L. IUUU POTK. PeUl.b.f Bum ■will...t Oil it mid *t tar eon*creation 1 la ttwi: 1 bean a day. tht la baa baacy for the bailee la bar gotten tna a angle nr teafoa eratt that haa to (apply watei tar aaweeaga. ftra-dghting and demts tb gas. Daring tbs vac it «a* tha uul thing to cal) backer* all who refuted te respond la tha ala af the nation ' map have bean oar pri , aa to tha aertu of tha . cnlH, Near tha tawa la facing a erltit ao to He aratar aopply. CitUca* arc naked wt to wasta. To run a laws api foliar all might or to laavo a apl gat apaa aa that tha water may be kept ceal Is waate. Waate in tkia in ftenet maana suffering to nni and danger to al. MWIIT IS. rA(j£ SnppOften of the two itvboinator ial wdldltM loft in the field by the primary af tea days ago are loud in thefr rialme aa to where Ika rapport given lobtrt K. 1*0x0 will go. The CnrdaoT forces, basing their assertion apse the alleged fact that Henry Page, toother to the former candi date, had wired Mr. Gardner that he would give him hia rapport, claim that the Peer' rapport *ft>l go to Card Harlot Cloeheu 11. the genial mono _ - gar off Mr. Monisoa’s campaign, makes aa apposing assertion. He Is •oufMaut that Mr. Page's strength all go to hie seen. Aa a matter of fast, Mr. Pegs will make no attempt to influence thorn who voted for him. It was our good fortune to gmd nearly a month with Mr. Page dariag hia campaign. Der ChUT that time we had the Onset kind off, opportunity te- study the man who, to u*, is |bs neatest approach to jier fbat-ea we have aver seen garbed in tre users. Ha would no mere think of trying to dsttver >0,000 votes of a poWrtrlaa thaa he wonld af boltisg the party bsranm af bis defeat. The M,#06 votes east for Mr. Page iunt Hr. regards thpu too Mgtoy to attempt to (nfluence them ♦ van if bis diipeiltlen wots to da ath trwke. Bo will be ooaaisUat. HU •ghl waa agataat the awchinee of Gardner and Olmmana a* much as it tips far arpnamy aad aGcieacy m the adml Istratfcn of State government. Ho has ao desire, wa are convinced, to me the power that ha* com* to' him In this campaign as aa iastnuaant against either one of the ma left la the roe*. , While wo are talking a boot the mmpsigu wo might as wall admit that wo a:o certain that the boel . moo has boea put out of the race. Tbs Jake is an North Carolina whichever way tho cut Jampa. | : Df AND ABOU1 g g jHE TOWN § - femawiiiiwm Wen, /elk. here we are egal- ef:-r a month af eeelng NawOi CVtfne with that good aaaa whom to many a/ yea voted again* la the late la ■ eat it primary. Troth la we've been baah far alma* a weak hat 'tw.'i not aatO that war eerrow had Or- -i wKteaUy drowned to permit ef the ama'polatieti ef a very rrar.ky t7tw wvH r. Wo an more than pled to be with yaw again, ahhepab wt am ITvectly chagrined.'murk temo.et iui. evmwaelmiawly regrvtfol aad *hir eaghhr f«mt->~ Mnt and Howry have it ea Ka»ab ** ’‘borne Kewob b e» i tha fettewe got bar’ between Ibee err *e -»V th •hub ^f^ "■ ■ i aw r-Mhlvr but pin- fm thtm when .1 7 .*u«h tV *••». fed.*: of U.4 ail*/ aad the oth.r anplmmat laara »f the leather* re*;-. -ix and The other fellewe ana ta •t* -d tbt toff pewwuw af that dhrte «•»* toaxan* ha earn aa aehiei af th* pttk- i*h Hno. Three queer datke • » T':rr '« the h*P * met la IadiaaapoUa, where wo *4 the piaaoui* of watching thorn. M th.*t time th blighting load of h- ilvy r uki ha*l elieady h.t that .'•» city, hat tho gentlemen from Kentucky *«d CaUferufc hceaght la Mtexgh of th* Joy fluid ta awfce tho occasion one of math plaacan to -.hoot who could not tho# do without a ril alp. We wonder who will relieve tho eh untie a tM* your. Some folk Uka an awful with vnlhnblc property. I Over ta Chief Fage'a ati a*M a xtUl—a real Mill, topg doubling barrel, cap end we: erhk’a there lx no more valuable pro perty In all the reramp* af the U1 Cuhu *•’, Black and Cape Fear Bivnre :cd Mince cemblned. Some carelem fiUnd of tho toper kfl It la thel hedow »f the stable* at TUgkmna'x »:il. Intending, evidently, to move it under cover of datfcaeea. Parte* Hunt and th* Chief trembled *eroee '.he thing yceterday and brought H •uto town. A abort distance nway a bn-ml of boor was found. Somewhere Ihtr* it o grtcihig moottahinor. Hlrl f Man tl Msec*!_fka fallxtwr wWr • an* «*■> plant—m «p against It last Saturday whan tt» aid angina which he U replacing with two big oil motor*, broke down la the audit of ihs biggest demand of the year. A whole lot of folk wore sweltering round Uwa (wearing at tho ice plant, but neglecting to investigate the trouble. Noel la doing his beat io give Doan tho beet equipped k* plant in the btata. He has spent thou sand* of dollar* trying to doable the capacity of tha plant la time for tho summer demand. Inability to got ca tain pnrta sf hi* now equipment 1■> delayed hi* plea* a grant deal Sd ha* caused Mm large loan la reve He it doing hi*, boot, however, r-til that bast is mighty good. Thom who arc freest la criticism should go dii'd "o h'a plant and me what ho is t yinjr to do. WuJ* vs wore away on tha cam P igi vfh Mr i.-». «■ • Ir.-m! «• I i; f rj;H T1 i! I • ,i* Is-1 T im •is Just a yellow mongrel—laxy. bat k .nbk and ievin*. He usod to greet n r ich night—ur early mprolag— w‘ th •■'i* FMy "jonU take u» hama fi lm the n-ducus labors of stciring through coaatry roods or bad (Crests. While wt road. Tom woald play with ou' thoc striags and some dams stick Ms fangs into oar bony dish last to Ut a* know ha was tksrs. Wt didn’t tear tho old fellow. Ho Just took ap with as aa If ha’had found a kindred spirit to while away the loag nights when money charing mor tals watt asleep and misting tha bchutkra tha Creator had mads fot such fools aa Tom and me to enjoy. We loved old Tom. He wai a good pal—almost as good as a dor—only toNroW amor ride wMk jmexeept nnder comooUlon. The missus tap Tom died of grief son our absence. Professor J. C. Smith, principal of the colored school* hare, cam* la yes terday loUllti about his school and its closing exercise*. Tha exorcism bct'ai c-t Monday of last weak and continued through Wednesday. Moo* day was given over to the primary. Tuesday to the intermediate, mid Wednesday to tha advanced grade* 1 ho whole thing waa rounded oat with a big picnic at Saris*’ Pond Pr.-fsrjor J. O. Byers, of tho Berry O’Kcilcy School, near Raleigh, deliv ered the annual address and gave his young h oarer* advice that will prove of inc.'timsbla value to them if H it 1 followed. The school* bad their most , : jcrevsfu) term this y*ar aad the principal is well planted by the pro (MS'. made Cuiing the wd t3t. pu-' •it wire r* oiled ard thr r.rr ng >*ily itttvlcwi was (M—the largest i n»b« fa ixh fariaac* *vvr record rd «. a ..fated - rbeol ta tbli uctlcn., V. I We tfa. fellow Smith, by th« ra. . He ht do lug a woedeiful work :■> •* ibe rvlond people ret only of I.* . iwnnaity but tnioughout the ".W i . ' i the school.- harv mad* won-j i *t at regrera. And it has been thr tipi * ’"ad #f p.og.ra*. Smith dor* i oet impomlbl* hope* to thr Ut • .- ol.ir.-d boys aad girl* who come .0 him for Knowledge. He l sec her ■h«-m to work aad tells them of the) honor aad dignity of labor. New he is engaged la an enterprise to build! > big Industrial and teacher-training ohool her*. 11* heyeo to Haro this school built by maa* time neat yeer.j, a It he wants to train young mea .'.ad women of hit race to bseomc .reithr eltlaras of a country which -fiords them every opportunity C.. do]trial advancemoi.l when they -re fitted to accept these opportune Irs. We hoy* all mannsr of suemu or him hi this entotpti..- and tiust hat all of the white people of tfcL ecttoa wi'l give him the support hie .!*■» dt5e.ro*. Lin wood Pridgen, that smiling -mngatcr who U one of the molt vei led members of the Dispatch staff, i • *iu p: : :d po.-:c.-.*or of a silver tov ' •* cup p-wee-.trd to him by members •f 'bo Dunn High school basket ball ' am. Llnweod wat oar of the star i*.'foirai-rs on that team when it was •sire Its best work lari winter. Inci dent ally hi* was the only member of be team t# graduate this /ear. It >.as as a gredaaUcn p.eaent that his 'allows prevented the cup. It was pro-' rand one night last week at the. hanlauqua by Judge Jnhn C. Clir-' 'aid. who expatiated at length upon he virtue* or Linwoo-I. Wr agree trilh the genial Judge in hie estimate! :f the kid lunwood has been under I tuy personal obterration for the last lee month* We regret that we wervj net suck a boy as be Is when we wvr*, Hie sgc. The loving cup Is a pretty i tcognition of a xhaiaettr that is r:rh| SB beauty and vt-ength. Its rocipient “•ill go far. The cup is In goo*! hands.1 After Judge Clifford had presented] the cup ha explained that the young-] •tern had boon \j too much expense Ini '* quipping their court and buying un< fornaa and other things. Than ha ach ed the audience to contribute Mint I th ag toward the team’s support ml year. The inuu of $100 wj-- rafted. Her. C. O. JohntOT. Raptift eran rel'-f**. la attructir.g large crowds to his mi-stings ia the Tint Baptist chu.ck this weak. Uc prtactara twee r day—0 o’rteek !n the mcvntng and 3 n'c'.'rV at night. HU aerarann ?rc ™*!Vrt a-d 'hould ba heard by ,«■ ' rybody in Osna. Tour tosra tax rate far this year will ba $1.40 lower than it was for last yearr. but the amount you must pay will ha fire per ceat higher. Tbi is oeeadoaod by the new assessments baaed on the revaluation act. The rate was fixed by the Beard of Coamis tionert ia its regular meeting latt sight. Under the law Ike Board cauld have added tea per cent to tbe amoont to bo paid, but since the town owoa nothing save iu bonded Indebt edness, It seas not draught aoceason to a« nits Shun Beeper eons. TV new rate trfll giro the tosra an income of appemf—lily $44,400, not In cluding privilege license taxes Chief Pag: has already collected nearly $!, 004 of the 1020 privilege tax There ia yet probably $>,004 of this to by col lected. Each 1,400 gallons of water ia ex cess of 1.804 per month trill coat lo cal consumers an additional two bib So it was rufed by the Board of Coa miati oners hat night The minimum chaige of $1 rtmsine as it was. al though the maximum quantity to V supplied for that amount is limited to 1,800 gallons This action was ta ken because so maay patron* west* water upon their lawns and lure tkort who really need H to go with out Every consumer la town trill b. auppiied with o meter AIR SERVICE GOES TO AID OF SALVATION LASSIES — .... I Aal.afW Army I—Mia all am tW CrMrn kialvx ara kayy jaal.aaar am «i « irmfc tw Ik* aanaa-arMr flaw •forrfcr inmi for (Mnaa.aaoik* Anar M •• omha tram May M ll M Mm» arr anrir wf tto jmpaiar MaraaaaaM •array aa BraaaHf^aaafM*<•»**Ilia • • • «- # « a a HOW EUROPE CAN ESCAPEGOLLAPSE NTs Must Aid by Extending Credits, Says Davison. BRAVE MENACE TO U. S. A. European Ruin Would Involve Amtrioa—Starvation and Disease Rampant. Dm MoUma U. Bp asking before dM Odaeral centth-nca of tba Marbodtat Kplteopal Cbarcb. Scary P. Dsvleoa, Cbalman of tba Board of Go re more at tbo League of Bad Oeaa BoetaUa* tald: Aa cbalnaaa of tbo Convaattaa of lied Croat Societies, composed of rap rrwMtatleua of twaaty-aovea natloaa tliet mat recraUy la Geneva, I am cas t udlan of authoritative reports record tag appalling condltlooi a sung mil IIom of people living la eaatera Co- ' ropo. | One of tba most tacrtblo tragadlaa la thr history of tbe human race la be lag Miaetad within tbe broad ball of tarrt lory lying between tba Bailie and tba Black and Adriatic Seat. This area Includes tba aow Baltic Btataa—Poland. Osecbo-Slovakia, tba Ckratn^ Austria. Hungary. Boa man la. llontsoegTo, Albania and Serbia. 1%a retail tt which come to aa make ' It dear that In theea war-ravaged ! laada drlllmtloo baa broken down. I Dlaanaa. bereavement and aaffertag are pratsnt la practically ovary beast wnu* rooo ana ctothlag are to eafttrteot to main Ufa toferable. Uao, women and children in dytag hi thousand* aad wear vast anco-drt tliad arena there are to be found nei ther medicinal appliances nor medkel *IU eadlrtent to cape with tbs derma toting plague*. Wholesale »ter ration la threatened la Poland this a annual unless tow can procure food euppllep to Urge q non ti tles. There are new ipproxlmaiely *50,000 can* of typhus to Poland aad la tha area occupied by Poltah treopa. Want Typhua EpMeanl* ta Hhairy. This la already oe* of the wont ty phna apideolea to tha world** history. In flail ela whole towns are crippled trleta there la but ana doctor to each ISO.000 Jpeopls. In tSo Ukraine, we were teld. typo a* and tadwanaa hiA agectsd moat of the population. A report from Tirana, dated Pahcu ary 19, mid: Thera are rations for three aroaka. Death stalks thraagfa the •treats af Vleaaa aad takaa aohladar ad MU. Budapest, according ta oar lafanaa tlon, to on* reel city of misery and •offering. The number of deaths Is double that af hlrihe. Of tha MO.CM0 children la toe school* 10*000 are do pe»deot aa pubUc charity. There are um.000 aedaw n* Typhu* ud imallpeu hues toraded tha tour oaaatriaa aempoalag Caecbo bloTakls. aad theca Is lack af medi «Ua* paap apA'phBklaa* . . f» «ortA fyp^^ftai broken out apala aad thsfa are bat 900 phjaKUa* to alnlswr to tha need* of that entire la M»tn«n «ban food to rSD ■ug abort. that ora bat fra phyto dui ter ■ popalatlea of Atariaa Overflowing WHh RMtaa. Batarnlag to tba Viltaf ft* too a tew weak* ago wttb all thoee borrora rlngtag In oar can. I hood tgoolf cwea taro to a lud wboos granarlaa ware overflowing, orb ora baaltb ami giant* abaendad and where Ufa and acdrit* and aagt aoterprtoa wore to Dm fall dabdL I oak ad wjaatf: -Wbat If ttoa glagna and tomtoa inn ban to tba groat ter. rttac* between the Atlantic oaaboard end tha Mlotoaalppl valley. which reeghly garattato the ctOget of thoee ravagofl danatrtoe and that htTuftod 5*01 _ the attaottao ad ear brathua to bag and ear crtaa bad fallen oa daaf aara weald we aec to enr daapalr ax dais agatoet their heertlaadbaaa r ' Only Three Wage to Mate awega There are eel* throe wage by which tbaaa otdchan land* oaa aaeara ng gUea fret the eataMe wartd. Oaa la hr payteat, ana by toflU. and the third la hg axchaaga at 1*N| 9t luuurtry and tkidt. Tba Boost wcuumgiLf fun about rrance today • »lui i her people am a Urn to tho ee iouseeen of Fraae«*a probt—. and !>'•> am going forward bravely to •atra that jpoMem. Italyraetptte bar gnat abort ago ad t» material, U looking forward aad mm bnrkward. Italy cam be rotted non to do her pan I Knglend |a maailag tha prntiln at evonitruction Juki aa tboaa who knew tor paat abonld ham expected bar to ucot them. . Flea te AM CeaWal gerapi. It la not for me paehapn to giro to let all a formula tor aoladoa ad tha world % Ilia boc aa I have bean asked many times, "What woaM yea dor I am glad.to glee my eera, answer. Accordingly, I woold a*: L That Cecgmoa Immediately pose • bill appropriating a mm net to am mad U00d00i,000 tor tha am at Oao tral and Beat era Europe. 2. That Oaogmm call upon tha Prso dent te appoint a eon political cone mlaotoa af three Americana, dletlm gotahed tor thatr character and axac utiro ability aad rammandlng tha m •poct af tha American people. Bach a commission should Inclod* on of tho typo at Oaseral Pershing, Mr. Hoot or or ox-Bocretary Lana 1 weuM 'asset that commlmkoa with complete power. S. I woold ham tho cnmmlaalact to atrwrtad to proceed at oace, accompa nied by proper personnel. to Surrey coedit loco to Central and hast am la rope aad U»aa net for tha maturation of those coaatrtea under each cooil tlaoi aad lpoa each tarmo as tha coat oil salon Rmlf mas derlda to ka mitt. fable ut affective. Irasag tea can. dltleua should ba provided that there should ba aa local taterferanco with iba fro* aad ontntmmxled ttwtUt by ba eommlmloB of Its own prerogative of allocating materials. Ooveroateutal politic* tboald ba eliminated; aaraa aonaMa aad prejudicial barriers be tween lb# ran ana couatrles aboald be removed, aad each substantial guaru teas aa may ba aeinabla aboald ba ex acted la order that the coadMana Im posed aboald bo fulfilled. m «- As to Sex octal terra*, t ahooial »»k* them HboruL I would charge no Internet for the Bret three yean; for tho next three years, S par eeat, with provision that aorb Interest might be funded If the economic conditions of •ba country wave not approachtw* nor mal. or If tti exchange condltieaa were oo advere* as to make payment un duly tiurdsaaomi. I should soako the matartty of tbo abtigmtien ifi years from It* data, and I aboald bar# a* doabt aa ta Ita Baal pet meat. 0. Immediately the plan wax adopt ed I would bar* oar govern in est In cite other governments la a position to aaalst, to paittdpata la tbs under taking. a T* sat forth completely ay opin loo. I should add that la the Baal In structions the American people, through tbalr govern man', should xay to the cemmlssbm: "W# want yon go end do this jab la such a manner aa, after study, yea think It aboald fa* door. TUlm la na ordinary ux da risking The Aasgstaaa paaplt Host ypa te as* that It la hat rltfit-. M. R. Butler Is building a pretty bungalow on the lit* of his old rash dene* which wil destroyed by Art iteerel month* ego. This is just out aids of town at tbo eastern end oi Brood ■treat To Too School Cocmnittc eaten of Harnett County* 1 am having published below for your information and guid airce in the employment of teachers i copy of the salary sched ule which we hope to have adopted at the coming session of the Legislature. You may be assured that the state and county will pay that amount for six months to all the teachers employed under this schedule. The teachers will be graded In the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and classified along No. 1, 2 alnd 3 or any other classification on this schedule. Sal aries will be apportioned for them accordingly. In employing teacher? for your school before contracting for salaries, please leern just wh.-'t .lass their certificate, academic and profession f.l training wi l plate them in. In districts that have no local tax salaries cannot te placed beyond that allowed by the state and county. In dhtvlri- that have local tax salaries can he plac ed higher. It is our doe ire to do everything to aid you and tho teachers of the county. If wc can serve you in any w-y, please let us hear from you. ^ LI: t”i wjufiJ. I c_:, Cordially yours, R. G- FITZGERALD. County Superintendent. A Graduated Salary Seal* for Teachers HoUain of High SAmI, Cj««*r|tM|k|, Salary SuU on La.gth of Crad., Primary CortlfUalao Sorrica I- Gradu.tr. o, A Colic*, with ra- * ,r* * »" * *" 1 ^ 0 quued profeuional training ..8138.88 1Z0 110 • 105 100 Z. Graduate, of two year Normal .School .ad three y«ar» ttanriard col lage credit with prof.mional raqulre ---' ----110 105 100 95 90 •• Two-yoar itandard coll.*, crad t». >'r by State Eunlnatlon with re lultcd imfceuon.1 training..?i,5 iou g« •Isidore of Elomoaiory Certificated 1. One year Standard College cred it Rft' Small Gtaded Schools of like aute. Salary baaed on t raining, ex perience and duties, $2,400, $2,000, $1,800, $1,500. Princ’pnls of Elementary Schools of ten or more teachers t..id Rurrl Supervisors, $2,000, $1,800, $1,600. $1,300. Principal of Non-Standard High School, with at least six teachers in the system and so organized as soon to become a JStandard High School, may receive $1,800. $l,'500, $1,200. $1, \ Principals of all other School* of three or more teachers, 10 per cent more than they would receive as teacher* in the yradea. Suprintendents. county and city. $8,600, $3,000, $2,400, $2, 000, $1,800. “LIKE CLOCKWORK” Can you say that of y~ur ignition on your c:._- ? Ucea your magneto itmc tion with the. smoothness and accuracy cf p S” isa watch movemj.f? it will if v:e supply the sparlring system and supervise its operation. We are experts when it comes to magne to. generator or ignition troubles. Full line of acces sories—everything for your car—genuine Ford Parts. ' Z. V. SNIPES - • «—* ■ > • - » v nr- ,-ww—<——a WOM I Goldstein’s wants to show you its new SPRING MILLINERY— X m SUITS— f DRESSES— — and — SHOES— —YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING PRETTIER OR MORE | STYLISH THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. THE GOODS WERE CHOSEN BY OUR BUYERS DURING THEIR RE CENT SEARCH THROUGH THE MARKETS OF NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. THEY REPRESENT THE FI- j NAL WORD IN STYLE QUALITY AND PRICE -WOMEN OF THIS LOCALITY WILL FIND JUST WHAT THEY WANT HERE. THE DRESSES WE HAVE IN STOCK ARE NOT EQUALLED BY moaE CARRIED IN ANY TOWN OF EASTERN CAROLINA. THEY ARE ' EXCLUSIVE IN STYLE AND WERE BOUGHT WITH A VIEW TO PLEASING OUR BEST i^.inSSlNG WOMEN. , - I . GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. The Goldstein Company DUNN, --»•*- NORTH CAROLINA . % I