- 'ViiMudiy «r »h« •Coaid«datnlivsd in * flu.-t.oxi C.w! dated tha IVtn day of ZUr in'*, duly thaeutctf Fa.'duih to B. * • LMh aad »tfs Mtcabo Linns near la* a note of even date.- Said mart *' " "xofrtsc 14 ecdrfr i'.Tvf -' , d> ."aul1 havtafc Ml mad* Ik Uu pertciat cl tha iadabtadmt ihoraby accutcd. :)•• uad*ni*a«d wilt jtt Monday the l.ti day of Jute, 1020, at 13 fr!j«r': M at the Coart Boom door in Lilli nr ton, X. C, aaH for cash to the hiiM ert bidder the follow!** d. w> i*«i real aetata,: Lying and b Ire la Ha: r*U County. Bute .of North Carul.w Avsrasbnm toamrhp, Lot No. 3 ii the division of th« William Luca division, hvsianin* at a awl:; n, a; the tram road, the corner o( lei Kn ■ I, aad runs as the djrtdin* lino »i this lei. North 12 W. about 34 chain to another Conor, corns; of lot No L La the Somdl line; ihencr b. J2 V; W. about 19 chains to a stake 4. oi the traai toad; thenc* S. 25 E. ,.3, chains to a dead pine in a rvaiuh thenc* N. 87 E. 0 chains to a aLiki icorner oo th* hill; thancc S. 21 >: IB choiaii to a corner, Eart of Mur; 1 IsIPs raaidance; tbcncc N. 54 H C.dO chain* to the betrioauu: contain . in* 22 sens more or less. Ti»o of tale Monday June Uth 1929, at 12 o'clock M. plan of aalo Court Bourn door in f.iiliii*iun, N C. Tonne of kale cash. B. C. LUCAS, PHOEBE LUCAS, Monyap.'ci This the 10th day of Nay Ibid. May Id-St IN THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina—Harnett County: ALBERT N. RAYNER v» Order of PaMiMf'o; LINA BAYNEB II appearing from Lb* affidavit u - In thle action. ilia UNA RAYNER, the defendant Lh>.ro w. Is not to b* found la Ilene: County, and cannot aftu lue dill gone* he found within the (State. in: it further appearing that a cau.-o u actlea exists hi famr of the piatir'f against the 'defendant for late dhrorcs. It is therefore ordered, thst notie of this action b* puVVn'tl »n*« i week foe four woekt In "Th* Due: Dbyelrh,1* a newspaper publnUcd i: Harnett county, sotting forth the i? tie of the action, the pu.-yosc of th< aim a, and requiring tho dafoadan ta appear at tan term of the Super ler Court of Harnett County, tn b held on the first Monday Ip Si.ptcm 1 bar, it being the nth day of Jqn lSzO, at the courthoaao in jed conn ty, and answer or dtmar to the com plaint of the plaintiff. This I*, day af May 1920 a. a. McDonald, , - Clash of Superior Coart S-S14L T- • M 1 1 -: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - Hasing qualified as adipiiuftratru L» ef the •etala'of Jno. B. Saunders, do a caused, late ef Harnett County * North Carolina, this ia to notify nl persons having daises sgninst the cs tat* af said deceased to exhibit than tn the undersigned at Dunn, N. C. on or before the 30th day of April o» jdn Mtfca wH bn aia.Sn hi bar of their near try. All per ; none tndsbtad to laid estate wU , please make immediate payment: MR8. L. E. WILLIAMS, 2 Administratrix ef John B. Saunders This thaaAOth af-April, 1V30. Attorney * —I . j O . . X Having qualified u ex renter. oi v the estate of John H. Pop.' decoded ♦ late af Harnett Coonty, X. C., this i> % •» netlfy all parsons baring claim: a agaii^t the estate of mid hccissl V te exhibit them to the ondtr>btnr«l t. at Duon, N. C., on or befoit* the 4t| •* day of May 1M1, or this notice will ha pleaded fat bar of their recovery AH petseu indebted to the sa d estate • srBI planoc make immediate pn^mc-t This the 4th day oi Uuy llKtf. r R. Is WABBEN. • EDITH C. POPE. Oadssia A Williams. Attorneys. ;; 4-9C Tn. * " " ■1 -; i NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION e Having qualified os ailminl'tratOi } of the estate of Y. A. Irey, latr ol 5 Her. ett coonty, this !a to notify all persep< holding claims cgsin t viM deerueed. to present the same tn ties 1 nod-.rsigned admiaisirator rtjl, pro 2 vea according to law on or before th. « 10th day of May 1021, or this astir.* will bo pleaded, la Inr of the.r te J eaviry. AH persona imI bud to nii 7 deceased will please route forward * mmA mikt isUiMBtnt l This the l«tb, day of May 1C24. - U. C. IVEY, i Administrator of tbs cstaie of V. A I ray, deceased. Jo ee F. Wilson, attorney. ; May l»4«. • * EXECUTRIX’S NOTICr. a Having qaalifku as Kxerotilx on. J dor .be test will and testament at I,. * ,■ l.w, Jr., deceased, this is • n ru.i f.. all pares as having claim, atrnirst mid t octal a to flk the same with it • ur. *n psed an or bbfoTe thr I4:b Us> of I.ay l#M, or this niHtni vil o. ■> plmded In bar of n-eeseey, All pxr 1 eona iadaMod te the estate s»t", alike . ecttl men immediately with Ute tf?| . f il W: * TV* tlu 12th d«v of May, 1920. t MARTHA LEE. Issr^liit of L. H. Lee, Jr.. de*e**e John Knlaht'r linn, thmo 2 aart«: -dly papatM with "J" it met * Idlf di Mnailnathwartiy parailai f* aft ClrraaBb rtnat IN foot m “f : i jftNMMKki af aa MTV Mat fta I -t on-neVi my fire-icom dwelling . ACW i:'iitcd - »ii< thi 12th Ly of Mar, 1930. i. C CLIFFORD'. i iu-hm. j.v •.*> it ' ~ tiOTtCE OF SALE ' ’ •>'k Carolina Harnett County. Cadet and by vine* of an order of <■'» Sui«..;or Court of Harnett coua i ESc.da In thr Special Proceeding . .alt., d W. M. McDeugald and Rev ' ju Cameron a Archie McDougnld, • 1. V. lirDoumld. Wm. T. McDoug K. .dory J. McDougald, Bonia Meu. j lel.yis, Chas \V. Cameron, John L. i aac-ron, Crorg* W. Cameron, Saa j la' Camc:oaXm*tena Camion, Flora : ,'n* * on vd Roxana Cuau run, the 1 nr • l-Hiir No.- apon the Special ; .ix ceding Docket of raid Court, the I ':..l .reigned Comri^aienar will, oa tba :.ttk day of June, 1920 at 12 o'clock at tb« coorthouee la Ulliag :m. North Carolina, offer for rale to hr highest bidder Uutt certain tract ' land lying and being hi Upper Lit River Township. Harnett County, No:th Carolina, and described aa fol •low*: lUvinalng at a rtake aa the south r, .Idc of Bear Branch, being the third ; cornev of a fifty act* tract of land . -,f Ann (I. Smith's and runs Ihenrs N.l" chains to a suko; thence E. 12 chains and 13 links to a stake; thence L U chains to a stake; thence to the Vn.aniag, containing 2i acres. .i Said sale to be according to the i 'iiikiT.ing terms: Cash, j This fCth day of May. 1920. C. F. YOUNG, Commissioner. .U-1-4L NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND ■ | Under amt by virtue of an order ■ et to have run againet my friend, .but at7 hot bended ambition got the J beet of my hotter judgment and 1 I continued In tho race, only to get do | fe-iiid at I should have been, but with all of this I did not falter not fall back, hut rolled up my ■ leaver n-d did who beat work of my life for I'oL McLean and the ticket aa evi ct.uetd by the return* from Averua b*io precinct. Col. McLean war born eml rpcnl Ike boat of his life in Ha Irtoli. county fighting the battles to' .t'emot-raty, and now.in the eventide cf hie life to have to wag* a hot fight for a .mail ofllcc l* a little more than i eouid Hand far. I know ray friend !»s« hb> fault*, wc all have, the good book nay4i “He that is without ain. :«t h ro ea»t tho lint atone, and by h.y way. there wasn't any rocks flung. I was Induced again to run this year and I felt confident that ‘"stars' era* perched upon my banner, bet afb-r carefully considering the nau.tr a.id knowing that according lo natun, In ay friend* life the day a far rpi it. and that the mora of M< •■art; nanhood has paaaod, the noontide sturdy manhood has gone and rh# i . T.tide of life is fast ap proaching. and that the golden ran of hi# life will soon be at rest behind the hill*, I for on* will not ■u anything lb mar hi* bapplnme but I will lend my b*>t effort* to make the ! -.-muinlng day* or hi* life happy. Col. ■n Istan ha* made u very efficient able in the administration of •iiw and justice, and now born let* all rail together and give my friend Ike -hcraer majority he has over gotten I n his life. Thi* is the reaten team* I 1 '■•** to give Coi McLean a clear la.!. Thanking my friend* fee the try loyal rapport they gave me ard *t j-rng you that I do apprueiato It And wkh aaaurance* that we erlU w.t ih* b Jt'rj this fall by Mggeat •ncjoritle* we *v«r have, and to tbamgl •rd I h.-rtby ?!<> edoacod Am following poli> M r:flPd to high prieeo of Mv "WJurMI, |be womra of Am Win M-SoloM women'* elpbs with to •»»»; I tr. .'otp Ik* reaaaaltT'i radar das /one ami *ra Nbic economy to Jr* wap it exorbitant irltN, wo wlN| m* >-p Nothing. food or houoohold irVeto* nut oro not oooiatiaJ. awl mi »>;' red. eror to aot pap aa oafoirj »'• for oor ort(*l». ' *> ah hi dear or ta abMala fraa « i .rul ir.do'gr aca i • will oiadlp and rhoerfaMy MB' iftd wo gyp, wbatgoor, wo boro aa »*t . • PiNdbto oad leach #«r yowsg •Opto tic MOWNlili of NMMf.” .. CAHPtT CHASE Catpel Gnu- o Im nul.^ov,. »nt itnu: rot vym»«vti ua*tu,» tr (tatta! pia.u *>\a oi tlx I Crck* ?•«•*» <*. not • net w .— 1 r.41 tt«e. atiduiiiiy muuJottr iioir Irvp'.cal Amor*-a before a d hrj gptcad teens rally or*, the Pc'4th .1 *r*« reaolte* a moist er nt least not droutftty toll and rut coodJ better la each tolls if vindr than any other pastor* (tims. TH* minimum temperature u will crrSr.- utcut 1C degrees farenbett.1 (urpct in., passu.«i are icadd> 1 stabluhed la tilled land by seeding i t any tine from early spring to late I ivanv.T on a n«ll-flrmrd seed bed. ■vben i«ui»tcre conditions are facer bic. On unbroken or stump land ■tied rc>ults can be secured by bum > ag or mowing the tall native grasses, K ding at a favoi able time, and then ; a Mu ring to keep the native grasses ■ orsUntly diort. Under this treat poncnL ' Hsxtrr Durham aDd J. I'. Cook, will' contest for auditor. Durham leads with 36,461. Cook is neat with 27.280, McDonald third with 18,179, and Woody last with 16,427. Stacy Wad* is nominated insurance commissioner safely over McClenagh an and Underwood. Wade pulls 75. “>'0; MeCienatrhxn, 14,192 and Un darwood 86,874) Senator Overman gets 94,806 against 23,869 for Brooks Lacy polls 83,914 and Renfrew 30,686. Shipman swamps Dellinger again as eomasia uon«r of labor and printing with 73, 606 against 35,283. Major Gi attain, commissioner of agriculture, walks over Thompson with 75,192 to 87, 346. Hiram Johnson brats Leonard Wood easily. Johnson polling 16,773 and Wood 6.603. wood carried Wilke., Sheriff Call's home, by a moderate majority. New York City’s population is S, 681,151, an increase of 854,268, or 17.9 per cent over 1910; Boston. Maas., 747,923, an Increase of 77, 388, or 11.6 per cent; Newport News, Ve.. 86.696, inrrraar of 14,S9», ev 76.2 par eenL The senate has ordered inveetiga-1 t*on' of expendltare* in the Preslden tiel and Congressional campaigns, which wll end with the November elections. The inquiry will bo conduc ted by tha same committee which has been hearing evidence as to pre-con vention political financing. W I Trnwe*—>11 itylu iot mI« bjr HOOD ft ORAXTHAM SHINGLES I Red Cedar Jhingles D':c:* from British Col ombia Mills Best and Most Serviceable -in the world We have a limited supply that we will sell at low prices to quick buyers. I | THEY ARE GOING UP 1 | Butter - Brothers I .nHHmtM— . WANTED Farm of 200 to 500 acres, near good ] ; school and church, on public road, 50 per ct. or more cleared. State best price and terms. Address B. W. W., P. O. Box 822, Fayette ville, North Carolina. < i * i BUILDING THIS SEASON? * ■ W« Mil building material of eery but quality BRICK Shingles, Laths, Plaster, Paint, Window and Door Frames Ready-made Sash, Doors, Screens, Weather board Lag, Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding ! ! We will contract to build your boute and furnish all j ; Material f DUNN DEVELOPMENT CO. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY | "ATTENTION Mr. FARMER" “ 1" .. Now U the time to place your ordcn for Machinery for Fall uae. Put more Machinery on your farm and ghra your help work all the year around, aad you won’t have trouble keeping help. After the crop is le'd by, put the Trac tor to work running a Saw Mill, Lath Mill.. Shingle Mill, Com Mill, Feed Mill, Corn shelter. Cord Wood 8aw. We make a specialty of Light Saw Milk for farm use. Com Milk, Feed Mills and , Farm Machinery. HYMAN SUPPLY CO. , "The MasUawf u a# the Sowth" I WILMINGTON. N, C-NEW BERN, N. C V ...J I THE SUCCESS THIS BANK HAS ATTAINED Was made possible because of these things: T The resource* at the Rank’s Command. f The Courtesy of the Bank's Olhcial*. $ The Confidence of the Public. 5 The Fair Mctnmls that have ever prevailed. J * The year 1920 will witness a strengthening of the.-*. ♦ if it be at e*l possible. | To the n.an who bus no banking connection, we new Z issue this invitation to connect himself with this bank. f As a depositor his money is absolutely safe and a» u t borrower he will be accorded us libera] terms an is * consistent with safe banking. J Our Facilitias Are At Your Disposal f ♦ Come in and Ulk it over with any official of the t bank. We will give you the advantage of our export- t ence and expert knowledge if you want it. Z To One With Surplus Funds ♦ 1 ou will find no safer place for your money than our t ?MV,n.*°Tpep,artment or Time Certificates of Deposit*. t i.ioeny Bonds at present quotations are mighty attract- t ive. We can supply your wants in either line. I Bank of Harnett j Duke, N.C. | SAFEST FOR SAVINGS t ■ • • No! you don’t know WHICH ;s the. <’ ?5f pho nograph till you try this scientific cc vi mris.in i you chink you know positively which '» the beit phiiTKicripn.—you'd bete c ♦*nr_ctudjl You cm t devuJe this qn-ctk'n | * iimidy *in»kmg up yuor mind". Thtt'i •dfevidr!! Nor 4 , | fjfj'l V.,; r^nm, 11 an the 1;.4' uv uj tlj; •• j lrn» f<** f»Tpifi»i \ Thkt’i H..r rt. The. y-i will tc at I, ji.lUAJly to mlf v t*rr r**t. Va,;*|| kn ~w aicuroat or i*,ubt which tbc krit fhonf Compan*nn ii conducted apart fnm the taka end of out bunocu. ft m a terv.ee for all rauac-lover*. whether they come to buy, °£ not. Cone at whenever you have •WKtK n f vcarrJ/ufumL^fHU- rcqoai. The i tUxif, Moelune' n*cil in t!vr*.e ten* are kept l>/ui rnth.-b t rr^ibtec imfc lo.i. ManaJa.-torcxi oj mxh eui bine*, or their repre*en-at vr*. WVitod b nupect them, or recuUtr Uie-p.or ti>«ub *ut\x*e other tujchmciof tS^r iBic P„ke, r* their own wJf.Mon.n'c jualoriT uter v Jo.% 3: 3ny t:m • iturar/j bi;.:. . jiourt. The Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn, N. C. f saV: water TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF DUNN: Your very serious attention is Called to the gravity of the situa tion of#our present WATER SUPPLY. Since the advent of warm weather the Superintendent of Water Works has found it impossible to satisfactorily meet the demands made for water with tho present well. The consumption of water in the town has practically doubled within the past year or so while the supply from the present well has gradually diminished until at the present time R is only furnishing about ono-half of the normal aupply. This it a very critical condition and calls for the prompt co-operation of every property owner and user of water to help ua remedy as best we can until a new source of supply is found. We are informed by the contractors that it will probably be from four to six months before the well now in process of boring can be completed, even if t sufficient flow of water is procured. In view of this alarming situation we respectfully ask that at present you confine yourselves to the use of water that to absolutely es sential «nd necessary only, and the use of lawn sprinklers be discontinu ed until the situation can be improved. With your co-operation, it to oor opinion that we can get along ( without any grave danger. Unleaa you do co-operate with ua we will be forced to limit the use of water to a few hours dally. Respectfully submitted, J. L. WADE, Mayor. 6 14 1020.