count af tha service I have rendered them they have seen fit not to do so, and I do not believe that they will be mislead aow by tha idle vaporing* of a man who himself failed when ha was here. “As soon as legislative matters in the House are so I caa leave, 1 in tend to visit the district and msec the count on tho stump of my steward ship aad I shall again demand that the paopla have another free oppor tunity to my whether they want a continuance of my services.” Lyan Declines Challeage Here is Solicitor Lyon's reply to Co load Shaw's challenge: “Your telegram received. If I was willing to gambla with the internets af this district. I would accept your proper!tins, as I am sura I would ha the high man In the first primary, hut having filed as a candidate for the democratic nomination, thereby signi fying my willingness to abide by a decision of a majority of tho voters, and believing firmly in a majority rule, 1 must respectfully decline to maka any agrsemant that might de feat the wishes of the people. I am net playing to the gallery but running for Co agrees and expect to win. As yaur telegram was given to the pa pers by you #» year pros# agent my rs^ta them with request that It be " “** "■“’rriw DUKE ORGANIZES FOR IMS BASEBALL SEASON Duke, Aprs SO.—A vary enthusias tic meeting of the baseball fasts of the town, was bald in the Duke Lib rary, last night. Tbs purpose of the •nesting was for the election of of Accra for the team. T. V. Bsaasmek was elected manager; C. H. Miliar, Asst assist sat manager and busts#** manager; P. W. Bubs, second aarlst a»t manager aad sielsl scorer; R_ *•*•57, treasurer; Tom Kelly, cap tain; Z. H. Boot, critic and chief r**tar; Mica Mae tic Long. oAlctel cor "TC'Si, -u. * eompoood of waso of tho heal players in this *oc tlan of tho Stats, and promises many Interesting gumea with n.lgfcbortsg towns. Tbe first same of the season was wRh Buie’s Crook Academy, an Duke ground, April y«t^ the score being 11-4 ta Duka', favor. I CITIZENS ENDORSE PRIMARY TICKET OF TOWN DEMOCRATS Weit Moating la Fiasco Whan Independent Movement Is Started OLD LINERS PACK EMBARGO'S GATHERING Ratal! U That Reyukli.aes Are Gif «l Battle la Majarity Party is Dtsnn Today—C. Leslie Wil.ee Head* List Nominated by Oppoeiae Farce. For thr first lima since Hatsie Mc Neil took the measure of the late la mented A. R. Wilton in a mayoralty election nearly a quarter of a cen tury ago, the Republicans of Duan will give battle to Democracy in Dunn today. They have a full ticket in the field and are hoping for the rapport of those Democrat* who were disap pointed in the primaiy of a rouplc of Weeks ago. C. Leslie Wilson, aoa of that good old Republican who regularly used to brat Major James Pearsall and all other Democrat* until uncle Haasir belted bis scalp, is the nominee far Mayor. M. F. Hodges, for tha Ant ward; J. E. Crockett, fur the second; Rider E. V. Rainey, for the third, and WiL lie Morgan for the fourth—good __.11 . — D_Wit_ _ for cnmmiulomrii Entrance of these men in the flvtd furnishes oca of tha moat amusing instance* ia iho political history of Dunn. It war not tha intention of the Q. O. P. to name a ticket in town this year. Lawyer Edgar Carlisle West. Republican nominee for tha of fice of County Recorder, nee mat pleased with tha ticket named by the bamocrate He called a meeting af the ettIrene t* name a "Citizen Tick- i rt-" In answer to the call such good dtlsens as John O. Williford. Paul Westbrook, Nat Townsend. L P. j So rim. Ben Townnand. Purdie Phil- i lips, Ernest P. Young, Joe Wilson, Morris Fleishman, A. B. Adams, Will- i men Thompeon, Albert Burlm aad a large number of other* were present , In the Recorder's courtroom whan the moating was called U ardor by the nailer. I Right off the bat Mr. West had rowaeeanSSGnTnSa^^NaHhaT i mould William Thompson nor any nthtr of the Deaaocrats present- Mr. Adame, however, agreed to serve. Then nominations were In order. Mr. West suggested tha name of Mack Hodgoa in the first ward. Pn*l Westbrook seconded the nomination. Somebody suggested the name of Jud Jones, the Democratic nominee, bat that was ignored. J. E. Crockett was then named by Mr. West for the sec ond ward. At this stage somebody wanted to know who would be named far May er. Mr. West, very condescendingly suggested that tb* meeting endorse J. Lloyd Wade, Democratic nominee, for the oflee. There was am unani mous second. Commissioner from tha third ward then engaged tha atten tion of the crowd. Elder Gainey's name ms* submitted by Mr. Wat There were no second*' many of the Republican* having left the ns snub lags with something akin to disgusi written opoa their grim countenan ce*. Judfce Lee James Beat arose to ask that William Ilaltch Newberry, another nominee of the Democratic party, be endorsed. An aldaeiy gentle man whose name could not ba learned bat who hud all tha earmarks of Re publican about him, placed the name cf Judge Bat before the meeting. In this latter instance The Die Judge Best is one sf his best frisads sad all meat reliable moaitor, aisntor and all that sort of thing in tha hours wfatn good folk hart gone to bod. Judge would have non* of It, however. Went was agin them all ex cept the Elder. This, ha said, waa not a meeting for the endorsing of any body but those who wore opposed to things as they are However good s eitixen a moo was known to ha, ka bad no right to vote la thlsyare meet ing antes* ho waa opposed to the "old boo'd." "A. B.” rittin' in the chair as wise »■ o' owl, ruled against Mr. West Republican as ho was A. B. know Wbsn the jig was up. This was a eiti tnns moating and thars wore sea* but ettltens present except this pa Erepresentative who had not bean enough bock from the farm .to his native state to hoeesse rr-tarheolsd. He ruled that the mast* Inr eoojd, by majority vote, notaln att or endorse whoaaooovsr It willed. It willed to endors* the whole tte jest^ beaded by J. Lloyd Wada. And Albeit F. garies. Republican ex traordinary not hart a-UJI by the roeeat doable cross bonded him by hm partymen. saved the day sad tha Independent and Ksmab llcaa folk. He saw the youth andta •* the youngsters wore B>to trouble He saw. i too, that the meeting was “psifTtlf* bT odhwrent. of th^esum tCTwn. not those in. At hlo suggestion the averting was adjourned and succeed u *ff!?**L1lht« latter ssosttag was callad ts ardor with all of seven good and trie Reyahlicaaa present that th* tteket waa named. Candidacy urns "wished naon the** who are today w»»irMc »• Bopahhaaa ban ner None of them was present when tha naming waa don* Bat—It must b# mttrittad the fei lows rhoM a darn good sat of men whoa they earned thstr ticket. IF SOCIALIST, HE’S IN GOOD COMPANY N. Pkn RapLia* T* Char** of Ratal Social iatsc ia Ideals Wants ton, May 1Declaring no sympathy either for tha Bads or for ths capitalist who con lie am to look upon labor as a commodity, Bobost N. Page, candidate for the Democrat ic gubernatorial nomination, in War ran ton coon botaao today unwind tha charge of a Socialist brought by nn opponent. "Because of my position on this question,” bo said, “one of my op. pononta has called mo a Socialist, If this be socialism, then I am wining to maud tbs indictment for by tha mma token St. Paul was a Socialist snd ao was Jesus Christ.” ®*r. Pag* spoke before a crowded court room and his address was char acterised aa on* of tha best ever de livered here. "I believe the votars toeuld know ! the position of candidates on all questions of Inter sat and that they tiave the right to expect candidates to giro their position on such qasa- . lions,” he declared, stating hl» pint- . form and tailing the people in a Itraight from toe shoulder fashion ‘ ehst bo would do If elected. Mr. Page amphaUcally denied toe , 'knrge t' tt ha resigned from Con- , tress. ”1 served tha ful bnn to which 1 ! *US elected,” he mid, "and 1 waat to akc this opportunity to my that from :ha time the war bagaa ia Europe in . unui ay miraMn iron UK Pea in March 1*17. upon every nrecurc arse nbaitM le the House >f Representatives by the admtnis ■ ration, I voted with the administra tion. I refer you to the record aad . I defy anybody te dispute this state- ’ •cat Rofenrinp at earns length to the < ireveUlxy industrial unrest, Mr. Pays ; •id that some remedy mast he found. "Capital and Labor art the twe . 'esentisl elements enter!up into in lastry," ho bald. They should work a harmony; instead we And them an- \ •ponlstic aad practically at war. »hh the rasa It that prod action is lim- 1 tod aad itismHefortlon and hiyh irieos prevail " Is bis opinion this iroblem eaaaot be solved by the en tetment of laws, aad he is convinced hem eolation is some equit of profit-ebariny la the to which each of them menta art eatitled. ‘ la a menace ta our yey I I s equally bat of place 1 GENTRY RESIGNS AS SCHOOL HEAD! • |* 1 by AG. Fitxyor- J I Byrd P. Gentry has rasiyaed from the office of Superintendent of ■chpoU m Hornctt eeanty. The reeip aatioa was tendevad the County Booed of Education at LUUnytea y*s iorday aad accepted when Mr. Geo ay explained that be oould not eon in ne in the ifci aftor Jane SB, when hie pros cat term expires. The rcjnpnatien wilf be cyaetive an that {•(f, R- C. Pftigerald. aow sups rtn tend - ■at of schools in Belmont will succeed Mr. Gentry. He was elected yoeter day uDon Mr Ovntrr’i ncaouMadt Lion, and wtU amumo hU duties June 1. Mr. Gentry win remain In office with him far thirty days to five him Mr. Gentry will give his attention te private business In UUingten. Be ku been superintendent Bore he was sleeted to succeed John David Easel) In lm. Prior to that Warn he had been loceeeeively aaperintoadent of Ihe city schools ef Dana, co-publisher *f Um Doan Guide with the late J. p. Pit naan, and farmer with C. ■pear* Hints la Parson, hit nnthrs county. Darina his tenure of office ha has been a big factor la tbe growth of Raraett Schools Harnett loses ft nr service by Us resignation, hat, ha says, it geta an excellent man in Mr. PItogoraM. N. A. Smith was sleeted to mem bership ea the heard to eaocsod O'. Bradley, who died last wash. PANAMA!AMS MAKE STRONG PROTEST AGAINST STEP Torchlight araseaslsu Helds Us Goo oral r«v*htopV Auto- \ Panama, May S—Several thousand Panamanians last might marched the atroets la a torchlight parade' as a protest against the aeqeiaiUon by the United fltatre of the major portion of Tahoga Island far the purpose of fertifteatioa as a part of tha Paciflc defense stbome of thd Panama caaaL Aa automobile is which General Farthing was driving to a ball to his honor nt the Union club, was halted by the proceed on'and forced to re turn to the Tivoli hotel . . Mob* later formed in the streets and Irresponsible parses* threw rocks at prom hi set Panama oRclals, a num ber of whom ware tnjarod. Mounted psHeaama. acting pa orders ef Mayer Boyd, charged and dlmttrasd the dem onstrators. Major General Cbaao W. Keaaedy, tarnmandar of the Am arisen troops to the aanal seas, following raeelpts of rrporta of the rock throwing, or dered all Amarteaa officer* attending tbe baB to 1 serve immediately. Eartlov to the craning Ova ora I Par •king attended a reception et the Balboa tMahtmlm baitdlegs where Rnaaaada at American em ployee mash hands with him. BAGGEiraPEAKS AT PAClK SCHOOL (By Ralph H. Johnson) L esrreiset ef Par kan school w.*. haW Thursday ud Friday of last waak. T*'* cxajclaaa spaaed Thursday avatuag wHh a program by tha pri mary dapartmeSt ad acquitted thaosalraa with crwdk ud Aow.d tha careful and anjaatohhto train in# tha* had raaarrwd at tha hand* a? thelc rsctHcnt sad mack beloved i Oa Friday aft£»eon O. M John tan Introduced fee awaakar af tha i iay.TR. " mtT Education waa Aka speakers thorns. i 9c Mated at tW outset that there ™ r.o qaaatioo about tha value and ! tha only qua*■ ] Jo a beta# that ofwhat sort of adit- i mtian waa ihriiihU, Clvilttatiea i rorkod sat two nast school*.af phll- | tsophy bafarr «,• found tha thliw i hat K not dad in tha theory af adaca- i ion baaad an the teeehi^e af Christ I >>• ftnri ws* tha , Intellectual ichaol I 4 tha Greek. and tha HMad tha i kWfIB* srhool or tha latter days . if the Koassa empire. Education ha ceattaasd to baaad 1 m terries to ethqra, nod adneatton I • b* ..•fiSit' ha a tramin# I kat aarill PI* *Wa-*-1 - a a - - - - tk.J_ K-lghbor, their mate and their aa- I ion. I Mr. Baggett daltoerod hy far the ! rreatam, moat powerful educational i utdreae to whieh thia writer has over t ■atoned. Seldom ia the history of i hia or any other community perhaps j *» it been their good fortune to l >ear so able an argument la fever I f education. j The program Friday evening was < •milar to that af iftuaday eight ' tit if there was aay difference it , raa probably batter. •.Tea* the Convict", a play held i he eudicBca more than two hams i Truly aa Mr. BaggeU aid ia Ida ddrvu today, the home, the church | od the aehooi are the hmlltatlaaa 1 hat make ear country giant. > The teachers Prof. BaMa McLeod j ind Mta. Jehnaoa are doing a vale- , hie work for thia n mm natty. The , me client manner ia which the pupds , ooducted theataalvaa dartag their • aoaatrmtoa they are la gaad ha ado | “he gaad people af thia m vary proud af hdr rail Toronto, Oat, May l.—May Day icttvitiee ia Canada were featured hy , i strike of 11JM coal minora to the i iova Scotia district, the moo quitting , fork as a, protest against the refusal { if the authorities to release the Win 11 peg strike lead era an hall, pending he hearing of their appeal to the lirher courts In .Winnipeg a grant labor daaaoa tration waa held ap a pcotaat against ha hapridoament af the strike lead ;ra. Process! an* ware bald and there res ceamiderahla apaachmahtog to tha CWK squama, hut throagboat the y .the crowds were orderly to all m*t* of tha city. Little interest waa nmalfaatad hy reriten to what had been pleased to an a monster dciaenatmlua to Terau to. Aa a result tha celahratlou waa confined to a as eating in tha pubha lnilflB, la mnalicT tawua throagboat Can tda strike* af only local significance •are ordered, but tha aitoatlea gea srufly brought enpmeaioua of an tie 'action from government and polite tttciala who wars prepared to taka liaatic aetfoa If aataamry. MUKOUtlO IN MEXICO Crime* Net ia Behai Territory Bet to • Breton Ceetrailed bp Waehlngtoa, Map X—The murder if two mere Americas! la Uexke, reported to the Mat* department, ac centuated the concern with which of fkiato here are watching develop ment! beyond the herder. There waa nothing, however, to indicate to what extent the attitude ef the Waahing ton government toward the Baaota revolutionary movement might he af fected bp the fact that tha laeidenta protection at Batata aa the earn eoaet ef Mexico alreadyhad heea forward - dicafe the view ef official* erevaiihm in that rneiea, acmtaaUy at leaM, (till held tar Cirri— fenin. meal contend* that Aa Cana— *• therltte* were r—PuaMMe far the protect!** ef the Craealawa haeien DUKE MftATi a c a. INTEREST IS SHOWN IN FARLEYLECnjRE row Ni|kt Much Interest i> being manifested in the retail merckandieiag lecture which U being brought U> thU city ky Chamber Of Conntrti Wrdneeday light, at « o'clock. Thr lecture contain* Ul* reault of hlrty-dve you* rpem in collecting -OUII more handwing idaaa from mor ihMta In all part* of the world, >nd is by far th* bast of Ha charae ar on the road. W. H. Fartey will be th* lecturer, tad by meune of atoreoptiooa fUdee Uid motion pictures ha will diaeum ha causa* of failures, nod explain tome of th* latest method* of atoau teeping. An interesting feuturo af the eeture will be the part devoted to iawaptmer advertisement*, ealectioa if medium., and the necemlty far u mliey of contiaoou* advertWag by he retailer will be takes u» la de aiL Bv the arnuc method the ot.ee Ion of proper window display, do •very problem., perfection of a toro organization, and other later etiag matter* will be if'm-rf In addition the featoro film, "The rrouble, of a Merchant and Baw To •top Them,'' win be (bowu.« Ibis dhu laa been exhibited from coast to eoaat tad ha* everywhere bom declared U to the beat exposition of modern bu inem methods ever given. The film tells ia aa Interesting hfougk Ins buteacc* method* <••• *ydcm. bad been >inMbl to be vmg* Thaaknptey. TbT^mm or bis fattar# aro vividly pceUajcd ty th* film. Hi* elark* *m ladif. •rent, hi* |aod« badly ctiaagal, hi* T**" Iharwnghly diiUMbil •hen bn hope* ware at tb* lnw«*> hb, a change ram* |a hi* carter, aad ? th* iMtaUat) * Mtheda, aad .. tar*, be in* t* . Bacauea of th* eaftaatema created a *thar cltiew where tb* film ha* we dew*, it t» exported that a ea mdty andtenee will grewt ft* lector* a this cHw. Bvery ecenc to mid to •atata a l*eeoa. AD mrr-hrrT e*4 ala»p»*al» in the city ere iawttod to' toaad. No charge far adadedon. (NOX IS ENDORSED BYJUPK BUTLER *==153terra?1* aaaa Dwhm (By K. *. PwwaU.) Washington, May >.—Tb* Waft. often Peat carries on it* front sag* Ml morning an interview with Mari, m Batter, b***tlag Senator Knox or the Kepobttcaa norainaUoc f*r FTaaMca*. He an Pritchard wwaU lo eguaOy aa rd bat wind* ap ft* ntsrview In a war which i«A«te hat nomination of Knot faaaPrwM lent aad Pritchard for vie* pmident v*nM b* th* peeper coua* far ft* tapubMeana. With a ttoaftarnar an •be National ticket the Pepftllrvpi raald break the solid bid, Batter think*. Th* interview follow*: “I d* not bedtate to *ay that Baa* iter Knox would make a goad aad »fe Praddeat for ftl* crucial ported a the Ufa of oar ropaMic; be to art •■hr a (taUcman of ft* flrd tank Met he f» atea for vtril* Americnadm without r***rv*ttea*. Bated**, the dm* r toagwr _ in whk late; ___ not for a plvotel State biet the pivo 1*1 man, no matter from what State u to Pritchard, of NorU#Cerollna Bat aa to Jndge Pritchard, ha U aot mto of full presidential m>, hat ho Is from a groat pivotal section of this r ova try. •T waat to say further that It has always boon a part af the Small Hen a cress that this is a nation with the big *K,‘ that tharo arc as ssctloai— ao North ao Booth, no last, no Waat —bat «m grand vitalising whole; yet hi selecting the ttekat tt has not tar ing the last half century turned away from that port of the country known as the North. "The taction of this country knows aa tho 'Sooth.' teeming with aa unri valed wealth af natural rsooamoa. b big enough and rich enough to ac commodate tho whole population of tho United Stale*. Wo are N,tMr •0* of people and wo stand, every one of ua. far a 100 per cent Ameri canism. It is time that this grunt sec Uon and this groat people wore re cog nixed on tho Notional Rcpnblicua tic ket "The Republicans of tho Sooth have labored under tho fearful han dicap of roceaotraetiea, to uphold and advance the great leastruutire policies and principle* of tho Repub lican party b now strong and almost dominant in North Carolina, and all tho border States, and b growing steadily la ovary Siaduru State. Tharo am today, svsrywharv la tho South, thousand* and tons af thsu tands af men who still cling to the Democratic party, yet who hove lost faith to tho policies af that party and the wisdom af its leaden Thom patriotic forward-looking man, though sick and disgusted with gran Democratic maladmtobtwthm, an deterred from joining our rank* hi om thing, and ana only. It la tho m of the bourbon machine Democrat!* Isadora, that the Sapablhan party h a national party, sod is aa team] to our people and to our ■ealblaod It b this and this aleas which toda; maksa etlD potable ‘a solid South.’ | "The Bourbon Dwanrath unahtoi sss-.'ss of false hoed and prejudice. Is wrest od front their bands. The Republics, convention at Chlmgo ana da thi INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION TO BE HELDON SATURDAY MARSHALL PO«XD TO DECLINE INVITATION VW , inly Feartk will ___ July *. u hr tke * the Chamber ef OrilriaaUy It wm the Mg celebration ee Sfth. Fermen. however, , Ike dekra that it be keM oa I hace many ef them weald come tel* town on that day anyway aad few'1 »a day tram Sana work at that it the year. / Thomaa A Marekall, >f the United Btatea, wt_ to make a meeeb here oa the ef the < * * for the Bym F^’dlairioim ' Begeoe T. Lm, BHt* Geldatein. Thl» oommMoe wfll' take Mr* of all eahlietty oad adverttetog to he daw between now and caUbcattoa Bao. Goor**rZ*Prtne*retoirmon, Miaa Oort rod* Jeekeon, Mat Margaret Pope, Z. V. Balnea, M. M. Wanes. TVs committee will arrange Ike eiag lag contoete to wMek the eoweroi wflTtahe*pariu M*wtlT’etee^adge' the coataete aad award the lee Wator George T. Noel Welter *- Howard. Thle wfll provide water for the tram do expected here far the Mg day. There ere etdl eeoeeal other corn* aeltteoe to appoint. Among them ere theeo to orrsaao for fireworks, ma de, eoropUno flights. home reeoo, ete. Thom will he appointed to a meeting td he held eoam time mead week, when ell ef the eomaittteee already appoin ted ere enpocted to meet with Mr Middle end bogie working on the pro gram. ■very effort will bo made to amke (Me celebration the treated ever held to Beaters Coro lisa, The Bar nett County Fata- emetlaUes la cm epamllag with the. Chamber ef Cea M the matter ead hoe offered the nee ef He Mg plane here for the day. with mm atrakn—by rsaagslxlag the Booth on the national Bepehllme do tfc^irariag^reiza ssrorais.’i^aarMt to an wM eaa . i nation ef go l UNDERWOOD GETS OUT WHEN AUDITOR MACS NB RETORT or At »wa^||fp QUICK TO ACCEPT THEM i-th'rAfl " **- frin FajetteriUa. A*fl Ml—At « m. ^ ^ Oh »f » Mate iMMaM wnhMa. •3»W> MhSt ll" -S^A*' a the fiiterf tent at uSSTvT POtethaw, w. At a mat na MUM at Dm. Mijw toalyht Chart*? -1-‘if 11. a E2 i” atjjr^ysrshisj: ^eajgfairjift: ■L ■ A rst 'C tt to* K tf ^w» rs ss £ AM »*t2 S *g a tka • tax »» '