LITTLE MESSENGERS W__WTT"!T I-“—I' % VOL T 1 t FAMINE OF WATER • THREATENED HERE Mayor Wada Issues Letter To Users Of Municipal Supply MAY BE FORCED TO RATION TOWN Owams of Low. Rcnpoa sAL for Conditio.—Lol M.ckino. Rnn All Night, Using Surplus Ttet 5U.U Protect Town From Fir. sad TU« On, Nest Day. Dwna fscri s water famlar. For this reason Mayor J. U.yd Wndr ba.-' issued a circular letter railing upon all users to he as economical as poa aihla in the use of the supply upon which greater demands than ever aie being mad*. Unless this U done, he •eya, the town government will he forced to limit use Co a frw hours a' day. | Citlsens who own lawn sprinklers I are tfaoxa mart at fault in the pineenl instance, it appears. Many s:o letting! their rprinklers run all night, unuui the water that otberwlec would be a; aurplus against the heavier use of) the any and a protection against firs. Mayor Wade’s letter follows: "Yw vciy serious attention is called to the gravity of Uic situation •f out prevent SUPPLY. Since the advent of warm weather' {hr Superintendent of Water Work, has found it Impossible to satisfact orily asset the demands nude for wa ter with the prerrnt well. "The consumption of water in Ac town has practically doubled within Ure past year or so while the supp' from th« prcAtnl wull'ha? (muiunlly diininiihtd until at the pie^ot time it ie only furnishing about one-half of the normal supply. This la a very critical condition and calls for the, prompt atloehrdlu uuafahmahnhahah •rtjr owner and user of water to help us remedy a* best wc can anti) a new source of supply is found, wa are informed by tho contractors that it will probably be from four to six months before the wall now in pro ema of boring can be completed, even If a sufficient flow of water is pro cured. “In view of this alarming dtnativn w# respectfully ask that at prawert you confine yourulvca to the urn of water that is absolutely essential and necessary only, and the aar of lawn sprinkler! ba discontinued until the owssatssm ess' ba lupi sand with your co-rrtwratios, it is our operate with as ws will ba fore ad to limit the uaa of water to a few hours daily.” NEW PARTY TO NAME CANDIDATE ON JULY lb Cnmwittnn nf 4#, In Statement, Says Republicans “Ignored Mast of Sariaus Problems." Chicago Jana 13.—Assarting that the Republican national convention “ignored most of tho serious prob lems and mentioned others only to reveal its anwillingneas to face them honestly'’ the committee of 48, in s statement tonight signed by Amos Plnchot and ether members, said that “whatever uncertainty existed as to whether there would be a now party candidate for President bad been ru mored." The organisation will adopt a plat form and nominate a candidate for Prasident at a convention in Chicago on July 10. “The Republican party has now driven out of representation lb its councils of millions of voter* who followed Roosevelt, Johnson and LaFollOtta," the statement said. “The now party will represent these vot ers and will prasant a definite and constructive program.” The statement bald that the non party had been organized In 30 states and that it would be prepared to put its electoral ticket on the bellotc in ovary state. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE (Harnett County Nows.) J. D. Barnes to W. R. Barnes, 17 acres in Avsrsuboro. |1 700. A. C. Ogburn to T. N. Saxton, lot in Angiar. SI00. R. L. Godwin to Carris M. Holland, lot in Duan, $850. J. U Wada to O. P. Shell, lot in • 'Willi, VI|WIV Ur, H. L. Salmon to Cep* Year Cin Co., tot in LilUngton, 11,200. J. A. Culbrcth to L. U. BiiseU. lot in Dunn, #6,000. t. W. Wuvir to 3. G. Johnson, fifth Interest (n >1 ocraa in Grove, #100. M. D. Denning to J. G. Johnson, 4 ■eras In Grove, $300. A. L. Overby to Willie Morgan, 3 lota in Angier. »ioo. J. T. Ellington to O. L. Ellington. 4 Into In Angier, #104. A. I- Overby to J. T. Ellington, 4 iota in Angtar. #600. CAPTURE 1K5 STILL (Hnrnatt Cognly Hrwt) Dapnty Shoriff Ryle Mntthewi, to gether with Policeman Dixon and Jai ler Cox captured a big mnonshin* still Wednesday afternoon in Stewart Croak township about 200 yards from a dwelling. The Mbil*r" waa n "salp tloua" affair, being 104 gallon capa city, government cap and atl that sort of thing. About a thousand gallons of bear waa fad to the doodle bugs. GERMANY ABES FOR FURTHER DELAY TO REDUCE HER ARMY Berlin. Jtioe 14.—Germany hoe re quested the supreme council to grant a further delay of three aionthe for the rcductien of the German army to 204,004, says the Tageblatt. U was recently announced that the reduction of Ibo Carman army to >04.000 man had been accomplished. {MAY START WORK > ON BIG HIGHWAY I IN SAMPSON SOON ; State CoBwiiiiioaar Advcrtiaai | For Bid* oo Clintoo— Dunn Rood (Clinton Navi Dispatch.) I Thu Stair Highway Commission ol which trunk Pag*. is chainoan and W. 8. Kallif engineer, hu advertised for bids for th« proposed Dunn to Clinton highway, which was approved by the commission about six months ago The read will be the first In Sampson county built with both state and federal aid. It will bo one of tU. great chain of roads now bring co i atruetrd over the state and govtr.i mam In the effort to got Va.tfc Cai.i ima out of the mud. The now road will be nb mi 27 : miles long, and will be the H'tri h e way In the county when! it wlU bo bcarily reinforced whore needed and will Hand the rigid teat made by tha government on all roads which It sida In any manner. The mad win be paid for mi a bar!* uf on* fourth by the eamN one fourth by the itate and the re mainder by the federal government. It will run through the Uoaman's Orora Roads section, on a practically n-rect liar from Clinton to Dana, and .vili hr of material aid to tb* great farming section which it pamrs. Tho bids asked for will be opened •y the highway rommiwdnn on June 21. and it Is hoped that oa* will kd accsptabla and that tha work ran M ahead immediately. The enginiMa in ch».-g>- of the work expect to a* an the ground a fans day* after the b:ds arc opened, and plan to start smrk immediately. They hope to have moch of the mad In condition to use l*y winter. . An id#* of the site of tha project ns.v be gained from some of Use flg aroa in the advertisement, which calls ror 127 590 cubic foot of excavating tnd 195,150 pounds of rotuforelne >ua Ti:3lE NATIONAL POLITICAL CONVENTIONS AT CHICAGO C.lvrago, Ju-'C 14.—Three national political conventions will ho bald in Chicago tha weak of July 10. Tbo Ung^ Taa Party, through Robert C. MeAuley. of Pennsylvania, today is sued a call for its convention. The Committee of forty-Eight aad National Labor p«ny have already issued their cells. ASSASSINATION OF CHILEAN CANDIDATE IS ATTEPPTED Wanting*, ChOa,' 'Jane 1< — toaapt to amaaMnate Arturo Aleaon Jri, presidential candidate of tha Lib oral Alliance, occurred this morning. Three shots were fired et him, but be was uainjured. COTTON PRICES GO TO LOWER LEVELS Aggressive Selling Sends Val ues Down to Lowest Since Covenunont Report New York, Jane 14.—With contin ued good weather in the tootk and the Mock market Miowing aa aaaiar tone, selling became more general and aggressive in the cotton market today. Prices broke to lower levels than any touched previously since tha publication of the gevenunent report at the beginning of the month, with October yelling at 34.87, or 78 points below the closing price of SetorAs. Last prices were approximately % lowest of tha day, with the aarkaH barely steady at a not decline af 48 to 88 points. Tht market opened steady at an advance of four points to a decline of tea points, with near months rela tively steady. July sold up to 38.84 right after the call on baying against spinners' calling and thorn arms also a little trade demand for early new crop dt liveries. Otherwise, however, support was lacking and early buyers wera scon supplied, with tbo Silting becoming more active after the pub I tent ioa of favorable weather fore casts and the drtailed weather re ports. Stop orders were uncovered as the market broke through tha low levels of last Wednesday with July selling wwmti Ml Q|,P9 in (DC IBM MBUIHJIi vr 43 pulnta net lower while now crop positions showed not loams of 7# to 8H points with December selling ht 88.77. There wsa • good deal of Southern selling on tne decline par ticularly fnr New Orleans account and Liverpool was an tarty sellar, while there was considerable pressure from Wall Street and local sources. The report from the Census Boreas showing domestic consumption of *41.0*0 halts for Map was slight)* below the forecast, but compered hel lishly with last year's report sf 487, •34 balot and had little immodiate In fluonca. Cotton futuras opened steady. July 88.4#j October, 35.#*: December, 34.#4; January, 38.#0; March, 88.83. ASHEVILLE MAN ARRESTED WITH -SMELL** AS EVIDENCE Asheville, June 18.—Federal oSL cere yesterday raided the rooms of J. H. Baker, at 148 Broadway, salted ton hot water bags, and arraated Ba ker on charges a? transporting whis ky la violation of the nation J prohi bition act While the hags did sateen tain whisky Urn oBtora said that they had contained liquor yraviouely si they smelled strongly of alcohol. Be i leer was held under a Bond of l#0#, i which h« gave, for hit aepaarane* . before U. IT Commhmloner Von no : Cadger, on Jane II, for a Orel bain ary hearing 0fleers Rood end Bur gle and Deputy Marshal Pool mode the arrest, LYON REPLIES TO GODWIN’S CHARGE Faywttevillu Man Thinks Con. WOMoian Displays Poor Sportsmanship Now (By R. E. P...I1.) Washington. Juris 14.—Col. Terry • A. Lyon, of KayettarilU, whose bro ther led th* rscont balloting in the | Sixth district over a nomine* for Con gress today fired several shots at the Sixth district incumbent. Boride* call-1 ing Representative Godwin childiahl '(or talking about “shady political trick*," Colonel Lyon sounds a note of waning and otharwins gets th* ■«co-.d race wall under way at fo**r mat. i "J*” appearing "SfWtday • News and Observer is childish sed laugbabla,” Colonel Lyon laid today. “I am not surprised that be says 'lb* fight la th* 8ixth district has Jun began.' nor am I sarprised that he it floundering around for cs cu»»a for bis impending defeat. “But I am terry that hr displays tueh poor sportsmanship. It saemi •®*t one ro lour honored by the peo ple would be elow to char**! the peo pie with pulling off shad/ political tunts’ simply Oceania, they have shown a determination tn seltct a law congressman. And by what pro e*ss Of reasoning h* compares the last Primary to the Wrightsvills cosvcn tlon in 1910 (s beyond my compre hension. “Ha says with reference to the ac tion of the WrigMavIlle convention that he appealed to the State oxeca Uv* committee for a primary with the remit that be walked away with .ho nomination. May I remind him iliftt ii Ihi reemt contest tkin wi« ■ primary piorided by law. without any appeal to the Bute excretive .'ommittec, and hi* opportunity to walk away with the nomination re in n. i_ Lyon a lauding him by rcmsthing like I,MO voter FREE TREATMENT WITH SE RUM FOR TYPHOID FEVER (Harnett County New*) At the aaeaten of the Board of County Commissioners Monday a plan was adopted for the free treat sent with typhoid serum ef aQ per teas' ia the coaaty. Under .the pian Dr. L. T. Buchanan, profaaaor of bee lerielonr and pathology in the school of medicine at Wake Forest College win mead about thirty days la Har tnan will have executive charge of the work with an assistant to aid him in administering the treatment. The treatment will be free t» all^th* county paying twenty-five cents fot rvary successful case treated A treatment consists of three doses ad ministered successively at seven-day intervals. Dr. Buchanan wiD put on an ex tensive campaign ef advertising and publicity explain lag the treatment and Its great benefits. The entire cast of this campaign will be born by the State Board ef Health and Dr. Buchanan. He hopes to be able U vaccinate every person in the county against typhoid fever. It ia pointed nut that any community vaccinated against typhoid ia frre from the (Ha rare, and inasmuch as the treatment il free to all, it ia luaaonabla to ex pect that rvary one will avail them aelvee ef the opportunity to become (arm proof. Dr. 4. W. Halford, executive health officer of the county, states that last year there were approximately 25 eases of typhoid, and without vaccina Uon something like three deaths re .oltrd. He further ctalrs that bad the terura been given (lien as 1> proposed -row, th"o would not have been like ly a single death. A* shown by the army lcco-ds there is no typhoid where trea'.mv-il ia taken to prevent :L In the armies assembled during the 8p; -'sh-American war, no serum being administered to the soldier* there were upward of 20,0*0 case* of typhoid, with a erultnnl death toll ol over 2,000, or approximately one out of every ten. The adoption of the plan for mak ing lij-nett Col.-.It typhoid-frvo it Drobabiv one of the most imrmrtant health mearui ca ever pat forward by the County Board of Health. Th» Board conaiata of J. D. Barn an, chair man, B. P. Cantnr anperlntenriant of adocatlon, J. C. Tnoanpaon, mayor of the coenty neat, Dr. J. F. McKay, Dr W. P. Hell, Dr. J. W. Halford, execu live imlHi dfficpr. All eltlaena are reminded that the treatment It entirety free, and every one ia erged to be prepared to Uki the acrum which will inmire them agmlnat the deadly fern. Dr. Bach anan will begin work In thia county about the middle of Auguit He ap Beared before the County Board af Comminaionan Monday with Dr. Hal lord when the meaeurt wa« adopted •HOT THROUGH MISTAKE. DIES OP HIS WOUNDS Wineton-Salem, June Id.—Rev Them a 1 On. colored, died at a hoe P*taI today from two |rietel abut wounda fired by Lee Smith, colored who I" In jail and data that when he fired at Or he thought the preach er waa Grant Price with whom Smith alienee he had eoaao trouble. OrT wea •« route to hie ehereh juat eouthaaet of the city when ho waa (hot laat night. burclajuTget •IS.OOO IN ' LOOT PROM VIRGINIA BANS Ppterthurg, Va., June 14,—Surg Ian tbia morning between t end I o'clock blew the eefc In th* Parma* Bank, of Butterworth, near be e, art made their recap# without leaviai »py due after taking Liberty Bondi and paper* valued at IlS.tdO. • FIGHT CXPEI Montreal, Jn It—Labor loaders predicted Ion I, (hat the Orel big Aght oa tho : of the convention of tho American Moderation of Labor, now In Motion would come up on the proem l for dobote of rooolutione „ recognition of tho Soeiift go vc ; of Russia and the lifting of ! blockade against that country. Tho commit! considering these resolutions. It « learned tonight, will recommend .jat the conernlion “rofuM to endoraf the Soviet govern ment or any ottoh form of govern meat” in Bumla a itll the people there have established » truly Democratic torts ef govern a eat. , rh* J<*,ro»r«" rea” headed by damea Duacau, « Beattie, are pre pared to wage a Utter fight on the Moor for rscogniman of the Sovi.u. They will he aw Jolted, ho Mid, by the I n terna donut Vlmdirs* Garment 'y®'*"*.' of KesrfriSStuU several other In terns LI o*d| esh.» One of the firdi matUrs to comr bofnro the dslegsiM will be the ns rutlve councils resect. which states that “notwIthKalAag the need, of ", *r ot/tMUnr, Congress Mailed to enact analogic constructive a ensure that wot d aid in chocking >r of i tecring" Al’aaader I low, X presided of Ue taaaas Mine Wot taro Organisation n no uncod tonighf that ho will light ’or the adoption « Ida resolution eoa lemnlng the Kana ■ Indostrial Court, fhe 'eooiobon a£ eriUctses Cover or Allen "for hia Beaplesbic efforts 0 enslave the wojfaf claaaet of Kan an and Anally the working class cl he United Slate*;to prostituting his 1 •Iflcr as governotief Kansas to the rork of erueitygig the working , 1 as*.” Tt --- ■ - 1 "1 drove through one North Caro tao town with a population which onM not havo esceadad three thou aad. On the principal buetneei rtreet, 'hirh, indeed, war the only buainea* groat, I took account in poaeiag of ight baildlnga, all la procaaa of eoa 11 action and all being eonatnetod of nick. On one corner • big general lore noarea completion. Diagonally icrom from it a three-story building or offices and lodge rooms was go »k op- Thera area a structure which ould moan nothing etaa sxeopt a now novie palaca. One next door plainly »« destined to bo a garage and there ■van yet another whose purpose I !Ottld not divine offhand. Feasibly It a to be a serciev station far oulja wards—tbs folks are getting to bn noat terrifically up to data in North Carolina. ‘.This was eat all. By ao means was ft alt. The red-day bowels had soon ripped eat of every street, main ■treat sad croae street, and in the leap trenches iron orator main* wore ■sing laid to boar underground com- j ■any with aoaror pipes and electric; onduite. Near cement sidewalks -branded eff in all directions. From bo width and tbo number of the now sevemento one Judged that practical '7 all the badness men ead most of as house bold era la that town had be come confirmed concrete drunkards. "With excusable vainglory a eitisen of the place told me that tost yoor by practically a aaantosoaa vote Us ciu toaa had voted a band Uuee for elec tric lights, municipal waterworks and a modern sewage system i this, too, I. > a-a as . a_a_ .a s proportionate ahara la a m IB ion-dol lar bond iaono far food rood a Ut.ourfi tko county and a aecond county bond iaoe of taro hundred thouaand dol lar* for bulMtny a ayotem of modern trade rcbodla and a h'yh aehao) build in*. Bocal Hat how tartly, jaat a faw yearn am, the aoarayo rural Tar Ilaot waa •atmfled in tba matter of drain age and public utilfcirt, or tba lack of them, tbia alateaioat (yelled aomo thlnp to my underetandlu* CARO or THANKS We wirtt to thank our many frionda and tbo poopta pontrolly for the maay dooda of kfotaam aad the pro «*oaa rympetby throuch Urn death «»d burial efeur dear ha aba ad and frtbor, may Ood'a richeet klcminfi 1 "i** £•* alt, la aar prayer. Mn. O. D. Strickland aad Family HARDING’S HONE TOWN GOES Will Ctkbntkf Gaatril ta Rtetlp ot Now., Hi. F.lW, 78th Birthday Mariaa, O., Jana IS.—ThU littli central Ohio city of nearly 35,000 people went wild with joy and entha ciawa tonight whm it learned that ooo of iu citiicn*. Warren G. Uard ing, had beta nominated for the Pm idancy by tha Ranabllcan Katianal Convaatiea. Minutes before it war anno a need uflic tally at Chicago that Harding had been nominated, Marion started ctle brating what it ronaidend a aura thing. Factory whlstlca touted, charcb Uella were run and Harding's frtendc nelghbon gathered oa the etreeto ■a shouting, laoghiag group*. Nu on* tea* at the Harding home 10 receive the news. The house, oua af the aodeet dwelling! uf the city, ten* dark. ' I larding*a father and sister, aria tv* larr, were the canter of sathn ilaatic groups of townspeople, who *xclt*<11» the drvelopmcato *f the day at the Chicago eonven Jon. Father's 7«th Birthday Tha father. Dr. J. V. HaJding. a 11 act icing physician, received bte ear* of the honor of his ion on h 1 Idth birthday. He seemed highly alaBv d, as did a Muter, Abbigail ilardiag, rha toochaa English In the Marion ligh School. Th* elder Harding rocoivod tha >•** «thont ogeitnaeat He doctor d that M had net wanted hi* sow to * nominated, bat new that he is wmJnatod. ha dvclarad ho would vote or him far President. BarHar in tha day when Harding's mmlnation tmund allured, tha Ta her told intimate frieada ha hapad wuruote >twv RmOMN, w m many Presidents and an in luigk A* arc --*-*■*—»r* Ha laid be didn’t want hi. "boy" lurmed! Nevertheless. Dr. Harding appeared •» be tbs hippie* man In the warid .on If hi. bn Harding was with bar kss band at Chicago whan the tioa waa ms da The children. nJi.’-ssr;,._ Star. He baa been in eawapeim waek jaiaaa ha maa IS. Whan in bfarion ha jg** *U af hi. Urn. at tj" Tl r*rM^K^rorxrw£7£r oeratic ampapar at •• a weak sal ary, and waa discharged team the A*it of that paper during the Blaine campaign, became his sympathies were with Blaine, and bocatme be in* ilstcd apon wearing the high hat of •be Blaine partisans. la Native af Okie Tbs Republican Presidential aom* ume was bora on November 1, 1M&, at Blooming Grove, Morrow county, Ohio, jaat r» miles east of Marion. . SCOTTISH BITE BODIES HAVE REUNION THU WEEK Wilmington, Jane IS.—The annul summer reunion of the Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Wilmington will be held here June 16*18. Prepar ation* are being suuW for receiving a targe class of candidate* into mem* beiritip. negroes from the fourth to ; thlrty-jocopd inclusive win bo confer red by selected decree teams. The work will be put on in the Scottish Rita hall of the Masoaie temple. j Response* from member* througK •ut the State indicate that there * j ba a large attendance. The viei-ois will be entertained at a aerial af hen. qucti which will be given in the ban quet hnll «f the Muonic temple. HARDING'S NOMINATION VICTORY FOR DEMOCRATS Montreal, Jana 14—The Montreal Star *aye: "The Harding nomination (hvuld pot mw enthuaiaam into the Democratic make. The Republican nominee la not a national figure. He etanda for the very Ullage which or ganhwd Democracy haa alwaya moot Klroagly eppoved. He i« a reprraenta live ol McKinley Republkaniam. a thing which the Democrat* have al waya branded aa arrant r«action. No doubt the forthcoming convention nt San Frameiaeo wiU make the moat of the procreative formant within the tank* of the party and throughout the country to identify Harding with Wall Street “bomiun" and the “big Intercom.’’ BOOK CLUB MEETS The Thursday Afternoon Book Clnb mat iaat Thureday with Mr*. J. W. Whitehead in her aew heme with norly avert m corner prompt Luoch cee wee eerved on the perch by Little strnir uirnn wmiwitd aim* nry Whitehead. «on and daughter if the ladMv The me.'iitig w»> called to aider by J. Claran<-* Smith Roll we* called aad aainstca of tho teat meeting rood and appeared. Topic for tho meeting waa Ore oil Life. Paper* related to the topic were rood by Mra John C. Clifford aad Mra Horace Pmmnaa. Mra. John Fitxgorald mag a ealo: "Jaat Be Otad,” aad Mra J. Lloyd Wad* aad Mra Robert L. Oodwia tang a deet V i*|tom p meant were Mra C D. Bala, Mra P. A. Lee, Mra. Carl Bara foot, Mra J. M. Daniel* and Mra Win loos Thera peon. Mceabor* preaent woe* Mra ha rim lllrhemltb, llta I. P. Rieka, Mr*. Jack Lee, Mra 0. M. Tllghman. Mra J. Lloyd Wade. Mia B. L Godwin. Mra. fc. 0. Mattes, Mra J, ^Clifford. Mra P. 8. Cooper. Mra dll. OokUUm, Mr*. John flta gereld, Mra N. A. Tiwanad. MAYNABD TILLS ABOUT OMMOUSm TIB I All • Aviator CalUda. yMi « WvhT^ t Klnaton, June 1*.—On* of the ••••t predicaaaota lUv. Bairto W. famoae ainaan, foand hiai J»n ia aa the trmaoMiiHaoatol 22 41 • ■■mUJ town in tk« wc* Thm wm ‘'utrciNi" m4 of **“ ^^--2 Mi-toSTJS- ** MwAr* Oarallaa CFNDnU RIBBa AM - A a. I I t! eawna, aU'aiTtnSatoc'aad'hluto u Lrt!rf,rt.>rTcfc*r fltU4 ln wUfc **•» « oat." Ha .X £ «ha»ic. who Masked to be moniZ ‘Jr»A«|A their ’plan* than anythin* “ *”* t0t cJlitoirrU,H,i!L?ta »•* •* «•** “• **••• ■•«*•*" far the nt m 001# raontJu. Ths mm, ti*e e**ti*o°t and back. «»«*«£ reference to hhaeatf he to , g*»«—"t Klein." Klein was “i *W7 “^nta of “** •f *«n’1 • «>•<* n^ht except to £■*» ■a*<l. *• UeeSdar •very obetade wa womld not have wet thay ran tote fear wiowetorm* to OK ;toetoa. Theae ware ia the Rockies. aaida area. “Wa pawed tbrouwk a ™t~an ‘archway,* ia which the toaernd wa aw a peak daad ahead, tawerio* a ttooaead feet aviTthu oar altuudo. Bat we avaaccd lojww oo«r It with 1*0 feettoM«a.“ P«o *rv tkave when the beat that ■tea eaa do cooate far nothin*. the Oytof parson remark ad "W. brake our rrsnk ah.f* ..a _a ■*! MEANS FILES SUIT FOR HC DAMAGES Wait, « Million Pro. Swan* Ami Loo, far Allard Bci hory and Comaptaon MjrYart, 1«m 14.—-Salt far »L ••OAOO filed ia Pedal ^ atUswoya fa, Carton *. Mean, against District At torney Edward Swann aad AasUtaat Dirtifct Attorney John T. Lon,. Tho complaiot charts tho defaad SfV** eo*J»i5in« wltk »«etoJo of -M Northern TrtA Commiv. ■{ CU. 3P- *W aad^TSit’witW ss to tastify falsely against the plalatdf in hi.. wSfor^TEdtort Mrs Maud A. Robinson Xing aad to Arfaat probata of tho alltMd last wOl C “■* cC^e. to!r The alleged bribery aad corraptiaa wore said to have beea practiced dar IAP th«l tfUl -a# Mao*, art /*-« tot C. Means, who served aa hnaiarea *•*■* *«r **»»• Ha*, was acqaitted. . lk* charge* attempt* bp hraaa u^DaMla* “ta convict plata ns at tba crime a? mardar, have Mm axacated ar incarcerated and falling ■a Chi* dcaign, aa Uey did, ta bring •beat aa atmoipkarc through falsa and Ubalona publication* f am Mud ta the pram by mid defendant* aa Maid barn tha affect of dlacradlttea Ue plaintiff aa a wltacn in tba Mm •* tho probate of lha will ia U* eftp •f Chicago, tba Mtimate abject ef mid conspiracy being ta defeat tba Bi«Ute of tho said last King will." Thl* will disposed of a 1400,00b es tate. MORRISON UK AOS von by oiav sr Tabulation of tbo vote caat hi Um Mato-wide primary by the State Board of klectlons yesterday gloat Camera a Morrieon a lead of 87 over O. Mu Gardner m a total rota of 1SMH- rot— declaration of the vote wae deferred an til U e’clock thin morning to gtvo time to Judge J. Crawford Bigge, Gordaer’e man ager, to verify r eta me from eoaaUao whore official mperto vary from fig ure* that ware given him m official. Reception* taken by dodge Bigge while the vote wee being oanveeeed yesterday morning roamltod tn the re daction of the Morrteon load from 187 through the dlarevory of aa error i» the entry ef the vote In one pre rinet la RMmeond connty. Judge Biggs was of rise opinion that similar errors ere peeaible la the returns from Edgecombe and Vance came ties. The error to Richmond sms verified by telegraph and correction sms an te red on On tabulation The tohnlatien ae It stead when toe bmwd adjenrned at • o'clock to too afternoon felony: Morrieon. 4S.07D; ssvri j fesriteSUWU! had no statement to giro out as to toe information. Ha wOl appear be fore to* baud again this-eing whan M erneatolis at 11 a’rieek. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION TO BEBKOSrEfER i fc -4 M aih with tha daaartallaa wart •at (IM Haw T«k that Aar tatav »tr.'d la hnr*w.i«4i«, wHh iha riaah hat H was caaafl*.*ii * It to batot katd kant auk (act ta tha acdaia _ LYON ULTIMO ON MW _I

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