THE DOWN DtSPATCHp PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. April lit, 1*14. at the poot aDco A Out, N. C, win tha act o* Match a irr». L BUSBEE POFE PoM.hco . Three anlhi... -M Six month*-.......... On# year.W-H ! IN AND ABOU1 i !: IHITOWN j p—-— .3 A Gardner, owner of Fairriew Farm at the edge of Un, la the poe neaaor of a cow which, ha aaya, la some UT roaw. Ha began milking the beaatip on April 4 and a-aalling af her Bilk. Up to oaa day laat weak ha had aoid $$*.$$ worth of her product and had coaaoaood at homo another $1* worth. 8bc ia a boot $100 a Booth cow at that rata Up to thb time of Nr. Gardner*# re port the animal had yielded ocer ISC gallons of milk—and then are . no ptunpe coaceaiaat to the cow Dr. Vance McGougan. one of the gsw-Memed Macs, will invade Har nett Wednesday night la the inter est ef ear HannibeU candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the office ho mw occupies. Doc will mesh in Duka Wednesday night. He Is a mast entertaining speaker aad should ha created by a large crowd. Oar Hannibal, by the way. has boon bnrmng tbs wind hare of laU. From ovary quarter of the district ha ia receiving promises of support where it was not expected. He is confidext that Saturday sight will me Inm the victor over Homer Lyon Harnett, wa believe, will give aim the largest vote ever cart in a pri mary. "Owe, there will .be some ia the county against him. but they will Mt count for much. Harnett owes it to him to give him as great a support as ia possible. A win from Baa this morning informs ns that Hoary Loo has tak er) unto kimssif a fair bride from the Pacific Coast cesdiy She is —or was Him Holes Moylaa. al Portia ad, Oregon, where Henry. Boa and Bessie Howard have been wooding a weak with the Bhrioaru The wadding octal rad In Lea An nies last sight on the tp octal train that is bringing the Tarheels back to the load of the long leaf pine. The Oasis Tample Band, in which Bud aad Henry are playing, fur nished senate for the occasion and _ the carom any was witnessed hy tbs 9 entire Caretina delegation. Mr. lad Mia. Mm will arrive her jest la time ta ms Dunn's big lads pendente Day Celebration aea V - ' - ... •-■ ^ “•meat there. Since the news e ■ the wedding cam to town It deval ope that a few at Hearts friend «“»w that he wee to marry on tkl trip. It waa a real surprise to hi people here, however, whene the] were Informed ef the event by Tb< DUpatch this morning. w Mr J^VU Squim ant Mn Ktdredge Lee end a brother oi ™MM*r lyi T. Lee. Me li * mi of tilt firm of Xioov uhI Lee and le one ef the town's imod pepalar young man. Old PUT is again oat ef tke shot after a aorta mal trteart thru oat «Mkh As came oat Mcoad EZ with a giant cyprem down on the •to *na eenatry. «• behaving moat admirably. Wa bad bar oar Saturday night and met with oar "*•»<*• UlrasM Page—he el tbs white cap and the big gun. Ta pewve that were firmly planted os the inter wagon, we volunteered to taka the shipper heme. Jest m we arrtv. ed at bus dear, aa automobile laden with a few cnBad gentlemen and a bkycle drove qp to the corner. One of the gentlemen lighted, moaatod the cycle sad started away. U waa after midnight end the cyclist had to Hghtn That was against the shipper's rules, as well as against town ordinance. He celled to the rider ta Map. Bat he did net obey. Old FHv then came to the rescue. *« retook the bey near the Pint ■apUet Church. He war era red rito. bat while Page argwto w.tb him he ■ammeaed eeuragv enough to «#•* As eyrie and attempt to an. rapa Before FI hr started again the boy had spriai.d e blech, Unewa the eycto aside aad started a feet dew. * side street. We caught him agato r,cr totoml toriMtog. aad brought him to City Rail. 'PC SPOMieaed there he said •■to the car be came ia ea had **!*• tt*t <*• m arm har/'to Vrt a tfaetor far • frland «fca Hrr4 Mfr CnU Altar ha M mUM Oa kay n parmkU4 to ahaaa ••*•»■** ban Pita ant U had. n»r ajid I want la March .af tfca «an dMMa wfca waa 4rtrfcw tfca naan ssjuwsS?*’ *-4 “*• ff^rSTLi *«*• TWy «w Irma tha lanai af ZS? &«£•■*’ T. W.bM ** •* dMaB wwa --- ■ ' I gwdJwmk and building up B gveWf «•»••■ for uh Daaa^spcm.-f Pother Watkins, that good priest ■ vh« presides ever tha Htue Catfeulici Jock fesie, paid os bis tint visit this! vaaa, aMnoagfi we nsd known end I Ifcwd the good tetlovr sipco s tew idye niter otr amral leat (all. With’ Sim he bcodcbt a Dag of excellent pen cum iae tires pscned Iron feu gartMn adjoining bin church. hntfeei <atg cast ne oie not coaae to tee at iMtener because be was afraid we weaid think he was hunting publicity —• tmag that he has sever asked us tar. Mow that ha has broken the ice —end especially since be bu such dne peaenct—we trust be will come around as often at do tbe reel of oar ministerial irlends. And we thank ami tor the psachin Charles U. Randall was last nght .Jeeted captain of the Dunn bene ball club. John W. Draughon woe elected captain of the lhina baseball club. Jobs W. Draughon was sleeted busi ness manager and WtHiasn Jaoheea was clecteo assistant buisneW mana ger. Kendall's election fellows close upon tbe team’s wretched showing ui Its last two games, wherein it se cured two bits—one against Camp tfragg and oae against Pour Oaks, it, of course, lest both game*—tail ing to score against Pour Oaks el alL To see Rands 11 back on a Dunn hall team takes us way back to the “fly day of Dona soon after ‘Rusty: tended here with a theatrical troupe. ““ ™ K0UU7 «u rexpoD abb lor hi* stay boro. Ernest Young and n fsw other of the young buss ne*» men of Dunn were backing the game than, and Mr. Young “fell for*' Money. He oven built a telephone 171 tea* to keep the fellow in town. They were good old day* whan the Jordan*—"Little.” who war Winnie, nnd “Big” who wmi John—and all the ■ eld tuners made Dunn’s team famous throughout the East. Fah Shell. Bunk Lane, Big Jordan and two or three ethais need to do the pitch ing, and Rusty waa at the receiving end—nnd he was soma catcher. Hit knowledge of the gaese will be great help to Dunn’* youngsters and we es. nect t* see them win some yuan from now out. SUMMER TOURISTS SWARM • TO “LAND OF THE SKY” Asheville, N. C. June 27.—Since the inauguration of special summer passenger train service to the “Land of the Sky” by teh Southern Railway system, such streams of tourists have been pooling Into Asheville and th< Other raeo.ta of tho mountains of Wester* North Carolina that pas sen for officials are predicting that tra vel this season win even surpass that of lam year when the Southern brought In over a hundred thoumad tourist* during the' rumir season. Jam how tins army of tourists wm> bandied to and from the Western North Carolina resorts in told in a article reprinted from the Aahovilk Cities a to which the Southern Is rfe lag a Wide distribution, sot on! ! throughout the sooth hat also ia otho ’ aaetieaa of the eeantry. : , TU( Vflfli shows the Souther » "T “V uumg the U10 summer sea sob and that in addition to those i : aaeeaaary to run 1'7 extra sleep . ■* caw into Asheville and 414 ex S? •*<*?*“* «•" oat ef Aihevfllc ; The Urge number of oatbouad tar nocoaeasy bacaoao the bome-boum movement was largely confined to i f" »«** ta September and October AddlUooai regular facflltiaa hav. boon provided to take care ef tfai largor flow of tourists which is ex puotod this year and Asheville and el tbs other mountain resorts are mak tag greater efforts than ever before to provide entertainment and amuse ■sent for their guests. Faddists who don overalls have ran son to bo elated. They at least kav« the appearance af working. Profiteering? Piffle! How ran suet It” aow?^e wh*“ "•vol7body'i doing ^Some people wait until they are door to a torn, and then turn over to be done again. In rending many of the pointed Paragraphs of the day we And them ail there bat the point. ■ A secret remains a secret as long “ * woman can find nar one in whom to confide. »■»** l» safe for demo rraey, but democracy appears any thing but safe from itself. .At the present cost of sugar some °* •» “>■** "uUdeni should bring a high price In the market of oseela tory sweets There as a measure of commenda tion due to the person who serenely hopes for the best, but there’s a deal eomiag to the one who goes out and rustles for It. h le iatereetino to note the a. *“• 4Mn«M In Um mabn nf key Mw oinoc the country wont dry. Oi gJ^jM^Uto "7**i**rt ,f >»■■•»«* (a -4 •^'ntlWMlit convoy* tho «Urtliny Information tout Mlk Mock. iSfLf7* •f*1** Mm. Shockin', Moklnr-kut wbofoT ■°f> TtT** ** Amorieaa* hare to "• “f* • flttta bod. ft* connotation to Urn thought «Mm« l«o rood oar noa^ttlncmVrom Jr W hit "noWlky" .^n u l^y «*t •< Ifc* klif u4 not «f Ut L *rfc?2i**f,TT "*•" ♦**•» ay ik« rtady |*f yalMUal iew|i w will ih*« “*r* **——y —d I—» ym««. rmbMa Ud DM cWtkUr and I—d — ««■»»> dwwa. An far a* tfc/> y*WMy_■ *rsSr«r # • ' UtfUKAMCE COMMISSIONER DECREASES FIRE LOSSES J Raleigh, Jan* IT.—Insurance Cotnmiaaionar Yeung haa on file a neet eahutbla bln* print of tbe per capita lira leeaaa bp Statae for th* pears 191«, 1817, 1918, issued bp tba Actuarial Bureau of tb* National Board of Biro Underwriter* Tb# fig ure* are baaed upon report* actually lecelved bp tb* Bureau, and da not include all tb* fie* loaaae sf the re-1 epee live State* The chart1* renter, piece ha* tbc per capita fire loaa of I lb* United Stele*, tb* legend colon | •bowing tbc per capita 1***. tbs rtrictly preventable and tb* partly' preventable proportion far each of tb* year*. 1919. 1917. IB19. Thee* statistics expreeecd in dollar*, while •bowing a pro grew ive Increase In Are Ion, in reality th* Hoc af eahiaa coo •Idared, they clearly indicate improve ment. Tbc United State* par capita fir* Ion in 1718 ie given at $8.88. Of this, 92 canto of tb* lorn waa strictly pi ever tabic and 61.S8 was partly pruvanteble, leaving only 89 cort* of the $9.68 lorn af an unknown nature Commissioner Young eaya that this it a tremendous tool this country ie paying for carelaaeaea*. not to speak of the death* and Injuries to men, wo men and children. Tbe same color *ehcm* ie carried out far each State, making tbc map r.n Illuminated ready reference fire destroying lexicon. North Carolina makes a good record on this chart, de noting indisputably the value of the Hie preventive and safety first cam peigns of Ok inauraneo department Her par capita leas for 191* of $1.29, as compared with the nation nt ii 68 shows up well Bdt her 22 exits of itrietly preventable' and *V cants of partly preventable loa* make* even sacra pronounced h* • advanced steps towards greatsr care. The Sou.berr. Stati-r in the v..itb Carolina clear make this pialr Ui »».'••» with tl 35 ;e* ,-npi.n has 7 a ias « |»r» vi-ntal>l* tod partly pravantable loss: Alabama 91.67 with 91.04 avoidable; whlli Virginia with a 92.24 per capita hue baa a $1.27 preventable loss, or rear Iv tha entire m capita lota of North Carolina. It fair to state that tha entile Mp of States. Sooth Carolina Imp only North Carolina, with atiieti^preventeble loss of 16 cents, partly preventable of 41 cents •nt of a par capita loss of 91.04. According to an official tabulation by the North Carolina State Depart ment of Insurance, tha domestic Fire Insurance Companies I me leased their bumnoee af gross risks written In 1019 over that of 1918 hy 60 per cent, mnee the gross 1919 total was 9 ISO,886,319.80 against 991.780. 781.06 in 1918. sod 977,691.988.00 for 1917. This increase of nearly 100 per cent of bona Bra companies busi es m in North Carolina alone in two ■mi a. Insurance Commissioaer Young says, reflects great credit on ‘he management and their agents, since they exceeded tha ratio of in crease of all the big national and in ternational Fire companies Tha ag gregate -Off all groaa risks written by sll companies, stack and mutual, .of this and other countries is $1,682, 249,389.64. for 1919, showing great -■ -wmww Ik. 1.4.1 II AdA Aifl . 449.74 for 1919. Tho not premium* received by lb* ( combined compute* ^ were 88,840, WeeM Tee Welt For PneluiM 7 Whet do ypu think of having to telephone for pormimtoa to run fro a t flock of bear*—and than having yoor more or tom palpitating propoaal turned down T That i* what happened ^to J. W. Hodge, a Are guard on the Shenan doah Nation*) Forest, a few dayi •f®. Hodge era* stationed at the lookout 'owcr on Hanker Mountain. It war bis job to scan the skyline and u make expert dlagoni* of far away tmoke smudges or any other indica tion of fire in the forest. This par ticular morning when he went to die lookout tower on the mountain top he failed to attach hia gun to his per •on. It wa* a more formality, any h°w—and guns are cumbersome “l"f> to carry around. Well, ha got Into hi* lookout bo* *°d began searching the dim blue di» tancca that look like the farther frin ge* of the world. He waa very burn it that for ■ while. Then bis tree came back cltSpr borne, and erhat be *aw made bliAwlah for a* airplanr to take him iXsediatoly to one of thoee far fringe Three beam were browsing around Wily a Attic distance from hi* lookout tower. They were not apparently giving him any bought, but bo did not know bo4 "on t^oy might become hungry ]“•" being no airplane at band, he decided to oee his tog* . ‘"'T. **• remembered be could nut leave his poet withoat penulslson, so S* IMrtriet Ranger Shank i**? Hn* ease before him, and rv F4nnl*aion to go for Ms gun He was promptly Wid that the thing The forest* were dry and fire might start anywhere at any [j**■ P**n or no hear*, it wee Hodge s buetaem to slay ia the look box. Being a perfectly good for- , a*4 guard, ha staywi. Fortunately an l“FF«»«d U listen In , the telephone conversation and 1 succeeded in nouding help to Hodge. I LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE oTsALE OF LAND Under and by virtu* of an ordoi »f talc mad* by Clerk of Supertei -curt o! Harnett roomy, la a (peel* proceeding*; on titled O. R. Simpeon A drain iterator of It L Williaxnt do rtaaed ▼*. Lillie D. Speeitaan, Georgv B. Williataa *t ala., being No. lMt »2 Ute Bpeeial Prooeedlng* Deckel of mid county. The undesigned com, appointed by the court will on Monday Jaly »th. at It o' clock M.. at tba court bouao door it LUliagton, N. C., oxpoao to alt It the hlgheet bidder for rath, the fal lowing deoerlbod tract or parcel 01 land, tltoale in Stawarta Creek Town ■hip, adjoining th* McAithur lend* the land* of W. T. Smith and other* and being the uunt tract of laiu which formerly belonged to R. L William*, bound and ducribed at fol lowe: Beginning at a ttake In th* cent*, of the Dann and LUliagton road op poeitc a large dead pine pointer, Geo 8. Smith'* corner in the McArthur line, and ran* thence 8. 14 K. 2200 feet to ■ (take, McArthur'* and Bailay'* corner in tho old plantation load; throve S. 74 W. UJ f*»t to a •take; thence N. 58 W. S20 font to a •take and pointer*, a corner In Hailey'a line; thence N. 8 1-2 E. 1012.4 fact to o rlake, Henry Devi*' corner in E. Cameron'* line; thence Ea*t 208.7 feet to ■ (take, Henry Davie* corner; thence N. 8 1-2 E. fpel Am a ktakd Am ike aAnbk. side of the Dune end Lillington road, another of Henry Eteris' corners; thence as the Dunn and Lillington road East 649.3 feet to the beginning containing 33 scree more or leu. Time of sale; Monday July 6th, iS o’clock M. Place ol sale: Court bouse door, Lillington, N. C. Terms of sale: Cash. CLARENCE i. SMITH, R. H. DYE. • • Commission* ra. This 3rd day of June, 1930. 6-6-it. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK North Carolina—Harnett County. George Z. Prince, mphtsr ax ecu Ur of Sarah M. Andrews, deceased, n Janie C. Andrews, Rory Andrews an-l • J. C. Andrews, jr. Order *f Publteatie. It appearing from th* affidavit •< Georg* E. Prince in this action, tha' Rory Andrews, one of the defend ants therein, ia not to he found in Harnett county, and cannot aft*' doe diligence he round In the rtnt*. and It further appearing that he i*,a necemary defendant U this action *xitts| againat him: It ia therefor*, ordered that notice of thl* nation be published once a week for four wecua is The Dunn Dispatch, a newspaper published in Harnett county, setting forth th* ti tle of th* action, the Purpose of the sums, and requiring th* defendant, Rory Andrew* to spps*" before th* Clark of the Superior Ceurt of Har nett county at his office to Lillington, N. C, on th* 19th day of ju)r 1930, and answer or demur to the edition of tno plaintiff. a. 4. McDonald, Clerk of tko SupeQor Court. Tfc>» Xugf^lOy. a NOTICE OF JAUL North Carotin* Harnett County Und< r and by virtu* of *b order of the Superior Cotrt «f Bamrn county, made in tho Special Proceed In* entitled W M McDougald and Roxanra Cameron r* Archie Doogald, H. W. McDougald, Wm. T McDougald. Mary J. ttrPougald. Betl tie McD. McLean, Chat w Cameron John L. Cameron. Georg* W. Cam eron, Samuel Cameron, gmileoa Cam eron, Flora Cameron and Koxaaa Cameron, the earn# being No upon the Special Proceeding Docket of aa<d Court, the underaigaed Cocn ia Lee toner will, on the «8th day of Juao-1920, at It o’clock noon at the eourthoueo In Lillingtoa, North Car olina offer for aalo to the higheet bid der that certain tract of mad (vine and being in Upper Little Hirer Township. Harnett County, North Carolina, and described at followe Bcginning at a Make on the oonth ride of Bear Branch, being the third corner of a llfty acre trad 0f land of Ann G. Smith’* and nai thene* N. 1* chain* to a (tdko: thence E. 11 chains and 11 link* is Retake; thence 8. 19 chain* to a itake; thence to the beginning, containing ft acre* Said **le Co bo aecordmg to the following to rn*: Coeh. Th i (ale I* continued uatil Tuce day July 6lh. 1920 at 12 o’clock noon. Thi* Mth day of May. 1926. K. F. YOUNG, Coonndmioner. M-4t Something radically wrong south of J*. This morning’) paper failed to ecord the name of the now Mexican rroaldont for the day. Don’t try to craia a man’s knowi ng* Into a child’s head, or later la If* you may find a child’* knowl edge In a man’* hood. The king and queen of Belgium iro becoming plebia* in their habit* rbry travel from Bruuela to Eng »nd by aeroplane. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND - By virtu* and under the power* and ' ulhority contained in a certain men- ] age deed executed and delivered by ! neon M. Lee and wife, Slnnl* Lee. ' t Sam peon County to Fred Jimgio , f Harnett County, on the 17th day f August, 1918, and recorded In ! look 115, page 996. la the oAce of he Register of Deeds of Harnett oanty, and wbereai default has been nad* in the payment of the bonds de cked and contained in aaid mon tage deed, the following land will >* Kid to tha bigbeet bidder for cash >n Monday, August 2nd, 1920 at the courthouse door in UUinglon. N. C.. Harnett county, according to the enm* of wid mortgage deed, to wit: Being an* lot or parcel of land Just outside of the corporate limits of the Towa of Duan, on East Main street: Beginning in Main Street, N. A. Bell's corner; thence hi* line southward to the colored Baptist church lot; thence eastward parallel with lfain street to Isaac Cox'* liac; thence northwest di rection to W. M. Smith's line or cor'*v.Hi,W' ""••• ^*nce * “,U 8tr«*! thvnc* • the beginning, containing near one **!?• F?f*ptin* h«»»var, the eatUrn ” i s •kov« described lot or par tel of land. which eras conveyed by Jason M. I-re end wife to Cleudo Bryant . {•!•: CoortiouM door in Ullmgton. N. C. Harnett county. ™5f °* Monday, August 2nd, “‘deck neon. Terms oi •ale: CASH. r»ED JERNIGAM, Mortgagee. Tcut^glassT IGIFTSfTHE BRIDE WILL APPRECIATE I I I W • H I I have a beautiful collection of cut rlaas end silver I I ■ for the pnde. Come and lets us show It to y0e. Com- I I I plete seta or odd pieces. 1 I Prices Very Low . I I 1 DAWSON & SANCTON 11 I 310 Hey Street - Pay^WvflJo, M.'C. I j . ’ # ™ I t * >*** II I It MM !(»•••••••»*•• ••*«« MM« • BUILDING THIS SEASON? « » • « . < ► ” —---- , , „ __ - » -*••• building material of vary bast quality._ _ < • _ - BRICK « » — i m Shingles, Lath*, Plaster, Paint. Window and Door \ Frames Road y-tnade < ► * ► ^*b, Doors, Screens, Weatherboard,ng, Flooring, ’ Ceiling and Moulding < - We will contract to build your house and furnish all J ; Material « » _____ __ ___ « ► DUNN DEVELOPMENT CO. - ^ 1 Have your | I* AUTOMOBILE DECORATED ' V FOR .8 The Fourth of July Celebration I | BUILDINGS FLOATS AUTOMOBILES f | Decorated at Resonable Prices | § ,,ITT.f—tllllll J1M = I PHONE I | G* E. RENNER, Chamber of Commerce Rocir.s. | j§ Cars will be decorated at Tobacco Warehouse Satui s s - Brfog yw C«wm r\-v J«!!»WMMUMiiwiwMwwitWiMMniiniiMiUiii«rtwwOTMiH>nwiiwitK1i.iniii,,iBMniiiMH>iaiiiliiiil,.ntt# “The Virgin Of Stamboul” i I White Way Theatre - Wednesday, June 30th - _ /: • i _ Priscilla Dean „ \ i Tliu ra^orliabla pltlwra ia mmIjt tbo boat wo boro boon abU to .h_ “« r*e—* anootba. Prou common*. Aruu.l i .L “**• *• ••»«* our pitrena dur PRISCILLA DEAN of Jala tTArt r |W »•“ dlpptaya o Mobility of aoul worthy loro of tho —m o| har^horoiau roaalta ia earing tbo ll/m and winninr th*

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