****** * * « ♦LOCAL* * ' * * * * * * * Mm. C. C. Butler hat been ijuiU lick for eeveial days.. Sion Ivey, of Denton, is here tc spend a week on business. Charles Marshall Ford, of Wilson was here Sunday to viait relatives. This afternon the local ball (ui D entertaining th< Four Oaki aggre gation. Ellis Goldstein rstorned Saturday from Apgusta, Go., where he had been viidtlag his moths r. Mr. and Mrs. B O Primruse return ed today from Tyhec Beech where they had spent several days Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Pridgen, of ayctterillo, spent Sunday here with Dr. Pridgen’s parents. Mr. end Mrs D. R. Pridgen. Mill Julia Purdle returned Mon day to her home in Durham. She bad been here for several days as a guest of Miss Julia Howard Beams. W. H. Lane, Carlyle Bainc and Jun W. Balne returned Monday from WrighUville Beach arharr they had bean enjoying the turf for saver al daya Mia. Clauds Gardner was here la*! week to viatt her mother, Mn. M. J. Pittman. She wae joined Sunday by Mr. Gardner. They returned to their home in Itocky Mount Monday morn i.—Claude Kuchin has "come bach" and is as “good as svar,” according to a local party re turning from Scotland Neck, where •hey called on the representative. They found the congressman "in the beet possible, mood" and eager to talk. Their time was limited, but he detained them to ask and answer .nany qurstlon*. Dr. In M Hardy, a physician In ha party, said the Halifax statesman was evidently In fine fettle. There was little or no discussion of political matters. But Kitchin, members of the oaily said, “will be in the game a long timo yet." Tha minority loadei ia more popular at Scotland Neck than aver. Thera was not a sign of last adntor's stroke In the represen tative's condition, the local men dr dared. ASHEVILLE MAN ARRESTED WITH “SMELL” AS EYIDENC1 Asheville. June 18_Federal o.V. err* yesterday raided Ik* ,out it Tou will appreciate our service. Citizens Bank A Trust Company BENSON, N. C Tha Foundation of Banking— C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E _ I i I That day, agaa ago, wken one mao decided to trust hla money into tbs keeping of onotbor. Burked a groat forward elep fa ubieveawit. Today, the man who falls to avail himself of the facilities offered by the modem Bank la placing upon himrelf tha graataat piaiikli handicap ia tha handling of hla buffneaa affairs. AM that a thoroughly modem Basking lastitutioa can sffar goo, la Safety, Co-operation aad service is yours. If yon bank with us. > Stole Bank A Trust Company T. V. SMITH, President. M. C. BUTLEB, Vice-Pros. B. a JACKSON, Vleo-Prea. GUY U. HOOKS, Cashier. E. T. DKAFEB, Amt. Cashier. LYON RELYING ON Bid SLICE OF SHAW VOTE Sodwta'a Omni fa* Sixth Diatrict Seal Hina Rasa u Lead FWht Fayetteville, Jana 13.—Solicit or Baacr L. Lyon, who wUl am Ur ■ aac Wet soot ia Cangreee after leading ~tk55s5 tar, nrz *r»* of hi a candidacy, and left In the aftaraaoa for Robeeoa county. Mr. Lyon empreaead hiauelf ia ea huaiaatic terete In reward to the jarai reception accorded him here. Ha made a trip through Robeaon on tie way to Ihia city and declared that w waa auoured out only by the Shaw -upporura in ttobaaon hot alao by many man who voted far Mr. Godwin on Jana 6, that hia rate la Bobaaoi oa the 3rd af inly la freely predicted here by mm who are in dona touch with tha alteration aad are good judge* of political tread* that 00 par 'cat ef tha ghaw vote wffl gv ta Lyoi Charla* G. Baaa ha* aaaomed tin management of the Lyon campaign in Com bartend counter. Thoaawha know Mr. Boat aay thla --that the campaign aria be pitched ca a high plane aad at tha aaaaa time vig o roujdy praaacd, aad Mr. Lyon and ha support* ra are much gratified at securing a man of Mr. Sana'a -Brand ing to land the Whiten Ha fare** u .ha second primary Altogether tha Lyon campaign Marta off with a booth. —eau1 'if»i i An Amaciatod Pram dl*patrh from Cartport, Malm mjn: £ .¥*?* *»<*•* tomato and char* red Umber* lying an Canay Beach kero ie aB that rdmaliu of the frigate We-hmoad, once the pride of the Uni? rd State* navy. The fameae vaodea ranhlp. built In ISM, wa* uaed dar *"■ admin]'* flagSp to ireoeteiog Mp aad wa* finaUy burned far the "PP*e to her hull. ’The tlrhamad wa* Admiral Far in lottfkw men ia4 iImh xi*M*n*ns r ssJEnfegtse: '■**!«* ordered U« hm'-«u ««*. •■flood, oad Mi hoiac the mw ■O’ point. Uo frigate ww -rmt 5? aad',-l>?rijy *»■*«« *•» ftM “A few yean later tko UUmo4 1 _ I ————aa——p— HOT HOT Save Yourself-Save Your Family. v#-* i . - ‘ - Screens! Refrigerators! They will^^re doctor* bilb and add comfort to your home in this weather. Get ’em now at— • * * u .**-.I.*- Mat syn r » , * ■ • • . • I 1 | BARNES & HOLUDAY CO. DUNN- -M- NORTH CAROLINA • . ’ .,»'.**• .• • -y V* "'V■v'*year* COME TO SEE US ON JULY TURD . • ’ ' . iO . * * ' % . ■* • \ * ■. 4 ' ■ r .4 > ENGINES and MILLS / I 0-00 > ' >'1 !•;*• t ; : . : | Cook has some brand new propositions to twpl»m to you on gas and oil engines and mills. He can show you how to save money, labor and worry and how t oget real pleasure out of that farm work which * » now the heaviest drudgery. Let him come to your home and explain. ' 0-0-0 i • I '• THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMPANY ' Broad Street Dunn. N. C \ i. 1 * * ‘ •' ay Come To See Us On July TIM * * hH ...