THE DUNN VOL. T *“ ^ ' DUNN, W. C.. MUCH INTEREST IN REVIVAL MEETINC Large Crowd* Assemble at tin Methodist Church to Hear Noted Evangelist Unusual crowds have gathered t< bear the excellent singer and dynam ie evangelist at each service. Hum has seldom had any meeting whiet was attended so largely during Ox first week. Tuesday night the nu-«aagv rmpha steed the “Cit>oked Man.' the "Gossiping Tongua” and "Folki Who Won't Forgive” as throe of th< groat stumbling blocks In the orgams ad church of today. Fearlessly lh« evangelist laid bar* the danger and filth that such a life made possible in society and the awful influence such had upon the people out of the ahaseh. Wednesday night th» thrmf again ■ was a subject close to the evils of oar day. This subject was ‘"Hie Man Who Don’t Pay Ufa Debts.” In this discussion the evangelist arraigned In no light manner the folks who made debts to Cod aad man and don't even try to pay thorn. The c-henp picture show With It* unmoral suggestions aad the commas) theatre were ar raigned aa aa influence that was an daagoriap the morals and spiritual life of our day. ThjwwUy night the preacher spoke on TTk* Trail of the American Boy." Th* folks wer* there; th* metuse wit ; o'** f"d poranaalvw. The Speaker took aa his theme the "Koaijway of Human Life" and compared it to thi railroad main line with Its numnou* swithches along the way. Those who hoard Jilm will never forget the side track of parental disobedience, rul nty. lying, gambling, the moderr m. and p there that endangered the wracking of the young live* about Feurfolly Mr. Price arm! rued, lh« double standard aad the fearful and of tbe Ufa that bad sowed i«e wild oats aad then come bach to take the purest girl. Tbe message ceased thinking mea and women to ask themselves some serious questions Whether men agreed with the speak er or net they were struck with hiJ sincerity aad the earaeetneae of his sermon. The meemgu was well takeo aad the fruit of it srllt be seen for yean to eorms Society has been ask ed setae serious questions. Friday sight the theme will b< ~£ss^risssns-jisst “What'S to Matter With the Church." ’ sight toe great subject of the1 wfll bt rejerved for men at th# 9ua day night service Monday afternoon at S o’clock tbe great mass meeting for woman trill be held. The public can't afford ‘to miss hearing these Important subjects discussed There will he no service Saturday. AMERICAN LEGION WILL DELIVER AN ULTIMATUM Ofcisll af Soldier* Orasniestie* Will Demand That Congvee* De One Thing ee the Other Washington, May SI.—The execu tive committee of the American le gion wfll deliver a virtual ultimatum tomorrow night to the Republican eauefls of the bouse and will demand that Coe grew act, one way or anoth er, and without further delay, on bo nos or adjusted compensation legis lation. AfUr an nil-day tension here today th* executive committee reached the conclusion that the Bonus question has hung Arc long enough aad a final aad direct answer will be asked of Congress Major H. 8. Barrett, of Baltimore, mid r*solutions protesting against farther delay will be dispatched to the Republican caucus tomorrow “W* intend to ask Congress to set one way er another,” aaid Major Bar rett tonight. "We believe that wc have wafted long enough and it look* to ns as though Congress were adopt •“« n pussyfoot policy. We arc not attempting to suggest how the mo ■ey shnll be raised/ nor to dictate tbe ferm af toe edlusted comn«n«->tinn legiaiatKin. That U the job of Con n» AH w* ask U that Congress lW« a. prompt a»aw.r a. to whether or sot it intends pass *n adjusted coaipenaation bill; that It aay yr. or no, eo that wo may kaow where wc * mm, “Bine# our meetings In March wa have taken another poll at the mem bership of the American lagion. Wa And that membership overwhelming ly In favor of adjusted companaallon legislation." BOONE TEMPORARY RECEIVE* FOB THE RALEIGH AMERICAN _ Raleigh. May 21—Charles R. B°°na, principal stockholder, today wna appointed temporary rvoetver of ™« Raleigh American, an afternoon^S'. £?%& OMPanded publication Saturday fo|. lowlBg maalverehlp proceeding* Insti tuted by Mr. Boon* and other credi tors. Judge DanUta, In Wake county Superior court. Axed June * as the date far a hearing to determine whether the receivership is to be made permanent. High root of news print paper and other operating ox peaeee arc flvtm, the reasons for the namopaper*a Ana tidal difficulties AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH We Be* have ragalar service moral ny and evenmg next Lord's day K?* entbusUrttc Blbu School al * Naming wershjP at | | *. „ Rj«lny warship at « * „ The moraiag eubJ^t- Th, Hlghcai IncHaaUoa of *•". The evening •W*Ri “The Fovn ■guars Man " . Oaad music et each ^Wn d'.d a'.'.sadaacS, better iatsrset. Am DANIELS’ TRIBUTE TO RETURNED DEAD ImpmMhre Qaramoaiaa Orfl Bodiga of 181 Men of Navy * and Marinee Nuw York. May 21—Secretary Dl-itl* lodjy paid tribute* to the' Aaawr ran Sa-ior and Marine I d ad ef th 'VoilH War to be brought k*a» from overseas. At impressive cerem«a. mi—: that too nude th* .up.-iun r eoutftry. raveraatly, solemnly and as eouiageeus men always golMn- ban “Aa wc gather her* today to give welcome to the dear badlaa of th* SM^^-syssdtt he said, “we do apt think ef th eat **ta«T aa mounrrl earth gives hospitable sepulcher to "’*ir f,r,n«, sacred to us, wa thank God that in th* hour whan the world waa tottering these strong sud valiaot youths kept it from an abyss of eb .olutirra and despotism. "BoUer than wo. thaae lads knew what they were fighting for. and the highest honor we ean show them is to keep alive in our heart* the glory "f ths cause which sanctified their sacrifice. Here and now let us eon scciate our lives to complete the work which they gave themselves, and be as willing as they were to surrender «ll for world jostles and world peace. “Some of these lads went to glory from the heights in the aviation sec tion. Some were stricken by disease. ■ All died honorably In the service of their count.,y. "II was not given these generous and high-spirited youth* to know the disillusions that come to men In ma ture years or the weakness of this ••re and yellow leaf. Thuy were calm cd and gave the cheerful ‘era ays' aye. sir’—by the captain of the heav enly Hosts, and they liva with the Im mortals." Of the bodies, twenty-sis will be buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington on Saturday. The others wtro claimed bv relatives. Among them was the body of one civilian, Llewellyn Souwden, of I hr Amertcar Legation at Roma. futn WARNS FRANCK TO BE PREPARED FOR WAR I Faria, May IB.—Warning that Franc* most, in tho midst of peace-, make preparation* for future were wae uttered by Marshal Poch. who provided at the annuel meeting of the polytechnic school for army en gineers today. Discussing Uauont of tit* great war, ho said, the prevent economic struggle i* the first pan of the peace program, hut preparation fer war ■* the second part. “Who of ns,” he asked, "dares bo jlcrt Germany la renouncing wnr on u*e moriow of her ruin—Germany, I Inspired by sheer ambition, SS& *S •>»« I* 1804,1866, 1878 and ; » «*n th* P1** of historic nsceaai neighbors, whether they wfll to er not, will be forced to keep up armies, and quite apart «- a **n?.r#u" Intentions efeiv ith"* ,r* historic lealltics and racial appetites, just as there arc feog.aphieiTr^ftje*! “How can w» help mUtroitin* * nation." »>« continoed “wt, dated to impmcneo by U. „0. poleon, wo. abl. by ^martial drier to ro-eitabllMi Iteelf »«d bring about complete overthrew of the coibsea) Napoleonic empire, and, by vop«rla tlve militarism «n* methodic develop ment, extend its authority from the seat Tiusaian msndls* to beyond the Rhine? Making war ie Its national la cHiftiy and might U it» right. Marshal Poch J*i Itraa. srvscts mw tax legSattoa thU the banka AIT tha libaity bonds except the 3 1-9’*, which are tux exempt, and tha victory 4 3 4’s, which duplicated their recent minimum, suffered falls in pises ranging from one-tenth to onr and a half per cent, with freblr ral lies at the elotc'of the session. Today's loxac-f represent the cul mination of a piogrcsaive deellna ex tending uvrr a period to January 1, during which time tha government se curities baa decreased in amount* ranging from 15 to 917.50 on each 9100. PUBLISHER* ORGANIZE FOR CONSERVING PAPER Olatraising Pictures Painlad By Edi tsra in Beparts to tha Wash ing tow Moating Washington, Muy 21—HeprcienUi live, of more than 100 newspapers ^sting* here today to deal with the dships surrounding publication of smaller papers, organised the Uaitcu States Newsprint Convert*, lion league and called on similar or ganisations to join in for mutual pro tection. Some of the report* sent Ir. by edi tors unable to attend, painted dia l rowing picture* of the trouble -iliesd due to Inability to obtain newsprint and high price* for the littli- to be had. Many dailies, with ancient and honorable lineage, won will be forced to suspend unless there Is quick re lief, letters and telegrams said, while some editors declared the weekly •‘walk of the ghost,” would bo a thing of (he past In many little offices if pneas kept climbing and mill, failing to answer the newsprint appeal. Onr editor, whore paper hut not miaod a publication day since the Civil war, telegraphed that he could not get away because their were only two rolls of newsprint jfi the ,Ik>j> snd where the next would rome from no man could toy. Hope wae rxprcaoed by the pub lish,,,. however, first through or ganisation relief might come. federal reserve system CURTAILS LONG TERM LOANS Warfilnrtun. May II—Curtailment of loap term loan* covert no “none* ecrtlal" operation* and di*caar»*e Iwent of unaecoaaary boriowlnp* of I all kind* will bo thr foundation of thr FtdMnal roaarro nyaUmV now policy rtreturned to deflata lbe nation al finance*. American banker* bavv pladprd Ihamaolvaa to ro-oparatr with the reaervo board lo tha effort to I carry out thr plan. .Governor Harden*, of the board 'la of lha opinion Ibal liquidation of auporflaoua loom will Ito far toward raetifyinp the pre* out inflation. Ex Panalan of banklnp credit due to war requirement*, ka raid the hanker del •pate* at a conference yMiarday ■mounted to $11,000,000/100, while *on«y In circulation had increaaed fb?“» I1.S0O.M0 darinp tho war per i..“■•owliwr down of indurtrlol , ** Indicated by deeieaaed ilm.«o tont llaca. r.pra l_r.! ' v m,wt oniatltfactory ele mt.. in JJw country’* economical prr hiem, Oovarnor Bardin- mid. Tha - \{tarr - V5 <;.plrIned, JJ* u R 'Vtrrinl »«*d h-a'. thy liquidation '"••►nut e «-'*!1t»e*t of -oentlal laduatrto.. and. ao far oa PW'IW... -/lihout dU.urhlno i n:.. -castoca • COUNTRY COME | TO Si AGAIN j Hr niter Say'-f Covers n.cnt ,-nd I1 Getting Sana | ’7ft,, Hath*—Weahingluc |i> full, of cur.fu:rtq 1m1>< ftixl fad. ■'••1 lesrrvo leud fcd treasury offl .tial* r»ojsnrtrc*. ;f | «■ utl ovjr Uu ■ court.-; -we cuttisi Slice* *0 to Sc pt. Cf l. Libert] Sondi are being le-ni . d ea lh- mal Stand thetr pri era a e fnilirg !l' • .:i * t rjj naan? Hava we rfrui u *ho tu.r. 'Y“: • *t contniui J Une illoitrattng e"*B»rc1al P»P*-’ hdd by the bank! whififare ay Ribrr* ot .be r.'deial iraerve It ata.led bcfoi* the war at a little I u than 110.000 - roa.r.Od about vk t H na More thf war. . .*. Uemt dun* axpunaion ^ n ^ v h» n |a rawiri boarda and bunker* began > cheek the thing ,h* cote>*erTi»| paa» held by the r* bank* had >ecom>' *14,000, UOO.OOO. A* only 4 per cent of the back* -eport, thii l >y mean that the Utnl jump in eoma irclal paper held by bark* uf tha « an try may have been *10,000,000,01 I. * « wcjbu wp noi admit that what the banker* eXthe country and reserve board Mad ing them are aiming at ia deflatlA. Dut it is pretty generally agreed At at least they *re bent upon dkiag Inflation. They are 'toppingly drawing the tiaU and non-aamflkla, the line the war Industrie* IbiB used to draw. 7,,d ,h* enforced that distinction duriHt period of re tonatruction tbg^^At Jump in loom rn commerciai^^Dof perhaps |i0 ■ JOO.OOO-OOO InJK would not have taUn place. TB^Bvemment might £• MinUtoad Ml distinction by ^J^war time regula aona. Orf^gA^Bfe-done It a. the now, by mik eminent was living in n foal's para dise. It believed that the count..i would recover from these shocks cf the war easily, and jump U a new high level of production and prosper ity. It threw caution to tha wind. That 1*0it of which hi known as the fader,.I reserve hoa.d was apparently influ _ i *d by th« general optimistic phv hology. It offered few obstacle* to the expanding of ccmmerciel cradlt* ->> probably glO.OOC.OOO in a year. a WO factors sacra to ban biougb' f boot the present move toward great tr caution deflntioa, if It is donation Hint Ihr country la up to, and alojy ped inrution, at any raw. One it that ihr public has stopped buying ax wild ly and recklessly at it was buying a ihort time n*o. The other la that the Iran.jh.nation has become dcmoruli ted a* a result of the strikes and of Lhe delay In ruining the railroad em ployes wages and their consequent >eek:ng other employment. I loth these factor* roused a ruddea •toil' on credit. Owners of goods 'vhieb began to lie idle on shelve* and couldn't be moved because baying slackened and owners of goods de layed in transit or k*pt In manafar. tui-ic. for lack af train facilities ba rs n atkinp to hsv* credit extended. The big bubble of commercial pa per loan* wljich had been bloom up in th'i last year threatened to expand with trcmrndoua rapidity and at a bad time, at a timo when the people *cie «•* buying frcdly at rurreut i" ices and at a time when transpor latio.i difficulties soemed to lie ahead. • bib u.ouion mo unp wnntacr or not tlio time to deflate, or at leant to rtop inflation kail not arrived sharp ly up to the bankers a ad reaorva board men. It brought them ail to tholr .umsn, as oaa banker above orioted said. Ik* public's coating to its senses slightly preceded this. Before the first buriasatal cut in prices made by a Milladf>li>kia department store the reeorve agents throughout ho country < very where began to hear that people would walk Into i,tor*.-, price goods and walk out omsia, goners tfy with an "m be damm d if 111 buy.** Merchant* in in tarim cities began t* call upon news pnpvr propria tors oppressed by the xaidty. of white paper and bvg foi whole pages and double pages of ad va. I king in Oi dcr "to moss goods’ -Meh bad suddenly began to show ar c'jatinaacy to stay on shelves. The ‘ after-war phyaehology W usssed. at least with respect to canals lines of merchandise- People were nc longoi in a *'haag-lbe-expeaoa" mood end n» longer lkMnl-ig to the pies ih at though things were high, ihr.) rould go higher. The after-the war boom has stop iicd. There la a tars In prices. It ma; Mt go far. It easy not extend to al comrrrditlc*. The expansion of com ■acre's! paper Is goh»g to b* ehockei std tiiat will ir-flarncc prices. It la not tkoiigM the»o lb- anythin! v.hejlthy In the existing situation Theic is be Her ad ta bo great biiyki power in tha public at sllidtily lows price i. Tho cgperkmcv of tha depart ment s'ores wh*ek have nude cut seems to prove this. 1 hr drop ia liberty bonds la due t< tbatr ho’rg thrr-ga ea the marked b p«*plc who sm o#w fading It ma d'Mcn t to obtain , of Harnett 'Bupador Court. respectively make tha follow “V3RU ****«*-,.«. *11 Mila brought to our attention aad have made returns aeeordtagty. S. Wo have iaapoetod aB the ef flcea In tke courthouse and Bad all of tntrat In excellent shape. «• wo navr mapoetod wo ramij heme and find K in good eondltloa, except that the porch floor need* a few new board* ia it and that now plaaurrtn* It n red ad ia Boat of tha room*. 4. Wc bog to make tho followlat (-commendation*: (a) That the malt t» tha aflao oi the Roflitvr of Dooda bo enlarged. That a heating plant ha In ■tolled to heat tba courthonao aw Jail, i Beep artfully aobmittad, J. E. ELLIOTT. Sr., Foreman K. P. SUTLER, Clark. EAST CAROLINA OFFICIALS - RAID MONKEY RUM OUTPITI Beaufort, May IS,—Ravauao OM COM Rule bona, Montague, Rawer and Itong, aarfetod by Sheriff Thdna paid their reopecta to tha naooaabto or* la thU tertian thU weak. Manda; tofstiif^sKirasi ■on townohip They have avldaae a* to (he owner and will aaaha m arraat la a faw day*. Too*day tho; wont over tha Craven eouady Bao aw brought in another isg-galto* etfl end drat roved three harm* of rnolai w*. Moontnlnara have haaa active li thin county ia (want mantha. The agrleabartl population. my Cato, prudueea the bravaat ana, ml lent cold!ora, and a alaaa at ettlaan tha Uaat givaa rfdb ovfl dealgw (SUDAN TEMPLE HAS A BIG CEREMONIAL CtMiboro CsivtelM H ihimt oi Mytic Sfarfa* fa Pm «h>8tyU ColdaWro. to.T . *~to tore MMr iorr£«. ZJ «?W to take fall r— ill! if LU eky. ' *ft#r kaowU**r agawss xta'c Paca tha at Bale Uka a — »tx 2»“W^tS:aCi5f3 S.TtT-kwSiw? ^^HSiSE-*4 with hi* ctm *t capable wMuti had prepared a mgnlficieet event like aato nothing llat has aaar boon ImM h Ooldaboro. Daring tha ere*, lag there wars dancee. innt, drib, awdin. —aaetam and entertain ment without ead until tha erdhr af tha Maatilpaa Potentate aaandad a yatjrith apaa tha amrywahlng FAYETTEVILLE MEN ON TRIP DOWN THE CAP* PEAR RIVER laiMfrila. May —* P*riy srs'rS-na.'wfxJnn IsArsiYrsssdis Include aanongka purpoeaa an tapee. ttaa af tha Write eeaArectod IrM nactlon with tha cueaHaattoa ad tha i+rar. Tha bsetoett mi at* alee ea sss I rind the d.lngrtteu. Tha enrtfr day wan jyant a* tha riaar, ITntlgln ■ gring iaached about dark. Only om - «Ua far fraiahl wan Made by the i Hart. _ i FUNERAL R&OOVBRNOR RON OLRNM SATURDAY Wtortow Salnai, N. C., Mar tl.— i Thn had* af femur Governs Glenn, •aka died la Wlrmterg Sander night. !« anpietnd to trim bars TharSay and thn faaaral wfl) ha held Friday Neat year they*!) ha worth a let -the toad* yon flaw la that recast .•pel l —- ..... , i Toe bmt towages are better thaa i toe frw—If tea far ayan tha ted 1 «!*• ttEZl&ZZ?* “WW Ooiiu, unity lWn*„ I. . rr: ^f®P«uy -• wui-tUln, yunrtct or uitl«t>i .vtu-t l>tHu ; ^° r tUnxa' <**• *** "»• <* Uk- Violin,- yWwiS yus j&s'sis sa^:at?rsussa.s.£.'ss! r ■■ ~ j «vs **•" a1*a‘ •**•» —